Lesson Plan - Unit 2
Lesson Plan - Unit 2
Lesson Plan - Unit 2
Overall Goal of Lesson: The student will know how to communicate in a competitive
atmosphere and learn teamwork. They will also know how to do footwork, passing, dribbling
the ball, goal kick, corner kick, rules of game and how to throw a ball correctly.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills Key Vocabulary: Corner kick, Throw-in,
(TEKS) & ELPS: Chapter 116.5 thru 116.7 Passing, Run, Kick, Teamwork,
(3rd-5th ). Communication, Goal Kick., Offense,
Higher Order Questions: Do you know what it takes to be a good teammate? What is a
team you have played on? Did you have to communicate in that sport?
This is a team building activity. Students will work on motor skills, Communication Skills,
Listening Skills and Coordination.
Modifications/ELL Strategies: Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Taking a lap
Special needs children would around the field and stretching after done with lap.
need a smaller group. Slower
pace while learning to play the
5 mins
5 mins Modeling: I will model how to pass the ball correctly while passing the ball
with teammates. I will show how to properly throw the ball into play. I will also
help them understand the concepts of offense and defense.
5 mins Guided Practice: I will have the students line up and work on passing with a
partner, then with their partner they will pass the ball back and forth down the
field passing the ball in front of their partner while running.
Independent Practice: I will give each kick a ball so they can work on
5 mins
dribbling the ball as the walk and run.
Lesson Closure: I will have the students line up and will pick 4 students to
5 mins
help pick up the equipment and have them place it in the designated area of
the gym.
5 mins
Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.):
Two soccer goals with nets.
Cones (for working on dribbling the ball in and out of).
3 soccer balls (one to have on the field, and two extra to have at each goal).
Reflection: This is a competitive sport and fun to play. Students understand the basics of
passing and throwing the ball to a teammate. It is an easy activity to catch onto and students
have lots of fun playing and chasing after each other.