Mockboard Criminal Procedure
Mockboard Criminal Procedure
Mockboard Criminal Procedure
Criminal Procedure 1A
10. The filing of the complaint even with the fiscal’s office
should suspend the running of the Statute of Limitations.
This is
A. True
B. False
C. Partially false
D. None of the above
14. Information need only allege facts, not include all the
evidence which may be used to prove such facts
A. True
B. False
C. Partially true
D. Partially false
Criminal Law 1A
1. Basis is the sum of social and economic phenomena which
conditions man to do wrong in spite of or contrary to his
volition. This theory of criminal law is known as
A. Classical Theory
B. Positivist Theory
C. Mixed Theory
D. None of the above
Criminal Law 1B
1. A Branch of municipal law which defines crimes, treats of
their nature and provides for their punishment.
A. Procedural Law
B. Civil Law
C. Criminal Law
D. Political Law
B. Territorial
C. Prospective
D. None of the above
Criminal Law 1C
1. One of the following is not a crime against the law of nation.
A. Treason
B. Qualified Piracy
C. Flight to Enemy's Country
D. Arbitrary Detention
7. All of the following except one are crimes against public order.
A. Coup D' Etat
B. Sedition
C. Treason
D. Rebellion
8. This felony involves the raising of commotions or disturbances
in the State. Its ultimate object is a violation of the public
peace or at least such a course of measures as evidently
engenders it.
A. Coup D' Etat
B. Rebellion
C. Sedition
D. Treason
1. A Chinese Philosopher who once said: “If you know your
enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result
of a hundred battles”.
A. Confucius
B. Chiang Kai Shek
C. Sun Tzu
D. Wong Mhan Fei Hong
2. Maybe defined as the product resulting from the collecting
information concerning an actual and potential situation
and condition relating to foreign activities and to
foreign or enemy held areas.
A. Interrogation
18. Interim clearance will remain valid for a period of____
from the date of issuance.
A. 1 yr
B. 3 yrs
C. 2 yrs
D. 4 yrs
19. Maximum security measures applied to prevent possible
decryption of encrypted data on radio communication.
A. Transmission
B. Cryptographic security
C. Operation security
D. Computer security
20. Final security measures undertaken prior to the entry
into a communication area.
A. control of operations area
B. control of communications area
C. area access control
D. perimeter control
Crime Detection
1. An extra judicial confession obtained from a suspect is admissible
in a court of law if it was made in the presence of a counsel
of his own choice and must be in
A. the presence of a fiscal
B. the presence of a police investigator
C. writing
D. front of a judge
11.Ways and means are resorted for the purpose of trapping and
capturing the law breaker during the execution of a criminal act.
A. Instigation
B. Inducement
C. Buy bust operation
D. Entrapment
14.A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores, deltas
and ridges.
A. type line
B. bifurcation
C. pattern area
D. furrow
20.A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on either side
of the impression by a recurve, and terminate on the same side
where the ridge has entered.
A. Loop
B. radial loop
C. ulnar loop
D. tented arch
25.This part of a camera is used to allow light to enter the lens for
a predetermined time interval.
A. holder of sensitized material
B. view finder
C. shutter
D. view finder
26.A lens with a focal length of less than the diagonal of its negative
A. telephoto lens
B. long lens
C. normal lens
D. wide angle lens
28.A part of a camera used in focusing the light from the subject
A. view finder
B. lens
C. shutter
D. light tight box
36. The deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant
A. positive response
B. specific response
C. normal response
D. reaction
37. The study of the effect of the impact of a projectile on the
A. Terminal Ballistics
B. Internal Ballistics
C. External Ballistics
D. Forensic Ballistics
38. The unstable rotating motion of the bullet is called
A. Trajectory
B. Yaw
C. Velocity
D. Gyroscopic action
39. The part of the mechanism of a firearm that withdraws the shell
or cartridge from the chamber.
A. Extractor
B. Ejector
C. Striker
D. Trigger
40. The pattern or curved path of the bullet in flight.
A. Yaw
B. Range
C. Velocity
D. Trajectory
41. This refers to the deflection of the bullet from its normal path
after striking a resistant surface.
A. Misfire
B. Mushroom
C. Ricochet
D. Key hole shot
43. This refers to the helical grooves cut in the interior surface of
the bore.
A. swaging
B. ogive
C. rifling
D. breaching
D. if the person is under the imminent danger
11. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision
course or otherwise avoid a hazard
A. state of evasive action
B. point of possible perception
C. point of no escape
D. final position
12. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal
to one or more persons.
A. non-fatal injury accident
16. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights
are used on some intersection is that
A. motorist are discourage from "jumping signals"
B. traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
C. greater safety to pedestrians and motorist is effected
D. an officer can stop and start as necessity demands
18. Prohibitive traffic signs and restrictive traffic signs shall have
A. blue background and white symbols
B. a red background and white symbols and black border
C. white background with black symbols and red border
D. green background with white and black symbols
Penal Management
1. The authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant
on a person in response to behavior deemed wrong by law.
A. Punishment
B. Banishment
C. Retribution
D. Penalty
2. The branch of criminology concerned with prison management
and prison rehabilitation.
A. Penology
B. Sociology
C. Correction
D. Anthropology
3. Getting back at someone for something they did to hurt you.
A. Punishment
B. Retribution
C. Justification
D. Penalty
4. A punishment for some violation of conduct which involves the
infliction of pain on or harm to the body.
A. Penalty
B. Punishment
C. Banishment
D. Corporal punishment
5. French penal colony from 1852 to 1959 where political prisoners are
A. Devil's island
B. Tasmanian island
C. Robben Island
D. Cape of good hope
6. A prison reformer who published an influential book that proposed
prison reform.
A. Elizabeth Fry
B. John Howard
C. John Goodman
D. Victoria Azarenka
7. An English reformer sometimes referred to as the "angel of prisons"
because of her driving force behind new legislation to treat prisoners
A. Elizabeth Fry
B. John Howard
C. John Goodman
D. Alex Morgan
8. A prison complex located at the coast of Capetown South Africa
which serve as a refugee camp for people afflicted wit leper before
converted into a prison.
A. Port Arthur
B. Robben island
C. Pennsylvania prison
D. Elmira prison