Geriatric Depression Scale (With Translation)
Geriatric Depression Scale (With Translation)
Geriatric Depression Scale (With Translation)
Instructions: Choose the best answer for how you felt over the past week.
This is the original scoring for the scale: One point for each of these answers.
Cutoff: normal-0-9; mild depressives-10-19; severe depressives-20-30.
1. NO 6. YES 11. YES 16. YES 21. NO 26. YES
2. YES 7. NO 12. YES 17. YES 22. YES 27. NO
3. YES 8. YES 13. YES 18. YES 23. YES 28. YES
4. YES 9. NO 14. YES 19. NO 24. YES 29. NO
5. NO 10. YES 15. NO 20. YES 25. YES 30. NO
Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression
screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res 1983; 17:37-49.