Poker Relative Position
Poker Relative Position
Poker Relative Position
Further Strategy: Tight Aggressive : Continuation Bet : Check Raising : Float Play : Stack
Sizes : Relative Position
So you know how it's better to be in late position and act after
your opponents, and how being one of the first to act can get you
into some pretty sticky situations.
Now it's time to take your knowledge of position at the poker table
up an extra notch and introduce you to something pretty interesting
that may well save you some money.
Relative position is important because it can have an effect on the value of your actual position
in the hand, even if you are one of the last to act. The best way to explain relative position is
through an example...
The problem is that the initial raiser is likely to make a continuation beton the flop, which will
mean that the betting round will be effectively 're-opened' as the first caller will have another
opportunity to act. Therefore, because the initial raiser is going to make a continuation bet, it
pretty much removes the benefit of our late position because we will no longer be last to act in
the hand.
Because the first caller knows that a continuation bet is likely, you will often see the first
caller checking to the raiser to allow them to make this continuation bet, even if they
have a very strong hand themselves. This results in us losing the advantage of being able to
act last because the betting round will re-open, and we will be sandwiched between two
players who have given no clear indication of how strong they are, which is very dangerous for
To reiterate, in this relative position example of being to the immediate left of the raiser, two
bad things have happened:
1. We have lost the ability to act last on the flop betting round.
2. We have been sandwiched between two players who we have little information on.
Conversely, the principle of relative position can work to your advantage when you are the guy
that is in early position. If you notice that there has been a raiser and a caller in late position,
the fact that you are in early position will work to your advantage rather than disadvantage
because of the ability act 'last' on the flop.
It may sound a little confusing, but if you run over the example a few times you will start to
understand how being to the right of a player that continuation bets will eventually leave you as
the last player to act on the flop.
Relative position tips.
Be wary if there is a call and then reraise before you when you are in late position.
If you are going to call, be sure to have a strong hand with potential.
Just be aware that late position will not always guarantee an advantage in the hand.
Your awareness of relative position will slowly build up over time. Don't
expect to be playing with it at the forefront of your mind from this
moment on - it will come with time.
There is no need to tear your game apart to try and get the better of these particular
situations, just simply keep an eye open for them and approach them accordingly. Knowledge
of this principle isn't necessarily going to make the difference between winning and losing, but
it will add that extra money to your bankroll at the end of the day.