The Check Raise
The Check Raise
The Check Raise
Further Strategy: Tight Aggressive : Continuation Bet : Check Raising : Float Play : Stack
Sizes : Relative Position
It isn't difficult, nor is it complex, yet it is a move that can win you some
very nice pots if it is employed successfully. So lets learn what this
check raise is all about then shall we?
It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out in your head, but let me give you an example anyway...
Let's say you are playing $1/$2 heads up NL Texas Holdem with an opponent and you are first
to act on the flop. You decide to check, and then your opponent makes a standard bet of $10.
The action is back on you, but instead of calling or folding, you come over the top making a
$35 raise. I bet you didn't think of doing that before did you? This is called a check raise.
Your opponent has now had their money 'trapped' in the pot because they will now have to call
your raise to see the next card, which is something that they didn't expect to happen when
they decided to bet out. Furthermore, your show of strength means that they are going to have
a very hard time calling this raise unless they have a very strong hand, and so the likelihood is
that they will fold.
So if you have a monster hand, you do not really want to be making a strong move like a
check raise, as there is a good chance that it will cut off your action and prevent you from
making money on the next few betting rounds.
When not to check raise.
As I have mentioned, there is no need to check raise when you have a monster hand. With a
very strong hand, you want to get as much money into the pot without scaring your
opponent(s) away, so the best plan of attack in this instance will be to slow play your hand
rather than check raising and throwing your weight around. With a check raise you are trying
to stop the action, which is the opposite of what you want to do with a strong hand.
The check-raise is not magic. It will not magically help you to win
bigger pots when you have the best and get your opponent off the best
hand when you are bluffing. Have a good think before using it.
You should not attempt a check raise if your opponent is passive, or if you feel that they are
not going to bet out after you have checked to them. By checking to such a player, you are
risking giving them a free card, which could turn out to be very costly. If you want to protect
your hand against this type of player, you are better off betting out off the bat rather than trying
to get tricky with a check raise.
However, from time to time I will use the check raise, but this is more often than not going to
be when I am semi-bluffing when playing a flush or straight draw.
If you want to go out and start getting to grips with the check raise, be sure to pick your spots
carefully. The check raise can prove to be very costly if things do not go your way, so take
your time and use it sparsely, or prepare to lose a bit of money whilst you learn how to use
the check raise properly.