A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the fable through reciprocal teaching/learning.
2. Compare the culture demonstrated in the story to the culture in the Philippines.
3. Value the importance of setting goals and decision-making through writing a pre-
marriage testament.
II. Content
Topic: The Vanity of the Rat (Korean Fable)
Reference/s: Voyages in Communication 8: English Learner’s Module (pp. 591-594)
Textbook Communication Arts and Skills II by J.O. Calixihan (pp. 43-
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOftVfgUUSM
Instructional Materials:
1. Visuals
2. Video presentation
3. Chalk
4. Blackboard
5. Speakers
6. Costumes
a. Opening Prayer
Before we start, let us all seek the guidance
from our Almighty God.
(One student is called to lead the prayer).
Please lead the prayer.
Let us pray.
(Students and teachers pray together).
b. Classroom Management
c. Checking of Attendance
Yes, there is. (Name of student/s is/are
Ms. Secretary, is there any absent today? Who mentioned) is/are not around today.
are they? Or
None, everyone is present today.
d. Greetings
B. Priming Activity
Our last stop was in Singapore. Now, we have
reached our next destination, the Land of the
Morning Calm, Korea. Again, this is your
flight attendant and enjoy your stay as you
watch this video. After watching the video,
your feedback through raising your Facebook
reactions in hand would be a good help.
Since the video already ended, it is time to raise your (Students raise the emoji corresponding
reactions. to what they have felt about the video.)
I see that there are many who appreciated it.
Based on the video you have watched; what ceremony
is presented? Let us hear one from those who reacted
I think it is a wedding ceremony.
(A student is called to answer.)
The part which made the most impact to
What part made the most impact to you? How about me is when…
one from those who reacted ‘wow’? (The student has unpredictable answers.)
(Another student is called to give feedback.)
C. Activity
Raise Awareness: Respect Diversity,
Value Similarity
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
Directions: Help the rat get its cheese through leading
it towards the right cheese. Unlock every unfamiliar
term by matching it with its synonym.
Again, what does the word ‘vanity’ mean? A fable is a story whose characters are
Fabulous. You really are listening. animals or inanimate objects.
Mr. Rat: How true, how very true! Of course, the race
of rats is the most powerful of all. And my glorious
race is next to none. The only person for our darling
Rena to marry is another rat.”
Mrs. Rat: And I know just the person: that nice Roger
Rat who seems to like Rena so much. And his parents
are such good friends of ours, too.
Exceptional! How about the similarities of Korean (Students’ answer may vary.)
culture and Filipino culture in terms of choosing their
in-laws? What have you noticed between the two?
It is because the characters express
themselves like human beings.
Yes! Both want the best husband or wife for their (Students’ answer may vary.)
children. The parents are the ones who choose the
husband and arrange the marriage of their
F. Abstraction children.
(Students’ answer may vary.)
Reciprocal Teaching-Learning
(3-5 minutes brainstorming; 5-10
They both prioritized and hoped for a
minutes presentation)
better life for their children.
(Students’ answer may vary.)
Directions: For this activity, the class is divided into
four (4) groups. One group will act as the:
H. Assignment
Directions: Research about the wedding traditions of
other countries. Compare and contrast it to the culture
of Korea and Philippines. Use a three-circle Venn
diagram upon comparing. Each group will focus on one
Group 1- Thailand
Group 2- Vietnam
Group 3- Saudi Arabia (Students are to write their own pre-
Group 4- China marriage testament.)
Philippines (Country)