Danish Planning Act 2007
Danish Planning Act 2007
Danish Planning Act 2007
David Breuer
Printed version: ISBN no. 978-87-7279-795-3
WEB version: ISBN no. 978-87-7279-796-0
©2007 by the Ministry of the Environment, Denmark. All rights reserved. Published October 2007
Printed in Denmark
The Minister for the Environment has revised and updated the Planning Act as a
consequence of the reform of local government structure in Denmark, which was fully
implemented by 1 January 2007.
The new Planning Act transfers most of the planning responsibility to the new
municipalities, giving them almost full planning control of both urban areas and the
open countryside.
One main task of the five new administrative regions is preparing a regional perspective
for future spatial development in cooperation with the new municipalities.
This publication contains a translation into English of this latest version of the Planning
It consists of 70 sections and regulates the national, regional and local levels.
Part 1
§1. This Act shall ensure that the overall planning synthesizes the interests
of society with respect to land use and contributes to protecting the
country’s nature and environment, so that sustainable development of
society with respect for people’s living conditions and for the conservation
of wildlife and vegetation is secured.
Part 2
National planning
§2. The Minister for the Environment is responsible for the overall national
spatial planning and for producing the investigations necessary for this.
Subsection 4. The Minister for the Environment shall publish, at least every
four years, one or more reports describing the state of the environment in
Denmark and Denmark’s policy on nature and the environment, with the
involvement of affected nationwide nongovernmental organizations related
to the environment, business, the labour market and consumer affairs.
§2a. The Minister for the Environment shall publish every four years an
overview of the state interests in municipal planning, including the
interests that are established pursuant to this Act and other legislation.
Subsection 2. The Minister for the Environment may confer the legal status
of a municipal plan on rules established in accordance with subsection 1. In
special cases, the Minister may also determine that development projects
envisaged in a rule established in accordance with subsection 1 may be
initiated without a municipal or local plan and without a permit in
accordance with §35, subsection 1.
§3a. [Repealed]
§4. In connection with pilot projects that aim at promoting the purpose of
this Act, the Minister for the Environment may provide financial support
and exempt the regional and municipal councils from complying with the
provisions of this Act.
§5. [Repealed]
Part 2a
Planning in coastal areas
Subsection 2. The Minister for the Environment shall monitor trends and
make use of the powers granted in accordance with §3, §29 and §59 to
ensure that the national planning interests in the coastal areas are
furthered pursuant to this Act.
Subsection 3. The coastal zone, which comprises the rural zones and
summer cottage areas located in the coastal areas, is shown in a map
appended to this Act. The provisions of §5b, §11a, no. 18, §11e, subsection 1,
no. 7 and subsection 2, §11f, §16, subsections 3 and 5, §29 and §35,
subsection 3 shall apply to the coastal zone.
Part 2b
8 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Part 2c
Planning in Greater Copenhagen
Part 2d
Planning of retail trade
§5m. The areas designated for retail trade purposes shall be located in the
centre of a town or city (town centre). In towns and cities with 20,000 or
more inhabitants, areas for retail trade purposes may further be designated
in the centre of a district in a town or city (district centre). New secondary
centres may only be established in Greater Copenhagen and in Aarhus.
Subsection 5. For Aarhus, the Minister for the Environment shall establish,
pursuant to §3, subsection 1, the location of secondary centres in which
large shops may be constructed, cf. §5q, subsection 2.
§5p. In towns with 20,000 to 40,000 inhabitants, the total gross floor
space for retail trade purposes in a district centre may not exceed 5000 m2.
In towns with more than 40,000 inhabitants, the municipal council shall
establish the maximum total gross floor space permitted for retail trade
purposes for each district centre.
Subsection 4. The maximum total gross floor space permitted for retail
trade purposes in secondary centres governed by §5q, subsection 2 may,
regardless of subsection 3, be increased for specialty shops that have a
gross floor space exceeding 2000 m2 if justification is presented for why the
shop cannot be located in the town centre, cf. §11e, subsection 6.
Subsection 3. The size of shops for each shop in a local centre and for
detached shops that solely serve a local area shall be prohibited from being
established as exceeding 1000 m2 of gross floor space.
Subsection 4. The municipal council shall establish the size of shops that
solely sell types of goods that require unusually large quantities of floor
space, cf. §5n, subsection 1, no. 3.
Subsection 5. The size of shops for the special section with goods that do
not require unusually large quantities of floor space but that are used in
connection with lumber and construction materials shall be prohibited
from being established as exceeding 2000 m2 of gross floor space.
§5r. New shops that are constructed based on local plans published before
1 July 2007 that do not stipulate the maximum size of shops shall be
prohibited from exceeding 3500 m2 of gross floor space for general shops,
2000 m2 of gross floor space for specialty shops and 1000 m2 of gross floor
space for shops that solely serve a local area.
§5s. The Minister for the Environment shall submit a report every four
years to a committee established by the Folketing. The report shall describe
and assess trends in the municipal and local planning related to the
structure of retail trade based on the provisions of §1, §5l, §5m, §5n, §5o,
§5p, §5q and §5r.
§5t. The gross floor space for retail trade purposes shall be calculated in
accordance with the provisions of the building regulations governing the
calculation of the floor space of a building, except that the floor space in the
part of the cellar in which the surrounding terrain is less than 1.25 metres
under the height of the ceiling of the cellar shall be included.
Part 3
Regional spatial development planning
§5g. [Repealed]
§6. [Repealed]
§6a. [Repealed]
§6b. [Repealed]
§6c. [Repealed]
§6d. [Repealed]
§7. [Repealed]
§7a. [Repealed]
§8. [Repealed]
§9. [Repealed]
§10. [Repealed]
Subsection 7. The regional council may make proposals for municipal and
local planning to the municipal councils in the administrative region.
§11. Each municipality shall have a municipal plan. The municipal plan
shall cover a period of 12 years.
Subsection 3. The delimited areas that are associated with the guidelines
and framework of the municipal plan shall be shown on a map.
§11b. A framework for the content of local plans for the specific parts of the
17 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
municipality shall be established for:
Subsection 2. The municipal plan may contain guidelines for other matters
than those specified in subsection 1 and §11a that may be significant for
land use and development, including the location of land for the siting of
buildings used for agricultural operations and operational facilities within
the designated especially valuable agricultural areas, cf. §11a, no. 10.
§11c. The municipal council shall produce a framework for the content of
local plans that ensures that land for allotment gardens near urban areas
has been designated such that the quantity and location of land are in
accordance with the development conditions and the opportunities to
designate allotment garden areas in the municipality.
18 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Subsection 2. Allotment gardens shall mean the plots of gardening land
that are governed by the Allotment Gardens Act.
Subsection 3. The report on the part of the municipal plan that contains
guidelines on the projects specified in §11g shall include an assessment of
the likely effects on the environment.
Subsection 4. The report that covers the part of the municipal plan that
includes guidelines for the supply of retail shops, cf. §11b, subsection 1, no.
7, shall include:
1) an assessment of the current floor space used for retail trade purposes
in each town and city district according to the main categories of shop
and the total turnover within each category;
2) an assessment of the need for new construction or the conversion of
existing buildings to retail trade purposes;
3) an outline of the objectives of the structure of retail trade, including the
catchment area expected to be served by the shops that are permitted to
be located within the areas delimited;
4) information on how the municipal plan promotes the objectives for the
general structure of the municipality, including how the proposal
promotes a diverse supply of shops in small and medium-sized towns
and the urban environment in the areas proposed to be designated for
retail trade purposes;
5) action plans for the implementation of the water resources plan and
Natura 2000 plan pursuant to §31a and 46a of the Act on environmental
objectives etc. for water resources and international nature protection
areas (Environmental Objectives Act);
6) the provisions established by the raw materials plan, cf. §5a of the Raw
Materials Act that are relevant to the planning of land use within the
geographical area covered by the municipal plan;
7) the future development of the coastal zone and the adjacent waters;
8) the relationships between the municipal plan and the municipal
planning in adjacent municipalities; and
9) the relationships between the municipal plan and the state transport
plan and the plan for public transport services of the publicly owned
transport companies.
§11f. The municipal council shall, when the municipal plan is revised, cf.
§23a, subsection 2, points 1 and 2, carry out the changes in the plan that are
20 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
necessary in accordance with the provisions of §5a, subsection 1 and §5b.
Subsection 4. The municipal council shall, for the coastal parts of urban
zones, assess the future development conditions, including the height of
buildings, with the aim of ensuring:
§11h. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules specifying
which projects shall be subject to §11g. However, projects the details of
which are adopted by a specific act shall always be excepted. The Minister
for the Environment may also establish rules specifying the minimum
information required to conduct environmental impact assessment.
§11i. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules that allow the
Minister to assume the obligations and powers of the municipal council for
certain categories of projects subject to §11g.
Subsection 3. Within urban zones and summer cottage areas, the municipal
council may object to construction projects or changing the use of built-up
22 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
areas or undeveloped areas, when the built-up area or use contradicts the
stipulations of the framework of the municipal plan. Nevertheless, a ban
may not be issued if the relevant area is designated for public purposes by
the municipal plan or if the area is governed by a local plan or town
planning by-law.
Part 5
Local planning
§13. The municipal council may produce local plans in accordance with the
stipulations in Part 6. A local plan may not contradict:
1) the municipal plan;
2) rules established or decisions made pursuant to §3 and §5j;
3) published proposals for establishing rules pursuant to §3 and §5j, cf.
§22a, subsection 1.
4) a water resources plan or Natura 2000 plan, cf. the Act on
environmental objectives etc. for water resources and international
nature protection areas (Environmental Objectives Act), an action plan
pursuant to §31a and §46a of that Act or rules established pursuant to
§36, subsection 3 of that Act;
5) a Natura 2000 forest plan, cf. Part 4 of the Forest Act; or
6) a raw materials plan, cf. §5a of the Raw Materials Act.
Subsection 2. A local plan shall be produced before large areas are parcelled
out and before major development projects, including demolition, are
carried out, and also when it is necessary to ensure the implementation of
the municipal plan.
Subsection 6. The Minister for the Environment may establish specific rules
governing the extent of the municipal council’s powers and obligations in
accordance with subsections 1 and 2 for matters regulated by other
§14. The municipal council may ban the establishment of situations, legally
or in fact, that may be prevented by a local plan. The ban may be imposed
for a maximum of one year. The municipal council shall cause notice of the
ban to be entered in the land registry for the applicable property. The
registration is not necessary for the ban to be valid.
§15. A local plan shall contain information on the purpose of the plan and
its legal effects.
Subsection 4. A local plan for an area that is to remain in a rural zone may
contain provisions stipulating that the local plan serves as the permits in
accordance with §35, subsection 1 that are necessary to implement the plan.
Conditions may be attached to these provisions.
Subsection 5. Outside villages, a local plan for areas in a rural zone that are
designated for agricultural use may not contain provisions in accordance
with subsection 2, no. 3, 6, 8 or 9.
Subsection 6. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules that
allow local plans to contain provisions on matters other than those
specified in subsection 2.
Subsection 9. A local plan for an urban regeneration area with land being
used for harbour purposes shall contain provisions that ensure that the
public has access to the water.
§15a. A local plan may only designate land exposed to noise for noise-
sensitive use if the plan can ensure that the future use will be without noise
nuisance through noise-abatement measures, cf. §15, subsection 2, no. 12,
18 and 21.
Subsection 2. Local plans that are produced for lots in an area that the
municipal plan has designated as an urban regeneration area may,
regardless of subsection 1, designate noise-burdened land for noise-
sensitive uses if the municipal council can ensure that the noise burden will
end during a time period that does not substantially exceed eight years after
the local plan adopted in final form has been published.
§16. A local plan shall be accompanied by a report describing how the plan
relates to the municipal plan and other planning for the area.
Subsection 2. The report shall state whether the realization of the local plan
depends on permits or exemptions from other authorities than the
municipal council.
2 LCDEN is the average noise level for day, evening and night.
27 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
on the visual environment, and justification shall be presented for
structures intended to be taller than 8.5 m. In addition, the report shall
describe other possible conditions that are important in safeguarding the
interests related to nature and open-air recreation.
Subsection 2. After the expiry of the time limit in accordance with §24,
however, the municipal council may permit a property covered by the plan
proposal to be developed or used in accordance with the proposal, as long
28 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
as this is in compliance with the municipal plan and is not the start of a
major development project, etc., cf. §13, subsection 2.
§18. When a local plan has been publicly announced in accordance with
§30, situations may not be established, legally or in fact, that contradict the
provisions of the plan, unless exemption is granted in accordance with the
stipulations in §19 or §40.
§19. The municipal council may grant exemptions from the provisions of a
local plan or a plan, etc. in force in accordance with §68, subsection 2, if the
exemption does not contradict the principles of the plan, cf., however, §40.
§20. Exemptions in accordance with §19 may not be granted until two
weeks after the municipal council has given written notice about the
application to:
The notice shall state that comments may be submitted to the municipal
council within a time limit of two weeks.
Subsection 3. The municipal council shall give notice of its decision to the
persons and associations that submitted comments in due time after being
notified in accordance with subsection 1.
§21a. Low-energy buildings shall mean buildings that, at the time of the
application for a building permit, fulfilled the energy-related stipulations
for low-energy buildings established by the building regulations.
30 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Part 5a
Development agreements on infrastructure
Part 6
Producing and repealing plans
§22. [Repealed]
§22a. Before the Minister for the Environment submits a national planning
report or a report on the national planning interests related to special
topics, cf. §2, subsection 2, and before the Minister for the Environment
establishes binding rules or guidelines pursuant to §3, subsection 1 or §5j,
subsections 2 and 4, a proposal shall be published and be sent to the
affected regional councils and municipal councils. The Minister for the
Environment shall establish a time limit of at least eight weeks for the
submission of comments on the published proposal.
Subsection 5. In special cases, the Minister for the Environment may grant
dispensation from subsection 1 in connection with the establishment of
rules pursuant to §3, subsection 1.
§23. [Repealed]
§23a. Before the end of the first half of the regional and local election
period, the municipal council shall publish a strategy for municipal
planning. The municipal council may, in addition, publish such a strategy
whenever the council considers this necessary or appropriate. The
municipal council shall, simultaneously with publication, send the adopted
strategy to the Minister for the Environment and other state, regional and
municipal authorities whose interests are affected as well as to the local
cultural environment council.
Subsection 4. The municipal council shall set a time limit of at least eight
weeks for submitting ideas, proposals, etc. and comments on the published
§23d. If the municipal council proposes to revise the municipal plan, cf.
§23a, subsection 2, no. 1 and 2, the council shall conduct an information
campaign with the aim of promoting a public debate on the objectives and
specific content of the revision of the plan. This may be carried out in
connection with the publication of the strategy or in connection with the
publication of the proposal to amend the municipal plan.
Subsection 3. Proposals for municipal plans and local plans that include
matters related to the cultural heritage shall be sent to the local cultural
environment council simultaneously with publication.
35 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
§26. Simultaneously with publication of a local plan proposal in
accordance with §24, the municipal council shall give written notice hereof
1) the owners of properties covered by the proposal and the tenants and
users of these properties;
2) the owners of properties outside the area covered by the proposal and
the tenants and users of these properties that would be substantially
affected by the plan, in the opinion of the municipal council; and
3) the locally based associations and the like and nationwide associations
and organizations having the right to appeal decisions, cf. §59,
subsection 2 that have asked the municipal council in writing to be
informed of local plan proposals.
Subsection 3. The notice shall inform about the time limit in accordance
with §24, subsection 3, contain any minority opinions in accordance with
§24, subsection 2 and inform about the stipulations in §17.
§27. After the expiry of the time limit in accordance with §24, subsection 3,
the regional council or municipal council may adopt the final plan, cf.,
however, §3, subsection 4, §28, §29, §29a and §29b. If objections, etc. to a
local plan proposal are submitted in due time, the local plan may not be
adopted until four weeks after the time limit for objections expires.
§29. The Minister for the Environment shall submit objections made in
accordance with §28 to a proposal for a regional spatial development plan,
a municipal plan proposal and amendments to a municipal plan that are
not in accordance with overall national interests. This obligation shall not
apply, however, if the matter is of minor importance.
§29a. The regional council may submit objections made in accordance with
§28 to municipal plan proposals and proposed amendments to municipal
plans if the proposed plan contradicts the regional spatial development
37 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Subsection 2. The regional council shall inform the Minister for the
Environment of any objections submitted in accordance with subsection 1.
If the regional council withdraws an objection, the Minister for the
Environment shall similarly be notified.
§29c. The relevant national park fund may submit objections pursuant to
§28 to a plan proposal if the proposal is of considerable importance for the
development of the national park.
§30. The regional council or municipal council shall publicly announce the
adoption of the plan in final form and send it to the authorities specified in
§25. The plan shall be accessible to the public.
Subsection 2. The municipal council shall cause the local plan to be entered
in the land registry for the properties covered by the plan.
§31a. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules stipulating
that the obligation of the municipal council in accordance with §23a,
subsections 1 and 6, §25, subsection 1, §30, subsection 1 and §31,
subsection 1, no. 3 to send plans, plan proposals and municipal planning
strategies to the public authorities whose interests are affected shall be
carried out by the municipal council sending plans, plan proposals and
municipal planning strategies in digital form to the registry that the
Minister for the Environment has created pursuant to §54b together with
information on which public authorities shall be informed.
§32. A local plan proposal shall lapse if it is not adopted within three years
after publication.
§33. The municipal council may decide to repeal town planning by-laws
and local plans for areas that are transferred back to a rural zone and local
plans for areas in the rural zone if planning for the area is no longer
considered to be necessary.
Subsection 3. The municipal council shall inform the Minister for the
Environment and the relevant owners of decisions made pursuant to
subsection 1.
Subsection 4. The municipal council shall cause repealed town planning by-
laws and local plans to be removed from the land registry.
Part 6a
39 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Local Agenda 21
§33a. Before the end of the first half of the regional and local election
period, regional councils and municipal councils shall publish a report on
their strategy for the contribution of the administrative region or
municipality to sustainable development in the twenty-first century with
information on how this work will be carried out in a holistic,
interdisciplinary and farsighted manner and how the public, enterprises,
organizations and associations will be involved in this work (Local Agenda
Subsection 2. The strategy of the regional council shall contain the regional
council’s political objectives for the future work within the following
priority areas:
1) reducing the negative effects of human activity on the environment;
2) promoting sustainable regional development;
3) involving the general public and business in Local Agenda 21 work;
4) promoting interaction between decisions on environmental, transport,
business, social, health, educational, cultural and economic factors.
Part 7
Zoning and rural zone administration
§34. The entire country is divided into urban zones, summer cottage areas
and rural zones.
Subsection 4. Rural zones are the areas not included under subsections 2
and 3.
§35. Without a permit from the municipal council, parcelling out, new
construction and a change in the use of existing buildings and undeveloped
areas shall not be allowed, cf., however, §36–38.
Subsection 3. For areas in the coastal zone, cf. §5a, permits in accordance
with subsection 1 may only be granted if the matter for which the permit
was applied is of negligible importance in relation to the national planning
interests in the coastal areas, cf. §1.
Subsection 5. The provisions of subsection 4 shall not apply if, based on the
opinion of the municipal council, the matter being applied for is of minor
importance for the neighbours.
§36. Permits in accordance with §35, subsection 1 are not required for:
§38. Buildings for the enterprise specified in §37 may only be used after
prior notice is given to the municipal council. The municipal council shall
ensure that the conditions under §37 are complied with. If the municipal
council fails to object within two weeks from the day the notice is received,
the buildings may be taken into service.
§38a. Property in a summer cottage area shall not be used for any other
purpose than dwelling, cf. §40 and §41, unless this has been otherwise
established in a local plan or in one of the plans that remains in force in
accordance with §68, subsection 2. Use that is lawfully initiated by 12 June
1999 may continue, however, but this right lapses when it has not been
utilized in 3 successive years, cf. §56, subsection 2.
§39. Unless otherwise established in a local plan or in one of the plans, etc.
in force in accordance with §68, subsection 2, no more than one dwelling
may be built or fitted up on an independently registered property in
summer cottage areas without a permit from the municipal council.
§41. A pensioner who owns a dwelling in a summer cottage area shall have
a personal right to use the dwelling for permanent residence when he or she
has owned the property for eight years. The change in the use of the
dwelling to permanent residence shall not require a building permit process
in accordance with §2, subsection 1, letter c of the Building Act. The right to
permanent residence shall lapse, however, if the dwelling may not be used
for permanent residence in accordance with the rules governing housing
inspection in Part 9 of the Urban Renewal Act. The provisions in Part VII of
the Temporary Regulation of Housing Matters Act shall not apply to
dwellings that are used for permanent residence in accordance with point 1.
Part 9
§44. The provisions of §42 and §43 shall not apply to easements imposed
by public authorities in accordance with legislation.
Part 10
46 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Zone transfer
§45. The municipal council may decide to transfer areas from an urban
zone or summer cottage area to a rural zone in accordance with the
municipal plan.
Subsection 2. The municipal council may also, after application from the
owner concerned, transfer land from an urban zone or summer cottage area
to a rural zone if the land borders on a rural zone and if the transfer is
unobjectionable based on planning considerations.
Subsection 5. The Danish state shall pay one third of the municipal
council’s expenses for compensation and legal costs.
Subsection 4. In cases in which the betterment charge has not been paid
because the payment is under forbearance, the amount forborne shall be
forgiven. Half of the forbearance interest paid shall be paid without
changing the taxable income for previous years for the person who owned
the property at the time the amount forborne was forgiven. If the
betterment charge was paid after forbearance interest was paid, half the
forbearance interest shall be repaid to the owner of the property if this
owner is entitled to repayment of the charge pursuant to subsection 1 or 2.
Part 11
Expropriation, taking over property, etc.
§47. The municipal council may expropriate real property that is privately
owned or private rights to real property when the expropriation is
materially important in ensuring the implementation of urban development
in compliance with the municipal plan or in realizing a local plan or town
48 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
planning by-law.
Subsection 3. The provisions of §45 and §47–49 of the Public Roads Act
shall similarly apply to the implementation of expropriation.
§48. When a local plan or a town planning by-law reserves a property for
public use, the owner may demand that the municipality assume ownership
of the property and pay compensation.
§49. When a local plan or a town planning by-law prohibits a building from
being demolished without a permit from the municipal council, and such a
permit is refused, the owner may demand that the municipality take over
the property and pay compensation.
§50. The valuation authorities, pursuant to the Public Roads Act, shall
determine the compensation for expropriation in accordance with §47, for
assumption of ownership in accordance with §47a and for transfer in
accordance with §46. These authorities shall also determine whether claims
are justified in accordance with §48 and §49.
Subsection 2. The provisions of §51–56 and §59–67 in the Public Roads Act
shall apply similarly to the procedure followed by the valuation authorities
and to determining and paying compensation, etc.
Part 12
§51. The municipal council shall ensure compliance with this Act, the rules
established in accordance with this Act and the provisions of local plans
and the by-laws and plans, etc. in force in accordance with §68, subsection
2, cf., however, subsection 2.
Subsection 4. The supervisory authority shall ensure that orders and bans
in accordance with this law are complied with, and that the conditions
established in permits, exemptions, etc. are met.
§51a. Each year on 1 October the municipal council shall order every
person who is registered in the Civil Registration System as being domiciled
in a dwelling in a summer cottage area that the person cannot lawfully use
for permanent residence, cf. §40 and §41, to carry out the following within
14 days from the communication of the order:
Part 13
Administrative provisions, etc.
§52. The Minister for the Environment shall assist the regional councils
and municipal councils with guidance in accordance with this Act.
Subsection 5. The Minister for the Environment may further establish rules
governing the exercise of the powers another state authority, after
negotiations with the relevant minister, is empowered to exercise pursuant
to subsection 3.
§53. The Government may enter into agreements with foreign states on
common measures to fulfil the purpose of this Act.
§54. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules governing fees
to cover the authorities’ expenses for administration or supervision in
accordance with this Act. The authorities may distrain for fees.
§54a. The Minister for the Environment may establish rules governing the
opportunities for using digital communication within the field governed by
this Act and on the more specific conditions for this.
§54b. The Minister for the Environment shall create a nationwide digital
registry that shall contain information on plans produced pursuant to this
Act. The registry shall further contain information on the plans specified in
subsection 6. The operations, form and location of the registry shall be
determined pursuant to negotiations with the municipal parties.
Subsection 4. The registry shall be accessible to the public, and the use of
the registry shall not be subjected to user charges.
Subsection 7. The Minister for the Environment shall establish rules that
ensure cohesion between the digital registry and the land registry in
connection with changes related to the land registry related to properties
governed by a local plan, including rules governing technical standards etc.
§57. The employees of the Ministry of the Environment and the municipal
council and persons empowered by these authorities shall have the right of
access, without a court order, to any property to carry out their supervisory
duties, cf. §51, and, after prior notification of the owner or user, to conduct
preliminary technical investigations towards the preparation of decisions to
be made in accordance with this Act.
Part 14
Appeals and legal proceedings
Subsection 4. The rulings of the Nature Protection Board of Appeal may not
be appealed to any other administrative authority.
§59. The Minister for the Environment and anyone else with a legal
interest in the outcome of the case, including a national park fund created
pursuant to the National Parks Act, shall have the right to appeal decisions
in accordance with §58.
Subsection 5. The Nature Protection Board of Appeal shall ensure that the
person who received a permit is notified of the appeal. When the appeal is
submitted to the municipal council, the municipal council shall
immediately notify the person who has received a permit about the appeal.
Part 15
Legalization and penalties
§63a. The public debt collection authority may collect unpaid amounts
pursuant to §54, §55 and §63 owed to the public sector by withholding
wages etc. pursuant to the rules for collecting personal taxes specified by
the Withholding Tax Act.
Part 16
59 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
Provisions governing entering into force and
transitional measures
§65. This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1992. §41, however, shall
enter into force on 1 October 1991. §67, subsection 1, no. 5 shall enter into
force when the Minister for the Environment promulgates the repeal of §3,
subsection 3 on the establishment of the board on the obligation to offer
certain land for sale to the municipality in Act No. 328 of 18 June 1969 on
the obligation to offer certain land for sale to the municipality before
putting it on the market.
§66. Cases brought before the Minister for the Environment, the National
Agency for Physical Planning, the Environmental Appeals Board or the
board on the obligation to offer certain land for sale to the municipality
before this Act comes into force shall be completed in accordance with the
previously applicable rules. The same applies to plan proposals if the
proposal is published before 1 January 1992. Plan proposals may, however,
be completed in accordance with the previously applicable rules if the
proposal is published before 1 July 1992.
§67. When this Act enters into force, the following shall hereby be
1) the National and Regional Planning Act, cf. Consolidated Act No. 921
of 22 December 1989;
2) the Municipal Planning Act, cf. Consolidated Act No. 918 of 22
December 1989;
3) the Urban and Rural Zones Act, cf. Consolidated Act No. 919 of 22
December 1989;
4) Act No. 123 of 1 April 1980 on expropriation for urban development;
5) Act No. 328 of 18 June 1969 on the obligation to offer to sell large
properties in an urban zone to the municipality before putting them on
the market;
6) Act No. 305 of 30 June 1922 on certain provisions on the sale of lots;
7) Part 2 and §12, subsection 3 of the Act on Summer Cottages and
Camping, etc., cf. Consolidated Act No. 920 of 22 December 1989;
8) §2 and §3 of Act No. 207 of 25 May 1983 on amendments to the Act on
Summer Cottages and Camping, etc.;
9) §24, subsection 1, no. 1 and 2, subsections 3 and 5, §27, §28a, §28b,
§28c, §28d and §28f, subsection 1, no. 1 and 2 and subsection 3 of the
Act on Municipal Experimentation, cf. Consolidated Act No. 571 of 8
August 1990.
Subsection 2. When the Act enters into force, the following changes shall be
60 Planning Act oktober 24, 2007
1) In §7, subsection 1 of the Act on taxation of profit from sale of real
property, cf. Consolidated Act No. 558 of 16 September 1988, as last
amended by Act No. 386 of 13 June 1990, the Municipal Planning Act
shall be changed to the Planning Act.
2) In §8A of the Betterment Charge Act, cf. Consolidated Act No. 441 of
26 September 1985, as last amended by Act No. 138 of 7 March 1990,
§2A of the Urban and Rural Zones Act shall be changed to §45 of the
Planning Act.
3) In §4A and §14, subsection 5 of the Valuation of Real Property Act, cf.
Consolidated Act No. 437 of 14 August 1984, as last amended by Act
No. 59 of 7 February 1990, the Urban and Rural Zones Act shall be
changed to the Planning Act.
§68. Regional, municipal and local plans that are produced in accordance
with the previous planning acts shall remain in force until they are
amended in accordance with the stipulations in this Act.
§70. This Act shall not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.