Counseling Modeul
Counseling Modeul
Counseling Modeul
MY –MLC 2019
What is counseling
• Counseling course is a professional and practical course. It is the main
subject that helps a counselor for effective Guidance in process of
counseling session. It helps for Counselor to understand the counselee or
• Counseling is not only a course but it is practical and life principles
guidance for every person. It is life mater subject mostly it is connected
with individual or personal life experiences. It ideals with the issue of
individual principles, procedure, process of counseling
• Counseling is a learning-oriented process, which occurs usually in an
interactive relationship, with the aim of helping a person learn more
1. To help and guiding a person with difficulties there are initial steps of
1. Suitable place and time
2. Organizing information
3. Identifying the information (issues)
4. Planning for counseling
5. Conclude the counseling
6. Implementing the plan(agreeing)
7. introductive talk
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8. coping with feelings
Types or are of counseling
1. Marriage counseling
2. Grief counseling
3. Christian counseling
4. Family counseling
5. Relationship counseling
6. Mental health counseling
7. Group counseling
• 8. Substance abuse counseling
• 9. Divorce counseling
• 10. Teen Counseling
• 11. Individual counseling
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Counseling Skill (methods)
3. Verbal Communication
Verbal and verbatim is the third basic skill of counseling. The use of words
in counseling is a skill which, like any other skill, requires practice to
master. Verbal communication takes place first in the literal or content
• First introduced in 1990, the dollar a day poverty line measured absolute
poverty by the standards of the world’s poorest countries. Absolute
poverty, extreme poverty, or abject poverty is a condition characterized
by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe
drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter,
education and information
• Social issues play a big role in the causes of Commercial Sex. Poverty,
lack of education, and unemployment can all contribute. In some cases,
children are either sold by their families, or led by false promises to earn
• 1. Cage Girls
Cage girls in Pillow houses. The worst brothels are called pillow houses,
where prostitutes are separated by cloth dividers in tiny rooms.
Payment is made to the brothel owner who keeps the money, and
allows as many as forty visitors a day during peak season.
2. Call Girls.
• Call girls are commercial sex workers who are parttimers and are usually
more educated, carry cellphones, and are well groomed and cannot be
compared to those living in brothels. Generally call girls are known to
take good care of their health and visit doctors whenever necessary.
Almost all of them want their clients to use condoms, though they most
• The causes of this phenomenon are varied, but are often related to
domestic, economic, or social disruption; including, but not limited to,
poverty, breakdown of homes or families, political unrest, acculturation,
sexual, physical or emotional abuse, domestic violence, lured away by
• There are four categories of how societies deal with street children:
1. Correctional model,
2. Rehabilitative model,
3. Outreach strategies,
4. Preventive approach.
Response for street Children
1. Responses by governments
• While some governments have implemented programs to deal with
street children, the general solution involves placing the children into
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orphanages, juvenile homes, or correctional institutions. Efforts have
been made by various governments to support or partner with
nongovernment organizations.
2. Neon Government responses
• Non-government organizations employ a wide variety of strategies
to address the needs and rights of street children. One example of NGO
effort is "The Street Children‘s Day", launched by Jugend Eine Welt on 31
January 2009 to highlight the situation of street children. The "Street
Children's Day" has been commemorated every year since its inception
in 2009.
• UNICEF differentiates between the different types of children living on
the street in three different categories:
1. Candidates for the street (street children who work and hang out
on the streets).
2. Children on the streets (children who work on the street but have
a home to go to at night).
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3. Children of the street (children who live on the street without
family support).
• Human migration is the movement of by people from one place to
another with the intention of settling temporality or permanently in the
new location. The movement is typical over long distance and from one
country to another, but internal migration is also possible. Migration
may be individual, family unities or in large groups. There are factor of
migration such as, not enough jobs or job opportunities, political fear,
poor housing, farced labour, education, security, family links, and better
living conditions
Sexual Transmitted disease
Unlike many serious diseases, simple measures can prevent STIs. The
most effective prevention method is abstinence that is, refraining from
sex completely. No sexual contact means no risk of developing an STI.
Practicing monogamy, in which two partners do not have sexual
relations with anyone but each other, also greatly reduces the risk of
spreading and contracting STIs.
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• Latex condoms are an effective, although not perfect, form of protection
from STIs. These plastic sheaths, worn over the penis or inserted into the
vagina, act as a physical barrier to organisms that cause STIs. However,
condoms do not cover all of the genital surfaces that may come into
contact during sex, and the possibility of transmission of some STIs,
especially genital herpes and warts, still exists.
HIV/AIDS and Effects
1. There are risk factor that helps the virus of HIV/AIDs to spread very
fast such as;
2. All persons with multiple sexual partners
• Listens actively
• Poses questions clearly, using both open and close ended questions
• Answers questions clearly and objectively
• Recognizes nonverbal cues and body language
• Interprets, paraphrases, and summarizes client comments and concerns
• Offers praises and encouragement
• Explain points in language that the client understands in culturally
approximate ways
Marriage and family life
• Husband and wife better placed to take their mutual and individual
responsibility. There are core needs husband and wife. The following are
needs men and women.
• There are four different parenting styles, based on two dimensions, the
ability to control and support. Control is the parent’s ability to manage
their child’s behavior and support is the parent’s ability to make the
child feel loved. The relationship of the four styles to control and support
children. These are;
1. Authoritarian:-Authoritarian parenting is characterized by strong,
disciplinary, and rigid control.
2. Permissive:-Permissive parenting is the opposite of the
authoritarian style as to control. There is no control but an attempt to
give some suppor
3. Neglectful: Neglectful parenting is the extreme opposite to the
authoritarian style. There is little or no control and little or no
support. Parents say such things as, please go away and work it out
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for yourself, that’s your problem. The effect on the child is similar to
that of the permissive style.
4. Authoritative:- Authoritative parenting, the recommended parenting
style, and the most biblical, is the one which research has proved to
be the most successful. It is characterized by being loving, merciful
and just.
Family Communication
• There are four common types family communication. The types are
Consensual (high conversation & high conformity), Pluralistic (high
conversation & low conformity), Protective (low conversation & high
conformity) and Laissez-Faire (low conversation & low conformity).
• Financial problems in marriage are very common and are a major area
where help and growth is needed in the marriage. Conflict occurs over
issues of spending or saving, use of credit, making decision on major
purchases, budgeting economic status, and who manages the finances.
Some of them are; distorted value and unwise financial decisions, such
1. Materialism
2. Covetousness and greed
3. A desire to get rich quality
4. Pride and resentment
5. Impulse buying
6. Carelessness
• All over the family life it is one of the difficulties that families face every
stage of family life. As A person who study counseling the counselor has
to understand the about family planning and it effectiveness at the
same time how families has to have and practice it wisely.
What is Birth control
• No birth control method, other than abstinence from sex, is 100 percent
effective in preventing pregnancy. Some methods are more effective
than others, and scientists use two types of pregnancy rates when
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describing effectiveness. Method effectiveness, or perfect use, is the
percentage of pregnancies that occur when a particular method is used
correctly and consistently with each act of sexual intercourse.
Types of Birth Control
• Withdrawal is the deliberate removal of the penis from the vagina before
ejaculation so that sperm is not deposited in or near the vagina. This
method of contraception is not recommended, because drops of fluid
secreted by the penis when it first becomes erect can contain enough
sperm to cause pregnancy. In addition, a man may not withdraw in
time. With typical use, withdrawal is effective in preventing pregnancy
81 percent of the time.
Withdrawal does not protect against STIs.
8. Continuous Abstinence
1. Acute Phase
• Initial crisis reactions in response to a traumatic event usually
encompass the physiological and psychological realm. Reactions include
overwhelming anxiety, despair, hopelessness, guilt, intense fears, grief,
confusion, panic, disorientation, numbness, shock, and a sense of disbelief.
In this acute stage of crisis, the victim may appear incoherent,
disorganized, agitated, and volatile.
1. Integration Phase
1. International Communication
International Communication can include all aspects of international
communication. It all begins with adapting your own communication for
international audiences.
4. Cultural Values
• There are major values of culture in any community, such as;
• A. Individual and family wellness: this refers to a positive health state
with better relationship showing that the individual is in a supportive
relation with his or her environment where needs are met. Wellness
may refer to physical and psychological health, including personal
• principles to advocate
1. Safety for victims and their children;