Notes For Econ202A: Consumption: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas UC Berkeley
Notes For Econ202A: Consumption: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas UC Berkeley
Notes For Econ202A: Consumption: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas UC Berkeley
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
UC Berkeley
Fall 2014
c Gourinchas, 2014, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Disclaimer: These notes are riddled with inconsistencies, typos and omissions. Use at your
own peril.
1 Introduction
Where the second part of econ202A fits?
• Change in focus: the first part of the course focused on the big picture: long run growth,
what drives improvements in standards of living.
• This part of the course looks more closely at pieces of models. We will focus on four
where 0 < β < 1 is the discount factor, ct is the household’s consumption in period
t and u(c) measures the utility the household derives from consuming ct in period t.
u(c) satisfies the ‘usual’ conditions:
– u0 (c) > 0,
– u00 (c) < 0,
– limc→0 u0 (c) = ∞
– limc→∞ u0 (c) = 0
2.2 Questioning the Assumptions
Yet, this representation of preferences embeds a number of assumptions. Some of these
assumptions have some micro-foundations, but to be honest, the main advantage of this
representation is its convenience and tractability. So let’s start by reviewing the assumptions:
• Separation. Other arguments enter utility: labor supply etc... The implicit assumption
here is that preferences are separable over these different arguments: u(c) + v(z).
– What about durable goods, i.e. goods that provide utility over many periods?
Distinction between consumption expenditures (what we pay when we purchase
the goods) and consumption services (the usage flow of the good in a given
period). The preferences are defined over consumption services but the budget
constraint records consumption expenditures. Stock-flow distinction.
– What if utility depends on previous consumption decisions, e.g. u(ct , Ht ) where
Ht is a habit level acquired through past consumption decisions? Habit for-
mation would correspond to a situation where ∂Ht /∂cs > 0 for s < t and
∂ 2 u/(∂c∂H) > 0. In words: past consumption increases my habit, and a higher
habit increases my marginal utility of consumption today. Internal habit.
– What if utility depends on the consumption of others, e.g. u(ct , C̄t ) where
C̄t is the aggregate consumption of ‘others’ (catching up with the Joneses).
External habit. As the name suggests, external habit implies an externality of my
consumption on other people’s utility that may require corrective taxation).
P −1 t
Suppose instead that U = u(c0 ) + θ Tt=1 β u(ct ) with 0 < θ < 1 represent the
lifetime preferences of the household in period 1. Notice that θ only applies to future
utility (salience of the present). quasi-hyperbolic discounting (see Laibson (1996)).
The problem is that preferences become time-inconsistent: next period, the household
would like to re-optimize if given a chance. Not the case with exponential discounting
(check this):
X −1
s ∗
maxct ,ct+1 ,...cT −1 β u(cs ) + β s u(cs )
s=1 s=t
Since the household cannot die in debt T , we know that aT ≥ 0 and the intertemporal budget
constraint becomes:
TX−1 T
X −1
R ct ≤ a0 + R−t yt
t=0 t=0
X −1 T
X −1
R−t ct ≤ a0 + R−t yt (2)
t=0 t=0
• the present valuePof consumption equals initial financial wealth (a1 ) + present value of
−1 −t
human wealth ( Tt=0 R yt ).
• the term on the right hand side is the economically relevant measure of total wealth:
financial + non-financial.
• the combination of time-additive preferences and an additive intertemporal budget
constraint is what makes the problem so tractable (Ghez & Becker (1975))
2.4 Optimal Consumption-Saving under Certainty
Optimal Consumption-Saving under Certainty.
The problem of the household is to maximize (1) subject to (2):
X −1
max β t u(ct )
{ct }T
t=0 t=0
X −1 T
X −1
R−t ct ≤ a0 + R−t yt
t=0 t=0
We can solve this problem by setting-up the Lagrangian (where λ > 0 is the Lagrange
multiplier on the intertemporal constraint):
T −1 T −1 T −1
t −t −t
L= β u(ct ) + λ a0 + R yt − R ct
t=0 t=0 t=0
u0 (ct ) = (βR)−t λ
[Note: from this you should be able to infer that the IBC will hold with equality). Can you
see why?]
u0 (ct ) = (βR)−t λ
• β captures impatience, i.e. the preference for the present. Makes us want to consume
• R determines the return on saving. A higher R makes us want to consume later (is
that really the case? More later....)
• Marginal utility will be decreasing over time if βR > 1 and increasing otherwise.
• Since marginal utility decreases with consumption, this implies that consumption will
be increasing over time when βR > 1 and decrease otherwise.
• When βR = 1 the two forces balance each other out and consumption becomes flat.
• Note that this gives us some key information on the slope of the consumption profile
over time, but not on the consumption level.
2.5 A Special Case: βR = 1
u0 (ct ) = λ
This implies that consumption is constant over time: ct = c̄. Substitute this into the intertem-
poral budget constraint to obtain:
T −1 T −1
X 1 − R−T 1 − βT X
R−t c̄ = c̄ = c̄ = a0 + R−t yt
1 − R−1 1−β
t=0 t=0
• Friedman actually defines permanent income as the right hand side of this equation.
This is the annuity value of total resources.
• This implies that consumption should not respond much to transitory changes in
income, since these will not affect much permanent income, but should respond if
there are changes in your permanent income.
2.7 Understanding Estimated Consumption Functions
Keynes (1936) argues that ‘aggregate consumption mainly depends on the amount of aggre-
gate income,’ ‘is a stable function,’ and ‘increases less than proportionately with income.’
In other words, Keynes argues for a consumption function of the type ct = a + byt .
Empirically, it matters whether we look (a) in the cross section or (b) in the time series.
This looks quite different from Friedman’s permanent income which we can write as
ct = ytp where ytP is simply permanent income.
Yet, Friedman’s PIH can account for the empirical observations. Observe that we can
write yt = ytP + ytT where ytT is the transitory component of income. An OLS regression of
consumption on income yields:
cov(ct , yt ) cov(ytP , yt ) var(ytP )
b̂ = = = <1
var(yt ) var(yt ) var(yt )
â = E(ct ) − b̂E(yt ) = (1 − b̂)E(ytP )
ci,t ct
45◦ 45◦
0 yi,t 0 yt
T : lower b̂.
• In the cross section: more variations from yi,t
2.8 The LifeCycle Model under certainty
Modigliani and Brumberg (1954) consider the lifecycle implications of the previous model.
Suppose that people live T periods (from 1 to T ) and that β = R = 1. (Note: this is a
stronger assumption than βR = 1)
The PIH model tells us that consumption is constant and equal to the permanent income
of the agent: c = c̄ = y P .
This is irrespective of the income profile {yt } over time. Suppose now that the agent
works for N < T periods, earning income y, then retires.
The household saves y − c̄ when working, then dissaves −c̄ when retired.
human wealth
total wealth
N T time N T time
Assume there is no growth. Then, we have the following (aggregating across cohorts):
w̄ = y(T + 1)
h̄ = y(N + 1) ; ā = y(T − N )
2T 2T
• The ratio of human to financial wealth h̄/ā does not depend on income y (it is equal
to (N + 1)/(T − N ).
• The details of the social security system matter. This describes a fully funded system
(or even more precisely, what should happen if there is NO social security system and
no bequest motive). What if we have a society where the young take care of the old
(China); or an unfunded system where the government taxes the young to support the
old? What happens to
– consumption profiles?
– income?
– private saving?
• Start with zero growth: the age-profile = cross-section. Aggregate wealth is constant
and aggregate saving equals 0. The young save, and the old dissave
• population growth: more young saving, so saving increases with population growth.
• productivity growth: more complex and depends on how productivity growth affects
each cohort’s income:
– If productivity growth is across cohorts (i.e. each cohort’s income is constant but
younger cohorts have a higher income profile) then productivity growth increases
saving. (Why? b/c the young save more than the old dissave)
– but instead if productivity growth increases income over a worker’s lifetime, then
young workers may decide to borrow against higher future income in middle age.
In that case, faster growth can reduce savings.
N T time
• changes to the tax code that affects rates of returns on savings. you have seen in the
first part of this course how changes in savings can affect growth rates temporarily (if
growth is exogenous) and potentially permanently (if growth is endogenous)
Consider the first-order condition again:
u0 (ct ) = (βR)−t λ
Rewrite it in two consecutive periods and eliminate λ. This is the Euler equation under
u0 (ct ) = (βR) u0 (ct+1 )
Consider CRRA preferences: u(c) = c1−θ /(1 − θ). [We have already seen these preferences
when solving the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans problem: θ represents both the CRRA coefficient
and the inverse of the (IES).]
Substitute to get:
ct+1 /ct = (βR)1/θ
• for 1/θ > 1: strong substitution effects
• if 1/θ → ∞ then ct becomes very responsive to the interest rate. In the limit, con-
sumption growth becomes so responsive that the interest rate R will have to stay ‘close’
to 1/β to ensure that consumption growth does not become too extreme.
But the analysis is incomplete: we need to figure out by how much consumption itself
c1 /c0 = (βR)1/θ
c1 y1
c0 + = y0 +
Let’s start with a simple case where y1 = 0:
We have:
• a substitution effect. Keeping the utility level constant, the change in interest rate leads
us to substitute consumption today for consumption tomorrow: c0 falls, c1 increases.
• an income effect: the budget line rotates around (y0 , 0). This means more consumption
can be afforded in each period. This increases c0 and c1 .
The effect on c1 is unambiguous. The effect on c0 is ambiguous. When 1/θ > 1 the
substitution effect dominates so that c0 falls.
c0 (1 + (βR)1/θ /R) = y0
• in addition to the income and substitution effects, there is a wealth effect: future income
is worth less to the household. This reduces c0 and c1 .
c0 y0
• the net effect often depends on whether the household is a net borrower or lender.
c0 (1 + β 1/θ R1/θ−1 ) = (y0 + y1 /R)
c 1 = y1
c 0 = y0 h0 = y0 + y1 /R
It is tempting to conclude from this that (a) the slope of consumption growth and (b) the
level of consumption will be largely unaffected by changes in the interest rate. However, this
answer can be misleading for a number of reasons:
• lifetime horizon. But even if the IES is small, it can have a large impact over a lifetime
(Summers 1981).
• This omits the wealth effect. Even if income and substitution effects cancel out, a
change in interest rates affects human wealth, and this leads to a change in consumption
in the PIH-LC model.
• Finally, the nature of the change in interest rates matters. For instance, a change in
interest rates due to tax changes may be offset somewhere else to leave government
c1 B
c0 y0 h0 = y0 + y1 /R
revenues unchanged. In that case, there is no income effect and only the substitution
effect. This might not be very helpful if the IES is small anyway.
ct = (βR)t/θ c0
Suppose that βR > 1 so that consumption grows over time, even it θ is low. If the horizon
T is long enough relative to the working period, consumption must be much higher at the end
c1 B
y0 c0 h0 = y0 + y1 /R
of life than at the beginning: the agent must accumulate a large stock of wealth. Aggregate
wealth and saving may be highly responsive to changes in interest rates. See Summers 1981.
Value of r
S ( ) WL ) .04 .06 .08
WL r-n-g
y= .5
71r 3.71 2.26 2.44
uting for C/ WL in (6) yields the ag- S/WL .121 .274 .451
e savings function: y=O
71r 3.36 1.89 1.87
S/ WL .068 .142 .210
y= -.5
SrL (r -r ( (g-r)T' 71r
Y= -I
71r 2.87 1.59 1.37
e(( 1)-g-n)T ) S/ WL .038 .073 .099
y= -2
71r 2.38 1.45 .122
S/ WL .028 .048 .063
y= -5
l -n-g] (g-r)(e( -r)T, 1) 71r .741 1.09 1.18
S/ WL .014 .019 .025
The results
Figure 8: Tableuniversally
1 from Summers (1981)a high in-
oteworthy that (7) shows that the life terest elasticity. In the plausible logarithmic
hypothesis gives rise to a steady-state utility case, the interest elasticity of the sav-
3.1 The Canonical Model
ate savings function which may be ings rate varies from 3.36 at 4 percent to 1.87
ented by a variable propensity to set-up
3.1.1 the save at 8 percent. This case also generates the
labor income, and a zero-savings pro- most reasonable values for the aggregate sav-
out of capital income. The
life cycle has the following preferences over consumption sequences:
ings rate. The table demonstrates the un-
esis thus gives rise to a savings func- importance of"X the
∞ elasticity of substitution
hich is quite different than that usually betweenUpresent= E and β t u(c t )|Ω0consumption. For
future (3)
ed in growth models which allow dif- example, at an interestt=0 rate of .06, the elastic-
savings propensities out of different ity of saving varies only from 2.26 when
Notice two differences with the model under certainty:
of income. y- 1/2 to 1.09 when y =-5. The insensitiv-
clear from (7) that the relationship
1. First I assume thatitytheofhorizon
the elasticity to the
is infinite. This level toofshow
is mostly y reflects
you how to use solve
n savings and the interest ratetheismodel
com-in thatthecase.fact the "reduction
that substantial
Nothing rests oninthathuman wealth"
hypothesis and I will point out
nd depends on all of the otherasparame- effect is much more
we go where things might be different if important
we have a finite the sub-
that horizon. Formally, you
the model. In Table 1 the savings rate,that households
may think stitutioncare aboutoftheir
effect interest changes.
offsprings The
and apply thebasic
same discount rate.
d as S/ WL, and interest elasticity of conclusion, a significant long-run interest
ate savings Tjr' evaluated at various elasticity of aggregate savings, is quite robust
of the interest rate, are reported for to changes in all16of the parameter values.
ble parameter values. It is assumed that While very low values of y could generate
tion grows at a 1.5 percent per an- low or even negative savings elasticities, they
productivity increases by 2 percent per would also give rise to unrealistic savings
, and that individuals live fifty-year propensities, unless the other parameter val-
2. The term E[.|Ω0 ] captures expectations conditional on information available at time
t = 0. This information set is denoted Ω0 . This is also an important assumption. It
implies that preferences are separable over states and over time.. To see this, suppose
that there are St possible states of the world in period t and that each of them has
probability (as of time 0) given by π s,t . Then we can write the utility as:
∞ X
U= β t π s,t u(cs,t )
t=0 s∈St
This double separation imposes strong structure on preferences, but it simplifies tremen-
dously the analysis.
3. To lighten the notation, I will indifferently write Et [.] or E[.|Ωt ] to indicate conditional
expectation as of time t.
The household budget constraint takes the same form as before, except that now, I will
suppose that households face some uncertain interest rate R̃t+1 and an uncertain future
income ỹt . In this notation, the˜indicates that a variable is stochastic (as seen from previous
periods). The budget constraint then takes the form:
We have also already discussed the fact that the household will not be allowed to run
Ponzi-like schemes:
lim β T aT ≥ 0
T →∞
This constraint holds in the uncertain case, along all possible consumption sequences (tech-
nically, it holds almost surely).1 But there might be other constraints on assets holdings. For
instance, the household may be prevented from borrowing beyond a certain limit:
at ≥ a
At time t, at is a state variable of the household consumption problem, in the sense that
it is pre-determined by the previous actions of the households and is beyond its control.
It is not sufficient that the No-Ponzi condition holds in expectation, that is E0 [limT →∞ β T aT ] ≥ 0. If this
were the case, then there would be possible paths with non-zero measure where the No-Ponzi condition would
be violated. Along these paths, lenders would have to agree to provide an infinite level of consumption to the
household. Note also that if the NPC holds a.s., then it holds in expectation, while the reverse is obviously not
We are going to assume that income and return realizations are iid, so that ỹt and R̃t are
not state variables of the household problem. This is mostly to keep notations simple. It
would be quite straightforward to extend the set-up to a case where ỹ and R̃ have a Markov
Remark 1 In some situations, it is easier to use cash-on-hand xt as the state variable, where
xt is defined as : xt = at + ỹt . xt represents the resources available for consumption
and saving to the household, after the realization of current income. The budget constraint
xt+1 = R̃t+1 (xt − ct ) + ỹt+1
Since financial assets at are the sole state variable, we can write the value function that
maximizes the utility of the agent as a function of the state variable a:
"∞ #
v(a0 ) = max{ct }∞ t=0
E0 β u(ct )
Given the nicely recursive structure of the problem, we write the Bellman equation as
follows. Suppose that the level of assets is a in a given period. Consumption that period
must satisfy:
where Ct denotes the set of permissible consumption choices at time t. Notice that it is
the same value function that enters on both sides of this equation. So, one way to think about
the household problem is that the Bellman equation defines the value function as fixed point
of a functional equation. There are various theorems that establish existence and uniqueness
of this fixed point, when the Bellman equation is well-behaved -as is the case here.
Remark 2 If the functional equation is contraction mapping, then the Bellman equation has
a unique solution AND this solution can be found by iterating on the value function. This
provides a convenient (if not especially rapid) way to characterize numerically the value
function (value function iteration).
Let’s now consider what happens when there is a small change in at on the household
value function v(at ). To calculate v 0 (at ), let’s take a full derivative of the Bellman equation.2
The total variation is:
where dc denotes the change in optimal consumption for a given small change in a. Regroup-
ing terms, we obtain:
v 0 (at )da = (u0 (ct ) − βE[v 0 (at+1 )R̃t+1 ])dc + βE[v 0 (at+1 )R̃t+1 ]da
The first term on the right hand side is zero from the first-order condition of the problem. So
we are left with:
v 0 (at ) = βEt [v 0 (at+1 )R̃t+1 ]
This is a straightforward application of the Envelope Theorem.
Combining the first order condition and the Envelope theorem, we conclude that:
u0 (ct ) = v 0 (at )
Substituting back into the first order condition, we obtain the well-known Euler Equation
under uncertainty:
u0 (ct ) = βEt [R̃t+1 u0 (ct+1 )] (5)
What is the intuition for the Euler equation? A variational argument might help. Suppose
that we reduce consumption from the optimal path in period t by , and increase consumption
by R̃t+1 next period (so that we are back on the optimal consumption path after period t + 1).
The marginal disutility (as of time t) of reducing consumption in t is u0 (ct ). The marginal
increase utility from higher consumption in t + 1 (as of time t) is βEt [R̃t+1 u0 (ct+1 ). For a
small the two should be equal (otherwise the proposed consumption is not optimal to start
Note that the discount rate β and the interest rate R̃t+1 still play opposing force on
consumption growth, so the insights from the certainty case do carry over to the uncertain
case. But we now also have to take into account uncertainty over future returns and future
marginal utility.
Remark 3 The derivation above assume that consumption is interior. What would happen if
consumption is at the boundary. For instance, suppose that we impose the conditions that
0 ≤ c ≤ a + y (how should we interpret this condition?). What form does the Euler equation
We are assuming that the value function is differentiable, which is not always the case. See Stokey, Lucas
and Prescott (1983) for more details on this.
3.2 The Certainty Equivalent (CEQ)
The Euler equation provides some important insights into consumption behavior, but in its
general form, it is not very tractable. We now make a number of simplifying assumptions,
following Hall (1978).
First, we assume that there is no uncertainty in interest rates, so R̃t = R. Moreover, we
assume that there is no tilt in consumption profiles, that is βR = 1.
Second, we will consider a very particular form of preferences:
In other words, preferences are quadratic over consumption. These preferences are very
weird from a number of points of view:
• these preferences admit negative consumption (they definitely violate Inada’s condi-
So why would we want to make these crazy assumptions? Two possible justifications are:
• we could think of these preferences as a second order approximation of utility for more
general utility functions. If we think about it this way, then it would suggest that this
may not be such a bad approximation for relatively small changes in consumption over
• these preferences have the important property that marginal utility is linear, or equiva-
lently that the second derivative is constant: u0 (c) = α − γc and u00 (c) = −γ.
Let’s make these two assumptions and substitute into the Euler equation (5) to obtain:
ct = Et [ct+1 ] (6)
The stunning result here is that consumption follows a Random Walk. This means that
changes in consumption are unpredictable. To see how stunning it is, recall that if we had no
uncertainty (and βR = 1), then we would get
u0 (ct ) = u0 (ct+1)
and so consumption would be constant over time, and therefore entirely predictable. Instead,
once we introduce uncertainty, consumption becomes entirely unpredictable!
To see what is going on, it helps to solve for the level of consumption in the CEQ case.
To do this, let’s first derive the Intertemporal Budget Constraint. First recall that the dynamic
budget constraint is:
at+1 = R(at + ỹt − ct )
Let’s solve this sequence forward for a given sequence of consumption and income realization:
a0 = R 1(a1 + c0 − ỹ0 = ... = R−t (ct − ỹt ) + lim R−T aT
T →∞
With the No-Ponzi condition, the last term has to be positive, so the intertemporal budget
constraint takes the form:
X∞ X∞
R−t ct ≤ a0 + R−t ỹt
0 0
Notice that this intertemporal budget constraint does not have an expectation term: it has
to hold along any possible realization of income and consumption: it holds almost surely.
But if it holds almost surely, then we are allowed to take expectations and the following also
X ∞
E0 [ R−t ct ] ≤ a0 + E0 [ R−t ỹt ]
0 0
The next step is to observe that we can move the expectation inside the summation, and
use the fact that under the random walk hypothesis, the following holds:
where the second term follows from the Law of Iterated Expectations, the third one from the
fact that consumption follows a random walk at t and the last one from iterating the argument.
It follows that consumption at time t = 0 must satisfy:
1 X
c0 = a0 + E0 [ R−t ỹt ]
1 − R−1
"∞ #!
c0 = (1 − β) a0 + E0 R ỹt
where we used the assumption that R−1 = β and the definition of xt in the second line.
What this tells us is that consumption follows the PIH in expectation. The term in parenthesis
on the right hand side is expected total wealth, where the expectation is over future labor
This is why the model is called the ‘certainty equivalent’ model: as far as consumption
decisions are concerned, the household behaves as if future income was certain and equal
to its expected value. The source of this behavior can be traced back to the assumption of
quadratic utility. Note that the Euler equation in the CEQ model is:
ct = Et ct+1
what this tells us is that the household is smoothing consumption, but taking future consump-
tion as if it were certain and equal to its expected value. But if you retrace your steps, you
will see that this result arises from the Euler equation in general form:
u0 (ct ) = Et u0 (ct+1 )
and the fact that marginal utility is linear when utility is quadratic: u0 (c) = α − γc.
Anticipating on the next lecture, this tells you that this result will not hold in the more
general case where marginal utility is not linear.
Why are changes in consumption unpredictable, while the consumption level itself seems
to follow a minor modification of the PIH? To see what is going on, consider consumption in
two consecutive periods, t and t + 1:
"∞ #!
ct = (1 − β) at + Et R−(s−t) ỹs
" #!
ct+1 = (1 − β) at+1 + Et+1 R−(s−(t+1)) ỹs
using the expression for ct and the fact that βR = 1, we obtain finally:
ct+1 − ct = (R − 1) R−(s−t) (Et+1 ỹs − Et ỹs ) (7)
Notice that the term in the summation on the right hand side of (7) is Et+1 ỹs − Et ỹs , that
is, the revision in expectations about future income. Of course, this revision is unpredictable
as of period t, otherwise it would already have been incorporated in the current expectation
Et ỹs !
This gives us a very nice result: the change in consumption is related to the news the
household receives about future income. We will see also that it provides us with a way to
test the certainty equivalent model.
Remark 4 You can check that if you take expectations as of time t on both side of this
equation, you recover Et ct+1 − ct = 0.
Then we can easily check that Et ỹs = ρs−t ỹt . Substituting back into (7), we obtain after
some easy manipulations:
ct+1 − ct = η
1 − ρβ t+1
Since ρ ≤ 1, ct+1 − ct ≤ η t+1 , that is, consumption in general responds less than 1 for 1 to
a change in income. The case where consumption moves 1 for 1 is when ρ = 1, i.e. income
itself is a random walk.
Instead, Hall argued that we can test the theory by directly testing the first-order condition
of the model, i.e. the Euler equation. Under rational expectation, any variable can be
expressed as the sum of its conditional expectation and an innovation term, orthogonal to
any information available at time t:
where Et t+1 = 0 and the second equality uses (6). So the theory implies that ct contains all
the relevant information necessary to predict ct+1 .
Under the null hypothesis that the theory is correct, a regression of the form:
where xt is any variable available at time t to the household should yield:
â = 0; b̂ = 1; ĉ = 0
What is important in that regression is that it does not matter whether yt is exogenous or
not (the key problem with the consumption function estimation approach). The key test is
whether ĉ = 0 or not. If we find some variables, known as of time t that can help predict
next period’s consumption after controlling for current consumption, then the theory has to
be incorrect.
Remark 5 Notice that the theory does not say that consumption should not react to current
income. In other words, if we run the regression
One could think that this would provide another way to test the theory. For instance, when
income follows an AR(1) process as above, we know that the consumption innovation is given
t+1 = η
1 − ρβ t+1
so the innovation to consumption t+1 and the innovation to income η t+1 are linked in a very
precise way. However, this could be exploited only if the household learns about the change
in its income as it happens. If instead, the household learns about a change in its income
before it is realized, this is when consumption will change, and not when the actual change in
income occurs. Unless the econometrician has information on when the information becomes
available to the household (more on this below), then the relationship above will not be
terribly useful. Testing the first order condition remains valid, however, since any information
known at time t to the household should not help predict future consumption.
Hall (1978) tests the CEQ model using aggregate quarterly data on non-durable real
consumption per capita and real disposable income per capita. The results (see attached
table) suggest that indeed lagged income is not helpful in predicting future consumption (on
top of lagged consumption).
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c
.9 I*
co "I-T
co I
3.3.2 Allowing for time-variation in interest rate: the log-linearized Euler equation
The regression (8) imposes that the gross real interest is constant and equal to the inverse
of the discount factor. It also imposes that preferences are quadratic. We can relax both
assumptions yet obtain a result very similar to the CEQ, as long as we are looking at small
deviations around the equilibrium.3
To see how this is done, consider the Euler equation of the general model:
Assume that R̃t+1 is known as of time t. This would be the case if R̃t+1 is the return on
a one-period risk free bond between t and t + 1. Assume further that preferences are CRRA
so that u0 (c) = c−θ , with θ > 0.
c−θ −θ
t = βRt+1 Et [ct+1 ]
1 = βRt+1 Et [c−θ θ
t+1 ct ]
1 = exp(−ρ + rt+1 )Et [exp(−θ∆ ln ct+1 )]
0 = −ρ + rt+1 + ln Et [exp(−θ ln(ct+1 /ct )]
where we define ρ = − ln β and rt = ln Rt+1 and where the third line takes logs. Assume
now that ∆ ln ct+1 is conditionally normally distributed. Then, the Euler equation takes the
0 = −ρ + rt+1 − θEt ∆ ln ct+1 + θ2 Vt ∆ ln ct+1
Recall that we motivated the CEQ as a second order approximation of preferences around the equilibrium.
Instead of taking a second order approximation of preferences then solving for optimal smoothing, we can take a
first order condition of the first order condition of the general consumption-saving problem.
where Vt ∆ ln ct+1 is the conditional variance of consumption growth.4 If consumption
growth is not conditionally normally distributed, this expression is a second-order approxi-
Re-arranging, we obtain:
1 1
Et ∆ ln ct+1 ≈ (rt+1 − ρ) + θVt ∆ ln ct+1 (9)
θ 2
If we ignore the conditional variance term, and assume that the interest rate is equal to
the discount rate (rt = ρ), then we obtain an expression similar to the CEQ:
Et ln ct+1 ≈ ln ct .
If the interest rate is not constant, but we still ignore the variance term, we recover that
expected consumption growth depends on the difference between the interest rate and the
growth rate, scaled by the IES 1/θ: Et ∆ ln ct+1 = 1/θ(rt+1 − ρ).
As we will see a bit later, the variance term captures the precautionary savings component
of consumption growth. It is always positive, increasing the growth rate of consumption.
For now, let’s assume that the variance term is either zero, or constant. The log-linearized
Euler equation leads to the following empirical specification:
and, if the equation is correctly specified, the point estimate dˆ should be the Intertemporal
Elasticity of Substitution 1/θ.6
Equations of that form have been estimated in literally hundred of papers. The goals of
these regressions are usually two-fold:
ˆ the IES from the coefficient on rt+1
1. estimate 1/θ from d,
2. test the orthogonality restriction that information available at time t does not predict
consumption growth: ĉ = 0. For example, expected income growth Et ∆ ln ỹt+1
should not help predict consumption growth.
1. estimates of 1/θ between 0 and 0.2, i.e. very low estimates of the sensitivity of
consumption growth to the interest rate. Recall however, that aggregate saving can still
be quite sensitive to the interest rate because people have long lifetimes (so the effects
build up over long periods)
Remark 7 The excess sensitivity is in response to variables that consumption should not
respond too. In addition to excess sensitivity, there is an excess smoothness puzzle, whereby if
income changes are very persistent, then innovations to consumption should be more volatile
than innovations to income. One can see this is we assume the following process for income:
∆ỹt+1 = µt+1 + γµt , with γ > 0, i.e. a MA(1) for income change. Then one can show that
t+1 = (1 + γ)µt+1
Deaton (1987) observed that despite γ > 0, consumption innovations appear less volatile
than income innovations.
However, t+1 is likely to be correlated with income changes, so the equation above
cannot be estimated directly. Instead, income changes need to be instrumented, using as
instruments any lagged variables (hence orthogonal to t+1 ) and good predictors of income
growth. Equivalently, this consists in constructing a measure of predicted income change
Et ∆yt+1 and regressing realized consumption changes on predicted income changes.
This approach provides an alternative to the null that all consumers are CEQ. It
even allows to quantify the share of consumers that are hand-to-mouth, as measured
by λ. The estimates indicate that λ is quite high, on the order of 0.48 in the US (see Table 10).7
In addition, they run the regression including the real interest rate (see Table 11). They
use as real interest rate the 3-month T-bill rate over the quarter minus the rate of change in
the PCE deflator. They instrument the real interest rate using lagged real interest rates (since
the regression should use ex-ante real interest rates).
The specification becomes:
Notice that the coefficient on the real interest rate is not the IES, but the IES multiplied by
the share of CEQ consumers. Hence, λ = 0, the coefficient is going to be biased downwards.
Note that Campbell andThis
Mankiw in fact log
content downloaded fromconsumption on when
Thu, 16 they estimate
Oct 2014 their regression, so in fact they
04:11:12 AM
All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
are working with a specification close to the log-linearized CEQ.
Figure 11: Campbell and Mankiw (1989), Table 5.
3.3.4 Household level data: Shea (1995), Parker (1999), Souleles (1999) and Hsieh
While early papers (like Hall (1978) or Campbell and Mankiw (1989)) tested the CEQ using
aggregate data, the literature quickly moved to testing the CEQ using household level data.
There are a number of reasons why this is more satisfying:
• aggregate consumption does not fluctuate much. By contrast, household level con-
sumption can fluctuate a lot more
• we can hope to identify more precisely expected future income for some categories of
workers (Shea (1995)) and so we get cross sectional variation that adds to the power of
the tests
• we can use ‘natural experiments’ where households learn about future income in
a measurable way, and then measure the response of consumption (Parker (1999),
Souleles (1999), Hsieh (2003)).
But household level data can also be problematic: accurate time series data on consumption
and income for a given household is hard to obtain. One needs to worry about sampling
weights, sample attrition...
• Shea (1995, AER): uses the PSID. PSID is a panel with reasonable income data, but
only food consumption. It also oversample poor households. Shea matches head of
This content downloaded from on Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:11:12 AM
households to union contracts andto uses
All use subject publicly
JSTOR Terms available information on union wage
and Conditions
lumber in the Pacific Northwest, shipping on the East Coast.... He matches other
respondents to dominant employers in some areas (e.g. worker in the automobile
industry living near flint will be assigned to G.M.). Ends up with 647 observations
from 285 households. Finds that expected wage growth predicts expected consumption
• Parker (1999) uses the Consumption Expenditure Survey, used to construct the con-
sumption weights for the Consumer Price index. Not a panel, but repeated cross
sections. Each household stays in the CEX for 4 quarters, which yields 5 interviews,
with income and demographic data collected in interviews 2 and 5. The CEX has
excellent coverage of consumption, but relatively poor measures of income and also
has a very limited time dimension for each household. Parker uses the fact that different
households will hit the cap at different times during the calendar year and therefore
will see a drop in payroll taxes in different quarters. Crucially, the household knows
in advance whether he/she will hit the cap in a given quarter, so consumption should
not respond. Yet, he finds a predictable response of consumption. The elasticity of
consumption to predictable income is around 0.5.
• Souleles (1999) looks at income tax refunds, using the CEX. Since income tax refunds
are known in advance (taxpayers know their income of the previous year and calculate
the size of the refund when they file), consumption should not change when the refund
is received. The CEX survey asks the household about tax refunds in the second and
final interviews. Souleles finds that consumption responds to the tax refund. In a more
recent paper, Parker, Souleles, Johnson and McClellan (2013, AER) add a module to
the CEX questionnaire during the period of the 2008 stimulus payment (a tax cut).
Cross sectional variation arises from the random timing of receipts, based on the last
two digits of the recipient SSN. The amount of the tax cut was also well publicized
and known in advance ($300-$600 for individuals, $600-$1200 for couples....). They
find that households spent 12-30% of the tax cut.
• Hsieh (2003) instead exploits the annual payments of the Alaska Permanent fund to all
Alaskan residents. The amount disbursed is large and known in advance. Using the
CEX again, Hsieh finds that there is little evidence of a change in consumption during
the quarter of the receipt of the fund. Variation comes from changes over time in the
size of the transfers as well as cross sectional variation in family size. Importantly,
Hsieh finds that –while consumption does not respond to the payment of the Alaskan
Permanent Fund– it does respond to tax refunds, suggesting that there is an issue of
‘saliency’ of the change in income.
Why does expected income growth predict consumption growth?
• Consumption and leisure are substitutes (Aguiar and Hurst 2005 JPE). Home production
and work-related expenditures. Relevant when thinking about drop in consumption at
retirement. Food expenditures drops because home production (not recorded in food
expenditures) rises dramatically.
dlog(Nondurable dlog(Durable
consumption) consumption)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
PFD t # Family Size h 0.0002 !0.0167 !0.0034 !0.1659 !0.1741 !0.1488
Family Income h (0.0324) (0.0336) (0.0328) (0.0878) (0.0916) (0.0890)
Controls for:
Family size No No Yes No No Yes
Year dummies No Yes No No Yes No
Number of observations 806 806 806 806 806 806
Notes: Dependent variable is log(C IV /C III ). Standard errors are in parentheses. All regres-
sions are ordinary least squares (OLS) and include a quadratic in age and changes in the
number of children and adults in the household.
Fig 1.—Percentage change in food expenditure, predicted food consumption index, and time spent on food production for male household
by three-year age ranges. Data are taken from the pooled
Figure 13:1989–91
Aguiar and 1994–96
& Hurst crossfigure
(2005), sections
1. of the CSFII, excluding the oversample of low-
households. The sample is restricted to male household heads (1,510 households). All series were normalized by the average levels for househol
aged 57–59. All subsequent years are the percentage deviations from the age 57–59 levels. See Sec. IV for details of data and derivation
consumption index
4 Moving beyond the CEQ
The CEQ model provides some interesting insights, mainly consumption smoothing (i.e.
the fact that consumption is going to respond to permanent changes more than to transitory
ones). Yet the model is soundly rejected.
In particular, consumption growth responds to income growth. The model also predicts
that consumption profile should be dictated by the interest rate and the rate of time preference,
not by the actual timing of income. This is also rejected: Carroll and Summers show that
consumption profiles track income profiles for different occupations or in different countries.
See figures 14 and 15.
Most households have relatively little wealth, so their consumption will mostly track their
income. Yet, the use their modest saving to ‘buffer’ income shocks. We are interested in
understanding these ‘buffer stock’ households.
322 Christopher D. Carroll and Lawrence H. Summers
1 50
1D.75- 4 10.75- 1
25- 30- 35. 40 45- 50- 55- 60 25- M- 3s- 40- 45- 50- s5- 6a 7.5 30- 35- 4 0 45- Y)- 55- 60-
29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 Y 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
25- 30- 3% 40- 45- 50- 55- 60 25- 3 0 35- a 45- 50- 55- 60 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- a-
29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
25- 30 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- M 25- 30- 35- 45- 50- 55- 6a 25- 30- 35. 40- 4s- 50- 55- 60-
29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
25- 30- 35- a 45- 50- 55- 60 25- 30. 35- 40- 45- m 55- M 25- 30- 35. 40- 45- 50- 5s- a-
29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
and the inequality is strict when there is uncertainty about future consumption. This implies
that we cannot have ct = Et [ct+1 ]. If this were the case, then :
which would violate the Euler equation. Consumption ct has to be lower than in the CEQ
case , that is
ct < Et [ct+1 ]
Uncertainty depresses current consumption and thus raises saving. This is known as
precautionary saving (or saving for a rainy day).
u0 (c)
u0 (cl )
E[u0 (c)] A
u0 (E[c]) B
u0 (ch )
cl E[c] ch c
For general preferences, Kimball (1990) showed that what matters for the precautionary
motive is the concavity of −u0 (.) (or equivalently the convexity of u0 (.)). He defined a
coefficient of relative prudence as:8
u000 (c)c
CRP = −
u00 (c)
Remark 8 For CRRA preferences u0 (c) = c−θ and the coefficient of relative prudence is
constant and equal to:
θ(1 + θ)c−θ−1
CRP = − =1+θ
To see the role that prudence plays, consider the case where βR = 1 (so that a CEQ
household would want to keep consumption flat over time) and let’s perform a second-order
Taylor expansion of the Euler equation around ct :
E[u0 (ct+1 )] ≈ E[u0 (ct ) + u00 (ct )(ct+1 − ct ) + 1/2u000 (ct )(ct+1 − ct )2 ]
≈ u0 (ct ) + u00 (ct )E[(ct+1 − ct )] + 1/2u000 (ct )Et [(ct+1 − ct )2 ]
To answer this question, let’s consider again the log-linearized Euler equation (9) rewritten
below for convenience:9
1 1
Et ∆ ln ct+1 ≈ (rt+1 − ρ) + θVt ∆ ln ct+1
θ 2
There is also a coefficient of absolute prudence, defined as −u000 (c)/u00 (c).
Technical observation: in the log-linear Euler equation the conditional variance is scaled by θ while in the
derivation above, it is scaled by the CRP 1 + θ. The reason for the difference is that in the log-linear Euler
equation there is an adjustment for the concavity of the log (Jensen’s inequality).
This gives the following empirical specification:
1 1
∆ ln ct+1 = (rt+1 − ρ) + θVt ∆ ln ct+1 + εt+1
θ 2
Suppose for the time being that we ignore the precautionary term in this expression,
i.e. that we lump it with the error term of the regression εt+1 and estimate the first-order
log-linear Euler equation. This would be valid if we satisfy the orthogonality condition
that the precautionary term is orthogonal to the interest rate. Carroll (1997) [death to the
log-linearized Euler equation!] argues that this is unlikely to be the case. The reason is
that both the interest rate rt+1 and the conditional variance of consumption growth are
endogenous objects and are likely to interact in the general equilibrium of the economy.
This implies that the precautionary saving term is an omitted variable that is likely to be
correlated with the equilibrium interest rate.
To see how this works most simply, suppose that the economy is on a balanced growth
path where households face some level of idiosyncratic risk, but no aggregate risk.10 Along
such a balanced growth path, the growth rate of aggregate consumption must equal the growth
rate of aggregate income which is certain, since there is no aggregate risk, and which we
denote gy = ∆ ln yt+1 . If households are ex-ante identical, facing the same amount of risk
etc... they will all choose the same expected consumption growth, therefore also equal to gy .
It follows from the second order log-linearized Euler equation that:
1 1
gy ≈ (rt+1 − ρ) + θVt ∆ ln ct+1
θ 2
This equation tells us that in the aggregate equilibrium, the variance of idiosyncratic
consumption growth and the interest rate will be related by:
rt+1 = θgy + ρ − Vt ∆ ln ct+1
A higher amount of uninsurable idiosyncratic risk (as measured by Vt ∆ ln ct+1 ) will be
associated with a lower real riskfree interest rate rt+1 . Carroll concludes that estimating the
first-order log-linearized Euler equation (i.e. without controlling for precautionary saving) is
likely to be seriously misspecified. This can explain in particular why the estimated IES is
very low.
A way to address this critique would be to incorporate directly in the regression a term
that controls for the importance of precautionary saving, i.e. for the term 2θ Vt ∆ ln ct+1 in
the regression. This is what Dynan (1993) does by adding proxies for income uncertainty.
But it is difficult to obtain such estimates in the first place, and if we try to instrument for the
precautionary saving motive, we have to be careful to find instruments that for precautionary
saving that are independent from the interest rate, not an easy task.
Implicitly this requires that some risk sharing opportunities are not exploited. Otherwise, households would
like to diversify their idiosyncratic risk away. Technically, such models are called Bewley models, after Bewley
(1977). For a seminal Bewley model, see Aiyagari (1994).
4.2 The Buffer Stock Model
Intuitively, precautionary saving tilts-up consumption profiles and therefore leads to more
saving and wealth accumulation. Consider a household that faces income uncertainty. If that
household has a high wealth level, then heuristically income uncertainty should not matter
much and therefore consumption should not be too different from the certainty equivalent
framework (CEQ). We know that in that case, what controls the slope of the expected
consumption profile (and therefore of subsequent wealth) is whether βR is smaller of greater
than 1.
• If βR > 1, the household is patient and would like to save. In that case, the precaution-
ary and smoothing motive push in the same direction: eventually, the household will
manage to accumulate enough assets to insure against income fluctuations. In fact, if
βR > 1 an infinitely lived household would accumulate an unbounded level of assets.
• If βR = 1, the argument is a bit more subtle, but the result is the same. Here,
the household would like to smooth marginal utility. It will be able to do this by
accumulating an unbounded amount of wealth.11 The upshot is that if βR ≥ 1 the
model is not terribly interesting: the household would just accumulate vast amounts
of wealth, enough to be indifferent to the impact of income fluctuations on marginal
utility. This is neither interesting nor realistic!
• The last case is when βR < 1. In that case, the household is impatient. A CEQ
household would run choose to consume more today and run down assets. But by
running down assets, it increases the strength of the precautionary saving motive since
income fluctuations are more likely to impact marginal utility. So this case present
an interesting tension: on the one hand, the household would like to save to smooth
fluctuations in marginal utility. On the other hand, it wants to consume now and prefers
not to accumulate wealth. The result from this tension is that the household will aim
to achieve a certain target level of liquid wealth, but not more. Once households have
accumulated this target level of wealth, consumption will tend to track income at high
frequency (even in response to predictable income change), thus potentially explaining
the excess sensitivity puzzle. It can also explain why consumption tracks income at
low frequency (explaining the Carroll-Summers (1991) empirical patterns in figures
14 and 15). This is the buffer-stock model.
Let’s flesh the details of that model out. Consider a household with standard preferences:
U = max β t u(ct )
{ct }
This result is formally established by Schechtman (1975) and Bewley (1977). See Deaton (1991) for a
and with a budget constraint:
The household faces a constant interest rate R but a stochastic income stream {ỹt },
where we assume for simplicity that ỹt is independently identically distributed every period.
We assume that βR < 1 so that, if there was no uncertainty, the household would prefer
to consume now and would run down assets over time, and even borrow against future income.
How much would the household borrow? If ymin ≥ 0 is the lowest possible realization
of income every period, then it is immediate to show that the household would not be able
to run its asset levels below amin = −ymin /(R − 1).12 If the household borrowed a larger
amount at any point in time, there would be a strictly positive probability that it would not be
able to repay. In other words, amin is the natural borrowing limit faced by the household. It
is the present value of the lowest possible income the household would receive from now
on, and at ≥ amin . Of course, it is possible that the household faces a stronger liquidity
constraint than the natural borrowing limit, if access to credit markets is limited. This is a
relevant feature of the world since many people face limited access to credit markets.
In order to fix ideas, we are going to consider an extreme case where the household
cannot borrow at all. That is, we impose the restriction that:13
at ≥ 0
subject to:
It is useful to express the problem in terms of ‘cash on hand’ xt , defined as the amount
of liquid resources the household has access to at the beginning of the period:
x t = a t + yt
Let’s define v(xt ) the value function of this problem. We can write the associated Bellman
The first order condition associated with this Bellman equation is:
where λt is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraint ct ≤ xt .14 The comple-
mentary slackness condition is:
λt (xt − ct ) = 0
For the usual envelope reasons, the marginal value of cash on hand satisfies:
It follows that:
• when the credit constraint does not bind, the usual Euler equation holds:
1. If the household is constrained at time t, it is forced to consume less than desired.
2. The credit constraint also matters, even in periods where it does not bind directly,
because of the likelihood that it will bind in the future. Technically, this is encoded in
Et [u0 (ct+1 )]. The curvature of marginal utility leads the household to save more to
reduce the likelihood of being constrained in the future.
This model cannot be solved in closed form. Instead, we have to resort to numerical
techniques to characterize optimal consumption behavior. Denote ct = f (xt ) the optimal
consumption rule followed by the household. It is not a function of time because the problem
is recursive and stationary. We can then rewrite the Euler equation as:
Certainty Equivalent Buffer Stock Model
forward looking much less forward looking
retirement saving households will not save for retirement at age 20
consumption and income paths independent Once you have your buffer, gc ≈ gy
interest rate elasticity small effect of interest rate
uncertainty does not matter uncertainty matter
• below a certain threshold level x∗ , the household prefers to consume all its assets:
c = x. This is because the current marginal utility of consumption is very high.
• above x∗ , the consumption rule is concave, and always below the certainty equivalent
– for low levels of wealth, precautionary saving dominate, cash on hand will
increase and consumption is expected to grow.
– For high levels of cash on hand, consumption grows at rate βR < 1 so cash on
hand decreases.
– The target level of cash on hand can be defined as that level that remains constant
(in expectations), i.e. the level x∗∗ such that E[xt+1 |xt = x∗∗ ] = x∗∗ . Carroll
(2012) shows that that expected consumption growth is below 1 and above βR at
the target level of cash-on-handx∗∗ .17
• Even if c is a function of x, once x is close to its target, c will move together with y: if
y is expected to decline, then consumption will decline once x declines (not before):
predictable movements in y will translate into movements in c.
Figure 18 reports the dynamics of the buffer stock model, as computed by Carroll (2012).
We can summarize the two models as in table 1:
• structural estimation of the consumption function, i.e. not relying on Euler equation,
or reduced form consumption functions
For more on this, see Carroll (2012), “Theoretical foundations of buffer stock saving.”
cn 0 y is N(100,a), r=O.05, 6=0.10
0 coses are from top to bottom
p=2, a=1O and o-=15
?0 . . , H p=3, a=1 0 aond o- 1 5
yt = p t µt
pt = Gt pt−1 η t
where µt and η t are iid. GP assume that µt = 0 with some probability p. This is meant
to capture unemployment risk. One implication is that ymin = 0 so the natural borrowing
limit is amin = 0. However, with preferences that satisfy the Inada conditions, the household
will never choose to hit the borrowing limit.18 Otherwise, ln µt is N (0, σ 2µ ). ln η t is also
normally distributed N (0, σ 2η ). The variance of these shocks and the unemployment risk are
calibrated to household level data.
The problem features two state variables: cash on hand xt = at + yt and the permanent
level of income pt (since the latter conditions how large future income will be). In general,
the complexity of numerical problems grows exponentially with the number of state variables
(curse of dimensionality). Even with modern computers and parallelization techniques, we
cannot realistically solve problems with more than 1 or 2 state variables. Fortunately, the
assumptions of the problem allow to implement a normalization that reduces the number of
To see this, observe that if a = 0 in one period, then there is a strictly positive probability that the agent will
have zero consumption next period if the unemployment shock is realized.
56 p.-o. gourinchas and j. a. parker
state variables. Define ẑ as the ratio of variable z to the permanent component of income:
ẑ = z/p. Then, we can rewrite the problem’s Euler equation as:
x̂t+1 = R(x̂t − ĉt )/(Gt+1 η t+1 ) + µt+1
Notice that the consumption rules are indexed by age, since households of different ages
face different remaining horizons. So unlike the infinite horizon model, we don’t need to look
for a fixed point of the Euler equation, but iterate backwards, starting from the consumption
rule at retirement, assumed to be linear in cash on hand:19
ĉN = γ 1 x̂N
For any value of the parameters, the resulting consumption functions can be evaluated
numerically (see figure 19). 1.—A tale of two households.
where dFt (., .) denotes the joint distribution, according to the model, of cash on hand
and permanent income at age t. In practice, this joint distribution is a complex object to
calculate. An important step is to construct the moments above by simulating a large number
of households (a Monte Carlo simulation). The simulated moment converges to the true
model moment as the size of the simulation increases.
The last step is in matching these simulated moments to the same moments constructed
on the household level data. The algorithm chooses the vector of structural parameters to
minimize the distance between P these simulated moments and the data moments.
If we denote gt (ψ) = 1/It i ln ci,t − ln c̄t (ψ) as the distance between simulated and
data consumption at age t, then the estimator minimizes
g(ψ)0 W g(ψ)
• The estimated parameters (θ and β) are quite reasonable with β = 0.96 and θ = 0.51,
with R − 1 = 3.44%. The model thus features “buffer stock” behavior in the sense that
agents want to keep a constant target level of cash on hand around 1.2 times permanent
income until around age 40.
• Around age 40, life cycle considerations kick in and saving increase markedly. At
that point, precautionary saving become less relevant since the higher liquid wealth
allows the household to smooth consumption. Hence in the latter phase of active life,
households behave like CEQ consumers with consumption growth controlled by βR.
• in the early part of their lifecycle, income is growing but households are unable to
borrow much. Hence precautionary saving dominates.
• The structural parameters are well identified precisely because the turning point at
which savings increase is determined by the relative strength of the two saving motives.
The lifecycle model with uninsurable labor income risk has become a workhorse to
evaluate quantitatively various policies. For instance, Scholz et al (2006) use it to evaluate
whether Americans are saving optimally. Their model features uncertain lifetimes, unin-
surable earnings, medical expenses, progressive taxation, government transfers and social
security benefits. They use the model to compare, household by household, wealth predictions
and find that the model accounts for more than 80% of the 1992 cross sectional variation in
see that the occupation and education groups with the most pronounced humps
in income present the most pronounced humps in consumption. Further, we can
formally reject the null hypothesis that the consumption profiles are flat. This is
essentially a now standard test of the linearized consumption Euler equation, as
studied by Attanasio and Weber (1995), Lusardi (1996).
Our profiles differ slightly from the results of Attanasio and Browning (1995)
and Attanasio and Weber (1995). These papers employ a larger set of preference
shifters: once controlling for these, consumption is smoother and the CEQ-LCH
is not rejected. In Attanasio and Weber (1995) and in the linear Euler-equation
approach generally used in micro data, precautionary effects are omitted so that
preference shifters absorb, correctly or incorrectly, variation in consumption that
we attribute to uncertainty. Clearly, allowing for enough preference variation can
Figure 3.—Household consumption and income over the life cycle, by education group.
74 p.-o. gourinchas and j. a. parker
Descriptive Statistics for the Health and Retirement Study (Dollar Amounts in
1992 Dollars)
Variable Mean Median Deviation
1991 earnings $35,958 $28,976 $39,368
Present discounted value
of lifetime earnings $1,718,932 $1,541,555 $1,207,561
Defined-benefit pension
wealth $106,041 $17,327 $191,407
Social security wealth $107,577 $97,726 $65,397
Net worth $225,928 $102,600 $464,314
Mean age (years) 55.7 4.7
Mean education (years) 12.7 3.4
Fraction male .70 .46
Fraction black .11 .31
Fraction Hispanic .06 .25
Fraction couple .66 .48
No high school diploma .22 .41
High school diploma .55 .50
College graduate .12 .33
Postcollege education .10 .30
Fraction self-employed .15 .35
Fraction partially or fully
retired .29 .45
Source.—Authors’ calculations from the 1992 HRS. The table is weighted by the 1992 HRS household analysis
random-effect assumptions
Figure 22: with homoskedastic
Scholz , Sheshadri errors to
& Khitatrakun estimate
(2006), equa-
Table 1
tion (1).
We estimate the model separately for four groups: men without a
college degree, men with a college degree, women without a college
degree, and women with a college degree. In the online Appendix B
we present details of the empirical earnings model and coefficient es-
timates from that model, and we describe our Gibbs sampling procedure
that we use to impute earnings for individuals who refuse to release or
who have top-coded social security earnings histories.6 Our approach is
appealing in that it uses information from the entire sequence of in-
dividual earnings, including uncensored W-2 data from 1980–91, to im-
pute missing and top-coded earnings.
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for the HRS sample. Mean (me-
dian) earnings in 1991 of HRS households are $35,958 ($28,976),
though note that 29 percent of the sample was partially or fully retired
when interviewed in the 1992 HRS. The mean (median) present dis-
counted value of lifetime household earnings is $1,718,932
We repeated our central empirical analyses dropping individuals who refused to release
their social security records and generated results nearly identical to those reported in
the paper. Brief details are given in the sensitivity analysis, Sec. IVE.
Fig. 1.—Median defined-benefit pension wealth, social security wealth, and net worth (excluding defined-benefit pensions) by lifetime earnings decile
(1992 dollars).
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Optimal Net Worth (Excluding Social Security and Defined-Benefit Pensions) and the Percentage of Population Failing to Meet
Optimal Targets (Dollar Amounts in 1992 Dollars)
Fig. 2.—Scatter plot of optimal and actual wealth. Observed net wealth is constructed
from the 1992 HRS. Optimal net worth comes from solving the baseline model described
in the text.
The first condition is simply the usual Euler equation. The second one is an asset pricing
condition. In fact, combining the two equations, for any asset Z̃i,t , optimal portfolio allocation
requires that 0
u (ct+1 )
1 = Et β 0 Z̃i,t+1
u (ct )
How should we interpret this condition? Recall that we can write, for any two random
variables: E[XY ] = E[X]E[Y ] + cov(X, Y ). Substituting, we obtain:
h i
1 = Et Mt,t+1 Z̃i,t+1
h i
= Et [Mt,t+1 ] Et Z̃i,t+1 + covt Mt,t+1 , Z̃i,t+1
h i
Et Z̃i,t+1 = Rt+1 1 − covt Mt,t+1 , Z̃i,t+1
where we define Mt,t+1 = βu0 (ct+1 )/u0 (ct ), i.e. the intertemporal marginal rate of substi-
tution and the last line uses the fact that, from the Euler equation,
Et [Mt,t+1 ] Rt+1 = 1
The interpretation is now quite straightforward: an asset requires a high expected return
if it covaries negatively with the pricing kernel Mt,t+1 , i.e. if the return on the asset is low
when M is high. Now if we go back to the definition of the IMRS, we see that it is high
when consumption is low. In other words, an asset requires a premium if it offers a poor
return precisely at times when consumption is low.
The required excess return satisfies
h i
Et Z̃i,t+1 − Rt+1 = −Rt+1 covt Mt,t+1 , Z̃i,t+1
Substituting into the asset pricing equation, and solving forward, we obtain:
"∞ #
Pt = Et Mt,t+s dt+s
in other words, the stock price is the expected PDV of future dividends, evaluated using
the pricing kernel defined recursively as Mt,t+s = Mt,t+s−1 Mt+s−1,t+s .
Now, let’s log-linearize in the case where utility is CRRA, assuming that consumption
growth and asset returns are jointly lognormally distributed:
where the last line takes logs. Now taking the difference between a risky and the riskess asset,
we obtain:
Et [ln Zi,t+1 ] − rt+1 + 1/2vart (Zi,t+1 − Rt+1 ) = θcovt (∆ ln ct+1 , ln Zi,t+1 − Rt+1 )
Et [ln Zi,t+1 ] + 1/2vart (Zi,t+1 − Rt+1 ) − rt+1 = θcovt (∆ ln ct+1 , ln Zi,t+1 − Rt+1 )
The last term on the left hand side in this equation is a Jensen’s inequality term. The
left hand side measures the equity premium. Mankiw and Zeldes estimate that it is about 6
percentage points. The standard deviation of consumption growth is 3.6 percentage points
and the standard deviation of the excess return is 16.7 percentage points. The correlation of
consumption growth and the excess return is 0.40. It follows that the right hand side is equal
to θ × 0.40 × 3.6 × 16.7. To match the equity premium, the CRRA coefficient needs to be
about 25.