The Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Unwritten Constitutions
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Unwritten Constitutions
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Unwritten Constitutions
what is a constitution?
A constitution can be defines as a document which sets out the distribution of powers between,
and the principal functions of a state's organs of government. In addition to this, most
constitutions include a list of rights which people living in a state must enjoy. Most constitutions
are forms after independence. There are two types of constitutions 'Written' (codified) and
'unwritten' (uncodified) constitutions. The terms 'Rigid' and 'Flexible' were used by Dicey (The
Law of the Constitution, ed. Wade, 10th edition, 1959).
Dicey described 'Flexible' constitution as “One under which every laws of every description can
legally be changed with the same ease and in the same manner by one or the same body.” for
example the UK constitution.
He defined 'Rigid' constitution as” One under which a certain law generally known as
constitutional or fundamental laws cannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws. For
example the US constitution.
Unwritten Constitutions
There are only three (3) countries with Unwritten constitutions. These are: New Zealand, United
Kingdom and Israel. The UK is unwritten due to its history. It has not been thought necessary to
develop a document which will regulate with the matters pertaining to the constitution. This has
been due to the development of UK constitution and the absence of any event which might have
an abrupt change in the constitution; such as a revolution, a defeat in war, or a major change in
political ideology. Although it is classified as unwritten, it has written elements, such as the rules
of constitutional importance, which are contained in statutes and law reports.
Magna Carter in 1215 wrote that 'Unwritten Constitutions sets out the rights of various classes
of the community according to their different needs. The church must be free. The cities were to
enjoy liberty and customs. The merchants were not to be subjected to u fair or unjust taxation. It
introduced New rights trial by jury. The just rights to trail and just legal system.'
Written Constitutions
A written constitution is a formal Document defining the nature of the Constitutional Settlement,
the rules that govern the political system and the rights of the people and the governments in a
codified form.
A written constitution which is well respected and has been around for other constitutional
document is that of the United States of America. This was framed in 1787, which remains in
force today although over the years there have been several amendments. Where a constitution
is codified in documentary form, the powers of the state are clearly discernible. For example
Art.1 of the US constitution vest legislative power in congress; Art.2 reveals that executive
power is conferred in the US president and Art.3 provides information about the terms of office
and the powers of the judiciary.
In conclusion to all that have been stated; a constitution is that assemblage of laws that protects
our rights and freedom, institutions, and customs, that compose the general system, according
to which the community has agreed to be governed. A constitution can be either 'written
document' or 'unwritten'.