Cath Removal

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1. Perform hand hygiene Procedure requires use of medical sepsis

2. provide privacy by closing room door and bedside Protects patients confidentiality

3. Raise bed to appropriate working height lower side Promotes good body mechanics. Use of side rail
rails on working side promotes patients safety.

4. Organize equipment for perineal care and removal Provides easy access during catheter removal.
of catheter
5. Position patient with under pad under buttocks, Prevent soiling of bed linen.shows respect for patient
cover with bath blanket, expose genital and catheter dignity by only exposing genital area and catheter.
6. Apply gloves

7. Remove catheter securement device, while

maintaining connection with drainage tubing

8. perform catheter removal • partially inflated balloon can traumatize

a. Loosen syringe withdraw plunger inset hub of urethral wall during removal. Passive
syringe into inflation bulb, allowed balloon fluid drainage of catheter balloon will prevent
to drain into syringe, ensure entire amount of formation of ridges in balloon. These ridges
fluid was remove can cause discomfort or trauma during
b. Pull catheter appropriately, ensure catheter • Promotes patient comfort and safety
was whole, did not use force

• Prevents transmission of microorganisms

c. Wrap contaminated catheter in water proof
pad, unhook bag and drainage tubing from bed

d. Empty, measure and record urine present in • Records urinary output. Reduces
drainage bag transmission of microrganisms.

e. Encourage patient to maintain or increase Maintains normal urine output.

fluid intake

f. Initiate voiding record or bladder diary, Evaluates bladder function.

instruct patient to tell you when need to empty
the bladder occur and that all urine is
measured, ensure patient knows how to use
collection container

g. Explain that many patient experience mild

burning, discomfort, or small volume voiding
which will subside

h. Inform patient to report signs of UTI

i. Ensure easy access to toilet or bedpan,
place urine “hat” on toiet seat. Place call
bell within easy reach
11. Reposition patient, provided hygiene, lower
bed and position side rail
12. Dispose all contaminated supplies in
appropriate receptacle, perform hand hygiene

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