World Religion Syllabus
World Religion Syllabus
World Religion Syllabus
Discovering the depths and nuances of religions around the world demands different approaches to learning. San Isidro
High School adopt the design of the book to follow a pedagogical model that combines different instructional elememts.
Interspersed with content such as historical overviews are different real-life case studies and activities that challenge the students
to come up with informed opinions on religious controversies.
The course explores the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Therevada
Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism. It aims to help understand the historical contexts of nine religions,
appreciate their uniquness and similarities and promote mutual understanding among believers of different faiths. They are expected to
demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others.
Study and appreciation of the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
Therevada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism.
The learner demonstrates understanding of belief system or worldview (the elements of religion, belief system and spirituality)
including religion, spirituality, philosophy of religion, and theology.
The learner will demonstrates understanding and appreciation in discovering the depths and nuances of world religions.
Components Percentage
Conduct 10%
Total 100%
A deviation from DepEd of 10% conduct, taken from the distribution of the three components is allotted to foster discipline and
self-mastery of students, as part of the school’s mission and vision statement goals and philosophy.
The lessons in first quarter is dedicated to monotheistic religions. Monotheism is the belief in only one divine being who deserves
recognition, reverence, and allegiance. The lessons focus and gives attention to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Although different from each other, these three religions share common histories and the conviction that there is only one God.
Their histories trace them back to a shared ancestry in such figures as Abraham and Moses. These religions insist, too, the existence of only One
God, a belief that while unifying their members, has also fostered conflict in terms of claims to truth, origin, and message.
Band Paper
1. Three examination are given quarterly (prelim, midterm, and final).
2. Coverage of the test should covers different dimensions of learning.
3. Types of examination given to students:
a. Matching Type
b. Multiple Choice
c. Fill in the Blanks
d. True or False
e. Identification
f. Enumeration
g. Diagramming and Tracing
h. Essay
i. Problem Solving
j. Situation Analysis
Schedule of examinations depends on the school calendar of activities prepared by the school administration for the school year.
The quizzes are given after the topics are finished and summative tests are given either on Friday or Monday of the Week.
Special quiz is given for those who are absent with due permission from the academic coordinator upon presentation of a permit
for a special test.
A. Classroom Procedures
1. A sick students that is absent during test/exams will be given special test upon presentation of a permit to take from the school head.
2. During religious observations, celebrations, obligations, students that are involved are given permission to go out from the class
provided that they will exert effort to make up what they missed from the discussions.
3. Students with impaired hearing, near sightedness will be placed in front in the seat plan and far sightedness at the back.
4. A student is allowed to set an appointment with the teacher for clarifications about the lessons in the students’s service center.
A. Textbooks
Introduction to World Religions and Belief System
B. Internet
1. Students will be evaluated during the year using the following strategies:
* Written Examination
* Demonstrations
* Quizzes
* Oral Participation
* Board Work
* Compilation
* Portfolio
* Written Examination
* Demonstrations
* Quizzes
* Oral Participation
* Board Work
* Compilation
* Portfolio
COURSE DESCRIPTION The course explores the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism, Christianity,
Islam, Hinduism, Therevada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and
Shintoism. It aims to help understand the historical contexts of nine religions, appreciate their
uniquness and similarities and promote mutual understanding among believers of different faiths.
They are expected to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of one’s faith and that of others.
CORE SUBJECT STANDARD Study and appreciation of the main tenets and practices of major world religions: Judaism,
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Therevada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism,
and Shintoism.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of belief system or worldview (the elements of
religion, belief system and spirituality) including religion, spirituality, philosophy of religion, and
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner will demonstrates understanding and appreciation in discovering the depths and
nuances of world religions .
Week 2 How World Religion Began Cite regions or places Group Work (Percentage
where specific religions of Major Religions in the
evolved. world).
Analyze the culture of the Reporting
region that gave rise to Short Quiz
specific religions.
Explain how geography
influences religion and
religion affects culture.
Conduct a group activity
that demonstrate the
influence of a religion in a
certain culture
Week 3 Positive and Negative Effect of Identify the positive and Assignment ( Gathers
Religions negative effecets of print or web based
religion. articles, photos, editorials,
Provide evidence that etc. showing the positive
religion brought about an or negative effects of
event in history. religion.
Justify that religion have Oral Recitaion
positive or negative
effects on society.
Gather print or web-based
articles, photos,
editorials,etc. showing the
positive or negative
effects of religion.
Week 4 Judaism Identify a Jewish custom Group Discussion
or tradition demonstrated ( Important persons in
in a movie. Jewish Tradition).
Justify: The core teaching Chapter Quiz
of Judaism is the covenant (Identification)
of one God with a chosen Group Activity ( Choose
people vs. other people an artist, a poet, or a
with many gods. composer whose works
Identify a story from the suggest the influence of
Old Testament that Jewish thought and
demonstrates the Jewish practice. Study several of
belief in one God. the person’s work, making
note of at least one
element on which Judaism
has left its mark.
Week 1 Hinduism Identify the names of the Reflection Paper ( Insights
major Hindi deities as on the beliefs and
well as their practices of Hindu).
corresponding functions Small Group Discussion
of powers. Chapter Quiz
Explain: The core
teaching of Hinduism is
the attainment of
liberation in the
identification of Atman
and Brahman through the
Four Yogas.
Week 2 Theravada Buddhism State the Four Noble Oral Recitation ( Eight-
Truths and the Eight-fold Fold Path).
path. Reporting
Give examples of
situations that
demonstrate cravings
which may lead to
overcome craving; there is
a way to overcome
craving; and the way to
overcome craving is the
Eight-fold Path, the
Middle Way ( between
pleasure and
Evaluate the Eight-fold
Path in terms of how it
achieves the Middle Way.
Week 3 Mahayana Buddhism State the three levels of Reflection( The acts of
perfection of Mahayana genorosity of Tzu Chi
Buddhism (moral Foundation that reflect the
discipline, cultivation of core teaching of
virtue, and altruistic Mahayana Buddhism.
conduct). Reporting
Give examples of acts of Short Quiz
generosity of Mahayana