Observation Lenses 1-4
Observation Lenses 1-4
Observation Lenses 1-4
I appreciate the style of teaching that my cooperating teacher uses and am learning a lot
about the learning climate. While observing his class, I have noted several things that I would
like to mimic in my future classroom as well as change in my future classroom. Firstly, I love
that the classroom is well organized, and materials are always prepared in advance for
students. The physical arrangement of the classroom is very functional and promotes cohesion
between tablemates. I would probably reduce the number of tables, though, so that more
students are engaging in more intimate relationships. I would also move the tables so that
there was space for students to sit on the floor for other activities. The walls in my current
classroom are pretty bare, although this might be because it is still early in the school year. In
my future classroom, I want to have colorful bulletin boards and artwork/posters which are
relevant to content areas.
I would also do more hands-on activities to promote cooperation and give the students
a break from paperwork. These activities might include singing, artwork, theater, read alouds,
guest speakers, informational videos, and more. I would love to use games, tools, and
materials to incorporate into STEM activities so that students stay engaged. I intend to do
morning meetings each morning while sitting in a circle on the floor so that I can gauge how
students are doing and go over pertinent information. I also want to have the class rules clearly
posted on the walls so that students have a reminder of expectations.
So far, I have contributed to a positive learning climate in my classroom by encouraging
students to stay positive and help one another. I have also been able to spend one-on-one time
with many students who need or want help in specific areas, which hopefully boosts their
confidence levels. I look forward to continuing to be a part of the positive learning climate as I
learn and grow.
There is a brief Asks if this content was For worksheets, he uses Goes over work with
description of the addressed in the a magnet to post it on class by answering
assignment, with previous year. the board up front and questions and giving
attention on the skills does demonstrations. answers.
Asks “remember when
being worked on.
we looked at ______?” Uses the whiteboard for Doesn’t do much
Explains that certain illustrations and summarizing to close
Says things like “this is
skills are useful in daily demonstrations. the lesson.
going to help you better
understand ________”. Uses youtube videos to
Direct and explicit expand the content.
Asks students whether
instruction is given to
they have experience Asks students to draw
students before they
with this topic outside what they see, write
engage in an activity.
of class. about.