Science Was Called "Natural Philosophy Before The Scientific Revolution

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Ge-7 STS

QUIZ: #! Set A
The Scientific Revolution is a term commonly referring to the
transformation of thought about nature through which the Aristotelian
tradition was replaced by so-called "modern" science.
Fill-in the blank with correct word/s
1. Science was called “natural philosophy before the scientific
2. Andreas Vesalius’ text “On the fabric of the Human Body’
3. Formulated the Earth –center theory __ Aristotle__
4. Geocentric theory:
Earth was an unmoving object located at the center of the
universe- the sun and planets moved around the Earth
5. -John Donne, “Anatomy of the World”
6. William Harvey - Showed heart acted as a pump to circulate
blood throughout body
7. Aristotle - Developed geocentric model.
8. Johannes Kepler - Planets move around the Sun in elliptical
orbits NOT circles
9. Claudius Ptolemy - Expanded Aristotle’s geocentric theory.
10.Nicolaus Copernicus - Earth is no different than any other
11.Galileo - Gathered observational data that supported the
Heliocentric Model
12.Sir Isaac Newton – Explained gravity (what goes up must come
13.Andreas Vesalius - First to dissect human bodies (even though
a disapproved practice)
14.Francis Bacon Developed Scientific Method
15.Rene Descartes Developed analytical geometry
Group activity:
Given hand-outs
Each group should read and understand the
content and prepare a group presentations of
each of the following topics:

Gr.1---Scientific Revolution
 Define Scientific revolution
 Discuss Science as an idea
 Science as an intellectual activity
 Science as a body of knowledge
 Science as a personal and social activity

Gr.2---Some intellectuals and their

revolutionary ideas
 Nicolaus Copernicus
 Explain the contribution of Copernicus in the
Philosophy of Science
 What is thought experiment?
 Do you think thought experiment is still useful
in Science in the present time?
 Do you think the church should intervene in
the science activities? explain
Gr.3—Charle’s Darwin
 Discuss Darwin’s contribution to Modern
 How can Darwin’s evolutionary theory
influence the following fields in modern
 Economy
 Agriculture
 Political Science
 Religion
Gr.4—Sigmund Freud
 By looking for other sources and literatures,
what are the controversies or questions on
Freud’s ideas?
 How can you describe Freudian ideas as a
 If Freud is still alive, what do you think are the
major changes he would make to his theory?
Cradles of Early Science
 Review the history and development of
 Make a timeline highlighting the major
discoveries and development in Science
Gr.5 –in Mesoamerica
Gr.6 –in India
Gr.7 –in China
Gr.8 --in Middle-East countries
Gr.9 –in Africa

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