Punctuation Material

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Punctuation is the system of symbols (. , ! - : etc) that we use to separate sentences and parts of
sentences, and to make their meaning clear. Each symbol is called a "punctuation mark".

The Value of Punctuation

An English teacher wrote
these words on the board:

woman without her man is


The teacher then asked the

students to punctuate the
words correctly. The men
wrote the top line. The
women wrote the bottom line.

Summary of Punctuation Marks

Click on the link for each punctuation mark to find out more.

Punctuation Mark Name Example

full stop or
period I like English.

I speak English, French and

comma Thai.

I don't often go swimming; I

semi-colon prefer to play tennis.
You have two choices: finish the
colon work today or lose the contract.

hyphen This is a rather out-of-date book.

In each town—London, Paris

and Rome—we stayed in youth
dash hostels.

question mark Where is Shangri-La?

exclamation "Help!" she cried. "I'm
point (AmE) drowning!"

slash, forward
slash or Please press your browser's
oblique Refresh/Reload button.

backslash C:\Users\Files\jse.doc

marks "I love you," she said.

marks 'I love you,' she said.

apostrophe This is John's car.

underline Have you read War and Peace?

underscore [email protected]

I went to Bangkok (my favourite

city) and stayed there for two
round brackets weeks.

The newspaper reported that the

hostages [most of them French]
square brackets had been released.

One happy customer wrote:

"This is the best program...that I
ellipsis mark have ever seen."

Taken from:


Grammar Exercise:


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