UK USA Constitution PDF
UK USA Constitution PDF
UK USA Constitution PDF
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USA Constitution:
According to Article VI
According to this Article, all treaties made or shall be made under the U.S constitution,
the U.S constitution shall be supreme law of the land and judges are bound that
anything does not happen contrary to U.S constitution
2) Definition of constitution
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which a state is governed
1. Written
American constitution is in written form. It is very brief constitution which is consisted
of seven Article by now 26 amendments have been made in it
2. Enacted
U.S constitution is an enacted constitution which has been given by convention and it
officially has been adopted in March 4 1789.
5. Conventions
Conventions played an important role in the development of the constitution and they
are also basic feature of the U.S constitution e.g. the growth of the cabinet of American
president is the result of conventions
6. Rigid (Sakht)
American constitution is a rigid constitution because it requires a special procedure to
amend it. Every amendment which can be moved it needs three fourth 75% majority of
the member for its modification
7. Republican
The constitution of U.S asks to every state for formulation of republican form of
government so keeping in view , the head of the state will be an elected by the state
8. Federalism
The constitution of U.S establishes a federal form of government. Federal has all
constitutional powers and can exercise these powers as supreme authority of the state.
9. Presidential
The U.S constitution provides a presidential form of government. The constitution gives
all powers in the hand of president of U.S. He is elected by the people for the term of
four years. He is not responsible for his acts and policies
10. Bicameralism
The U.S Constitution has been created by bicameral legislatures and these are the
Senate and the House of Representatives. All constitution are being made by both of
these chambers and any amendment needs approval from both of these chambers
24. Omission
There is an err in U.S constitution that it makes an omission in it which makes it flexible
that for example, constitution says that house shall choose its speaker but its does not
tell about the powers of the speaker
5) Preclude Remarks
The U.S constitution is the oldest written constitution in all the nations of the world. It
establishes the form of government and defines the rights and liberties of the American
people. It also lists the aim of government as well as methods of achieving them
Q # 03: Explain role and powers of U.S President in U.S
1) Preface Fact
The president of United States is performing a lot of functions in order to run the official
affairs. He has supreme authority in all aspects of the state as well as he is the executive
person of the state elected by the people. U.S president is electoral president who has
supreme authority in making foreign policies. In U.S president is responsible for making
policies and is answerable to the public. A competent president can exercise his all
powers which are not mention in U.S constitution
2) Elections of President
The United States presidential election is the indirect elections in which citizens of
the United States that are registered to vote in one of the 50 U.S. states. These electors
cast their votes in order to choose their beloved president for U.S. Election of Vice
President has the same procedure as for president
3) Position of president
The U.S constitution has vested the executive powers in the president. The President of
the United States is the elected head of state and head of government of the United
States. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is
the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The President is considered
to be one of the world's most powerful political figures who is leading the world
I. Executive powers
The U.S constitution has vested the executive powers in the president. But is silent in
the ways that how can these powers be exercised. Different aspects of president’s
executive powers are as follows:
a) Enforcement of law
The president is responsible for the enforcement of laws which are made by the
congress. In case of any resistance ,the president has the power to use force
b) Powers of appointments
U.S president has power of appointments of official on the advice of senate as well
as some persons of the state only can be appointed by president
Senatorial courtesy
Senate gives approval to presidential appointment of federal official, but
if the senator of respective district does not give his consent, then senate
will not approve the presidential appointment
c) Powers of removal
The president has power to remove an officer appointed by him or senate even
without the consent of senate
d) Chief Administrator
The president is the head of the national administration. He has powers to supervise
its operations and has the right to control the entire administration
e) Military powers
The president is commander in chief of the Armed forces of the state. He is
responsible for the defense of the United States. He has fully authorized to deploy
the armed forces anywhere in and out of the country
It was declared that president can use military in emergency with full authority
f) Executive privilege
According to supreme court of U.S, president of the united states does have a
limited privilege on the matters under his control
a) Messages
President can send messages to the congress having legislative proposals on
important issues and congress gives importance to those proposal during legislation
d) Veto powers
The president can exercise his veto power in the legislative field. There are following
kinds of veto power
Suspensive veto
According to it, president can return the bill to the congress for
reconsideration. If the bill passed it will become law without the consent
of president
Pocket veto
A pocket veto is easy way to veto a bill. If Congress forwards a bill to the
president and president doesn’t sign or reject it, the bill isn’t passed.
That’s a pocket veto
Item veto
According to this, the president can approve parts of a bill and veto other
parts , it is called item veto
a) Appointment of judges
The president has power to appoint the judges with the approval of senate
b) Power of pardon
The president has power to grant pardon to offender. A pardon is a release from
liability of punishment. It can be conditional or absolute.
c) Amnesty power
The president may grant amnesty. It is group pardon given to batch of offenders it
means that all offenders would be released having same allegations
a) Diplomatic powers
The president is regarded as the chief spokesman of America in its relation with
foreign government. The most important function of the president is to formulate
the foreign policies of the county
b) Recognitions of states
The president has the authority to recognize countries. He does this ,simply by
receiving diplomatic representatives of the respective country
e) Declaration of war
The president of U.S has power to declare war with the consent of senate
f) Termination of hostilities
The president of U.S has exclusive power to terminate hostilities
6) Emergency powers
1. Meaning of emergency
a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation of the country which requiring
immediate action is called emergency
3. Kinds of emergency
President may announce two types of emergencies
1) Limited emergencies
2) Unlimited emergencies
7) Impeachment of president
According to Article 2, Section 4 of U.S constitution, the president shall be removed
from office on impeachment and conviction shall be made against him for bribery or
other high crimes and misbehaviors
1. Procedure of impeachment
The United States Constitution states in Article II, Section 4 all official shall be
removed from office on impeachment. The removal of a sitting President of the
United States has never occurred in our history. The senate may convict the
president by two third majority of its member. The president Johnson was the only
president against whom impeachment procedure was adopted but he has not been
8) Preclude Remarks
President of America is one of the most powerful personalities in the present day in an
international world. It is president of U.S who has to decide when to lead the congress,
when to consult it and when to act solely
Q # 04: How the President of US is elected, describe in
1) Preface Fact
The American constitution provides presidential form of government. U.S constitution
spent a lot of time in deciding the method of electing of the president. After a good deal
of discussion they adopted a plan of indirect election of the president by electoral
college which is mentioned in Article 2 sections 1,2 and 3 of the constitution. An
election for President of the United States holds after every four years on Election Day.
And president is indirectly elected by electors who are members of national parliament .
American president is not directly elected by the people of the U.S.A
2) History
For the original method of electing the president and the vice president, see Article II,
Section 1, of the Constitution. The election of 1804 was the first election in which the
electors voted for president and vice president on separate ballots.
I. Age
The candidate for president must not less than 35 years of Age. If his age will less than
35 so that he will not be considered for election
II. Citizenship
A candidate must be natural born citizen of the U.S.A. By birth if a candidate will not be
citizen of the U.S.A he will not be considered for election
III. Residence
A candidate must a resident of the United States for a period of no less than 14 years
4) Mode of election
The United States presidential election is the indirect election in which citizens of
the United States cast their votes for members of the Electoral College, known as
Then these electors cast their votes, known as electoral votes for President of the
United States. Each of the states casts as many electoral votes as the total number of
its Senators and Representatives in Congress
5) Stages of Presidential election
Following are the stages of the election of U.S president
II. Campaign
After the nomination of the presidential candidate , parties start nationwide presidential
1) The parties set up national and states committee and open their headquarters in
two great cities
2) Each party issues a campaign text-book which contains the party platform,
explanation about the candidate ,and other material for required propaganda
Each state send summary of election of the president to chairman of senate on 6th
January, then congress holds a joint session, where votes are counted. The person who
gains majority of votes is declared elected for president. The ratio of majority is 270
votes out of 537 votes
6) Installation of President
After all the process of election, the new president is installed into office on January 20
by taking the oath of office
7) Term of office
The presidential term is four years and according to the amendment 22nd, a president
can stand re-election only one more time.
According to this amendment a single person can become the president America only
for two times and more than 2 times the U.S constitution not give permission
10) Succession
The Article 2 section 1, clause 5 of the U.S constitution provides that if president office
falls vacant due to his death, resignation, impeachment or inability to discharge the
powers and duties of said office, the vice-president will perform his duties as acting
president of this office with in the period of his term
I. Legislative powers
a. Law making
The congress has power of law making regarding commerce and trade. As well as
congress can amend or modify any kind of legislations
e. Making of treaties
The congress has power to make treaties with other countries.
b. Power of appellate
Congress has power to cancel the decision of the Supreme Court. No one can
challenge congress in this regard
e. Creation of courts
Congress can create new courts in the country with the need of the time
V. Investigative powers
Congress performs investigative functions through regular standing committee and by
special committees set up for the purposes
VI. Financial powers
Congress alone has power to grant money to the federal government. All bills of
revenues are initiated in lower house
a. Collection of taxes
Congress has power to levy and collect taxes ,duties and excises from government
VIII. Constituent
a. Amendment
Congress can amend the constitution by having two third majority in each house or
by calling a special convention
b. Declaration of war
Congress can declare war and has full power to use of Armed forces
c. Treaties
Congress can make treaties with the foreign countries
V. Role of committees
Committee plays vital role with in the legislation. All the bills are referred to the
4) Preclude Remarks
The legislative powers of the both house are equal but senate is more powerful than the
House of Representatives. Congress of the United states is a bicameral system. Two
members from every states are chosen by the people which sits in senate and are called
senators. The members of House of Representatives are selected according to their
population that’s why there count is more and less according to their state population
Q # 06: What is the composition and functions of the
House of
Representation under the U.S constitution?
1) Preface Fact
The House of Representative is one of Congress's two chambers, and part of the federal
government's legislative branch. The legislature of United States is called congress, the
bicameral body. The upper house is called Senate and lower house is called the House of
Representatives and main function of the congress is to make law. The number of
voting representatives in the House is fixed by law and no more than 435, as well as
they all are representing the population of the 50 states.
2) Composition of Congress
Article 1 sec 1 of U.S constitution shows that congress is bicameral body. It consists of two
1) Senate
2) House of Representatives
I. Number of representatives
Congress had made an Act of 1920, this Act limits the membership to 435 permanently,
which was originally 65
a. Age
A candidate must 25 years old in age otherwise candidate will not eligible
b. Citizenship
A candidate must be citizen of the U.S.A for at least 7 years
c. Residence
A candidate must be resident of the state from where he wants to take part in election
2. Election of Representative
The House of Representatives has a fixed number of 435 members. Its members serve
for two years and after every two years members will be chosen by the people who are
at least 18 years of age.
And these elections will hold in 50 U.S states
I. Legislative powers
House of Representatives has equal powers and authority in the making laws or
legislation with the coordination of senate. Ordinary bills can be initiated by any of the
X. Large membership
The members of the house of representatives are large in number that’s why there is a
limited time on the speeches and they are unable to deliver their point of view
regarding any issue under consideration
XIII. No leadership
Unlike the House of common, there is no leader of the House of Representatives and a
spokesman of the government
9) Preclude Remarks
The House of Represents various section of the U.S constitution due to its large
membership as compared to the senate. It has less authority which makes it a weak
Q # 07: Discuss the composition, powers and functions of
senate under the U.S constitution.
1) Preface Fact
The senate is one of Congress's two chambers, and part of the federal government's
legislative branch. The legislature of United States is called congress, the bicameral
body. The upper house is called Senate and lower house is called the House of
Representatives and main function of the congress is to make law. The number of
voting senators in the senate is fixed by law and no more than 100, as well as they all
are representing to their own states from which they belongs
2) Composition of congress
Article 1 sec 1 of U.S constitution shows that congress is bicameral body. It consists of two
1) Senate
2) House of Representatives
3) Composition of senate
The senate is the upper chamber of the United States Congress. The composition and powers of
the senate are established by Article 1 of the United States Constitution. It is popular chamber
of congress and more powerful then house of representatives
I. Number of members
The senate is consisted upon 100 members on the basis of two senators from each of
the states. These are direct elected members of the state and are senior politicians of
the state
I. Age
A candidate must not less than 30 years of age. Otherwise he will not be elected as
II. Citizenship
A candidate must be the citizen of the U.S.A for nine years
III. Residence
A candidate must be resident of the state from which he has been elected as senator
2. Elections of senators
Old method
It was constitutionally decided that senators should be chosen by the legislature and
this method was active until 1913, then this method was changed by constitutional
6) Committees of senate
Senate is divided into a number of committees. And each committee performs different
functions of the senate. All issues before the senate are referred to the relevant
committee for opinion and resolution
I. Legislative powers
a) Amendments
Senate has power of amendment in the constitution. Senate can amend any law
by its two third majority
b) Initiation of bills
Some important bills which only can be initiated by senate then forwarded to the
house of representatives
c) Rejection of bills
Senate has overall powers to reject any kind of bill without consent of any other.
No one can interfere with senate in this regard
b) Foreign policies
Senators have power to make foreign policies of the country and guide the
government in foreign affair
b) Appointment of judges
The judges of the supreme court are appointed with the consent of senate by
V. Electoral power
Senate has power to elect someone for presidential post when no candidate gets
votes in majority
V. Direction election
It is constitutionally stated that Senators are directly selected by the people of the
IX. Unity
A very strong unity between the members of the senate makes them more powerful
9) Preclude Remarks
Today American senate is most powerful legislative authority in the world. The senate
has been created for the protection of the interest of the people of U.S.A. Senate is the
most powerful chamber of the congress
Q # 08: Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers under
1) Preface Fact
The separation of powers provides a system of shared power known as Checks and
Balances. There are three different branches of the government which has been made
by U.S constitution. Each and every branch has power to check the working systems of
the other branch and this idea was called separation of powers. According to this theory
all branches kept other branches away from unlawful usage of his powers, this is most
important feature of the American system. Separation of power is basically divisions of
the responsibilities of the government departments so that all department can work
I. Montesquieu’s exposition
Montesquieu explains this theory and says that, there are three kinds of powers in a
government which are executive, legislature and judicial powers. The liberty of the
individuals requires that neither all these powers should be given to one person nor one
department, so that rights of individual could not be violated
1. Complex system
The theory of separation of powers has the made the constitution more complicated
2. Frustration
The theory of separation of power has created frustration among the three departments
of government. They all totally unable to understand their responsibilities
3. Loose coordination
Separation of powers results in administrative complications. It becomes difficult to
maintain coordination among the organs of government
The smooth working of modern governments demands not so much separation of
powers as 'co-ordination' of powers
4. Mutual confliction
This theory of separation of powers has created mutual conflictions among the all three
branches of the government
5. Balance disturbed
This theory has made the executive very powerful, and disturbed the balance among the
three organs of government. Security and welfare of the society demand not so much
separation of powers as co-ordination of powers
9) Preclude Remarks
The theory of separation of powers makes the government departments to work
independently. But the framers of the constitution knew that complete separation
would make government impracticable. Separation of power have a lot of benefits as
security of the individual and it saves country from dictatorship as well no department
can use unlawful use of his powers
Q # 09: Discuss the system of check and balances
provided in
U.S constitution
1) Preface Fact
The Constitution divided the Government into three branches: legislative, executive,
and judicial. That was an important decision because it gave specific powers to each
branch and set up something called checks and balances. The framers of the U.S
constitution were trying to establish limited government and strongly struggling to
prevent America from dictatorship. The system of checks and balances is used to keep
the government from getting too powerful in one branch. So they have provided a
system based on theory of separation of power along with internal check and balances
4) Importance of system
After the formation of U.S government, the framers of the Constitution thought it
was best if the government was divided into three branches, the legislative,
executive, and judicial branches. Each of the sections would also have its own
separate powers: the legislative branch creates laws, the executive branch enforces
laws, and the judicial branch interprets laws. This was done so that no one branch
would become too dominant. The concept of separation of powers is directly related
to the system of checks and balances because each branch has its own set of powers
(balances), and some of the capabilities that each branch has makes sure that
another branch doesn't abuse its power (checks)
1. Declaration of liberty
All people have right to enjoys the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, the
system of check and balance prevents the departments to overrule on the rights of
2. Fatal omission
The purpose of this system of check and balance is to control the departments from
using of their powers illegally and stops the departments from fatal omission by
which the right of the people may can be affected
4. Provision of rights
The purpose of check and balance is to provide rights to the people
And tell them about rights for which they are entitled likewise any department
cannot suppress their rights
2. Check on president
It is said that American president is the most powerful person in the world. The
president is the chief executive of the country and is given vast powers. However he
cannot exercise his powers unlawfully. The senate and Supreme Court can check him.
Supreme can declare his act unconstitional through his power of judicial review.
President makes high ranked appointment but all are subject to the approval of the
senate. The American congress is empowered to impeach the president. The senate
control internal policy and administration of president
3. Check on judiciary
The president and the congress have certain checks on judiciary. The U.S president
appoints the judges of Supreme Court and congress gives his approval for their
appointment. Congress fixes the salaries of the judges. Judiciary is powerful but not
free from checks. The congress can impeach the judges and judges can declare
unconstitutional, laws passed by the congress. As well as president has power to
pardon to criminals
9) Preclude Remarks
The framer of the U.S constitution has provided the system of check and balances. All
the department of the government have vested in vast powers but none of them can
exercise their power unlawfully. Due to check of other two departments upon one
department ,this system keep the department not to use his powers unlawfully and
stop to becoming more powerful than other
Q # 10: Discuss the procedure of legislation under U.S
1) Preface Fact
The term “Legislation” is derived from Latin word “Legis” which means “Law” and
“latum” which means “to make”. Legislation means making of law. In wider sense, the
term legislation includes all methods of law making. The main function of the congress
to make laws or to amend or repeal the existing laws of the United States. Procedure of
law making has great importance as congress has developed a procedure of law making
by inspiring from U.K practices but now a days it has become quite different from the
British System
2) Purposes of legislation
The rule of law requires that people should be governed by accepted rules, rather than
by the arbitrary decisions of rulers. These rules should be general and abstract, known
and certain, and apply equally to all individuals.
3) Kinds of Bills
Following are the three kinds of the bills
1. Public bills
Public bills are those bills which deal with the matters of public interests at large. And it
can be initiated in any of the chamber of congress
2. Private Bills
Private bills are those bills which deal with private interests of the particular individual,
corporation or local unit. And these bills can be initiated in any of the chamber of
3. Money bills
Money bills are those bills which deal with matter of money and are related to taxes,
funds or other expenditure. These bills only initiated by the House of Representatives
I. First reading
A bill may be introduced by a representative before the House of Representatives or by
a senator before the Senate
1. Union Calendar
All those bill are mentioned on Union calendar which directly or indirectly are related to
money bill
2. House Calendar
All those bill are mentioned on House calendar which are public bills and are not related
to revenue or public funds
3. Private Calendar
All those bill are mentioned on private calendar which are private bills
V. Third reading
At this stage, only the title of the is read and bill is voted upon as a whole if favorable
and is considered passed
5) Preclude Remarks
The main function of the legislature is to make laws and the legislative procedure in the
United States is categorized in some different features. Ordinary bill which are public
bills ,may be initiated in either chamber of the congress but money bills only be initiated
in the house of representatives
UK Constitution:
2) Definition of constitution
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which a state is governed
1. Unwritten
The British constitution is unwritten in nature but it does not mean that all constitution
is unwritten.
It means that constitution has not been written in a single document.
Some of the components are in written form such as Parliament act of 1911 etc.
3. Flexible constitution
The British constitution is a flexible constitution and the parliament can amend it by a
simple majority by making alterations in the statutory law
4. Unitary (Wahadaniat)
Britain has a unitary constitution. All powers of the state are in the hands of single
government for the whole country. There are no states in Britain.
5. Bicameralism (DO aewaani)
The parliament consists of two chambers House of Lords and house of commons.
House of commons is a popular chamber whose members directly elected by the people
While the house of lords is basically a hereditary chamber and its members are
nominated by the Queen
According to De loeme
“British Parliament can do everything except to make a man into a woman”
9. Collective responsibility
Ministers are collectively responsible for making law and they cannot make their
decisions against government policy. Every minister is individually responsible to play his
role positively
20. Unreality
Another characteristic of the English constitutions is its unreality. It has been pointed
out that noting is in it. This is totally unreal constitution
5) Preclude Remarks
U.K constitution is neither absolutely unwritten nor absolutely written it is the
combination of the both
It has varies from other exist laws in the world and is very flexible but strong
It has different in nature from other constitutions because theoretically it seems a
strong but practically it seems different in nature and very flexible
On the other hand it has been globally recognized by all other constitutions
Q # 02: Describe the sources of British constitution and
the legal sources
1) Preface Fact
The English constitution is not found in one document
It consisted of different elements which are a lots of and this constitution came into existence
with the passage of time
It only can be understood by the study of traditions, customs and judicial decisions etc.
2) Definition of constitution
A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to which a state is governed
I. Statute law
The second source of U.K constitutions is statutes.According to requirement of the people
and demand of government of U.K, parliament made law which played a vital role for source
of constitution and also developed coordination among the institutions of the government
Following are the important statutes which are sources of U.K constitutions
1) The Reforms act 1867
2) The Municipal Corporation act 1716
3) The Ministry of Crown act 1937
4) The Judicator act 1873
A. Important conventions
Following are some of the most important conventions
1) Prime minister will be from house of Common
2) Parliament must be summoned once in a year
3) The crown has no power to veto a bill passed by the both houses
V. Opinions of jurists
Opinion of jurists are also an important source of U.K constitution
Jurists express their opinions in order to legislations keeping in view customs, traditions,
judicial decisions and statutes.
Some of the important books of different jurists are as follows:
1) Austin’s law and the customs of the constitution
2) Lord Hals bury’s commentary on the U.K constitution
Mangan Carta (1215)
Petitions of Rights (1628)
Bill of rights (1789)
Parliament act of 1911
4) Preclude Remarks
English constitutions are growing body of rules. It has been undergoing a slow process
consisted on centuries. It is not derived from a single source but several sources and it is still
growing constitution. In development of U.K constitutions a lot of sources has taken part ,
and customs, traditions, judicial decisions, conventions and opinions of jurists have played a
vital role in order to establish U.K constitution
Q # 03: Discuss the supremacy or Sovereignty of
under the British constitution.
1) Preface Fact
It is well known that parliament’s basic functions is law making and making changes in
existing laws
U.K parliament is the oldest institution in the field of legislation and has supremacy and
sovereignty in U.K
Both houses of the Parliament hold debates in which members discuss government
One says that , Parliament of U.K can do every things except make man into woman and
woman into man
2) Constituent of parliament
The U.K parliament is consists of the following institutions
1) House of Common
2) House of Lord
3) The king
The royal prerogative (Ikhtiar) is completely subordinate to Parliament which can
abolish and control them in the manner it likes
A sovereign power cannot limit its own sovereignty. An act passed by parliament in
one session can be repealed in next session
2. Actual limitations
Actual limitations has of two kinds
I. External limitations
Public opinions are external limitations on Parliamentary sovereignty. Parliament may
pass any law which backed as long to its elector
1. Rule of law
Parliament cannot make a law opposed to the rule of law
3. International law
The parliament cannot violate the principle of international law
4. Lords of Appeal
Lords of Appeals are commonly known as Law lords
They are 9 in numbers and were appointed into the House of Lords in United Kingdom,
under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 in order to exercise their judicial functions
5. Spiritual peers
They are 26 in numbers, two are Arch Bishops (Paadri) of York and Canterbury and 24
are senior Bishops of the church of England
7. Life peers
These members have been created under the provision of the Life peerage act 1958.
A life Peer cannot pass their title to their children. Although life Peers are appointed by
the Queen, it is the Prime Minister who nominates them
They are the person who were performing their duties in High offices in the state and
has been retired e.g. Minister or speaker etc
3) Number of members
The number of members are not fixed . The numbers of members varies from time to
time. As well as selection of members is depends upon the will of Queen
4) Nature of House
The house of lord is called conservative (Qadamat pasand) chamber. It also was
commonly described as the hereditary chamber of the parliament
It is partially hereditary and partially democratic in composition
Hereditary and life peerage both are being created by the crown on the advice of Prime
5) Disqualification
Following person cannot become the members of the House of Lords. Detail is as under:
1) Insane
2) Minor
3) Convict (Criminal)
4) Bankrupt
6) Presiding officer
The House of lord is presided by a Lord Chancellor who is member of the cabinet
1) Freedom of speech
The lords of this house can openly express their views upon any issue without any kind
of pressure
8) Exemption
They enjoy the exemptions from serving as juror (Jury ka Rukan) and they don’t play the
role as juror
9) Determinations of Peerage
The House of lord has a right of determination the disputed claims of their peerage
1. Legislative powers
After the passing of Parliament act 1911, the legislative powers of the House of Lords can be
discussed under the following heads:
2. Executive powers
The Lords have the powers to ask questions from the government and have a full right
to debate its policies but the house can only cross examine the cabinet ministers
3. Judicial powers
The House of Lords had three kinds of judicial powers in this regard
1) It has judicial power to trial peer in case if they are involved in any activities against
national interest
2) It also acts as the highest court of appeal in U.K
3) It has judicial power to hear impeachment cases forwarded to the House of
4. Other powers
The House of Lords performs other important functions and discusses such social and
political questions which are not ready for legislation
9) Preclude Remarks
The House of lOrds is an ancient institutions of the world which play pivotal rule in
A lot of powers have been snatched for House of lords by passing Parliament act 1911
Keeping all the functions of the House of lords in view it is to be said that House of lords
are still superior in nature and have more powers other than house
Q # 05: House of Common is more powerful than House of
1) Preface Fact
The sovereignty of Parliament lives in the House of common as well as House of
common is the center of the English political system. The House of Parliament is lower
and the popular chamber of the British parliament it has appreciative legislative
assembly in the world and it is elected by the people in general elections. The House of
Common is more powerful than House of lord under the Parliament act 1911.
Moreover, the Government of the United Kingdom is answerable to the House of
Commons; the Prime Minister stays in office only as long he holds the support of the
lower house
2. Term of House
The members of the House of Common are elected for a term of five years unless the
House is dissolved before completing his period by the Queen on the advice of the
Prime Minister
2. Election of candidates
Parliamentary elections are of two kinds
1) General elections in which a new house of common is to be elected and these
elections must be held within 20 days of the dissolution of a sitting parliament
2) These elections holds when a vacancy occurs in the house after the death or
resignation of a sitting member or when a new member is made member of the
House of Lords
3. Adult franchise
According to the representation of the People Act as amended by the 1969 act,
following are the qualifications of a person to cast his vote
1) Must be British native
2) Must be age of 18 years or above
3) Whose name has been registered in the voter’s list
4) Presiding officer
The speaker is the presiding officer of the House of commons
Speaker is elected by the members of House in their first session
1) Freedom of speech
The members of this house can openly express their views upon any issue without any
kind of pressure
3) Right to regulate
House has the right to control its own constitution and also has the right to exclude the
member from parliament
7) Exclusion of strangers
The House has right to exclude strangers from the House and there is no restriction
upon them in this regard
2. Financial powers
The House of common holds in hand a great power over the nation’s money. According
to the Act of Parliament 1911, all money bills will be created in the House of Commons
and the power of the Lords has been limited in this act
3. Administrative powers
The House of common also has the powers of Administration because this House
control the administration by way of questioning the cabinet member
The house of common has involved itself in government related matters for better
It is the duty of House of Common to exercise the day to day control over the Ministry
4. Delegated legislation
Parliament being a supreme authority can delegate his legislation powers to
Government department in order to implement, and apply statutes passed by the
parliament. Parliament can retake the delegated legislation powers from departments
on any account
7) Preclude Remarks
The House of common is the most vital part of the British Parliament since 1911 the
House had been delegated a lot of powers which are shared from House of Lords. In
reality Parliament means House of Common ,when a minister consults parliament he
consults the House of Common. When Queen on the advice of Prime Minister dissolves
the parliament ,she dissolves the house of common when a parliament has made a law
it means that house of common has legislated upon it
Q # 06: What is the prerogative (Istehqaaq) of the crown
British constitutional system?
1) Preface Fact
The constitutional history of the England begins with an absolute monarchy and the king
was absolute sovereign. He was the source of all legal powers but with the passage of
time the powers of the king was decreased. Today, there are still many prerogative
powers available to ministers and the Monarch. Formally in the United Kingdom,
executive power is vested in the Crown, however in modern times the most important
prerogative powers are available only to the Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers.
However the Monarch still has some personal prerogative powers in his hand, but these
are now mostly carried out on the advice of the Prime Minister
1) Personal Prerogatives
2) Political prerogatives
1. Personal prerogatives
Following are the personal prerogatives of the crown
2. Political prerogative
Political prerogatives may be divided into two following categories
A. Domestic Prerogatives
Following are the domestic prerogatives
I. Administrative prerogatives
Following are the administrative prerogatives of the crown
1) The creation of Press
2) The appointment and dismissal of Ministers and other government officials
3) Declaration of war
4) The crown is the chief commander of the Armed forces
V. Appointment of Bishops
According to these prerogative powers, the king can appoint high religious officers e.g.
appointment of Arch Bishops
X. Summoning of Parliament
The king has power to send summons to parliament
B. Foreign Prerogatives
Following are the prerogatives of the crown in relation to foreign affairs
I. Representative of Nation
The king is alone representative of the nation in internal dealing and international affairs
of the country
6) Preclude Remarks
The prerogatives of crown approximately have been abolished in this age. At present,
the crown prerogative has been restricted as he cannot claim prerogative against
parliament or against common laws but he can exercise his personal prerogatives as
well. It is the cabinet that exercise the prerogatives powers in the name of the king
Q # 07: Write a detailed note on Cabinet system in England
1) Preface Fact
The cabinet is the real executive of the British systems. It is also called the ministry of
the government. The cabinet has been defined as the royal advisers of the state chosen
by the Prime Minister in the name of crown. The cabinet must knowledge the
supremacy of the Prime Minister and must follows the policies laid down by the Prime
Minister. Cabinet is collectively a decision making body of the United kingdom cabinet is
consisted of 21 ministers and these are the most senior ministers of the government
2) Meaning of cabinet
A group of individuals who are advisers of the Prime Minster
3) Definition of cabinet
A cabinet is a body of high-ranking state officials of the two houses of the parliament
which is consisted upon peers and chief executives of the United Kingdom.
They all are usually called ministers and mutually are responsible and politically
depends upon a parliamentary majority for its existence and follows the rules laid down
by the Prime Minister
IV. Secrecy
The meetings of the cabinet are secret and private. Every member of the cabinet makes
promise of the secrecy. The discussion is not release in the public
V. Ministerial responsibility
Individually all the members of the cabinet are responsible persons of the house of
commons and they all are liable for their acts
I. Policy Making
The cabinet is the policy making body. The cabinet discusses and decided all kind of
national and internal policies. The cabinet decides the measure on account of which
administration of the government can be exercised
V. Judicial functions
Following are the judicial functions of the courts
1) The judges of the important courts are being appointed on the advice of the cabinet by
the King
2) The cabinet prepares the rules and regulations for judiciary
3) The power of the pardon is exercised by the king is on the advice of the Cabinet
9) Preclude Remarks
The working of the cabinet system in England was very slow but steady. Prime Minister
is the head of the cabinet that makes the cabinet on the advice of the king. All members
of the cabinet exercise their large powers almost in all affairs of the government. The
members of the parliament are consisted upon high ranking officials of the state and all
are ministers of different spheres
Q # 08: Discuss the position of Prime Minister under the
1) Preface Fact
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is the head of Government of the United
Kingdom and chairs Cabinet meetings. In Britain, there is a parliamentary form of
Government. The Prime Minister being a head of the state occupies a very important
position. He is rightly called the keystone of the cabinet and the state and he is the
outstanding personality in England. According to the conventions of the country Prime
Minister must belongs to house of the Common
1. Citizen ship
Candidate must have citizenship whether he born any other country . Because a lot of
former prime ministers of U.K who were belong from other country and become PM of
2. Age
There is no age restriction to elect as Prime minister of U.K and not written in
constitution any mature person can be elected by Queen
I. National leader
The Prime Minister is the national leader of the country. He makes all the policies for
country and he only is the leader of his people all the high ranked official obeys his
X. Settlements of disputes
The Prime Minister settle the disputes between the different departments of the
government and between the members of cabinet or other and Prime Minister plays his
significant role in this regard in order to abolish the disputes
7) Preclude Remarks
The prime Minister of the British has great powers in his hand. He can change the laws, repeal the laws and
modify them with the need of time. He dominates on all department of the United Kingdom no one challenge
his authority. He is superior to all officials existing in the state. He can dissolve the house and can appoint any
kind of official on the advice of king and all other official policies are being made by him
Q # 09: Discuss the doctrine of the Ministerial
responsibility under the
British Constitution.
1) Preface Fact
One of the salient features of the British cabinet is Ministerial responsibility. The cabinet
members are responsible to house of common individual as well as collectively for their
every act of commission or omission with in their cabinet. Every member is or every
minister being a head of his department is answerable to the public as well as to house
of common and king. It comes also in the ministerial responsibility that every member of
the cabinet must approve publicly of its collective decisions or resign. As well as
Ministers are individually responsible for the work of their departments and are
answerable to Parliament for all their department activities.
I. Parliamentary responsibility
This is responsibility of the ministers to acquire the confidence of the house of common.
If they fail to acquire the confidence of the house of common and minister does not sign
the resign from his office to leave his post, there is no provision in law to compel him for
signing the resignation because it is the matter of convention and not of law. It is called
parliamentary responsibility
8) Preclude Remarks
The concept of the ministerial responsibility deeply influenced upon the British
government system or cabinet , by this concept the system is developing rapidly and
growing positively. And all ministers who are empowered by the parliament , and they
are answerable before the parliament for their deeds and policies. This concept is help
the British government to improve their mechanism or work and able to set himself on
high place in the world
Q # 10: Explain the Rule of law under British Constitution.
1) Preface Fact
The rule of law is result of struggle of British people for recognition of their fundamental
rights. In U.K law is supreme and every act of Government must be authorized by law
either passed by the Parliament or passed by the common law which has been
recognized for hundreds years ago. One of the prime objects of making laws is to
maintain law and order in society and develop a peaceful environment for the progress
of the people. The concept of Rule of Law plays an important role in this process.
7) Exceptions
Following are the exceptions to Rule of law
III. Public officers are not responsible for the wrong of their
As crown is not responsible for the wrong done by his officers as the public officers are
also not responsible for the wrong done by their subordinates because there are certain
privileges have given to public officers
9) Preclude Remarks
The rule of law played a pivotal role in the administration of justice but currently it has
been quiet modified. There are a several limitations upon rule of law which indicate that
the rule of law is not fully followed in England today
1. Preface Fast
One of the basic principles of English Constitution the rule of Law This doctrine is accepted
in the ' constitution of U. S. A and also in Pak. Under Article 4 & 25. The term rule of Law 15
used as rule according to Law 5 It denotes that all men are equal and behave equally and It
gives supremacy to all Law to man.
Men are ruled by the Law and by the Law alone, a 1 man with 1,15 may be punished for a
breach of Law but cannot be punished for nothing else.
, That the decisions should be made by the application of known principles or Laws without
the intervention of discretion in their application.
Since the days of Greek philosopher, Law has been considered as. ”the primary means of .
subjecting government's power to Control. 1 . .. _ . ‘
The rule of Law was widely accepted and 'practicable in the past. But people changed its
name. ' according to this own approach.
' Romans called it '. Jus Naturale '
" ' They called rule of Laws as "Law of God" '
In modern world we called this doctrine as Rule of Law .
The term rule of Law covers different aspects of Law and enables them to be followed
properly. Here are the different aspects of rule of Law
The exposition was first published In 1885 in introduction to the "Law of Constitution". Dicey gave
three . principles of this doctrine.
Explaining the first principle Dicey states that rule ' of law means absolute supremacy or
predominance of regular Law as opposed to the influence of arbitrary power 01 wide discretionary
The rule of Law requires government should be ' subject to the Law rather than the law subject to
govt .
Man can he punished, arrested or be Iawfully made , to suffer in body OR goods except by due
process of Law
"'Audi ‘Alteram ' Patterm" }t is' a basic. Principle of natural justice that no one Should be
condemned unheard. . Rule of Law also lays stress that the opportunity of being heard should be
given to all.
Dickey says that, there should impartiality of Law, and there must be one ' Law for all and treat’
everyone equality.
‘ Dicey states that the general principles of the constitution are ‘the result of judicial
decisions of the courts of England. He emphasized the role of the Courts as ‘ guarantors of
Liberty and suggested that the right would-be secured more adequately if they were
enforceable in the courts of Law than by mere declaration in the documents.
(ii). Procedure adapted by either by court or by ' administrative authorities should be fair. '
The implication of this term has been classified in three broad categories.
Rule of law expresses preference for Law & order with in a community rather than
anarchy, warfare and constant strife.
The rule of Law expression a legal doctrine of fundamental importance, namely that govt.
must be conducted according to Law, a general principle of Law which is declared and
applied by judicial decision.
The rule of law refers to a body of political opinion about what the detailed rules of law
should provide in matters both of substance and procedure
. (i) European conventions on Human Rights led to recognition of rule of Law as common '
(ii) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, , ,adopted by the United Nations in 1948, have
recognized this principle.
(iii)' Golder's case 1975 led to reaffirmation of rule of Law as a dynamic concept.
(iv) At New Delhi in 1959,lawyers from 53 ' countries formally declared that the rule of Law
is a dynamic concept.
The doctrine of rule of Law has been proved to be an effective instrument in controlling the
administrative” ' authorities within their limits It served as a King of touchstone to judge
and test the administrative action.
Ali citizens are equal before Law and entitled equal protection.
لیکچرار :مــبشراقبال
ایڈووکیٹ ھائی کورٹ
LL.B, LL.M, MSC, Dipl Communication Skills