Muscular System Reviewer

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The key takeaways from the passage are that skeletal muscle allows for movement, posture, respiration and other bodily functions. The passage discusses the characteristics, contraction process, fiber types and energy requirements of skeletal muscle.

The main functions of skeletal muscle discussed are movement of the body, maintenance of posture, respiration, production of body heat, communication, constriction of organs and vessels, and contraction of the heart.

The characteristics of the three main types of skeletal muscle fibers discussed are slow-twitch fibers, fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic fibers, and fast-twitch glycolytic fibers. They differ in fiber diameter, myoglobin content, metabolism, fatigue resistance and other traits.



1. MOVEMENT OF THE BODY – contraction
of skeletal muscle is responsible for the
overall movements of the body
muscle constantly maintains tone
3. RESPIRATION – thoracic muscles are
contraction’s by-product is heat
5. COMMUNICATION – skeletal muscles are
involved in all aspects of communication
VESSELS – helps in some physiologic
processes in the body
the heart to beat

o Skeletal muscle constitutes approximately
40% of body weight
o Skeletal muscles are so named because most
of it are attached to the skeletal muscle
o Four major functional characteristics:
1. Contractility – ability to shorten with force
2. Excitability – capacity to respond to a
3. Extensibility – means stretchability
4. Elasticity – ability to recoil to their original
resting length after they have been

o Muscle twitch is the contraction of a o Generally, ATP is derived from 4 processes
muscle fiber in response to a stimulus in skeletal muscle:
o 3 phases: 1. Aerobic production of ATP during most
1. Lag or latent phase – time between the exercise and normal conditions
application of a stimulus and the 2. Anaerobic production of ATP during
beginning of a contraction intensive short-term work
2. Contraction phase – time during which 3. Conversion of a molecule called creatine
the muscle contracts phosphate to ATP
3. Relaxation phase – time during which 4. Conversion of two ADP to one ATP and
the muscle relaxes one AMP (adenosine monophosphate)
o In summation, the force of contraction of during heavy exercise
individual muscle fibers is increased by o Aerobic respiration, which occurs mostly in
rapidly stimulating them. mitochondria, requires O@ and breaks down
o Tetanus is a sustained contraction that glucose to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O; can
occurs when the frequency of stimulation also process lipids or amino acids to make
is so rapid that no relaxation occurs ATP
o In recruitment, the number of muscle fibers o Anaerobic respiration, which does not require
contracting is increased by increasing the O2, breaks down glucose to produce ATP and
number of motor units stimulated, and the lactate
muscle contracts with more force o Slow-twitch fibers work aerobically, whereas
fast-twitch fibers are more suited for working
Fast-Twitch Fast- FATIGUE:
Slow-Twitch Oxidative Twitch o Is a temporary state of reduced work
(Type I) Glycolytic Glycolytic
(Type IIa) (Type IIb)
Fiber o Without fatigue, muscle fibers would be
Smallest Intermediate Largest
diameter worked to the point of structural damage to
Myoglobin them and their supporting tissues
High High Low
content o Mechanisms underlying muscular fatigue:
Many Many Few 1. Acidosis and ATP depletion due to either
High an increased ATP consumption or a
High anaerobic Highest decreased ATP production
Metabolism anaerobic capacity; anaerobic 2. Oxidative stress, which is characterized by
capacity Intermediate capacity
the buidup of excess reactive oxygen
High Intermediate Low 3. Local inflammatory reactions
o Under conditions of extreme muscular
Myosin head fatigue, muscle may become incapable of
Slow Fast Fast
contracting or relaxing, this condition is
Low High High called physiological contracture – occurs
Endurance Rapid, when there is too little ATP to bind to the
activities in intense myosin myofilaments
of posture;
Functions endurance- movement
endurance o The most common type of fatigue,
trained of short
activities psychological fatigue, involves the CNS
muscles duration
rather than the muscle themselves.
o Muscle contractions are classified as either
o Muscle fibers are very energy-demanding
isometric or isotonic
cells whether at rest or during any form of
o Isometric contractions , the length of the
muscle does not change, but the amount of
o This energy comes from either aerobic (with
tension increases during the contraction
O2) or anaerobic (without O2) ATP
process – responsible for the constant length
of the body’s postural muscles (muscles of o The 2 points of attachment of each muscle
the back) are its:
o Isotonic contractions, the amount of tension 1. origin (head; most stationary)
produced by the muscle is constant during 2. insertion (attached to bone; undergoes the
contraction, but the length of muscles greatest movement)
decreases (movement of the arms or fingers o Belly is the part of the muscle between the
o Most muscle contractions are a combination origin and the insertion
of isometric and isotonic contractions o Note: some muscles have multiple origins
o Concentric contractions are isotonic (e.g. biceps brachii (2), triceps brachii (3) )
contractions in which muscle tension o Muscles are typically grouped so that the
increases as the muscle shortens action of one muscle or group of muscles is
o Eccentric contractions are isotonic opposed by that of another muscle or group
contractions in which tension is maintained of muscles (e.g. biceps brachii flexes the
in a muscle, but the opposing resistance elbow, triceps brachii extends the elbow)
causes the muscle lengthens. o An agonist is a muscle that accomplishes a
certain movement
MUSCLE TONE: o The antagonist is a muscle acting in
o Is the constant tension produced by body opposition to an agonist
muscles over long periods of time o Muscles also tend to function in groups to
o Responsible for keeping the back and legs accomplish specific movements
straight, the head in an upright position, and
the abdomen from bulging
o Depends on a small percentage of all the
motor units in a muscle being stimulated at
any point in time


o Tendons connect each muscle head to the
o Aponeuroses are broad, sheet-like tendons
o Retinaculum is a band of connective tissue
that holds down the tendons at each wrist and
o Muscle contraction causes most body
o Note: some muscles are not attached to bone
at both ends (e.g. some facial muscles attach
to the skin) o
o Many muscles are members of more than one
group, depending on the type of movement
being produced (e.g. deltoid + biceps brachii
+ pectoralis major = shoulder flexion)
o Synergists are members of a group of muscles
working together to produce a movement
o Prime mover is the one muscle among a group
of synergists that plays a major role in
accomplishing a desired movement (e.g.
brachialis is the primer mover in elbow
o Fixators are muscles that hold one bone in
place relative to the body while a usually
more distal is moved (e.g. muscles of the

o Most muscles have descriptive names
o Muscles are usually named according to
1. Location – pectoralis (chest)
2. Origin & insertion – brachioradialis (spans
from the arm to the radius)
3. Number of origins – biceps (bi = 2, ceps =
4. Function – flexor digitorum (flexes the
5. Size – vastus (large)
6. Shape – deltoid, triangular
7. Fasciculi orientation – rectus, straight
o Include those involved in forming facial o The 4 pairs of muscles for chewing are some
expressions, chewing, moving the tongue, of the strongest muscles in the body:
swallowing, producing sounds, moving the temporalis, masseter, pterygoids (2)
eyes, and moving the head and neck

o Occipitofrontalis raises the eyebrows
(occipital and frontal portions are connected
by the epicranial aponeuroses
o Orbicularis oculi encircle the eyes, tightly
close the eyelids, and cause “crow’s feet”
wrinkles in the skin at the lateral corners of
the eyes
o Orbicularis oris (encircles the mouth) and the
buccinator are sometimes called the kissing
muscles (pucker the mouth)
o Buccinator flattens the cheeks as in whistling
or blowing a trumpet and is sometimes called TONGUE AND SWALLOWING MUSCLES:
the trumpeter’s muscle o Tongue is very important in mastication and
o Smiling is accomplished primarily by the speech
zygomaticus muscles o Moves food around in the mouth and (with
o Sneering is accomplished by the levator labii the buccinators muscle) holds the food in
superioris place while the teeth grind the food 
o Frowning and pouting are largely performed pushes food up to the palate and back toward
by the depressor anguli oris the pharynx to initiate swallowing
o Intrinsic muscles of the tongue, located
entirely within the tongue and changes its
o Extrinsic muscles, located outside of the
tongue but are attached to and move the
o Swallowing involves a number of structures:
hyoid muscles, soft palate, pharynx (throat),
and larynx (voicebox)
o Hyoid muscles are divided into a suprahyoid
group and infrahyoid group
o Muscles of the soft palate close the posterior
opening to the nasal cavity during
swallowing, preventing food and liquid from
entering the nasal cavity
o Pharyngeal elevators elevate the pharynx
o Pharyngeal constrictors constrict the pharynx
o Pharyngeal muscles also open the auditory
tube, which connects the middle ear to the
o The deep neck muscles include neck flexors,
located along the anterior surfaces of the
vertebral bodies, and neck extensors, located
o Rotation and lateral flexion of the head are
accomplished by lateral and posterior neck
o Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, prime
mover of the lateral muscle group, is easily
seen on the anterior and lateral sides of the
- Contraction of one SCM = rotates the head
- Contraction of two SCM = flexes the neck
or extends the head
o Torticollis (wry neck), results from injury to
one of the SCM muscles
o Involved entirely in the process of breathing
o External intercostals elevate the ribs during
o Internal intercostals contract during forced
expiration, depressing the ribs
o Major movement produced in the thorax
during quiet breathing is accomplished by
the dome-shaped diaphragm

o Include those that move the vertebral
column, the thorax and abdominal wall, and
the pelvic floor


o Back muscles are very strong to maintain
o Erector spinae group of muscles on each side o Muscles of the anterior abdominal wall flex
of the back are primarily responsible for and rotate the vertebral column, compress
keeping the back straight and the body erect the abdominal cavity, and hold in and protect
o Deep back muscles, located between the the abdominal organs
spinous and transverse processes of the o Linea alba, a tendinous vertical indentation,
adjacent vertebrae, are responsible for extending from the sternum through the
several movements of the vertebral column navel to the pubis; white connective tissue
rather than muscle
o Rectus abdominis muscle, located laterally to
the linea alba
o Tendinous intersections cross the rectus
abdominis at 3 or more locations
o Lateral to the rectus abdominis are 3 layers
of muscles: (superficial to deep) (1) External
abdominal oblique, (2) Internal abdominal
oblique, and the (3) Transverse abdominis


o Pelvis is a ring of bone with an inferior o Include those that attach the limb and
opening that is close by a muscular floor pectoral girdle to the body and those in the
through which the anus and the openings of arm, forearm, and hand
the urinary tract and reproductive tract
o Pelvic floor, also referred to as the pelvic o Muscles that attach the scapula to the thorax
diaphragm – formed by the levator ani and move the scapula: (1) trapezius, (2)
muscle rhomboids, (3) serratus anterior, and (4)
o Perineum is the area inferior to the pelvic pectoralis
floor – contains a number of muscles o Said muscles act as fixators – hold the
associated with the male or female scapula firmly in position when the muscles
reproductive structures of the arm contract
o Help regulate urination and defecation
o Moves the scapula in different positions –
increasing the range of movement of the
upper limbs

o Arm is attached to the thorax by the
pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles FOREARM MOVEMENTS:
o The rotator cuff muscles attaches the o Arm can de divided into anterior and
humerus to the scapula and forms a cuff of posterior compartments
cap over the proximal humerus – stabilize o Triceps brachii, the primary extensor of the
the joint by holding the humeral head in the elbow, occupies the posterior compartment
glenoid cavity during arm movements o The anterior compartment is occupied by the
o Deltoid muscle attaches the humerus to the biceps brachii and brachialis, the primary
scapula and clavicle – major abductor of the flexors of the elbow
upper limb o Brachioradialis, which is actually a posterior
o Pectoralis major forms the upper chest, and forearm muscle, helps flex the elbow
the deltoid forms the rounded mass of the
o Deltoid is a common site for administering


o Supination of the forearm, or turning the
flexed forearm so that the palm is up is
accomplished by the supinator and biceps
o Pronation, turning the forearm so that the
palm is down, is a function of two pronator


o 20 muscles of the forearm can also be
divided into anterior and posterior groups
o Anterior forearm muscles – responsible for
flexion of the wrist and fingers
o Posterior forearm muscles – cause extension
RETINACULUM: o Gluteus maximus functions optimally to
o Strong band of fibrous connective tissue extend the hip when the thigh is flexed at a
o Covers the flexor and extensor tendons and 45-degree angle
holds them in place around the wrist so that o The gluteus medius is a common site for
they do not “bowstring” during muscle injections in the buttocks because the sciatic
contraction nerve lies deep to the gluteus maximus and
could be damaged during an injection
 Flexor carpi muscles flex the wrist, and the o In addition to the hip muscles, some of the
extensor carpi muscles extend the wrist thigh muscles also attach to the coxal bone
 Tendon of the flexor carpi radialis serves as a and can move the thigh
landmark for locating the radial pulse o 3 groups of thigh muscles:
 Flexion of the fingers is the function of the 1. Anterior thigh muscles – flex the hip
flexor digitorum 2. Posterior thigh muscles – extend the hip
 Extension of the fingers is accomplished by the 3. Medial thigh muscles – adduct the thigh
extensor digitorum
 19 muscles, called intrinsic hand muscles, are LEG MOVEMENTS:
located within the hand o Anterior thigh muscles are the quadriceps
 Interossei muscles, located between the femoris and the sartorius
metacarpal bones, are responsible for o Quadriceps femoris muscles are the primary
abduction and adduction of the fingers extensors of the knee and they have a
common insertion, the patellar tendon, on
and around the patella
1. Rectus femoris
2. Vastus lateralis – intermuscular injection
3. Vastus medialis
4. Vastus intermedius
o Patellar ligament is an extension of the
patellar tendon onto the tibial tuberosity
o Sartorius, the longest muscle in the body, is
called the “tailor’s muscle” because it flexes
the hip and knee and rotates the thigh
o Posterior thigh muscles are called hamstring
muscles, and are responsible for flexing the
LOWER LIMB MUSCLES: o A “pulled hamstring” results from tearing
o Include those located in the hip, the thigh, one or more of these muscles or their tendons
the leg, and the foot o Medial thigh muscles, the adductor muscles,
are primarily involved, in adducting the thigh
o Several hip muscles originate on the coxal
bone and insert onto the femur
o Iliopsoas (anterior muscle), flexes the hip
o The posterior and lateral hip muscles consist
of the gluteal muscles and the tensor fasciae
latae (tenses a thick band of fascia on the
lateral side of the thigh called the iliotibial
o Gluteus maximus, extends the hip and
abducts and laterally rotates the thigh
o Gluteus medius, abducts and medially rotates
the thigh
ANKLE AND TOE MOVEMENTS: o Also known as chronic muscle pain
o 13 muscles in the leg, with tendons syndrome
extending into the foot, can be divided into 3
groups: (1) anterior, (2) posterior, and (3) HYPERTROPHY:
lateral o Enlargement of a muscle due to increased
o Anterior muscles – extensor muscles number of myofibrils
involved in dorsiflexion of the foot and o Occurs with increased muscle use
extension of the toes
o The superficial muscles of the posterior ATROPHY:
compartment of the leg, the gastrocnemius o Decrease in muscle size due to a decreased
and the soleus, form the bulge of the calf number of myofilaments
(posterior leg) – they form the common o Occur due to disuse of a muscle, as in
calcaneal (heel) tendon or Achilles tendon paralysis
o These muscles are flexors and involved in
plantar flexion of the foot MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY:
o Deep muscles of the posterior compartment o Group of genetic disorders in which all
plantar flex and invert the foot and flex the types of muscle degenerate and atrophy
toes 1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
o Lateral muscles of the leg, called the  Results from an abnormal gene on the X
fibularis muscles, are primarily everters of chromosome and is therefore a sex-linked
the foot, but they also aid in plantar flexion (X-linked) condition
o The 20 muscles located within the foot,  Progressive muscular weakness and muscle
called the intrinsic foot muscles, flex, extend, contractures
abduct, and adduct the toes 2. Myotonic muscular dystrophy
 Muscles are weak and fail to relax
following forceful contractions
 Affects the hands most severely; dominant
trait in 1/20,000 births

o Autoimmune disorder in which antibodies
are formed against acetylcholine receptors
o Muscle weakness and fatigue

o Inflammation of a tendon or its attachment
point due to overuse of the muscle


o Aging skeletal muscle undergoes several changes that
reduce muscle mass, increase the time a muscle takes to
contract in response to nervous stimuli, reduce stamina,
and increase recovery time
o Loss of muscle fibers begins as early as 25 years of age,
and by age 80 the muscle mass has been reduced by
MUSCULAR SYSTEM o Most of the loss of strength and speed is due to the loss
of muscle fibers particularly fast-twitch ones
CRAMPS: o Neuromuscular junction surface area decreases  slow
neuronal action potential  slower muscle cell action
o Painful, spastic contractions of a muscle potential  fewer action potentials in muscle fibers
o Usually due to a build-up of lactic acid o Motor neurons decreases  remaining neurons innervate
more muscle fibers  decreased number of motor units
FIBROMYALGIA: in the skeletal muscle  less precise muscle control
o Many of the age-related changes in skeletal muscle can
o Non-life-threatening, chronic, widespread be slowed dramatically if people remain physically
pain in muscles with no known cure active

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