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Jhade M.

IX- Napier


Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark
or nonstick pan). Line 9-inch square
pan with foil so foil extends about 2
 1 box (1 lb 6.25 oz)
Betty Crocker™ inches over sides of pan. Spray foil
Supreme original with cooking spray. Make brownies
brownie mix as directed on box for 9-inch pan.
 Water, vegetable oil Cool completely, about 1 1/2 hours. BROWNIES ON A
and eggs called for
Place in freezer 30 minutes. STICK
on brownie mix box
Remove from pan by lifting foil; peel
 15 craft sticks (flat
wooden sticks with foil away. Cut into 15 rectangular
rounded ends) brownies, 5 rows by 3 rows. Gently
 2/3 cup semisweet insert craft stick into end of each.
chocolate chips (4 Place on cookie sheet; freeze 30
oz) minutes.
 1 ½ Teaspoons
In small microwavable bowl,
 Assorted Betty
microwave chocolate chips and
Crocker™ Decorating shortening uncovered on High
Decors candy about 1 minute; stir until smooth. If
sprinkles necessary, microwave additional 5
seconds at a time. Dip top one-third
to half of each brownie into
chocolate; sprinkle with candy
sprinkles. Lay flat on waxed paper
or foil to dry.
Jhade M. Volante Mrs. Celi
IX- Napier


Also called “AGE OF REASON”. Dominated by the aristocracy, as patrons of musicians and artists. Instrumental music was
patronized primarily by the nobility. French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars occurred. American Declaration of Independence in 1776
and The American Revolution. The term “classical” denotes conformity with the principles and characteristics of ancient GREECE and
ROMAN literature and art which is formal, elegant, simple, freed and dignified. The same characteristics may also describe the
melodies of classical music. Harmony and Texture are homophonic in general. The Dynamics of loud and soft were clearly shown
through the extensive use of crescendo and diminuendo. A style of broken cord accompaniment called ALBERTI BASS was practiced.
Instrumental form developed during CLASSICAL PERIOD
 SONATA – a multi-movement work for solo instrument, SONATA came from the word “Snare” which means to make a sound.
This term is applied to a variety of works for solo instruments such as keyboard and violin.

 3 Movements of SONATA
 Allegro- fast movement
 Andante- moderately slow
 Minuet- moderate or fast tempo


 Exposition- the first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the theme.
 Development- is the middle part of the sonata-allegro form wherein themes are being developed.
 Recapitulation- repeats the theme as they first emerge in the opening exposition.

 CONCERTO- is a multi-movement work designed for an instrumental soloist and orchestra. It is a classical form of music
intended primarily to emphasize the individuality of the solo instrument and to exhibit the virtuosity and interpretative abilities of
the performer. The solo instruments in classical concertos include violin, cello, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, horn, and piano.
Concerto has three movements: fast, slow, and fast.

 SYMPHONY- a multi-movement work for orchestra, the symphony is derived from the word “Sinfonia” which means “a
harmonious sounding together”. It is a classical music for the whole orchestra, generally in four movements. Fast, Slow,
Medium/Fast, Fast
 OPERA is a drama set to music where singers and musicians perform in a theatrical setting.
 OPERA SERIA- (serious opera) usually implies heroic or tragic drama that employs mythological characters.
 OPERA BUFFA- (comic opera) from Italy made use of everyday characters and situations, and typically employed spoken
dialogues, lengthy arias and was spiced with sight gags, naughty humour and social satire.


Name of Important details about the Compositions
Composers Composer
Haydn was an extremely prolific composer.
Abendlied zu Gott ("Herr! Herr!
His total output includes 108 symphonies,
1796 Der du mir das Leben"), for 4 Vocal Music Art Song
one of which (number 106) is lost and one
Franz Joseph voices & keyboard, H. 25c/9
of which (number 105) is actually
Haydn a symphonie concertante; 68
string quartets; 32 divertimenti for small Abschiedslied, song for voice
orchestra; 126 trios for baryton, viola, and & piano, H. 26a/F1
Vocal Music
cello; 29 trios for piano, violin, and cello; 21
trios for two violins and cello; 47
piano sonatas; about 20 operas; 1762 Acide e Galatea, opera, H. 28/1 Opera Opera
14 masses; 6 oratorios; and
2 cello concerti. Haydn’s achievement was
long confused by the fact that an enormous Adagio cantabile and Minuet
Chamber Music Minuet
number of works were wrongly attributed to for 2 violins & cello, H. 11/D1
him, and it was not until the 1950s that
musicological research was able to pare Adagio for baryton & cello in G
this staggering amount of major (lost), H. 12/2
Chamber Music Duet
spurious attributions from Haydn’s
recognized output. Work on a definitive
catalog of his compositions continued into Adagio for baryton in D major
1770 Chamber Music Solo
the late 20th century. (lost), H. 12/13

Adagio for baryton in D major

1770 Chamber Music Solo
(lost), H. 12/14
L' Oca del Cairo (The Goose of
783 Opera Opera
Cairo), opera fragment, K. 422
Born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg,
Austria, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a
Wolfgang musician capable of playing multiple A Berenice...Sol nascente,
Amadeus instruments who started playing in public at 1766 recitative and aria for soprano & Vocal Music Occasional Musi
Mozart the age of 6. Over the years, Mozart aligned orchestra, K. 70 (K. 61c)
himself with a variety of European venues
and patrons, composing hundreds of works
that included sonatas, symphonies, masses, A questo seno deh vieni...Or che il
chamber music, concertos and operas, 1781 cielo, recitative and aria for Vocal Music Aria
marked by vivid emotion and sophisticated soprano & orchestra, K. 374
Abendempfindung an Laura
1787 ("Abend ist's"), song for voice & Vocal Music Song
piano, K. 523

He’s an important composer from the late

Air à la tirolienne avec variations,
Classical period primarily known for his solo 1829 Vocal Music Variations
for voice & orchestra, Op. 118
piano compositions and piano concertos. In
recent years, however, attention has been
Nepomuk given to his chamber music, operas, and Alma virgo, offertory for soprano,
Hummel sacred works. He tended to write long- 1805
chorus & orchestra, Op. 89a
Choral Offertory
breathed melodies, often used Alberti bass
accompaniments and dotted rhythms, and
favoured the sonata-allegro and rondo Amusement for violin & piano in F
1825 Chamber Music
forms. Among his greatest works in the major ("Sonatine"), Op. 108
keyboard genre are the Sonata in A Flat, for
piano 4 hands, Op. 92, and the Sonata in F
Sharp, Op. 81. His Mass, Op. 111, and some Amusementes (3) en forme de
1823 Keyboard
of his cantatas are also important works. caprices, for piano, Op. 105
Hummel wrote a highly-regarded three-
volume treatise on pianism, entitled A Bagatelles (6) for piano, Op. 107 Keyboard Bagatelle
Complete Theoretical and Practical Course
on the Art of Pianoforte Playing. Hummel
was born on November 14, 1778, in Bassoon Concerto in F major,
1805 Concerto Concerto
Bratislava (then Pressburg), Slovakia. Young WoO 23, S. 63
Johann's first musical studies came on the
violin at the behest of his father, a player of
string instruments himself, and director of
the local Imperial School of Military Music.
By the age of five Hummel could play the
violin with proficiency. But he would
abandon it in favour of the piano, on which
he developed an astonishing technique by
age six.
Jhade M. Volante Mrs. Celi
IX- Napier

Renaissance Periods
The Renaissance is a period from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and Modern
history. It started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period and later spread to the rest of Europe. See the fact file
below for more information about the Renaissance period. The Renaissance occurred from the early 14th century to the late 16th
century. The invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1450 is a milestone which marks the beginning of the Renaissance. Ideas
were able to be spread quicker and farther because of the printing press. It allowed communication to occur through all of Europe. he
Renaissance was a time of great beauty and art. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created greats works of art during this
time. Writers like William Shakespeare were producing their own masterpieces. It was also a time of creativity, imagination and
curiosity. The Renaissance was the age of exploration. The voyages of many great explorers like Columbus, Vespucci, Ponce de Leon,
Polo, De Soto and Balboa occurred during the Renaissance.
The word ‘renaissance’ is a French word which means ‘rebirth’. The people credited with beginning the Renaissance were trying
to recreate the classical models of Ancient Greek and Rome.
The Renaissance was a time when Venice was the world’s busiest seaport and Florence was the heart of great art.

Name of Artist Important details about the Artist Artwork

Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, Mona Lisa stems from a description by
Leonardo da Vinci architect, scientist, and mathematician. He Renaissance art historian Giorgio Vasari,
was popularized in present times through who wrote, “Leonardo undertook to paint
the novel and movie, “Da Vinci Code”. He for Francesco del Giocondo the portrait of
is known as the ultimate “Renaissance Mona Lisa, his wife”. Mona, in Italian, is a
man” because of his intellect, interest, polite form of address originating as
talent and his expression of humanist and Madonna-similar to Ma’am, “madamme”,
classical values. He is widely considered or “My Lady” in English.
to be one of the greatest painters of all
time and perhaps the most diversely
talented person to have ever lived. His
well-known works were:
The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. His This became Madonna and its contraction
other works were: The Virtruvian Mar, The Mona. The title of the painting, through
Adoration of the Magi and the Virgin of the traditionally spelled “Mona”, is also
Rocks. commonly spelled in Modern Itlian as
“Monna Lisa”.

Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, In Pieta, Michelangelo approached the

Michelangelo di painter, architect, and poet. He was subject which until then had been given
considered the greatest living artist in his form mostly from the North of the Alps
Lodovico Buonarotti lifetime, and ever since then he was where the portrayal of pin had always been
Simoni considered as one of the greatest artists of
all time. A number of his works in
connected with the idea of redemption as
represented by the seated Madonna
paintings, sculpture, and architecture rank holding Christ’s body in her arms.
among the famous in existence.

Among his outstanding works as sculptor

were the following: Pieta, Bacchus, Moses,
David. He also created two of the most
influential works in fresco in the history of
Western art: the scenes from Genesis on
the ceiling and the Last Judgement on the
altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Michelangelo convinces himself and his

spectators of the divine quality and the
significance of these figures.
Raphael was an Italian painter and The Transfiguration was Raphael’s last
Rafaello Sanzioda architect of the High Renaissance period. painting on which worked on up to his
His work was admired for its clarity of form death. Commissioned by Cardinal Giulio
Urbino and ease of composition and for its visual de Medici, the late Pope Clement VII, the
achievement of the interpreting the Divine painting was conceived as an altarpiece
and incorporating Christian doctrines. for the Narbonne Cathedral in France. The
painting exemplifies Raphael’s
development as an artist and the
Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo culmination of his career. The subject is
da Vinci, he formed the traditional trinity of combined with an additional episode from
great masters of that period. His main the Gospel in the lower part of the painting.
contributions to art were his unique
draftsman ship and compositional skills.
His famous works were: The Sistine
Madonna, The School of Athens and The

Donatello was one of the Italian great “David” by Donatello

Donato di Niccolo di artists of the period. He was an early Title of two statues of the biblical
Renaissance Italian sculptor from hero David. They consist of an early work
Betto Bardi Florence. He is known for his work in bas- in marble of a clothed figure, and a far
relief a form of shallow relief sculpture. His more famous bronze figure that is nude
woks included the following statues and between its helmet and boots. Both are
relief: David, Statue of St. George now in the Museo
Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata, Nazionale del
Prophet Habacuc, and The Fest of Herod. Bargello in Florence.
Renaissance art is the art of calm and One of the greatest
beauty. Its creations are perfect they sculptural works of the
reveal nothing forced or inhibited, uneasy early Renaissance and
o agitated. At that time it was created, it the most important in
was the first known free-standing nude western art.
statue produced;ancient

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