Water Supply PDF
Water Supply PDF
Water Supply PDF
The salient points relevant to audit together with various orders of Government
and TWAD Board and audit approaches are given below. The CPHEEO Manual
provisions indicated are with reference to the 1999 Publications.
The objectives of any Water Supply System is to supply safe wholesome water in
adequate quantity at convenient points and at reasonable cost to the users. In order to
encourage personal and household hygiene proper planning is necessary in the
formulation and implementation of water supply projects.
Engineering decisions are required to fix the area and population to be served, the
design period, the per capita water supply, the water required for the other needs in the
area, the nature and location of facilities to be provided and points of water supply
intake and waste water disposal.
Detailed investigation should be carried out in regard to nature of each source
(surface or subsurface) its reliability for quality and quantity, the nature of development
and type of treatment required and mode of the conveyance from the source to the
consumers. Different alternatives should be considered in detail and the economically
viable and technically feasible alternative should be selected by applying financial
analysis techniques.
Four stages are involved in the formulation of a water supply project before the
project is taken up for execution. They are
a. Preparation of preliminary report
b. Conducting detailed Engineering survey
Preliminary report
The report should include a brief description about the topography,
geological and hydro geological features of the community, existing water supply
arrangement and need for the project. Further the report should discuss and
include the following aspects also.
i. Identification of the area to be served with details of present
population, existing water supply and sanitation facilities.
ii. Identification of the water requirement for various needs.
iii. Estimation of water requirement for various needs.
iv. Identification of the possible alternate projects and rough cost
estimation them (if possible) for installation.
v. Details of engineering survey to be conducted and probable
time and personnel required for carrying out the survey.
vi. Cost of the engineering survey.
An index map to a scale of 1 cm= 2km, a schematic diagram and a layout
plan to a scale of 1 cm = 250m should be included in the report.
Engineering Survey
The data required to be collected for the preparation of Project report
initially and for the preparation of construction plans and detailed estimates later,
comprises of the following.
i) Census population figures for the town for atleast five preceding
ii) Present rate of water supply and factors that will affect future and
industrial demand.
iii) Details of existing water supply and sewerage, electric and telephone
facilities, the quality and quantity of existing water supply under
average and adverse conditions and conditions of existing mains.
iv) Field survey and leveling work connected with source development,
location for treatment plants, pumping stations and service
reservoirs, alignment of transmission main and preparation of
detailed maps for the distribution system with contours.
v) Master plan for that area.
Further data to be collected for each of the component are as detailed below.
a. Surface sources
i. Sanitary survey for 10 km upstream and 2 km
downstream of the proposed works to locate source of
pollution, cremation ground etc.,
ii. Water sampling and quality analysis.
iii. Minimum discharge in the river.
Items period in
1 Storage by dams 50
2 Infiltration works 50
3 Pumping :
i. Pump house (civil works ) 30
ii. Electric motors and pumps 15
4 Water treatment units 15
Pipe connection to several treatment units and other 30
small appurtenances
6 Raw water and clear water conveying mains 30
Clear water reservoirs at the head works, balancing 15
7 tanks and service reservoirs (overhead or ground
8 Distribution system 30
3.4 Population Forecast (Para 2.2.7 Of CPHEEO)
The design population will have to be estimated with due regard to all the
factors governing the future growth and development of the project area in the
industrial, commercial, educational, social and administrative spheres. Special
factors causing sudden emigration or influx of population should also be foreseen
to the extent possible.
A judgment based on these factors would help in selecting the most suitable
method of deriving the probable trend of the population growth in the areas or
areas of the project from out of the following mathematical methods, graphically
interpreted where necessary.
This method is generally applicable to large and old cities. In this method 9
the average increase of population per decade is calculated from the past records
and added to the present population to find out population in the next decade. This
method gives a low value and is suitable for well-settled and established
f) Graphical Method
In this approach there are two methods. In one, only the city in question
is considered and in the second, other similar cities are also taken into account.
i) Graphical Method Based On Single City
In this method the population curve of the city (i.e. the Population vs. Past
Decades ) is smoothly extended for getting future value. This extension has to be
done carefully and it requires vast experience and good judgment. The line of best
fit may be obtained by the method of least squares.
ii) Graphical Method Based On Cities With Similar Growth Pattern
In this method the city in question is compared with other cities which have
already undergone the same phases of development which the city in questions is
likely to undergo and based on this comparison, a graph between population and
decades is plotted.
g) Logistic Method
The 'S' shaped logistic curve for any city gives complete trend of growth of
the city right from beginning to saturation limit of population of the city.
h) Method of Density
In this approach, trend in rate of density increase of population for each sector 10
of a city is found out and population forecast is done for each sector based on above
approach. Addition of sector-wise population gives the population of the city.
Final Forecast
While the forecast of the prospective population of a projected area at any
given time during the period of design can be derived by any one of the foregoing
methods appropriate to each case, the density and distribution of such population
within the several areas, zones or districts will again have to be made with a
discerning judgement on the relative probabilities of expansion within each zone
or district, according to its nature of development and based on existing and
contemplated town planning regulations.
Wherever population growth forecast or master plans prepared by town
planning or other appropriate authorities are available, the decision regarding the
design population should take into account their figures.
Note: The calculation sheet for population forecast may be called for and
the correctness of population forecast ensured. In TWAD Board, the population
forecast was approved by CE concerned. A typical example is given in
In circular No.17/F.11168/JE6/P&D/2005 Dt.29.04.2005. TWAD Board
had prescribed the following modus operandi for population projection for water
supply and sewerage scheme for Rural and Urban Areas.
For Urban :-
The population forecast cannot be generalized for all towns.
* The ground reality and present developmental activities of the town and
future developments are to be considered during population forecast.
* The population projection may be arrived through the following seven
methods on minimum four decade population and the best suitable among
the derivations may be approved by the competent authority. Different
method to be adopted for population projection for Urban Town:
i) Arithmetic Increase method
ii) Incremental Increase method
iii) Line of Fit Method
iv) Geometrical Increase Method
vi) Semi Log Method
vii) Exponential Method
viii) Decadal growth Rate Method for state / District average
* For a normal town the projection arrived by exponential method is found is
to be reasonable and this method may be considered.
* Justification note should be appended by the approving authority.
For rural :- 11
Base year population (2006) = 1.03 time the 2001 census
Intermediate population (2021) = 1.10 time the 2006 population.
Ultimate population (2036) = 1.20 times the 2006 population.
Recommended Maximum
Sl. Water Supply Levels (lpcd)
Classification of Towns/Cities
No. Table 2.1
1 Towns provided with piped water supply but 70
without sewerage system
2 Cities provided with piped water supply where 135
sewerage system is existing / contemplated
(i) In urban areas, where water is provided through public standposts,40 lpcd
should be considered:
(ii) Figures exclude “Unaccounted for Water (UFW)” which should be limited to
(iii) Figures include requirements of water for commercial, institutional and minor
industries. However, the bulk supply to such establishments should be assessed
separately with proper justification.
Per Capita Water Supply Rate Prescribed by TWAD Board.
provided with Separate Water Supply Scheme and the ultimate stage of water supply 13
had not been completed. In such cases, the necessity for such inclusion should be
analysed. Many cases such bulk provisions were not warranted for and the provision
of bulk provision remained unutilized which would increase the total requirement of
water and ultimately increase the capacity of pumping main, treatment plant, sump,
pump and motors, etc. involving extra cost.
A town may already been provided with water Supply Schemes for ultimate stage. To
meet the shortfall if any, bulk provision was made in another CWSS which was under
execution. In the meantime, another separate water supply improvement scheme was
sanctioned and executed under another scheme. Thus cost involved in execution of
the latter improvement scheme except cost on creation of distribution system was
wasteful. This type could be brought out by close study of various water supply
schemes & CWSS sanctioned and executed.
Duplication in creation of infrastructure due to formulating separate improvement
scheme while existing scheme itself functioning well and had not completed its
designed service life of 30 years (Ultimate stage).
Para 2.2 of CPHEEO Manual stipulates that the water supply projects shall be
designed to meet the requirement for the population forecast at the prescribed per
capita supply over a period of 30 years after their completion and prescribes the
methods of forecasting the population during the period of design on the basis of
latest census. Instead of designing the Schemes as per the provisions of the Manual,
Water Supply Schemes sanctioned upto 2002 were designed taking base year as
1996/1991 and ultimate year as 2026/2021. This resulted in utilisation of
infrastructure created for period much lesser than the prescribed 30 years.
Para 2.2.6 of CPHEEO Manual provides for designing Water Treatment units, clear
water reservoirs at head works, balancing tanks (Sump) and Service Reservoirs of the
Water Supply Projects for 15 years (intermediate Stage) to facilitate carrying out
extensions when required and avoid expenditure far ahead of utility and interest on
capital. But treatment plant, clear water sumps and service reservoirs were designed
and constructed for 30 years (Ultimate stage). Thus creation of infrastructure far
ahead of requirement was avoidable and wasteful.
Appendix 6.5 of CPHEEO Manual and PWD Code stipulates that the life of electric
motor and pump is 15 years. As the electric motors and pump would lose their
efficiency after 15 years of service life, erection of pump and motor for ultimate stage
was wasteful and cost involved on execution of pump and motor for ultimate stage
become wasteful.
Para 7.1 of CPHEEO Manual specifies the water treatment units which includes
aerator, clariflocculator, filter, disinfector, softener, etc. The treatment plant
constructed by Board comprised of those units. But they were constructed for
ultimate requirements as against the intermediate requirements prescribed by
CPHEEO Manual resulting in extra cost.
Clear water is collected in a sump before it is pumped to Service reservoir (vide Para
6.3.7 of the Notes on Water Supply Scheme issued by CE, PWD Chennai in 1971).
Intermediate sumps are also constructed to reduce the pressure in the transmission
main. The sump shall be designed for intermediate stage and its capacity depends on
the discharge into the sump and detention time (discharge in lpm x detention time in
minutes). On a audit enquiry, the CE, TWAD Board, Southern Region, Madurai 14
informed (November 2003) that the capacity of sump are designed generally for 30 to
60 minutes storage and storage period would vary depending on various factors such
as hours of pumping, availability of power, and separate feeder main for power
supply etc. Audit Scrutiny also disclosed that clear water sumps were designed for 15
to 180 minutes eventhough separate feeder main to provide 24 hours power supply
was available and also constructed for the requirement of ultimate stage instead of
intermediate stage involving extra cost.
Para 10.4.2 and Appendix 10.1 of CPHEEO Manual prescribes guidelines for
estimation of storage capacity of the service reservoirs which depends on hours of
pumping, demand and hours of supply, and shall be constructed for intermediate
stage only. Para 19.3 of Notes on Water Supply Schemes issued by the Chief
Engineer (PWD) Chennai in 1971 also indicates that the capacity of Service
Reservoir is fixed on the basis of hours of pumping and the peak rate of supply. The
peak rate of supply is usually taken to be twice the average rate and the capacity of
service reservoir is fixed at 8 hours or one third of a day’s supply. The guidelines
issued by Board in December 1982 also stipulated that the capacity of overhead
service reservoirs in rural areas of a CWSS should be 50 per cent of the ultimate
daily requirement of the individual habitation considering the limited hours of power
supply. As such the capacity of service reservoir shall be one third of a day’s supply
for intermediate stage in urban areas and half of the day’s supply for intermediate
stage in rural areas of CWSS. But it is noticed that service reservoirs were designed
and constructed for the requirement of ultimate stage instead of intermediate stage.
In rural habitation covered under CWSS, the service reservoirs were designed and
constructed for ultimate stage adopting the norms prescribed by Board in May 1998.
For construction of overhead tank (OHT), service reservoirs in rural water supply
power pump scheme which prescribed the capacity of OHT/SR on the basis of
ultimate population of the range 150-500, 501-1250 and 1251-2500 at 10000, 30000
and 60000 litres capacity respectively. Construction of SR for ultimate requirement
and also not observing the norms resulted in extra cost on construction of Service
Reservoirs of higher capacity.
Para of CPHEEO Manual recommends, per capita supply level for designing
water supply schemes. The norms prescribed by Government of India under Rural
Water Supply Schemes and also by Board in July 1998 stipulated for 40 lpcd.
Whereas in case house service connection was provided for, it can be increased to 55
lpcd. But cases where all infrastructures were created adopting 55 lpcd, but house
service connections were not effected subsequently. It should be verified whether
specific undertaking was obtained from the local bodies before designing the CWSS
adopting 55 lpcd. If not extra capacity involved could be objected to.
Cases where water supply scheme was designed adopting 1991 population as base
year and actual requirement of the water in the initial reaches was not correctly
worked. At the time of completion of the Scheme, the people in the initial reach
would draw more water than the designed level. Cases of non-estimation of the
actual requirement of water to the intended habitation were also available.
Consequently water could not reach the tail end or intermediatary reaches. This
necessitates laying far separate feeder main, intermediatary sump to regulate water
supply. The extra cost involved on this could be analysed and commented. This was 15
due to poor investigation, defective design and execution and failure to assess the
actual requirement before executing the work.
Appendix 11.1 of CPHEEO Manual stipulated for designing the pumping main for
23 hours of pumping considering loss of one hour due to tripping and other minor
interruption. Para 19.1 of the Note on Water Supply Schemes issued by the Chief
Engineer (PWD), Chennai in 1971 also stipulates that pumping main can be designed
to discharge 24 hours if service reservoirs are provided. In June 2002, Board had
also instructed to design the CWSS for 20 hours of pumping if separate feeder main
for power supply was provided. But with a view to provide cushion, pumping mains
were designed for 16 to 20 hours pumping eventhough separate feeder main for
power supply to pumping station connected with industrial line having 24 hours
power supply. Due to reduction in hours of pumping the size of pumping main, pump
sets and sumps had to be designed and constructed for higher capacity/size. Had 23
hours of pumping adopted, the discharge for the ultimate requirement would be much
lesser and the infrastructures viz. Pumping main, Pump sets and Sump could have
been designed and constructed at lesser capacity.
NOTE: Upto 1998-99, TWAD Board had prescribed unit rate for various items of
work which was dispensed with from 1999-2000 and comprehensive common
Schedule of Rates for each items . Hence it is not possible to work out the extra cost
on creation of assets for ahead of the requirement easily. Hence the unit rate
prescribed by Board is adopted as basis from which the proportionate cost is worked
out on the agreement value adopting ratio of proportion which would give the cost of
construction of the required capacity of assets. The difference would give the extra
cost. In letter No.101/P&D/98 dated 29.9.1998, TWAD Board communicated unit
rates for various items of work for preparation of outline proposals for various
components of urban and rural water supply schemes for the year 1998-99.
(Chapter 5 of CPHEEO Manual & chapter VII of Manual for Quality Control in
Water supply works)
The sources for the water supply scheme are generally of the following two
1. Surface water sources
2. Sub surface water sources
1.Surface water source
Surface Water sources are from rivers lakes and reservoirs. The water from
these sources are drawn and supplied the beneficiaries after proper treatment. If
the river is not perennial, the storage of water is necessary for supplying during the
dry period. Generally surface water is preferred for the following reasons.
1. When quality of ground water available in and around the
beneficiary is not potable.
1. Open wells
2. Bore wells
3. Infiltration wells and
4. Collector wells
1.Resistively survey with geophysical equipment are carried out in grid pattern in the 17
river bed/bank to assess the apparent resistively of the sub-surface strata and fixing
2.After conducting geo survey, probing is to be done to assess the sand depth where
the maximum is seen.
3. In the selected location of the probing where the maximum sand depth exist, the
trial bore wells are to be drilled and soil samples analysed. The water sample
should also be collected and analyzed for assessing the potability of water.
4. From the trial bore well, location of the proposed infiltration well have to be
5. At the selected point, the confirmatory bore well to be drilled not only at the
centre of the infiltration well but also in the periphery atleast six borewells.
6. Lithology of the trial bore wells should be prepared and the depth of the saturated
sand is analyzed.
7. The summer water level of the area of the investigation with reference to the
saturated thickness is correlated.
8. The depth of the infiltration well depends on the saturated thickness of the area.
9. Yield from an infiltration well sunk for 3.5 m diameter in saturated aquifer of 4m
depth for a draw down of 2m is computed approximately as 1000 lpm.
10. The location of the infiltration well should be located in such a way to avoid
interference between structures
3. Safe Yield
In all type of wells after completion of the construction, yield tests have to be
conducted and safe yield has to be arrived after applying the correction factors.
Depending upon the yield the required number of wells may be decided to supply
the quantity required for the scheme. The CPHEEO Manual prescribes two types
of safe ;yield tests for determining safe yield of the well viz. Pumping (Discharge)
Test & recuperation test.
3. 1 Safe yield in Bore wells (Datamatrix of TWAD Board Engineers)
For power pump schemes, the following multiplication factors have been
evolved to arrive safe yield for the borewells drilled in hard rock area.
When the yield test is conducted during summer months i.e. April – August a
factor of 0.9 may be adopted to the observed yield for determining the safe yield
from borewell.
For the yield tests conducted during other months a correction factor of 0.6
may be applied, for arriving at the safe yield.
In case of Kanyakumari district the correction factor will be 0.9 for the
months from March of June and it will be 0.6 for other months.
3.2.Pum ping Test (Discharge Test)
Pumping test is the most accurate, reliable and commonly used method to
evaluate the hydraulic parameters of an aquifier, efficiency of a well, safer
operational rates of pumping and selection of suitable pump. The methodology of
a pumping test is highly varying in its application. The objective is limited to
determine the aquifer parameters such as transitivity (T), Storage co-efficient (S),
hydraulic conductivity (K) and well performance and safe yield for execution of
water supply scheme.
To study the parameters of transitivity, storage co-efficient and hydraulic
conductivity, generally a constant discharge pumping test (aquifier performance
test) is conducted. An aquifer performance test consists of pumping a well at
certain constant rate and recording the drawdown both in pumping well and in the
near by observation wells at specific times. To analyze the well performance, the
step drawdown test (well performance test) is carried out. In step drawdown test,
the drawdown in a pumping well is recorded at variable discharge in steps.
Efficiency of the well is the ratio of the critical drawdown (drawdown just 19
outside of the casing) and actual drawdown measured in a well at a designed
discharge of continuous pumping for a given period.
Recuperation Test
After the constant discharge test, when the pump is shut down, the water
column in the well or borewell started rising. This rise in water column has to be
noted in close intervals. The data collected on recouping water column will be
useful to compute the aquifer parameters. Recuperation test are recommended for
large diameter open wells.
The bore wells/ open wells executed for major schemes are subjected to
pumping tests. Pumping tests are also conducted before and after the hydro
fracturing operations.
Note:The result of discharge test of the well measured in ‘V’ notch would be
recorded in the prescribed table and the specific yield in lpm per cm of draw down
derived from the table. This would be verified from the pumping test report and
ensure safe yield of the well. In a similar manner specific yield obtained from
Recuperation test in the well should be ascertained and the safe yield adopted by
comparing both the report.
Minimum Distance of well from source of Contamination
Contamination of Recommended
Sources distances (in metres)
Building sewer 15
Septic tank 15
Disposal field 30
Seepage pit 30
Cesspool 45
Audit Approach
According to the instruction of TWAD Board in B.P.No.75 dt.25.03.1990
various components of water supply scheme shall be executed after ensuring
adequate quantity and quality of source. However, without ensuring the
availability of adequate quantity of potable water, the pumping mains
distribution system, overhead service reservoir etc work constructed resulting in
unfruitful expenditure.
To ensure whether, sources (Borewell, collector well, infiltration well) created
in conformity with the specification mentioned above. Analyze the failure to
observe the guidelines and resultant financial and social objective implication.
5.Transmission of Water
(Chapter 6 of CPHEEO Manual)
Water supply broadly involves transmission of water from the sources to the
area of consumption through free flow channel or conduits or pressure main.
Pipe line normally follow the profile of the ground surface quite closely.
Gravity pipelines have to be laid below the hydraulic gradient. Pipes are of Cast
Iron, Ductile Iron, mild steel, Prestressed concrete, reinforced cement concrete,
GRP asbestos cement, plastic, etc.
5.1 Hydraulic of Conduits ( Pipe ) (PARA 6.2. OF CPHEEO Manual)
The design of supply of conduits is dependent on resistance to flow,
available pressure or head allowable velocities of flow, scour, sediment
transport, quality of water and relative cost..
There are a number of formulas available for use in calculating the
velocity of flow. However Hazen – William formula for pressure conduits
and Manning’s formula for free flow conduits have been popularly used.
a) The Hazen – William formula is expressed as
V= 0.849 C r0.63 S0.54
For circular conduits, the expression becomes
V= 4.567 x 10-3 C d 0.63 S 0.54
And Q = 1.292 x 10-5 C d 2.63 S0.54
Where Q = discharge in cubic metre per hour
d.=diameter of pipe in mm
V = Velocity in MPS
r.= hydraulic radius in m or hydraulic mean depth in meter = water area
wetted perimeter
S = Slope of hydraulic gradeline
C= Hazen-William co-efficient
In which, 22
V = velocity of flow in m/s ;
CR = pipe roughness coefficient; ( 1 for smooth pipe; < 1 for rough pipes);
r = hydraulic radius in m;
S = friction slope;
D = internal diameter of pipe in m;
H = friction head loss in m;
L = length of pipe in m; and
Q = flow in pipe in m3/ s.
A nomograph for estimation of head loss by Modified Hazen - Williams
formula is presented in the Appendix 6.3 of CPHEEO manual
scope for reduction in diameter of the pipes used in that section. If the quantity of 23
discharge and head lose were kept constant, the diameter of the pipes would be
reduced using Hazen-Williams formula.
The following expression may be used to determine the reduced diameter of
pipes when `C’ value is increased.
.d1= [c/c1 d2.63]1/2.63 (derived from Hazen William formula)
where d= Diameter of pipe in mm as adopted in the design
d1 = reduced diameter when `C’ value is increased
c= `c’ value adopted in the design
c1= Correct `C’ to be adopted as per CPHEEO manual
this, another expression of Hazen William formula (i.e.) V= 4.567 x 10-3c d0.63 x 24
Where d=350 mm and s= 1/700
Therefore V = 4.567 x 10-3 x 140 (350)0.63 x (1/700)0.54
4.567 x 10-3 x 140 x 3500.63 x (1/700)0.54 = 4.567 x 10-3 x 140 x 40.06 x 0.029
= 0.745 m/sec which is within normal limits adopted by TWAD Board.
A typical discharge table for different size of pipe is given in Annexure IV
For design period of 30 years, 15 percent reduction is required for 25
unlined CI & DI pipes if non corrosive water is to be transported.
The design must also ensure self cleansing velocity.
iv) While carrying corrosive waters, unlined CI, DI and steel pipes will
loose 47 and 27 percent of their capacity respectively over a design
period of 30 years. Hence, a cost trade-off analysis must be carried
out between chemical and bio-chemical correction of water quality,
provision of a protective lining to the pipe interiors and design at
reduced CR value for ascertaining the utility of CI, DI and steel pipe
material in the transmission of corrosive waters.
Recommended CR values are presented in Table 6.4 The use of the
recommended values in conjunction with Modified Hazen-Williams formula or
the nomograph will permit fuller utilization of pipe materials.
ii) In design of distribution systems, the design velocity should not be less than 26
0.6m/ s to avoid low velocity conditions which may encourage deposition and / or
corrosion resulting in deterioration in quality. However, where inevitable due to
minimum pipe diameter criteria or other hydraulic constraints, lower velocities
may be adopted with adequate provision for scouring.
iii) In all hydraulic calculations, the actual internal diameter of the pipe shall be
adopted after accounting for the thickness of lining, if any instead of the nominal
diameter or outside diameters ( OD).
iv)In providing for head loss due to fittings, specials and other appurtenances,
actual head loss calculations based on consideration included in subsection 6.2.9.
should be done instead of making an arbitrary provision.
The life and durability of the pipe depends on several factors including
inherent strength of the pipe material, the manufacturing process along with
quality control handling transportation laying and jointing of the pipeline
surrounding soil conditions and quality of water. Normally the design period of
pipelines is considered as 30 years.
Lined metallic pipelines are expected to last beyond the normal design life
of 30 years. However, the relative age of such pipes depends on the thickness and
quality of lining available for corrosion. The cost of the pipe material and its
durability or design life are the two major governing factors in the selection of the
pipe material. The pipeline may have very long life but may also be relatively
expensive in terms of capital and recurring costs and, therefore, it is essential to
carryout a detailed economic analysis before selecting a pipe material.
The metallic pipes are being provided with internal lining either with cement
mortar or epoxy so as to reduce corrosion, increase smoothness and prolong the
Underground metallic pipelines may require protection against external
corrosion depending on the soil environment and corrosive ground water.
Protection against external corrosion is provided with cement mortar guiniting or
hot applied coal-tar asphaltic enamel reinforced with fiberglass fabric yarn.
The determination of the suitability in all respects of the pipeline for any
work is a matter of decision by the Engineer concerned on the basis of the
requirements for the scheme. It is necessary that a quantitative and qualitative
assessment is made to arrive at the most economical and reliable pipe materials.
The check list for selection of pipe materials prescribed in table 6.7 of
CPHEEO is to be prepared to the facilitate the decision makers in selecting the
economical and reliable pipe materials for the given condition and it is strongly 28
recommended for large and medium projects more than 15 mld.
Risk factors should be identified clearly in the project report. Risk analysis
should be carried out to arrive at the correct decision in selecting the pipe
Required for water distribution system ranging from 15-150mm dia and 31
occasionally upto 350mm
Conforming to IS 4984 – 1987.
They can withstand movement of heavy traffic
HDPE pipes can be jointing by welding.
and longitudinal stress. When conduits are not permitted to change length, 32
variations in temperature like wise create longitudinal stress. External loads and
foundation reactions ( Manner of support ) including the weight of the full conduit
and atmospheric pressure produce flexural stress.
The yield test pressure to be imposed should be not less than the maximum
of the following.
1 ½ times the maximum sustained operating pressure.
1 ½ times the maximum pipeline static pressure.
Sum of the maximum sustained operating pressure and the maximum
surge pressure.
Sum of the maximum pipeline static pressure and the maximum surge
pressure subject to a maximum equal to the work test pressure for any pipe
fitting incorporated.
The field test pressure should wherever possible be not less than 2/3 work
test pressure appropriate to the class of pipe except in the case of spun iron
pipes and should be applied and maintained for atleast four hours.
Where the field test pressure is less than 2/3 the work test pressure, the
period of test should be increased to atleast 24 hours. The test pressure
shall be gradually revised at the rate of 1 kg / cm2/minutes.
In case of gravity pipe, maximum working pressure shall be 2/3 work test
The hydrostatic test pressure at works and at field after installation and the
working pressure for different classes of pipes are given in Annexure 5
5.13 Water Hammer (Surge Pressure ) (Para 6.17 CPHEEO)
If the velocity of water flowing in pipe is suddenly diminished, pressure
would be develop in the pipe line due to frictional resistance and wave
propagation. This pressure rise or water hammer is manifest as a series of shocks,
sounding like hammer blows, which may have sufficient magnitude to rupture the 33
pipe or damage connected equipment. It may be caused by the nearly
instantaneous or too rapid closing of a valve in the line or by an equivalent
stoppage of flow which would take place with the sudden pressure. The pressure
wave due to water hammer travels back upstream to the lintel end of the pipe,
where it reverses and surges back and forth through the pipe , getting weaker on
each successive reversal. The Velocity of the wave is that of an acoustic wave in
an elastic medium, the elasticity of the medium in this case being a compromise
between that of the liquid and the pipe. The excess pressure due to water hammer
is additive to the normal – hydrostatic pressure in the pipe and depends on the
elastic properties of the liquid and pipe and on the magnitude.
Causes for Water hammer
The Causes of water hammer are
i) rapid closure of valves
ii) Sudden shut off or unexpected failure of power supply to centrifugal
iii) Pulsation problems due to hydraulic rams and reciprocating pumps.
k = bulk modulus of water (2.07 x 108 kg/m2)
d = diameter of pipe in m
Ct = wall thickness of pipe in m and
E = modulus of elasticity of pipe material in kg/m2
Table below gives of E that may be adopted for different materials.
Material E (kg/m )
Polyethylene – soft 1.2 x 107
Polyethylene – hard 9 x 107
PVC 3 x 108
Concrete 2.8 x 109
Asbestos Cement 3 x 109
Reinforced Cement Concrete 3.1 x 109
Prestressed Concrete 3.5 x 109
Cast Iron 7.5 x 109
Ductile Iron 1.7 x 1010
Wrought Iron 1.08 x 1010
Steel 2.1 x 1010
If the actual time of closure T is greater than the critical time Tc, the actual
water hammer is reduced approximately in proportion to Tc/T.
Water hammer wave velocity may be as high as 1370 m/s for a rigid pipe or
as low as 850 m/s for a steel pipe and for plastic pipes may be as low as 200m/s.
Control Measures
The internal design pressure for any section of a pipeline should not be less
than the maximum operating pressure or the pipeline static pressure obtaining at
the lowest portion of the pipeline considering any allowance required for surge
pressure. The maximum surge pressure should be calculated and the following
allowances made:
(a) If the sum of the maximum operating pressure or the maximum pipeline
static pressure which ever is higher and the calculated surge pressure does
not exceed 1.1 times the internal design pressure, no allowance is
(b) If the sum exceeds 1.1 times the internal design pressure, then protective
devices should be installed and
(c) In no case sum of the maximum operating pressure and the calculated
surge pressure should exceed the field hydrastatic test pressure.
(d) Effect of water hammer could be controlled by
(i) installing special devices in the pipe lines (automatically controlled
quick closing valves, bypasses and pressure relief valves.
(ii) employing surge tank- simplest of form of surge tank is a stand pipe
placed at the end of the line next to the point of velocity control.
5.14 Economic Size of pumping :
Audit Approach
According to Para 6.3.1 of CPHEEO Manual, the cost of the pipe materials
and its durability are the two major governing factors in the selection of pipe
materials and the exercise prescribed in Ttable 6.7 of the ibid Manual the
selection of pipe materials had to be carried out for selecting the economical
and reliable pipe materials. The Manual also stipulates that selection of pipe
for water supply works should be done economically as it involves major part
of the project cost and designed on the basis of procedure stipulated in
Appendix 6.5 –Design for Economic Size of pumping main of ibid Manual.
But while selecting the pipe materials for pumping main and conveying main
of water supply schemes, techno-economic selection of pipe materials
stipulated in the CPHEEO Manual was not adopted involving extra cost.
Cases will be available in designing pumping main adopting MS Pipe/CI
Pipe/DI pipe instead of adopting PSC Pipes by erroneous adoption co-efficient
of roughness (C value) for both metallic pipe lined with cement mortar or epoxy
and prestressed concrete (PSC) pipe (ie. Value in both cases is 140). Para 6.9
of ibid Manual also stipulates that PSC pipe competes economically with
metallic pipe for diameter 600 mm and above and ideally suited for water
supply main where pressure is in the range of 6 kg/cm 2 to 20 kg/cm2.
Cases for adoption of DI pipe instead of CI pipe or MS pipe where the designed
pressure of pumping main is much below the working pressure of CI or MS
According to TWAD Board Circular of February 1999, AC class 15 pipes upto
to size of 300 mm dia could be used for pumping main. But cases of using PSC
pipes/CI pipes/DI pipes could be identified and commented.
While designing the pumping main it would be verified whether intermediary
sump was at higher ridge point so as to reduce the pressure head was provided
so that comparatively lesser class of pipe could be used for the pumping main
Failure to provide intermediary sump and suitable device to control surge
pressure resulting in frequent burst and leakage of pumping main leading for
interruption in power supply. Such defective design and cost involved on
rectification work had to be analysed and commented.
NOTE: While objecting use of metallic pipe the Board used to contend that the
metallic pipe was used to avoid illegal tapping of water from main, to complete
the work within the time schedule and prevalency of rocky reaches. Those
contentions were not tenable due to the fact that illegal tapping was not possible
in PSC pipes also and the Board had allowed the same time for manufacturing,
supplying, laying, jointing PSC Pipes and MS pipes. Further Board used PSC
Pipes in pumping main even for hard rock reaches in other similar water supply
(Chapter 11 of CPHEEO Manual)
3. The selection of pump sets for different types of sources and conditions are as 38
4.1. Borewells (Chapter 7 of Quality Control Manual)
Sl.No. Site condition Preferable
Pump Selection
i. 100mm dia Bore well Jet pumps (Packer type )
Ii 150 mm dia Bore well(not straight) Jet Pumps (Packer type )
Iii 150mm dia Bore well with yield less than 50 lpm Jet Pumps (Packer type )
Iv 150 mm dia Bore well(with yield more than 50 Submersible pumpsets
lpm in urban area)
V 150 mm dia Bore well in rural area
a. yield between 50 & 100 lpm Jet (with jet setting 20 m )
b. yield more than 100 lpm Submersible pumpsets.
The duty of pump set is the discharge in liters per minute against the total
dynamic head (static head, friction losses and other losses ) to which each pump
has to be operated.
a. NPSH required
This is the energy head destroyed in the suction passage of pumps during entry. 40
b. NPSH available
This is the head available after deducting from the atmospheric pressure the
sum of static head, friction loss and vapour pressure at the attitude
Always NPSH available should be more than NPSH required.
5. Life of Pump and Motor
The life expectancy of electrical pumping machineries is 12 years as per
TNPWD Code Appendix VII-A . The pump set and motors will start losing it
efficiency year by year. However by doing upkeep preventive measures and
doing necessary special repairs, the efficiency can be maintained with
extension of life period upto 15 years.
If they are replaced after 15 years, the advantages of latest technology
available at that time of replacement can be made use of which will improve
the efficiency of the system.
(vide CE/SR/MDU Letter 15.12.2003 )
Appendix 6.5 of CPHEEO Manual stipulates the life of electric motor and
pump are 15 years.
To provide margin over BKW or BHP at the operating point so that the
overloading would not be happen as HWL, the following margins are
Treatment of water (Chapter 7 of CPHEEO Manual & Data Matrix)
a. Aim : To improve the raw water quality to the drinking water standards
and stop water borne transmission of epidemics .
b. Methods of treatment : Depends on the nature of source and its water quality .
Subsurface source Generally Chlorination will be sufficient except where
iron is present .
Surface source : Aeration ( if required) Pre chlorination ( optional )
Sedimentation – either plain or with coagulation and flocculation , and
post chlorination .
1. Aeration
Aim : i. to remove objectionable tastes and odours .
ii. for expulsion of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide .
iii. to precipitate impurities iron and manganese present.
iv. For increasing the dissolved oxygen content to water for imparting
Types of aeration
i. Spray – Type
4 Chemical dosing
Aim : i. For coagulation, flocculation .
ii. disinfection and softening .
iii. algal and corrosion control .
iv. for fluoridisation .
Types :(i) Dry feed .
(ii) Solution feed .
Strength of solution :To be not more than 5% for manual feed and not more than
10% for mechanical feed.
Alum is the most common coagulant used and economical.
Lime is also added when PH and alkalinity are low
Dosage for alum : 20-100 mg / 1 (1-5 grain / gallon )
Dosage for lime: About one third that of alum
Density of lime = 670 kg / m3
Density of alum = 980 kg / m3
5 Flash mixing
Aim : To disperse the coagulant evenly in the water.
Generally used when flow exceeds 300 Cu.m / hour.
Head loss : 0.20 – 0.60 m of water
loading Particles
Tank type m3/m2/d@ normally
Typical value Typical value removed
Range Range
for design for design
Plain Upto Sand, silt &
15-30 0.01-1.5 3-4
Sedimentation 6000 clay
Horizontal Alum and
25-75 30-40 2-8 2-2.5
flow, circular iron floge
Vertical flow
(upflow) 40-50 1-1.5 Flocculant
8. Filtration
ii. to produce sparkling and aesthetically attractive water free from disease
producing organism .
a. Slow Sand Filters : Slow sand filters can provide a single step treated for 46
polluted surface waters of low turbiding (< 20 Ntu)
Size of Filter bed :100 m2 (max ) for a single unit comprising Two
halves 50 m2 each .
No. of Units :4 ( min ) and 2 for small plants .
Overall depth : minimum 2.6 m including a free board of 0.5 m
Ratio of length to width : 1.25-1.33
9. Wash water Gutter :Horizontal travel of dirty water over the surface of
filter shall not be more than 0.6 to 1.0 m before
reaching the gutter .
Bottom of gutter should clear the top of Expanded
sand by 50 mm or more .
Upper edge of gutter should be placed as far above the
surface of the undisturbed sand surface as the wash
water rises in 1 minute .
10. Back wash . Back wash should be arranged at such a pressure that
the sand expands to about 130 to 150 of its undisturbed
volume or 5 m head of water as measured in under
drain. Normally the wash water is applied at 36 m
(600 lpm/m2) for a period of 10 minutes
11.Pressure Filters
Same principle as gravity type rapid sand filters; but
water is passed through the filters under pressure.
Tank axis may be vertical or horizontal.
Disadvantages: (i). Pretreatment is not possible without secondary
(ii) Complicates effective feeding mixing and flocculation.
(iii) Adequate contact time for chemicals not possible
(iv) Observance of effectiveness of back was not possible
(v) Difficult to inspect clean and replace.
Aim : For disinfection of potable water by the use of gaseous chlorine or
chlorine compounds to destroy bacteria through the germicidal
effects of effects of chlorine; may be done at head works / treatment
works and supplemented by additional chlorination in loose pockets
of distribution system.
Dosage: When prechlorination is adopted relatively small doses will be
required generally 1 to 2mg/l.
Contact period : 30 minutes (minimum).
Residual Chlorine : 0.2-0.8 ppm throughout the distribution system.
PH Value : 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11
Residual or free
Available chlorine
In ppm : 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8
Quantity of chemical required in kg/day: Dosage in mg/1 X Quantity of water
to be treated in mld.
Specific gravity of Chlorine : 2.49
Density of Chlorine : 3.214 g/litre.
a) Average Demand: - for the month means the ratio of the total kilowatt – hours in
the month to the total hours in the month.
b) Maximum Demand: – in a month means the highest value of the average kilovolt
– amperes delivered at the point of supply of the consumer during any consecutive thirty
minutes in the month.
II. Load
1) Standby motors’/pump sets’ capacity should also be taken into account for the purpose
of connected load.
2) In case of water supply and drainage works, the standby motors’/pump sets’ capacity
need not be taken into account for the purpose of connected load.
The local bodies may be permitted to install standby motors in their L.T. services for
water works and drainage pumping works. The local bodies should provide double throw
change over switch or inter locking arrangement so that only one motor could be operated
at a time. This should be ensured by the field officers.( Memo
No.SE/RE&S(D)/DE/SS/A1/C.3315-1/85 Technical Branch dated 16.3.85 &
SE/IEMC/EE.3/AEE.2/D.708/93 dt.21.9.93)
b) Load Factor: – means the ratio of the Average Demand for the month in kilowatts to
the Maximum Demand for the month in kilowatts.
a) Power Factor means the ratio of the real power to the apparent power. Real power is
expressed in KW and the apparent power expressed in KVA.
Average Power Factor means the ratio of the kilowatt – hours to the kilo volt – ampere
hours consumed during the month.
IV. Voltage
a) Low Voltage – means a voltage which does not exceed 250 volts under normal
conditions subject to the percentage variation allowed under the Indian Electricity Rules
b) Medium voltage – means a voltage which is higher than 250 volts but which does not
exceed 650 volts under normal conditions.
c) High voltage means a voltage which is higher than 650 volts but which does not
exceed 33 KV.
d) Extra High Voltage means a voltage which is higher than 33 KV under normal
V. System of Supply
VI Categories of Supply
b) Three – phase, 4 - wire, 445 volts between phases and 240 volts between phase
and neutral for :-
1) General supply exceeding 4000 watts
2) Power load exceeding 1.5 HP upto 130 HP
c) Three phase, 3 wire, 11 KV and above between phases for power installations
exceeding 130 HP or 97 KW connected load.
N.B. : 1) A consumer shall avail only. Low Tension supply if the connected load is 75
HP (56 KW ) or below,
2) A consumer shall avail only. High Tension supply if the connected load exceeds 130
HP ( 97 KW)
3) When the connected load is between 75 HP and 130 HP, the consumer has the option
to avail either Low Tension or High. Tension supply. In calculating the connected load
for the purpose, the lighting load upto the permissible limit as laid in the Tariff
Notifications will be excluded.
Normally for High Tension Service, H.T. metering will be provided on the H.T. side.
In case where L.T. metering is provided for a H.T. service, the average losses in the
transformer would be calculated as follows and this would be added to the energy
consumption indicated by the meter, when the transformer capacity is above 50 KVA.
720 x 1.0 x KVA of the transformer / 100 units per month. Similarly the following
percentage will be added to the recorded maximum demand on the L.T. side to arrive at
the equipment H.T. demand.
1% of the transformer capacity for transformer above 50 KVA 1
For all L.T. service Electricity Board will provide L.T. metering on the consumer’s 51
premises at a suitable place.
Installation of Capacitors
All L.T. consumers with a connected load of motors of 25 HP and above (Total of the
ratings of the installed motors) all L.T. consumers using welding transformer
(irrespective of their rating) shall install capacitors of rating not less than these specified
below : (Clause 17.01)
Rating of motor (HP) Rating of capacity KVAR
3 1
5 2
7.5 3
10 4
15 6
20 8
25 9
30 10
40 15
60 20
75 24
100 30
125 39
If the L.T. consumers with a connected load of 3 HP & above do not install
capacitors as required above, they will be charged a compensation amount at 10% of the
current consumption charges for the two preceding assessment periods i.e., four months.
If still capacitors are not provided within 2 nonths, services will be disconnected.
In respect of H.T. service connections, the average power factor of the consumer’s
installation shall not be less than 0.90 lag.
Where the average P.F. of a H.T. service connection is less than the stipulated limit of
0.90 lag, compensation charge at the rate of 1% of the current consumption charges of
that month for every 0.01 reduction in P.F. will be levied 9(Clause 17.04).
In the event of the average P.F. of H.T. service connection going below 0.70 lag
consecutively for three months, in addition to the levy of compensation charges at the
above rate, the service connection will be disconnected after giving seven days’ notice.
The service connection will be reconnected after the P.F. correction is carried out. An
discount of 1% for maintaining power factor above 0.95 lag is allowed to the consumers
by TNEB.
Audit Approach
The following points could inter alia be seen
Whether pumpset designed for 15 years.
Whether higher capacities of pumps and motors were installed. This can
be verified with the designed capacity with actual capacity used over a
period of time.
Whether the recorded demand was more or less equal to the contract
demand. If wide variation collect the recorded demand for the past
period (say 1 to 3 years) and comment the excess with financial
Verify the current consumption bill and ensure whether penalty paid for
low power factor if so it may be commented with money value on the part
of failure to improve the stipulated power factor with suitable capacitors.
(Chapter 10 of CPHEEO Manual)
General Design guide lines for Distribution System (Para 10.3 OF CPHEEO)
1.Peak Factor:
The per capita rate of water supply indicates only the average consumption of
water per day per person over a period of one year. In the design of water supply
distribution system, it is to be recognized that consumption varies with the season,
month, day and hour. As far as the design of distribution system is concerned, it is
the hourly variation in consumption that matters. The fluctuation in consumptions
accounted for, by considering the peak rate of consumption ( which is equal to
average rate multiplied by a peak factor) as rate of flow in the design of
distribution system.
The following peak factors are recommended for various population figures:
For population less than 50,000 3.0
For a population range of 50,000 to 2,00,000 2.25
For population above 2,00,000 2.0
For Small Water Supply Schemes
(Where supply is effected through
standposts for only 6 hours) 3.0
Note 54
Fire demand can be assessed as per the norms given in section
Reference can also be made to IS 9668-1980
2. Residual Pressure:
Distribution system should be designed for the following minimum residual
pressures at ferule points:
Single storey building = 7m
Two storey building = 12m
Three storey building = 17m
Distribution system should not ordinarily be designed for residual pressures
exceeding 22 meters. Multistoried buildings needing higher pressure should be
provided with boosters.
3.Minimum Pipe Sizes
Minimum pipe sizes of 100mm for towns having population upto 50,000 and
150mm for those above 50,000 are recommended. For dead ends, less than
100mm can be considered. If it is a grid, less than 100mm can be used in situations
where no further expansions contemplated.
4. Elevation of Reservoir
The elevation of the service reservoir should be such as to maintain the
minimum residual pressure in the distribution system consistent with its cost
effectiveness. The hydraulic gradient in the pipe should normally be between 1
and 4 per thousand at peak flow. A suitable combination of pipe sizes and staging
height has to be determined optimization of the system. The staging height of
service reservoirs is normally kept as 15-20m.
5. Boosting:
For distant localities, boosters may be provided instead of increasing the size
of mains or height of the reservoir unduly for maintaining the required pressure.
6. Service Reservoirs ( Para 10.4 Of Cpheeo)
The service reservoirs provide a suitable reserve of treated water with
minimum interruptions of supply due to failure of mains, pumps etc.
They also enable meeting the widely fluctuating demands when the
supply is by intermittent pumping. They are also helpful in reducing
the size of the mains which would otherwise be necessary to meet the
The down – take system of water supply in high rise buildings may be one or a 57
combination of the following systems viz., overhead storage system, break
pressure tank system and hydro-pneumatic system.
9. Clear Water sump (Datamatrix of TWAD Engineers)
Capacity : If point of supply is near the filter plant, clear water reservoir may be a
service reservoir of 8 hours storage capacity, if gravity is possible or of 30 minutes
storage in case of continuous pumping. If pumping is intermittent, the capacity should
be such that the filtrate could be drawn during non-pumping hours from a continuously
worked filter.
If point of supply is at a distance from the filter plant, capacity of clear
water reservoir may be for 30 minutes storage either for gravity or for pumping if the
transmission main carries average discharge of 24 hours basis. Otherwise the capacity
should be increased to absorb the difference between the rate of inflow and rate of draw
down in the clear water reservoir.
At Head works / Treatment works site, a storage capacity varying from 2
to 12 hours is recommended depending on length and size of main and nature and
frequency of power failures.
Note :
Distribution system should be designed economically since it involves more than half the
cost of water works.
Distribution system should not be designed for residual pressure more than 22m.
Distribution by direct pumping is to be avoided.
Special care should be taken to have an adequate horizontal and vertical separation
between water mains and sewer lines.
The lateral separation should be a minimum of 0.3m while the bottom of the water main
should be atleast 0.5 m above the top of the sewer line. A water main should neither pass
through nor come in contact with any part of a manhole.
Audit Approach
Pumping system, pumping main created under separate scheme, but
distribution system not created for long time or partially created resulting
in under utilisation of assets.
Service reservoirs constructed adopting the norms for individual power
pump schemes with higher capacity whereas as per norms prescribed by
CPHEEO, the capacity is comparatively much lesser with reference to
power supply and hours of pumping.
In case of the distribution system were designed adopting 55 lpcd, in Rural
area, it should be ensured house service connection was envisaged and
specific undertaking from local bodies obtained thereof. Cases where
distribution system designed adopting 55 lpcd without providing HSC may
be identified and commented.
6 hours) Techniques are available for the optimization of rural water supply 59
distribution system.
Drinking water supply is a state subject. In the Forth Five Year Plan,
Government of India provided assistance to the States to carry out identification of
problem villages and to accelerate the pace of coverage of problem villages. In 1972-
73, GOI introduced the Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) to
assist the State and Union Territories with 100% grants in aid to implement the
schemes in such villages with the introduction of Minimum Needs Programme
(MNP) during the Fifth Five Year Plan (from 1974-75), it was withdrawn. ARWSP
was however, reintroduced in 1977-78 when the progress of supply of safe drinking
water to the identified problem villages under MNP was not found to be satisfactory.
The entire programme was given a mission approach when Technology Mission on
Drinking Water and Related Water Management also called National Drinking Water
Mission (NDWM) was introduced as one of five Social Mission in 1986. NDWM
was renamed as Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM) in
1991. ARWSP was continued till 1998-99. But the objectives of the programme
could not be attained as envisaged due to lack of sufficient funds and re emergence of
not covered habitations etc. In March 1999, GOI approved Major Policy changes for
implementation of Rural Water Supply Programme during the 9th Plan period and
Sector Reforms Project (SRP) was launched on a pilot basis in the year 1999-2000
with the objective of institutionalizing community participation in capital cost
sharing, operation and maintenance and water quality monitoring and surveillance in
identified pilot district. 67 districts in 26 States were selected under SRP. The SRP
was slightly improved and is being now launched as `Swajaldhara’ from 25th
December 2002.
(i) Constitution of Water and Sanitation Mission (WSM) at the State level
which consist of an Apex Committee headed by Chief Secretary and
an Executive Committee headed by an officer of the department
concerned with rural water supply, not below the rank of Joint
Secretary-responsible for overall policy guidelines.
(ii) Constitution of WSM at District level –District Water Sanitation
Mission (DWSM): Constituted in the district and registered under
Society Act—responsible for formulation, management and
(iii) Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC): set up in each
Gram Panchayat for implementation of Water supply scheme of their
own choice with active participation of villagers—ensuring
community participation and decision making in all scheme activities,
arranging community contribution to capital cost both in cash and kind
d. Support Services
e. Swajaldhara
The Sector Reforms Project has been slightly improved and is launched as
Swajaldhara on 25th December 2002. Swajaldhara will have two streams. First
(Swajaldhara I) will be for a Gram Panchayat (GP) or group of GPs or intermediate
Panchayat at Block level and the Second (Swajaldhara II) will have a district as the
Project area and is being implemented by respective agencies. Specific proposals
under Swajaldhara I will be sanctioned by the District Water and Sanitation
Committee (DWSC). The District is the unit for implementing the reforms initiative
under Swajaldhara II. In order to avail funds under Swajaldhara I & II, the State
Govt. would enter into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department
of Drinking Water supply, Ministry of Rural Development, GOI.
Wide publicity and proper time should be given for all the major tenders before 65
fixing up the contracts.
The source creation shall take precedence over all other sub heads of the
sanctioned project in the normal courses. There were instances, where Service
Reservoir and distribution system are ready but the source is not created.
Unless it is satisfied with the existence of a proper source with adequate
quantity and quality to cater the needs there is no point in rushing up with the
other components of the project.
(G.O. Ms. No. 644 PWD dt: 31.3.80 read with B.P.Ms.No. 75 TWAD dated:
11.2. Guidelines for adoption in preparation of Rural, Urban and Combined
Water Supply scheme.
(TWAD Board Lr. No. F. HOTC / AE-9/ P&D / 2001 dt: 7.6.2002 and
Technical committee meeting held on 30.5.2002)
Population Forecat:
Revised provision please sees in chapter 3.4
Demand Projection:
After arriving at required quantity of water based on the per capita supply
level. Provision may be made for industrial and commercial requirement at a
minimum of 10% of total requirements. In places where there are only
industries, this can be increased to actual requirements based on committed
requirements from the industries. Transmission losses at 10% of total
requirement may be provided.
Water available from existing other water sources may be deducted from the
calculated requirements after ascertaining the sustainability of the quality and
quantity of source from Hydrological reports.
Yield from the existing hand pumps need not be taken into account for demand
While designing a new river water based project, all the wayside habitations
irrespective of their status are to be included in the scope. The per capita
supply to be adopted for the wayside habitations are as detailed below.
For fully covered habitation -15 lpcd
For partially covered habitation - The extent to which shortage in level of
For not covered habitations -as per norms.
As far as possible source with sustainable quality and quantity for the
design period of the project should be selected. The selected source shall
not be susceptible to pollution and damage due to sand quarrying at any
Air valves may be introduced at every 1000m for pipe lines upto 600mm dia. 67
For pipe line with size of main above 600mm dia air valves may be introduced
at 500m intervals.
To prevent pollution and damage to air valves by the public, air valve may be
fixed above a 2.75m standard DF pipe and the DF pipes may be encased with
Scour valves should be provided at valley points with facility for easy disposal
of scoured water. For diameter more than 300mm the size of line valves may
be fixed at 2/3rd of pipe diameter. For line valves of diameter 500mm and
above by pass and gears arrangements and air valves on either side should be
provided for easy operation. Provision of reflux valves may be restricted to the
bearest minimum. By pass valves should be provided across the reflux
valves. Air valves should be provided on either side of the reflux valve in the
transmission main.
Economical size of pumping main factor to be adopted ( on 15 years loan with
rate of interest 12.5%)
Capital cost factor - 0.153
Equivalent cost factor - 0.165
Annuity factor 0.153
Pumping Plants ( Sump & Pump sets)
Detention time for sump with an inflow of less than 1 mld may be taken as
8 hours subject to a minimum of 30000 litres.
For inflow more than 1 mld the sump capacity may be fixed at 4 hours
storage subject to a maximum to 50 lakh litres.
The sump need not be circular shape. Suit to site condition. Priority may be
given for constructing the pump house over the sump.
For centrifugal, turbine and submersible pump 50% stand by may be
adopted except in the case of borewells.
Efficiency of pumps for design purpose may be taken as 60% for
centrifugal pump and 70% for turbine pump and submersible pumps.
Inside the pumping, plant butterfly valves with valve actuators may be
provided for valves of size 300mm and above.
For pumping plants with 100 HP and above provisions may be made for
SCADA with sensor for water level flow and pressure for collection of field
operating information and control from the central location.
Treatment Plant:
The treatment plant should be designed based on raw water quality.
Slow sand filter are easy to operate and maintain. These plants can be
maintained even by local bodies with unskilled labours. The operating
cost will be less when compared to rapid and sand filter. Even in places
with limited land availability feasibility of providing multi- storeyed
filters may be examined.
In case of raw water with turbidity level less than 100, preference shall 68
be given for provision of slow sand filters. For turbidity level between
60 and 100, a settling tank of 3 to 4 hours detention time may be
For water drawn from hill sources an aerator has to be provided.
Note: 1) The distribution system, service Reservoir and pumping main etc.
in rural area were designed for 8 hours considering limited hours of
power supply.
2) The capacity of over head Service Reservoir for comprehensive
water supply scheme are to be designed not less 50% of the ultimate daily
requirements of the individual habitation ( TWAD Circular Memo. No.
45997 / RWS/ 1113 / 82-3 / dated: 24.12.1982).
Distribution System:
The length of distribution system may fixed on the following norms for rural
Population ( Ultimate)
Upto 300 - 750 m
301 – 750 - 1500m
Field particulars
All field particulars have to be furnished for preparation of detailed
The alignment plan should be drawn with reference to FM sketches or
plain table survey or compass survey.
11.3. House service connection ( HSC)
New water supply schemes may be taken up in rural habitations only after
obtaining a firm commitment from the respective panchayat for giving House
Service Connection to atleast 30% of the house holds in the habitation. ( MD/
TWAD Lr.No. 1202/ AE3/PM/R/2002/ dt: 21.6.2002)
11.4.Water utilization committee
All water supply schemes and irrigation schemes involving drawal of
water of less than 1 mgd (million gallon daily) shall be approved by the District
Collector concerned. 1 mgd and above shall be placed before the water utilization 70
committee and the clearance obtained. ( G.O.Ms. No. 543 / PWD dt: 24.3.1980.)
11.5. Sustainability of water-designing infrastructure to wayside habitation of
The existing level of supply should be assessed and its sustainability
should be certified by the Deputy Hydrogeologist of the respective Circle. The
per capita supply may be reduced from the 55 lpcd to the extent of sustainable
present level of supply for which sustainability certificate has been issued by
Deputy Hydrogeologist. If the present level of supply is not at all sustainable, a
per capita supply of 55 lpcd may be adopted for designing the scheme. (TWAD
Circular No.60/ DO / P&D / dated: 8.8.2002)
11.6. Guidelines for improvements and augmentation of existing water supply
( TWAD circular No. 38/ PO / P&D / 2001 / dt; 22.4.2002)
Improvements and augmentation of the existing water supply facilities
should be considered whenever there is failure of potable source, prevalence of
inadequate supply and there is an actual need for augmentation / improvements.
On the contrary in the several cases it has been noticed that habitations/town with
sufficient level of potable water supply with level sources are being considered
under river bed water supply project just to facilitate river water supply to the
fully covered habitations / town. This practice not only results in unnecessary
expenditure on the limited budgetary allocation, but also cuts the supply intended
for other needy areas. Hence water supply scheme should be designed to benefit
the actual needy areas and should be implemented mainly to benefit the needy
5. The State Land Selection Committee (SLSC) may monitor/review from time 72
to time the physical and financial progress of the schemes already approved
by GOI before selecting new towns so as to assess/identify the shortcomings
and suggest remedial measures to complete the schemes as per the schedule.
6. While selecting project towns by SLSC, priority must be accorded to towns
with special problems like:
a) Very low per capita supply
b) Very distant or deep water source
c) Drought-prone area
d) Excess salinity, fluoride, iron content in the water source
e) High incidence of water born diseases
7. Priority is to be given by the SLSC to rehabilitation and augmentation
schemes rather than new schemes
8. No change/alteration in the priority list of towns selected by the SLSC will be
9. The DPR should contain:
A commitment to launch the scheme immediately after receiving
technical approval of Government of India/Administrative Approval of
the scheme by the State Government with necessary budgetary provision
Commitment from the State Power Department / Statement Electricity
Board to ensure interrupted power supply to the scheme
A certificate/commitment to the effect that, the works for different
components of the scheme included in the DPR have not commenced and
no expenditure has been booked.
Whether any Government of India fund from any other Central
Development Programme was obtained during the last five
years/proposed to be obtained or not. If yes, details may be indicated in
the DPR.
Details of the total annual and expenditure of the agency responsible for
O&M for the last 5 years in order to assess their financial soundness to
take over the scheme for O&M after its commissioning.
Permission/action initiated to obtain permission from various
departments, e.g. Revenue, Water Resources, Forest, Rural, Highways,
Railways, etc. wherever necessary, for implementation of the scheme.
Technical Guidelines:
2. While preparing the DPRs, technical guidelines stipulated in the revised
Manual on Water Supply & Treatment published in May 1999 by this
Ministry may be considered in addition to AUWSP guidelines.
3. The design period for 20 to 25 years as per guidelines of AUWSP may be
considered for the scheme. In addition, a gestation period of 2 to 3 years
may be adopted to decide upon the base year, intermediate stage and
ultimate stage of the scheme.
Pattern of Finance
AUWSP will be funded on grant basis by the Central Government 50%
and the State Government 50% including 5% beneficiaries/town contribution.
In case of Union Territories 100% financing is available from Central Share.
Release of Fund:
25% of the Central Share will be released to the State Government or
the designated agency on selection of the scheme
Second installment of the Central Share (i.e. 50% of the eligible
Central Share) will be released on (i) release of the first installment of
the State Share, (ii) completion of ground work for execution of the
scheme including award of contracts, (iii) utilisation of atleast 50% of
the amount released for the scheme (ie. including state share), (iv)
submission of detailed project report and its approval.
Third and final installment amounting to 25% of Central Share will be
released on (i) release of second installment of State Share (ii)
utilisation of 80% of the total funds released for the scheme.
12.1. Preventive maintenance (Para 10.10 of CPHEEO Manual):
Preventive maintenance of water distribution system pipelines assures the
twin objectives of preserving the hygienic quality of water in the distribution
mains and providing condition for adequate flow through the pipe lines. Some of
the main functions in the management of preventive aspects in the maintenance of
mains are assessment, detection and prevention of wastages of water from pipe
lines, maintaining the capacity of pipe line and cleaning of pipe line .
a) Wastage:
Wastage is due to leakage in water mains due to corrosion, fracture, faulty
joints, ferrule connection, service pipes and fittings inside the consumer’s
premises due to joints corrosion faulty washers on glands in valves and taps, 75
abandoned service pipes and ferrule connections in mains; and failure to turn off
taps in premises willfully or inadvertently.
b) Leakage Detection :
Leakage detection survey is confined only to the areas with heavy leakages
as arrived at by the waste assessment survey. The survey consists of :
i) Finding leaks in the pipes by visual determination of surface; and
ii) Traversing the sub – zone in the night by sounding rod, or electronic
leak locator for pinpointing of leaks in pipes .
C. Cleaning of pipes
The necessity for systematic and periodic cleaning of pipelines is borne out
by the fact that the carrying capacity of the pipes gets reduced due to growth of
slimes, incrustation deposits. Flushing and swabbing of pipes, which are simple
and inexpensive can go a long way in maintaining the capacity.
The old cast iron and steel pipes which are cleaned can be protected from
further incrustations or corrosion by cement lining. Insertion of a plastic pipes has
also practiced with success .
d. Protection against pollution near sewers and drains
A water main should be laid such that there is at least 3 m separation,
horizontally from existing or proposed drain or sewer line. If local conditions
prevent this lateral separation of water main may be laid closer to a storm or
sanitary sewer, provided that the main is laid by separate trench or on an
undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the sewer at such elevation that the
bottom of the water main is at least 0.5m above the top of the sewer.
In situations where water mains have to cross house sewer; storm drain, or
sanitary sewer then it should be laid at such an elevation that the bottom of the
water main is 0.50 m above the top of the drain or sewer with the joints as remote
from the sewer as possible. This vertical separation should be maintained for a
distance of 3 m on both sides measured normal to the sewer or drain it crosses .
Where conditions prevent the minimum vertical separation set forth above,
or when it is necessary for the water main to pass under a sewer or drain, the water
main should be laid with flanged cast iron pipe, with rubber gasket joints for a
length on either side of the crossing to satisfy the lateral separation of 3 m. A
vertical separation of 0.50m between the bottom of the water main and the top of
the sewer should be maintained with adequate support for the larger sized sewer
lines, to prevent them from settling on or breaking the water main. In making
such crossings, it is preferable to have the sewer also of casting flanged pipe with
rubber gasket joints and both the water and sewer mains pressure tested to assure 76
water tightness before back fillings.
Where a water main has already been laid and where a new sewer is to be
laid, the above aspects may also be taken into consideration and the water main
may be realigned, when it is not possible to lay the sewer consistent with the
above recommendations.
Since water expands nearly about 10% in volume with an irresistible
pressure, freezing solid conditions should not be allowed in any pipe system to
avoid interruption of service and prevent damage to the pipes .
11.2. Method of raising revenue (Para 17.4 of CPHEEO Manual)
The sources of revenue are the funds received by general taxation such as
water tax or a portion of the general property tax which is realized by assessment
on all taxable property and water rates paid by those who use the water, more or
less in proportion to the amount consumed .
Water tax
Since the provision of a water supply to a town enhances the value of the
property, a water tax is justifiable on the annual rental value of the property.
This may be a separate tax or included in the general property tax but it is
desirable that the revenue under this head is earmarked for water supply purpose .
Water rates
The revenue from the sale of water or water rates recoverable from parties
actually consuming the water such as for domestic purposes or for commercial and
industrial purposes is utilized to meet the annual recurring cost of operation and
maintenance and to provide for a reserve for meeting the capital expenses for
future improvement to the system .
Any major augmentation of the system should, however, be dealt with by
the new scheme for which the capital is to be raised in the usual manner .
The most equitable method will be based on metering of all the supplies.
The quantity actually accounted for by the meters is invariably less than the
quantity produced since there is a considerable wastage as unaccounted water,
which should also be considered in fixing the water rates. The water rates are to
be carefully fixed taking into account the following:
i) The rate should be high enough to fetch the necessary revenue and not
excessive as to discourage consumers from making needed use of the water
for domestic needs and for personnel hygiene in particular .
ii) The rate should be such as to make the amenity more or less self paying
and worked on a no – profit – no – loss basis .
iii) The rate should be such as to provide for generating source for expanding
the system to take care or increasing requirements .
A good management of a water supply system includes a number of functions
such as
(i) Provision and maintenance of adequate facilities :
(ii) Good and smooth operation :
(iii) Efficient and economical maintenance :
(iv) Establishment of sound fiscal methods :
(v) Development of equitable water tax and water rates :
(vi) Efficient control of equipment and supplies :
(vii) Keeping the wastage of water to a minimum :
(viii) Good public relations and satisfactory service to consumers: and
(ix) Development of technical and financial plans for future expansion .
In the Project Appraisal Technique , the costs and benefits of the project in
financial / economic terms are evaluated. It is easy to identify costs and benefits
in financial terms where as it is difficult to identify in economic terms. The
project incurs expenses on capital investment, such as machinery and equipment,
operation and maintenance cost, purchase of raw materials, payment of wages and
import of goods and services etc. In addition the projects has to pay taxes, import
duties, fees, repay the loan with interest and allow for the depreciation of fixed
assets . The project gets its return from the sale of goods and services and also
receives subsidy, if allowed by the Government, which reduces the costs or add to
the income .
Two types of costs and benefits are encountered in the appraisal of a project 81
– one involves the use of resources, and the other which does not involve use of
resources, but it is a transfer of resources from the project to the Government or
any other institution / individual ( taxes, fees, duties, loan repayment and interest )
or vice versa ( subsidies ).
Audit approach on Implementation
Failure to conduct proper investigation and identifying a reliable, sustainable
dependable source to meet the ultimate requirements necessitating the
formulation of another scheme even during the execution of the former scheme
or before completion of the designed service life. The costs involved in
execution of the latter scheme especially headworks, pumping main, Booster
Station, sump etc. are avoidable.
According to the orders of the Board in March 1990, various components of
water supply schemes shall be executed only after ensuring adequate quality
and quantity of water sources. However without ensuring the availability of
water for the ultimate requirements, pumping main, distribution system were
constructed for ultimate requirement resulting in unfruitful extra expenditure. A
few type of cases are listed below:
(i) Failure to create reliable and dependable source before creation of
infrastructure rendered the entire infrastructures unutilized.
(ii) Creation of infrastructure for larger discharge than the yield
(iii) Due to public objection required designed level of water could not be
extracted, but pumping main constructed for the original design
involving higher size of pumping main. Failure to revise the design
on the basis of actual yield resulted in extra cost on creation of
higher size of pumping main.
Avoidable delay in execution of the work resulted in non-achievement of
This was due to :
a) delay in obtaining permission from Highways department for laying
pumping main
b) delay in execution of work
The cause etc. thereof has to be analysed critically and commented.
Water supply scheme designed with drawal of source from another water
supply scheme. Though all infrastructures were created for supply of water,
the scheme held up due to non completion of the scheme from which source
was proposed to be drawn.
Under utilisation of the completed water supply schemes
The work of construction of head work, treatment plant, pumping main, clear
water reservoir, transmission main, feeder main with all facilities to supply water
to the intended habitations completed much earlier. But the infrastructures to
supply water to the group of habitation was either not completed or work not
taken up. Hence the assets created to supply water to designed level could not be
put into optimum use. Head works, pumping main completed which provided for 82
bulk provision of water to supply various other habitations. But evenafter
commencement of the water supply scheme, the work of distribution system was
not sanctioned and taken up for execution, to those habitations for which bulk
provision was made for.
Estimation of future population
The population of a town as per the Census records are given below for the
years 1921 to 1981. Assuming that the scheme of water supply will commence to
function from 1986, it is required to estimate the population 30 years hence, i.e. in
2016 and also the intermediate population 15 years after 1986, i.e.2001.
Year Population Increment
1921 40,185
1931 44,522 4,337
1941 60,395 15,873
1951 75,614 15,219
1961 98,886 23,272
1971 1,24,230 25,344
1981 1,58,800 34,570
Total 1,18,615
Average 19,769
Arithmetical Progression Method
Increase in population from 1921 to 1981
i.e. in 6 decades = 1,58,800
or increase per decade =1/6 x 118,615 = 19769
Population in 2001 =Population in 1981 + increase for 2 decades
= 158,800+2 x 19769
=158,800 + 39538
Population in 2016 =Population in 1981 + Increase for 3.5 decades
= 158,800 + 3.5 x 19,769
= 227,992
2. Geometrical Progression Method
Rate of Growth (r) = 4337/40185= 0.108
Per decade between
1931 and 1921
1941 and 1931 = 15873/44522= 0.356
1951 and 1941 = 15219/60395= 0.252
1961 and 1951 = 23272/75614= 0.308
1971 and 1961 = 25344/98886= 0.256
1981 and 1971 = 34570/124230=0.278
| 0.108 X 0.356 X0.252 X 0.308 X 0.256X0.278
Geometric mean, rg =
Assuming that the future growth follows the geometric mean for the period 1921
to 1981 rg = 0.2442
Population in 2001 = Population in 1981 x ( 1 x rg)2
= 158800 x (1.2442)2 = 245,800
Population in 2016 = Population in 1981 x (1+ rg)3.5= 1.58,800 x
Methods of Varying Increment or Incremental Increase Methods
In this method a progressively decreasing or increasing rather than a
constant rate is adopted. This is a modification over the Arithmetical Progression
Year Population Increase (x) Incremental
increase (Y
1921 40,185
1931 44,522 4,337
1941 60,395 15,873 11536
1951 75,614 15,219 654
1961 98,886 23,272 8053
1971 1,24,230 25,344 2072
1981 1,58,800 34,570 9226
Total 1,18,615 30233
Average = 1/6 x 118615= 1/5 x 30,233
= 19769 = 6047
Pn =P1+ nX + n(n+1)Y
P2001 = P1981 + 2x 19769 + 2x3x6047
= 158800 + 39538 + 18141 = 216479
P 2016 = P1981 + 3.5.x 19769 + (3.5 x 4.5 x 6047) /2
= 158800 + 699192 + 24,188
= 252180
** Figures in excess of those mentioned under ‘Acceptable’ render the water not
acceptable, but still may be tolerated in the absence of a alternative and better
source but upto the limits indicated under column “Cause for Rejection” above
which the sources will have to be rejected.
+ It is possible that some mine and spring waters may exceed these radio activity
limits and in such cases it is necessary to analyze the individual radio-nuclides in
order to assess the acceptability or otherwise for public consumption.
b) Bacteriological Guidelines
The treated water should be bacteriologically in good quality and any trace
of bacteria of any kind must not be detectable in any 100 ml sample.
Unit cost
1. Unit cost at 1998-99 rate for Ground Level Service Reservoirs
(sump) (including pipe connections)
S.No Description of work Rate for 1998-99
1 Upto 5000 litres 10.20 per lit.
2 Above 5000 litres and upto 10000 litres 7.40 per lit.
3 Above 10000 litres and upto 30000 litres 5.80 per lit.
4 Above 30000 litres and upto 50000 litres 4.85 per lit.
5 Above 50000 litres and upto 100000 litres 4.20 per lit.
6 Above 100000 litres and upto 200000 litres 3.40 per lit.
7 Above 200000 litres and upto 500000 litres 2.85 per lit
8 Above 500000 litres and upto 1000000 litres 2.55 per lit
9 Above 1000000 litres 1.75 per lit
2. Unit cost as per 1998-99 rates for RCC elevated Service Reservoirs
(including pipe connections)
S.No. Description of work Rate per 1998-99
Per litre
1 10000 litres 6 m staging 11.70
2 15000 litres 6 m staging 9.90
3 30000 litres 6 m staging 7.40
4 30000 litres 12 m staging 8.90
5 50000 litres 7.5 m staging 6.60
6 50000 litres 12 m staging 7.00
7 60000 litres 7.5 m staging 5.60
8 60000 litres 12 m staging 6.30
9 1 lakh litres 7.5 m staging 5.40
10 1 lakh litres 12 m staging 6.60
11 1.5 lakh litres 12 m staging 5.30
12 2.0 lakh litres 12 m staging 4.60
II Standby Pumpsets
(Rate for only pumpsets for jet, centrifugal and
turbine pumpsets)
1 to 2 HP 4025
6 to 10 HP 3800
11 to 15 HP 3450
16 to 35 HP 3400
36 to 50 HP 3275
51 to 100 HP 3225
above 100 HP 3100
Test Pressure
at works
Usual Dia in working
S.No Pipe IS No Class Kg/Cm2
mm pressure at field
=10m of
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Spun Iron Pipe 80,100,125, LA 35 12
IS:1536-1989 & 150-50-500 A 35 18
3114-1985 600,700,750, B 35 24
2 Cast Iron Pipe 80,100,125 150- A-dia(mm) Not less than 2/3
IS:1537-1976 50-500 Upto 600 20 of the works test
600,700,750 600-1000 15 pressure
800-100-1200 1000-1500 10 maintained for the
1500 field test pressure
B-dia (mm) are less, the
Upto 600 25 period of test
600-1000 20 should be atleast
1000-1500 15 24 hours, the test
pressure being
gradually raised
at the rate of
3 AC Pressure Pipes 50, 65, 80,100, 10 10 MPA Maximum
IS:1952-2003 125, 15 15 1.0 working pressure
150-50-500 , 20 20 1.5 will be half the
600 25 25 2.0 test pressure in
2.5 each case
4 RC Pipes IS:458- 80,100,150 P1 2 For use on gravity
1988 250-50-500- mains only
100-1200 working pressure
not to exceed
80,100,150, P2 4 two-thirds of test
250-50-500- pressure
900,1000 For use in
pumping mains
80,100,150,250, P3 6 working pressure
300,350,400, not to exceed half
500,600,700,800 the test pressure.
5 PVC Pipe 20 mm to 315 Cl.2.5 5 2.5
mm OD 4 8 4
6 12 6
10 20 10
6 Steel cylinder RC 200-50-500, 600 1 5
pipes IS 1916-1963 700,900,1100, 2 10
1200-200-1800 3 15
4 20
5 25
7 Prestressed concrete 80,100,125,150- 4 1.5 times 4
pipes IS 784-2001 50-500-100- 6 design 6
1200-200-1800 8 pressure 8
10 10
12 12
14 14
16 16
18 18
20 20
8 MS Tubes 1239 (part 6-100 Light 50
I) 1982 6-150 Medium 50
6-150 Heavy 50
9 Electrically Welded 200-2500 1 15 Depending upon
steel pipes IS:3589- 2 20 thickness of steel
2001 3 25 plate & tangible
strength given
10 Ductile Iron Pipe 80-2000 K7 Separately As applicable to
IS:8329:2000 K9 given CI/DI pipe
The maximum test pressure to be limited to 5 mpa where over applicable.
Hence the scheme designed from 2001, the above formula may be adopted for
working out the hydraulic test pressure for the specified steel grade used for
manufacturing the steel pipe where as in the earlier code (VTL IS 3589:1981) the
value of ‘S’ who considered as 40% of the yield stress in mpa. Besides IS –
35891:2001 also prescribe 3 steel grade with different tensile strength as detailed
Tensile strength in
Steel grade
Fc 330 330
Fc 410 410
Fc 450 450
The Hydraulic test pressure of different size of MS pipe adopted by TEAD board
is worked out given below for ready reference.
Stressing Mpa (60% of
Hydraulic test pressure in
minimum tensible strength
Outer Mpa P = 2st/D
Specified (S) for Steel of minimum
Sl. diameter of For steel of minimum
thickness strength of different grade
No the pipe in tensile strength of
in mm (t) say
mm (D)
330 410 450 410 450
330 mpa
mpa mpa mpa mpa mpa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 460 5 4.304 5.348 5.870
2 462 6 5.143 6.390 7.013
3 510 5 3.882 4.824 5.294
4 512 6 4.641 5.766 6.328
5 560 5 198 246 270 3.536 4.393 4.821
6 562 6 Mpa Mpa Mpa 4.228 5.253 5.765
7 612 6 3.882 4.824 5.294
8 614 7 4.515 5.609 6.156
9 712 6 3.337 4.146 4.551
10 714 7 3.882 4.824 5.294
11 764 7 3.628 4.508 4.948
12 766 8 4.136 5.138 5.640
13 814 7 3.405 4.231 4.644
14 816 8 3.882 4.824 5.294
15 864 7 3.208 3.986 4.375
16 866 8 3.658 4.545 4.988
17 916 8 3.459 4.297 4.716
18 920 10 4.304 5.348 5.870
19 1016 8 3.118 3.874 4.252
20 1020 10 3.882 4.864 5.294
21 1066 8 2.972 3.692 4.053
22 1070 10 3.701 4.598 5.047
23 1116 8 2.839 3.527 3.871
24 1120 10 3.536 4.393 4.821
25 1166 8 2.717 3.376 3.705
26 1170 10 3.385 4.205 4.615
27 1216 8 2.605 3.237 3.553
28 1220 10 3.246 4.033 4.426
29 1270 10 3.118 3.874 4.252
30 1272 11 3.425 4.255 4.670
31 1320 10 3.000 3.727 4.091
32 1322 11 3.295 4.094 4.493
33 1370 10 2.891 3.591 3.942
34 1374 12 3.459 4.297 4.716
35 1420 10 2. 789 3.465 3.803
Hydrostatic test for Bar Wrapped Steel Cylinder (BWSC) pipe (IS 15155:2002) 96
The hydrostatic pressure is determined by the following formula:
D yi
P = Minimum hydrostatic test pressure in N/mm2
S = Stress in pipe wall during hydrostatic test in N/mm2, which shall be
0.75 times the specified minimum yield stress of the steel used, or as
specified by the purchase;
ty = Cylinder thickness in mm; and
D y i = Inside diameter of steel cylinder in mm.
Note: Normally the specified minimum yield stress of steel used for BWSC pipe
Fe = 250 N/mm2
The Hydrostatic test provision is worked our adopting minimum yield stress of steel
Fe = 250 N/mm2
Factory test pressure = 75% of the minimum yield strength of steel used in the
cylinder or stress not exceed 187 N/mm2
Site test pressure = 66% of the minimum yield strength of steel used in the
cylinder or stress not exceed 165 N/mm2
Working pressure = 50% of the minimum yield strength of steel used in the
cylinder or stress not excess 125 N/mm2
Clause 7.31 of IS 15155: 2002
Nominal Internal Diameter, Minimum wall thickness (t min) and Minimum thickness
of the Cement Mortar Lining (t i min) , Inside diameter of steel cylinder ( Dyi) in mm
factory test pressure, working pressure for difference size of pipe is given below
t i min Minimu Inside
Nominal t min Minimum Factory
Minimum m diameter Working
Internal Minimum Thickness test
thickness of Cylinder of steel pressure
Diameter wall of Joint pressure
the cement Thickne cylinder N/mm2
of Pipe thickness Rings N/mm2
mortar lining ss (Dyi)
250 40 15 1.6 5.0 280 2.1429 1.4286
300 40 15 1.6 5.0 330 1.8182 1.2121
400 40 15 1.6 5.0 430 1.3953 0.9302
500 45 20 1.6 5.0 540 1.1111 0.7407
600 45 20 2.0 5.0 640 1.1719 0.7813
700 45 20 2.0 5.0 740 1.0135 0.6758
800 45 20 2.0 5.0 840 0.8929 0.5952
900 45 20 2.5 5.0 940 0.9973 0.6649
1000 45 20 2.5 7.0 1040 0.9014 0.6010
1100 50 22 4.0 7.0 1144 1.3112 0.8741
1200 50 22 4.0 7.0 1244 1.2058 0.8039
1300 50 22 4.0 8.0 1344 1.1161 0.7440
1400 50 22 4.0 8.0 1444 1.0388 0.6925
1500 50 22 4.0 8.0 1544 0.9715 0.6477
1600 50 22 4.0 8.0 1644 0.9124 0.6083
2 2 2
Note:- (1) N/mm = mpa, N/mm x 10.2 = Kg/cm
(2) Pipe with internal diameters other than those mentioned in this table and
pipes for working pressure higher than 28 Kg/ Cm2 can be supplied by mutual
agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
Size distance
mm* m intermediate stage Ultimate stage
Qty. Grade frictional Qty. Grade frictional
1pm Loss 1pm Loss
The initial choice of pipe size is with reference to the velocity range
normally between 0.3 and 0.6m/sec
* Static head is the difference in level between foot value level of pumping installation at
Head works and hydraulic level at reservoir at 2m above the maximum water level of
reservoir or maximum ridge in the pumping main alignment, whichever is higher.
Table III Horse power
(For 50% Qty . to lifted in 1pm X total head in m x 2
Efficiency) = 60 X 76.06
Col.8 = Col.7x Equivalent cost factor (for 15 years at the prevailing rate of interest)
Table V Electrical Energy
Note : 1 In calculating the electrical energy, the average working hours should be taken
into account, for example : if the working hours or pumping hours is 16
Present population
Average working hours during intermediate stage 16 + ------------------------- x 16
Intermediate. Population
Intermediate Population
Average working hours at ultimate stage 16 + ------------------------------ x 16
Ultimate population
2. HT Supply shall be availed when connected load as per table III is 75 HP and above
and LT supply shall be availed when connected load as per table III is less than 75 HP
3. The head loss due to friction in pipe line is calculated by referring to velocity discharge
table or using the following formula
Frictional loss per m length of pipe as per Hazen Williams formula
.hf = 1.13 x 109 Q1.85
C1.85 d4.87
Where .hf = frictional loss inm
Q = discharge in m3/hr
.d= diameter of pipe in mm
c = Hazen-William Co-efficient of smoothness
1 2 3 4
Earth work excavation for pipe line works on linear measurement basis (TWAD Board
Schedule of Rate)