Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 10
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 10
Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 10
Unit 2: Technology-Based Art 1. Have the class turn to pages 236-240 of the Horizon Grade 10 LM and look
over the examples of digital art presented.
Content Standard: The learner…
2. Ask them what their general impression of these artworks is, and have them
New technologies that allow new expressions in arts using art elements
explain their opinions.
and processes
C. Lesson Proper:
Performance Standard: The learner…
1. Briefly describe how technology made-and- continues to make digital art
Create a tech-based artwork relating to a selected topic from the
different learning areas using available technologies
2. Have the students do the following What to Process activity on page 241 of
the Horizons Grade 10 Lms.
1. Define the meaning and description of computer/digital arts
3. Have the class answer the What to Understand questions on page 241-242
2. Identify the examples of computer-generated artworks by foreign and
of the Horizons Grade 10 Lms.
Philippine artists
3. Create your own artwork using technology-based art 4. Research online for the 3 Filipino artists using digital techniques for their
A. Topic: Computer/Digital Arts
Summative Test
B. Reference: Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos
C. Time Allotment: 2 sessions
Read ahead on the next topic “Mobile Phone Arts. Lms page 243-248
D. Instructional Materials, sample of computer-generated artworks in
everyday life (posters, book/magazine covers, brochures, advertisements, etc)
1. Define the meaning of mobile phone art 3. What is the raw material or starting point for criteria an artwork on a mobile
2. Identify the examples of computer-generated artworks phone?
3. Creating art using image manipulation programs on mobile or android
4. Name some programs and or applications that can be used to create art on
mobile phone.
II. SUBJECT MATTER 5. Besides using mobile phone software, what is another means of creating art
form scratch using computer technology?
A. Topic: Mobile Phone art/Computer generated Images
B. Reference: Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos 6. Name some computer programs that are designed for this purpose.
C. Time Allotment: 2hr (2 sessions)
D. Instructional Materials: sample images (teacher-made and/ or student- Photo editing
made) created using mobile phones and/or computer, laptops
-Capture an image using your mobile phone camera. Using any of the
applications installed in your available device experiment with the different
III. PROCEDURE: effects and features to modify your saved image.
A. Preliminary Activity:
-All finished artworks will have to be labeled with original tittles, the teacher
will store the finished artworks for inclusion in the exhibit at the end of the
IV. Assignment:
Read about “Digital photography” pages 250-252 Lms.
Prepared by:
Mayla G. Cordova
Teacher I- Mapeh 10
Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 10 III. PROCEDURE:
Unit 2: Technology-Based Art A. Preliminary Activity:
Content Standard: The learner… B. Motivation:
New technologies that allow new expressions in arts using art elements 1. If available, show to the class the actual examples of digital camera and a
and processes DSLR camera. Discuss the differences and similarities of the two.
2. Have them describe the two basic types of digital photography that have
Performance Standard: The learner…
read about in their assigned reading: point-and-shoot and DSLR.
Create a tech-based artwork relating to a selected topic from the
different learning areas using available technologies
C. Lesson Proper:
1. Creating a “Pinhole Camera”
1. Define the meaning of digital photography 2. Discuss the following:
2. Describe the basic technology behind the earliest cameras a. meaning of digital photography
3. Identify the two main types of digital photography in use today b. basic technology behind the earliest cameras
4. Create a pinhole camera c. two main types of digital photography in use today
d. What was the experience like creating your own pinhole camera and being
II. SUBJECT MATTER able to capture images using it?
e. What do you see as the advantages of digital photography as compared to
A. Topic: Digital Photography: DSLR and Point-and-Shoot
the earlier film-type photography?
B. Reference: Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos
f. What do you think of the view that film photography is more artistic than
digital photography? Support your opinion.
C. Time Allotment: 2hr (2 sessions)
g. If you have experienced both regular digital photography and DSLR
D. Instructional Materials: DSLR camera (if available), Point-and-shoot digital
photography, which one did you find more useful to you? More doable? More
camera (if available) For Pinhole camera: shoebox, black paint if box is colored
interesting? Explain your answers.
or printed, small piece of sheet metal, large needle, x-acto knife, sandpaper,
h. What do you think of the way digital technology has made quality
light-sensitive photo paper, tape (1 set of these materials for each group to be
photography accessible to everyone-including young people like you?
1. Summative Test
2. Preparing for the culminating “Exhibit of Technology-based Arts”
IV. Assignment:
Assign the class to read ahead on the next topic. LM pages 255-256.
Prepared by:
Mayla G. Cordova
Teacher I- Mapeh 10
Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Arts 10 A. Preliminary Activity:
Unit 2: Technology-Based Art B. Motivation:
Content Standard: The learner… 1. Have the class turn to pages 255-256 of the Horizon Grade 10 Lm and read
the sections on: video games, digital painting and imaging videos.
New technologies that allow new expressions in arts using art elements
2. Lead the students in a short discussion on how these different forms of digital
and processes
imaging are used in daily life.
Performance Standard: The learner…
C. Lesson Proper:
Create a tech-based artwork relating to a selected topic from the
1. Discuss the following:
different learning areas using available technologies
a. How computer technology contributed to the development of video games?
I. OBJECTIVES: b. Some of the most popular types of video games today
c. Digital painting
1. Discuss how computer technology contributed to the development of video
d. Two different types of digital painting
e. How do you see video technology personally? For school purposes?
2. Enumerate some of the most popular types of video games today
f. How it is used in modern life
3. Define digital painting
g. What valuable purposes do “imaging videos” serve in the fields of medicine
4. Describe the two different types of digital painting
and science?
5. Create your own video games or digital painting
1. Group Actvity: Group 1 Video games, Group 2 Digital painting
A. Topic: Video games/Digital Painting
B. Reference: Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos 2. Preparing for the culminating “Exhibit of Technology-based Arts”
IV. Assignment:
C. Time Allotment: 2hr (2 sessions)
D. Instructional Materials: Computer, laptop or tablet (if available), software Review for Summative Test
installed in the above devices for creating video games and digital painting
Prepared by: Mayla G. Cordova
Teacher I- Mapeh 10
Session 8
1. Mobile Phone Art
2. Computer-generated Images
3. Digital Photography
4. Video Games
5. Digital Painting
The students will select from among their own works created with in Quarter II, as well as
source of photos, magazine or calendar cutouts, Internet images, etc. of at least two or three
representative artworks each for the above categories.
Curating the Exhibit
Each artwork will be accompanied by a card briefly describing the work as follows:
Title ____________________________________________
Artist/s __________________________________________
Title _____________________________________________
Artist/s ___________________________________________
Have the class members invite the school administration, other faculty members and their
schoolmates to visit the exhibit. Help them prepare to explain the works and how these present
the characteristics of different forms of technology-based art.
Critiquing the Exhibit
As a form of self-evaluation, guide the students in rating the culminating exhibit using the format
“An Exhibit of Technology-based Arts”
Evaluation Form
Criteria Very good Good Fair Poor
Completeness of exhibit
(display, mounting and labeling of works)
Assignment of tasks
Prepared by:
Mayla G. Cordova
Teacher I- Mapeh10