Objective: Means of Verification (Movs)
Objective: Means of Verification (Movs)
Objective: Means of Verification (Movs)
DLPs/Modified DLLs
highlighting various
DLPs/Modified DLLs DLPs/Modified DLLs DLPs/Modified DLLs
used in teaching used in teaching used in teaching
highlighting different highlighting different highlighting different
strategies that engage
strategies that strategies that strategies that
learners in
develop critical and or develop critical and or develop critical and or
activities/tasks in
creative thinking and/ creative thinking and/ creative thinking and/
different physical
or other HOTS. or other HOTS. or other HOTS.
Others (Please Others (Please Others (Please Others (Please
specify and provide specify and provide specify and provide specify and provide
annotations.) annotations.) annotations.) annotations.)
Objective 5
d. d. d. d.
Ensuring learners' Ensuring learners' Ensuring learners' Ensuring learners'
active participation active participation active participation active participation
e. Allowing learners' to e. Allowing learners' to e. Allowing learners' to e. Allowing learners' to
express their express their express their express their
ideas/opinions ideas/opinions ideas/opinions ideas/opinions
Activity sheets, tasks Activity sheets, tasks Activity sheets, tasks Activity sheets, tasks
sheets, worksheets sheets, worksheets sheets, worksheets sheets, worksheets
used during teaching used during teaching used during teaching used during teaching
and learning, and learning, and learning, and learning,
powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint
presentations, video presentations, video presentations, video presentations, video
clips, module, SIMs clips, module, SIMs clips, module, SIMs clips, module, SIMs
(Strategic Intervention (Strategic Intervention (Strategic Intervention (Strategic Intervention
Materials), Others to Materials), Others to Materials), Others to Materials), Others to
specify specify specify specify
DLPs/modified DLLs DLPs/modified DLLs DLPs/modified DLLs DLPs/modified DLLs
with appropriated with appropriated with appropriated with appropriated
instructional materials instructional materials instructional materials instructional materials
appended. appended. appended. appended.
Others (Please specify Others (Please specify Others (Please specify Others (Please specify
and provide and provide and provide and provide
annotations.) annotations.) annotations.) annotations.)
Objective 11
Reports cards with Reports cards with Reports cards with Reports cards with
parents' or guardians parents' or guardians parents' or guardians parents' or guardians
signature in all quarters signature in all quarters signature in all quarters signature in all quarters
supported by minutes of supported by minutes of supported by minutes of supported by minutes of
meeting. meeting. meeting. meeting.
Others (please specify Others (please specify Others (please specify Others (please specify
and provide and provide and provide and provide
annotations) annotations) annotations) annotations)