PG 9 Work and Women Evolution
PG 9 Work and Women Evolution
PG 9 Work and Women Evolution
1.1. Introduction
A working woman has a more interesting life than one who does not work and
there is also the charm of a pay-pocket- but she often has to pay a heavy price for all
- Manjit Bhatia
"To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is
on the move, the family moves, the village moves and the nation moves"
- Jawaharlal Nehru.
Women who constitute half of the world's population are not fully harnessed
as a human resource. Any society cannot go ahead if 50 per cent of the population do
not participate in its developmental activities. Indira Gandhi, the former Prime
humanity had been deprived of half of the energy and creative talents. Right through
history, in all religions and cultures women have been assigned a secondary status.
The world wars proved to be a turning point in the history of mankind. The
participation of women in the work force started increasing since then. This trend is
In tune with the world wide trend, Indian women are marching towards self-
development. In India, women played a secondary role for centuries together. During
the colonial rule, women lived a miserable and horrible life in diverse situations
(Krishnamurthy, 1990).
dignity in public life, a new place in the national mainstream, a new confidence and
a consciousness that they could act against oppression (Madhu Kishwar, 1985).
opportunities. Besides, a series of laws such as the Special Marriage Act 1954, the
Hindu marriage Act 1955, Equal Remuneration Act 1976 passed by the government
of India helped to improve the lot of women. Today educated Indian women have
in certain spheres of higher category jobs like civil service, judiciary, foreign service,
communication and air transport women's share in employment has recently doubled
over the decade and governments intervention played an important role in this regard
Women are at the heart of development. They control most of the non-money
economy (subsistence agriculture, bearing and raring children, domestic labour) and
take an important part in the money economy (trading, the 'informal sector', wage
employment). Everywhere in the world women have two jobs - around the home and
outside it.
Women are half the world's population, receive one-tenth of the world's
income, account for two-thirds of the world's working hours, and own only one-
the increased educational and employment opportunities for women have brought
about changes in the traditional attitudes and values of urban women in India.
The role of women in our society even as career women, not to speak of
householders is not insignificant. They have played a significant role in the socio -
economic and political development of our country. The old order which confined
women to the home as servants, and helpers to their men folk, is being replaced now
by a new one in which women increasingly undertake to fulfil many roles, within the
home as wives, mothers and home makers and outside it, as partners and co-workers
of men in all types of enterprises. The few fortunate women who have the benefits of
higher education seem to be quite obvious of their immense responsibilities for the
emancipation of the women in the country side and of the working and middle class
families in urban areas. The production side of women's work at home is gradually
and more clearly that if they really want to contribute to the welfare of their family
and society the most effective way is to go out of home and earn money (Sumit
Besides, soaring prices and rise in materialism make man work against time in
his attempt to survive in the fast changing society, and also to accumulate more and
more goods. If he cannot do it alone, his wife has to provide more, either by bringing
in a fat dowry or by going out to work. Thus we have a working woman (Kalpana
Roy, 1999).
Today, the state has accepted women's empowerment, and women as active
agents participating in their own development. Most of the countries now recognise
the need for gender justice and equality. Women can change the nature of power
rather than power change the nature of women. Women try to devote most of their
time for maintaining their living standard with the help of earnings through
civilisation. Women constitute one half of the population, that is one half of the
country's human resources. Apart from the fact that they constitute one half of the
country's 'man power', women play an important role in shaping the personalities of
The position of women has changed not only in the sphere of marriage and
family but also in the spheres of education, employment and political life. Women's
particularly in the organised sector ensures better living conditions for herself and her
education, right to earn a livelihood, right to equal wages, right to question, and fight
justice, right to decision-making to live way they want, protection against violence
and injustice to them. They need the strength to free themselves from the oppressive
with men and participants. The powerful and deep rooted cultural forces, outdated
Women have achieved only limited access to some fields of life. More often
they are the implementers of decisions, and not the decision makers for their own
cause or any other related cause. She is under constant pressure on the home front
and at the work place. The dual roles and responsibilities have resulted in a lot of
tension, stress and strain for the women. She is therefore hard pressed in finding time
honour and respect similar to men. Thus it may be understood that some of the
Mahatma Gandhi referred to women as the nobler sex. According to him, "If
she is weak in striking, she is strong in suffering." In Indian society, the women are
visualised in two extreme positions. On the one side, Indian women are celebrated as
'Sakthi', the source of power. On the other side, from the sociological set up, women
are being considered as the weaker sex and hence they are left with closed
commitments only. In modem society women are said to be equal to men. The actual
situation is far from this. The fact is that in modem society women constitute its
play a very active role in the economic activity either as workers, or as producers of
various goods and services or in the domestic side as house-maids. (Sahab Deen
Maurya, 1988).
Indian women are patient in nature and do have the capacity to accept every
thing. Normally they do have more confidence in the male members of the family.
Our culture makes them good subordinates and executors of decisions made by the
male members. Moreover in general women are capable of working hard physically
on all occasions and mostly at all ages. The women's uplift depends upon two
their status in society. Women must join the labour force of the country on an equal
feeling with men and get integrated into the system (Kalpana Roy, 1999).
Strandt said that, 'setting resources into women's hands, integrating women in
the wage labour force and securing female rights to enable and empower women for
women with new avenues to express and assert themselves. The rural women have
been working for a living in the fields alongside of their men. The middle class
Indian working women in the cities have stepped out in search of economic gains as
well as the fulfillment of their personal hopes and desires. Now, it is admissible even
for married women to take up gainful employment. The upper and middle class
women are finding a purpose in their lives. Women with education and employment
make a mark for themselves in society by the flowering of their personality while
retaining their essential womanliness. Their mental orientn is more prepared than
a typical household. In the event of working outside, the traditional division of labour
status, their roles and way of life. But this could also change their feminine character
a little. Indeed they work, but they work for the family that too from economic
impulses. They work to support their family. The working women, on the whole,
never sought to sublimate or bypass the demands of family life. Rather their homes
and families have either come first, or have stood at par with their work.
This role is very significant, as far as the art of maintaining a stable family life
with the home and family. She has only a secondary status because she is
In order to improve the status and position of women at home and in the
is not economically free, without self-employment and self-earnings she will have to
depend on her husband or some one else and dependants are never free (Azad Singh
Gulab, 1988).
higher income but also to self respect, to the development of her personality and to a
sense of participation in the common cause of the society. The low status of women
outside the home and coming into contact with other people they have broadened
clearly the changing shape of the image. One thing is clear; women are entering the
employment of women has gone up rapidly. A similar increase could be seen in the
unorganised sectors which are outside the reach of public regulation, labour laws and
other forms of public control. They are employed in considerable numbers in public
services in several countries. They are employed in all services not in the same
The labour force participation rates particularly of women and teenagers are
very sensitive to the general level economic activity. The impact of economic
conditions on female labour force participation can take two forms. In times of
economic down turn, the wife or other members of the household may enter the
labour force to supplement the family income. These additional workers often leave
the labour force once the major breadwinner is reemployed on a regular basis. If an
employed woman loses her job, and cannot find a new one after a prolonged search,
she may become discouraged and leave the labour force. Despite the rapid growth of
the female labour force in recent years, women still primarily confine themselves to
certain areas and occupations. Women are largely employed in primary sector of the
economy. In the secondary and tertiary sectors the female working force is much less
take up jobs usually outside the home, the work being mostly of a remunerative
nature. The term is however a misnomer in so far as it implies that the housewife is
not a 'working woman'. It is indeed surprising that housewives all over the world
Women are employed in all fields. They are shouldering official, family and
social burdens. While working in the mixed group, their need to keep up with the
women can be defined as the employed women ranging from those who are
employed in small scale industries and organisation to those who, possess ownership,
basis. The first category includes agricultural workers and those engaged in
traditional menial services, construction work and domestic works such as cleaning,
The second category mostly consists of those women who work in offices or
The third category of women workers are well educated. They are quite well
off in life. They have both vertical and horizontal mobility (Gangrade, 1993).
electricity, gas and water supply, construction and trade and commerce reveal a
downward trend.
employment to women job - seekers in India. Under the division of transport, storage
and, commerce, there was a substantial increase both in the number of workers as
The majority of women under these divisions take up the white collar jobs and
work as clerks, typists, steno, telephone operators, secretaries, assistants etc. Women
workers are preferred in these jobs because of their docile nature. They do not take
in general active part in strikes and other trade union activities. This is an important
Two-way ANOVA was carried out to examine whether there was any
The correlation coefficient technique has been used to analyse among the
One way ANOVA was carried Out to examine the variation in empowerment
of different sectors.
In order to find out the level of empowerment, arithmetic mean and standard
Lii Concepts
A clear definition of certain concepts that one might come across in the
discussion of the subject would be helpful in the proper understanding of the issues,
hence before proceeding with the actual discussion of the problem on hand an
attempt is made in this chapter to provide clear meaning and definitions of certain
House Holds
A group of persons normally living together and taking food from the same
Age has been considered as the number of full years completed by women
endogamy, hereditary membership and a specific style of life, which also includes the
definition of the sacred comprehension of life and salvation from the problems of
Family Size
Joint Family
More then one family is sharing food from the same kitchen.
Nuclear Family
It is a family in which the Husband and wife live with any number of their
unmarried children.
When husband and wife do not live together and they have no marital
It means when either of the party approaches the court or follows some other
legal method claiming that relations between them have so much deteriorated that it
is impossible for them to lead a married life as husband and wife and a request is
Socio-Economic Background
John.P. Dececo states that socio-eco-background is of special significance to
ranking from high to low on the basis of occupation, education income and so on".
The term Education in the widest sense may be held to include the whole
Educational Status
The educational status of the populations of the sample households has been
According to 2001 census a literate is defined as a person who can both read
It is defined as a person who does not know how to read or write any
The nature of work which the person has to perform is denoted by occupation.
It refers to the wealth measured in money which has been at the disposal of an
Income is derived from various sources such as land, labour or capital. The
word "Income" in this study refers to family monthly's income or earnings from
The term 'wage' denotes all payments for labour services irrespective of the
form or shape in which they are received such as daily basis, weekly basis, monthly
basis and other payments in monetary or real terms (Stephen Pictchnis, G., 1975).
investment expenditure.
Public Sector
Private sector
Status is defined as the degree to which a person possesses characteristics
Status of women
At micro level the status of women is defined as a conjunction of the position
responsibility for their work. It gives more scope for individuals to exhibit their
about encouraging both hands and minds of the people involved. It speeds up
decision making process. It accelerates the response to time to meet the changing
the employees.
An organisation maybe defined as a consciously co-ordinated social unit,
and modification of Kopetman ., (1983) and used by E.D. Linda . (1991) in
their articles. In this extended model, a) work involvement and work expectation are
family expectation are predictors of family conflict and work-family conflict, c) work
conflict is a predictor of family conflict, d) work conflict and family conflict are
predictors of work-family conflict, e) work conflict and work-family conflict affect
conflict affect an individual's quality of family life (QFL) and g) QWL and QFL
i) Work Involvement:
psychologically with the job, and the importance of the job to the person's self-image
work. The hours spent in turn have been linked to increased work-conflict resulting
identifies psychologically with family roles, the importance of the family to the
positively related to the number of hours spent in family activities which in turn is to
performance of the parenting and spouse roles" (Pleck, J., 1985). Sensitization theory
predicts that when women are involved in the family role, it raises anxiety and guilt
leads to more work-family conflict for women because they are playing a traditional
conflict (Greehnauns, J., and Beutell, N., 1985). Women do have mutually supportive
and family roles. Central to the traditional roles of wife and mother is the obligation
to be available to meet the needs of the family. Career women are unable to take
time away from their family roles to satisfy work expectations. Several researchers
have reported a positive association between work role expectations and work-family
conflict. High work expectations have also been found to be positively associated
have been linked to greater perception of family conflict (Bohen, H. and et al., 1981).
Expectations surrounding the family role can evoke pressures that dominate the time
work role. Women have traditionally experienced stronger sanctions for non-
compliance with family demands (Greehnauns, J. and Beutell, N.) Women's lack of
control in balancing family needs against the demands of their job leads to greater
work-family conflict.
v) Work Conflict:
The work expectations cause work conflict since the women employees have
to play two roles as mother and employee. The work-role characteristics such as the
amount and scheduling of work time, that place demands and restrictions on an
requirements contribute to work conflict. The conflict at work drains and pre-
occupies the individual, making it difficult for her to participate adequately in family
matters. The inaccessibility of the woman worker to a family member while she is
working can create psychological problems in the family and lead to family conflict.
The women are expected to manage their home domain, and such family
responsibilities are likely to enter their work life. Since women have to take full
responsibility for domestic work, the women's families are expected to make
that there is an asymmetrical boundary between work and non-work and that for
worker, spouse and in many cases, parent. Each of these roles imposes demands
requiring time, energy and commitment. The cumulative demands of multiple roles
can result in role strain of two types, namely overload and interference" (Kelly, R.
When the total demands of time and energy associated with the prescribed
activity of multiple roles are too great for the roles to be performed adequately or
Women are more likely to allow the demands of the family role to intrude into
the work role. This vulnerability of the female work role to family demands is a
major source of work-family conflict because the sex role norm that women should
take responsibility for the family, conflicts with the norms of the job role (Pleck, J.,
Viii) Quality of Work Life:
There is a link between the quality of work life and the levels of job
fulfilling and devoid of stress and other negative personal consequences (Shamir, B.
related well-being and the extent to which his or her roles as parent and spouse are
rewarding, fulfilling and devoid of stress and other negative personal consequences"
(Burke, R. and Weir, T., 1976). Family conflict has been negatively associated with
x) Life Satisfaction:
through having a good job and family life" (Sekaran, V., 1983). The women
employees receive more life satisfaction from family on account of their traditional
roles. Hence, the life satisfaction also influences the work-family conflict variables.
Chapter 1 introduces the subject, role of women, women work force and
empowerment in the labour market, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,
sector, and further the theoretical perspectives of women labour participation are
Chapter III describes women work participation. Further the profile of the
Chapter V explains the work-family conflict, quality of work life and job
through decision making. The factors which influence the empowerment of women
Chapter VII presents the summary of findings along with conclusion and