Summary of The Different Therapies Therapies What Is The Nature of Man/causes of Behavior Key Concepts Therapy Techniques/Process Client Experiences
Summary of The Different Therapies Therapies What Is The Nature of Man/causes of Behavior Key Concepts Therapy Techniques/Process Client Experiences
Summary of The Different Therapies Therapies What Is The Nature of Man/causes of Behavior Key Concepts Therapy Techniques/Process Client Experiences
Adlerian Therapy -Adler abandoned the -The main concepts are -The therapeutic process -Clients explore what
basic theories of Freud social interest, holism, includes establishing the Adlerians call Private Logic
because he believed that lifestyle, goals or relationship, assessing the which are the concepts
Freud focused of directionality and individual’s psychological about self, others and life
biological and instinctual equality. dynamics, encouraging that made up the client’s
determination -He attempted to view the self-understanding and philosophy of life.
-He believes that an world from the client’s insight and reorientation -Clients discover the
individual begins to form subjective frame of and reeducation. It helps purpose of behavior or
an approach to life within reference which he individuals to be more symptoms and the basis
their first six months. described as aware of their patterns mistakes associated with
-He focuses on how the phenomenological. and make changes in their their coping.
person’s perception of the style of living.
past and his or her -Human personality -The main goal of the -Clients learn how to
interpretation of early becomes unified through therapy is to help clients correct faulty
events has a continuing the development of a life identify and change their assumptions and
influence. goal. Individual think, feel mistaken beliefs about conclusions.
-He believes that people and act in relation to the self, others and life. -Clients will discover that
could change through perception of his goal. he/she has resources and
social learning. -Social interest and options to draw on in
-According to him, community feeling that dealing with significant
humans are motivated are the most significant life issues and life tasks.
primarily by social and distinctive concepts
relatedness rather that by of Adler refer to an
sexual urges and their individual’s awareness of
behaviors are purposeful being part of a human
and goal-directed. community and attitudes
-He focuses on inferiority in dealing with the social
feelings which is a normal world.
condition of all people -He also give attention to
and as a source of all birth order and one’s
human striving position in the family in
relation interacting in the
Existential Therapy -Human nature is -Existential Therapy is -Existential Therapy has -Clients are encouraged to
phenomenological; that is more philosophical in no specific techniques. assume responsibility for
we construct ourselves nature and focuses on -Interventions used are how they are currently
according to the issues central to human based on philosophical choosing to be in their
perceptions of reality. existence. views about nature of world.
-Humans are in constant -There is no specific human existence. -Clients must be active in
state of transition, technique to be used and -It places central the therapeutic process
emerging, evolving and it is based on the quality prominence on the because during the
becoming in response to of the personal person-to-person therapy they must decide
the tensions, relationship between relationship. what fears, guilt feelings
contradictions and client and therapist that -The aim of the therapy is and anxieties they want to
conflicts in our lives. heals. to assist clients in moving explore.
-Basic dimensions of the -It stresses personal toward authenticity and -Clients confront ultimate
human condition freedom in deciding one’s learning to recognize concerns rather that
according to existential fate. when they are deceiving coping with immediate
therapy: -Conflict is between the themselves. problem.
1.The capacity for self- individual and the givens -It does not focus on a
awareness of existence termed person’s past. Instead,
2.The tension between ultimate concerns in they work with the person
freedom & death, freedom, isolation in therapy to discover and
responsibility and meaninglessness. explore the choices that
3.The creation of an lie before them.
identity & establishing
4.The search for
meaning, purpose, and
values of life
5. Accepting anxiety as
a condition of living
6. The awareness of
death and nonbeing
Person-Centered -Humans are trustworthy -Self-actualization which is -The therapist does not -The clients use the
Therapy/Client-Centered and positive. They are also the tendency for a person choose specific goals for relationship established
Therapy capable of making to reach their fullest the client. Instead, the with the therapist to gain
changes and living potential through self- clients have the self-understanding.
productive, effective lives. discovery and personal opportunity to decide Clients have an
-Humans innately growth. goals for themselves and opportunity to explore
gravitate toward self- -Positive regard wherein a come to terms with their feelings, thoughts, beliefs
actualizing (actualizing person needs for own personal power. and discover hidden
tendency). They strive to appreciation, love, -Goals of the therapy are aspect of self.
move forward in respect, etc. from another set clients free to engage -Clients values of being
constructive directions person. It has two types. in self-exploration, understood and accepted
and successfully deal with The Unconditional positive view of human that results in creating a
obstacles that are positive regard is nature, focus on what is safe place to explore and
blocking their growth. receiving positive right and positive side of try new behaviors.
responses from people no the people and moving
matter the action, forward positively in the
behavior, etc. Conditional client’s real world.
positive regard is the
reinforcement of certain
actions, behaviors, etc.
over others.
-Congruence which is the
agreement between a
persons’ self-concept (the
way they see themselves),
their real self (who they
really are) and their ideal
self (the way they would
like to be).
understanding wherein
the therapists see the
client’s world as his or her
Gestalt Therapy -Human nature is rooted -Basic principles includes: -Gestalt therapy goals -The therapist should
in existential philosophy, holism (idea of unified), include moving forward engage the client in a
field theory (idea that it is and increase awareness, dialogue in order to guide
phenomenology and field important to see a client taking ownership in their them into a particular way
theory. in their environment experience, develop skills of behaving and thinking.
-Developing awareness of because it is usually in and values that may -The clients are active
one’s feelings, reactions constant change), figure- satisfy their needs, accept participants who make
and thoughts in present formation process responsibility and their own interpretation
situation could resolve (dealing with experiences consequences for their and meaning in their
personal problems. from time to time), and actions and be experiences and will
-Humans should be able organismic self-regulation comfortable in asking and decide what they’ll do or
to regulate themselves (process that deals with a receiving help from won’t do with their
when they know what is client’s equilibrium in others. personal meaning.
happening in their which it is disturbed by a -Gestalt therapy uses -During the therapy, the
environment. need, sensation, or an experiments wherein client will pass a three-
-Problems begin when a interest of the client). therapist suggest ideas to stage integration
person tries to be who or -Contact and Resistances a client and see if this sequence that
what he/she isn’t. The to contact- Contact is works while exercise is a characterizes their
more a person tries to be important if change and ready-made technique growth. These are the
who he is not, the more growth are to occur. that can be used to get to discovery (realization
he stay the same. Resistance are developed a certain point in a about themselves),
in coping with life session. accommodation
situations and it refers as -Some of techniques used (recognizing that they
contact boundary include empty chair, have a choice) and
phenomena. Five kinds of making the round, assimilation (learning how
contact boundary reversal exercise,
disturbances include rehearsal exercise, to influence their
introjection, projection, exaggeration exercise, environment).
retroflection, deflection staying with the feeling
and confluence. and the gestalt approach
-The Now- Emphasis on to dream work.
learning to appreciate and
fully experience the
present moment
-Unfinished business that
deals with unexpressed
feeling from the past such
as hatred, pain and guilt.
Behavioral Therapy -Humans are the producer -There are four areas of - Specific goals are -Client awareness and
and the product of their Development: Classical identified outset of the participation in the
environment. conditioning, Operant therapeutic process. The therapeutic process are
-They are motivated by conditioning, Social client determines what important.
social interest, y striving learning theory and behavior will be changed -Therapist teach concrete
toward goals, by Cognitive behavior and therapist determines skills through provision of
inferiority and superiority therapy how this behavior will be instructions, modeling
and by dealing with the - Behavioral therapy is changed. and performance
task of life. passed on the principles -Therapists design a feedback while the client
and procedures of the treatment plan that engages in behavioral
scientific method. employs techniques and
Treatment goal is a procedures that would be feedback until skills are
concrete objective to applied to the need of the well learned.
make replications possible clients. Some of the -Clients should be
for interventions. techniques are motivated to change and
-Assumptions of behavior progressive muscle expected to carry out
therapy include: all relaxation, systematic therapeutic activities.
behavior is learned desensitization, in vivo -Clients are encouraged to
(adaptive and exposure and flooding, experiment for the
maladaptive), human eye movement purpose of enlarging their
beings are passive desensitization and repertoire of adaptive
organisms that can be reprocessing, self- behaviors.
conditioned to do management programs
anything, maladaptive and self-directed
behavior can be behavior, and Social Skills
unlearned and replaced training
by adaptive behavior if
the person receives
exposures to specific
stimuli and
reinforcement, behavior
assessment is focused
more on the current
behavior rather than on
historical antecedents and
treatment strategies are
individually tailored.
Cognitive Behavior -Humans are born with -Focuses on client’s -The therapy would lead -The therapist and client
Therapy both straight and crooked experiences in the present the clients toward their work together to
thinking. -Cognitions affect destination while understand the existing
-People learn irrational behavior and emotion. minimizing their thought patterns that are
beliefs from significant They can be made aware, emotional disturbances associated with the
others during childhood monitored and altered. and acquiring more client’s current problem.
and then re-create these -A-B-C Framework- A realistic, workable and -Clients are encouraged to
irrational beliefs (activating), B (Belief) and compassionate actively work outside
throughout their life. C (emotional) that is philosophy in life. therapy sessions by
useful tool for - Some techniques used carrying out behavioral
understanding the client’s are Cognitive Methods homework assignments.
feeling, thoughts, events such as disputing -Clients would identify
and behavior. D irrational beliefs, doing links between thoughts,
(disputing) is added at the cognitive homework, emotions, behaviors,
end that encompasses bibliotherapy, changing physiology and situations.
methods that help clients one’s language and
challenge their irrational psychoeducational
beliefs. methods; Emotive
Techniques such as
rational emotive imagery,
humor, role playing and
shame attacking exercise;
and Behavioral
Choice Theory/Reality -Humans are not born -Choice theory says that -The goal is to help the -Clients are not asked to
Therapy blank slates waiting to be from birth to death all we clients get connected or backtrack into the past or
externally motivated by ever do in life is behave reconnected with the get sidetracked into
forces in the world. and everything we do is people they have chosen talking about symptoms.
-Choice theory posits that chosen. to put in their quality It gives emphasis on
behavior is central to our -Total Behavior is world and fulfilling all of actions.
existence and is driven by composed of four their needs. - Clients are encouraged
five genetically driven inseparable distinct - This is an active, to assume as much
needs: survival, love, components: acting, directive, and didactic responsibility as possible
belonging, power, and thinking, feelings and therapy. Skillful for meeting their own
freedom physiology that are questioning is a central needs and choosing
-The brain is the control necessary accompany in technique used for the effective behaviors.
center in which is all of the thoughts, duration of the therapy -When the client change
continually monitoring actions and feelings. process. Various what they are doing, the
the feelings and what we -There is no sense talking techniques may be used feelings and thinking are
are doing to satisfy the about what clients can’t to get clients to evaluate changed.
five basic needs control. Instead, it what they are presently
emphasis is on what doing to see if they are
clients can control in the willing to change. If clients
relationship decide that their present
-The only behavior an behavior is not effective,
individual can control is they develop a specific
his or her own. plan for change and make
-Underlying a commitment to follow
characteristics of reality through.
therapy are: Emphasize
choice and responsibility,
reject transference, keep
the therapy in the
present, avoid focusing on
symptoms and challenge
traditional views of
Mental Illness.
Feminist Therapy -Gender-role expectations -There are six principles: -Some of the main goals -Clients are partners
greatly influence a the personal is political in feminist therapy -Clients explore their
person's identity from and critical consciousness include empowerment, individual identity, find
throughout rest of their (the idea that a problem going for change rather their strengths, and use
life and also influences that a person will bring to than adjusting to what the them to feel more
personality as an adult. a therapy session starts problem is, social change, powerful in society.
with political or society in valuing diversity, and
-Gender affects how we which that are in), knowing and keeping -Clients acquire a new
see ourselves whether it commitment to social independence and way of looking at and
be boy or girl throughout change (the concept of interdependence responding to their world.
our entire lives where a therapist aims to separated -Clients should be
-It was thought that most change not only the -It is very important in prepared the changes that
therapies came from individual but also for feminist therapy to help they’ll about to made in
historical period in which social changes also), both male and female viewing the world around
most social arrangements women’s and girl's voices clients recognize their them, way of perceiving
in which were assumed to and ways of knowing are personal power. Feminist themselves and
be rooted in a person's valued and their therapist work especially transformation in
biologically based gender. experiences are honored with female clients to help interpersonal relationship.
Men have always been (says that a female's them get away from the
perceived to be the norm perspective is considered stereotype that they have
up until recently and men central in understanding been use to their entire
and women would always their distress), the life.
choose different things counseling relationship is -The feminist therapist
and paths in life. Men and egalitarian (attention is thinks that race, culture,
women behave differently power in feminist and gender influences
in life so therefore their therapy), a focus on symptoms a client may
actions and reactions to strengths and a have.
thing will be very reformulated definition of - Techniques used include
different. Most therapist psychological distress gender role analysis and
consider feminist therapy (that psychological intervention, power
to be gender fair and distress is nit a disease analysis and intervention,
flexible-multicultural. but a communication demystifying therapy,
about unjust system), and bibliotherapy, journal
all types of oppression are writing therapist self-
recognized (clients are disclosure, assertive
often understood better training, reframing and
with having a knowledge labeling, cognitive
of their social restructuring, identifying
environment and what it and challenging untested
is like). beliefs, role playing
psychodrama tic methods,
group work and social
Post-modern Approaches -Humans are healthy, -Solution-Focused - Solution-focused therapy Clients recognize their
competent, resourceful, Therapy grounded on is designed to be brief, so competencies and build
and have the ability to positive orientation that therapist must shift the on their potential,
construct solutions and people are healthy and focus as soon as possible strengths, and resources.
alternative stories to competent. It is not giving from talking about Clients are experts about
enhance their lives. much attention to past problems to exploring their own live and guide
- Assume that realities are events but highlighting solutions. The main them to explore what
socially constructed. the present and future. technique involves change they would like things to
There is no absolute Basic assumptions talk with emphasis on be different, how to make
reality. include; people can create time in a client’s life when a difference, and what
their own solutions, small the problem was not a signs to indicate the
changes lead to large problem. Some changes are happening.
changes, the client is the techniques used are
expert on his or her own creative use of
life, the best therapy questioning, the miracle
involves a collaborative question and scaling
partnership and a question.
therapist not knowing -Narrative Therapy
afford the client an Therapeutic Process are:
opportunity to construct a collaborate with the client
solution. in identifying the
-Narrative Therapy problem, separate the
involves listening to person from his or her
clients with open mind problem, Investigate how
and encourage them to the problem has been
share their stories. disrupting or dominating
Therapist demonstrates the person, search for
respectful curiosity and exceptions to the
persistence. problem, ask clients to
speculate about what kind
of future they could
expect from the
competent person that is
emerging and create an
audience to support the
new story.
Family System Therapy views the family as an -Focuses on the here-and- General movements in -Clients learn way to find
emotional unit and uses now interactions in the therapy are forming a the problem and solve
systems thinking to family system. relationship, conducting problems that are keeping
describe the complex -Holds that individuals are an assessment, members stuck and learn
interactions in the unit. It best understood through hypothesizing and sharing patterns that have been
is the nature of a family assessing the interactions meaning and facilitating transmitted from
that its members are between and among change. generation to generation.
intensely connected family members. -Some techniques
emotionally Family Systems Therapy depends on the particular
has two approaches; orientation and include
Structural family therapy asking questions, joining
that looks at family the family, restructuring,
relationships, behaviors, enactment and
and patterns as they are genograms that can be
exhibited within the experiential, cognitive or
therapy session in order behavioral in nature.
to evaluate the structure
of the family and Strategic
family therapy that
examines family
processes and functions,
such as communication or
problem-solving patterns,
by evaluating family
behavior outside the
therapy session.