Primary Survey: Emergency/Disaster By: MR:GEBRIELLE HIPOLITO RN, USRN, MAN Emergency Nursing Protocols
Primary Survey: Emergency/Disaster By: MR:GEBRIELLE HIPOLITO RN, USRN, MAN Emergency Nursing Protocols
Primary Survey: Emergency/Disaster By: MR:GEBRIELLE HIPOLITO RN, USRN, MAN Emergency Nursing Protocols
- Initial Assessment
Emergency Nursing Protocols - Unstable Clients
- Discharge Teaching/ Health Teaching
PRIMARY SURVEY LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)
- Conduction of rapid observation to address clients immediate - Stable client
problem. - Medication (except IV route)
1. General Impression UAP/CNA (Unlicensed Assistive Personnel/ Certified Nurse Assistant)
Chief Complaint - Routine procedures on stable clients
2. Responsiveness
Verbal Response BLUE : Need immediate Resuscitation
Classify as unresponsive ORANGE: Hazardous Spills(Chemical or Radioactive)
3. Airway RED : Fire Emergency (RACE)-Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguished
4. Breathing GRAY : Combative Person
5. Circulation SILVER : Armed Combatived Person
6. Classify/Sort the client BLACK : Bomb Threat
PINK : Infant/ Child Abduction
RED – Emergent Cases GREEN : Mass Evacuation
- life threatening cases, needs immediate medical attention. CLEAR : Code is lifted
YELLOW – Urgent Cases
- Medical attention with in 6 hours Right Sided Heart Failure(Systemic) Left Sided Heart Failure(Pulomary)
GREEN – Non- Urgent Cases Anasarca Anxiety
- Walking Wounded Bloated Breath Sounds(Crackles/Rales)
- Care can be delayed by up to 24 hours Cardiomegaly Cardiomegaly
BLACK – Expectant Distended Jugular Vein Dyspnea
- Expected to die Edema (Peripheral) Edema (Pulmonary)
- Expires with or without medical intervention Face (Puffiness/Swollen) Fink (Pink)Frothy Sputum
- Poor chance of prognosis Gallop (S₃) Gallop (S₃)
- Focused observation to determine the root cause of clients THROMBO ANGITIS OBLITERANS (BUERGERS DISEASE)
condition. Cause: Unknown
1. Signs & Symptoms Risk #1: SMOKING
2. Allergies Vasoconstriction- low oxygen(tissues)
3. Medications Taken Pain(worst when walking) Intermittent Claudication
4. Past and present Medical History
5. Last Oral Intake
6. Events that lead to current problem
1. Stop Smoking I. Invasive Stage: ↑V/S, Hypersalivation, Apprehensiveness,
2. ↑ambulation and ↑ Collateral Circulation Cramping/Photosensitivity
3. Medication: Pentoxyfilline (Vasodilator) II. Excitation Stage: Muscle Spasm, Bronchospasm(feeling of
chooking or drowning), Hydrophobia, Skin is painful to touch
FLAIL CHEST- affected area into the lungs (Aerophobia 24-48 hours)
Therapeutic PEEP(Positive End Expiratory Pressure) III. Paralysis Stage: Nerve Tissue death(spasm stop, paralysis sets
N: 5-20mmHg in, followed by death)
Diagnostic Test
CONVERSION: Screening: Observe Animal for 10 days
1 gr= 60 mg (+) If nimal dies or changes behaviour.
1 dram=1770 mg Confirmation: Brain Autopsy (NEGRI BODIES-Optional)
1 pint =480 ml Use FAT(Flourescent Anti Body Test), If Brain is not plausible
1 quart = 2 pints -Far away from nursing station.
1 gallon = 4 quarts
ACTIVE IMMUNIZATION -via IM (Deltoid, Vastus Lateralis)
=4 x wt(kg)x % TBSA Day 0 -1 dose or 2 doses ID.
Day 7 -1 dose or 2 doses ID
ADULT: Day 21-1 dose or 2 doses ID
Right Arm 9 % A.Trunk 18% Day 28- 1 dose or 2 doses ID
Left Arm 9 % P.Trunk 18%
Head 9 % Right Leg 18% 1. Verorab: Purified Vero – Cell Vaccine(Dose: 0.5 ml per injection)
Left Lleg 18% 2. Rabipur: Purified Chick – Embryo Vaccine (Dose: 1 ml per injection)
PEDIA: 3. Lyssavac: Purified Duck – Embryo Vaccine (Dose: 1 ml per injection)
Right Arm 9 % A.Trunk 18%
Head 18 % Right Leg 14% - Effective/immediately
Left Lleg 14% - Single Injection
- Dose depends on weight : site: buttocks
COMMUNICABLE DISEASE - A should be given with in 7 days of biten or incident
-Refers to any illness that’s caused by a microorganism or parasite that can
be transmitted directly or indirectly to man. 1. Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin (ERIG): HyperRab
CAUSE: never IDIOPATHIC Dose: 40 IU/kg or 0.2 ml/kg
RABIES 2. Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG): Imogan/Raburan
Agent: Rhabdovirus Dose: 20 IU/kg
M.O.T.: Direct Inoculation
Incubation Period: Varies
(Nearer to head-shorter incubation)
Agent: Treponema Pallidum
Incubation: 3-21 days 1. Hepatitis B Serum Antigen(HBsAg)
(+) Current Hepatitis B Infection
STAGES 2. Hepatitis B Serum Antibody (ABsAb)(Anti-Hbs)
Primary (+) Immunity to Hepatitis B
Lesions: Chancre, painless, moist, ulcer resolves on its. 3. Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBCab)(Anti-HBc)
Secondary (+) History of Past Hepatitis B Infection
Lesions: Condyloma Lata, hard, wart-like lesion throughout body, 4. Igm- anti HBC (Immunoglobulin ntibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen)
cause hair loss. (+) Hepatitis B for ≤6 mons (ACUTE)
s/sx subside but client remains contagious CASE 1 2 3 4 5
HBsAg ─ + + ─ ─
Tertiary/ Neurosyphilis HBsAb ─ ─ ─ + +
CNS damage HBcAb ─ ─ ─ + ─
Gait/balance problems IgM anti ─ + ─ ─ ─
Blindness /Deafness HBC
Psychosis RESULT Vulnerable Acute Chronic Immune Immune
Lesions: GUMMA (painful lesions that reach deep tissues Hep B. Hep. B due to due to
past Vaccination
Diagnostic Test: Darkfield Exam (Blood) Infection
Treatment: PENICILLIN(orally, IM Buttocks, IV critical)
Kills bacteria
Dead bacteria releases toxins(Toxins attract cytokines) ADULT DOSING: VARICELLA VACCINE
Cytokines- Inflammatory - Starts at 13 years old and above 2 doses of 0.5. ml (subcutaneous)
last for <24 hours - 2nd dose is given 28 days after 1st dose.
rashes Histoplasma Capsulatum
diaphoresis Treatment: IV Ampotherecin B/ Traconazole
Reaction: Jarisch – Herxheimer
1. Paracetamol for pain and fever
2. Corticosteroids
TB: Kochs Disease 2. Intended Peripheral neuritis
Mgt: Change Contraceptives/ take Vit. B6(Pyridoxine)
ACTIVE TB PRIMARY INFECTION TB A/E: Intra- Cerebral Damge (Seizures)
+ S/Sx ─ 3. PYRAZINAMIDE: P.O: 2000 mg
yes Contagious no S/E: Purine-based: Hypercalcemia
+ X-Ray (─) but with consolidation Mgt: ↑Fluid Intake
+ Mantoux Test + A/E: Progressive Liver Failure
+ Sputum ─ Check Liver Enzymes
Most hepatotoxic TB Drug
People with primary TB infection/ are not contagious but can 4. ETHAMBUTOL P.O.: 1100 mg
progress to ACTIVE TB if there immunity is comprimesd. S/E: EYES:Optic Neuritis :Diplopia
Primary Infection TB- Children most risk. Mgt: Check Visual Acuity (Snellen Chart)
A/E: EYES: Blindness
Agent: Mycobacterium TB (+)tunnel vision
M.O.T: Airborne or Droplet Nuclei (+)halos around lights
Incubation: 2-10 weeks 5. STREPTOMYCIN :IM: DELTOID 1000 mg
Communicability: Contagious until S/E: Severe pain at site
1. Sputum is negative for 3 instances Mgt: Massage the site/analgesics
2. 2 weeks of continuous antibiotics A/E: Sensorineural hearing loss (stop if + tinnitus)
Productive Cough I-Any newly HR-Rifampicin and
Anorexia diagnosed TB or Isoniazid
Wt. loss EPTB(Extra 4 mons.
Night sweats Pulmonary TB) HRZE for 2 months
Dyspnea Ia- Any newly HR-progressed to
Hemoptysis diagnosed EPTB 10 mons.
Dx: clients but if EPTB is
X-RAY- for locating infection on Bone or CNS/
Mantoux Test- for exposure joint,
Sputum Exam- Confirmatory Test II-Former TB/EPTB HRE
Treatment- Antibiotics Clients(Returning HRZES for 2 mons 5 mons
HRZES/RIPES patients) +
1. RIFAMPICIN: P.O. 600mg IIa- Former EPTB HRZE for 1 mons HRE
S/E : Red-Orange Tinged Urine Clients , If EPTB is on 9 mons
Mgt: Teach client that change are temporary that is NORMAL Bones, CNS, or Joints
A/E: Reduce RBC/ Platelets
2. ISONIAZID: INH: P.O. 450 mg
S/E: 1. Increases failure rate of oral contraceptives
MDR- TB(Multiple Drug Resistant TB) Diagnostic Test: Specimen(Blood)
- Strain that is resistant to both Rifampicin & Isoniazid Antibody Detection
Via: ELISA(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) Confirmatory Test
Treatment: IV Route : ZkmlfxPtoCs Mgt: Airway- Mechanical Ventilation
Z- Pyrazinamide Bronchodilator
Km-Kanamycin Corticosteroid
Lfx-Levofloxacin Drug- for SARS only (antiviral: Ribavirin and Oseltamivir)
- Retrovirus
MODERN TB Therapy - Single Strand Rna
BEDAQUILLINE: P.O.(24 weeks) - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
1ST – 2nd weeks: 400 mg/day, 4-10 mg/tabs ORIGINS: CONGO
3rd – 24th weeks: 600 mg/week, 200 mg/tabs Affects: CD4, T Cells
M.O.T. Sexually active age (15-35)
CORONA VIRUS: COV Blood/needle pricks
Mother to Child
SARS MERS Oral Sex poses very little risk < 1% unless mouth sores are
(China) (Middle East) present
Guangdong, China Origin Jeddah Incubation: 3-6 mons
2-10 days incubation 3-13 days
x vector Camel, Bats Stages of Infection
Airborne/ Droplet Nuclei M.O.T. Airborned (prolonged) 1. Acute Retroviral Syndrome
Notes: Relapsing fever
- Both can lead to pheumonia Oral Thrush
- Both considered epidemics Rashes
- SARS was a pandemic Bacterial Outgrowth
- SARS is deadlier and more contagious Lingua Villosa (Hairy Tongue)
- SARS can be managed by antivirals. 2. Latency – Asymptomatic/ Less Contagious(lifespan-2 yrs)
3. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
S/Sx: + AIDS if CD4 T cell is < 200/mm, if 199 below-AIDS
- High Grade Fever *NORMAL T-CELLS- 500-100,000/mm3
- Sore Throat Mortality
- Non- productive Cough(initially) Most common- worldwide
- Myalgia Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia(fungal) ex. Cp or gloves
- Dyspnea Most Common- Filipino
- Crackles TB-Death
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Most common- Malignancy
Kaposis Sarcoma
HIV: Dx TEST: SCREENING:ELISA: -3 drugs/ weekly
If (+):confirmatory test – Western Blot - Prevention-Abstinence, Be Monogamous, Condom