DGL Part-3 - 0 PDF
DGL Part-3 - 0 PDF
DGL Part-3 - 0 PDF
There is no sewerage system existing in Dindigul town. Sewage disposal is primarily
through septic tanks. In general, it is discharged in to the open street drains. Some soak pits of
shallow depth and inadequate size are also in existence. These soak pits do not function properly
and thereby allowing the sullage overflows. The street drains carrying sullage and sewage, are
ultimately discharged in to water courses. Table 2.1 describes the salient features of the Dindigul
The sewerage system will comprise of construction of 13.65 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant
of activated sludge process, laying of Trunk main sewer line diameter of 400 mm and 450 mm for a
length of 1.00 km and secondary/laterals for a length of 93.00 km in diameter ranging from 200 mm
to 500 mm. In the system one intermediate pumping station has also been proposed to pump about
4 MLD of sewage to be transported to a gravity sewer through a pumping main of diameter 350 mm
and a length of 650 metres. For house service connection it has been proposed 110 mm & 160 mm
diameter ODU PVC pipes (4 to 6 per manholes). The house service connection is provided
normally to the manholes, where 2 or 3 House Service Connections (HSC) will be to Road Side
Chamber (RSC) and RSCs will in turn be connected with manholes. Also provision has been made
in the cost estimate for dismantling cum refilling the septic tank / soak pit utilities for those who do
not find space for effecting a separate connection.
The collection system is designed for the volume of waste water to be generated for the
projected population of 2023. Per capita wastewater generation is considered as 80% of the net
water supply. Peak factor has been considered to design the sewer lines.
The STP will have the following employees for its operation. Table 2.4 shows the total
manpower requirement for Dindigul STP.