Ymca College 5 Sem Btech Electrical

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J. C.



Sr. Category Course Course Title Hours Per Internal End Total Cr.
No. Code Week Marks Sem
1 PCC ELPC501 Power Systems – I 3 0 0 25 75 100 3
(Apparatus and
2 PCC ELPC502 Control Systems 3 0 0 25 75 100 3

3 PCC ELPC503 Microprocessors 3 0 0 25 75 100 3

4 BSC BSC-01 Biology 2 1 0 25 75 100 3

to all)
5 PEC Program Elective –II 3 0 0 25 75 100 3
6 OEC Open Elective –I 3 0 0 25 75 100 3
7 PCC ELPC551 Power Systems Lab-1 0 0 2 15 35 50 1
8 PCC ELPC552 Control Systems Lab 0 0 2 15 35 50 1
9 PCC ELPC553 Microprocessors Lab 0 0 2 15 35 50 1
10 SEC ELSE561 Electrical Workshop-V 0 0 4 30 70 100 2
11 SEC ELSE562 Minor Project-1 0 0 4 15 35 50 2
Total 17 1 14 240 660 900 25

Course Code Course Title

ELPE511 Line Commutated and Active PWM Rectifiers
Program Elective –II ELPE512 Electrical Machine Design
ELPE513 Electromagnetic Waves
ELPC501 Power Systems-1 (Apparatus & Modelling) 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the concepts of powersystems.
2. Understand the various power systemcomponents.
3. Evaluate fault currents for different types offaults.
4. Understand the protection against over-voltages and insulation coordination. Understand
basic protection schemes.
5. Understand concepts of dc power transmission and renewable energy systems

Unit 1: Basic Concepts (4 hours)

Evolution of Power Systems and Present-Day Scenario. Structure of a power system: Bulk Power Grids
and Micro-grids.
Generation: Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources. Distributed Energy Resources.Energy Storage.
Transmission and Distribution Systems: Line diagrams, transmission and distribution voltage levels and
topologies (meshed and radial systems). Synchronous Grids and Asynchronous (DC) interconnections.
Power Transfer in AC circuits and Reactive Power.

Unit 2: Power System Components (15 hours)

Overhead Transmission Lines and Cables: Electrical and Magnetic Fields around conductors, Corona.
Parameters of lines and cables. Capacitance and Inductance calculations for simple configurations.
Sinusoidal Steady state representation of Lines: Short, medium and long lines. Power Transfer, Voltage
profile and Reactive Power. Characteristics of transmission lines. Surge Impedance Loading. Series and
Shunt Compensation of transmission lines.
Loads: Types, Voltage and Frequency Dependence of loads,Per Unit System and Per Unit Calculations

Unit 3: Over-voltages and Insulation Requirements (4 hours)

Protection against Over-voltages, Insulation Coordination.

Unit 4: Fault Analysis and Protection Systems (10 hours)

Method of Symmetrical Components (positive, negative and zero sequences). Balanced and Unbalanced
Faults. Representation of generators, lines and transformers in sequence networks. Computation of Fault
Currents. Neutral Grounding
Switchgear: Types of Circuit Breakers. Attributes of Protection schemes, Back-up Protection.
Protection schemes (Over-current, directional, distance protection, differential protection) and their

Unit5: Introduction to DC Transmission and Renewable energy systems (9 hours)

HVDC transmission: types of links; Introduction to solar PV systems

1. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education,1994.
2. O. I. Elgerd, “Electric Energy Systems Theory”, McGraw Hill Education,1995.
3. A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, “Power System Analysis”, Pearson Education Inc.,1999.
4. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Modern Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education,2003.
5. B. M. Weedy, B. J. Cory, N. Jenkins, J. Ekanayake and G. Strbac, “Electric PowerSystems”, Wiley, 2012.
ELPC551 Power Systems-I Lab 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

Hands-on experiments related to the course contents of ELPC-501. Visits to power system installations
(generation stations, EHV substations etc.) are suggested.
ELPC502 Control Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand the modeling of linear-time-invariant systems using transfer function and state- space
2. Design specifications for second order systems based on time response.
3. Interpret the Concept of stability and its assessment for linear-time invariant systems using various
4. Design controllers in time and frequency domain.
5. Explain the basic concept of optimal and non linear control systems.
Unit 1: Introduction to control problem (8 hours)
Industrial Control examples, Mathematical models of physical systems, Control hardware and their models.
Transfer function models of linear time-invariant systems. Feedback Control: Open-Loop and Closed-loop
systems. Benefits of Feedback, Transfer Function of control system, impulse response and its relation with
transfer function of linear systems. Transfer function from Block diagram reduction technique and signal
flow graph, Mason’s gain formula.
Unit 2: Time Response Analysis (6 hours)
Standard test signals, Time response of first and second order systems for standard test inputs, Application of
initial and final value theorem, Design specifications for second-order systems based on the time-response.
Concept of Stability, Routh-Hurwitz Criteria, Relative Stability analysis, Root-Locus technique, Construction
of Root-loci
Unit 3: Frequency-response analysis (6 hours)
Relationship between time and frequency response, Polar plots, Bode plots, Nyquist stability criterion,
Relative stability using Nyquist criterion – gain and phase margin, Closed-loop frequency response.
Unit 4: Introduction to Controller Design (10 hours)
Stability, steady-state accuracy, transient accuracy, disturbance rejection, insensitivity and robustness of
control systems, Root-loci method of feedback controller design, Design specifications in frequency-domain,
Frequency-domain methods of design, Application of Proportional, Integral and Derivative Controllers, Lead
and Lag compensation in designs, Analog and Digital implementation of controllers.
Unit 5: State Variable Analysis of Linear Dynamic Systems (4 hours)
State variables, State variable representation of system, dynamic equations, merits for higher order differential
equations and solution, Concept of controllability and observability and techniques to test them
Unit 6: Introduction to Optimal Control and Nonlinear Control (5 hours)
Performance Indices, Regulator problem, Tracking Problem., Nonlinear system–Basic concepts and analysis
1. M. Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, McGraw Hill Education, 1997.
2. B. C. Kuo, “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1991.
I. J. Nagrath and M.Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2009
ELPC552 Control Systems Lab 0L:0T:2P 3 credits

Hands-on/Computer experiments related to the course contents of ELPC502.

ELPC503 Microprocessors 3– 0–0 3 Credits

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1 Understand the basic architecture of 8086 microprocessor.

CO2 Write assembly language programs to perform a given task.
CO3 Write interrupt service routines for all interrupt types
CO4 Interface memory and I/O devices to 8086 using peripheral devices
CO5 Write microcontroller programs and interface devices

Detailed syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction: Evolution of Microprocessors, Internal Architecture of 8085/8086, BIU
and EU, Registers in of 8085/8086, Memory segmentation

UNIT-II Instruction sets and Addressing modes: Addressing modes-register related,

Addressing modes-memory related, Instruction formats, Instruction set of 8086-functional groups,
Assembler Directives, assembly language programming.

UNIT-III Pin and timing diagrams of 8086: Pin diagram of 8086 in minimum mode &
Maximum mode configuration, Timing diagram of typical read write instructions.

UNIT-IV Interrupts- Steps in interrupt process, Interrupt structure in 8086, Internal and external
interrupts-interrupt service routines.

UNIT-V Interfacing the microprocessor- Interfacing of I/O devices, Interfacing I/O-

programmable peripheral interface-8255, Interfacing of multi digit seven segment display,
Interfacing timer-Programmable interval timer-8254.

UNIT-VI Serial interface and data converters-USART 8251, Serial interface standards-RS 232
C and RS -485, Interfacing of ADCs and DACs,

UNIT-VII Microcontrollers- Introduction to Microcontroller, 8051 Microcontroller, memory and

I/ O organization, Applications of Microcontroller.

1. Douglas V. Hall : Microprocessors and Interfacing, TMH-Revised Second Edition, 2005
2. A.K. Ray & Burchandi: Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, TMH, 2003.
Ajay V. Deshmukh: Microcontrollers –Theory and Applications, TMH, 2009.

ELPC553 Microprocessors Laboratory 0L:0T:2P 1 credits

Hands-on experiments related to the course contents of ELPC503

BSC-01 Biology 2L:1T:0P 3 credits


Purpose: To convey that Biology is as important a scientific discipline as Mathematics, Physicsand

Bring out the fundamental differences between science and engineering by drawing a comparison
between eye and camera, Bird flying and aircraft. Mention the most exciting aspect of biology as an
independent scientific discipline. Why we need to study biology? Discuss how biological
observations of 18th Century that lead to major discoveries. Examples from Brownian motion and
the origin of thermodynamics by referring to the original observation of Robert Brown and Julius
Mayor. These examples will highlight the fundamental importance of observations in any scientific


Purpose: To convey that classificationper seis not what biology is all about. The underlyingcriterion,
such as morphological, biochemical or ecological be highlighted.
Hierarchy of life forms at phenomenological level. A common thread weaves this hierarchy
Classification. Discuss classification based on (a) cellularity- Unicellular or multicellular (b)
ultrastructure- prokaryotes or eucaryotes. (c) energy and Carbon utilisation -Autotrophs,
heterotrophs, lithotropes (d) Ammonia excretion – aminotelic, uricoteliec, ureotelic (e) Habitata-
acquatic or terrestrial (e) Molecular taxonomy- three major kingdoms of life. A given organism can
come under different category based on classification. Model organisms for the study of biology
come from different groups. E.coli, S.cerevisiae, D. Melanogaster, C. elegance, A. Thaliana, M.

MODULE 3: Genetics
Purpose: To convey that “Genetics is to biology what Newton’s laws are to Physical Sciences”
Mendel’s laws, Concept of segregation and independent assortment. Concept of allele.Gene
mapping, Gene interaction, Epistasis. Meiosis and Mitosis be taught as a part of genetics. Emphasis
to be give not to the mechanics of cell division nor the phases but how genetic material passes from
parent to offspring.Concepts of recessiveness and dominance.Concept of mapping of phenotype to
genes. Discuss about the single gene disorders in humans. Discuss the concept of complementation
using human genetics.

Purpose: To convey that all forms of life has the same building blocks and yet themanifestations are
as diverse as one can imagine
Molecules of life. In this context discuss monomeric units and polymeric structures. Discuss about
sugars, starch and cellulose. Amino acids and proteins. Nucleotides and DNA/RNA.Two carbon
units and lipids.
Purpose: To convey that without catalysis life would not have existed on earth.
Enzymology: How to monitor enzyme catalysed reactions. How does an enzyme catalysereactions?
Enzyme classification. Mechanism of enzyme action. Discuss at least two examples. Enzyme
kinetics and kinetic parameters. Why should we know these parameters to understand biology? RNA


Purpose: The molecular basis of coding and decoding genetic information is universal
Molecular basis of information transfer.DNA as a genetic material. Hierarchy of DNA structure-from
single stranded to double helix to nucleosomes. Concept of genetic code. Universality and
degeneracy of genetic code. Define gene in terms of complementation and recombination.


Purpose: How to analyse biological processes at the reductionist level
Proteins- structure and function. Hierarch in protein structure. Primary secondary, tertiary and
quaternary structure. Proteins as enzymes, transporters, receptors and structural elements.

Purpose: The fundamental principles of energy transactions are the same in physical andbiological
Thermodynamics as applied to biological systems. Exothermic and endothermic versus endergonic
and exergoinc reactions. Concept of Keq and its relation to standard free energy. Spontaneity.ATP as
an energy currency. This should include the breakdown of glucose to CO2 + H2O (Glycolysis and
Krebs cycle) and synthesis of glucose from CO2 and H2O (Photosynthesis). Energy yielding and
energy consuming reactions. Concept of Energy Charge.

Concept of single celled organisms. Concept of species and strains. Identification and classification
of microorganisms. Microscopy. Ecological aspects of single celled organisms. Sterilization and
media compositions. Growth kinetics.

Course Outcomes:

After studying the course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe how biological observations of 18th Century that lead to major discoveries.
2. Convey that classification per se is not what biology is all about but highlight the underlying
criteria, such as morphological, biochemical and ecological
3. Highlight the concepts of recessiveness and dominance during the passage of genetic material
from parent to offspring
4. Convey that all forms of life have the same building blocks and yet the manifestations are as
diverse as one can imagine
5. Classify enzymes and distinguish between different mechanisms of enzyme action.
6. Identify DNA as a genetic material in the molecular basis of information transfer.
7. Analyse biological processes at the reductionist level
8. Apply thermodynamic principles to biological systems.
9. Identify and classify microorganisms.


1. “Biology: A global approach” Campbell, N. A.; Reece, J. B.; Urry, Lisa; Cain, M,L.;
Wasserman, S. A.; Minorsky, P. V.; Jackson, R. B. Pearson Education Ltd
2. “Outlines of Biochemistry” , Conn, E.E; Stumpf, P.K; Bruening, G; Doi, R.H. John Wiley and
3. “Principles of Biochemistry (V Edition)”, By Nelson, D. L.; and Cox, M. M.W.H. Freeman and
4. “Molecular Genetics (Second edition)”, Stent, G. S.; and Calender, R. W.H. Freeman and
company, Distributed by Satish Kumar Jain for CBS Publisher
5. “Microbiology” , Prescott, L.M J.P. Harley and C.A. Klein 1995. 2nd edition Wm, C. Brown
ELPE512 Electrical Machine Design 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand the construction and performance characteristics of electrical machines.
2. Analyze the various factors which influence the design: electrical, magnetic and thermal
loading of electrical machines
3. Estimate the overall dimensions and operating characteristics of AC/DC machines
4. Explain the concept of computer aided design CAD and optimal design of electrical machines
Unit 1: Introduction
Major considerations in electrical machine design, electrical engineering materials, space factor,
choice of specific electrical and magnetic loadings, thermal considerations, heat flow, temperature
rise, rating of machines.
Unit 2: Transformers
Sizing of a transformer, main dimensions, kVA output for single- and three-phase transformers,
window space factor, overall dimensions, operating characteristics, regulation, no load current,
temperature rise in transformers, design of cooling tank, methods for cooling of transformers.
Unit 3: Induction Motors
Sizing of an induction motor, main dimensions, output equation, length of air gap, rules for selecting
rotor slots of squirrel cage machines, design of rotor bars & slots, design of end rings, design of
wound rotor, magnetic leakage calculations, leakage reactance of polyphase machines, magnetizing
current, short circuit current, circle diagram, operating characteristics.
Unit 4: Synchronous Machines
Sizing of a synchronous machine, main dimensions, output equation, design of salient pole machines,
short circuit ratio, shape of pole face, armature design, armature parameters, estimation of air gap
length, design of rotor, design of damper winding, determination of full load field mmf, design of
field winding, design of turbo alternators, rotor design, cooling of turbo alternators.

Unit-5: DC Machines
Sizing of a direct current machine, main dimensions, output equation, selection of number of poles,
core length, armature diameter, Length of air gap, Choice of armature winding, number of armature
coils, number of armature slots, slot dimensions, Armature voltage drop, depth of armature core,
design of field system, Design of commutator
Unit 6: Computer aided Design (CAD):
Limitations (assumptions) of traditional designs, need for CAD analysis, synthesis and hybrid
methods, design optimization methods, variables, constraints and objective function, problem
formulation. Introduction to complex structures of modern machines-PMSMs, BLDCs, SRM and
claw-pole machines.

Text / References:
1. A. K. Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical Machine Design”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons,1970.
2. M.G. Say, “Theory & Performance & Design of A.C. Machines”, ELBS London.
3. S. K. Sen, “Principles of Electrical Machine Design with computer programmes”, Oxford and IBH
4. K. L. Narang, “A Text Book of Electrical Engineering Drawings”, SatyaPrakashan,1969.
5. A. Shanmugasundaram, G. Gangadharan and R. Palani, “Electrical Machine Design Data Book”, New
Age International,1979.
6. K. M. V. Murthy, “Computer Aided Design of Electrical Machines”, B.S. Publications,2008.
7. Electrical machines and equipment design exercise examples using Ansoft’s Maxwell 2D machine design
ELPE511 Line-Commutated and Active 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
PWM Rectifiers

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Analyse uncontrolled rectifier circuits with various types of loading
 Differentiate the working of different types of line commutated thyristor rectifiers
 Analyse the multi pulse converters and their working
 Examine the output voltage control of rectifier using PWM control
 Evaluate various performance parameters of DC to AC converter and understand their working
 Apply the concept of basic DC to Dc converter in working of isolated DC power supplies

Module 1: Diode rectifiers with passive filtering (6 Hours)

Single phase Half-wave diode rectifier with R Load, RL Load and RC loads, Performance parameter of half
wave diode rectifier, single phase full-wave diode rectifier with R load ,RL load and RC loads performance
parameters, continuous and discontinuous conduction 3-phase diode rectifier;, input current wave shape,
effect of source inductance; commutation overlap.

Module 2: Thyristor rectifiers(6 Hours)

Principle of phase controlled converter operation, single phase Half-wave thyristor rectifier with R load and
RL load, performance parameter, 1-phase Full wave thyristor rectifier with R and RL load, thyristor rectifier
in inverting mode, Rectification and regenerating modes ,continuous and discontinuous conduction, input
current wave shape, Single phase dual converter

Module 3: Multi-Pulse converter (6 Lectures)

3-phase thyristor rectifier, Review of transformer phase shifting,6- pulse converter and 12-pulse converters
with inductive loads, output voltage equation

Module 4: Pulse Width Modulated rectifier(6 Hours)

Power factor improvement of controlled rectifier, Pulse width modulated rectifier, power circuit of single-
switch ac-dc converter, Single phase sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Three phase PWM rectifier

Module 5: DC to AC converter (6 Hours)

Review of 1-phase inverter and 3-phase inverter, power circuits of 1-phase dc to ac converter, performance
parameters,3-phase ac-dc converter, Pulse Width Modulated inverter, Single and multiple pulse width
modulation, sinusoidal pulse width modulation

Module 6: Isolated single-phase dc-dc fly back converter (10 Hours)

Review of DC to DC converters, Advantages of SMPS over linear power supplies, dc-dc fly back converter,
output voltage as a function of duty ratio and transformer turns ratio. Power circuit of dc-dc forward
converter, push pull converter,

Reference/Text Books

1. Rashid “Power Electronics” Prentice Hall India 2007.

2. G. De, “Principles of Thyristorised Converters”, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co,1988.
3. J.G. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison-
4. L. Umanand, “ Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications”, Wiley India,2009.
5. N. Mohan and T. M. Undeland, “ Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design”, John
Wiley & Sons,2007.
ELPE513 Electromagnetic waves 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
 Analyse transmission lines and estimate voltage and current at any point on transmission line for
different load conditions.
 Provide solution to real life plane wave problems for various boundary conditions.
 Analyse the field equations for the wave propagation in special cases such as lossy and low loss
dielectric media.
 Visualize TE and TM mode patterns of field distributions in a rectangular wave-guide.
 Understand and analyze radiation by antennas.
Module 1: Transmission Lines (6 hours)
Introduction, Concept of distributed elements, Equations of voltage and current, Standing waves and
impedance transformation, Lossless and low-loss transmission lines, Power transfer on a transmission line,
Analysis of transmission line in terms of admittances, Transmission line calculations with the help of
Smith chart, Applications of transmission line, Impedance matching using transmission lines.
Module 2: Maxwell’s Equations (6 hours)
Basic quantities of Electromagnetics, Basic laws of Electromagnetics: Gauss’s law, Ampere’s Circuital
law, Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction. Maxwell’s equations, Surface charge and surface current,
Boundary conditions at media interface.
Module 3: Uniform Plane Wave (7 hours)
Homogeneous unbound medium, Wave equation for time harmonic fields, Solution of the wave equation,
Uniform plane wave, Wave polarization, Wave propagation in conducting medium, Phase velocity of a
wave, Power flow and Poynting vector.
Module 4: Plane Waves at Media Interface (7 hours)
Plane wave in arbitrary direction, Plane wave at dielectric interface, Reflection and refraction of waves at
dielectric interface, Total internal reflection, Wave polarization at media interface, Brewster angle, Fields
and power flow at media interface, Lossy media interface, Reflection from conducting boundary.
Module 5: Waveguides (7 hours)
Parallel plane waveguide: Transverse Electric (TE) mode, transverse Magnetic(TM) mode, Cut-off
frequency, Phase velocity and dispersion. Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) mode, Analysis of
waveguide-general approach, Rectangular waveguides.
Module 6: Antennas (7 hours)
Radiation parameters of antenna, Potential functions, Solution for potential functions, Radiations from
Hertz dipole, Near field, Far field, Total power radiated by a dipole, Radiation resistance and radiation
pattern of Hertz dipole, Hertz dipole in receiving mode.
Text/Reference Books
1. R. K. Shevgaonkar, “Electromagnetic Waves”, Tata McGraw Hill,2005.
2. D. K. Cheng, “ Field and Wave Electromagnetics”, Addison-Wesley,1989.
3. M. N.O. Sadiku, “ Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Press,2007.
4. C. A. Balanis, “ Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics”, John Wiley & Sons,2012.
5. C. A. Balanis, “ Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”, John Wiley & Sons,2005.

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