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Antonio Pigaffeta Voyeger

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Antonio Pigaffeta:

First Voyage Around the World

• Antonio Pigafetta : c.1491 – c. 1531
• Italian scholar and explorer
• Republic of Venice
• He joined the expedition to the Spice Islands led by
explorer Ferdinand Magellan under the flag of
King Charles I of Spain
Antonio Pigafetta
 he served as Magellan's assistant and kept
an accurate journal which later assisted
him in translating the Cebuano language
 Pigafettawas one of the 18 men who
returned to Spain in 1522,
 under the command of Juan Sebastián
 Pigafetta's
surviving journal is the source
for much of what is known about Magellan
and Elcano's voyage.
Antonio Pigafetta
 Williams Shakespeare, Michel de Montainge, and Giambattista Vico
based their interpretation the NEW WORLD from the works of Antonio
 Pigafetta’s travelogue is one of the most important primary sources in
the study of the precolonial Philippines.
 His account was also a major referent to the events leading to
Magellan’s arrival in the Philippines
- his encounter with local leader
- his death in the hands of Lapulapu’s force in the Battle of Mactan
- the departure of what was left of Magellan’s fleet from the islands
The First Voyage Around the World by

 Studentsof history need to realize that the

primary sourced used in the subsequent
written history depart from certain

 ThusPigafetta’s account was also written

from the perspective of Pigafeeta himself
Pigefetta: Firsthand Observation and
General Impression of Far East including
their experience in the Visayas
 In Pigafetta’s account, their fleet reached what he
called Landrones or the “Island of the Thieves.”
“These people have no arms, but use sticks, which have a
fish bone at the end. They are poor, but ingenious, and
great thieves, and for the sake of that we called these
three islands the Ladrones Islands.”
- Pigafetta
The Landrones Islands is presently know
as the Marianas Islands
 These island are located south-southeast of Japan, west southwest of Hawaii,
north of New Guinea, and east of Phillippies
The First Voyage Around the World by
 Ten days after they reached Ladrones Islands, Pigafetta
reported that they reached what Pigafetta called the
isle of Zamal, now Samar but Magellan decided to land
in another uninhabited island for greater security
where they could rest for few days.
 After two days, March 18, nine men came to them and
showed and eagerness in seeing them.
 Magellan realized that the men were reasonable and
welcomed them with food, drinks, and gifts.
The First Voyage Around the World by
 The native gave them: fish, palm wine( uraca), figs, and two
cochos, rice(umai), cocos, and onther food supplies.
 Pigafetta characterized the people as “very familiar and
friendly” and the willingly showed them different islands and the
names of these islands.
 The fleet went to Humunu Island (Homonhon) and there they
found what Pigafetta referred to as “Watering Place of Good
 It is in this place where Pigafetta wrote that they found the first
sign of gold in the island.
The First Voyage Around the World by
 They named the island with the nearby islands as the
archipelago of St. Lazarus. Then they left the island
 On March 25th, Pigafetta recounted that they saw ballanghai
(balangay), a long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazaua.
 The leader, who Pigafetta referred to as the king of the
ballanghai (balangay), sent his men to the ship of Magellan.
 The Europeans entertained these men and gave them gifts.
 When the king of the balangay offered to give Magellan a bar
of gold and a chest of ginger, Magellan declined.
The First Voyage Around the World by
 Magellan sent the interpreter to the king and asked for
money for the needs of his ship and expressed that he came
into the islands as a friend and not as an enemy.
 The king responded by giving Magellan the needed provisions
of foods in chinaware.
 Magellan exchanged gifts of robes in Turkish fashion, red cap,
and gave the people knives and mirrors.
 The two then expressed their desire to become brother.
 Magellan also boasted of his men in armour who could not be
struck with swords and dagger.
The First Voyage Around the World by
 The king was fascinated and remarked that men in such armor could be worth one hundred of his
The First Voyage Around the World by
 Magellan further showed the king his other weapons, helmets,
and artilleries.
 Magellan also shared with the king his charts and maps and
shared how they found the islands.
The First Voyage Around the World by

 Aftera few days, Magellan was introduced to

the king’s brother who was also a king of
another island.
 They went to this island and Pigafetta reported
that they saw mines of gold.
 Thepart of the ship and the house of the
second king were made of gold.
The First Voyage Around the World by
 Pigefette described this king as the most handsome of
all the men that he saw in this place.
 The king is decorated with silk and gold accessories
like gold dagger in a wooden polished sheath.
 The 2nd king name is Raia Calambu, king of Zuluan and
Calagan (Butuan and Caragua)
 The 1st king’s was Raia Siagu
The First Voyage Around the World by

 Magellan Ordered the firs Mass on The Phil.

 On March 31st The first Mass in the
 It is also Ester Sunday
The First Voyage Around the World by

 The king heard of this plan

 Sent two dead pigs
 Two kings attend the Mass
The First Voyage Around the World by

 Time of offering
The two kings kiss the cross like us
 They offered nothing
The elevation of the body of our Lord
they were kneeling like us
The First Voyage Around the World by
After the Mass
 Magellan ordered to bring the cross, the nails, and the crown
 The cross, the nail and the crown is the sign of his emperor
 Magellan was ordered to plant it to the place the emperor can
reach it
The First Voyage Around the World by
The purpose of the cross:
It is a sign for other Spaniard that they have been
It is also a sign to release any captives
The king concurred
Allowed for the cross to be planted
This is the first Mass in the Philippines
Magellan Cross
The First Voyage Around the World by
After seven days
 They look for other island
 To acquire more supplies and provisions
They discover the islands of:
Zzubu (Cebu)
Raia Calambu pilot them in going to
 Cebu – the largest and the richest of the islands
April 7 the same year
 Magellan and his men reached the port of Cebu
The King of Cebu
 Demanded that they pay tribute it was customary
 Magellan refused
 He’s a already a captain of king of Spain
 Magellan will not pay tribute to other king
Magellan’s interpreter explained to the king of Cebu:
 Magellan’s king was the emperor of a great emperor
 Its better for them to be friend -
 Than to forge enmity
The king of Cebu consulted his council
By the next day
 Magellan’s Men
 King of Cebu
 Principal men of Cebu
Met on open space, there the king offered a bit of his blood
and demanded that Magellan do the same
The Next Day
 Magellan spoke to the people of Cebu about peace and
 People took pleasure in Magellan’s speech.
 Magellan asked the people who would be the next king.
 The eldest child (daughter) of the king.
 Even elderly or parents have to follow the new king.
The Teaching/Preaching of Magellan
 Children
should render honor and
obedience to their parent
 He preached about fait
Pigafetta wrote:
 Their men were overjoyed.
 To
see that people are willing to be
convert into Christians.
 Not by forced.
14th of April
 The
People, the king and other principal
men gathered.
 Magellanspoke to them and encouraged
them to be a good Christian.
 By burning all of the idols.
 Worship the cross instead.
 Theking of Cebu was baptized as a
Pigafetta wrote:
 Theking and his men will obey to the
 Theking was baptized and name Don
Charles (Carlos).
 The prince Don Fernand (Fernando).
 Andto others each name a name of his
After the eight days:

 Allof the island’s inhabitant were already

 They burned a village down for obeying neither
the king nor Magellan.
 Mass conducted every day by the shore.
 Magellangive an Image of Infant Jesus to the
Queen made by Figafetta himself.
 Theking swore he would always be faithful to
Magellan reiterated:

 To newly baptized to burn their idols.

 The native make an excuse telling that they need.
the idols to heal a sick man.
 Magellan insisted to put their fait in Jesus Christ.
 They went to sick man and baptized him.
 Sick man was healed, Pigafetta called this miracle.
On the 26th of April:
 Zula from the island of Matan (Mactan)
 Went to see Magellan
 Heask for help from Magellan to fight the
 named Silapulapu (Lapulapu)
 He refused to obey the king
Magellan went to Mactan:

 Magellan offered three boat.

 Healso have desired to go Mactan and fight
the chief.
 Magellan’s force arrived in Mactan in
 Magellan’s force 49 vs 1,500 estimated
The Battle of Mactan:
 The islanders are 1500 drawn up in 3 squadron
 They came down in with terrible shouts
 2 squadron in in flanks 1 in front
Battle of Mactan

 The captain divide his men into 2 bands

 Musketeers and crossbow – men
 Fired for half and hour from a distance but it did
 Bullet and arrow passed through their shield made if
thin wood perhaps wounded their arms, yet did not
stop them.
Battle of Mactan:
 The captain shouted not to fire but nobody
 Theshots from guns did a little to no harm
and would not retire the islanders.
 Butshouted more loudly and springing from
one side to other to avoid gun shots.
 Theyare now near they start their attacks,
with arrows javelins, spears etc.
 Magellan’s force hardly defend their self.
The Battle of Mactan: Magellan died

 The enemy noticed that the body of the enemies

were protected with armors.
 They aimed for their legs instead.
 Magellan was pierced with a poison arrow in his
right leg.
 Few men charge the native and tried intimidate.
them by burning an entire village.
 it only enraged the natives further.
Battle of Mactan:
Magellan is the primary target:
 The native knew he is the captain general.
 Magellan was hit with a lance in the face.
 Magellanfight back with his lance and tried
to draw his sword but he could not because
of the wound in his arm.
 The
captain is already deteriorated and
more natives came to attack him.
Magellan final moment:

 One native with great sword delivered a blow in

Magellan’s left leg.
 It brought his face down native ceaselessly
attacked Magellan with lances, sword and even
with their bare hands.
 His last moment is to call for safety and retreat of
his force.
 Theking of Cebu who was baptized could
have sent help.
 Magellan instructed him not to join the
 Magellan wanted to see how they fought.
 Theking of Cebu offered gifts to the people
Mactan In exchange of Magellan’s body.
 The
chief refused he keep the body as a
memento of their victory.
 Magellan’s men elected Duarte Barbosa as the
new captain.
 Magellan’s slave and interpreter named Henry
betrayed then.
 Henry told to the king of Cebu that they intended
to leave quickly as possible.
 An allegation that the king and slave stole all
what was left to Magellan’s men.
 The king gathered the men, Figafetta was not
able to join he was nursing his own wounds.
 In a short time they heard cries and lamentation
the native slain all the men.
 Except the interpreter and Juan Serrano.
 Serrano was held hostage.
 Figafetta and his men refused they scape and
abandoned Serrano.
 They left Cebu and continue journey around the

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