MBCI (Translay S) : Technical Manual
MBCI (Translay S) : Technical Manual
MBCI (Translay S) : Technical Manual
Technical Manual
Differential Feeder and Transformer Feeder
Publication Reference: R8011G
R8011G © 2011. ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of ALSTOM. The other names mentioned,
registered or not, are the property of their respective companies. The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for information only. Neither
ALSTOM, its officers or employees accept responsibility for, or should be taken as making any representation or warranty (whether express or implied), as to the
accuracy or completeness of such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria where these are indicated. ALSTOM reserves the right to revise or
change this data at any time without further notice.
2.1 Commissioning preliminaries 4
2.1.1 Electrostatic discharges (ESD) 4
2.1.2 Inspection 4
2.1.3 Wiring 4
2.1.4 Earthing 4
2.1.5 Insulation 4
2.2 Commissioning tests 4
2.2.1 General 4
2.2.2 Test equipment 5
2.2.3 Current setting tests 5
2.2.4 Timing tests 7
2.2.5 Primary injection tests 8
2.2.6 On load tests 9
3.1 Removal of the relay from its case 10
4.1 Tests on ac circuits 11
4.2 DC power supply circuit 12
4.3 Output circuit 13
4.4 Printed circuit board 14
4.5 Recalibration and test 14
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When the type MMLG test block facilities are installed, it is important that the
sockets in the type MMLB01 test plug, which correspond to the current transformer
INTO THE TEST BLOCK. Similarly, type MMLB02 single finger test plug must
be terminated with an ammeter BEFORE IT IS INSERTED to monitor ct secondary
It is assumed that the initial preliminary checks have been carried out.
There are several MIDOS Translay S schemes as shown in the MBCI publication
The following commissioning procedure covers the MBCI relay and Translay S
Commissioning instructions for other relays in the schemes are contained in the
appropriate Service Manual.
MRTP Pilot supervision relay R8026
MCRI Instantaneous overcurrent relay R8028
MVTW Destabilising or destabilising R8027
and intertrip relay
The instructions have been written assuming that all Translay S schemes are not
fitted with a test block at each end of the feeder. Where a test block has been fitted,
the procedure is generally correct, but it will be necessary to find the correct test
block terminals at which to inject current, supply dc and monitor for relay operation,
from the relevant schematic diagram.
2.2.2 Test equipment
Current injection test set suitable for secondary and primary injection.
MMLB multi-way test plugs for MIDOS test block (when fitted). Two plugs,
one for each line end, are required.
Multi-range ammeter.
Equipment to measure the resistance of the pilots.
Short (8") leads with 4mm plug terminations: up to 26, ie.13 for each line end, may
be required.
2.2.3 Current setting tests
All Translay S schemes have an MBCI relay at each line end which provides the
basic differential protection.
To prove the calibration of the relay, it is convenient to check each end separately,
isolated from the pilots. Single phase current is injected from a test set.
a) If the scheme has overcurrent starter relays, there will be an MCRI relay. When
testing the MBCI differential relay, it is necessary to short the contact of the
MCRI relay. This may be done across terminals 2 and 4 at the rear of the MCRI
overcurrent relay.
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b) Before carrying out any current injection, set the relay as follows:-
Rpp = 5 x 100
Ks = 1
Kt = 20
N =3
The stabilising resistor Rs in the neutral from the cts should also be set. It is an
adjustable resistance and must be set to:
Rs = VKP/40In but not greater than 12/(In)2 Ohms
VKP = knee point voltage of line ct.
In = rated secondary current.
c) Ensure that the normal dc supply is present and wired correctly to the relay,
otherwise no relay operation or indication will occur when relay current
injection is carried out
d) Inject the current from the test set into the relay for an A-N fault.
Increase the current from zero until relay operation occurs and note this current.
Relay operation will be indicated by operation of the trip indicator on the MBCI
differential relay.
It is advisable to check that all the alarm and trip circuit contacts operate by
monitoring at the appropriate terminals on the rear of the case. As the relay is
not connected to the pilots, it operates at approximately 0.5 times the nominal
setting. Because the nominal setting for an A to N fault is 19% of rated relay
current, the relay should operate at 0.5 x 0.19 x In ie. 95mA for a 1A rated relay
and 474mA for a 5A rated relay. The operating current should be within 10% of
the above current.
e) To check the other phases, change the injection supply from A - N to B - N and
C - N.
The settings should be 1.31 and 1.75 times the setting current measured for the
A phase in (d).
f) The relay setting with N = 6 may be checked by injecting as in (d), the relay
should operate at 0.64 times the setting current measured for the A phase.
g) To check the operation with the relay connected to the pilots, it is necessary to
set the adjustable padding resistor (Rpp) at each relay end to the correct value,
To do this the resistance of the pilot loop must be found.
The pilot loop resistance may be measured either directly where the pilots enter
the relay cubicle, or in many instances it can be measured from a test plug.
NOTE: if there are external isolating transformers, care must be taken to
measure the total pilot resistance, not just the resistance of the first pilot
isolating transformer.
If there are no external isolating transformers, measurement can be performed as
detailed below:-
Measure the resistance of the pilot loop Rp.
Set the adjustable padding resistor Rpp at both ends of the line to
0.5 x (1000 - Rp) where Rp = pilot resistance (Ohms).
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Where there are isolating transformers in the circuit, it is necessary to measure
the pilot loop resistance between the pair of isolating transformers. If there are
any additional isolating transformers in the pilot run, the loop resistance
between the pairs of isolating transformers should be measured and added
together to give the complete loop resistance.
If the isolating transformer is not used on taps giving a matching ratio of unity,
then it is necessary to divide the pilot resistance by the matching ratio to obtain
the apparent pilot resistance seen by the relays.
Remove leads from the resistance test equipment to the pilot circuits.
h) To check the relay setting with pilots connected, the procedure is as follows:-
Set the adjustable padding resistor Rpp at each relay end to the value calculated
from the measurement of the pilot resistance in test (g).
Connect the pilots at both ends of the feeder to the relay, removing any
temporary shorts used in (g).
The relay may be checked either with the settings already used, ie. Ks = 1,
Kt = 20, N = 3, or with the controls set to the values which are to be used in
Publication R6011 gives guidance on the factors governing the setting of these
controls, (see Technical Data section, under Fault Settings and Methods of
reducing current transformer requirements). In either instance the procedure is
generally as detailed previously in (a) to (d).
Increase the current from zero until relay operation occurs. This current should
be noted for future reference when routine tests are carried out.
It is advisable to check that the relay at the remote end operates. The current at
which it operates will usually be similar to that of the local end.
NOTE: The remote end relay will not operate unless the normal dc supply
is present and if there are overcurrent elements (MCRI) it will be
necessary to short circuit the relay contact as previously described
in (a).
This completes the setting tests on the differential MBCI relay and, unless the
timing tests in the next section are to be carried out, remove the short circuit
from the overcurrent relay type MCRI.
2.2.4 Timing tests
If it is decided to carry out timing checks on the relays, the following points should
be noted:
The time curves shown in publication R6011 were taken with zero pilots between
the local and the remote relays and Rpp on both relays set to 5.
The operating times, even if expressed as multiples of the actual relay setting will in
general increase when tested with the normal pilots between the local and remote
To prove that no damage has occurred to the relay, a test with the pilots open
circuited at the end being tested produces results on each relay independent of the
effect of the pilots. In general, if such tests are expressed as multiples of the actual
relay setting (which will be approximately half the normal setting of the relay), the
operating time will be less than the curves in Publication R6011.
Page 7
If the relay is tested with the normal pilots, Rpp must be set for the correct value and
the actual settings measured. In general a test at 5 times these settings is a
reasonable check. The times obtained are likely to exceed the time given in R6011.
It may be decided to check the times on each Kt setting in turn. If this is done the
main object is to check that as the Kt value is increased, the operating time at 5 times
setting decreases.
The set up procedure is the same as detailed in tests 2.2.3 (h), except that an
additional two pole switch is wired as follows:
One pole is used to apply the current from the injection test set and the second pole
is used to start an interval timer.
NOTE: If there is any doubt about the two poles of the switch closing at the same
time, it is advisable to measure the time difference. This is achieved by
connecting one pole of the switch to the interval timer start and the other
pole of the switch to the interval timer stop.
Connect the tripping contacts from the relay to stop the interval timer.
a) With the pilots connected and the switch closed, increase the injected current
from zero until the local relay operates. Note the value of this current.
b) Increase the current to 5 times the current measured in (a) and open the switch.
c) Reset the timer, measure the operating time of the relay by closing the switch.
There will be a scatter of approximately 5ms in the time delays measured due to
the point on wave at which the timer is started.
It is therefore advisable to take the average of approximately ten readings.This
average should be between 45 and 70 ms with Kt set to 20, but the actual time
delay will be modified by pilot capacitance.
If considered desirable, the timing may be carried out at other values of Kt. The
average times at 5 times setting should be approximately the times in
publication R6011 for short pilots (low capacitance) and exceed these values for
longer pilots.
No further tests are needed on the differential relay. Remove the short circuit
from terminals 2 and 4 of the MCRI overcurrent relay.
d) All previous tests must be repeated on the relay at the remote end of the feeder.
2.2.5 Primary injection tests
The tests below use the setting of the differential unit with its summation
transformer to identify the correct connection and ratio of the main current
transformers. If there is an MCRI overcurrent relay, the contacts should be shorted
by connecting across terminals 2 and 4 on the rear terminal block of the MCRI
a) Inject current into the A phase ct at one end of the feeder and check that the
relays at the local and remote ends operate at approximately the correct settings.
This should be determined by multiplying the results of tests carried out in 2.2.3
(h) by the ct ratio.
b) Repeat test (a) above but injecting into the B phase ct. The setting should have
increased in the ratio 5.25/4 for N = 3 (or 8.25/7 for N = 6).
c) Repeat test (a) above but injecting into the C phase ct. The setting should have
increased in the ratio 5.25/3 for N = 3 (or 8.25/6 for N = 6).
Page 8
d) Inject current into the A phase and B phase cts by injecting on the bus side and
connecting A and B phases on the line side of the cts. Thus an A to B phase
fault is simulated and the current setting may be checked. If N = 3, the setting
should be approximately 5.25/1.25 times the result of (a). If it is much lower
than expected, it is probably because one of the cts is connected in reverse.
e) Repeat test (d) above using the B and C phase cts. If N = 3 the setting should be
approximately 5.25 times the result of (a).
f) Tests (a) to (e) should be repeated at the other end of the feeder to check the
relative ct polarities and phase connections at that end.
2.2.6 On load tests
These tests are to check the relative polarity and phasing of the line cts at each end
of the protected feeder. For the tests below it is essential to obtain three phase
current down the feeder and through the cts. The current need not be as high as
three phase full load current and the amount necessary will vary depending on the
relay current setting.
If the relays at both ends are set with the minimum setting, ie. N = 6 and Ks = 0.5
for this test, then a through three phase current of 20% of the rated current should
always prove to be sufficient to prove the relative polarity and phasing of the main
cts. A current of 10% is adequate to check the relative polarity only.
If the scheme has overcurrent starter ie. an MCRI relay, the three phase through
load will either need to be in excess of the phase fault starter setting, which may be
down to 40% of the relay rated current, or the contact from the MCRI must be
shorted (see 2.2.6 (b)).
The A - N setting must always be kept above the line charging current.
Test as follows:-
a) With the circuit breakers open at each end of the protected feeder, short circuit
the B and C phase main cts to neutral and isolate them from the relays at each
end of the feeder, as shown in Figure 1, leaving only the A phase main ct
connected to the relay.
b) If the scheme has overcurrent starter relays ensure that either the through load
will operate a phase fault starter, or short the contact from the MCRI relay. This
may be done across terminals 2 and 4 at the rear of the MCRI overcurrent relay
and must be done at both ends of the protected feeder.
c) Close the circuit breakers at both ends of the feeder and apply a through load
greater than 20% of the relay rated current. Check for relay operation. If there is
no relay operation it may indicate that the relative polarity of the line cts is
correct. However, it is necessary to check this by reversing the polarity of the
pilots. This should produce operation. Relay operation should occur, indicating
that the original ct connection was correct.
If with the original pilot connection the relays operate, it may indicate that either
the pilots are reversed or the cts have been connected to give the wrong polarity
at one feeder end. To confirm this, reverse the pilots as above and show that the
relays do not operate.
NOTE: If the scheme includes the supervision relay MRTP, the possibility of
crossed pilots can be eliminated by commissioning this relay, thus
leaving only cts incorrectly connected to give the wrong polarity.
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In the unlikely event of there being incorrect phasing between feeder ends, there
will be operation of one or both relays. Reversing the pilots will still cause
d) Since test (c) only used A phase current, it will not check for incorrect phasing
on B or C phases. To check for this possibility remove the through load and
modify the ct wiring at both ends of the feeder to use the incoming B phase
Short circuit the incoming A and C phase main cts to neutral and isolate them
from the relay.
Connect the B phase and neutral main ct to the relay.
Apply a through load greater than 20% rated current and as described previously
there should be no relay operation. Test (c) eliminated the possibility of crossed
pilots, or cts connected to give the wrong polarity. Thus if the relays operate, it
must be the B and C primary lines crossed between ends. To correct this may be
difficult and the engineer may decide to remedy the cross-over by crossing the ct
connections to the relay at one end. The through load should be re-applied to
check that there is no relay operation after any change to the system.
Switch off the through load and set the Rpp, Ks and N controls to the required
setting. Restore the main ct connections back to normal at both ends of the
protected feeder.
Remove any short circuits that may have been applied across terminals 2 and 4
of the overcurrent relay MCRI (where applicable).
Since the functioning of the differential circuit depends on there being a relay at
each end of the protected line connected together by pilot lines, it is to be expected
that a failure in the pilot circuit will produce a mal-operation at each end. This
failure could be in the pilot wires or the pilot circuit within either relay. An open
circuit or increased resistance in the pilot circuit will cause differential relays to
operate at a current lower than expected and a short circuit or reduced resistance
between pilot wires will cause the relays to operate higher than expected.
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NOTE: the supervision relay MRTP will give an alarm in the event of a pilot failure,
but will not prevent a mal-operation caused by the failure.
If the mal-operation occurs in one differential relay, while the one at the other end of
the line continues to operate satisfactorily, the fault is probably in the measuring or
output circuits of the mal-operating relay.
It is recommended that printed circuit boards (pcb) be replaced as a whole and that
no attempt should be made to remove and replace components on a pcb. This
preserves the integrity of the varnish coat on the pcb and prevents any difficulty in
breaking through the varnish for soldering and subsequently repairing the varnish.
To this end the fault finding instructions do not go into detail for finding faults on
printed circuit boards.
If it becomes necessary to return a relay for repair, a full description of any fault
found should accompany the relay. This will assist our repair department to located
and rectify the fault, and may save unnecessary correspondence and time if the fault
is not immediately apparent.
When ordering spare parts, the serial number and full model number of the relay
should be included with the order.
4.1 Tests on ac circuits
See flow charts Figures 2 and 3.
4.1.1 Connect an ac milliammeter between case terminals 18 and 19, measure the current
flowing when rated current is injected into case terminals as given below.
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a) Voltage unchanged from 4.1.2: T2, RV1, R36, RECT1 or pilot connection open
NOTE: RECT1 is encapsulated in a plastic box, this is to ensure the 5kV
isolation of the pilot circuit is achieved.
b) Voltage reduced from 4.1.2 but greater than 11V: RECT1 partially open circuit,
or the knob of RV1 has been moved on the potentiometer shaft.
c) Voltage less than 7 volts: RECT1 or T2 short circuit.
4.1.4 Increase the setting of Rpp to 5. The voltage across terminals 18 and 19 should rise
to between 30 and 55V.
If the voltage is outside these limits RV1 is damaged.
4.1.5 Disconnect the wires from one side of the metrosil RVD2, but leave all 3 wires
connected together. Repeat tests 4.1.2., the voltage should now exceed 150V.
4.1.6 Check RV1: connect an resistance meter across the two outer tags on RV1 and
measure the resistance at each calibrated position on the scale. The resistance
should be the setting resistance ± 10%. The zero setting should be less than 10
4.1.7 Set Rpp = 5.0, Ks = 1.0, N = 3, Kt = 20.
Apply rated ac current to case terminals 23 and 24, measure the voltage across R36
on PCB ZJ0041. The measured voltage should be 75V ac.
4.1.8. With rated ac current applied and Rpp set to zero, measure the voltage across
Rpp (RV1).
The measured voltage should be less than 0.75V.
4.1.9 Set Rpp = 5.0, Ks = 1.0, N = 3, Kt = 20. Remove the short on terminals 17 and 18.
With rated ac applied measure the voltage on test points TP6 and TP11.
The measured voltage should be 6.3V ac.
4.1.10 With rated ac current applied measure the voltage on test points TP4 and TP6.
The measured voltage should be 2V ac.
4.1.11 Short together case terminals 17 and 18 and repeat test 4.1.10. The measured
voltage should now be 0.35V - 0.5V. Set Rpp to zero. The voltage should change to
1.4V - 1.6V.
NOTE: For tests 4.1.10 and 4.1.11 a high impedance ac voltmeter must be used.
4.1.12 If a voltage is obtained in test 4.1.10, change the Ks setting to infinity. The voltage
should fall to zero, if the voltage does not change RV2 is faulty.
4.1.13 To test RV2, disconnect a wire from one side of the potentiometer and measure the
resistance. The measured value should range from zero to 2k as the potentiometer is
4.2 DC power supply circuit
The power supply circuit consists of a series regulating transistor TR6, which drops
the incoming voltage to 15V nominal for the electronic measuring circuit. This
voltage, measured on test points TP1 and TP7 should be between 14 and 16.5 volts
with nominal dc voltage on case terminals 13 (+ve) and 14. This voltage is
controlled by zener diode D17. The voltage across D17 measured on test points
TP17 and TP7 should be between 15V and 17V.
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The current in D17 flows from the dc input via R38 and should be between 2.7mA
and 4mA with nominal dc voltage on case terminals 13 (+ve) and 14.
The majority of the current to the measuring circuit flows through the collector of
TR6 and R37, the value of the current depends on the current required by the
measuring circuit and the gain of TR6. The current flowing should be between 6mA
and 12mA.
The total current flowing into case terminal 13 should be between 10mA and 15mA.
D18 protects the base emitter junction of TR6 from reverse voltages, D16 prevents a
reverse connected supply from damaging the relay, C10 and R37 suppresses
interference to the relay.
Values of R37 and R38 and the voltages across them are as follows:-
When sufficient ac current to cause relay operation is applied, all the values of
current and voltage quoted above remain the same.
4.3 Output circuit
The output circuit is energised separately through case terminal 11 from the dc
positive. To test the output circuit apply the dc supply positive to case terminals 11
and 13 and apply the dc supply negative to terminal 14.
4.3.1 Measure the dc voltage between TP13 and TP7. The measured voltage should be
within 1.5V of the applied dc voltage. If the measured voltage is lower than this,
D23 or D24 is open circuit.
4.3.2 Measure the dc voltage between test points TP20 and TP7. The measured voltage
should be zero, if it is not the measuring circuit is faulty.
4.3.3 Apply rated ac current to case terminals 23 and 24. This is sufficient to cause the
relay to operate. Measure the voltage between TP20 and TP7. The measured voltage
should now be equal to the voltage measured in 4.3.1. If it is not, the measuring
circuit is faulty.
4.3.4 When TR2 switches on, collector current flows through R34 to generate the zener
voltage across D6. This voltage is connected to the base of constant current
generator TR5 and the emitter voltage is therefore approximately 0.6V lower.
The emitter current is given by this voltage divided by the value of R35.
Page 13
RVD1 is a voltage dependant resistor which will prevent damage to the circuit due
to high voltage impulses on the dc auxiliary supply.
4.4 Printed circuit board
If, after following the above procedure, the fault has not been located, it must
be on the printed circuit board. In this instance the relay should be returned to
ALSTOM Grid in Stafford or nearest service centre for repair.
All other calibrations are performed on the printed circuit board, therefore
replacement of other components should not alter the calibration.
The relay should be recommissioned as described in Section 2 after the replacement
of any components.
Page 14
End A End B
Page 15
Test 4.1.1
T1 Yes
faulty wrong
Test 4.1.2
Test 4.1.4 Yes No
Exceeds Voltage
150V correct
A Test 4.1.7
No No No
T2 Perform R36
faulty Test 4.1.9 faulty
Page 16
Test 4.1.10
T1 No Voltage
faulty correct
Test 4.1.11
T2 or RV2 No Voltage
faulty correct
Test 4.1.12
AC circuits Yes
Healthy correct
Test 4.1.6
T2 or RV2
Page 17
Protected zone Protected zone
P1 P2 P2 P1
S1 S2 S2 S1
See Note 5
See Note 4
supply Vx
23 14
& Enable 11 See
24 23
25 Note 2
1 IA
Squarer Kt
IB RL1 RL1–1 3 24
2 25
27 Enable IB
A IC 2
IN 28 Level RL2 RL1–2 4 27
detector 2 Trip/
C B N 6 IC
3 alarm
Phase rotation OP 28 IN
& 7
RO 1 RL2–1 9
6 Squarer
Case earth
1 2 8
Page 18
Case earth
3 4 See Note 3 RL2–2 10
5 6
7 8
9 10 17 17
11 12
13 14
18 Pilot wires 18
15 16 19
17 18
19 20
21 22 Notes:
23 24 1. (a) C.T. shorting links make 3. Earthing connections are typical only.
before (b) & (c) disconnect.
25 26 4. CT connections are typical only.
(b) Short terminals break before (c).
27 28 5. For overcurrent start schemes, terminal 12 must be
(c) Long terminal.
connected directly to dc +VE to provide a supply for
2. Link terminals 11 and 13 except when used with overcurrent the led and reset circuits.
Module terminal block check relay type MCRI.
viewed from rear
Figure 4 Application diagram. Static modular differential feeder protection relay Type MBCI. Translay – Private lines.
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Commissioning Engineer Customer Witness
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Date Date
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Product Description
Alstom Grid