University Management System (UMS) : University of Education, Lahore
University Management System (UMS) : University of Education, Lahore
University Management System (UMS) : University of Education, Lahore
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Background of the Proposed Assignment................................................................................... 3
3 Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................. 4
4 Deliverables ................................................................................................................................ 5
5 Bid Submission Requirements .................................................................................................... 5
6 Selection Procedure .................................................................................................................... 6
7 Terms of Payment ....................................................................................................................... 7
8 Clarifications and Amendments .................................................................................................. 7
Annex I: Proposal Submission Form ................................................................................................. 8
Annex II: Firm’s References .............................................................................................................. 9
Annex III: Technical Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................... 10
Annex IV: Financial Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................... 12
Annex V: Scope of Work (details) ................................................................................................... 13
This document is compiled to provide necessary information to the potential bidders about
the organization that is requesting for proposals, its functions, circumstances that
necessitate the assignment and how the whole process of award of work will be handled.
The primary objective is to help the prospective bidders understand the pertinent needs and
enable them to devise solutions that are capable of serving the purpose.
1 Introduction
University of Education, Lahore was established in September 2002, with a mission to
provide dynamic leaders and practitioners in teaching, research and management having
content excellence, pedagogical, competence, commitment and integrity at school, college
University level. Among other related objectives set before the UE, some are:
To study and practice contemporary theories, methods, technologies and mediums
of teaching/learning and to prepare personnel for a variety of professional roles in
the field of education.
To develop adaptations of the latest knowledge to local environment in terms of
economy, culture, religion, languages or any other relevant parameters and at the
same time conduct indigenous research in order to effectively contribute to the body
of knowledge in the areas related with educational needs, practices and issues.
To participate in and contribute to the matters like educational policy, curriculum
design & development, teaching/learning materials development, educational
attainment standards, education delivery mechanisms and development of
educational organizations etc.
To develop collaborative linkages with and provide support to local, provincial,
national and international agencies mandated with provision, regulation and/or
promotion of education and related services.
University of Education, has nine campuses, three divisions and more than 42 affiliated
institutes are situated in the Punjab Province. Presently 29000 students are enrolled in post
graduate, graduate and under graduate programs with the University. UE intends to utilize
technology in teaching and learning process. UE intends to encourage, support and foster
systematic integration of technology to automate its business processes related to human
resource, finance, faculty, student, academics, examinations, admissions, learning and
curriculum. It is the only teacher Education University in Pakistan. Head office of UE situated
at College Road, Township, Lahore.
consuming and has very poor accuracy. With head office situated in Lahore, students from
other cities have to travel to Lahore to obtain degrees, result cards, verifications, NOCs and
other related matters. It is very difficult to collaborate and communicate between head
office and its campuses/divisions/affiliated colleges to utilize the resources efficiently. With
these limitation, to provide high quality education with the help of Technology, University,
desires to develop a complete University Management System (UMS) that has the
capability to automate its processes in order to improve the quality of its services.
Thus, University desires to assign the task of providing a well customized system that caters
to the pertinent needs detailed in the Scope of Work or Design & Develop a system to meet
these requirements to a qualifying firm interested in and capable of providing such a
The interested firms are advised to carefully read the Scope of Work and other sections of
this document to understand the technical as well procedural requirements and submit
proposals that are not only complete in all respects but are also compliant with the relevant
procedures and regulations.
3 Scope of Work
The scope of University Management System (UMS) comprises on the following major
i. Subscription of a web based UMS, either off-the-shelf or designed & developed
from scratch, that fulfills the requirements outlined in this document,
ii. Software implementation, configuration and customization according to the
University requirements
iii. Technical consultancy, advisory, training of the staff and necessary troubleshooting
to ensure smooth transition from manual to completely MIS/ERP assisted
To explain the requirements further, the above main components are further divided into
various modules and sub-modules. The purpose of these details is to lay down the
requirements of University in as much detail as possible and to clear any ambiguities;
however, in some instances the automation may require creation of new processes or re-
engineering of the existing ones to facilitate the transition. The central objective would be
to facilitate the University to automate its operations and business processes to increase
efficiency, productivity, transparency, ease of reporting and facilitation to the stakeholders
that include University administration, campuses, faculty, staff, students and society at
large. These services must be capable to provide uninterrupted access to a large number of
users especially during the admissions and results announcement. Initially, the software
requirements are divided into two phases according to the job priority. Phase-I
requirements are required to be completed in 90 days or less mentioned Annex-V.
4 Deliverables
In addition to the actual development/deployment/implementation of the desired solution
following deliverables are expected from this project:
i. Detailed plan for the project execution
ii. Requirements Specification Document(s) and their Design Document(s) based on
Requirements Specification
iii. Installation, configuration, customization, and integration covering the scope of
the project System’s documentation in the form of installation and configuration
guides, user and administration manuals etc.
references to page numbers of the proposal proving the claim of scores. Bids not
following the format and sequence defined in this RFP are likely to be rejected.
ix. The bidder must provide project execution plan complete with timelines in the
Technical Proposal.
x. Bidders are required to submit their financial proposals in Pak Rupees (PKR) only,
no variations in exchange rates (of any foreign currency) shall be permissible for
any of the components/modules of the assignment.
xi. A CDR of Rs. 250,000/- must accompany the financial proposal as earnest money
drawn in favor of Treasurer, University of Education.
xii. A bidder must quote for complete solution as given in the Annex V “Scope of
Work”, partial quotations or missed out items may lead to rejection of bid.
xiii. Total cost for the development and maintenance for the complete solution must
be calculated over the period of ten years.
xiv. Product warranties, support services and post-deployment support must be
quoted as per project requirements.
6 Selection Procedure
The objective of this section is to define the steps and procedures that shall be adopted for
the award of the tender to the Selected Bidder. Following procedures will be followed for
the Selection of the successful bidder.
i. In the first stage, only Technical Proposals will be opened in the presence of the
bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
ii. Technical evaluation of the bids shall be based on the information provided in the
respective Technical Proposals.
iii. As a part of technical evaluation, bidders will be asked to conduct, on a
prescheduled time, a Presentation/Demonstration/Proof of Concept.
iv. On the basis of technical evaluation, the Financial Proposal of only technically
responsive bidders (qualified bidders) will be opened in the presence of their
representatives if they choose to attend.
v. For the overall evaluation the weightage of Technical and Financial proposals shall
be 70% and 30% respectively.
vi. In order to qualify on Technical responsiveness, bidders must fulfill all the
requirements as laid down in the Technical Evaluation Criteria and secure at least
70% of the overall weightage assigned to the Technical Proposal (a minimum of 49
vii. From amongst the “Technically Responsive” bids the one found highest scorer for
the cumulative value of both Technical and Financial scores (Score on Technical
Evaluation + Score on Financial Evaluation), will qualify for the award of tender.
viii. After the “Award of Tender” is approved, a Contract on the stamp paper (the
worth of stamp paper shall be determined as per the relevant rules) shall be
executed between the University and the Selected Bidder.
ix. For ordering purpose the price evaluation will be done against complete/whole
items including optional items of the bid.
7 Terms of Payment
i. The earnest money of the successful bidder will be returned after the signing of
the contract within 30 days.
ii. Bidders are required to define the assignment milestones and the magnitude of
work involved in a milestone against the total work. This will form the basis for
payments schedule to be decided with mutual agreement.
iii. Payments against the Product Warranty Support shall be made after expiry of first
year of any such warrantee.
iv. The successful Bidder will provide a performance security equal to 10% of the total
cost of the solution in form of Bank Guarantee valid for at least one (01) year.
v. All payments shall be made through cross cheque in the Pakistan Rupees (PKR).
vi. Taxes will be deducted at source as per government rules at the time of payment.
Annex I: Proposal Submission Form
(To be submitted as Cover Letter with the Proposal)
The Registrar
University of Education, Lahore
University of Education, College Road Township, Lahore,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the solution along with required services for the
assignment “Universtiy Management System” in accordance with your Request for
Proposal dated _________, and our proposal is enclosed herewith. We, hereby, submit our
Proposal, which includes both the Technical and Financial proposals, sealed in separate
envelopes, along with all the necessary attachments.
We understand that you are not bound to accept any of the proposals you receive and that
you reserve the right to accept or reject any offer, and/or to annul the bidding process and
reject all proposals without assigning any reasons or having to owe any explanation
We also understand that the decision of the Technical Evaluation Committee shall be final
and cannot be challenged on any ground at any forum and that the said committee or the
University or any office holder of the University will not be liable for any losses or damages
that may be caused to this bidder as a consequence of the decision on our proposal.
Yours’ sincerely
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of the Authorized Signatory:
Name of the Firm:
Detailed Contacts:
Annex II: Firm’s References
(To be filled by the bidder for each mentioned experience and to be attached with the
technical proposal for evaluation)
Please provide details of the relevant Services/Assignments carried out in the past (starting
from the most recent) that Best Illustrate Qualifications/Experience of your firm.
Using the format below, provide information on each reference assignment for which your
firm, either individually or as a partner company within an association, was legally
contracted. Please attach a copy of completion certificate issued by the referenced
organization, without which the reference claim may not be considered.
Assignment Name:
Client’s Name/Title
Client’s Address
Description of Solution
Annex III: Technical Evaluation Criteria
Part E: Project Execution Plan
Sr. No. Attribute Max Score
1. Project execution plan 05
Project execution expertise & experience of team lead and team
2. 05
Maximum obtainable score in Part E 10
Part F: Presentation
Sr. No. Attribute Max Score
1. Clarity and comprehension of the assignment 05
2. Clarity and comprehension of the proposed solution 05
Clarity and justification of the design & development
3. 05
4. Clarity and justification of the execution methodology 05
Maximum obtainable score in Part F 20
Annex IV: Financial Evaluation Criteria
Weight of the financial scoring is 30% and the score of a bidder will be calculated using the
following formula.
The final decision will be based on the Overall Evaluation achieved by adding the scores of
Technical and Financial proposals.
Annex V: Scope of Work (details) [Phase-I]
The proposed system will have following fundamental modules and system components
based on the systems already in practice through manual mechanisms. Some of the
processes may need re-engineering and necessary modifications for appropriate adoption
by the proposed automated system.
1. User Management
a. Create new users with authentication method
b. Management of password policy and expiry
c. Management of application rights for users
d. Management of user roles and user rights
2. Campus Management
a. Campus information, address, contact detail etc.
b. Campus Faculty Management
i. Permanent
ii. Visiting
iii. Personal Information
iv. Academic record
v. Work Experience
vi. Training, workshops and conferences etc.
vii. Publications
viii. Achievement and awards etc.
c. Date sheet and examination schedule management, examination deadlines for
result submission etc.
d. Correspondence and SMS notifications to faculty
e. Correspondence and communication with head office
f. Faculty attendance using biometric attendance system
g. Department Management, create and manage departments, allocate faculty to
departments and HODs
h. Scholarship and Financial Aid to students
3. Student Management System
a. Online Student Admissions
b. Course Registration
c. Course Grading and Assessment
d. Student results, semester wise transcripts, provisional transcript etc.
e. Semester freeze/drop
f. Correspondence and SMS notifications
g. Disciplinary Action/Punishment
h. Migration
i. Credit Transfer
j. Scholarship
k. Fee Payment and installments etc.
l. Alumni
4. e-Learning Management System
a. A portal for handling electronic materials including curriculum, syllabi and
teaching/learning materials to facilitate the learning process
b. Administering and submission of assignments, quizzes and home works etc. through
electronic means
c. Possibility of discussion forums related with various training programs
5. Examination Management System
a. Conduct and Form Section
i. Management of examination schedule for examination registration
1. Creating new centres, keeping record of the building detail for the
2. Appointment of Invigilation staff
ii. Roll Number allotment
1. Printing and issuance of roll number slips
iii. Date sheet
b. Paper Development and Printing Section
i. Establishment of Question Bank to generate question papers
c. Result Section
i. Tabulation of results
ii. Scrutiny of results
iii. Declaration of results gazette
iv. Online result availability
v. Issuance of academic transcript and failure statements (affiliated colleges)
d. Degree and Verification
i. Printing of degrees
ii. Academic transcript and degree verification
iii. Preparation of scroll for convocation
iv. Registration process for convocation
6. University Administration System
a. Online human resource recruitment system
b. Employee Profile and personal record
c. Job placement and assignment
d. Approved posts and vacancies record
e. Job advertisement
f. Leave Management
g. Employee appraisals
h. Employee nominations record for trainings, workshops, conferences etc.
i. Contract employment record
j. Curriculum Management
k. Institute Affiliation, institute detail record with respect to affiliation criteria, detail of
the program offered at affiliated institutes
l. Student Registration Record
7. Financial Management System
a. Double entry accrual based accounting
b. Full general ledger processing and reporting
c. Accounts receivable
d. Accounts payable
e. Chart of Accounts
f. Budget and Receipts
g. Payments
h. Payroll
8. User Guidance
i. Searchable support for multiple users
ii. Troubleshooting requests and online support