Tinikling Quiz Answer Key
Tinikling Quiz Answer Key
Tinikling Quiz Answer Key
Tinikling Quiz
(_____/22 points)
Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
8. Name the other Four steps and explain which side the poles should be on and
how to perform the step. (8 points)
a. __Basic: Poles start on right side. You go in with the right foot, in with the
left foot, out with the right, then lift left. Back in with left, in with right,
out with left lift right.__
b. __Straddle Jump: Poles start on right side. You jump with both feet inside
of poles twice, then straddle jump out (one foot on each side of pole)
Then jump with both feet out of poles twice then jump to other side
(poles should be on your left)___
c. __Crossover: Poles start on right side. Step in right, cross over step out
left, lift right, step out with right. Step in right cross back left, lift right,
step right. ____
d. __Hop on one foot: Hop forward on right between poles twice, hop out on
left, hop backward on right inside of poles twice, hop out on left. __
9. What’s the minimum amount of people you would need to perform the 4 stick
tinikling? (1 point) ___5__
10. Create a dance routine consisting of at least 32 counts (4 points)
___Must include at least 4 different steps and then repeat for entire song.