Evaluation of The Bangor Dyslexia Test (BDT) For Use With Adults
Evaluation of The Bangor Dyslexia Test (BDT) For Use With Adults
Evaluation of The Bangor Dyslexia Test (BDT) For Use With Adults
The Bangor Dyslexia Test (BDT) is a short, easy-to-administer screener for use with a
broad age range, which has been in use in the United Kingdom for over three decades. A
distinctive feature of the battery is its focus on skills requiring aspects of verbal and
phonological processing without, however, measuring literacy skills per se. Despite its
longstanding existence and usage, there has been no evaluation of the psychometric
properties of the BDT and evaluated its capacity to discriminate between adults with and
without dyslexia. A large archival sample of university students with dyslexia (n = 193) and
students with no reported literacy difficulties (n = 40) were compared on the BDT as well as
on literacy and cognitive measures. Statistical analyses revealed the BDT to be a reliable (α =
.72) and valid dyslexia screening tool with the capacity to effectively identify adults at risk of
the disorder with an overall classification rate of 94% (sensitivity 96.4% and specificity
82.5%). In addition, higher indices of dyslexia risk on the BDT were associated with lower
Keywords: dyslexia; adults; screening test; higher education; Bangor Dyslexia Test;
Practitioner Points:
The BDT can be used by practitioners to effectively screen for dyslexia in adults
Knowledge of the psychometric properties of screening tests is useful for the selection
screening tests
The ability to detect dyslexia in adults presents a challenge to many employers and
educational institutions. While the mechanisms and tools for the diagnosis of dyslexia, and
support for those affected are quite well established for school children in many countries
(e.g., Rose Review, 2009; Caravolas, Kirby, Fawcett, & Glendenning, 2012), they are less
advanced for adults in the higher /further education sector and in the workplace. The need for
reliable and valid diagnostic tools is pressing, because several acts of legislation in the United
Kingdom, such as the Disability Discrimination Act of 2005, Special Education Needs and
Disability Act (SENDA), 2001, and the Equality Act 2010 (also similar legislation and
Disabilities Education Act, 2004; United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization Salamanca Statement on Special Needs Education, 1994), now exist to prevent
education, and employment. Moreover, these laws call for education providers and employers
to identify and support students and employees with dyslexia. The SENDA (2001)
specifically requires that disabled students and employees are treated fairly, and that
reasonable adjustments are made to alleviate obstacles to their learning and/or job
Not coincidentally, the number of students with disabilities entering higher education
in the United Kingdom, including a large proportion with dyslexia, is rapidly increasing
(Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2008). This is true not only for the United Kingdom,
but also in other countries such as France, Germany, Canada (Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development, 2003), and the United States of America (Raue & Lewis, 2011).
dyslexia is only identified after admission to post secondary institutions (National Working
Party on Dyslexia in Higher Education, 1999; Singleton, 2004). Nicolson, Fawcett, & Miles
(1993) have furthermore suggested that in the wider work community, the number of adults
with undiagnosed dyslexia may be high. Thus, both higher education institutions (HEIs) and
employers require knowledge of and access to effective dyslexia screening and/or assessment
tools in order to fulfill their legal and professional obligations. Screening tests (screeners) are
broadly designed to be quick, cost effective, and easy-to-administer tools for identifying
administer specific screeners in accordance with their published instructions, they do not
Language Therapy, or Specialist Dyslexia Teaching (e.g., Singleton, Horne, & Simmons,
2009). Screeners may thus be useful for HEIs and employers, who lack the means and/or the
access to full diagnostic assessment services, in the identification of individuals who may be
at-risk of dyslexia.
Very few dyslexia screeners are available for adults, and, of these, there is no
generally accepted or “gold standard” battery. In the UK, two frequently used paper based
tests are the BDT (Miles, 1997) and the Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) (Fawcett &
Nicolson, 1998). The main computerized screening tests include: Lucid Adult Dyslexia
Screening Plus (LADS Plus) (Lucid Research Limited, 2010), QuickScan (Zdzienski, 1998),
these tools have been in use for several years (the BDT for almost three decades), there is a
still a paucity of published research evaluating them. HEIs and employers may therefore find
it difficult to select the most appropriate batteries for their contexts. This paper presents an
(not least Bangor University) and several other countries, having been widely translated and
manifests in affected adults is important. Similar to children, adults with dyslexia exhibit
specific deficits at the behavioural level, as well as differences at the brain and genetic levels
(see Sun, Lee, & Kirby, 2010; Swanson & Hsieh, 2009; Wagner, 2005 for reviews). Over and
above weaknesses in reading efficiency (accuracy and speed) and spelling, behavioural
markers most typically include difficulties in the accuracy and/or speed of processing
phonological (speech sound) information, and verbal memory (Nergard-Nilssen & Hulme,
2014; Vellutino, Fletcher, Snowling, & Scanlon, 2004). In addition, single or multiple
deficits have sometimes been reported in the domains of language use and comprehension,
auditory and speech perception, visual attention, motor coordination, and associative learning
(Vellutino et al., 2004). The prevalence of each type of difficulty and their rates of co-
occurrence have not yet been clearly established in the adult dyslexic population, however,
deficits in phonological processing and verbal short term memory tend to predominate both
in terms of severity and frequency (Bruck, 1992; Gathercole, Alloway, Willis, & Adams,
To date, few longitudinal studies have tracked dyslexic individuals from childhood
into adulthood (e.g., Undheim, 2009; Snowling, Muter, & Carroll, 2007; Svensson, &
Jacobson, 2006), however, it is clear that despite the persistence of underlying deficits in
example, by adulthood many English-speakers with dyslexia are able to close the gap in
reading accuracy (though rarely also in fluency) relative to typical readers (Kemp, Parrila, &
Kirby 2009). However, spelling accuracy as well as phonological processing speed tend to
remain impaired into adulthood, and this across languages (Callens, Tops, & Brysbaert, 2012;
Judge, Caravolas, & Knox, 2006). The mounting evidence of heterogeneity in the cognitive
multidimensional disorder, which stems from the interaction of possibly multiple deficits,
varying in severity (Pennington, 2006; Rose Review, 2009). In line with these current trends,
Miles (1993) conceived of dyslexia very much as a complex of cognitive strengths and
weaknesses, despite the disorder having its primary basis in the domain of language
processing (Miles, 1961). The BDT was thus constructed to reflect this view.
The BDT was one of the first dyslexia screening tests to be developed in the United
Kingdom, designed by the late Tim R. Miles in 1983 as a battery of ten subtests for use
across a wide age range, from 7 years to adulthood (Miles, 1993). Miles believed dyslexia to
selection of subtests was mainly informed by observational evidence gathered during Miles’
clinical work with dyslexic individuals, which he believed could identify their pattern of
difficulties. The test is a non-threatening set of simple tasks, in which the test taker can
engage confidently without time pressure (although the whole battery should take no longer
A unique feature of the BDT, setting it apart from other dyslexia screening tools, is its
emphasis on quick and easy-to-administer tests that do not directly assess reading and
spelling skills. Thus, the BDT subtests were conceived as more distal markers of the array of
difficulties in the oral language domain that may underlie dyslexics’ literacy difficulties. This
conceptualization has not gone without some criticism, with concerns being raised regarding
both the objectivity of the scoring system and the specificity of the battery given its exclusion
of literacy measures (Sutherland & Smith, 1991). Norms and validation for some subtests of
the BDT were established from a large, nationally representative cohort of children aged 10-
11 years, participating in the Child Health and Education Study (see Miles (1993), and Miles,
Haslum, & Wheeler (1998) for details), but wider norms including adult populations have not
been published. The validation study (Miles, 1993) focusing on three subtests Left-Right,
Months Forwards, and Months Reversed, revealed that children with positive scores tended to
As is true of other screening tests, independent research on the BDT is very limited
and there are no studies evaluating its psychometric properties. Cognizant of this lack, in the
present study, we assessed whether the BDT possesses psychometric properties that are
adequate for use with an adult student population. We made use of the archival database of
screening and full assessment outcomes of students at Bangor University, where the BDT has
long been in use by the Student Dyslexia Service. Specifically, we investigated its reliability
and its construct and predictive validity. If the BDT is an adequate screening tool for adults,
we expected the students’ data on each subtest and on the battery as a whole to yield robust
of the BDT are valid indicators of literacy difficulties, then adults with dyslexia should obtain
higher scores than those without the disorder. Moreover, we expected that: (1) BDT scores
would correlate more strongly with standardized measures of literacy than with nonverbal
cognitive measures, and (2) dyslexia-risk status as determined by the BDT would predict
fully diagnosed (by EP) dyslexia status, and dyslexic versus non-dyslexic group membership
in logistic regression.
Two groups participated in the study: a dyslexic group selected from the Miles
Dyslexia Centre’s archived data, and a control group that was recruited from among Bangor
Dyslexic sample. Data were obtained from the archived records of 373 students who
were screened and assessed at the Miles Dyslexia Centre of Bangor University between
September 2004 and October 2008. Students self-referred to the Centre on a voluntary basis
and data were collected and stored electronically for those who had given written consent for
their data to be used for research purposes. The participants in question were studying in a
wide range of disciplines including Psychology, Nursing, Sports Science, Zoology, Marine
Biology and Social Work. The majority were undergraduates 337 (90%) and 38 (10%) were
because their screening outcomes (see Procedure) indicated risk of dyslexia or of other
learning disorders. Of this referred group, 230 undertook the full assessment; the screening
and assessment outcomes of these students are detailed in Table 1. The majority, n = 193,
were diagnosed with dyslexia and comprised the dyslexic group in the ensuing analyses.
Table 1
through a student participation panel. All had English as their first language and reported no
history of learning difficulties; they were compensated with course and printer credits.
Characteristics of the group are detailed in Table 2. The groups differed statistically in age,
Table 2
The BDT comprises ten subtests: eight skill-based tasks, and two anecdotal queries
about persisting confusion of the letters b and d, and report of other family members with
similar difficulties. Descriptions of these subtests are provided in Table 3. In the present
paper, we do not take a position on the causal mechanisms that may (or may not) be
measured by the subtests of the BDT, but rather our aim is to assess the battery’s ability to
discriminate between adult students with and without dyslexia. For example, reports of
persistent confusions between similar-looking letters (e.g., b and d) may be more prevalent
among individuals with dyslexia because they reflect one aspect of the well documented
delays in letter learning and spelling skills in this population (e.g., Treiman et al., 2014),
has sometimes been proposed (e.g., Orton, 1937). Similarly, adults with dyslexia may
experience greater difficulties responding to instructions in the Left-Right test due to verbal
short term memory difficulties and not a core difficulty in telling left from right. Thus, it is
conceivable that the test comprises a sensitive battery of behavioural markers of literacy
difficulties, even though current thinking might provide somewhat different explanations for
The scoring system as detailed in the manual (Miles, 1997) is deliberately simple
allowing only three possible scores for each subtest: + (plus) a dyslexia positive response, -
(minus) a dyslexia negative response, and 0 (zero) an ambiguous response, not clearly
(excluding B-D Confusion and Familial Incidence), scoring is also based on the assessor’s
clinical judgement, taking into account any manifest difficulty experienced or explicit
strategies used by the assessee to achieve the response. Indications of difficulties experienced
by the test taker include hesitations, requests for repetitions of the question, repeating the
question before answering, and other manifest difficulties. Therefore, a + score would be
given not only for incorrect responses, but also for correct responses meeting the criteria of
difficulties or strategies, and a score of 0 is awarded for correct responses in which the
behavioural evidence of difficulty is ambiguous. These subtest scores are then assigned
numerical values such that + = 1, 0 = .5, and - = 0, which are summed for a minimum of 0
and a maximum of 10 points. The BDT prescribes no unique cut off score for indicating risk
of dyslexia. According to Miles (1997), the assessor should determine each individual’s’ at-
risk score based on their performance on the BDT and other information (such as personal or
educational history). For research purposes, however, he suggested that five or more pluses in
children and four or more pluses in adults indicate the presence of dyslexia, and a score of
Screening procedure for the dyslexic sample. All students were screened
assessing and teaching individuals with Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). The screening
procedure included: (1) the Bangor Dyslexia Test, administered and scored in accordance
information about prior and current academic difficulties, general background, medical
history, and any post-secondary experience including educational or work activities; (3) a
timed (3-minute) free writing test to assess writing speed; and (4) four subtests of the
Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) (Fawcett & Nicolson, 1998), as follows: Nonsense
Passage Reading, Two Minute Spelling, Phonemic Segmentation, and Verbal and Semantic
Table 3
Subtraction Tests the ability to complete verbally Verbal working memory and
presented subtraction problems. e.g. “52 arithmetic skills.
take away 9”. Six items
Tables Tests the ability to recite 6, 7 & 8 times Rote and verbal working
tables. Three items. memory, arithmetic skill, and
executive functions for
Months Tests the ability to recite the months of year Rote recall and executive
Forwards in the correct order. One item (trial). function for sequencing.
Months Tests the ability to recite the months of the Verbal working memory and
Reversed year in reverse order. One item (trial). executive function for
Digits Tests the ability to repeat digits in the order Verbal short-term memory.
Forwards in which they were presented. Consists of
two blocks of six items. Twelve items.
Digits Tests the ability to repeat digits in the Verbal working memory.
Reversed reverse order of presentation. Consists of
two blocks of three items. Six items.
B–D Question: “Is there any evidence that the Not applicable
Confusion subject confuses ‘b’ and d’ or did so beyond
the age of 8?”
The Nonsense Passage Reading subtest consists of a short passage of real and nonsense
words to be read aloud for a maximum of three minutes (reported test-retest reliability r =
.92). The Two Minute Spelling subtest consists of up to 32 words graded in difficulty, and
spelled to dictation for 2 minutes (reported test-retest reliability r = .93). The Phonemic
(reported test-retest reliability is r = .90). The Verbal and Semantic Fluency subtest requires
the rapid generation of words on the basis of either alliteration or meaning for a duration of
one minute (reported test-retest reliability is r = .81 for Verbal Fluency and r = .76 for
Semantic Fluency). The DAST subtests were administered and scored according to published
guidelines and followed the semi-structured interview and the administration of the BDT.
Note that the present study aims to evaluate only the psychometric properties of the BDT, and
Full assessment procedure for the dyslexic sample. Students whose screening
outcomes, including their BDT performance, indicated that they were at risk of dyslexia or
other learning disabilities were referred for full assessment. For the period under study
(September 2004 to October 2008), all but two assessments (completed by Specialist
Teachers) were carried out by Educational Psychologists (EPs). Students were assessed on a
battery that included subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III (WAIS III)
attainment (reading, spelling and reading comprehension) was assessed using the Wechsler
Individual Achievement Test II (WIAT II) (Wechsler, 2005), Wide Range Achievement Test
III (WRAT III) (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2004), and/or the Wechsler Objective Reading
Dimensions (WORD) (Wechsler, 1993). The general practice among the EPs at that time for
a quiet room in a session lasting approximately 60 minutes. Students were assessed on the
BDT as well as on measures of literacy attainment using the Word Reading, Spelling, and
Sentence Completion subtests of the WRAT IV (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2004) and, verbal
and non-verbal ability using the Vocabulary and Matrices subtests of the Wide Range
Intelligence Test (WRIT) (Glutting, Adams, & Shelow, 2000). Ethical approval for the study
Prior to the main analyses of the BDT, we compared the two participant groups on
cognitive ability and literacy measures. Although the dyslexic and control groups were
assessed on different background measures, all are well established, standardised, and widely
used for research and assessment purposes. In addition, the manuals of the WRAT IV and the
WRIT report significant moderate to high correlations between their subtests and those of the
WIAT II and WAIS III that were used with the dyslexic group, thus demonstrating acceptable
nevertheless, the results are indicative only. Performances were compared by multivariate
Bonferroni-adjusted alpha level, where group was the independent variable and background
measures were the dependent variables. This analysis included a smaller sample size for the
dyslexic group (n = 97) due to some missing data from the other 96 participants, which
resulted from differences in the number of tests used by different assessors (EPs) during the
full assessment procedure. Importantly, across all key measures (i.e., all background
measures, DAST measures, and BDT scores), the mean scores of the dyslexic subgroups (in
and out of the MANOVA) did not differ statistically. The data were first checked for outliers
(by group) and scores above or below 2.5 standard deviations from the mean were trimmed to
2.5 standard deviations. This affected one control participant on the spelling task and for one
dyslexic participant on the reading and spelling tasks, respectively. The MANOVA
assumption of equality of error variances was violated; therefore, a more conservative alpha
A significant multivariate difference emerged between the groups F(5, 131) = 27.47,
p < .001; V = 0.51 (see descriptives in Table 4). A follow-up ANOVA (with
Bonferroni adjusted alpha of .01) revealed significant differences on all the measures except
verbal ability, F(1, 135) = 5.26, p = .023. Overall, the dyslexic group performed less well
than the control group, however, all scores were well within the average range, as would be
expected with a population of university students. On the literacy measures, the effect sizes
for reading accuracy and spelling were very large, respectively d = 1.86 and d = 1.59. We
remind the reader that the exact magnitudes of these effects should be interpreted with some
caution in light of the different standardized batteries used between groups. It is also notable
in Table 4 that on both DAST measures, the group with dyslexia was clearly in the ‘at risk’
range. In the aggregate, the students with dyslexia experienced significant literacy difficulties
relative to their own cognitive abilities and, in all likelihood, relative to those of the control
Table 4
Note. For the dyslexic group literacy was assessed with one of the following: WIAT II,
WRAT III, or WORD. For the control group literacy was assessed with the WRAT IV.
Score derived from Block Design subtest of the WAIS III.
Score derived from Matrices subtest of the WRIT.
Score derived from Vocabulary subtest of the WAIS III.
Score derived from Vocabulary subtest of the WRIT.
Scores below 87 indicate a risk of dyslexia.
Scores below 33 indicate a risk of dyslexia.
To assess whether the indicative group difference on nonverbal ability may have
controlling for nonverbal IQ, were conducted, and revealed that group differences on the
literacy tasks remained significant (Reading F(1, 160) = 67.24 p <.001, Spelling F(1, 160) =
52.51 p <.001, Comprehension F(1, 134) = 11.42 p =.001). These results are consistent with
the growing evidence suggesting that IQ is not a critical correlate of literacy abilities in adults
We also considered the potential influences of age, gender, and language background
on the background measure attainments. As reported earlier, the groups differed significantly
in age, the controls being younger than the dyslexics. As age is factored into the scoring for
the standardised background measures, it is unlikely to have affected those results. The
number of females in our samples exceeded that of males (reflecting the gender
were found, with the exception of verbal ability where females, somewhat unexpectedly, had
lower attainments M = 105.76 SD = 11.59, than males M= 112.70 SD = 11.85, t(162) = -3.42,
p = .001. Across samples, 9% of participants had a first language other than English (8%
Welsh, 1% other), and we explored whether language status affected performance. T-tests
revealed all performances to be within the normal range, and importantly no differences on
emerged on reading (t(32.01) = 3.99, p < .001), verbal t(159) = 3.42, p = .001) and nonverbal
abilities (t(159) = 2.72, p = .007). However, the very large difference in the language group
In the ensuing sections, we report analyses testing the reliability and validity of the
BDT. Participants’ total BDT scores were first checked for outliers (by group) and scores
above or below 2.5 standard deviations from the mean were adjusted to 2.5 standard
deviations. This led to two adjustments in the group with dyslexia. Next, we conducted an
analysis of the BDT’s internal consistency reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha. Then, to assess
the capacity of the BDT to discriminate between adults with and without dyslexia, the groups
were compared on each subtest using Mann Whitney U, as the scores were not normally
distributed; furthermore, the magnitude of any group difference on the battery as a whole was
tested by a t-test with Cohen’s d. Construct validity (convergent and divergent) was assessed
measure as a whole, as well as each of its subtests with Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, based
on the total sample of dyslexic and control participants (N = 233). The resulting overall
coefficient α = .72 indicated that the subtests are consistent and are likely measuring the same
underlying construct (see Table 5). Although adequate, its reliability is lower than what is
considered ideal (i.e., α .80) (Field, 2009; Kline, 2000). The inter-item correlations of the
subtests ranged from a low of r = .16 to a high of r = .47 with mean of r = .20, reflecting their
heterogeneity. Item-total correlations ranged from .18 to .55 with Months Forwards and
Tables having the lowest and highest correlations, respectively. With the exception of Months
Forwards and Polysyllabic Words, the item-total correlations of all other subtests, were
greater than .30 indicating that they contributed to the reliability of the measure (Field, 2009).
The low correlation of the Months Forwards subtest, coupled with ceiling scores (see also
ensuing analyses), indicated that it was not contributing to the reliability of the screener and
is insensitive for this age group. The squared multiple correlations indicated that the Tables
subtest made the greatest contribution to the internal consistency of the BDT (R2 = .39), while
the Months Forwards and Polysyllabic Words subtests, not surprisingly, contributed the least
(R2 = .14). The Cronbach’s alpha-if-item-deleted figures indicated that the reliability of the
measure could not be improved by deleting any of the subtests. However, deleting the
Months Forwards and Polysyllabic Words subtests left alpha unchanged, revealing the
redundancy of these subtests, at least for use with adults. Thus, with the exception of Months
Forwards and Polysyllabic Words, all subtests were contributing to the BDT’s reliability.
Table 5
Given the age difference between the groups, we correlated age with BDT scores,
using the pooled sample (N = 233). This yielded a low but significant correlation with the
total score, r(233) = .13, p = .044, and similarly so for two of the subtests, B-D Confusion
r(233) = .14, p = .037, and Familial Incidence r(233) = .14, p = .040. However, these dropped
to non-significance when analysed within groups, suggesting that the foregoing significant
correlations were likely due to the group differences and not a specific association between
The total dyslexic sample, n = 193, was included in ensuing group comparisons on the
BDT. We hypothesized a priory that the dyslexics would perform less well than the controls
on the BDT, obtaining higher total and individual subtest scores. Indeed, the dyslexics (M =
6.17, SD = 1.44) attained significantly higher (total BDT) index scores than the controls (M =
2.09, SD = 1.23), t(231) -16.69, p < .001. Moreover, this pattern was replicated on each
subtest (see details in Table 6). For the total measure, Cohen’s d = 3.06, indicated that the
difference was very large. The effect sizes for most subtests were also large, ranging from d =
0.87 for Digits Forwards to d = 1.70 on the Subtraction and Familial Incidence subtests. No
effect size was calculated for the Months Forwards and B-D Confusion subtests as the control
group performed at ceiling on these. The control group also performed near ceiling on the
Results of Mann-Whitney U Test of Difference in Mean Ranks of Performance of Dyslexic and Control Groups on the BDT
Subtests, and Effect Sizes (N = 233)
Dyslexics Controls
(n = 193) (n = 40)
BDT Subtests Mean Rank Mean score Mean Rank Mean score Mann-Whitney U Z Cohen’s d
(SD) (SD)
Left/Right 125.88 .76 (.33) 74.16 .45 (.37) 2146.50 -4.94*** 0.89
Polysyllabic Words 126.20 .47 (.41) 72.63 .13 (.22) 2085.00 -4.90*** 1.08
Subtraction 128.79 .49 (.43) 60.10 .03 (.11) 1584.00 -6.35*** 1.70
Tables 128.25 .85 (.30) 62.73 .41 (.41) 1689.00 -6.76*** 1.24
Months Forwards 119.38 .08 (.22) 105.5 .00 (.00) 3400.00 -2.29* -
Months Reversed 125.81 .43 (.43) 74.48 .09 (.22) 2159.00 -4.79*** 1.03
Digits Forwards 124.38 .85 (.35) 81.41 .48 (.50) 2436.50 -5.00*** 0.87
Digits Reversed 126.86 .83 (.35) 69.43 .35 (.48) 1957.00 -6.16*** 1.16
B-D Confusion 131.20 .64 (.44) 48.50 .00 (.00) 1120.00 -7.80*** -
Familial Incidence 130.60 .77 (.37) 51.38 .15 (.36) 1235.00 -7.73*** 1.70
* p < .05. *** p < .001.
To better understand the nature of the between-group differences, the percentage of
participants in each group who obtained BDT scores respectively of: 1 (i.e., positive
indicator, at risk), 0 (i.e., negative indictor, not at risk), and .5 (i.e., marginal, doubtful) was
also examined (Table 7). Overall, the percentage obtaining positive scores was higher for the
dyslexic than the control group. In fact, no control participant obtained a positive score on
four subtests: Polysyllabic Words, Subtraction, Months Forwards and B-D Confusion. In
contrast, the dyslexic group obtained positive scores on all the subtests. For both groups, the
Digits Reversed, and Tables; however, the percentages were two to three times higher among
the dyslexic participants. Furthermore, the majority (68.9%) of dyslexic participants reported
that other members of their family might be affected by similar difficulties compared to
14.5% for the controls. Although the nature of their family relationships was not probed, this
result is broadly in line with research confirming increased risk of dyslexia for individuals
with first-order family members having the disorder (Byrne et al., 2009; Snowling, et al.,
2007). Generally, the performance of the control group indicated minimal difficulty with the
BDT, while the opposite was true for the dyslexic group.
Table 7
Percentages of Dyslexic and Control Participants Falling in each of the Outcome Categories
of the Subtests of the BDT (N = 233)
Outcome Categories
Subtests Positivea Marginalb Negativec
Left-Right 61.7 29.0 9.3
Polysyllabic Words 31.1 32.1 36.8
Subtraction 35.8 26.4 37.8
Tables 76.2 17.1 6.7
Months Forwards 3.1 8.8 88.1
Months Reversed 30.1 25.9 44.0
Digits Forwards 82.9 3.6 13.5
Digits Reversed 78.2 9.3 12.5
B-D Confusion 57.5 13.5 29.0
Familial Incidence 68.9 16.6 14.5
Left-Right 22.5 45.0 32.5
Polysyllabic Words 0.0 25.0 75.0
Subtraction 0.0 5.0 95.0
Tables 25.0 32.5 42.5
Months Forwards 0.0 0.0 100.0
Months Reversed 2.5 12.5 85.0
Digits Forwards 47.5 2.5 50.0
Digits Reversed 35.0 0.0 65.0
B-D Confusion 0.0 0.0 100.0
Familial Incidence 15.0 0.0 85.0
Note. Dyslexics n = 193. Controls n = 40.
Positive outcome indicates a dyslexia positive response.
Marginal outcome indicates an ambiguous response not clearly dyslexia positive or
Negative outcome indicates a dyslexia negative response.
Despite the group differences, there were also some similarities. Both groups obtained
the highest number of positive indicators on the Digits Forwards, followed by Digits
Reversed and Tables subtests. In addition, both groups had the lowest mean scores and the
lowest percentage of plus scores on the Months Forwards subtest. Notwithstanding these
Convergent and Divergent Validity. The convergent validity of the BDT was
examined by correlating the BDT total scores with the standardised measures of literacy for
the dyslexic and control samples separately and collectively, and the subtests of the DAST in
the dyslexia group (see Table 8). For the groups combined, significant negative correlations
obtained, with high scores on the BDT associated with lower scores on the other measures.
However, some of these correlations reflected range effects, and they reduced (sometimes to
nonsignificance) when considered separately within groups. Moreover, within the group with
dyslexia, the associations between the BDT and the timed DAST measures were relatively
stronger than those with the untimed standardized literacy tests, suggesting that by adulthood,
timed measures provide a more sensitive literacy assessment even among those with dyslexia.
Importantly, the correlations of the dyslexic group indicate that, although the BDT does not
directly assess literacy skills, poorer performance on the BDT is associated with literacy
difficulties, further supporting the construct validity of the screener. Divergent validity can
also be inferred. In the group with dyslexia, the correlation between nonverbal ability and the
BDT was not significant; this is again consistent with the view that among dyslexic adults,
the association between (nonverbal) IQ and literacy (and related skills) tends to decouple
(Ferrer et al., 2010). In contrast, among control participants, the only significant association
was obtained between nonverbal abilities and the BDT (the remaining correlations with IQ
Correlations between BDT, Standardized Measures of Literacy and Cognitive Skills, and the
DAST for Each Group Separately and Combined
predictive validity of the BDT. Here, the total score obtained on the BDT was the predictor
and group membership (dyslexic or control) the dependent variable. Scores on the individual
subtests (categorical variables) were not used as predictors because the ratio of cases to
predictors was inadequate (Tabachnik & Fidell, 2007). The model was statistically significant
χ2 (1, N = 233) = 147.34, p < .001, indicating that the BDT score distinguished between the
dyslexic and control participants, and it explained a large amount of variance in the groups
.47 (Cox and Snell R2) and .78 (Nagelkerke R2). Also, the Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of
Fit Test indicated that the model fitted the data well χ2 (8, N = 233) = 4.15, p = .843. As
detailed in Table 9, overall, the BDT correctly classified 94% of the participants with an
excellent sensitivity rate of 96.4% and a specificity rate of 82.5%. Its positive predictive and
negative predictive values were the same as its sensitivity and specificity rates, respectively.
The BDT’s sensitivity rate was above the 80% minimum recommended, however, its
specificity rate was lower than the 90% minimum recommend by Glascoe and Byrne (1993).
Despite the less than ideal specificity, the BDT’s overall ability to discriminate between adult
Table 9
Classification Results of the Logistic Regression for Dyslexics and Controls Groups
and 7 controls, see Table 9) revealed that these individuals’ scores deviated considerably
from the mean scores of their respective groups. The BDT scores of the dyslexic participants
classified as controls (false negatives) ranged from 2.5 to 3, being much lower than the mean
score, 6.17, of the dyslexic group and outside its average variance SD = 1.44. The opposite
pattern held for the misclassified control participants (false positives) whose scores ranged
from 3.5 to 5, well above the mean of 2.09 and outside the average variance, SD = 1.23, of
this group. The atypical scores of these 14 participants raised the possibility that setting a cut-
off point for identifying at-risk individuals may help to improve the specificity rate
(proportion of individuals without dyslexia correctly classified) of the BDT while not
adversely affecting its sensitivity rate (proportion of individuals with dyslexia correctly
risk (as suggested by Miles (1997) for research purposes) would have increased the
specificity rate from 82.5% to 92.5%, which is above the minimum recommended (Glascoe
& Byrne, 1993). This cut-off could also be used for general screening purposes.
However, as is the case with all screening tools, misclassification can only be
minimized and not totally eliminated and this is especially true for individuals who perform
outside the norm. For example, of the 37 students who were screened at risk but not
diagnosed with dyslexia on full assessment (Table 1, column 1), 28 (75.7%) obtained scores
above 4 on the BDT, although their mean score of M = 5.46 (SD = 2.22) was lower than that
of the confirmed dyslexic group. Moreover, all but four of these participants were later
diagnosed with other specific learning disorders, which often co-occur with dyslexia and
share some behavioural features (Table 1); only 2% of the 37 were found to have no learning
regression that included, in the group with dyslexia, only those participants (n = 183) whose
screening result specifically stated a risk of dyslexia (see Table 1). Here again, the total score
obtained on the BDT was the predictor and group membership the dependent variable. For
this analysis, the overall classification increased to 95.5%, with increased sensitivity 98.4%
(convergent and divergent) validity of the BDT. Its scores correlated more strongly with
literacy than with other cognitive measures. Additionally, predictive validity was
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the BDT by examining its
psychometric properties, especially its ability to discriminate between adult students with and
without dyslexia. We used data from a large university sample of 193 students diagnosed
with dyslexia (dyslexic group), and 40 with no history of literacy difficulties (control group).
The cognitive profiles of the groups were in the average to above average range on
standardised tests of ability and literacy. However, with the exception of the measure of
verbal ability, where the groups were comparable, the controls attained significantly higher
scores than the dyslexics, and this most notably on measures of reading (d = 1.86) and
spelling (d = 1.59).
The reliability analysis indicated that the internal consistency of the BDT (α = .72) is
adequate, but not optimal (Field, 2009; Kline, 2000). Thus, although the items on the BDT
are consistent and are likely measuring the same underlying construct, the magnitude of the
coefficient alpha was probably affected by the heterogeneity of its subtests. The author of the
The screener could usefully be shortened by omitting the Polysyllabic Words and the
Months Forwards subtests, as deleting them leaves alpha unchanged, this poor sensitivity
reflecting near-ceiling performances. Miles (1993) similarly found that on Months Forward,
only 10.4% of 48 dyslexic adults (of diverse educational and socioeconomic backgrounds)
obtained positive scores. In adult assessments, these subtests could certainly be replaced by
age-appropriate and sensitive measures of phonological processing speed, a skill that was not
assessed in the BDT. Nevertheless, the reliability of the BDT is comparable to that of the
DAST, which reports test-retest reliability for its subtests ranging from r = .64 to r = .93
(Fawcett & Nicolson, 1998), and with the York Adult Assessment-Revised (YAA-R), which
reports internal consistency reliability ranging from α = .53 to α = .81 on its subtests
As expected, dyslexic participants attained significantly higher index scores than the
control group on the subtests and total of the BDT, the effect sizes being very large. Similar
differences on the BDT were reported by Miles (1993) among boys aged 7 to 14 years with
and without dyslexia, where the dyslexics performed less well (obtained higher scores) than
both chronological and spelling age-matched controls. In our study of adults, 57.5% to 82.9%
of participants with dyslexia obtained positive dyslexia indices across subtests and their
performance contrasted greatly with that of the controls of whom only a minority obtained
positive scores (2.5% to 47.5% of participants). In addition, the correlations indicated that,
although the subtests of the BDT were created on the basis of observational evidence (and not
their psychometric properties), most demonstrated face and construct validity in keeping with
The overall capacity of the BDT to differentiate between adult students with and
without dyslexia, however, obscures the weakness of several subtests which clearly are less
appropriate for assessing adults. Both groups reached ceiling on the Months Forwards
subtest, and, relatively few dyslexic participants obtained positive scores on the subtests
Months Reversed (30.1%), Polysyllabic Words (31.1%), and Subtraction (35.8%). The latter
results suggest that these subtests might add relatively little value to the battery as a whole
(see reliability analysis); however, their inclusion in no way damaged the reliability of the
battery. Moreover, these basic tests may be useful with adults in certain non-university
settings, such as employment centres, and in work environments where literacy skills of the
Further evidence of the capacity of the BDT to discriminate between students with
dyslexia and controls was provided by the main logistic regression analysis (p. 19-20), as
well as a follow-up analysis including only those participants obtaining a clear ‘at-risk of
dyslexia’ indication at screening (p. 21). The BDT correctly classified 94% of the
participants, an excellent hit rate. It also had an excellent sensitivity rate, correctly classifying
96.4% of the dyslexic group, well above the minimum recommended, 80% (Glascoe &
Byrne, 1993). This high sensitivity rate ensures that the number of false negatives is kept to a
minimum and that most adults who are at risk of dyslexia will be correctly identified. The
BDT also correctly classified 82.5% of the controls making its specificity rate lower than the
90% minimum recommended. This may result in a larger than acceptable proportion of non-
dyslexics being incorrectly identified as being at risk of dyslexia (false positives). We were
not able to investigate the causes of the weaker specificity in the present study, but expect
that the addition of measures of phonological processing speed, as well as of reading and
spelling efficiency would improve this aspect of the battery. Indeed, we are currently
developing these supplementary measures, with a view to assessing their potential positive
On balance, the classification rate of the BDT compares favourably with other adult
dyslexia screening tests. The DAST manual reports a sensitivity rate of 93% and a specificity
rate of 100%; however, only 15 dyslexics were included in the validation study for that
battery (Fawcett & Nicolson, 1998). What is more, independent research has reported lower
rates for sensitivity (85%) and specificity (74%) for the DAST (Harrison & Nichols, 2005).
The sensitivity rate of the BDT also compares favourably with other adult dyslexia screening
tests, such as the Lucid Adult Dyslexia Screening Plus (91%), (Singleton et al., 2009), and
the YAA-R (80%), (Warmington et al., 2013). However, the specificity rate of the BDT is
lower than the rates reported for these tests, 90% and 97%, respectively. However, as shown
earlier, the specificity rate of the test could be improved by clearly stipulating a cut-off score
of 4 for classification decisions. This arguably makes the BDT a more effective screening
test. As such, the BDT provides an alternative to other currently available screeners with its
easily administered and scored measures of several distal markers of dyslexia, that may be
appropriate for use with both children and adults in a variety of settings, including the non-
Currently there is no gold standard dyslexia screening test for adults and there is a
need for more empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the tests that are in use. This study
provided empirical evidence that the BDT is a reliable and valid measure capable of
discriminating between dyslexic and non-dyslexic adults. The study also highlighted some
weaknesses or areas for improvement, and suggestions for how the measure may be
enhanced. The BDT has been used effectively to screen for dyslexia in children and adults for
almost three decades; it is affordable and relatively easily adapted and translated to other
languages. In view of the rising need for simple-yet-sensitive screening tools for use with
adults, the results of this study suggest that it deserves its place as a quick, engaging and
adequately sensitive dyslexia screener, which may be particularly suited for non-academic
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