DHH Assessmenttools
DHH Assessmenttools
DHH Assessmenttools
Recommended Assessment Tools: The specific tests listed under each area represent
possibilities from which to choose. Many tests are usable only in part, such as the use
of only visual or performance subtests from a more comprehensive standardized
evaluation. Almost all evaluation tools require some form of modification which the
evaluator must note in the student's record.
Cognitive/Intellectual Assessments
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) (David
Wechsler) individually administered clinical instrument for assessing the intellectual
ability of children aged 6 years through 16 years, 11 months.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) (Alan S. Kaufman & Nadeen L.
Kaufman)- assesses the intelligence and achievement of 2 - 12 -year-old children.
The Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) (Jean Newborg, John R. Stock, Linda
Wnek) a standardized individually administered assessment battery of key
developmental skills in children from birth to 8 years-of-age.
Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT) (Abigail Benton Sivan) assessment of short
term visual memory.
Conners Rating Scales (C. Keith Conners) Identifies a behavioral profile of a child in
six specific areas based on responses from teachers, parents, or the child themselves.
Occupational Therapy
The Gardner Test of Visual Motor Skills- Revised (TVMS-R) -Academic Therapy
Publications, Novato, California For subjects ages 3-0 to 13-11 years.
The Beery-Buktenica Test Of Visual Motor Integration, 4th Edition (VMI)- Modern
Curriculum Press- For subjects ages 3-0 to 17-11 years
The Gardner Test Of Visual Perceptual Skills- Revised (TVPS-R) Academic Therapy
Publications, Novato, California -For subjects aged 4 years up to 12 years, 11 months.
The Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (PDMS-2)- Pro Ed- For subjects 15 days up
to 71 months.
Cottage Acquisition Scales For Listening, Language, and Speech. This curriculum
includes a developmental checklist for assessment and planning for diagnostic therapy.
The language section includes steps from pre-verbal through to complex sentences
including pragmatic development.
The Reynell Development Language Scales III (RDLS III), 3rd ed. The RDLS III
assesses receptive and expressive language using real objects rather than pictures for
the child to interact with. It is designed for children from 15 months to 7 years of age.
The comprehension scale comprises sections such as agents and actions, attributes,
locative relations, vocabulary and complex grammar, and inferencing, etc. The
expressive scale comprises sections such as verb phrases, auxiliaries, clausal
elements, inflections, etc.
Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS) The OWLS assesses higher order
thinking, semantics, syntax, vocabulary, and pragmatics. It includes a Listening
Comprehension Scale (picture pointing), an Oral Expression Scale (answering
questions, and sentence completion) and a Written Expression Scale (use of
conventions, syntactical forms, and ability to communicate meaningfully).
Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Langauge, Pre-Sentence Level(GAEL-P) This test
contains three sections: readiness skills, single words, and word combinations. The
examiner uses structured play and pictures to elicit language specific to these three
areas. The test was developed for children with hearing loss and can be administered in
spoken or signed English.
Auditory/Listening Skills:
The Goldman Fristoe: Test of Articulation 2 This test assesses a child's articulation
ability by sampling both spontaneous and imitative speech production. Pictures and
verbal cues are used to elicit single word answers that demonstrate common speech
sounds. It measures the articulation of speech sounds and identifies and describes the
types of articulation errors produced by the child.
St. Gabriel's Curriculum for the Development of Audition, Language, Speech and
Cognition. This curriculum outlines the development of early speech, the development
of early auditory feedback skills, and an order for the acquisition of vowels, diphthongs,
and consonants. It also provides a developmental checklist of phonological processes.
Cottage Acquisition Scales For Listening, Language, and Speech. This curriculum
provides a developmental checklist for assessment and diagnostic planning for therapy.
The speech section tracks objectives from Phonetic-Phonologic Speech Evaluation
Record and also links these objectives to phonetic listening development.
The Central Institute for the Deaf (CID) Picture Speech Intelligibility Evaluation
(SPINE) The SPINE uses colorful pictures to evaluate speech intelligibility in children as
young as 6 years of age. The assessment package includes 300 full-color picture cards,
a test manual, and 25 response forms.
The TERA-3 measures reading ability of young children ages 3-6 through 8-6. Rather
than assessing a child's reading readiness it assesses their mastery of early developing
reading skills. The three subtests include: Alphabet (knowledge of the alphabet and its
uses), Conventions (knowledge of the conventions of print), and Meaning (measuring
the construction of meaning from print). An overall Quotient is computed using all three
subtest scores.
Basic Concepts:
Sign Language:
Test of American Sign Language (TASL) Available by contacting: Dr. Philip Prinz,
Department of Special Education and Communicative Disorders, San Francisco State
University (415) 338-7655 E-mail: [email protected] The TASL consists of two production
measures (Classifier Production Test, and Sign Narrative) and four comprehension
measures (Story Comprehension, Classifier Comprehension Test, Time Marker Test,
and Map Marker Test). It is designed to be used with deaf students ages 8-15 years.