Law As An Instrument of Social Change: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 5 2018, 4123-4135
Law As An Instrument of Social Change: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 5 2018, 4123-4135
Law As An Instrument of Social Change: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 5 2018, 4123-4135
Sozhiya.S, 2Ms. M. Jayapreethi.
Student , 1st year, BA.LLb(hons), saveetha school of law, Saveetha University,Saveetha institute of
medical and technical sciences, Chennai-77, Tamil nadu , India.
Assistant professor,M.Sc.,B.Ed.,ML.,Saveetha school of law,Saveetha University,Saveetha institute of
medical and technical sciences, Chennai – 77, Tamil nadu , India.
[email protected] , [email protected]
Law is framed as the standards and rules to be followed for the peaceful living of the
people in the society , while social change is the alteration in the society which may have either
good or bad impact in the society.The relationship between the law and social change is
discussed at a wider aspect. There are various mechanisms being used by the legislation to
implement the rules in the society. It focuses on the way that the law has been implemented and
its responses or the effects in the society. Generally they put forth the question that whether
every law that had been enacted has brought only the good effect and whether the protection of
the country has been a great concern for the legislation. In the other words, law which is
considered to be a tool of social change has led to the development of the society or not?.
KEYWORDS: Society, social change, law, justice, welfare.
Social change happens because of a few calculates, for example, changes innovation,
demography and philosophy, changes in political life and financial strategy and in legitimate
standards or institutions.
American Judge Benjamin Cordozo said that the "Last reason for law is the welfare of
society". Law ought not be definite but rather should be transformable as per the prerequisite and
need of the general public. The law can't stay unchanging. The analyst is of the view that in a
changing society law should walk tuned in to the changed thoughts and philosophies. Social life
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
has experienced changes in view of correspondence upheaval. Thus to keep in pace with the
innovative improvement, Law must be able for identification of different violations and
anticipation of the same moreover. New acts like Information Technology Act has been brought,
principles of confirmation has been changed to perceive electronic exchange. Techniques for
expert viding cures have experienced enormous change with the development of electronic
business, digital wrongdoing and web.
Artificial insemination, unnaturally conceived children, surrogate parenthood and
cloning, pre-birth location system and fetus removal have tested the estimations of family life.
Aside from these, law assumes a critical part in ensuring the earth. The innovative development
has made awesome weight on the corruption of environment. As an outcome of this the
legitimate framework needed to change its lawful techniques and present new standards,
regulations, systems and so on to secure nature, human home and the urban life. Innovation is a
gift and revile, to which law and society need to react appropriately. Aside from society and
condition change additionally occurs in the financial aspects sec-tor, culture religion profound
quality social viewpoint and a lot of regions. Here again law weaves its way through monetary
life making potential outcomes for financial advancement and setting imperatives on the type of
improvement through a lot of statutes, Ex: Intellectual Property Rights. Thus, the main aim of the
research paper is to study the nature of law and social change in wider aspect, and to analyse the
extent of social change due to the implementation of laws.
The research paper uses the non-doctrinal method which is the simple random sampling
method. The sample size of the research paper is limited to 300 respondents,due to the limited
time period available to the researcher. The primary and secondary sources of information were
used. The primary sources of information used are the statutes and legislations and the secondary
sources of information used are journal articles, thesis, and working papers.
Law as per the choice of a small group of ruling individuals, without winning the
confidence of the masses, is bound to fail in its objective,( Friedman.W,1964). Gender equity
should not stop at the law, nor should it be derailed by successes in law,(Mulela Margaret
Munalula,1995). Law does not penetrate organisations automatically, without cost or distortion
(Catherine Albistan,2001). Law also tended to ignore interdependent relationships (Daniel
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Mandelkar,1970). The three wings of power are independent in (Trishala A , Lakshmi T and
Rajeshkumar S, 2018)theory but their separation of powers is not rigid, (Abhinav Mishra, 2015).
Law is the reflection of the will and wish of the society,(Swapna mukhopadhyay,1998). The
implications of norms and customs make the social change,(Franklin Zimring,1971). Some social
problems grow more interactable and complex,( Thelton Henderson,2003). Even though judges
may be guided by common sense or logic, they are not ruled by it, (David,1975). Legal
development is much a rational response or is a political, natural response to the existing
circumstances, (Prasidda,2012). Many countries are implementing legal and(Dr.Lakshmi T
and Rajeshkumar S , 2018) judicial reforms as part of their overall development programs,(Maria
Bakolias,2000). Increasing numbers and fear of “bureaucratisation” of the Judiciary have created
problems in recruitment,(Frank upham,2005). Supreme Court remarkably contributes for welfare
of the society particularly the deprived people,(Puneet Pathak,1997).The judicial activism in
relation to social change is really contradictory in nature,(Arpita Saha,2008). Legal advocacy
groups became largely isolated from the rest of the movement,(Holly Mc cammon,2015).
The analyst is of the conclusion that law is the best instrument of social change
however now and again social changes progresses toward becoming law. In India there are two
principle foundations which rolls out improvement in law, to be specific the lawmaking body
where new laws are sanctioned or alterations are done to the old demonstrations to suit the need
of great importance. The second foundation is our legal, where understanding of the manage of
land and law of land exist together. Law ought not be definite but rather should change as per the
prerequisite and need of the general public emerging out of taking a break. It is this prescience at
the top of the priority list father and fundamental designer of the Indian Constitution Dr.Bhima
Rao Ambedkar embedded Art 368 to the constitution which gives that "Any piece of the con-
stitution might be revised by embracing suitable strategy with the exception of obliterating the
essential structure of the constitution". It reflects the acknowledgment of the need of changing
the law even the rule that everyone must follow when circumstance warrants.
Indian legal has for the most part been observed to be alive to the requirements of social
reasoning. The courts have brought and their new ramifications and added new measurements to
the law.As properly cited by Justice P N Bhagwati "the judge mixes life blood into the dry
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
skeleton gave by the legislature and makes a living being fitting and satisfactory to address the
issues of the general public". To demonstrate the instrumentality of law on social change, it is
important to consider some uncommon changes that have occurred in India, since nothing is
permanent except for change is lasting.
This routine with regards to tyke marriage was passionately found in Indian culture
crosswise over different religious groups. Extreme endeavors were made by numerous reformers
it turned worthless until the point that a law was ordered. The Hindu Child Marriage Restraint
Act was substituted by the restriction of Child Marriage Act 2006. It introduction duced
youngster marriage restriction officer and expanded the energy of family court to choose the
issue under the Act. The demonstration likewise improved the discipline upto two years thorough
detainment or with fine up to Rs 2 lakhs or with both.
In 1992 the good Supreme Court proclaimed the privilege to free and mandatory
instruction as a key right in the ambit of 'Ideal to Life' under Art 21 of the constitution. In 2002
the constitution was changed by embeddings Article 21A to execute the privilege to free and
mandatory instruction of each kid matured between 6–14 years and embedded principal
obligations of parent and gatekeeper3. In 2010 The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act 2009 was placed in drive with impact from first April to give free and mandatory
instruction from 1 to eighth standard to each tyke. Along these lines it can be seen that law
genius texts the life of the youngsters.
The Honorable Supreme Court has received the more extensive approach of the manage
of locus standi to use the activity and arrangement people in general vivacious people to move
the courts to represent the general or gathering interest despite the fact that they may not be
specifically harmed in their rights. The most imperative truth in regards to PIL is that of
unwinding the locus standi idea, any open vivacious per-child can approach the established
courts and could convey to the courts notice of obtrusive infringement of Fundamental Rights of
individuals who are not fit for being moving toward the courts themselves4. PIL is an idea went
for expanding the accessibility to equity and structures a piece of sacred law in India.
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Among 300 respondents, 90% were between the age of 18-25, and 10% were below 18 years. As
most of the respondents were youngsters, their approach towards the social change is notable.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Out of 300 respondents, 66.7% were male and the rest were female.
Out of 300 respondents,36.7% feel that there is political change in recent times, 16.7% state that
there is economic change in recent times, 0.5% state that there is Judicial change in recent times,
0.4% state that there is religious change in recent times and 36.7% state that there is economic,
political, Judicial, religious changes in recent times.
Out of 300 respondents, 44.8% of the respondents were aware of the legal provisions for the
social change, 4.5% were not aware of the legal provisions for the social change and 51.7% are
not much aware of the legal provisions for the social change.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Out of 300 respondents, 39.3% state that the agricultural issues are the burning issues of our
country,25% state that basic necessities are the major issues of our country, 32.1% state that child
abuse is the burning issue of our country and the rest feel that sterlite is the major issue of our
Out of 300 respondents, 37.9% state that the social changes are not only due to the
implementation of laws, 24.1% state that social changes are only due to the implementation of
laws and 37.9% state that the social changes may be due to the implementation of laws.
Out of 300 respondents, 25% state that change of law will be the solution for agricultural issues,
17.9% state that increase in subsidy for seeds is the solution, 53.6% state that increasing irrigation
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
facilities will be the solution and the rest state that sufficient agricultural lands will be ten solution
for the agricultural issues.
Out of 300 respondents, 60% state that there is negative social change, 26.7% state that there is
positive social change and the rest state that they have no idea about the social change.
Out of 300 respondents, 44.4% do not accept law to be an instrument of social change, 37% state
that law is the instrument of social change and the rest state that law may be the instrument for
Social change.
Out of 300 respondents, 70.4% state that the present provisions of law is not satisfactory and
29.6% state that the present provisions of law that leads to social change is satisfactory.
Out of 300 respondents, 82.1% state that punishments need to be made severe to the rape
accused, 7.1% state that change of law will be the remedy for the rape victims and the rest state
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
that change in women nature and other remedies will prevent rape.
Out of 300 respondents, 53.6% were not much aware of all the governmental policies, 7.1% were
aware of all the governmental policies and 39.3% were not aware of all the governmental
Out of 300 respondents, 42.9% state that the social change do not affect any foreign relationship
of our country, 32.1% state that social change may affect the foreign relationship of our country
and 25% state that the social change will affect the foreign relationship of our country.
Out of 300 respondents, 53.6% state that change in Government will be the remedy for negative
social change, 14.3% state that change in law will be the remedy for negative social change and
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32.1% state that change in mindset of the people will be the remedy for negative social change.
Out of 300 respondents, 75% state that law has not fulfilled its duty in case of unemployment of
graduates, 21.4% state that they have no idea about the unemployment issue and the rest state
that the law has fulfilled its duty in case of the unemployment of graduates.
Thus, social issues are interconnected as opposed to separated and law is a mirror to know how
people are identified with each other. Successful execution of law as an instrument or gadget of
social change should work in tandem with social and social existence of individuals of India.
Change of social framework as per the need of the circumstances and as per the modes and
mores of the people involves need. A striking harmony between instru-attitude of law and
folkways and mores of the general population would truly clear route for genuine equity in real
life and in this manner prompts empowerment of the society.
1. Friedman, law in changing society, penguin books,England,1964.
2. Mulela Margaret munalula, the constitution and sexual discrimination in Zambia,
International journal of discrimination and law, vol.1, issue.2,1995.
3. Albiston, Catherine R., and Gwendolyn M. Leachman. "Law as an Instrument of Social
Change." International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2015): 542-49. Print.
4. Dr.S. Durgalakshmi, social change and empowerment of the masses, Indian journal of
Applied research, vol.5, issue.12,2015.
5. Abhinav Mishra,law and liberty: A tug of war, Indian journal of law and liberty, vol.1,
6. Mandelker, Daniel R. "The Role of Law in the Planning Process." Law and
Contemporary Problems 30.1 (1965): 26.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
22. Trishala A , Lakshmi T and Rajeshkumar S, “ Physicochemical profile of Acacia catechu bark extract
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