Activity Sheet Filmmaking and Animation in The Classroom

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The key takeaways are tools and techniques for analyzing films using the 3Cs (Colours, Characters, Camera) and 3Ss (Story, Setting, Sounds) as well as worksheets for developing critical thinking skills.

The 3Cs and 3Ss prompt card provides questions to guide analysis of films based on colours, characters, and camera angles/shots as well as story, setting, and sounds to organize thoughts about what is seen and heard in a film.

The film viewing mind map template can be used while watching a film to take notes and make observations about characters, story, colours, setting, camera, and sounds using single words or pictures to reflect on different elements.

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom



Think Toolkit


3Cs and 3Ss prompt card

Film viewing mind map template
Role on the wall
Think worksheet (Introductory)
Think worksheet (Intermediate) © Into Film 2016 © Into Film 2016

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom

3Cs and 3Ss prompt card

• What colours do you see? • What happens in the beginning, middle and at the end
• How do the colours make you feel? of the story?
• When do the colours change and why? • What are the most important things (events) that
• What do the colours tell you about the time of day that happen in the story?
the story took place? • How would the story change if events happened in a
• Why do you think certain colours are used? different order?
• What colours would you have chosen? • How do we know where the story takes place?
• Do the colours change when the story is in a different • Who or what is the story about?
setting? • How can we tell?
• Are any colours associated with particular characters? • How long does the story take in ‘real’ time?
• How important do you think the colours are in the film? • What do you think happened before the story began?
• What would the film have been like in black and white or • What might happen next, after the end of the story?
in just one colour? • How does this story remind you of other stories?
• What mood do you think the colours create? • How would you like the story to continue?

• Is there a main character? • Where does the action take place?
• Is there more than one main character? • Why is the story set in a particular place?
• Is the story really about this character or about • When and how does the setting change?
someone else? • How does the setting affect the characters
• Who is telling the story? and the way they behave?
• What do the main characters look like? • When the story began, where did you think we were?
• What might the way they look like tell us about • How could you tell where the story was taking place?
them≈as a character? • Could the same story have happened in a
• How do they speak and what do they say? different place?
• How do they behave? • How do you think the story would have changed if it
• How do they behave towards other characters? had happened in a different place or setting?
• Do any of the characters have particular music or sounds? • Can you tell when the story is taking place?
• Which character interests you the most? • What clues might there be to tell us whether
• Is there anyone else you would like to see in the story? the story is set now or in the past?
• How would the story be different with another
character added or taken away?

• What shots have been used? Can you name them? • How many different sounds do you hear? What are they?
• When do you see a long shot or a close-up shot? • Is there music in the film?
• What are the different shots used for? • How does the music make you feel?
• Through whose eyes do we see the story? • When do you hear the music or sounds change?
• When do we see different characters’ point of view? • What is happening on screen when the sounds or
• When does the camera move and when does it stay still? music change?
• How does the camera help to tell the story? • If you listen to the sounds without the pictures, can
• What do the first shots tell us about the story, the setting you tell what is happening on the screen?
etc? • Are there any moments of silence?
• Why do certain shots follow each other e.g. a long shot • Do any of the characters speak? What do they sound like?
followed by a close-up? • If you added your own voiceover to the film, who
• How can you tell what the characters are thinking or would speak and what would they say?
how they are feeling through what the camera does? • Can you hear any sound effects?
• How quickly do the shots change? Does this change in • Do you think any sounds have been made louder than
different parts of the story? they would be in real life? What are they? Why do you
think they are louder in the film? © Into Film 2016

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom

Film viewing mind map template

The 3Cs and 3Ss are an effective tool for organising your thoughts about a film.
Use the film viewing mind map below to make notes while you watch a film.


Film viewing mind map

COLOUR Use this to keep track of your ideas SETTING
when you are watching the film.
Use single words or pictures to
reflect your observations.

CAMERA SOUND © Into Film 2016

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom

Role on the wall © Into Film 2016

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom

Think worksheet Introductory

Your name:

What problem/project have you been given?

What are the key questions you must answer?



Have you ever done anything like this before? What did you learn?

How do you think you could solve this problem using film/animation?

What tools do you need to help you do this?

What do you think will happen?

Additional thinking activites may include: Analysis, deconstruction, discussion, reflecting

on prior learning, mind mapping, debating, evaluating potential appraches etc. © Into Film 2016

Activity sheet Filmmaking and animation in the classroom

Think worksheet Intermediate

Your name:

What problem/project have you been given?

What have you done before that is like this?

Do you notice any patterns?

What parts of this problem are new to you?

How do you think you could approach this problem using film/information?

What information is available to help you?

What tools do you need to help you do this?

What is your prediction for the result?

Additional thinking activites may include: Analysis, deconstruction, discussion, reflecting

on prior learning, mind mapping, debating, evaluating potential appraches etc. © Into Film 2016

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