Astm D5393 - 08 PDF
Astm D5393 - 08 PDF
Astm D5393 - 08 PDF
Designation: D 5293 – 08
D 5293 – 08
3.2.4 test oil, n—any oil for which the apparent viscosity is 6. Apparatus
to be determined by use of this test method. 6.1 Two types of apparatus are described for use in this test
3.2.5 viscoelastic oil, n—a non-Newtonian oil or fluid that method: the manual cold-cranking simulator (see Appendix
climbs up the rotor shaft during rotation. X1) and the automated CCS (see 6.2 and 6.3).
4. Summary of Test Method 6.2 Automated CCS,9 consisting of a direct current (dc)
electric motor that drives a rotor inside a stator; a rotor speed
4.1 An electric motor drives a rotor that is closely fitted sensor or tachometer that measures rotor speed; a dc ammeter
inside a stator. The space between the rotor and stator is filled and fine current-control adjust dial; a stator temperature control
with oil. Test temperature is measured near the stator inner wall system that maintains temperature within 0.05°C of set point;
and maintained by removing heat with a controlled process to and a heat removal system with a temperature control system,
maintain a constant stator temperature during test. The speed of a computer, computer interface, and test sample injection
the rotor is calibrated as a function of viscosity. Test oil pump.
viscosity is determined from this calibration and the measured 6.3 Automatic Automated CCS,9 as described in 6.2 with the
rotor speed. addition of an automated sample table allowing multiple test
5. Significance and Use samples to be run sequentially under computer control without
operator attention.
5.1 The CCS apparent viscosity of automotive engine oils
6.4 Calibrated Thermistor,9 sensor for insertion in a well
correlates with low temperature engine cranking. CCS appar-
near the inside surface of the stator to indicate the test
ent viscosity is not suitable for predicting low temperature flow
to the engine oil pump and oil distribution system. Engine
6.4.1 There must be good thermal contact between the
cranking data were measured by the Coordinating Research
temperature sensor and the thermal well in the stator; clean this
Council (CRC) L-495 test with reference oils that had viscosi-
thermal well periodically and replace the small drop of
ties between 600 and 8400 mPa·s (cP) at –17.8°C and between
high-silver-containing heat transfer medium.
2000 and 20 000 mPa·s (cP) at –28.9°C. The detailed relation-
6.5 Heat Removal System:
ship between this engine cranking data and CCS apparent
6.5.1 For stators with coolant contact, a refrigerator for the
viscosities is in Appendixes X1 and X2 of the 1967 T edition
liquid coolant is needed to maintain coolant temperature at
of Test Method D 26026 and CRC Report 409.5 Because the
least 10°C below the test temperature. When the coolant
CRC L-49 test is much less precise and standardized than the
temperature is below –30°C a two-stage refrigeration system is
CCS procedures, CCS apparent viscosity need not accurately
likely needed. The length of the tubing connections between
predict the engine cranking behavior of an oil in a specific
the CCS and the refrigerator should be as short as possible (less
engine. However, the correlation of CCS apparent viscosity
than 1 m) and well insulated.
with average CRC L-49 engine cranking results is satisfactory. Coolant, Dry Methanol—If contaminated with wa-
5.2 The correlation between CCS and apparent viscosity
ter from operating under high humidity conditions, replace it
and engine cranking was confirmed at temperatures between –1
with dry methanol to ensure consistent temperature control.
and –40°C by work on 17 commercial engine oils (SAE grades
6.5.2 For thermoelectric cooled stators, the liquid cooling
5W, 10W, 15W, and 20W). Both synthetic and mineral oil
temperature of the water or other appropriate liquid used in the
based products were evaluated. See ASTM STP 621.7
refrigeration system (chiller) should be set to approximately
5.3 A correlation was established in a low temperature
5°C in order to maintain the sample test temperature. The
engine performance study between light duty engine startabil-
coolant should contain 10 % glycol to prevent blocking of the
ity and CCS measured apparent viscosity. This study used ten
flow path by ice formation.
1990s engines at temperatures ranging from –5 down to –40°C
with six commercial engine oils (SAE 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 7. Reagents and Materials
20W, and 25W).8
7.1 Calibration Oils—Low-cloud point Newtonian oils
5.4 The measurement of the cranking viscosity of base
shall be certified by a laboratory that has been shown to meet
stocks is typically done to determine their suitability for use in
the requirements of ISO 17025 by independent assessment.
engine oil formulations. A significant number of the calibration
The calibration oils shall be traceable to master viscometer
oils for this method are base stocks that could be used in engine
procedures described in Test Method D 2162. Approximate
oil formulations.
viscosities at certain temperatures are listed in Table 1, whereas
exact viscosities are supplied with each standard.
CRC Report No. 409 “Evaluation of Laboratory Viscometers for Predicting
Cranking Characteristics of Engine Oils at -0°F and -20°F,” April 1968 available 8. Hazards
from the Coordinating Research Council, Inc., 219 Perimeter Center Parkway, 8.1 Observe both toxicity and flammability warnings that
Atlanta, GA 30346.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may apply to the use of methanol or glycol.
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1402.
Stewart, R. M., “Engine Pumpability and Crankability Tests on Commercial
“W” Grade Engine Oils Compared to Bench Test Results,” ASTM STP 621 ASTM The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
1967, 1968. 1969 Annual Book of ASTM Standards , Part 17 (Also published as SAE is Cannon Instrument Co., State College, PA 16804. Website: www.cannoninstru-
Paper 780369 in SAE Publication SP-429.). If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consid-
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1442. eration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend.
D 5293 – 08
TABLE 1 Calibration Oils
Calibration Oil
ApproximateA Viscosity in rnPa·s at:
–5°C –10°C –15°C –20°C –25°C –30°C –35°C
CL080 ... ... ... ... ... ... 900
CL090 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1200
CL100 (10) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1700
CL110 ... ... ... ... ... 1550 2500
CL120 (12) ... ... ... ... 800 1600 3200
CL130 ... ... ... ... ... 2900 4850
CL140 (14) ... ... ... ... 1600 3250B 7000C
CL150 ... ... ... 1700 2700 4600 8050
CL160 (16) ... ... ... ... 2500 5500 11 000
CL170 ... ... 1450 2250 3700 6300 11 300
CL190 (19) ... ... ... 1800 3500B 7400C 17 000
CL200 ... ... 1677 2650 4300 7550 13 700
CL220 (22) ... ... 1300 2500 5100 11 000 ...
CL240 ... ... 2250 3600 6000 10 700 19 800
CL250 (25) ... ... 1800 3500B 7400C 17 200 ...
CL260 ... 1750 2700 4400 7500 13 400 ...
CL280 (28) ... 1200 2500 5000 9300 ... ...
CL300 ... 2400 3750 6100 10 500 19 300 ...
CL320 (32) ... 1800 3500B 7300C 15 900 ... ...
CL340 ... 2700 4200 7000 12 194 ... ...
CL380 (38) ... 2900 5800C 13 000 ... ... ...
CL420 ... 5200 8500 14 405 ... ... ...
CL480 (48) 2300 4500B 9500 21 000 ... ... ...
CL530 ... 6000 9843 16 881 ... ... ...
CL600 (60) 3700 7400C 15 600 ... ... ... ...
CL680 ... 9550 ... ... ... ... ...
CL740 (47) 6000B 12 000 ... ... ... ... ...
Consult supplier for specific values.
Oil to be used for calibration checks with CCS-2B or CCS-4 or 5 with software version 3.x or 5.x.
Oil to used for calibration checks with CCS-4 or 5 software versions 4.x or 6.x.
8.2 If methanol is leaking from the apparatus, repair the leak 10.2.2 Enter the TVP resistance for the plug inserted in the
before continuing the test. software screen Service>CCS Temperature Verification Ser-
vice, and record the difference between the two temperature
9. Sampling windows.
9.1 To obtain valid results, use an appropriate means of bulk 10.2.3 Repeat with second plug.
sampling (see Practice D 4057) to obtain a representative 10.2.4 The recorded differences should be less that 0.06°C.
sample of test oil free from suspended solid material and water. If they are greater, contact instrument service.
When the sample in its container is received below the dew
10.3 Motor Current—Use the Set Motor Current option in
point temperature of the room, allow the sample to warm to
the software with CL250 (3500 mPa·s) calibration oil as the
room temperature before opening its container. When the
sample. This option will cool then soak the sample at test
sample contains suspended solid material, use centrifuge to
temperature of –20.0°C in the same manner as for a test
remove particles greater than 5 µm in size and decant off the
supernate. Filtering is not recommended. DO NOT shake the sample. For a recalibration proceed with 10.3.1. If rechecking
sample of test oil. This leads to entrainment of air, and a false motor current, proceed with 10.3.2.
viscosity reading. 10.3.1 To set the rotor speed, 20 s after the drive motor turns
on, monitor the speed reading and adjust to 0.240 6 0.001
10. Calibration KRPM (displayed as SPEED on the computer monitor) by
10.1 On start-up of a new instrument or when any part of the slowly turning the CURRENT ADJUST DIAL. This should be
viscometric cell or drive component (motor, belt, and so forth) completed with in 50 to 75 s after the motor begins to turn. If
is replaced, set the motor current as described below. Recheck more time is taken, repeat 10.3.
the motor current (as described in 10.3) monthly until the 10.3.2 When rechecking the motor current, note the speed
change in motor current in consecutive months is less than after the motor is on for 55–60 s. If the speed is less than 0.005
0.005 A and every three months thereafter. KRPM from 0.240, note the speed and current before continu-
10.2 Temperature Verification—Using the temperature veri- ing with normal operation. Alternatively, you can readjust
fication plugs, verify that the instrument is accurately comput- speed to 0.240 KRPM and note new current setting. Recali-
ing the correct temperature. (Only available on newer model bration is optional unless two consecutive adjustments in motor
instruments.) speed have been made in one direction since last calibration. If
10.2.1 Unplug thermistor connector from the back panel recalibration is not necessary, proceed with Section 11. Other-
and insert blue TVP. wise, proceed with 10.4.
D 5293 – 08
10.3.3 When rechecking the motor current, and it is found to 10.6.2 No calibration data that deviates by more than 1.6 %
be greater than 0.005 KRPM from 0.240, readjust rotor speed from Certified Reference Viscosity will be included. It is
to 0.240 KRPM, and record current setting. Continue the preferable that all deviations be less than 1 %.
calibration with 10.4. 10.6.3 If more than three pairs of data are excluded because
10.4 Calibration Procedure—At each test temperature, cali- of excessive deviation, repeat the calibration. When a full
brate the instrument with the oils listed for that temperature in calibration sample set is used on a repeat calibration within the
Table 1 using the selection criteria below and the measurement four operating day time span, all data may be included in
procedure described in Section 11. calculating the coefficients of regression. When choosing to
only run the excluded calibration oils, two calibration oils from
NOTE 1—Users of CCS 4/5 instruments using DOS based software
need to run the set of calibration oils as samples. Users should enter the the retained data set are to be included in this sample set.
speed and viscosity data into VISDISK to calculate calibration constants. 10.6.4 At a test temperature, the calibration data should be
These new constants would then be entered manually into the calibration collected within the shortest period of time which is possible.
data file used by the CCS software. Contact their instrument supplier for When the period of time is greater than four operating days
assistance. between starting and completing the calibration at a given
10.4.1 Calibration Oil Matrix Requirements—For each test temperature, the operator must rerun one or two of the earliest
temperature calibrated, using Table 2, select an oil from Group calibration oils and include the data in the analysis. This is to
A, at least 3 oils from Group B and at least 1 oil from Group ensure the instrument is operating in the same domain that it
C. The selections from Group B will be evenly distributed over was initially. When it is the practice of the user to routinely add
the set of calibration oils. The set of oils selected will be calibration data to the active calibration data set, the four day
sufficient to provide 10 data sets consisting of temperature, period does not apply.
speed and known viscosity for establishing the calibration 10.6.5 A calibration dataset at a test temperature shall
equation in 10.5. A calibration oil can be included twice to contain at least 10 data distributed over the available viscosity
achieve the required 10 data sets. The calibration data set shall calibration range after discarding any outliers.
have a minimum of 10 data sets for the temperature being
11. Procedure for Automated and Automatic Automated
calibrated that are evenly distributed over the viscosity range of
CCS Operation
the calibration oils. When including a calibration oil a second
time, it is preferable to not place the samples in adjacent 11.1 Place a minimum of 55 mL of the sample to be tested
positions for the series. For example –35°C calibration could into a 60 mL bottle(s).
have CL080, CL100, CL120, CL140, CL160, CL190 followed NOTE 2—When using an automatic sample changer, ensure the bottles
by another set CL080, CL100, CL120, CL140, CL160, CL190 are designed to fit the sample tray and that the injection tube does not
samples. reach to the bottom of the container, as this will avoid drawing any
10.5 Calibration Equation—The computer program re- sediment into the instrument.
gresses the calibration data over the viscosity range at each 11.2 Enter sample identification and test temperature(s) for
calibration temperature to fit the following equation: the sample.
B0 11.3 For instruments with automatic sample changer, repeat
h5 1 B 1 1 B2 · ~ r ! (2) 11.1 and 11.2 until all sample bottles are on the tray and
entered into the test matrix on the computer.
h = the apparent viscosity, NOTE 3—It is recommended that a check oil be run with each sample
B0, B1, B2 = the coefficients of regression, and set.
r = the rotor speed in KRPM. 11.4 Start the sample testing following the software instruc-
10.6 The calibration will meet the following to be valid: tions. During the sample testing the instrument will cool the
10.6.1 The regression coefficient shown by the software will sample to near the test temperature and hold it at that
be 0.99 or greater. temperature for 180 s. After the soak, the rotor will start turning
D 5293 – 08
and the rotor speed will be recorded, but only the average –35°C and a viscosity range from 2700 to 15 000 mPa·s is
speed between 55 and 60 s will be used to calculate viscosity. shown in the table below for each instrument.
Reproducibility Repeatability
NOTE 4—The new sample will automatically displace the previous test
Constant Cooling Instruments 3.1% 7.3%
sample in the viscometric cell without the use of solvent. The temperature Thermoelectrically Cooled Instruments 1.5% 6.0%
control and running of the CCS motor will be computer controlled. The
rotor speed measurement and viscosity calculation for the test sample are 13.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
performed and displayed by the computer. results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
11.4.1 When using a check oil and it does not fall within under constant operating conditions on identical test materials
reproducibility of the expected value, the results are considered would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
suspect. If this occurs on two consecutive measurements, this test method, exceed the values in 13.1 only in one case in
investigate and resolve the cause of the deviation. twenty.
11.4.2 If current drifts by more than 0.005 A during normal 13.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
operation, recheck rotor speed with CL 250 at –20°C. and independent results obtained by different operators work-
ing in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
12. Report the long run, exceed the values in 13.1 only in one case in
12.1 Report the calculated viscosity and temperature as 13.2 Summary of Interlaboratory Study10—The interlabora-
displayed on the computer monitor or test report. The value tory study consisted of thirteen participating laboratories using
displayed is rounded to the nearest 10 mPa·s. eleven thermoelectrically cooled instruments and eight contact
cooling instruments evaluating twelve engine oils with viscosi-
13. Precision and Bias ties ranging from 2700 to 15000 mPa(s) at test temperatures
13.1 Precision10,11—The precision of this test method with from –20 to –35°C. All laboratories used instrument software
CCS-4/5 (contact cooling instruments) using version 4.x or version 4.x or higher for contact cooling instrument or ViscPro
higher software and with CCS-2050/2100 (thermoelectrically CCS software module to measure the apparent viscosity. While
cooled instruments) using ViscPro CCS software module for no base stocks were included specifically as test samples, the
2100 series, as determined by statistical examination of the calibration is based on the use of base stocks as calibration oils.
interlaboratory test over the temperature range from –20 to 13.3 Bias—There is no bias between the apparent viscosity
of samples measured using contact cooling instruments and
thermoelectrically cooled instruments.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 14. Keywords
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1459.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 14.1 apparent viscosity; cold cranking; cranking; engine
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02-1653. oils; petroleum and petroleum products; viscosity
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Apparatus X1.1.4 There must be good thermal contact between the
X1.1.1 Manual CCS, 9 temperature sensor and the thermal well in the stator; clean this
thermal well periodically and replace the small drop of
consisting of a direct current (dc) electric motor that drives
high-silver-containing heat transfer medium. Adjust the tem-
a rotor inside a stator; a rotor speed sensor or tachometer that
perature of the coolant to the viscometric cell to be at least
measures rotor speed; a dc ammeter and fine current-control
10°C below the test temperature.
adjust dial; a stator temperature control system that maintains
X1.1.5 Coolant, Dry Methanol—If contaminated with water
temperature within 60.05°C of set point; and a coolant
from operating under high humidity conditions, replace it with
circulator compatible with the temperature control system.
dry methanol to ensure consistent temperature control, espe-
X1.1.2 Calibrated Thermistor—Sensor for insertion in a cially when cooled by dry ice.
well near the inside surface of the stator to indicate the test X1.1.6 Optional Methanol Circulator,9
temperature. This option (for the Manual CCS only) circulates warm
X1.1.3 Refrigeration System—A refrigerator for the liquid methanol through the stator to facilitate sample changes and
coolant is needed to maintain coolant temperature at least 10°C aid the evaporation of cleaning solvents.
below the test temperature. Mechanical refrigeration is pre-
ferred, but dry ice systems have been used satisfactorily. The X1.2 Reagents and Materials
length of the tubing connections between the CCS and the X1.2.1 Acetone—(Warning—Danger. Extremely flam-
refrigerator should be as short as possible and well insulated. mable. Vapors can cause fire.)
D 5293 – 08
X1.2.2 Methanol—(Warning—Danger. Flammable. Vapor where:
harmful.) h = viscosity,
X1.2.3 Petroleum Naphtha—(Warning—Combustible va- B0, B1, B2 = constants determined with a minimum of
por harmful.) three calibration oils, and
N = observed speed indicator reading, in KRPM.
X1.2.4 Calibration Oils—Low-cloud point Newtonian oils
of known viscosity and viscosity/temperature functionality. X1.4.4.2 When more than three pairs of data are available,
regress these data to the following equation to determine the
Approximate viscosities at certain temperatures are listed in
values of the constants B0, B1, and B2:
Table 1, whereas exact viscosities are supplied with each
standard. hN 5 B0 1 ~B1·N! 1 ~B2·N2! (X1.2)
X1.4.5 When check runs of a calibration oil do not fall
X1.3 Hazards within 65 % of the values calculated from the calibration
X1.3.1 Observe both toxicity and flammability warnings curve, recheck the calibration of the temperature sensor or
that apply to the use of methanol, acetone, and petroleum rerun the calibration oils.
naphtha. NOTE X1.1—A separate curve or equation is intended for each tem-
X1.3.2 If methanol is leaking from the apparatus, repair the perature. However, if the calibration data at two or more temperatures fit
leak before continuing the test. a single curve or equation without a bias, a single curve or equation may
be used for these temperatures.
X1.4 Calibration of Manual CCS X1.5 Procedure for Manual CCS Operation
X1.4.1 On start-up of a new instrument or when any part of NOTE X1.2—Ensure that the cooling bath is stirred during the operation
the viscometric cell or drive component (motor, belt, of the instrument. Failure to do so will permit large gradients in
tachometer-generator, and so forth) is replaced, determine the temperature to exist in the cooling bath. These large gradients will affect
required motor drive current. Initially, recheck the drive current the sample temperature and reduce the precision of your viscosity
(as described in X1.4.2) monthly until the change in drive measurements.
current in consecutive months is less than 0.020 A and every X1.5.1 Establish the calibration equation or curve (see
three months thereafter. Section 10). Before any series of determinations, run a mini-
X1.4.2 Drive Current Determination—Plug the tachometer mum of one calibration oil as an overall check on the apparatus
into the CAL jack, where fitted with a CAL jack. Run the 3500 and calibration at each temperature of interest. When the drive
mPa·s, –20°C viscosity standard at –20°C as described in current for the oil to be used for the calibration check (see
Section 11. When the drive motor is turned on, establish a footnote B of Table 1) differs by more than 0.005 A (ampere)
speed meter reading of 0.240 6 0.010 by adjustment of the from that determined in X1.4.2, reset the current to the value
current adjust dial. Keep this current setting constant for all previously determined in X1.4.2; make the observation and
subsequent calibration and test sample runs at all temperatures. correction after 15 s of running. When the viscosity measure-
When the current setting must be changed to maintain a dial ment of the calibration oil differs by more than 65 % from its
reading of 0.240 6 0.010 units with the 3500 mPa·s reference certified value, rerun to confirm this observation. When con-
oil at –20°C, recalibrate the instrument by either procedure firmed, recalibrate as in X1.4.3.
described in X1.4.3. NOTE X1.3—The use of a check oil or similar reference is recom-
X1.4.3 Calibration Procedure—At each test temperature, mended for an overall check on all performance, at frequent intervals (at
calibrate with the oils listed for that temperature in Table 1 by least monthly).
using the procedure described in X1.5. X1.5.2 Insert test sample from a dropping pipet (eye drop-
X1.4.3.1 When only a narrow viscosity range of test liquids per) into the filling tube. Be certain the test sample fills the gap
is to be measured, use a minimum of three calibration oils between the rotor and stator with an excess of liquid above the
spanning the narrow viscosity range of the oils to be tested. rotor to fill the cup completely. Turn the rotor by hand to ensure
X1.4.4 Preparation of Calibration Curves—Plot the viscos- complete wetting of the surface of the stator and rotor while the
ity of the calibration oils as a function of speed meter readings, test sample flows between the rotor and stator. Fill the filling
and draw a smooth curve. The use of log-log coordinates or tube fully and insert a rubber stopper in the end of the tube; for
special linearized graph paper have been found suitable for this viscoelastic samples this stopper will have to be pressed tightly
while the motor is turned on (see X1.5.2.2) to prevent the
purpose. Take care to get the best fit to the points found;
sample from forcing the stopper out of the tube and allowing
careless use of commercial drawing curves can lead to exces-
the sample to become depleted in the shear area of the
sive errors. See Fig. X1.1 for a typical curve. Use the equation
viscometric cell. See Appendix X2 for a special procedure for
in X1.4.4.1 as an alternative method to this graphical method.
highly viscoelastic test samples.
X1.4.4.1 Alternatively Expressing Calibration Results by
Equation—Calibration data over a limited viscosity range are NOTE X1.4—The viscosity of some oils can be high enough at room
temperature to impede flow into the annulus between the rotor and stator.
well represented by the following equation:
For oils whose kinematic viscosity at ambient temperature exceeds 100
B0 mm2/s (cSt), warm the sample (not exceeding 50°C) prior to filling the
h 5 N 1 B1 1 B2N (X1.1) viscometric cell.
D 5293 – 08
X1.5.2.1 Turn the temperature control and coolant flow on, X1.5.2.2 Turn on the rotor drive 180 6 3 s after the coolant
and allow the stator to cool. To ensure optimum control of flow is turned on.
temperature, see X1.1.3 and X1.1.4. Record the time at which X1.5.2.3 With the tachometer plugged into the CAL jack,
the coolant flow is turned on (use a stopwatch or other means record the speed meter reading immediately after turning on
of counting by seconds). Attain control temperature within 30 the motor switch. If the indicator rises and then drops rapidly
to 60 s for test temperatures down to –20°C and within 60 to to a position at least 5 % less than the highest reading, there is
90 s for test temperatures down to –30°C; if not within these possible presence of residual solvent in the shear area. This
limits, replace the cold methanol (see X1.1.5) or adjust the abnormal digital speed meter change or analog meter needle
temperature of the cold methanol. A null reading on the deflection can also occur as a result of poor temperature control
temperature indicator meter and the cyclic controlling of (as indicated on the temperature meter) that is most frequently
coolant flow indicate that test temperature is reached. Adjust caused by poor thermal contact between the stator thermal well
the null meter reset knob so that the null meter reads slightly to
and the thermistor. Terminate the run. Remove the sample and
the left of zero, such that when the rotor drive is turned on the
clean as described in X1.5.3. Repeat the procedure with a fresh
test temperature will be established with only minimal further
sample starting with X1.5.2.
temperature adjustment.
(1) If the control temperature is reached more slowly than X1.5.2.4 Record speed indicator meter reading at 60 6 5 s
outlined above, replace the cold methanol (see X1.1.5), or from rotor startup, estimating the meter reading to the nearest
1⁄10 of the smallest meter division for the analog meter, when
lower the temperature of the cold methanol (see X1.1.5).
(2) If the control temperature is reached more rapidly than the digital meter is not being used. Turn off rotor drive and
outlined above, raise the temperature of the cold methanol in coolant flow.
order to obtain satisfactory control. X1.5.3 Clean the CCS by the following steps:
D 5293 – 08
X1.5.3.1 Circulate warm methanol (35 to 45°C) around the X1.6.2 Report the value determined in X1.6.1 to the nearest
stator during the time of cleaning. Maintain flow of warm 10 mPa(s) and the test temperature.
methanol until X1.5.3.2 has been completed. See X1.5.3.3 for
an alternative procedure. X1.7 Precision and Bias
X1.5.3.2 Wash the assembly with petroleum naphtha and X1.7.1 Precision12—The precision of this test method with
finally with acetone (with due care for the flammability of these CCS-2B (manual) as determined by the statistical examination
solvents), using the vacuum to dry the assembly. Turn the rotor of the interlaboratory test results over the temperature range
several revolutions by hand during final drying with vacuum to from –5 to –30°C and viscosity range from 1560 to 10 200
ensure that the gap between rotor and stator is clean and dry. mPa·s is as follows:
X1.5.3.3 As an alternative to the use of solvents in X1.5.3.1 X1.7.1.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive
and X1.5.3.2, inject an excess of 30 mL of the next sample to results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus
flush the previous sample and fill the cell with the new sample under constant operating conditions on identical test materials
as in X1.5.2. would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
X1.5.4 Leave the final sample of a series of runs in the this test method, exceed the following values only in one case
instrument. This will prevent damage if the instrument is in twenty:
accidentally turned on. This final sample can also be used as Repeatability 5 5.4 % of their mean (X1.3)
the sample for the first run after a shutdown period. This allows
X1.7.1.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two
the electronic components and motor to come up to tempera-
single and independent results obtained by different operators
ture by operation with a sample already in place. Do not record
working in different laboratories on identical test material
speed indicator data from this sample upon starting a new set
would, in the long run, exceed the following values only in one
of runs.
case in twenty:
X1.6 Manual CCS Report Reproducibility 5 8.9 % of their mean (X1.4)
X2.1 Test samples can exhibit different behavior at low low-viscosity test sample in the viscometric cell and the
temperature in the CCS, thereby requiring procedural varia- simulator motor turned on; the temperature of the coolant to the
tions. Some highly viscoelastic samples will spiral toward the viscometric cell is approximately 10°C below the test tempera-
rotor shaft when the rotor drive is started. If the sample climbs ture. There must be good thermal contact with the temperature
from the shear zone, the rotor speed will increase noticeably. sensor in the thermal well in the stator. This thermal well
The use of the rubber stopper in the fill tube (see X1.5.2) should be cleaned periodically (see X1.1.4).
normally will ensure that the procedure in Section 11 will be
satisfactory; however, very highly viscoelastic test samples can X2.4 The null meter reset knob should be set slightly lower
require this special procedure. The procedure in X2.2-X2.7 is than the test temperature, such that when the rotor drive is
used for both viscoelastic and non-viscoelastic samples. There turned on the test temperature will be established without
are more manipulations in shorter time periods required in further temperature adjustment.
X2.5 than in X1.5.2. Calibration oils must be run by the same X2.5 Start a timer when test temperature is reached (as
procedure as the test samples since the calibration curves can indicated by the temperature indicator meter and the cyclic
differ slightly. controlling of coolant flow). At 10 6 2 s after starting the
timer, add additional sample directly into the cup, thus filling
X2.2 Insert test sample from a dropping pipet into the the cup completely.
filling tube filling the gap between the rotor and stator, with a
slight excess to cover the rotor with about 1 mm of liquid. Turn X2.6 Turn on rotor drive at 30 6 2 s after start of timer.
the rotor by hand to ensure complete wetting of the surfaces of
the stator and rotor while the last portion of this sample is X2.7 Record speed indicator meter reading at 10 6 2 s
flowing up past the rotor sides. from rotor startup, estimating the meter reading to the nearest
0.001 unit. Turn off rotor drive and coolant flow.
X2.3 Turn the temperature control and coolant flow on, and X2.8 Clean the CCS by the procedure in X1.5.3-X1.5.3.3.
allow the stator to cool. Control temperature should be reached
within 30 to 60 s for test temperatures down to –20°C and X2.9 The precision of the measurement of the apparent
within 60 to 90 s for test temperatures down to –30°C. To viscosity of highly viscoelastic engine oils has not been
ensure optimum control of temperature, the valve settings on determined and can be expected to be somewhat poorer from
the coolant circulator are set for control of coolant with a that determined in X1.7.1-X1.7.1.2.
D 5293 – 08
Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 5293–04) that may impact the use of this standard.
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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website