Juniper Modules Ex Series Overview
Juniper Modules Ex Series Overview
Juniper Modules Ex Series Overview
Modified: 2017-03-06
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Network Interfaces Feature Guide for EX2300, EX3400, and EX4300 Switches
Copyright © 2017, Juniper Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved.
The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.
Juniper Networks hardware and software products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known time-related limitations through the
year 2038. However, the NTP application is known to have some difficulty in the year 2036.
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Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the IPv6 Payload for
Hashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Configuring Tagged Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Chapter 5 Configuring Energy Efficient Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Understanding How Energy Efficient Ethernet Reduces Power Consumption on
Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Configuring Energy Efficient Ethernet on Interfaces (CLI Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Enabling EEE on an EEE-Capable Base-T Copper Ethernet Port . . . . . . . . . . 78
Disabling EEE on a Base-T Copper Ethernet Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Chapter 6 Configuring Interface Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Understanding Interface Ranges on EX Series Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Configuring Interface Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Configuring Interface Ranges on Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Expanding Interface Range Member and Member Range Statements . . . . . 84
Configuration Inheritance for Member Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Member Interfaces Inheriting Configuration from Configuration Groups . . . . 86
Interfaces Inheriting Common Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Configuring Inheritance Range Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Configuration Expansion Where Interface Range Is Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Chapter 7 Configuring IP Directed Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Understanding IP Directed Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
IP Directed Broadcast Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
IP Directed Broadcast Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
When to Enable IP Directed Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
When Not to Enable IP Directed Broadcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuring IP Directed Broadcast (CLI Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Chapter 8 Configuring Layer 3 Subinterfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
802.1Q VLANs Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Understanding Layer 3 Subinterfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Configuring a Layer 3 Subinterface (CLI Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chapter 9 Configuring Local Link Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Understanding Local Link Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Configuring Local Link Bias (CLI Procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Chapter 10 Configuring Unicast RPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Understanding Unicast RPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Unicast RPF for Switches Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Unicast RPF Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Unicast RPF Packet Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) and DHCP Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Default Route Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
When to Enable Unicast RPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
When Not to Enable Unicast RPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
vlan (802.1Q Tagging) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
vlan-id (VLAN Tagging and Layer 3 Subinterfaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
vlan-tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Chapter 13 Operational Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
monitor interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
request diagnostics tdr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
show diagnostics tdr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
show interfaces diagnostics optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
show interfaces ge- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
show interfaces irb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
show interfaces mc-ae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
show interfaces me0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
show interfaces queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
show interfaces xe- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
show lacp interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
test interface restart-auto-negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
If the information in the latest release notes differs from the information in the
documentation, follow the product Release Notes.
Juniper Networks Books publishes books by Juniper Networks engineers and subject
matter experts. These books go beyond the technical documentation to explore the
nuances of network architecture, deployment, and administration. The current list can
be viewed at
Supported Platforms
For the features described in this document, the following platforms are supported:
• EX Series
If you want to use the examples in this manual, you can use the load merge or the load
merge relative command. These commands cause the software to merge the incoming
configuration into the current candidate configuration. The example does not become
active until you commit the candidate configuration.
If the example configuration contains the top level of the hierarchy (or multiple
hierarchies), the example is a full example. In this case, use the load merge command.
If the example configuration does not start at the top level of the hierarchy, the example
is a snippet. In this case, use the load merge relative command. These procedures are
described in the following sections.
1. From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration example into a
text file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing
For example, copy the following configuration to a file and name the file ex-script.conf.
Copy the ex-script.conf file to the /var/tmp directory on your routing platform.
system {
scripts {
commit {
file ex-script.xsl;
interfaces {
fxp0 {
unit 0 {
family inet {
2. Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the
load merge configuration mode command:
user@host# load merge /var/tmp/ex-script.conf
load complete
Merging a Snippet
To merge a snippet, follow these steps:
1. From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration snippet into a text
file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing platform.
For example, copy the following snippet to a file and name the file
ex-script-snippet.conf. Copy the ex-script-snippet.conf file to the /var/tmp directory
on your routing platform.
commit {
file ex-script-snippet.xsl; }
2. Move to the hierarchy level that is relevant for this snippet by issuing the following
configuration mode command:
user@host# edit system scripts
[edit system scripts]
3. Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the
load merge relative configuration mode command:
For more information about the load command, see CLI Explorer.
Documentation Conventions
Caution Indicates a situation that might result in loss of data or hardware damage.
Laser warning Alerts you to the risk of personal injury from a laser.
Table 2 on page xv defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.
Bold text like this Represents text that you type. To enter configuration mode, type the
configure command:
user@host> configure
Fixed-width text like this Represents output that appears on the user@host> show chassis alarms
terminal screen.
No alarms currently active
Italic text like this • Introduces or emphasizes important • A policy term is a named structure
new terms. that defines match conditions and
• Identifies guide names. actions.
• Junos OS CLI User Guide
• Identifies RFC and Internet draft titles.
• RFC 1997, BGP Communities Attribute
Italic text like this Represents variables (options for which Configure the machine’s domain name:
you substitute a value) in commands or
configuration statements. [edit]
root@# set system domain-name
Text like this Represents names of configuration • To configure a stub area, include the
statements, commands, files, and stub statement at the [edit protocols
directories; configuration hierarchy levels; ospf area area-id] hierarchy level.
or labels on routing platform • The console port is labeled CONSOLE.
< > (angle brackets) Encloses optional keywords or variables. stub <default-metric metric>;
# (pound sign) Indicates a comment specified on the rsvp { # Required for dynamic MPLS only
same line as the configuration statement
to which it applies.
[ ] (square brackets) Encloses a variable for which you can community name members [
substitute one or more values. community-ids ]
GUI Conventions
Bold text like this Represents graphical user interface (GUI) • In the Logical Interfaces box, select
items you click or select. All Interfaces.
• To cancel the configuration, click
> (bold right angle bracket) Separates levels in a hierarchy of menu In the configuration editor hierarchy,
selections. select Protocols>Ospf.
Documentation Feedback
• Online feedback rating system—On any page of the Juniper Networks TechLibrary site
at, simply click the stars to rate the content,
and use the pop-up form to provide us with information about your experience.
Alternately, you can use the online feedback form at
Technical product support is available through the Juniper Networks Technical Assistance
Center (JTAC). If you are a customer with an active J-Care or Partner Support Service
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Interfaces Overview
Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches have two types of interfaces: network
interfaces and special interfaces. This topic provides brief information about these
interfaces. For additional information, see the Junos OS Interfaces Fundamentals
Configuration Guide.
Network Interfaces
Network interfaces connect to the network and carry network traffic. Table 3 on page 19
lists the types of network interfaces supported on EX Series switches.
Type Purpose
Aggregated Ethernet All EX Series switches allow you to group Ethernet interfaces at the physical layer to form a
interfaces single link layer interface, also known as a link aggregation group (LAG) or bundle. These
aggregated Ethernet interfaces help to balance traffic and increase the uplink bandwidth.
LAN access interfaces Use these EX Series switch interfaces to connect a personal computer, laptop, file server, or
printer to the network. When you power on an EX Series switch and use the factory-default
configuration, the software automatically configures interfaces in access mode for each of the
network ports. The default configuration also enables autonegotiation for both speed and link
Type Purpose
Power over Ethernet (PoE) EX Series switches provide PoE network ports with various switch models. These ports can be
interfaces used to connect voice over IP (VoIP) telephones, wireless access points, video cameras, and
point-of-sale devices to safely receive power from the same access ports that are used to
connect personal computers to the network. PoE interfaces are enabled by default in the factory
Trunk interfaces EX Series access switches can be connected to a distribution switch or customer-edge (CE)
switches or routers. To use a port for this type of connection, you must explicitly configure the
network interface for trunk mode. The interfaces from the distribution switch or CE switch to
the access switches must also be configured for trunk mode.
Special Interfaces
Table 4 on page 20 lists the types of special interfaces supported on EX Series switches.
Type Purpose
Console port Each EX Series switch has a serial port, labeled CON or CONSOLE, for connecting tty-type
terminals to the switch using standard PC-type tty cables. The console port does not have a
physical address or IP address associated with it. However, it is an interface in the sense that
it provides access to the switch. On an EX3300 Virtual Chassis, an EX4200 Virtual Chassis, or
an EX4500 Virtual Chassis, you can access the master and configure all members of the Virtual
Chassis through any member's console port. For more information about the console port in a
Virtual Chassis, see Understanding Global Management of a Virtual Chassis.
Loopback All EX Series switches have this software-only virtual interface that is always up. The loopback
interface provides a stable and consistent interface and IP address on the switch.
Management interface The Juniper Networks Junos operating system (Junos OS) for EX Series switches automatically
creates the switch's management Ethernet interface, me0. The management Ethernet interface
provides an out-of-band method for connecting to the switch. To use me0 as a management
port, you must configure its logical port, me0.0, with a valid IP address. You can connect to the
management interface over the network using utilities such as SSH or Telnet. SNMP can use
the management interface to gather statistics from the switch. (The management interface
me0 is analogous to the fxp0 interfaces on routers running Junos OS.)
Integrated Routing and EX Series switches use an integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface or Routed VLAN
Bridging (IRB) Interface or Interface (RVI) to route traffic from one broadcast domain to another and to perform other
Routed VLAN Interface (RVI) Layer 3 functions such as traffic engineering. These functions are typically performed by a router
interface in a traditional network.
The IRB interface or RVI functions as a logical router, eliminating the need for having both a
switch and a router. These interfaces must be configured as part of a broadcast domain or
virtual private LAN service (VPLS) routing instance for Layer 3 traffic to be routed from.
Type Purpose
Virtual Chassis port (VCP) Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) are used to interconnect switches in a Virtual Chassis:
• EX3300 switches—Port 2 and port 3 of the SFP+ uplink ports are preconfigured as VCPs and
can be used to interconnect up to six EX3300 switches in an EX3300 Virtual Chassis. See
Setting an Uplink Port on an EX Series Switch as a Virtual Chassis Port (CLI Procedure).
• EX4200 and EX4500 switches—Each EX4200 switch or each EX4500 switch with a Virtual
Chassis module installed has two dedicated VCPs on its rear panel. These ports can be used
to interconnect up to ten EX4200 switches in an EX4200 Virtual Chassis, up to ten EX4500
switches in an EX4500 Virtual Chassis, and up to ten switches in a mixed EX4200 and
EX4500 Virtual Chassis. When you power on switches that are interconnected in this manner,
the software automatically configures the VCP interfaces for the dedicated ports that have
been interconnected. These VCP interfaces are not configurable or modifiable.
You can also interconnect EX4200 and EX4500 switches by using uplink module ports.
Using uplink ports allows you to connect switches over longer distances than you can by
using the dedicated VCPs. To use the uplink ports as VCPs, you must explicitly configure the
uplink module ports on the members you want to connect as VCPs. See Setting an Uplink
Port on an EX Series Switch as a Virtual Chassis Port (CLI Procedure) .
• EX4300 switches—All QSFP+ ports are configured as VCPs, by default. See Understanding
EX4300 Virtual Chassis
You can also interconnect EX4300 switches into a Virtual Chassis by using SFP+ uplink
module ports as VCPs. Using uplink ports as VCPs allows you to connect switches over longer
distances than you can by using the QSFP+ ports as VCPs. To use the uplink ports as VCPs,
you must explicitly configure the uplink module ports on the members you want to connect
as VCPs. See Setting an Uplink Port on an EX Series Switch as a Virtual Chassis Port (CLI
• EX8200 switches—EX8200 switches can be connected to an XRE200 External Routing
Engine to create an EX8200 Virtual Chassis. The XRE200 External Routing Engine has
dedicated VCPs that connect to ports on the internal Routing Engines of the EX8200 switches
and can connect to another XRE200 External Routing Engine for redundancy. These ports
require no configuration.
You can also connect two members of an EX8200 Virtual Chassis so that they can exchange
Virtual Chassis Control Protocol (VCCP) traffic. To do so, you explicitly configure network
ports on the EX8200 switches as VCPs.
Virtual management Ethernet EX3300, EX4200, EX4300, and EX4500 switches have a VME interface. This is a logical interface
(VME) interface that is used for Virtual Chassis configurations and allows you to manage all the members of
the Virtual Chassis through the master. For more information about the VME interface, see
Understanding Global Management of a Virtual Chassis.
EX8200 switches do not use a VME interface. An EX8200 Virtual Chassis is managed through
the management Ethernet (me0) interface on the XRE200 External Routing Engine.
Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches use a naming convention for defining the
interfaces that is similar to that of other platforms running under Juniper Networks Junos
operating system (Junos OS). This topic provides brief information about the naming
conventions used for interfaces on EX Series switches. For additional information, see
the Junos OS Network Interfaces Configuration Guide.
• fpc—Flexible PIC Concentrator. EX Series interfaces use the following convention for
the FPC number in interface names:
• On an EX6200 switch and a standalone EX8200 switch, the FPC number indicates
the slot number of the line card that contains the physical interface. On an EX6200
switch, the FPC number also indicates the slot number of the Switch Fabric and
Routing Engine (SRE) module that contains the uplink port.
• On an EX8200 Virtual Chassis, the FPC number indicates the slot number of the line
card on the Virtual Chassis. The line card slots on Virtual Chassis member 0 are
numbered 0 through 15; on member 1, they are numbered 16 through 31, and so on.
• pic—EX Series interfaces use the following convention for the PIC (Physical Interface
Card) number in interface names:
• On EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, EX4200, EX4500 switch, and EX4550 switches, the
PIC number is 0 for all built-in interfaces (interfaces that are not uplink ports).
• On EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, and EX4200 switches, the PIC number is 1 for uplink
• On EX4300 switches, the PIC number is 0 for built-in network ports, 1 for built-in
QSFP+ ports (located on the rear panel of the switch), and 2 for uplink module ports.
• On EX4500 switches, the PIC number is 1 for ports on the left-hand uplink module
and 2 for ports on the right-hand uplink module.
• On EX4550 switches, the PIC number is 1 for ports in the expansion module or Virtual
Chassis module installed in the module slot on the front panel of the switch and 2
for those in the expansion module or Virtual Chassis module installed in the module
slot on the rear panel of the switch.
• port—EX Series interfaces use the following convention for port numbers:
• Uplink ports in EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, EX4200, EX4300, EX4500, and EX4550
switches are labeled from left to right, starting with 0.
• On EX6200 and EX8200 switches, the network ports are numbered from left to right
on each line card. On line cards that have two rows of ports, the ports on the top row
start with 0 followed by the remaining even-numbered ports, and the ports on the
bottom row start with 1 followed by the remaining odd-numbered ports.
• Uplink ports on an SRE module in an EX6200 switch are labeled from left to right,
starting with 0.
example, if you issue the show ethernet-switching interfaces command on a system with
a default VLAN, the resulting display shows the logical interfaces associated with the
Interface State VLAN members Blocking
ge-0/0/0.0 down remote-analyzer unblocked
ge-0/0/1.0 down default unblocked
ge-0/0/10.0 down default unblocked
NOTE: This task uses Junos OS for EX Series switches with support for the
Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS) configuration style. If your switch runs
software that does not support ELS, see Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces
(CLI Procedure). For ELS details, see Getting Started with Enhanced Layer 2
• Specifies Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Link Layer Discovery Protocol
If you are connecting either a desktop phone, wireless access point or a security camera
to a Power over Ethernet (PoE) port, you can configure some parameters for the PoE
interface. PoE interfaces are enabled by default. For detailed information about PoE
settings, see Configuring PoE on EX Series Switches (CLI Procedure).
If you are connecting a device to other switches and to routers on the LAN, you need to
assign the interface to a logical port and configure the logical port as a trunk port. See
“Port Role Configuration with the J-Web Interface (with CLI References)” on page 36 for
more information about port configuration.
If you are connecting to a server that contains virtual machines and a VEPA for packet
aggregation from those virtual machines, configure the port as a tagged-access port.
See Understanding Bridging and VLANs on EX Series Switches for more information about
tagged access.
To configure a 1-Gigabit, 10-Gigabit, or 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface for trunk port mode:
user@switch# set interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family ethernet-switching
interface-mode trunk
• If the link partner is operating in half duplex, the EX4300 interface goes to
half duplex.
To configure the link mode and speed settings for a 1-Gigabit, 10-Gigabit, or 40-Gigabit
Ethernet interface:
user@switch# set interfaces interface-name
To configure additional link settings for a 1-Gigabit, 10-Gigabit, or 40-Gigabit Ethernet
user@switch# set interfaces interface-name ether-options
For detailed information about the FPC, PIC, and port numbers used for EX Series switches,
see “Understanding Interface Naming Conventions on EX Series Switches” on page 22.
user@switch# set interfaces interface-name speed 10m-or-100m
user@switch# set interfaces interface-name ether-options no-auto-negotiate
To verify a half-duplex setting:
You can configure specific properties on your Ethernet interface to ensure optimal
performance of your network in a high-traffic environment.
The page that is displayed lists Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, and
40-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, and their link statuses.
NOTE: After you make changes to the configuration on this page, you
must commit the changes immediately for them to take effect. To commit
all changes to the active configuration, select Commit Options > Commit.
See Using the Commit Options to Commit Configuration Changes (J-Web
Procedure) for details about all commit options.
2. Select the interface you want to configure. For an EX8200 Virtual Chassis configuration,
select the member and the FPC slot if the interface you want to configure is not listed
under Ports in the top table on the page.
Details for the selected interface, such as administrative status, link status, speed,
duplex, and flow control, are displayed in the Details of port table on the page.
NOTE: You can select multiple interfaces and modify their settings at the
same time. However, while doing this, you cannot modify the IP address
or enable or disable the administrative status of the selected interfaces.
NOTE: In the J-Web interface, you cannot configure interface ranges and
interface groups.
3. Click Edit and select the set of options you want to configure first:
NOTE: When you select a particular port role, preconfigured port security
parameters are set for the VLAN that the interface belongs to. For
example, if you select the port role Desktop, the port security options
examine-dhcp and arp-inspection are enabled on the VLAN that the
interface belongs to. If there are interfaces in the VLAN that have static
IP addresses, those interfaces might lose connectivity because those
static IP addresses might not be present in the DHCP pool. Therefore,
when you select a port role, ensure that the corresponding port security
settings for the VLAN are applicable to the interface.
Click Details to view the configuration parameters for the selected port role.
• Link—Enables you to modify the following link options for the selected interface:
• Speed
• Autonegotiation
• Flow Control
• Duplex
• Media Type
4. Configure the interface by configuring options in the selected option set. See
Table 6 on page 32 for details of the options.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the remaining option sets that you want to configure for the
• Default
• Layer 2 uplink
• Routed uplink
Default Applies the default role. 1. Click Details to view CLI commands for this role.
Desktop Applies the desktop role. 1. Select an existing VLAN configuration or type the
name of a new VLAN configuration to be associated
The interface family is set to ethernet-switching, port with the interface.
mode is set to access, RSTP is enabled with the edge
and point-to-point options, and port security 2. Click Details to view CLI commands for this role.
parameters (MAC limit =1; dynamic ARP inspection 3. Click OK.
and DHCP snooping enabled) are set.
Desktop and Applies the desktop and phone role. 1. Select an existing VLAN configuration or type the
Phone name of a new VLAN configuration to be associated
The interface family is set to ethernet-switching, port with the interface.
mode is set to access, port security parameters (MAC
limit =1; dynamic ARP Inspection and DHCP snooping You can also select an existing VoIP VLAN
enabled) are set, and recommended class-of-service configuration or a new VoIP VLAN configuration to
(CoS) parameters are specified for forwarding be associated with the interface.
classes, schedulers, and classifiers. See NOTE: VoIP is not supported on EX8200 switches.
Table 7 on page 35 for more CoS information.
2. Click Details to view CLI commands for this role.
To enable security configuration, select the Enable
Security Configuration check box. The 3. Click OK.
forwarding-options dhcp-security groups and
forwarding-options dhcp-security-arp-inspection will
be configured.
Wireless Applies the wireless access point role. 1. Select an existing VLAN configuration or type the
Access Point name of a new VLAN configuration to be associated
The interface family is set to ethernet-switching, port with the interface. Type the VLAN ID for a new
mode is set to access, and RSTP is enabled with the VLAN.
edge and point-to-point options.
2. Click Details to view CLI commands for this role.
3. Click OK.
Routed Uplink Applies the routed uplink role. To specify an IPv4 address:
The interface family is set to inet, and recommended 1. Select the IPv4 address check box.
CoS parameters are set for schedulers and classifiers.
2. Type an IP address—for example:
See Table 7 on page 35 for more CoS information.
3. Enter the subnet mask or address prefix. For
example, 24 bits represents
4. Click OK.
4. Click OK.
Layer 2 Uplink Applies the Layer 2 uplink role. 1. For this port role, you can select a VLAN member
and associate a native VLAN with the interface.
The interface family is set to ethernet-switching, port
mode is set to trunk, RSTP is enabled with the 2. Click Details to view CLI commands for this role.
point-to-point option, and trusted DHCP is configured 3. Click OK.
for port security.
NOTE: For an EX8200 switch, dynamic ARP inspection and DHCP snooping parameters are not configured.
VLAN Options
Port Mode Specifies the mode of operation for the interface: If you select Trunk, you can:
trunk or access.
1. Click Add to add a VLAN member.
4. Click OK.
3. Click OK.
Link Options
MTU (bytes) Specifies the maximum transmission unit size (MTU) Type a value from 256 through 9216. The default MTU
for the interface. size for Gigabit Ethernet interfaces is 1514.
Speed Specifies the speed for the mode. Select one of the following values: 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps,
1000 Mbps, or Auto-Negotiation.
Duplex Specifies the link mode. Select one: automatic, half, or full.
• For EX4300 switches’ link-mode setting, see
“Configuring Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces (CLI
Procedure)” on page 25.
Description Describes the link. Enter a brief description for the link.
Enable Auto Enables or disables autonegotiation. Select the check box to enable autonegotiation, or
Negotiation clear the check box to disable it. By default,
autonegotiation is enabled.
Enable Flow Enables or disables flow control. Select the check box to enable flow control to regulate
Control the amount of traffic sent out of the interface, or clear
the check box to disable flow control and permit
unrestricted traffic. Flow control is enabled by default.
Media Type Specifies the media type selected. Select the check box to enable the media type. Then
select Copper or Fiber.
IP Options
IPv4 Address Specifies an IPv4 address for the interface. 1. Select the IPv4 address check box to specify an
IPv4 address.
NOTE: If the IPv4 Address check box is cleared, the
interface still belongs to the inet family. 2. Type an IP address—for example:
4. Click OK.
IPv6 Address Specifies an IPv6 address for the interface. 1. Select the IPv6 address check box to specify an
IPv6 address.
NOTE: If the IPv6 Address check box is cleared, the
interface still belongs to the inet family. 2. Type an IP address—for example:
4. Click OK.
Scheduler maps When a desktop and phone, routed uplink, or Layer 2 uplink role is applied on an interface, the
forwarding classes and schedulers are mapped using the scheduler map.
ieee-802.1 classifier Imports the default ieee-802.1 classifier configuration and sets the loss priority to low for the
code point 101 for the voice forwarding class.
dscp classifier Imports the default dscp classifier configuration and sets the loss priority to low for the code
point 101110 for the voice forwarding class.
Port Role Configuration with the J-Web Interface (with CLI References)
When you configure Gigabit Ethernet interface properties with the J-Web interface
(Configure > Interfaces) you can optionally select pre-configured port roles for those
interfaces. When you select a role from the Port Role field and apply it to a port, the J-Web
interface modifies the switch configuration using CLI commands. Table 8 on page 36
lists the CLI commands applied for each port role.
Set port family to ethernet-switching. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
port-mode access
Set port mode to access.
Enable RSTP if redundant trunk groups are not delete protocols rstp interface interface disable
Disable RSTP if redundant trunk groups are set protocols rstp interface interface disable
Set the port role to desktop. set interfaces interface apply-macro juniper-port-profile
Set VLAN if new VLAN is specified. set vlans <vlan name> vlan-id <vlan-id>
Set port family to ethernet-switching. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
port-mode access
Set Port Mode to Access.
Set VLAN if new VLAN is specified. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
vlan members vlan-members
Set RSTP protocol with edge option. set protocols rstp interface interface edge
RSTP protocol is disabled if redundant trunk groups set protocols rstp interface interface disable
are configured.
Set the port role to desktop and phone. set interfaces interfaceapply-macro juniper-port-profile
Desktop and Phone
Set data VLAN if new VLAN is specified. set vlans vlan-namevlan-id vlan id
Set data VLAN on port stanza. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
vlan members vlan-members
Set the port role to wireless access point. set interfaces interface apply-macro juniper-port-profile
Wireless Access Point
Set port family to ethernet-ewitching set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
port-mode access
Set port mode to Access.
Set VLAN on port stanza. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
vlan members vlan-members
Set RSTP protocol with edge option. set protocols rstp interface interface edge
RSTP protocol is disabled if redundant trunk groups set protocols rstp interface interface disable
are configured.
Set the port role to Routed Uplink. set interfaces interface apply-macro juniper-port-profile
Routed Uplink
Set port family to inet. set interfaces interfaceunit 0 family inet address
Set IP address on the port.
Set the port role to Layer 2 Uplink. set interfaces interface apply-macro juniper-port-profile
Layer2 Uplink
Set port family to ethernet-switching set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
port-mode trunk
Set port mode to trunk.
Set Native VLAN name. set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
native-vlan-id vlan-name
Set the port as part of all valid VLANs; ”valid" refers set interfaces interface unit 0 family ethernet-switching
to all VLANs except native VLAN and voice VLANs. vlan members vlan-members
Set RSTP protocol with point-to-point option. set protocols rstp interface interface mode point-to-point
Disable RSTP if redundant trunk groups are set protocols rstp interface interface disable
Table 9 on page 39 lists the CLI commands for the recommended CoS settings that are
committed when the CoS configuration is set.
Forwarding Classes
You can include a text description of each logical unit in the configuration file. Any
descriptive text you include is displayed in the output of the show interfaces commands,
and is also exposed in the ifAlias Management Information Base (MIB) object. It has no
impact on the interface’s configuration. To add a text description, include the description
description text;
The description can be a single line of text. If the text contains spaces, enclose it in
quotation marks.
NOTE: You can configure the extended DHCP relay to include the interface
description in the option 82 Agent Circuit ID suboption. See “Using DHCP
Relay Agent Option 82 Information” in the Junos OS Broadband Subscriber
Management and Services Library.
For information about describing physical interfaces, see Configuring Interface Description.
You can disable a physical interface, marking it as being down, without removing the
interface configuration statements from the configuration.
user@host# edit interfaces ge-fpc/pic/port
NOTE: On the router, when you use the disable statement at the edit interfaces
hierarchy level, depending on the PIC type, the interface might or might not
turn off the laser. Older PIC transceivers do not support turning off the laser,
but newer Gigabit Ethernet PICs with SFP and XFP transceivers do support
it and the laser will be turned off when the interface is disabled.
WARNING: Do not stare into the laser beam or view it directly with optical
instruments even if the interface has been disabled.
[edit interfaces]
user@host# show
ge-0/3/2 {
unit 0 {
description CE2-to-PE1;
family inet {
The following table describes the effect of using the set interfaces disable interface_name
statement on T series PICs.
Table 10: Effect of set interfaces disable <interface_name> on T series PICs (continued)
Type of
PIC Model Number PIC Description PIC Behaviour
Juniper Networks routers and switches can collect various kinds of data about traffic
passing through the router and switch. You can set up one or more accounting profiles
that specify some common characteristics of this data, including the following:
• The number of files that the router or switch retains before discarding, and the number
of bytes per file
• The polling period that the system uses to record the data
You configure the profiles and define a unique name for each profile using statements
at the [edit accounting-options] hierarchy level. There are two types of accounting profiles:
interface profiles and filter profiles. You configure interface profiles by including the
interface-profile statement at the [edit accounting-options] hierarchy level. You configure
filter profiles by including the filter-profile statement at the [edit accounting-options]
hierarchy level. For more information, see the Network Management Administration Guide.
You apply filter profiles by including the accounting-profile statement at the [edit firewall
filter filter-name] and [edit firewall family family filter filter-name] hierarchy levels. For
more information, see the Routing Policies, Firewall Filters, and Traffic Policers Feature
should be collected and written to a log file. For more information on how to configure
an accounting-data log file, see the Configuring Accounting-Data Log Files.
An interface profile specifies the information collected and written to a log file. You can
configure a profile to collect error and statistic information for input and output packets
on a particular logical interface.
1. To configure which statistics should be collected for an interface, include the fields
statement at the [edit accounting-options interface-profile profile-name] hierarchy
2. Each accounting profile logs its statistics to a file in the /var/log directory. To configure
which file to use, include the file statement at the [edit accounting-options
interface-profile profile-name] hierarchy level.
NOTE: You must specify a file statement for the interface profile that has
already been configured at the [edit accounting-options] hierarchy level.
For more information, see the Configuring Accounting-Data Log Files
3. Each interface with an accounting profile enabled has statistics collected once per
interval time specified for the accounting profile. Statistics collection time is scheduled
evenly over the configured interval. To configure the interval, include the interval
statement at the [edit accounting-options interface-profile profile-name] hierarchy
[edit interfaces]
user@host# set interface-name unit logical-unit-numberaccounting-profile profile-name
• interface-name—ge-1/0/1
• File name—if_stats
• Interval—15 minutes
Action • Run the show command at the [edit interfaces ge-1/0/1 unit 1] hierarchy level.
interface-profile if_profile {
interval 15;
file if_stats {
fields {
Meaning The configured accounting and its associated set options are displayed as expected.
IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation enables you to group Ethernet interfaces to form a single
link layer interface, also known as a link aggregation group (LAG) or bundle.
The number of interfaces that can be grouped into a LAG and the total number of LAGs
supported on a switch varies according to switch model. Table 11 on page 52 lists the EX
Series switches and the maximum number of interfaces per LAG and the maximum
number of LAGs they support. Table 12 on page 53 lists the MX Series routers and the
maximum number of interfaces per LAG and the maximum number of LAG groups they
support. MX Series routers can support up to 64 LAGs.
Table 11: Maximum Interfaces per LAG and Maximum LAGs per Switch
Maximum Interfaces per
Switch LAG Maximum LAGs
EX2200 8 32
EX3200 8 32
EX6200 8 111
EX8200 12 255
Table 12: Maximum Interfaces per LAG and Maximum LAGs per Router
Maximum Interfaces per
Router LAG Maximum LAG Groups
MX240, MX480, MX960, 64 in Junos OS Release 12.3R3 480 in Junos OS Release 9.5R1
MX2010, and MX2020
1000 in Junos OS Release
• You must set the interfaces on either side of the link to the same speed.
You can combine physical Ethernet ports belonging to different member switches of a
Virtual Chassis configuration to form a LAG. See Understanding EX Series Virtual Chassis
Port Link Aggregation and Understanding Link Aggregation in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis.
NOTE: The interfaces that are included within a LAG are sometimes referred
to as member interfaces. Do not confuse this term with member switches,
which refers to switches that are interconnected as a Virtual Chassis. It is
possible to create a LAG that is composed of member interfaces that are
located in different member switches of a Virtual Chassis.
A LAG hashing algorithm determines how traffic entering a LAG is placed onto the bundle’s
member links. The LAG hashing algorithm tries to manage bandwidth by evenly
load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the bundle. You can
configure the fields used by the LAG hashing algorithm on some EX Series switches. See
“Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic (CLI
Procedure)” on page 74.
A LAG creates a single logical point-to-point connection. A typical deployment for a LAG
would be to aggregate trunk links between an access switch and a distribution switch or
customer edge (CE) router.
• When LACP is not enabled, a local LAG might attempt to transmit packets to a remote
single interface, which causes the communication to fail.
• When LACP is enabled, a local LAG cannot transmit packets unless a LAG with LACP
is also configured on the remote end of the link.
By default, Ethernet links do not exchange LACP protocol data units (PDUs), which
contain information about the state of the link. You can configure Ethernet links to actively
transmit LACP PDUs, or you can configure the links to passively transmit them, sending
out LACP PDUs only when the Ethernet link receives them from the remote end. The
transmitting link is known as the actor and the receiving link is known as the partner.
In a scenario where a dual-homed server is deployed with a switch, the network interface
cards form a LAG with the switch. During a server upgrade, the server might not be able
to exchange LACP PDUs. In such a situation, you can configure an interface to be in the
up state even if no PDUs are exchanged. Use the force-up statement to configure an
interface when the peer has limited LACP capability. The interface selects the associated
LAG by default, whether the switch and peer are both in active or passive mode. When
PDUs are not received, the partner is considered to be working in the passive mode.
Therefore, LACP PDU transmissions are controlled by the transmitting link.
If the remote end of the LAG link is a security device, LACP might not be supported
because security devices require a deterministic configuration. In such a scenario, do not
configure LACP. All links in the LAG are permanently operational unless the switch detects
a link failure within the Ethernet physical layer or data link layers.
Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Juniper Networks EX Series and QFX Series use a hashing algorithm to determine how
to forward traffic over a link aggregation group (LAG) bundle or to the next-hop device
when equal-cost multipath (ECMP) is enabled.
The hashing algorithm makes hashing decisions based on values in various packet fields,
as well as on some internal values like source port ID and source device ID. You can
configure some of the fields that are used by the hashing algorithm.
For LAG bundles, the hashing algorithm determines how traffic entering a LAG bundle is
placed onto the bundle’s member links. The hashing algorithm tries to manage bandwidth
by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the bundle.
For ECMP, the hashing algorithm determines how incoming traffic is forwarded to the
next-hop device.
The hashing algorithm makes hashing decisions based on values in various packet fields,
as well as on some internal values like source port ID and source device ID. The packet
fields used by the hashing algorithm varies by the packet’s EtherType and, in some
instances, by the configuration on the switch. The hashing algorithm recognizes the
following EtherTypes:
• MAC-in-MAC
Traffic that is not recognized as belonging to any of these EtherTypes is hashed based
on the Layer 2 header. IP and MPLS traffic are also hashed based on the Layer 2 header
when a user configures the hash mode as Layer 2 header.
You can configure some fields that are used by the hashing algorithm to make traffic
forwarding decisions. You cannot, however, configure how certain values within a header
are used by the hashing algorithm.
• The fields selected for hashing are based on the packet type only. The fields are not
based on any other parameters, including forwarding decision (bridged or routed) or
egress LAG bundle configuration (Layer 2 or Layer 3).
• The same fields are used for hashing unicast and multicast packets. Unicast and
multicast packets are, however, hashed differently.
• The same fields are used by the hashing algorithm to hash ECMP and LAG traffic, but
the hashing algorithm hashes ECMP and LAG traffic differently. LAG traffic uses a trunk
hash while ECMP uses ECMP hashing. Both LAG and ECMP use the same RTAG7 seed
but use different offsets of that 128B seed to avoid polarization. The initial config of
the HASH function to use the trunk and ECMP offset are set at the PFE Init time. The
different hashing ensures that traffic is not polarized when a LAG bundle is part of the
ECMP next-hop path.
• The same fields are used for hashing regardless of whether the switch is or is not
participating in a mixed or non-mixed Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric (VCF).
The fields used for hashing by each EtherType as well as the fields used by the Layer 2
header are discussed in the following sections.
The hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload field, by default. IPv4 and IPv6 payload fields
are used for hashing when the hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload.
If the hash mode is configured to Layer 2 header, IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS packets are hashed
using the Layer 2 header fields. If you want incoming IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS packets hashed
by the source MAC address, destination MAC address, or EtherType fields, you must set
the hash mode to Layer 2 header.
Table 13 on page 56 displays the IPv4 and IPv6 payload fields that are used by the hashing
algorithm, by default.
Source X Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ X
Destination Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ
EtherType Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Source IP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
or IPv6
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Destination ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
IP or IPv6
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Protocol ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
only) (confg
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Next ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
(IPv6 (confg
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Layer 4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
Port (confg
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
Layer 4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Χ Χ
Port (confg
l) (confg
i urable) (cong
l) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (confg
i urable) (configurable)
IPv6 Flow Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ Χ
The hashing algorithm hashes MPLS packets using the source IP, destination IP, MPLS
label 0, MPLS label 1, and MPLS label 2 fields. On the QFX5110 and QFX5200 switches,
, LSR routers also support ECMP. ECMP uses these fields for hashing on an LSR router:
• Layer 3 VPN: MPLS Labels (top 3 labels), source IP, destination IP, and ingress port ID
Table 14 on page 58 displays the MPLS payload fields that are used by the hashing
algorithm, by default:
The fields used by the hashing algorithm for MPLS packet hashing are not
The source IP and destination IP fields are not always used for hashing. For non-terminated
MPLS packets, the payload is checked if the bottom of stack (BoS) flag is seen in the
packet. If the payload is IPv4 or IPv6, then the IP source address and IP destination
address fields are used for hashing along with the MPLS labels. If the BoS flag is not seen
in the packet, only the MPLS labels are used for hashing.
Source MAC Χ Χ Χ Χ
Destination MAC Χ Χ Χ Χ
EtherType Χ Χ Χ Χ
Source IP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Destination IP ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Layer 4 Destination Χ Χ Χ Χ
MPLS label 0 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MPLS label 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MPLS label 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ingress Port ID X X X ✓ ✓
Hashing using the fields in the MAC-in-MAC EtherType packet is first supported on
EX4300 switches in Release 13.2X51-D20. Hashing using the fields in the MAC-in-MAC
EtherType is not supported on earlier releases.
The fields used by the hashing algorithm for MAC-in-MAC hashing are not
Layer 2 Payload ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Source MAC
Layer 2 Payload ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Destination MAC
Layer 2 Payload ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Source MAC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Destination MAC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
EtherType ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
Use the link aggregation feature to aggregate one or more links to form a virtual link or
link aggregation group (LAG). The MAC client can treat this virtual link as if it were a single
link to increase bandwidth, provide graceful degradation as failure occurs, and increase
NOTE: By default, only one link must be up for the bundle to be labeled
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set ae0 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links number
3. Specify the link speed for the aggregated Ethernet bundle:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set ae0 aggregated-ether-options link-speed speed
4. Specify the members to be included within the aggregated Ethernet bundle:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set xe-fpc/pic/port ether-options 802.3ad ae0
user@switch# set xe-fpc/pic/port ether-options 802.3ad ae0
5. Specify an interface family for the aggregated Ethernet bundle:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set ae0 unit 0 family inet address address
For information about adding LACP to a LAG, see “Configuring Aggregated Ethernet LACP
(CLI Procedure)” on page 64.
Use the link aggregation feature to aggregate one or more Ethernet interfaces to form a
virtual link or LAG on an EX Series switch. The MAC client can treat this virtual link as if
it were a single link. Link aggregation increases bandwidth, provides graceful degradation
when failure occurs, and increases availability. You can use the J-Web interface to
configure LAGs, on the switch.
NOTE: Interfaces that are already configured with MTU, duplex, flow control,
or logical interfaces are listed but are not available for aggregation.
To configure a LAG:
NOTE: After you make changes to the configuration on this page, you
must commit the changes immediately for them to take effect. To commit
all changes to the active configuration, select Commit Options > Commit.
See Using the Commit Options to Commit Configuration Changes (J-Web
Procedure) for details about all commit options.
• VLAN—Specifies VLAN options for the selected LAG. Enter information as specified
in Table 18 on page 63.
Aggregated Interface Specifies the name of the aggregated None. The name is supplied by the
interface. software.
LACP Mode Specifies the mode in which Link Select from the list.
Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
packets are exchanged between the
interfaces. The modes are:
Interface Specifies the interfaces in the LAG. To add interfaces to the LAG, select the
interfaces and click Add. For an EX8200
Virtual Chassis configuration, select the
member, FPC, and the interface from the
list. Click OK.
Enable Log Specifies whether to enable generation Select the check box to enable log
of log entries for the LAG. generation, or clear the check box to
disable log generation.
Port Mode Specifies the mode of operation for the If you select Trunk, you can:
port: trunk or access.
1. Click Add to add a VLAN member.
Click OK.
IPv4 Address Specifies an IPv4 address for the selected 1. Select the check box IPv4 address.
2. Type an IP address—for example,
4. Click OK.
IPv6 Address Specifies an IPv6 address for the selected 1. Select the check box IPv6 address.
2. Type an IP address—for example,
4. Click OK.
For aggregated Ethernet interfaces on EX Series switches, you can configure the Link
Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). LACP is one method of bundling several physical
interfaces to form one logical interface. You can configure aggregated Ethernet interfaces
with or without LACP enabled.
• Automatic addition and deletion of individual links to the bundle without user
• Link monitoring to check whether both ends of the bundle are connected to the correct
NOTE: You can also configure LACP link protection on aggregated Ethernet
interfaces. For information, see “Configuring LACP Link Protection of
Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces (CLI Procedure)” on page 65.
The Junos OS implementation of LACP provides link monitoring but not automatic addition
and deletion of links.
When LACP is enabled, the local and remote sides of the aggregated Ethernet links
exchange protocol data units (PDUs), which contain information about the state of the
link. You can configure Ethernet links to actively transmit PDUs, or you can configure the
links to passively transmit them (sending out LACP PDUs only when they receive them
from another link). One side of the link must be configured as active for the link to be up.
NOTE: Do not add LACP to a LAG if the remote end of the LAG link is a security
device, unless the security device supports LACP. Security devices often do
not support LACP because they require a deterministic configuration.
To configure LACP:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set aeX aggregated-ether-options lacp periodic interval
NOTE: The LACP process exists in the system only if you configure the system
in either active or passive LACP mode.
You can configure LACP link protection and system priority at the global level on the
switch or for a specific aggregated Ethernet interface. When using LACP link protection
to protect a single link in the aggregated ethernet bundle, you configure only two member
links for an aggregated Ethernet interface: one active and one standby. LACP link
protection ensures that only one link—the link with the higher priority—is used for traffic.
The other link is forced to stay in a waiting state.
When using LACP link protection to protect multiple links in an aggregated ethernet
bundle, you configure links into primary and backup subgroups. A link protection subgroup
is a collection of ethernet links within the aggregated ethernet bundle. When you use link
protection subgroups, you configure a primary subgroup and a backup subgroup. The
configuration process includes assigning member links to each subgroup. When the
configuration process is complete, the primary subgroup is used to forward traffic until
a switchover event, such as a link failure, occurs and causes the backup subgroup to
assume control of traffic that was travelling on the links in the primary subgroup within
the bundle.
aggregated Ethernet bundle. For priority purposes, LACP link protection treats subgroups
like links. You can suppress link calculation by adding the non-revertive statement to the
link protection configuration. In nonrevertive mode, when a link is active in sending and
receiving LACP packets, adding a higher-priority link to the bundle does not change the
status of the currently active link. It remains active.
NOTE: When LACP link protection is enabled on both local and remote sides
of the link, both sides must use the same mode (either revertive or
Configuring LACP link configuration at the aggregated Ethernet level results in only the
configured interfaces using the defined configuration. LACP interface configuration also
enables you to override global (chassis) LACP settings.
• Configured LACP for the interface. See “Configuring Aggregated Ethernet LACP (CLI
Procedure)” on page 64.
You can configure LACP link protection for all aggregated Ethernet interfaces on the
switch by enabling it at the global level on the switch or configure it for a specific
aggregated Ethernet interface by enabling it on that interface.
• Configuring LACP Link Protection for a Single Link at the Global Level on page 67
• Configuring LACP Link Protection for a Single Link at the Aggregated Interface
Level on page 67
• Configuring Subgroup Bundles to Provide LACP Link Protection to Multiple Links in an
Aggregated Ethernet Interface on page 68
Configuring LACP Link Protection for a Single Link at the Global Level
To configure LACP link protection for aggregated Ethernet interfaces at the global level:
Configuring LACP Link Protection for a Single Link at the Aggregated Interface Level
To enable LACP link protection for a specific aggregated Ethernet interface:
Link protection subgroups allow you to provide link protection to a collection of Ethernet
links within a LAG bundle, instead of providing protection to a single link in the aggregated
ethernet bundle only. You can, for instance, configure a primary subgroup with three
member links and a backup subgroup with three different member links and use the
backup subgroup to provide link protection for the primary subgroup.
1. Configure the primary link protection subgroup in the aggregated ethernet interface:
[edit interfaces aeX aggregated-ether-options]
user@switch# set link-protection-sub-group group-name primary
For instance, to create a primary link protection subgroup named subgroup-primary
for interface ae0:
[edit interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options]
user@switch# set link-protection-sub-group subgroup-primary primary
2. Configure the backup link protection subgroup in the aggregated ethernet interface:
NOTE: You can create one primary and one backup link protection
subgroup per aggregated ethernet interface.
NOTE: The primary and backup link protection subgroups must contain
the same number of interfaces. For instance, if the primary link protection
subgroup contains three interfaces, the backup link protection subgroup
must also contain three interfaces.
For instance, to configure interfaces ge-0/0/0 and ge-0/0/1 into link protection
subgroup subgroup-primary and interfaces ge-0/0/2 and ge-0/0/3 into link
protection subgroup subgroup-backup:
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/0 ether-options 802.3ad]
user@switch# set link-protection-sub-group subgroup-primary
You can configure link protection for aggregated Ethernet interfaces to provide QoS on
the links during operation.
On aggregated Ethernet interfaces, you designate a primary and backup link to support
link protection. Egress traffic passes only through the designated primary link. This includes
transit traffic and locally generated traffic on the router or switch. When the primary link
fails, traffic is routed through the backup link. Because some traffic loss is unavoidable,
egress traffic is not automatically routed back to the primary link when the primary link
is reestablished. Instead, you manually control when traffic should be diverted back to
the primary link from the designated backup link.
1. Specify that you want to configure the options for an aggregated Ethernet interface.
Configuring Primary and Backup Links for Link Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces
To configure link protection, you must specify a primary and a secondary, or backup, link.
Reverting Traffic to a Primary Link When Traffic is Passing Through a Backup Link
On aggregated Ethernet interfaces, you designate a primary and backup link to support
link protection. Egress traffic passes only through the designated primary link. This includes
transit traffic and locally generated traffic on the router or switch. When the primary link
fails, traffic is routed through the backup link. Because some traffic loss is unavoidable,
egress traffic is not automatically routed back to the primary link when the primary link
is reestablished. Instead, you manually control when traffic should be diverted back to
the primary link from the designated backup link.
To manually control when traffic should be diverted back to the primary link from the
designated backup link, enter the following operational command:
On aggregated Ethernet interfaces, you can set the required link speed for all interfaces
included in the bundle. Generally, all interfaces that make up a bundle must have the
same speed. If you include in the aggregated Ethernet interface an individual link that
has a speed different from the speed that you specify in the link-speed parameter, an
error message is logged. However, there are exceptions.
Starting with Junos OS Release 13.2, aggregated Ethernet supports mixed rates and mixed
modes on T640, T1600, T4000, and TX Matrix Plus routers. For example, these mixes
are supported:
• Member links of different modes (WAN and LAN) for 10-Gigabit Ethernet links.
Starting with Junos OS Release 14.2, aggregated Ethernet supports mixed link speeds on
PTX Series Packet Transport Routers.
• Member links of 50-Gigabit Ethernet can only be configured using the
50-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces of 100-Gigabit Ethernet PIC with CFP
To configure member links of mixed rates and mixed modes on T640, T1600, T4000,
TX Matrix Plus, and PTX routers, you need to configure the mixed option for the [edit
interfaces aex aggregated-ether-options link-speed] statement.
speed can be in bits per second either as a complete decimal number or as a decimal
number followed by the abbreviation k (1000), m (1,000,000), or g (1,000,000,000).
Aggregated Ethernet interfaces on the M120 router can have one of the following
Aggregated Ethernet links on T Series, MX Series, PTX Series routers, and QFX5100,
QFX10002, QFX10008, and QFX10016 switches can be configured to operate at one
of the following speeds:
14.2 Starting with Junos OS Release 14.2, aggregated Ethernet supports mixed link
speeds on PTX Series Packet Transport Routers.
13.2 Starting with Junos OS Release 13.2, aggregated Ethernet supports mixed rates
and mixed modes on T640, T1600, T4000, and TX Matrix Plus routers.
13.2 Starting with Junos OS Release 13.2, 100-Gigabit Ethernet member links can be
configured using the two 50-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces of 100-Gigabit Ethernet
PIC with CFP.
Related • aggregated-ether-options
• Configuring Mixed Rates and Mixed Modes on Aggregated Ethernet Bundles
On aggregated Ethernet interfaces, you can configure the minimum number of links that
must be up for the bundle as a whole to be labeled up. By default, only one link must be
up for the bundle to be labeled up.
On M120, M320, MX Series, T Series, and TX Matrix routers with Ethernet interfaces, and
EX 9200 switches, the valid range for minimum-links number is 1 through 16. When the
maximum value (16) is specified, all configured links of a bundle must be up for the bundle
to be labeled up.
On all other routers and on EX Series switches, other than EX8200 switches, the range
of valid values for minimum-links number is 1 through 8. When the maximum value (8) is
specified, all configured links of a bundle must be up for the bundle to be labeled up.
On EX8200 switches, the range of valid values for minimum-links number is 1 through 12.
When the maximum value (12) is specified, all configured links of a bundle must be up
for the bundle to be labeled up.
• The links are in collecting distributing state–that is, collecting and distributing states
are merged together to form a combined state (coupled control) for the aggregated
port. Because independent control is not possible, the coupled control state machine
does not wait for the partner to signal that collection has started before enabling both
collection and distribution.
If the number of links configured in an aggregated Ethernet interface is less than the
minimum link value configured under the aggregated-ether-options statement, the
configuration commit fails and an error message is displayed.
Related • aggregated-ether-options
• minimum-links
Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
(CLI Procedure)
Juniper Networks EX Series and QFX Series switches use a hashing algorithm to determine
how to forward traffic over a Link Aggregation group (LAG) bundle or to the next-hop
device when equal-cost multipath (ECMP) is enabled.
The hashing algorithm makes hashing decisions based on values in various packet fields..
You can configure some of the fields that are used by the hashing algorithm.
Configuring the fields used by the hashing algorithm is useful in scenarios where most
of the traffic entering the bundle is similar and the traffic needs to be managed in the
LAG bundle. For instance, if the only difference in the IP packets for all incoming traffic
is the source and destination IP address, you can tune the hashing algorithm to make
hashing decisions more efficiently by configuring the algorithm to make hashing decisions
using only those fields.
• Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the Layer 2 Header for
Hashing on page 74
• Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the IP Payload for Hashing on page 75
• Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the IPv6 Payload for
Hashing on page 75
Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the Layer 2 Header for Hashing
To configure the hashing algorithm to use fields in the Layer 2 header for hashing:
2. Configure the fields in the Layer 2 header that the hashing algorithm uses for hashing:
You can also configure the hashing algorithm to include the VLAN ID field in the header
by configuring the vlan-id option.
If you want the hashing algorithm to not use the Ethertype field for hashing:
[edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key]
user@switch# set layer2 no-ether-type
Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the IP Payload for Hashing
To configure the hashing algorithm to use fields in the IP payload for hashing:
2. Configure the fields in the IP payload that the hashing algorithm uses for hashing:
Configuring the Hashing Algorithm to Use Fields in the IPv6 Payload for Hashing
To configure the hashing algorithm to use fields in the IPv6 payload for hashing:
2. Configure the fields in the IPv6 payload that the hashing algorithm uses for hashing:
Related • Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Documentation Traffic on page 54
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic (QFX 10002 and QFX 10008 Switches)
vlan-id number;
For more information about the vlan-tagging and vlan-id statements, see “802.1Q VLANs
Overview” on page 93.
Related • vlan-id
• vlan-tagging on page 221
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
802.3az standard, reduces the power consumption of physical layer devices (PHYs)
during periods of low link utilization. EEE saves energy by putting part of the transmission
circuit into low power mode when the link is idle.
An Ethernet link consumes power even when a ink is idle. EEE provides a method to utilize
power in such a way that Ethernet links use power only during data transmission. EEE
specifies a signaling protocol, Low Power Idle (LPI) for achieving the power saving during
the idle time of Ethernet links. EEE allows PHYs to exchange LPI indications to signal the
transition to low power mode when there is no traffic. LPI indicates when a link can go
idle and when the link needs to resume after a predefined delay without impacting data
• 100BASE-T
• 1000BASE-T
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
802.3az standard, reduces the power consumption of physical layer devices (PHYs)
during periods of low link utilization. EEE saves energy by putting part of the transmission
circuit into low power mode when a link is idle.
Related • Verifying That EEE Is Saving Energy on Configured Ports on page 115
• Understanding How Energy Efficient Ethernet Reduces Power Consumption on
Interfaces on page 77
NOTE: This concept uses Junos OS for EX Series switches with support for
the Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS) configuration style. If your switch runs
software that does not support ELS, see Understanding Interface Ranges on
EX Series Switches. For ELS details, see Getting Started with Enhanced Layer
2 Software.
You can use the interface ranges to group interfaces of the same type that share a
common configuration profile. This helps reduce the time and effort in configuring
interfaces on Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches. The configurations common
to all the interfaces can be included in the interface range definition.
The interface range definition contains the name of the interface range defined, the
names of the individual member interfaces that do not fall in a series of interfaces, a
range of interfaces defined in the member range, and the configuration statements
common to all the interfaces. An interface range defined with member ranges and
individual members but without any common configurations, is also a valid definition.
NOTE: The interface range definition is supported only for Gigabit, 10-Gigabit,
40-Gigabit, and Fast Ethernet interfaces.
The common configurations defined in the interface range will be overridden by the local
The defined interface ranges can be used at places where the interface node is used in
the following configuration hierarchies:
• poe interface
NOTE: This task uses Junos OS for EX Series switches with support for the
Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS) configuration style. If your switch runs
software that does not support ELS, see Interface Ranges. For ELS details,
see Getting Started with Enhanced Layer 2 Software.
Junos OS allows you to group a range of identical interfaces into an interface range. You
first specify the group of identical interfaces in the interface range. Then you can apply
a common configuration to the specified interface range, reducing the number of
configuration statements required and saving time while producing a compact
The interface-range statement accepts only physical networking interface names in its
Interfaces can be grouped either as a range of interfaces or using a number range under
the interface-range statement definition.
To specify a member range, use the member-range statement at the [edit interfaces
interface-range name] hierarchy level.
• [num1, num2, num3]—Numbers num1, num2, and num3 specify multiple specific
To specify the list of interface range members individually or for multiple interfaces using
regex, use the member list of interface names statement.
Regex or wildcards are not supported for interface-type prefixes. For example, prefixes
ge, fe, and xe must be mentioned explicitly.
Example: Interface Configuration common to an interface range can be added as a part of the interface-range
Range Common definition, as follows:
interfaces {
+ interface-range foo {
+ member-range ge-1/0/0 to ge-4/0/40;
+ member ge-0/1/1;
+ member ge-5/[1-10]/*;
/*Common configuration is added as part of interface-range definition*/
mtu 256;
hold-time up 10;
ether-options {
speed {
802.3ad primary;
These defined interface ranges can be used in other configuration hierarchies, in places
where an interface node exists.
Example: protocols {
Interface-Range foo dot1x {
Used Under the authenticator {
interface foo{
Protocols Hierarchy
retries 1;
foo should be an interface-range defined at the [interfaces] hierarchy level. In the above
example, the interface node can accept both individual interfaces and interface ranges.
The defined interface ranges can be used at places where the interface node is used in
the following configuration hierarchies:
• poe interface
For the member-range statement, all possible interfaces between start-range and
end-range are considered in expanding the members. For example, the following
member-range statement:
expands to:
expands to:
interfaces {
interface-range range-1 {
member-range ge-1/0/0/ to ge-10/0/47;
mtu 256;
ge-1/0/1 {
mtu 1024;
In the preceding example, interface ge-1/0/1 will have an MTU value of 1024.
This can be verified with output of the show interfaces | display inheritance command,
as follows:
ge-10/0/47 {
## '256' was expanded from interface-range 'range-1'
mtu 256;
groups {
global {
interfaces {
<*> {
hold-time up 10;
apply-groups [global];
interfaces {
interface-range range-1 {
member-range ge-1/0/0 to ge-10/0/47;
mtu 256;
ge-10/0/47 {
## '256' was expanded from interface-range 'range-1'
mtu 256;
## 'hold-time' was inherited from group 'global'
## '10' was inherited from group 'global'
hold-time up 10;
interfaces {
interface-range range-1 {
member-range ge-1/0/0 to ge-10/0/47;
mtu 256;
interfaces {
interface-range range-1 {
member-range ge-10/0/0 to ge-10/0/47;
hold-time up 10;
In this example, interfaces ge-10/0/0 through ge-10/0/47 will have both hold-time and
interfaces {
interface-range int-grp-one {
member-range ge-0/0/0 to ge-4/0/40;
member ge-1/1/1;
/*Common config is added part of the interface-range definition*/
mtu 256;
hold-time up 10;
interfaces {
interface-range int-grp-two {
member-range ge-5/0/0 to ge-10/0/40;
member ge-1/1/1;
mtu 1024;
interfaces {
interface-range range-1 {
member ge-10/1/1;
member ge-5/5/1;
mtu 256;
hold-time up 10;
ether-options {
speed {
802.3ad primary;
protocols {
dot1x {
authenticator {
interface range-1 {
retries 1;
The interface node present under authenticator is expanded into member interfaces of
the interface-range range-1 as follows:
protocols {
dot1x {
authenticator {
interface ge-10/1/1 {
retries 1;
interface ge-5/5/1 {
retries 1;
The interface range-1 statement is expanded into two interfaces, ge-10/1/1 and ge-5/5/1,
and configuration retries 1 is copied under those two interfaces.
This configuration can be verified using the show protocols dot1x | display inheritance
IP directed broadcast helps you implement remote administration tasks such as backups
and wake-on-LAN (WOL) application tasks by sending broadcast packets targeted at
the hosts in a specified destination subnet. IP directed broadcast packets traverse the
network in the same way as unicast IP packets until they reach the destination subnet.
When they reach the destination subnet and IP directed broadcast is enabled on the
receiving switch, the switch translates (explodes) the IP directed broadcast packet into
a broadcast that floods the packet on the target subnet. All hosts on the target subnet
receive the IP directed broadcast packet.
When you send an IP directed broadcast packet, as it travels to the target subnet, the
network forwards it in the same way as it forwards a unicast packet. When the packet
reaches a switch that is directly connected to the target subnet, the switch checks to see
whether IP directed broadcast is enabled on the interface that is directly connected to
the target subnet:
• If IP directed broadcast is enabled on that interface, the switch broadcasts the packet
on that subnet by rewriting the destination IP address as the configured broadcast IP
address for the subnet. The switch converts the packet to a link-layer broadcast packet
that every host on the network processes.
Enabling IP directed broadcast on a subnet affects only the hosts within that subnet.
Only packets received on the subnet’s Layer 3 interface that have the subnet’s broadcast
IP address as the destination address are flooded on the subnet.
For example, a malicious attacker can spoof a source IP address (use a source IP address
that is not the actual source of the transmission to deceive a network into identifying the
attacker as a legitimate source) and send IP directed broadcasts containing Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo (ping) packets. When the hosts on the network
with IP directed broadcast enabled receive the ICMP echo packets, they all send replies
to the victim that has the spoofed source IP address. This creates a flood of ping replies
in a DoS attack that can overwhelm the spoofed source address; this is known as a smurf
attack. Another common DoS attack on exposed networks with IP directed broadcast
enabled is a fraggle attack, which is similar to a smurf attack except that the malicious
packet is a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) echo packet instead of an ICMP echo packet.
NOTE: This task uses Junos OS with support for the Enhanced Layer 2
Software (ELS) configuration style. If your switch runs software that does
not support ELS, see Configuring IP Directed Broadcast (CLI Procedure). For
ELS details, see Getting Started with Enhanced Layer 2 Software.
You can use IP directed broadcast on a switch to facilitate remote network management
by sending broadcast packets to hosts on a specified subnet without broadcasting to
the entire network. IP directed broadcast packets are broadcast on only the target subnet.
The rest of the network treats IP directed broadcast packets as unicast packets and
forwards them accordingly.
• Ensure that the subnet on which you want broadcast packets using IP direct broadcast
is not directly connected to the Internet.
• Configure an integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface or routed VLAN interface
(RVI) for the subnet that will be enabled for IP direct broadcast. See Configuring
Integrated Routing and Bridging Interfaces (CLI Procedure), Configuring Routed VLAN
Interfaces (CLI Procedure) , or Configuring VLANs for EX Series Switches (J-Web
[edit vlans]
user@switch# set v1 l3-interface (VLANs) irb.1
4. Enable the Layer 3 interface for the VLAN to receive IP directed broadcasts:
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set irb.1 family inet targeted-broadcast
For Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Tri-Rate Ethernet copper, Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit
Ethernet, and aggregated Ethernet interfaces supporting VPLS, the Junos OS supports
a subset of the IEEE 802.1Q standard for channelizing an Ethernet interface into multiple
logical interfaces, allowing many hosts to be connected to the same Gigabit Ethernet
switch, but preventing them from being in the same routing or bridging domain.
• Guidelines for Configuring VLAN ID List-Bundled Logical Interfaces That Connect CCCs
• Specifying the Interface Over Which VPN Traffic Travels to the CE Router
• Specifying the Interface to Handle Traffic for a CCC Connected to the Layer 2 Circuit
To create Layer 3 subinterfaces on an EX Series switch, you enable VLAN tagging, partition
the physical interface into logical partitions, and bind the VLAN ID to the logical interface.
You can partition one physical interface into up to 4094 different subinterfaces, one for
each VLAN. We recommend that you use the VLAN ID as the subinterface number when
you configure the subinterface. Juniper Networks Junos operating system (Junos OS)
reserves VLAN IDs 0 and 4095.
VLAN tagging places the VLAN ID in the frame header, allowing each physical interface
to handle multiple VLANs. When you configure multiple VLANs on an interface, you must
also enable tagging on that interface. Junos OS on EX Series switches supports a subset
of the 802.1Q standard for receiving and forwarding routed or bridged Ethernet frames
with single VLAN tags and running Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) over
802.1Q-tagged interfaces. Double-tagging is not supported.
EX Series switches use Layer 3 subinterfaces to divide a physical interface into multiple
logical interfaces, each corresponding to a VLAN. The switch uses the Layer 3
subinterfaces to route traffic between subnets.
To configure Layer 3 subinterfaces, you enable VLAN tagging and partition one or more
physical ports into multiple logical interfaces, each corresponding to a VLAN ID.
user@switch# set unit logical-unit-number vlan-id (VLAN Tagging and Layer 3 Subinterfaces)
Related • Example: Configuring Layer 3 Subinterfaces for a Distribution Switch and an Access
Documentation Switch
Local link bias conserves bandwidth on Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) by using local links
to forward unicast traffic exiting a Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric (VCF) that
has a Link Aggregation group (LAG) bundle composed of member links on different
member switches in the same Virtual Chassis or VCF. A local link is a member link in the
LAG bundle that is on the member switch that received the traffic. Because traffic is
received and forwarded on the same member switch when local link bias is enabled, no
VCP bandwidth is consumed by traffic traversing the VCPs to exit the Virtual Chassis or
VCF using a different member link in the LAG bundle. The traffic flow of traffic exiting a
Virtual Chassis or VCF over a LAG bundle when local link bias is enabled is illustrated in
Figure 1 on page 97.
When local link bias is disabled, egress traffic exiting a Virtual Chassis or VCF on a LAG
bundle can be forwarded out of any member link in the LAG bundle. Traffic forwarding
decisions are made by an internal algorithm that attempts to load-balance traffic between
the member links in the bundle. VCP bandwidth is frequently consumed by egress traffic
when local link bias is disabled because the egress traffic traverses the VCPs to reach
the destination egress member link in the LAG bundle. The traffic flow of traffic exiting
a Virtual Chassis or VCF over a LAG bundle when local link bias is disabled is illustrated
in Figure 2 on page 98.
Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D25, local link bias can be enabled globally for all
LAG bundles in a Virtual Chassis or VCF, or individually per LAG bundle in a Virtual Chassis.
In prior Junos OS releases, local link bias could be enabled individually per LAG bundle
A Virtual Chassis or VCF that has multiple LAG bundles can contain bundles that have
and have not enabled local link bias. Local link bias only impacts the forwarding of unicast
traffic exiting a Virtual Chassis or VCF; ingress traffic handling is not impacted by the
local link bias setting. Egress multicast, unknown unicast, and broadcast traffic exiting
a Virtual Chassis or VCF over a LAG bundle is not impacted by the local link bias setting
and is always load-balanced among the member links. Local link bias is disabled, by
You should enable local link bias if you want to conserve VCP bandwidth by always
forwarding egress unicast traffic on a LAG bundle out of a local link. You should not
enable local link bias if you want egress traffic load-balanced across the member links
in the LAG bundle as it exits the Virtual Chassis or VCF.
14.1X53-D25 Starting in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D25, local link bias can be enabled
globally for all LAG bundles in a Virtual Chassis or VCF, or individually per
LAG bundle in a Virtual Chassis.
Local link bias is used to conserve bandwidth on Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) by using
local links to forward unicast traffic exiting a Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric
(VCF) that has a Link Aggregation group (LAG) bundle composed of member links on
different member switches in the same Virtual Chassis or VCF. A local link is a member
link in the LAG bundle that is on the member switch that received the traffic. Because
traffic is received and forwarded on the same member switch when local link bias is
enabled, no VCP bandwidth is consumed by traffic traversing the VCPs to exit the Virtual
Chassis or VCF on a different member link in the LAG bundle.
You should enable local link bias if you want to conserve VCP bandwidth by always
forwarding egress unicast traffic on a LAG out of a local link. You should not enable local
link bias if you want egress traffic load-balanced as it exits the Virtual Chassis or VCF.
Local link bias can be enabled or disabled globally or per LAG bundle on a Virtual Chassis
or VCF. In cases where local link bias is enabled at both the global and per LAG bundle
levels, the per LAG bundle configuration takes precedence. For instance, if local link bias
is enabled globally but disabled on a LAG bundle named ae1, local link bias is disabled
on the LAG bundle named ae1.
For instance, to enable local link bias on aggregated Ethernet interface ae0:
user@switch# set interface ae0 aggregated-ether-options local-bias
Unicast reverse-path forwarding (RPF) helps protect the switch against denial-of-service
(DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks by verifying the unicast source
address of each packet that arrives on an ingress interface where unicast RPF is enabled.
It also helps ensure that traffic arriving on ingress interfaces comes from a network source
that the receiving interface can reach.
When you enable unicast RPF, by default the switch forwards a packet only if the receiving
interface is the best return path to the packet's unicast source address. This is known as
strict mode unicast RPF. You can also enable loose mode, which means that the system
checks to see if the packet has a source address with a corresponding prefix in the routing
table but does not check whether the receiving interface is the best return path to the
packet's unicast source address.
The type of unicast RPF provided on the switches—that is, strict mode unicast RPF is
especially useful on untrusted interfaces. An untrusted interface is an interface where
untrusted users or processes can place packets on the network segment.
The switch supports only the active paths method of determining the best return path
back to a unicast source address. The active paths method looks up the best reverse
path entry in the forwarding table. It does not consider alternate routes specified using
routing-protocol-specific methods when determining the best return path.
If the forwarding table lists the receiving interface as the interface to use to forward the
packet back to its unicast source, it is the best return path interface.
Use strict mode unicast RPF only on symmetrically routed interfaces. (For information
about symmetrically routed interfaces, see “When to Enable Unicast RPF” on page 103.)
For more information about strict unicast RPF, see RFC 3704, Ingress Filtering for
Multihomed Networks at
When you enable unicast RPF on the switch, the switch handles traffic in the following
• If the switch receives a packet on the interface that is the best return path to the unicast
source address of that packet, the switch forwards the packet.
• If the best return path from the switch to the packet's unicast source address is not
the receiving interface, the switch discards the packet.
• If the switch receives a packet that has a source IP address that does not have a routing
entry in the forwarding table, the switch discards the packet.
Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) and DHCP request packets are sent with a broadcast MAC
address and therefore the switch does not perform unicast RPF checks on them. The
switch forwards all BOOTP packets and DHCP request packets without performing
unicast RPF checks.
If the best return path to the source is the default route ( and the default route
points to reject, the switch discards the packets. If the default route points to a valid
network interface, the switch performs a normal unicast RPF check on the packets.
The following switch interfaces are most likely to be symmetrically routed and thus are
candidates for unicast RPF enabling:
• A single access point out of the network (usually on the network perimeter)
TIP: Enabling unicast RPF as close as possible to the traffic source stops
spoofed traffic before it can proliferate or reach interfaces that do not have
unicast RPF enabled.
• BGP is carrying prefixes and some of those prefixes are not advertised or are not
accepted by the ISP under its policy. (The effect in this case is the same as filtering an
interface by using an incomplete access list.)
• Switch interfaces face the network core. Core-facing interfaces are usually
asymmetrically routed.
An asymmetrically routed interface uses different paths to send and receive packets
between the source and the destination, as shown in Figure 4 on page 104. This means
that if an interface receives a packet, that interface does not match the forwarding table
entry as the best return path back to the source. If the receiving interface is not the best
return path to the source of a packet, unicast RPF causes the switch to discard the packet
even though it comes from a valid source.
NOTE: Do not enable unicast RPF on EX3200, EX4200, and EX4300 switches
if any switch interfaces are asymmetrically routed, because unicast RPF is
enabled globally on all interfaces of these switches. All switch interfaces
must be symmetrically routed for you to enable unicast RPF without the risk
of the switch discarding traffic that you want to forward.
Limitations of the Unicast RPF Implementation on EX3200, EX4200, and EX4300 Switches
On EX3200, EX4200, and EX4300 switches, the switch implements unicast RPF on a
global basis. You cannot enable unicast RPF on a per-interface basis. Unicast RPF is
globally disabled by default.
• When you enable unicast RPF on any interface, it is automatically enabled on all switch
interfaces, including link aggregation groups (LAGs), integrated routing and bridging
(IRB) interfaces, and routed VLAN interfaces (RVIs).
• When you disable unicast RPF on the interface (or interfaces) on which you enabled
unicast RPF, it is automatically disabled on all switch interfaces.
NOTE: You must explicitly disable unicast RPF on every interface on which
it was explicitly enabled or unicast RPF remains enabled on all switch
QFX switches, OCX switches, and EX3200 and EX4200 switches do not perform unicast
RPF filtering on equal-cost multipath (ECMP) traffic. The unicast RPF check examines
only one best return path to the packet source, but ECMP traffic employs an address
block consisting of multiple paths. Using unicast RPF to filter ECMP traffic on these
switches can result in the switch discarding packets that you want to forward because
the unicast RPF filter does not examine the entire ECMP address block.
Unicast reverse-path forwarding (RPF) can help protect your LAN from denial-of-service
(DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on untrusted interfaces. When
you enable unicast RPF, by default the switch forwards a packet only if the receiving
interface is the best return path to the packet's unicast source address. This is known as
strict mode unicast RPF. You can also enable loose mode, which means that the system
checks to see if the packet has a source address with a corresponding prefix in the routing
table but does not check whether the receiving interface is the best return path to the
packet's unicast source address.
NOTE: On EX3200, EX4200, and EX4300 switches, you can enable unicast
RPF only globally—that is, on all switch interfaces. You cannot enable unicast
RPF on a per-interface basis.
• On an EX8200, EX6200, QFX Series switch, or OCX Series switch, ensure that the
selected switch interface is symmetrically routed before you enable unicast RPF. A
symmetrically routed interface is an interface that uses the same route in both directions
between the source and the destination. Do not enable unicast RPF on asymmetrically
routed interfaces. An asymmetrically routed interface uses different paths to send and
receive packets between the source and the destination.
• On an EX3200, EX4200, or EX4300 switch, ensure that all switch interfaces are
symmetrically routed before you enable unicast RPF on an interface. When you enable
unicast RPF on any interface, it is enabled globally on all switch interfaces. Do not
enable unicast RPF on asymmetrically routed interfaces. An asymmetrically routed
interface uses different paths to send and receive packets between the source and
the destination.
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set interface-name unit 0 family inet rpf-check
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# set interface-name unit 0 family inet rpf-check mode loose
• Enabling unicast RPF explicitly on only one interface makes it easier if you
choose to disable it in the future because you must explicitly disable unicast
RPF on every interface on which you explicitly enabled it. If you explicitly
enable unicast RPF on two interfaces and you disable it on only one
interface, unicast RPF is still implicitly enabled globally on the switch. The
drawback of this approach is that the switch displays the flag that indicates
that unicast RPF is enabled only on interfaces on which unicast RPF is
explicitly enabled, so even though unicast RPF is enabled on all interfaces,
this status is not displayed.
Unicast reverse-path forwarding (RPF) can help protect your LAN from denial-of-service
(DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on untrusted interfaces. Unicast
RPF filters traffic with source addresses that do not use the incoming interface as the
best return path back to the source. If the network configuration changes so that an
interface that has unicast RPF enabled becomes a trusted interface or becomes
asymmetrically routed (the interface that receives a packet is not the best return path
to the packet’s source), disable unicast RPF.
To disable unicast RPF on an EX3200, EX4200, or EX4300 switch, you must delete it
from every interface on which you explicitly configured it. If you do not disable unicast
RPF on every interface on which you explicitly enabled it, it remains implicitly enabled
on all interfaces. If you attempt to delete unicast RPF from an interface on which it was
not explicitly enabled, the warning: statement not found message appears. If you do not
disable unicast RPF on every interface on which you explicitly enabled it, unicast RPF
remains implicitly enabled on all interfaces of the EX3200, EX4200, or EX4300 switch.
On EX8200, EX6200, QFX Series switches, and OCX Series switches, the switch does
not apply unicast RPF to an interface unless you explicitly enable that interface for unicast
[edit interfaces]
user@switch# delete ge-1/0/10 unit 0 family inet rpf-check
Troubleshooting Information
• Monitoring and Troubleshooting Interfaces on page 111
Purpose NOTE: This topic applies only to the J-Web Application package.
Use the monitoring functionality to view interface status or to monitor interface bandwidth
utilization and traffic statistics on the EX Series switches.
The J-Web interface monitors interface bandwidth utilization and plots real-time charts
to display input and output rates in bytes per second. In addition, the Interface monitoring
page displays input and output packet counters and error counters in the form of charts.
Alternatively, you can enter the show commands in the CLI to view interface status and
traffic statistics.
NOTE: For logical interfaces on EX Series switches, the traffic statistics fields
in show interfaces commands show only control traffic; the traffic statistics
do not include data traffic.
NOTE: EX Series switches do not support the collection and reporting of IPv6
transit statistics. Therefore, the IPv6 transit statistics field in the show
interfaces commands displays all values as 0.
Action To view general interface information in the J-Web interface such as available interfaces,
select Monitor > Interfaces. Click any interface to view details about its status.
To set up interface monitoring for Virtual Chassis and EX8200 switches, select a member
from the Port for Member list. Details such as the admin status and link status are
displayed in the table. For an EX8200 Virtual Chassis setup, select the member, FPC,
and the required interface.
NOTE: By default, the details of the first member in the FPC list is displayed.
In an EX8200 Virtual Chassis setup, details of the first member and the first
FPC is displayed.
• Show Graph—Displays input and output packet counters and error counters in the
form of charts. Click the pop-up icon to view the graph in a separate window.
• Refresh Interval (sec)—Displays the time interval you have set for page refresh.
• Clear Statistics—Clears the statistics for the interface selected from the table.
• To view interface status for all the interfaces, enter show interfaces xe-.
• To view status and statistics for a specific interface, enter show interfaces
• To view status and traffic statistics for all interfaces, enter either show interfaces xe-
detail or show interfaces xe- extensive.
• Pie charts—Display the number of broadcast, unicast, and multicast packet counters.
For details about output from the CLI commands, see show interfaces ge- (Gigabit
Ethernet) or show interfaces xe- (10-Gigabit Ethernet).
To trace the operations of individual router or switch interfaces, include the traceoptions
statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level:
The interfaces traceoptions statement does not support a trace file. The logging is done
by the kernel, so the tracing information is placed in the system syslog files.
To trace the operations of the router or switch interface process, dcd, perform the
following steps:
user@host# edit interfaces
[edit interfaces]
user@host# edit traceoptions
5. Configure the files number option, match regular-expression option, size size option,
and world-readable | no-world-readable option.
7. Configure the disable option in flag flag-option statement to disable the tracing
operation. You can use this option to disable a single operation when you have defined
a broad group of tracing operations, such as all.
You can specify the following flags in the interfaces traceoptions statement:
By default, interface process operations are placed in the file named dcd and three 1-MB
files of tracing information are maintained.
For general information about tracing, see the tracing and logging information in the
Junos OS Administration Library.
Meaning The output confirms that the ae0 link is up and shows the family and IP address assigned
to this link.
Action You can see the amount of energy saved by EEE on an EX Series switch using the show
chassis power-budget-statistics command.
• On an EX6210 switch:
• On an EX4300 switch:
2. Enable EEE on Base-T Copper Ethernet ports and save the configuration.
• On an EX6210 switch:
• On an EX4300 switch:
Meaning On an EX6210 switch, the Power Used field in the output shows the actual power being
consumed by the line card or SRE module, including PoE power. If you compare the values
in the Power Used field before and after enabling EEE for FPC 3 and FPC 7, you will notice
that power is saved when EEE is enabled.
NOTE: The Power Used field is displayed in the output only for EX6210
On an EX4300 switch, if you compare the values in the Non-PoE power being consumed
field before and after enabling EEE, you will notice that power is saved when EEE is
Verifying That LACP Is Configured Correctly and Bundle Members Are Exchanging
LACP Protocol Packets
Verify that LACP has been set up correctly and that the bundle members are transmitting
LACP protocol packets.
Action To verify that LACP has been enabled as active on one end:
LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity
Meaning This ouput shows that LACP has been configured with one side as active and the other
as passive. When LACP is enabled, at least one side must be set as active for the bundled
link to be up.
Action Use the show interfaces aex statistics command to display LACP BPDU exchange
Meaning The output here shows that the link is down and that no PDUs are being exchanged
(when there is no other traffic flowing on the link).
Action 1. Use the show interfaces command to determine whether you successfully created
the subinterfaces and the links are up:
2. Use the ping command from a device on one subnet to an address on another subnet
to determine whether packets were transmitted correctly on the subinterface VLANs:
Meaning The output confirms that the subinterfaces are created and the links are up.
Action Use one of the show interfaces interface-name commands with either the extensive or
detail options to verify that unicast RPF is enabled and working on the switch. The example
below displays output from the show interfaces ge- extensive command.
0 best-effort 0 0 0
1 assured-forw 0 0 0
5 expedited-fo 0 0 0
7 network-cont 0 0 0
Logical interface ge-1/0/10.0 (Index 69) (SNMP ifIndex 59) (Generation 135)
Flags: Device-Down SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Protocol inet, Generation: 144, Route table: 0
Flags: uRPF
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
Meaning The show interfaces ge-1/0/10 extensive command (and the show interfaces ge-1/0/10
detail command) displays in-depth information about the interface. The Flags: output
field near the bottom of the display reports the unicast RPF status. If unicast RPF has
not been enabled, the uRPF flag is not displayed.
On EX3200 and EX4200 switches, unicast RPF is implicitly enabled on all switch
interfaces, including aggregated Ethernet interfaces (also referred to as link aggregation
groups or LAGs) and routed VLAN interfaces (RVIs) when you enable unicast RPF on a
single interface. However, the unicast RPF status is shown as enabled only on interfaces
for which you have explicitly configured unicast RPF. Thus, the uRPF flag is not displayed
on interfaces for which you have not explicitly configured unicast RPF even though unicast
RPF is implicitly enabled on all interfaces on EX3200 and EX4200 switches.
Action Use the show vlans extensive command to verify that IP directed broadcast is enabled
and working on the subnet as shown in Example: Configuring IP Directed Broadcast on a
• Verify that a LAG is part of family ethernet—switching (Layer 2 LAG) or family inet
(Layer 3 LAG).
• Verify that the LAG member is connected to the correct LAG at the other end.
• Verify that the LAG members belong to the same switch (or the same Virtual Chassis).
Solution Traffic statistics fields for logical interfaces in show interfaces commands show only
control traffic; the traffic statistics do not include data traffic. You can view the statistics
for all traffic only per physical interface.
Solution EX Series switches do not support the collection and reporting of IPv6 transit statistics.
Solution The SNMP counters ifHCInBroadcastPkts and ifInBroadcastPkts are not supported for
aggregated Ethernet interfaces on EX Series switches.
You encounter errors when you attempt to configure an interface on the switch, or the
interface is exhibiting connectivity problems.
Solution Use the port troubleshooter feature in the J-Web interface to identify and rectify port
configuration and connectivity related problems.
2. Click Troubleshoot Port. The Port Troubleshooting wizard is displayed. Click Next.
4. Select the test cases to be executed on the selected port. Click Next.
When the selected test cases are executed, the final result and the recommended
action is displayed.
If there is a cable fault, the port troubleshooter displays details and the recommended
action. For example, the cable must be replaced.
If the port configuration needs to be modified, the port troubleshooter displays details
and the recommended action.
Solution The interface or interfaces on which legitimate packets are discarded are asymmetrically
routed interfaces. An asymmetrically routed interface uses different paths to send and
receive packets between the source and the destination, so the interface that receives
a packet is not the same interface the switch uses to reply to the packet's source.
Solution Use the time domain reflectometry (TDR) test to determine whether a twisted-pair
Ethernet cable is faulty.
• Detects and reports faults for each twisted pair in an Ethernet cable. Faults detected
include open circuits, short circuits, and impedance mismatches.
• Detects and reports pair swaps, pair polarity reversals, and excessive pair skew.
• EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, and EX4200 switches—RJ-45 network interfaces. The TDR
test is not supported on management interfaces and SFP interfaces.
2. View the results of the TDR test with the show diagnostics tdr command.
3. Examine the Cable status field for the four MDI pairs to determine if the cable has a
fault. In the preceding example, the twisted pair on pins 4 and 5 is broken or cut at
approximately one meter from the ge-0/0/10 port connection.
NOTE: The Test Status field indicates the status of the TDR test, not the
cable. The value Passed means the test completed—it does not mean that
the cable has no faults.
• The TDR test can take some seconds to complete. If the test is still running when you
execute the show diagnostics tdr command, the Test status field displays Started. For
• You can terminate a running TDR test before it completes by using the request
diagnostics tdr abort interface interface-name command. The test terminates with no
results, and the results from any previous test are cleared.
• You can display summary information about the last TDR test results for all interfaces
on the switch that support the TDR test by not specifying an interface name with the
show diagnostics tdr command. For example:
Configuration Statements
Syntax 802.3ad {
(backup | primary);
lacp {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
• Example: Configuring Multicast Load Balancing for Use with Aggregated 10-Gigabit
Ethernet Interfaces on EX8200 Switches
Description Enable collection of accounting data for the specified physical or logical interface or
interface range.
• In Junos OS Release 13.3 and later, when you configure an IPv6 host address and an
IPv6 subnet address on an interface, the commit operation fails.
• In releases earlier than Junos OS Release 13.3, when you use the same configuration
on an interface, the commit operation succeeds, but only one of the IPv6 addresses
that was entered is assigned to the interface. The other address is not applied.
NOTE: If you configure the same address on multiple interfaces in the same
routing instance, Junos OS uses only the first configuration, and the remaining
address configurations are ignored and can leave interfaces without an
address. Interfaces that do not have an assigned address cannot be used as
a donor interface for an unnumbered Ethernet interface.
interfaces {
xe-0/0/0 {
unit 0 {
family inet {
xe-0/0/1 {
unit 0 {
family inet {
• family
• negotiate-address
• unnumbered-address (Ethernet)
Syntax aggregated-devices {
ethernet (Aggregated Devices) {
device-count number;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Syntax aggregated-ether-options {
ethernet-switch-profile {
(flow-control | no-flow-control);
lacp {
(active | passive);
admin-key key;
periodic interval;
system-id mac-address;
(link-protection | no-link-protection);
link-speed speed;
(loopback | no-loopback);
mc-ae {
chassis-id chassis-id;
events {
iccp-peer-down {
init-delay-time seconds;
mc-ae-id mc-ae-id;
mode (active-active | active-standby);
redundancy-group group-id;
revert-time revert-time;
status-control (active | standby);
switchover-mode (non-revertive |revertive);
minimum-links number;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2.
Description Configure the aggregated Ethernet properties of a specific aggregated Ethernet interface.
arp (Interfaces)
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet address address],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number
family inet address address]
Description For Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only, configure Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) table entries, mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses.
NOTE: By default, an ARP policer is installed that is shared among all the
Ethernet interfaces on which you have configured the family inet statement.
By including the arp statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit
logical-unit-number family inet policer] hierarchy level, you can apply a specific
ARP-packet policer to an interface. This feature is not available on EX Series
Options ip-address—IP address to map to the MAC address. The IP address specified must be
part of the subnet defined in the enclosing address statement.
mac mac-address—MAC address to map to the IP address. Specify the MAC address as
six hexadecimal bytes in one of the following formats: nnnn.nnnn.nnnn or
nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn. For example, 0000.5e00.5355 or 00:00:5e:00:53:55.
publish—(Optional) Have the router or switch reply to ARP requests for the specified IP
address. If you omit this option, the router or switch uses the entry to reach the
destination but does not reply to ARP requests.
NOTE: For unicast MAC addresses only, if you include the publish option, the
router or switch replies to proxy ARP requests.
Related • Configuring Static ARP Table Entries For Mapping IP Addresses to MAC Addresses on
Documentation page ?
Description For Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on M Series, MX Series, T Series, TX Matrix routers, and
ACX Series routers explicitly enable autonegotiation and remote fault. For EX Series
switches, explicitly enable autonegotiation only.
2. Set the link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps, set no-auto-negotiation, and commit
the configuration.
On EX Series switches, if the link speed and duplex mode are also configured, the
interfaces use the values configured as the desired values in the negotiation. If
autonegotiation is disabled, the link speed and link mode must be configured.
Syntax backup-liveness-detection {
backup-peer-ip ipv4-address;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2R1 for EX Series switches.
Description Determine whether a peer is up or down by exchanging keepalive messages over the
management link between the two Inter-Chassis Control Protocol (ICCP) peers.
When an ICCP connection is operationally down, the status of the peers hosting a
multichassis link aggregation group (MC-LAG) is detected by sending liveness detection
requests to each other. Peers must respond to liveness detection requests within a
specified amount of time. If the responses are not received within that time for a given
number of consecutive attempts, the liveness detection check fails, and a failure action
is implemented. Backup liveness detection must be configured on both peers hosting
the MC-LAG.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2R1 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the IP address of the peer being used as a backup peer in the Bidirectional
Forwarding Detection (BFD) configuration.
bandwidth (Interfaces)
Description Configure the bandwidth value for an interface. This statement is valid for all logical
interface types except multilink and aggregated interfaces.
NOTE: We recommend that you be careful when setting this value. Any
interface bandwidth value that you configure using the bandwidth statement
affects how the interface cost is calculated for a dynamic routing protocol,
such as OSPF. By default, the interface cost for a dynamic routing protocol
is calculated using the following formula:
cost = reference-bandwidth/bandwidth,
Options rate—Peak rate, in bits per second (bps) or cells per second (cps). You can specify a
value in bits per second either as a complete decimal number or as a decimal number
followed by the abbreviation k (1000), m (1,000,000), or g (1,000,000,000). You
can also specify a value in cells per second by entering a decimal number followed
by the abbreviation c; values expressed in cells per second are converted to bits per
second by means of the formula 1 cps = 384 bps.
Range: Not limited.
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family family address address],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number
family family address address]
Description Set the broadcast address on the network or subnet. On a subnet you cannot specify a
host address of 0 (, nor can you specify a broadcast address (
For example, in the statement set interface ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet address,
the subnet address has the host address of 0. Hence, you cannot configure this
address. Similarly, for the subnet, you cannot use the broadcast address
Default The default broadcast address has a host portion of all ones.
Options address—Broadcast address. The address must have a host portion of either all ones or
all zeros. You cannot specify the addresses or
Syntax chassis {
aggregated-devices {
ethernet (Aggregated Devices) {
device-count number;
fpc slot {
pic pic-number {
sfpplus {
pic-mode mode;
power-budget-priority priority;
lcd-menu {
fpc slot-number {
menu-item (menu-name | menu-option) {
nssu {
upgrade-group group-name {
fpcs (NSSU Upgrade Groups) (slot-number | [list-of-slot-numbers]);
member (NSSU Upgrade Groups) member-id {
fpcs (NSSU Upgrade Groups) (slot-number | [list-of-slot-numbers]);
psu {
redundancy {
n-plus-n (Power Management);
redundancy {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
• Configuring Line-Card Upgrade Groups for Nonstop Software Upgrade (CLI Procedure)
description (Interfaces)
Description Provide a textual description of the interface or the logical unit. Any descriptive text you
include is displayed in the output of the show interfaces commands, and is also exposed
in the ifAlias Management Information Base (MIB) object. It has no effect on the operation
of the interface on the router or switch.
The textual description can also be included in the extended DHCP relay option 82 Agent
Circuit ID suboption.
Options text—Text to describe the interface. If the text includes spaces, enclose the entire text
in quotation marks.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Range updated in Junos OS Release 9.5 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure the number of aggregated Ethernet logical devices available to the switch.
disable (Interface)
Syntax disable;
• Dynamic subscribers and logical interfaces use physical interfaces for
connection to the network. The Junos OS allows you to set the interface
to disable and commit the change while dynamic subscribers and logical
interfaces are still active. This action results in the loss of all subscriber
connections on the interface. Use care when disabling interfaces.
• When you use the disable statement at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level,
depending on the PIC type, the interface might or might not turn off the
laser. Older PIC transceivers do not support turning off the laser, but newer
Gigabit Ethernet (GE) PICs with SFP and XFP transceivers and ATM MIC
with SFP do support it and the laser will be turned off when the interface
is disabled. If the ATM MIC with SFP is part of an APS group, then the laser
will not be turned off when you use the disable statement at the [edit
interfaces] hierarchy level..
• When you disable or deactivate an interface, then all the references made
to the deactivated interface must be removed from the routing instance.
WARNING: Do not stare into the laser beam or view it directly with optical
instruments even if the interface has been disabled.
List of Syntax Syntax (EX Series and QFX5100 Switches) on page 153
Syntax (QFX10002 and QFX10008 Switches) on page 153
layer2 {
gre {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for QFX Series devices.
The fabric-load-balance statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10.
The hash-seed statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D30.
Description Configure the hashing key used to hash link aggregation group (LAG) and equal-cost
multipath (ECMP) traffic, or enable adaptive load balancing (ALB) in a Virtual Chassis
Fabric (VCF).
The hashing algorithm is used to make traffic-forwarding decisions for traffic entering a
LAG bundle or for traffic exiting a switch when ECMP is enabled.
For LAG bundles, the hashing algorithm determines how traffic entering a LAG bundle is
placed onto the bundle’s member links. The hashing algorithm tries to manage bandwidth
by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the bundle.
When ECMP is enabled, the hashing algorithm determines how incoming traffic is
forwarded to the next-hop device.
On QFX10002 and QFX10008 switches, you can configure the hash seed for load
By default, the QFX10002 and QFX10008 switches use the system MAC address to
generate a hash seed value. You can configure the hash seed value using the hash-seed
statement at the [edit forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key] hierarchy level. Set a value
between 0 and 4294967295. If you do not configure a hash seed value, the system will
by generate a hash seed value based on the system MAC address.
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
Syntax ether-options {
802.3ad {
(backup | primary);
lacp {
(auto-negotiation | no-auto-negotiation);
ethernet-switch-profile {
(flow-control | no-flow-control);
link-mode mode;
(loopback | no-loopback);
speed (speed | auto-negotiation);
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2.
Description Configure Ethernet properties for a Gigabit Ethernet interface or a 10-Gigabit Ethernet
Syntax ethernet {
device-count number;
lacp {
link-protection {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Syntax eui-64;
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit number family inet6 address address]
Description For interfaces that carry IP version 6 (IPv6) traffic, automatically generate the host
number portion of interface addresses.
fast-interval milliseconds;
(preempt | no-preempt) {
hold-time seconds;
priority number;
track {
interface interface-name {
priority-cost number;
priority-hold-time seconds;
route ip-address/mask routing-instance instance-name priority-cost cost;
virtual-address [addresses];
vrrp-inherit-from {
active-group group-number;
active-interface interface-name;
filter {
input filter-name;
output filter-name;
mtu bytes;
rpf-check {
fail-filter filter-name;
mode {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches, including options
ethernet-switching, inet, and iso.
Option inet6 introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3 for EX Series switches.
Options ccc introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure protocol family information for the logical interface on the switch.
You must configure a logical interface to be able to use the physical device.
Default Interfaces on EX4300 switches are set to family ethernet-switching by the default factory
configuration. Before you can change the family setting for an interface to another family
type, you must delete this default setting or any user-configured family setting.
Options See Table 20 on page 161 for protocol families available on the switch interfaces. Different
protocol families support different subsets of the interface types on the switch.
Interface types on the switch are:
• Loopback (lo0)
If you are using an interface range, the supported protocol families are the ones supported
by the interface types that compose the range.
Not all interface types support all family substatements. Check your switch CLI for
supported substatements for a particular protocol family configuration.
Syntax filter {
group filter-group-number;
input filter-name;
input-list [ filter-names ];
output filter-name;
output-list [ filter-names ];
Apply a filter to an interface. You can also use filters for encrypted traffic. When you
configure filters, you can configure them under the family ethernet-switching, inet, inet6,
mpls, or vpls only.
input filter-name—Name of one filter to evaluate when packets are received on the
output filter-name—Name of one filter to evaluate when packets are transmitted on the
• family
Description For aggregated Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only, explicitly
enable flow control, which regulates the flow of packets from the router or switch to the
remote side of the connection. Enabling flow control is useful when the remote device
is a Gigabit Ethernet switch. Flow control is not supported on the 4-port Fast Ethernet
Syntax force-up;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Set the state of the interface as UP when the peer has limited LACP capability.
Description For Ethernet interfaces, enable updating of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache
for gratuitous ARPs.
Syntax hash-mode {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for QFX Series devices.
Statement is not supported on QFX10002 and QFX 10008 switches.
The hashing algorithm is used to make traffic-forwarding decisions for traffic entering a
LAG bundle or for traffic exiting a switch when ECMP is enabled.
For LAG bundles, the hashing algorithm determines how traffic entering a LAG bundle is
placed onto the bundle’s member links. The hashing algorithm tries to manage bandwidth
by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the bundle.
When ECMP is enabled, the hashing algorithm determines how incoming traffic is
forwarded to the next-hop device.
The hash mode that is set using this statement determines which fields are inspected
by the hashing algorithm. You must set the hash mode to layer2-payload if you want the
hashing algorithm to inspect fields in the Layer 2 payload when making hashing decisions.
You must set the hash mode to layer2-header if you want the hashing algorithm to inspect
fields in the Layer 2 header when making hashing decisions.
If the hash mode is set to layer2-payload, you can set the fields used by the hashing
algorithm to hash IPv4 traffic using the set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key inet
statement. You can set the fields used by the hashing algorithm to hash IPv6 traffic using
the set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key inet6 statement.
If the hash mode is set to layer2-header, you can set the fields that the hashing algorithm
inspects in the Layer 2 header using the set forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key layer2
Default layer2-payload
Options layer-2-payload—Set the hashing algorithm to use fields in the Layer 2 payload to make
hashing decisions.
layer-2-header—Set the hashing algorithm to use fields in the Layer 2 header to make
hashing decisions.
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
Description Specify the hold-time value to use to damp shorter interface transitions milliseconds.
The hold timer enables interface damping by not advertising interface transitions until
the hold timer duration has passed. When a hold-down timer is configured and the
interface goes from up to down, the down hold-time timer is triggered. Every interface
transition that occurs during the hold-time is ignored. When the timer expires and the
interface state is still down, then the router begins to advertise the interface as being
down. Similarly, when a hold-up timer is configured and an interface goes from down to
up, the up hold-time timer is triggered. Every interface transition that occurs during the
hold-time is ignored. When the timer expires and the interface state is still up, then the
router begins to advertise the interface as being up.
• We recommend that you configure the hold-time value after determining
an appropriate value by performing repeated tests in the actual hardware
environment. This is because the appropriate value for hold-time depends
on the hardware (XFP, SFP, SR, ER, or LR) used in the networking
Options down milliseconds—Hold time to use when an interface transitions from up to down.
Junos OS advertises the transition within 100 milliseconds of the time value you
Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295
Default: 0 (interface transitions are not damped)
up milliseconds—Hold time to use when an interface transitions from down to up. Junos
OS advertises the transition within 100 milliseconds of the time value you specify.
Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295
Default: 0 (interface transitions are not damped)
Related • advertise-interval
• interfaces (for EX Series switches)
Syntax iccp {
authentication-key string;
local-ip-addr local-ip-addr;
peer ip-address{
authentication-key string;
backup-liveness-detection {
backup-peer-ip ip-address;
liveness-detection {
detection-time {
threshold milliseconds;
minimum-interval milliseconds;
minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;
multiplier number;
transmit-interval {
minimum-interval milliseconds;
threshold milliseconds;
version (1 | automatic);
local-ip-addr ipv4-address;
session-establishment-hold-time seconds;
session-establishment-hold-time seconds;
traceoptions {
file <filename> <files number> <match regular-expression> <microsecond-stamp>
<size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;
flag flag;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure Inter-Chassis Control Protocol (ICCP) between the multichassis link aggregation
group (MC-LAG) peers. ICCP replicates forwarding information, validates configurations,
and propagates the operational state of the MC-LAG members.
Syntax ieee-802-3az-eee;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) on an EEE-capable Base-T copper interface.
inet (enhanced-hash-key)
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for QFX Series devices.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D30 on QFX10002 and QFX10008
Description Select the payload fields in IPv4 traffic used by the hashing algorithm to make hashing
When IPv4 traffic enters a LAG and the hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload, the hashing
algorithm checks the fields configured using the inet statement and uses the information
in the fields to decide how to place traffic onto the LAG bundle’s member links or how
to forward traffic to the next hop device when ECMP is enabled.
The hashing algorithm, when used to hash LAG bundle traffic, always tries to manage
bandwidth by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the
The hashing algorithm only inspects the IPv4 fields in the payload to make hashing
decisions when the hash mode is set to layer2-payload. The hash mode is set to Layer 2
payload by default. You can set the hash mode to Layer 2 payload using the set
forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key hash-mode layer2-payload statement.
Default The following fields are used by the hashing algorithm to make hashing decisions for
IPv4 traffic:
• IP destination address
• IP source address
• Protocol
Options no-ipv4-destination-address—Exclude the IPv4 destination address field from the hashing
no-ipv4-source-address—Exclude the IPv4 source address field from the hashing algorithm.
no-l4-source-port—Exclude the Layer 4 source port field from the hashing algorithm.
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic (QFX 10002 and QFX 10008 Switches)
• hash-seed
inet6 (enhanced-hash-key)
List of Syntax Syntax (EX Series and QFX5100 Switch) on page 174
Syntax (QFX10002 and QFX10008 Switches) on page 174
Description Select the payload fields in an IPv6 packet used by the hashing algorithm to make hashing
When IPv6 traffic enters a LAG and the hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload, the hashing
algorithm checks the fields configured using this statement and uses the information in
the fields to decide how to place traffic onto the LAG bundle’s member links or to forward
traffic to the next hop device when ECMP is enabled.
The hashing algorithm, when used to hash LAG traffic, always tries to manage bandwidth
by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the member links in the bundle.
The hashing algorithm only inspects the IPv6 fields in the payload to make hashing
decisions when the hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload. The hash mode is set to Layer
2 payload by default. You can set the hash mode to Layer 2 payload using the set
forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key hash-mode layer2-payload statement.
Default The data in the following fields are used by the hashing algorithm to make hashing
decisions for IPv6 traffic:
• IP destination address
• IP source address
• Next header
Options no-ipv6-destination-address—Exclude the IPv6 destination address field from the hashing
no-ipv6-source-address—Exclude the IPv6 source address field from the hashing algorithm.
no-l4-source-port—Exclude the Layer 4 source port field from the hashing algorithm.
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic (QFX 10002 and QFX 10008 Switches)
• hash-seed
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the name of the interface that is being used as an interchassis link-protection
link (ICL-PL). The two switches hosting a multichassis link aggregation group (MC-LAG)
use this link to pass Inter-Chassis Control Protocol (ICCP) and data traffic.
Description NOTE: This statement supports the Enhanced Layer 2 Software (ELS)
configuration style. If your switch runs software that does not support ELS,
see port-mode. For ELS details, see Getting Started with Enhanced Layer 2
Options access—Configure a logical interface to accept untagged packets. Specify the VLAN to
which this interface belongs using the vlan-id statement.
trunk—Configure a single logical interface to accept packets tagged with any VLAN ID
specified with the vlan-id or vlan-id-list statement.
trunk inter-switch-link—For a private VLAN, configure the InterSwitch Link protocol (ISL)
on a trunk port of the primary VLAN in order to connect the switches composing the
PVLAN to each other. You do not need to configure an ISL when a PVLAN is configured
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
NOTE: You can specify interface ranges only for Gigabit and 10-Gigabit
Ethernet interfaces.
NOTE: You can use regular expressions and wildcards to specify the interfaces
in the member configuration. Do not use wildcards for interface types.
Syntax lacp {
(active | passive);
admin-key key;
link-protection {
(revertive |non-revertive);
periodic interval;
system-id mac-address;
system-priority priority;
Description Configure the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for aggregated Ethernet interfaces
When you configure the accept-data statement at the [edit interfaces aeX
aggregated-ether-options lacp] hierarchy level, the router processes packets received on
a member link irrespective of the LACP state if the aggregated Ethernet bundle is up.
NOTE: When you configure the accept-data statement at the [edit interfaces
aeX aggregated-ether-options lacp] hierarchy level, this behavior occurs:
• When LACP is down and a member link receives packets, the router or
switch does not process packets as defined in the IEEE 802.1ax standard.
According to this standard, the packets should be dropped, but they are
processed instead because the accept-data statement is configured.
Default If you do not specify LACP as either active or passive, LACP remains passive.
fast-failover—Specify to override the IEEE 802.3ad standard and allow the standby link
to receive traffic. Overriding the default behavior facilitates subsecond failover.
lacp (802.3ad)
Syntax lacp {
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Support for LACP link protection introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4 for EX Series
Description Configure the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) parameters for aggregated
Ethernet interfaces on the global level (for all the aggregated Ethernet interfaces on the
switch) or for a specific aggregated Ethernet interface.
layer2 (enhanced-hash-key)
List of Syntax Syntax (EX Series and QFX5100 Switch) on page 184
Syntax (QFX10002 Switch) on page 184
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for QFX Series devices.
Description Select the fields in the Layer 2 header that are used by the hashing algorithm to make
hashing decisions.
When traffic enters a link aggregation group (LAG) bundle, the hashing algorithm checks
the fields configured using this statement and uses the information in the fields to decide
how to place traffic onto the LAG bundle’s member links. The hashing algorithm always
tries to manage bandwidth by evenly load-balancing all incoming traffic across the
member links in the bundle.
When traffic is exiting a device that has enabled ECMP, the hashing algorithm checks
the fields configured using this statement and uses the information in the fields to decide
how to forward traffic to the next hop device.
The hashing algorithm only inspects the fields in the Layer 2 header when the hash mode
is set to Layer 2 header. You can set the hash mode to Layer 2 header using the set
forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key hash-mode layer2-header statement.
Default The hash mode of the hashing algorithm is set to Layer 2 payload, by default. When the
hash mode is set to Layer 2 payload, the hashing algorithm does not use fields in the
Layer 2 header to make hashing decisions.
The following fields are used by the hashing algorithm when the hash mode of the hashing
algorithm is set to Layer 2 header, by default:
• Ethertype
Options no-destination-mac-address—Exclude the destination MAC address field from the hashing
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
Default: Fast Ethernet interfaces, can operate in either full-duplex or half-duplex mode.
The router’s management Ethernet interface, fxp0 or em0, and the built-in Fast
Ethernet interfaces on the FIC (M7i router) autonegotiate whether to operate in
full-duplex or half-duplex mode. Unless otherwise noted here, all other interfaces
operate only in full-duplex mode.
• On EX4300 switches, the interfaces operate in full-duplex mode only.
Syntax link–protection {
(revertive |non-revertive);
Description On the router, for aggregated Ethernet interfaces only, configure link protection. In addition
to enabling link protection, a primary and a secondary (backup) link must be configured
to specify what links egress traffic should traverse. To configure primary and secondary
links on the router, include the primary and backup statements at the [edit interfaces
ge-fpc/pic/port gigether-options 802.3ad aex] hierarchy level or the [edit interfaces
fe-fpc/pic/port fastether-options 802.3ad aex] hierarchy level.
On the switch, you can configure either Junos OS link protection for aggregated Ethernet
interfaces or the LACP standards link protection for aggregated Ethernet interfaces.
For Junos OS link protection, specify link-protection at the following hierarchy levels:
• [edit interfaces xe-fpc/pic/port ether-options 802.3ad aex] hierarchy level or at the [edit
interfaces xe-fpc/pic/port ether-options 802.3ad aex] hierarchy level.
Description For aggregated Ethernet interfaces only, set the required link speed.
Options speed—For aggregated Ethernet links, you can specify speed in bits per second either as
a complete decimal number or as a decimal number followed by the abbreviation
k (1000), m (1,000,000), or g (1,000,000,000).
Aggregated Ethernet links on the M120 router can have one of the following speeds:
Aggregated Ethernet links on T Series routers can be configured to operate at one of the
following speeds:
mixed—Enables bundling of different Ethernet rate links in the same Aggregated Ethernet
interface on PTX Series routers.
Syntax liveness-detection {
detection-time {
threshold milliseconds;
minimum-interval milliseconds;
minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;
multiplier number;
transmit-interval {
minimum-interval milliseconds;
threshold milliseconds;
version (1 | automatic);
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). BFD enables rapid detection of
communication failures between peers.
Syntax local-bias;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for EX Series switches and QFX
Series devices.
Description Enable local link bias for all links in the aggregated Ethernet interface.
Local link bias conserves bandwidth on Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) by using local links
to forward unicast traffic exiting a Virtual Chassis or Virtual Chassis Fabric (VCF) that
has a Link Aggregation group (LAG) bundle composed of member links on different
member switches in the same Virtual Chassis or VCF. A local link is a member link in the
LAG bundle that is on the member switch that received the traffic.
You should enable local link bias if you want to conserve VCP bandwidth by always
forwarding egress unicast traffic on a LAG bundle out of a local link. You should not
enable local link bias if you want egress traffic load-balanced as it exits the Virtual Chassis
or VCF.
local-ip-addr (ICCP)
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the local IP address of the interchassis link (ICL) interface that Inter-Chassis
Control Protocol (ICCP) uses to communicate to the peers that host a multichassis link
aggregation group (MC-LAG).
Description For aggregated Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet
interfaces, enable or disable loopback mode.
• By default, local aggregated Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Tri-Rate Ethernet
copper, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces connect to a
remote system.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the name of the member interface belonging to an interface range on the EX
Series switch.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the names of the first and last members of a sequence of interfaces belonging
to an interface range.
Options Range: Starting interface-name to ending interface-name—The name of the first member
and the name of the last member in the interface sequence.
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family ethernet-switching vlan]
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Statement updated with enhanced ? (CLI completion feature) functionality in Junos OS
Release 9.5 for EX Series switches.
Description For trunk interfaces, configure the VLANs that can carry traffic.
TIP: To display a list of all configured VLANs on the system, including VLANs
that are configured but not committed, type ? after vlan or vlans in your
configuration mode command line. Note that only one VLAN is displayed for
a VLAN range.
NOTE: The number of VLANs supported per switch varies for each model.
Use the configuration-mode command set vlans id vlan-id ? to determine the
maximum number of VLANs allowed on a switch. You cannot exceed this
VLAN limit because each VLAN is assigned an ID number when it is created.
You can, however, exceed the recommended VLAN member maximum.
On an EX Series switch that runs Junos OS that does not support the Enhanced
Layer 2 Software (ELS) configuration style, the maximum number of VLAN
members allowed on the switch is 8 times the maximum number of VLANs
the switch supports (vmember limit = vlan max * 8). If the switch
configuration exceeds the recommended VLAN member maximum, you see
a warning message when you commit the configuration. If you ignore the
warning and commit such a configuration, the configuration succeeds but
you run the risk of crashing the Ethernet switching process (eswd) due to
memory allocation failure.
On an EX Series switch that runs Junos OS that supports ELS, the maximum
number of VLAN members allowed on the switch is 24 times the maximum
number of VLANs the switch supports (vmember limit = vlan max * 24). If
the configuration of one of these switches exceeds the recommended VLAN
member maximum, a warning message appears in the system log (syslog).
Options all—Specifies that this trunk interface is a member of all the VLANs that are configured
on this switch. When a new VLAN is configured on the switch, this trunk interface
automatically becomes a member of the VLAN.
NOTE: Since VLAN members are limited, specifying all could cause the
number of VLAN members to exceed the limit at some point.
names—Name of one or more VLANs. VLAN IDs are applied automatically in this case.
vlan-ids—Numeric identifier of one or more VLANs. For a series of tagged VLANs, specify
a range; for example, 10–20 or 10–20 23 27–30.
• show vlans
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure simultaneously the minimum interval at which the peer transmits liveness
detection requests and the minimum interval at which the peer expects to receive a reply
from a peer with which it has established a Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
session. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can specify the minimum transmit
and receive intervals separately by using the transmit-interval minimal-interval and
minimum-receive-interval statements, respectively.
Options milliseconds—Specify the minimum interval value for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
Range: 1 through 255,000
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure the minimum interval at which the peer must receive a reply from a peer with
which it has established a Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) session.
Description Specify the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for the media or protocol. The default
MTU size depends on the device type. Changing the media MTU or protocol MTU causes
an interface to be deleted and added again.
To route jumbo data packets on an integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface or
routed VLAN interface (RVI) on EX Series switches, you must configure the jumbo MTU
size on the member physical interfaces of the VLAN that you have associated with the
IRB interface or RVI, as well as on the IRB interface or RVI itself (the interface named irb
or vlan, respectively).
CAUTION: For EX Series switches, setting or deleting the jumbo MTU size on
an IRB interface or RVI while the switch is transmitting packets might cause
packets to be dropped.
The MTU for an IRB interface is calculated by removing the Ethernet header
overhead [6(DMAC)+6(SMAC)+2(EtherType)]. Because, the MTU is the
lower value of the MTU configured on the IRB interface and the MTU
configured on the IRB’s associated bridge domain IFDs or IFLs, the IRB MTU
is calculated as follows:
• In case of Layer 2 IFL configured with the vlan-tagging statement, the IRB
MTU is calculated by including a single VLAN 4 bytes overhead.
• If a packet whose size is larger than the configured MTU size is received on
the receiving interface, the packet is eventually dropped. The value
considered for MRU (maximum receive unit) size is also the same as the
MTU size configured on that interface.
• Not all devices allow you to set an MTU value, and some devices have
restrictions on the range of allowable MTU values. You cannot configure
an MTU for management Ethernet interfaces (fxp0, em0, or me0) or for
loopback, multilink, and multicast tunnel devices.
• On ACX Series routers, you can configure the protocol MTU by including
the mtu statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name unit
logical-unit-number family inet] or [edit interfaces interface-name unit
logical-unit-number family inet6] hierarchy level.
• If you configure the protocol MTU at any of these hierarchy levels, the
configured value is applied to all families that are configured on the
logical interface.
• If you are configuring the protocol MTU for both inet and inet6 families
on the same logical interface, you must configure the same value for
both the families. It is not recommended to configure different MTU size
values for inet and inet6 families that are configured on the same logical
• Configured MTU
For more information about configuring MTU for specific interfaces and router or switch
combinations, see Configuring the Media MTU.
NOTE: Starting in Junos OS Release 16.1R1, the MTU size for a media or
protocol is increased from 9192 to 9500 for Ethernet interfaces on the
following MX Series MPCs:
• MPC1
• MPC2
Default: 1500 bytes (INET, INET6, and ISO families), 1448 bytes (MPLS), 1514 bytes (EX
Series switch interfaces)
Description Configure mixed tagging support for untagged packets on a port for the following:
• M Series routers with Gigabit Ethernet IQ PICs with SFP and Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PICs
with SFP configured for 802.1Q flexible VLAN tagging
• MX Series routers with Gigabit Ethernet DPCs and MICs, Tri-Rate Ethernet DPCs and
MICs, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet DPCs and MICs and MPCs configured for 802.1Q flexible
VLAN tagging
NOTE: The logical interface on which untagged packets are received must
be configured with the same VLAN ID as the native VLAN ID configured on
the physical interface, otherwise the untagged packets are dropped.
To configure the logical interface, include the vlan-id statement (matching the
native-vlan-id statement on the physical interface) at the [edit interfaces interface-name
unit logical-unit-number] hierarchy level.
Starting in Junos OS Release 17.1R1, you can send untagged traffic without a native VLAN
ID to the remote end of the network. To do this, remove the native VLAN ID from the
untagged traffic configuration by setting the no-native-vlan-insert statement. If you do
not configure this statement, the native VLAN ID is added to the untagged traffic.
Default By default, the untagged packets are dropped. That is, if you do not configure the
native-vlan-id option, the untagged packets are dropped.
• flexible-vlan-tagging
• no-native-vlan-insert
Syntax no-gratuitous-arp-request;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for ACX Series Universal Access Routers.
Description For Ethernet interfaces and pseudowire logical interfaces, do not respond to gratuitous
ARP requests.
Syntax no-redirects;
To disable the sending of protocol redirect messages for the entire router or switch,
include the no-redirects statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level.
peer (ICCP)
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure the peers that host a multichassis link aggregation group (MC-LAG). You must
configure Inter-Chassis Control Protocol (ICCP) for both peers that host the MC-LAG.
Description For aggregated Ethernet interfaces only, configure the interval for periodic transmission
of LACP packets.
Default: fast
Syntax preferred;
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family family address address],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number
family family address address]
Description Configure this address to be the preferred address on the interface. If you configure more
than one address on the same subnet, the preferred source address is chosen by default
as the source address when you initiate frame transfers to destinations on the subnet.
Syntax primary;
Hierarchy Level [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family family address address],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number
family family address address]
Description Configure this address to be the primary address of the protocol on the interface. If the
logical unit has more than one address, the primary address is used by default as the
source address when packet transfer originates from the interface and the destination
address does not indicate the subnet.
Default For unicast traffic, the primary address is the lowest non-127 (in other words,
non-loopback) preferred address on the unit.
Description For Ethernet interfaces only, configure the router or switch to respond to any ARP request,
as long as the router or switch has an active route to the ARP request’s target address.
NOTE: You must configure the IP address and the inet family for the interface
when you enable proxy ARP.
Default Proxy ARP is not enabled. The router or switch responds to an ARP request only if the
destination IP address is its own.
Options • none—The router or switch responds to any ARP request for a local or remote address
if the router or switch has a route to the target IP address.
• unrestricted—(Optional) The router or switch responds to any ARP request for a local
or remote address if the router or switch has a route to the target IP address.
Default: unrestricted
Syntax rpf-check;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D20 for the OCX Series.
Description On EX3200 and EX4200 switches, enable a reverse-path forwarding (RPF) check on
unicast traffic (except ECMP packets) on all ingress interfaces.
On EX8200 and EX6200 switches, enable an RPF check on unicast traffic, including
ECMP packets, on the selected ingress interfaces.
On QFX Series switches, enable an RPF check on unicast traffic (except ECMP packets)
on the selected ingress interfaces.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Specify the time during which an Inter-Chassis Control Protocol (ICCP) connection must
be established between peers.
Options seconds—Time (in seconds) within which a successful ICCP connection must be
speed (Ethernet)
Description Configure the interface speed. This statement applies to the management Ethernet
interface (fxp0 or em0), Fast Ethernet 12-port and 48-port PICs, the built-in Fast Ethernet
port on the FIC (M7i router), Combo Line Rate DPCs and Tri-Rate Ethernet Copper
interfaces on MX Series routers,and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on EX Series switches.
When you configure the Tri-Rate Ethernet copper interface to operate at 1 Gbps,
autonegotiation must be enabled. When you configure 100BASE-FX SFP, you must set
the port speed at 100 Mbps.
Options You can specify the speed as either 10m (10 Mbps), 100m (100 Mbps), and on MX Series
routers, 1g (1 Gbps). You can also specify the auto option on MX Series routers.
For Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on EX Series switches, you can specify one of the following
• 10m—10 Mbps
• 100m—100 Mbps
• 1g—1 Gbps
• auto—Automatically negotiate the speed (10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1 Gbps) based on
the speed of the other end of the link.
Syntax traceoptions {
file filename <files name> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;
flag flag;
To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements.
The interfaces traceoptions statement does not support a trace file. The logging is done
by the kernel, so the tracing information is placed in the system syslog file in the directory
Default If you do not include this statement, no interface-specific tracing operations are performed.
Options file name—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the
name within quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log/dcd. By
default, interface process tracing output is placed in the file files number—(Optional)
Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its
maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the
maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.
size size—(Optional) Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
or gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed
trace-file.0. When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is
renamed trace-file.1 and trace-file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme
continues until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then, the oldest trace
file is overwritten.
flag—Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include
multiple flag statements. The following are the interface-specific tracing options.
• event—Interface events
Syntax traceoptions {
file <filename> <files number> <match regular-expression> <size size> <world-readable |
flag flag <disable>;
Default If you do not include this statement, no interface-specific tracing operations are performed.
Options disable—(Optional) Disable the tracing operation. You can use this option to disable a
single operation when you have defined a broad group of tracing operations, such
as all.
filename—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the
name within quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log. By default,
interface process tracing output is placed in the file dcd.
files number—(Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named
trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and
so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file
is overwritten.
If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with
the size option.
Range: 2 through 1000
Default: 3 files
flag—Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include
multiple flag statements. You can include the following flags:
• all
size size—(Optional) Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
or gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed
trace-file.0. When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is renamed
trace-file.1 and trace-file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme continues
until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then, the oldest trace file is
If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace
files with the files option.
Syntax: xk to specify kilobytes, xm to specify megabytes, or xg to specify gigabytes
Range: 10 KB through the maximum file size supported on your router
Default: 1 MB
match regex—(Optional) Refine the output to include only those lines that match the
given regular expression.
Syntax transmit-interval {
minimum-interval milliseconds;
threshold milliseconds;
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for MX Series routers.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) transmit interval. The negotiated
transmit interval for a peer is the interval between the sending of BFD liveness detection
requests to peers. The receive interval for a peer is the minimum interval between receiving
packets sent from its peer; the receive interval is not negotiated between peers. To
determine the transmit interval, each peer compares its configured minimum transmit
interval with its peer's minimum receive interval. The larger of the two numbers is accepted
as the transmit interval for that peer.
Description Enable or disable the sending of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
notifications when the state of the connection changes.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Configure a logical interface on the physical device. You must configure a logical interface
to be able to use the physical device.
Syntax vlan {
members [(all | names | vlan-ids)];
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Release Information Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2 for EX Series switches.
NOTE: The VLAN tag ID cannot be configured on logical interface unit 0. The
logical unit number must be 1 or higher.
Syntax vlan-tagging;
Description For Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, aggregated Ethernet interfaces
configured for VPLS, and pseudowire subscriber interfaces, enable the reception and
transmission of 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frames on the interface.
NOTE: On EX Series switches except for EX4300 and EX9200 switches, the
vlan-tagging and family ethernet-switching statements cannot be configured
on the same interface. Interfaces on EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, EX4200,
and EX4500 switches are set to family ethernet-switching by the default
factory configuration. EX6200 and EX8200 switch interfaces do not have a
default family setting.
Operational Commands
• monitor interface
• request diagnostics tdr
• show diagnostics tdr
• show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key
• show interfaces diagnostics optics
• show interfaces ge-
• show interfaces irb
• show interfaces mc-ae
• show interfaces me0
• show interfaces queue
• show interfaces xe-
• show lacp interfaces
• test interface restart-auto-negotiation
monitor interface
Description Display real-time statistics about interfaces, updating the statistics every second. Check
for and display common interface failures, such as SONET/SDH and T3 alarms, loopbacks
detected, and increases in framing errors.
traffic—(Optional) Display traffic data for all active interfaces. In a TX Matrix or TX Matrix
Plus router, display real-time statistics for the physical interfaces on the specified
LCC only.
Additional Information The output of this command shows how much each field has changed since you started
the command or since you cleared the counters by pressing the c key. For a description
of the statistical information provided in the output of this command, see the show
interfaces extensive command for a particular interface type in the CLI Explorer. To control
the output of the monitor interface command while it is running, use the keys listed in
Table 21 on page 224. The keys are not case-sensitive.
Table 21: Output Control Keys for the monitor interface interface-name
Key Action
c Clears (returns to zero) the delta counters since monitor interface was started. This
does not clear the accumulative counter. To clear the accumulative counter, use
the clear interfaces interval command.
f Freezes the display, halting the display of updated statistics and delta counters.
i Displays information about a different interface. The command prompts you for the
name of a specific interface.
Table 21: Output Control Keys for the monitor interface interface-name
Command (continued)
Key Action
n Displays information about the next interface. The monitor interface command
displays the physical or logical interfaces in the same order as the show interfaces
terse command.
t Thaws the display, resuming the update of the statistics and delta counters.
To control the output of the monitor interface traffic command while it is running, use
the keys listed in Table 22 on page 225. The keys are not case-sensitive.
Table 22: Output Control Keys for the monitor interface traffic Command
Key Action
b Displays the statistics in units of bytes and bytes per second (bps).
c Clears (return to 0) the delta counters in the Current Delta column. The statistics
counters are not cleared.
d Displays the Current Delta column (instead of the rate column) in bps or packets
per second (pps).
p Displays the statistics in units of packets and packets per second (pps).
r Displays the rate column (instead of the Current Delta column) in bps and pps.
Output Fields Table 23 on page 226 describes the output fields for the monitor interface command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Seconds How long the monitor interface command has been running or how long since All levels
you last cleared the counters.
Delay x/y/z Time difference between when the statistics were displayed and the actual All levels
clock time.
Interface Short description of the interface, including its name, status, and encapsulation. All levels
Current delta Cumulative number for the counter in question since the time shown in the All levels
Seconds field, which is the time since you started the command or last cleared
the counters.
Local Statistics (Logical interfaces only) Number and rate of bytes and packets destined to the All levels
router or switch through the specified interface. When a burst of traffic is
received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak
cell rate. It usually takes less than 1 second for this counter to stabilize.
Remote Statistics (Logical interfaces only) Statistics for traffic transiting the router or switch. All levels
When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might
briefly exceed the peak cell rate. It usually takes less than 1 second for this
counter to stabilize.
Traffic statistics Total number of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the interface. All levels
These statistics are the sum of the local and remote statistics. When a burst of
traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed
the peak cell rate. It usually takes less than 1 second for this counter to stabilize.
Description With the traffic option, displays the interface description configured at the detail
[edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.
Sample Output
monitor interface (Physical)
user@host> monitor interface so-0/0/0
router1 Seconds: 19 Time: 15:46:29
OTN OTU - FEC Statistics
Corr err ratio N/A
Corr bytes 0
Uncorr words 0
OTN OTU - Counters
ES 0
UAS 422
OTN ODU - Counters
ES 0
UAS 422
OTN ODU - Received Overhead APSPCC 0-3: 0
monitor interface (MX480 Router with MPC5E and 10-Gigabit Ethernet OTN Interface)
user@host> monitor interface xe-0/0/3
Interface: xe-0/0/3, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 10000mbps
Traffic statistics: Current delta
Input bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Output bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Input packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Output packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Error statistics:
Input errors: 0 [0]
Input drops: 0 [0]
Input framing errors: 0 [0]
Policed discards: 0 [0]
L3 incompletes: 0 [0]
L2 channel errors: 0 [0]
L2 mismatch timeouts: 0 [0]
Carrier transitions: 5 [0]
Output errors: 0 [0]
Output drops: 0 [0]
Aged packets: 0 [0]
Active alarms : None
Active defects: None
PCS statistics: Seconds
Bit Errors 0 [0]
Errored blocks 4 [0]
Input MAC/Filter statistics:
Unicast packets 0 [0]
Broadcast packets 0 [0]
Multicast packets 0 [0]
Oversized frames 0 [0]
Packet reject count 0 [0]
DA rejects 0 [0]
SA rejects 0 [0]
Output MAC/Filter Statistics:
Unicast packets 0 [0]
Broadcast packets 0 [0]
Multicast packets 0 [0]
Packet pad count 0 [0]
Packet error count 0 [0]
monitor interface (MX480 Router with MPC5E and 100-Gigabit Ethernet Interface)
user@host> monitor interface et-2/1/0
Interface: et-2/1/0, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 100000mbps
Traffic statistics: Current delta
Input bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Output bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Input packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Output packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Error statistics:
Input errors: 0 [0]
Input drops: 0 [0]
Input framing errors: 0 [0]
Policed discards: 0 [0]
L3 incompletes: 0 [0]
L2 channel errors: 0 [0]
L2 mismatch timeouts: 0 [0]
Carrier transitions: 263 [0]
Output errors: 0 [0]
Output drops: 0 [0]
Aged packets: 0 [0]
OTN Link 0
OTN Alarms:
OTN Defects:
OTN OC - Seconds
LOS 129 [0]
LOF 2 [0]
OTN OTU - FEC Statistics
Corr err ratio <8E-5
Corr bytes 169828399453 [0]
Uncorr words 28939961456 [0]
OTN OTU - Counters [0]
BBE 0 [0]
ES 24 [0]
SES 0 [0]
UAS 1255 [0]
OTN ODU - Counters [0]
BBE 0 [0]
ES 24 [0]
SES 0 [0]
UAS 1256 [0]
OTN ODU - Received Overhead [0]
APSPCC 0-3: 00 00 00 00
monitor interface (MX2010 Router with MPC6E and 10-Gigabit Ethernet OTN Interface)
user@host> monitor interface xe-6/1/0
Interface: xe-6/1/0, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 10000mbps
Traffic statistics: Current delta
Input bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
monitor interface (MX2010 Router with MPC6E and 100-Gigabit Ethernet OTN Interface)
user@host> monitor interface et-9/0/0
Interface: et-9/0/0, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 100000mbps
Traffic statistics: Current delta
Input bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Output bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Input packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Output packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Error statistics:
Input errors: 0 [0]
Input drops: 0 [0]
Input framing errors: 0 [0]
Policed discards: 0 [0]
L3 incompletes: 0 [0]
L2 channel errors: 0 [0]
L2 mismatch timeouts: 0 [0]
Carrier transitions: 1 [0]
Output errors: 0 [0]
Output drops: 0 [0]
Aged packets: 0 [0]
monitor interface (MX2020 Router with MPC6E and 10-Gigabit Ethernet OTN Interface)
user@host> monitor interface xe-3/0/0
host name Seconds: 67 Time: 23:46:46
Delay: 0/0/13
Interface: xe-3/0/0, Enabled, Link is Up
Encapsulation: Ethernet, Speed: 10000mbps
Traffic statistics: Current delta
Input bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Output bytes: 0 (0 bps) [0]
Input packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Output packets: 0 (0 pps) [0]
Error statistics:
Input errors: 0 [0]
Input drops: 0 [0]
Input framing errors: 0 [0]
Policed discards: 0 [0]
L3 incompletes: 0 [0]
L2 channel errors: 0 [0]
L2 mismatch timeouts: 0 [0]
Carrier transitions: 3 [0]
Output errors: 0 [0]
Output drops: 0 [0]
Aged packets: 0 [0]
OTN Link 0
OTN Alarms:
OTN Defects:
OTN OC - Seconds
LOS 0 [0]
LOF 0 [0]
OTN OTU - FEC Statistics
Corr err ratio N/A
Corr bytes 0 [0]
Uncorr words 0 [0]
OTN OTU - Counters [0]
BBE 0 [0]
ES 0 [0]
SES 0 [0]
UAS 0 [0]
OTN ODU - Counters [0]
BBE 0 [0]
ES 0 [0]
SES 0 [0]
UAS 0 [0]
OTN ODU - Received Overhead [0]
APSPCC 0-3: 00 00 00 00
Interface warnings:
o Outstanding LINK alarm
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Start a time domain reflectometry (TDR) diagnostic test on the specified interface. This
test characterizes and locates faults on twisted-pair Ethernet cables. For example, it can
detect a broken twisted pair and provide the approximate distance to the break. It can
also detect polarity swaps, pair swaps, and excessive skew.
• EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, and EX4200 switches—RJ-45 network interfaces. The TDR
test is not supported on management interfaces and SFP interfaces.
NOTE: We recommend running the TDR test when there is no traffic on the
interface under test.
You view the results of the TDR test with the show diagnostics tdr command.
Options abort—Stop the TDR test currently in progress on the specified interface. No results are
reported, and previous results, if any, are cleared.
List of Sample Output request diagnostics tdr start interface ge-0/0/19 on page 237
Output Fields Table 24 on page 237 lists the output fields for the request diagnostics tdr command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Test Status Information about the status of the TDR test request:
Sample Output
request diagnostics tdr start interface ge-0/0/19
user@switch> request diagnostics tdr start interface ge-0/0/19
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Display the results of a time domain reflectometry (TDR) diagnostic test run on an
interface. A TDR test characterizes and locates faults on twisted-pair Ethernet cables.
For example, it can detect a broken twisted pair and provide the approximate distance
to the break. It can also detect polarity swaps, pair swaps, and excessive skew.
• EX2200, EX3200, EX3300, and EX4200 switches—RJ-45 network interfaces. The TDR
test is not supported on management interfaces and SFP interfaces.
Use the request diagnostics tdr command to request a TDR test on a specified interface.
Use the show diagnostic tdr command to display the last TDR test results for a specified
interface or the last TDR test results for all network interfaces on the switch that support
the TDR test.
Options none—Show summarized last results for all interfaces on the switch that support the
TDR test.
interface interface-name—(Optional) Show detailed last results for the specified interface
or a range of interfaces. Specify a range of interfaces by entering the beginning and
ending interface in the range, separated by a dash—for example,
List of Sample Output show diagnostics tdr interface ge-0/0/19 (Normal Cable) on page 240
show diagnostics tdr interface ge-2/0/2 (Faulty Cable) on page 241
show diagnostics tdr (All Supported Interfaces) on page 241
Output Fields Table 25 on page 239 lists the output fields for the show diagnostics tdr command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Interface name or Name of interface for which TDR test results are being reported.
MDI pair Twisted pair for which test results are being reported, identified by
pin numbers. (Displayed only when the interface option is used.)
Cable status When detailed information is displayed, status for a twisted pair:
Distance fault or Distance to the fault in whole meters. If there is no fault, this value is
Max distance fault
When summary information for all interfaces is displayed, this value
is the distance to the most distant fault if there is more than one
twisted pair with a fault.
Pair Swap Indicates whether or not the twisted pairs are swapped:
Sample Output
show diagnostics tdr interface ge-0/0/19 (Normal Cable)
user@switch> show diagnostics tdr interface ge-0/0/19
Interface TDR detail:
Interface name : ge-0/0/19
Test status : Passed
Link status : UP
MDI pair : 1-2
Cable status : Normal
Distance fault : 0 Meters
Polartiy swap : Normal
Skew time : 0 ns
MDI pair : 3-6
ge-0/0/4 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/5 Passed UP Fault 173
ge-0/0/6 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/7 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/8 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/9 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/10 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/11 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/12 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/13 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/14 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/15 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/16 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/17 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/18 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/19 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/20 Passed Down Fault 0
ge-0/0/21 Passed Down Fault 5
ge-0/0/22 Passed UP OK 0
ge-0/0/23 Passed UP OK 0
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 for EX Series switches.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D20 for QFX Series devices.
Fabric Load Balancing Options output fields introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10.
Description Display information about which packet fields are used by the hashing algorithm to make
hashing decisions.
You can configure the fields that are inspected by the hashing algorithm to make hashing
decisions for traffic entering a LAG bundle using the forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key
Related • Configuring the Fields in the Algorithm Used To Hash LAG Bundle and ECMP Traffic
Documentation (CLI Procedure) on page 74
• Understanding the Algorithm Used to Hash LAG Bundle and Egress Next-Hop ECMP
Traffic on page 54
List of Sample Output show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key (Layer 2 Payload Hash Mode) on page 245
show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key (Layer 2 Header Hash Mode) on page 245
show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key (Fabric Load Balancing
Options) on page 246
show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key (QFX10002 and QFX 10008
Switches) on page 246
Output Fields Table 26 on page 243 lists the output fields for the show forwarding-options
enhanced-hash-key command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which
they first appear. Output fields vary by platform.
Protocol Indicates whether the Protocol field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm: Yes or
Destination L4 Indicates whether the Destination L4 Port field is or is not used by the hashing
Port algorithm: Yes or No.
Source L4 Port Indicates whether the Source L4 Port field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm:
Yes or No.
Destination IPv4 Indicates whether the Destination IPv4 Addr field is or is not used by the hashing
Addr algorithm: Yes or No.
Source IPv4 Addr Indicates whether the Source IPv4 Addr field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm:
Yes or No.
Vlan id Indicates whether the Vlan ID field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm: Yes or
Inner-Vlan ID indicates whether the inner Vlan field is or is not used by the hashing algorithnm: Yes
or No.
Next Hdr Indicates whether the Next Hdr field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm: Yes or
Destination IPv6 Indicates whether the Destination IPv6 Addr field is or is not used by the hashing
Addr algorithm: Yes or No.
Source IPv6 Addr Indicates whether the Source IPv6 Addr field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm:
Yes or No.
Ether Type Indicates whether the Ether Type field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm: Yes
or No.
Destination MAC Indicates whether the Destination MAC Address field is or is not used by the hashing
Address algorithm: Yes or No.
Source MAC Indicates whether the Source MAC Address field is or is not used by the hashing
Address algorithm: Yes or No.
Load Balancing Indicates the load balancing method for adaptive load balancing (ALB): flowlet or
Method per-packet.
The load balancing method is flowlet by default, and can be configured using the
fabric-load-balance statement.
Inactivity Interval Indicates the fabric load balance inactivity interval, in microseconds (us).
The inactivity interval is 16 microseconds by default, and can be configured using the
inactivity-interval statement.
Hash Region Indicates the hash region size, in buckets per fabric trunk.
Seed A hash seed value, between 0 and 4294967295. If a hash-seed value is not configured
it is automatically assigned on the QFX10002 and QFX10008 switches. A hash-seed
prevents traffic polarization to same links on the next hop QFX switch when two are
connected with LAG/ECMP.
Key Indicates whether the GRE key field is or is not used by the hashing algorithm: Yes or
Protocol Indicates if a Generic Router Encapsulation (GRE) endpoint over routes was
dynamically learned by a routing protocol such as RIP or OSPF.
VXLAN VNID A 24-bit virtual network identifier (VNID) that uniquely identifies the Virtual Extensible
Local Area Networks (VXLAN) segment.
Sample Output
show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key (Layer 2 Payload Hash Mode)
user@switch> show forwarding-options enhanced-hash-key
Slot 0
Hash-Mode : layer2-header
Inet settings:
IPV4 dest address: Yes
IPV4 source address: Yes
L4 Dest Port: Yes
L4 Source Port: Yes
Inet6 settings:
IPV6 dest address: Yes
IPV6 source address: Yes
L4 Dest Port: Yes
L4 Source Port: Yes
L2 settings:
Dest Mac address: No
Source Mac address: No
Vlan Id: Yes
Inner-vlan Id: No
Incoming port: Yes
GRE settings:
Key: No
Protocol: No
MPLS settings:
MPLS Enabled: Yes
VXLAN settings:
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2X50-D15 for the QFX Series.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D20 for the OCX Series.
Description Display diagnostics data and alarms for Gigabit Ethernet optical transceivers (SFP, SFP+,
XFP, QSFP+, or CFP) installed in EX Series or QFX Series switches. The information
provided by this command is known as digital optical monitoring (DOM) information. For
a list of transceivers supported on EX Series switches and their specifications, including
DOM support, see Pluggable Transceivers Supported on EX Series Switches.
Thresholds that trigger a high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning are set by
the transponder vendors. Generally, a high alarm or low alarm indicates that the optics
module is not operating properly. This information can be used to diagnose why a
transceiver is not working.
Options interface-name—Name of the interface associated with the port in which the transceiver
is installed: ge-fpc/pic/port, xe-fpc/pic/port, or et-fpc/pic/port.
• Installing a Transceiver
• Removing a Transceiver
List of Sample Output show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-0/1/0 (SFP Transceiver) on page 255
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0 (SFP+ Transceiver) on page 256
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0 (XFP Transceiver) on page 257
show interfaces diagnostics optics et-3/0/0 (QSFP+ Transceiver) on page 258
show interfaces diagnostics optics et-4/1/0 (CFP Transceiver) on page 259
Output Fields Table 27 on page 248 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics
command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Laser bias current Displays the magnitude of the laser bias power setting current,
in milliamperes. The laser bias provides direct modulation of
laser diodes and modulates currents.
Laser output power Displays the laser output power, in milliwatts (mW) and
decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm).
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser rx power Displays the laser received optical power, in milliwatts (mW)
and decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm).
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Receiver signal average optical power Displays the receiver signal average optical power, in milliwatts
(mW) and decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm).
(Not available for XFP, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Laser bias current high alarm Displays whether the laser bias power setting high alarm is On
or Off.
Laser bias current low alarm Displays whether the laser bias power setting low alarm is On
or Off.
Laser bias current high warning Displays whether the laser bias power setting high warning is
On or Off.
Laser bias current low warning Displays whether the laser bias power setting low warning is
On or Off.
Laser output power high alarm Displays whether the laser output power high alarm is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power low alarm Displays whether the laser output power low alarm is On or Off.
Laser output power high warning Displays whether the laser output power high warning is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power low warning Displays whether the laser output power low warning is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature high alarm Displays whether the laser temperature high alarm is On or Off.
Laser temperature low alarm Displays whether the laser temperature low alarm is On or Off.
Laser temperature high warning Displays whether the laser temperature high warning is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature low warning Displays whether the laser temperature low warning is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature high alarm Displays whether the module temperature high alarm is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature low alarm Displays whether the module temperature low alarm is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature high warning Displays whether the module temperature high warning is On
or Off.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature low warning Displays whether the module temperature low warning is On
or Off.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module voltage high alarm Displays whether the module voltage high alarm is On or Off.
Module voltage low alarm Displays whether the module voltage low alarm is On or Off.
Module voltage high warning Displays whether the module voltage high warning is On or Off.
Module voltage low warning Displays whether the module voltage low warning is On or Off.
Laser rx power high alarm Displays whether the receive laser power high alarm is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ and CFP transceivers)
Laser rx power low alarm Displays whether the receive laser power low alarm is On or Off.
Laser rx power high warning Displays whether the receive laser power high warning is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ and CFP transceivers)
Laser rx power low warning Displays whether the receive laser power low warning is On or
(Not available for QSFP+ and CFP transceivers)
Laser bias current high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current
high alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module not ready alarm Displays whether the module not ready alarm is On or Off. When
the output is On, the module has an operational fault.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module low power alarm Displays whether the module low power alarm is On or Off.
Module initialization incomplete alarm Displays whether the module initialization incomplete alarm is
On or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module fault alarm Displays whether the module fault alarm is On or Off.
PLD Flash initialization fault alarm Displays whether the PLD Flash initialization fault alarm is On
or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Power supply fault alarm Displays whether the power supply fault alarm is On or Off.
Checksum fault alarm Displays whether the checksum fault alarm is On or Off.
Tx laser disabled alarm Displays whether the Tx laser disabled alarm is On or Off.
Module power down alarm Displays whether the module power down alarm is On or Off.
When the output is On, module is in a limited power mode, low
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers) for normal operation.
Tx data not ready alarm Any condition leading to invalid data on the transmit path.
Displays whether the Tx data not ready alarm is On or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Tx not ready alarm Any condition leading to invalid data on the transmit path.
Displays whether the Tx not ready alarm is On or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Tx laser fault alarm Laser fault condition. Displays whether the Tx laser fault alarm
is On or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Tx CDR loss of lock alarm Transmit clock and data recovery (CDR) loss of lock. Loss of
lock on the transmit side of the CDR. Displays whether the Tx
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers) CDR loss of lock alarm is On or Off.
Rx not ready alarm Any condition leading to invalid data on the receive path.
Displays whether the Rx not ready alarm is On or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, QSFP+, and CFP transceivers)
Rx loss of signal alarm Receive loss of signal alarm. When the output is On, indicates
insufficient optical input power to the module. Displays whether
(Not available for SFP and SFP+ transceivers) the Rx loss of signal alarm is On or Off.
Rx CDR loss of lock alarm Receive CDR loss of lock. Loss of lock on the receive side of the
CDR. Displays whether the Rx CDR loss of lock alarm is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and QSFP+ transceivers) Off.
Laser bias current low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current
low alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser bias current high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current
high warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser bias current low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current
low warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser output
power high alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser output
power low alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser output
power high warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser output power low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser output
power low warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module
temperature high alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module
temperature low alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module
temperature high warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module temperature low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module
temperature low warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Module voltage high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module voltage
high alarm.
(Not available for XFP and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module voltage low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module voltage
low alarm.
(Not available for XFP and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module voltage high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module voltage
high warning.
(Not available for XFP and QSFP+ transceivers)
Module voltage low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the module voltage
low warning.
(Not available for XFP and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser rx power high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser rx power
high alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser rx power low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser rx power
low alarm.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser rx power high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser rx power
high warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser rx power low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser rx power
low warning.
(Not available for QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser
temperature high alarm, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser
temperature low alarm, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser
temperature high warning, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser temperature low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for the laser
temperature low warning, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
SOA bias current high alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for SOA bias current
high alarm.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
SOA bias current low alarm threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for SOA bias current
low alarm.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
SOA bias current high warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for SOA bias current
high warning.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
SOA bias current low warning threshold Displays the vendor-specified threshold for SOA bias current
low warning.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, XFP, and QSFP+ transceivers)
Laser receiver power high alarm Displays whether the laser receiver power high alarm is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
Laser receiver power low alarm Displays whether the laser receiver power low alarm is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
Laser receiver power high warning Displays whether the laser receiver power high warning is On
or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
Laser receiver power low warning Displays whether the laser receiver power low warning is On or
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
Laser receiver power Displays the laser receiver power, in milliwatts (mW) and
decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm).
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm Displays whether the Tx loss of signal functionality alarm is On
or Off.
(Not available for SFP, SFP+, and XFP transceivers)
APD supply fault alarm Displays whether the APD supply fault alarm is On or Off.
TEC fault alarm Displays whether the TEC fault alarm is On or Off.
Wavelength unlocked alarm Displays whether the Wavelength unlocked alarm is On or Off.
Sample Output
show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-0/1/0 (SFP Transceiver)
user@switch> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-0/1/0
Physical interface: ge-0/1/0
Laser bias current : 5.444 mA
Laser output power : 0.3130 mW / -5.04 dBm
Module temperature : 36 degrees C / 97 degrees F
Module voltage : 3.2120 V
Receiver signal average optical power : 0.3840 mW / -4.16 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser output power high alarm : Off
Laser output power low alarm : Off
Laser output power high warning : Off
Laser output power low warning : Off
Module temperature high alarm : Off
Module temperature low alarm : Off
Module temperature high warning : Off
Module temperature low warning : Off
Module voltage high alarm : Off
Module voltage low alarm : Off
Module voltage high warning : Off
Module voltage low warning : Off
Laser rx power high alarm : Off
Laser rx power low alarm : Off
Laser rx power high warning : Off
Laser rx power low warning : Off
Laser bias current high alarm threshold : 15.000 mA
Laser bias current low alarm threshold : 1.000 mA
Laser bias current high warning threshold : 12.000 mA
Sample Output
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0 (SFP+ Transceiver)
user@switch> show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0
Physical interface: xe-0/1/0
Laser bias current : 4.968 mA
Laser output power : 0.4940 mW / -3.06 dBm
Module temperature : 27 degrees C / 81 degrees F
Module voltage : 3.2310 V
Receiver signal average optical power : 0.0000
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser output power high alarm : Off
Laser output power low alarm : Off
Laser output power high warning : Off
Laser output power low warning : Off
Module temperature high alarm : Off
Module temperature low alarm : Off
Module temperature high warning : Off
Module temperature low warning : Off
Module voltage high alarm : Off
Module voltage low alarm : Off
Module voltage high warning : Off
Module voltage low warning : Off
Laser rx power high alarm : Off
Laser rx power low alarm : On
Laser rx power high warning : Off
Laser rx power low warning : On
Laser bias current high alarm threshold : 10.500 mA
Laser bias current low alarm threshold : 2.000 mA
Laser bias current high warning threshold : 9.000 mA
Laser bias current low warning threshold : 2.500 mA
Laser output power high alarm threshold : 1.4120 mW / 1.50 dBm
Laser output power low alarm threshold : 0.0740 mW / -11.31 dBm
Laser output power high warning threshold : 0.7070 mW / -1.51 dBm
Laser output power low warning threshold : 0.1860 mW / -7.30 dBm
Module temperature high alarm threshold : 75 degrees C / 167 degrees F
Module temperature low alarm threshold : -5 degrees C / 23 degrees F
Module temperature high warning threshold : 70 degrees C / 158 degrees F
Module temperature low warning threshold : 0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
Sample Output
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0 (XFP Transceiver)
user@switch> show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/1/0
Physical interface: xe-0/1/0
Laser bias current : 8.029 mA
Laser output power : 0.6430 mW / -1.92 dBm
Module temperature : 4 degrees C / 39 degrees F
Laser rx power : 0.0012 mW / -29.21 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser output power high alarm : Off
Laser output power low alarm : Off
Laser output power high warning : Off
Laser output power low warning : Off
Module temperature high alarm : Off
Module temperature low alarm : Off
Module temperature high warning : Off
Module temperature low warning : Off
Laser rx power high alarm : Off
Laser rx power low alarm : On
Laser rx power high warning : Off
Laser rx power low warning : On
Module not ready alarm : On
Module power down alarm : Off
Tx data not ready alarm : Off
Tx not ready alarm : Off
Tx laser fault alarm : Off
Tx CDR loss of lock alarm : Off
Rx not ready alarm : On
Rx loss of signal alarm : On
Rx CDR loss of lock alarm : On
Laser bias current high alarm threshold : 13.000 mA
Laser bias current low alarm threshold : 2.000 mA
Laser bias current high warning threshold : 12.000 mA
Laser bias current low warning threshold : 3.000 mA
Laser output power high alarm threshold : 0.8310 mW / -0.80 dBm
Laser output power low alarm threshold : 0.1650 mW / -7.83 dBm
Laser output power high warning threshold : 0.7410 mW / -1.30 dBm
Laser output power low warning threshold : 0.1860 mW / -7.30 dBm
Module temperature high alarm threshold : 90 degrees C / 194 degrees F
Module temperature low alarm threshold : 0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
Module temperature high warning threshold : 85 degrees C / 185 degrees F
Module temperature low warning threshold : 0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
Laser rx power high alarm threshold : 0.8912 mW / -0.50 dBm
Laser rx power low alarm threshold : 0.0912 mW / -10.40 dBm
Laser rx power high warning threshold : 0.7943 mW / -1.00 dBm
Laser rx power low warning threshold : 0.1023 mW / -9.90 dBm
Sample Output
show interfaces diagnostics optics et-3/0/0 (QSFP+ Transceiver)
user@switch> show interfaces diagnostics optics et-3/0/0
Physical interface: et-3/0/0
Module temperature : 33 degrees C / 92 degrees F
Module voltage : 3.3060 V
Lane 0
Laser bias current : 7.182 mA
Laser receiver power : 0.743 mW / -1.29 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser receiver power high alarm : Off
Laser receiver power low alarm : Off
Laser receiver power high warning : Off
Laser receiver power low warning : Off
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm : Off
Rx loss of signal alarm : Off
Lane 1
Laser bias current : 7.326 mA
Laser receiver power : 0.752 mW / -1.24 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser receiver power high alarm : Off
Laser receiver power low alarm : Off
Laser receiver power high warning : Off
Laser receiver power low warning : Off
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm : Off
Rx loss of signal alarm : Off
Lane 2
Laser bias current : 7.447 mA
Laser receiver power : 0.790 mW / -1.03 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser receiver power high alarm : Off
Laser receiver power low alarm : Off
Laser receiver power high warning : Off
Laser receiver power low warning : Off
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm : Off
Rx loss of signal alarm : Off
Lane 3
Laser bias current : 7.734 mA
Laser receiver power : 0.768 mW / -1.15 dBm
Laser bias current high alarm : Off
Laser bias current low alarm : Off
Laser bias current high warning : Off
Laser bias current low warning : Off
Laser receiver power high alarm : Off
Laser receiver power low alarm : Off
Laser receiver power high warning : Off
Laser receiver power low warning : Off
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm : Off
Rx loss of signal alarm : Off
Sample Output
show interfaces diagnostics optics et-4/1/0 (CFP Transceiver)
user@switch> show interfaces diagnostics optics et-4/1/0
Physical interface: et-4/1/0
Module temperature : 38 degrees C / 101 degrees F
Module voltage : 3.2500 V
Module temperature high alarm : Off
Module temperature low alarm : Off
Module temperature high warning : Off
Module temperature low warning : Off
Module voltage high alarm : Off
Module voltage low alarm : Off
Module voltage high warning : Off
Module voltage low warning : Off
Module not ready alarm : Off
Module low power alarm : Off
Module initialization incomplete alarm : Off
Module fault alarm : Off
PLD Flash initialization fault alarm : Off
Power supply fault alarm : Off
Checksum fault alarm : Off
Tx laser disabled alarm : Off
Tx loss of signal functionality alarm : Off
Tx CDR loss of lock alarm : Off
Rx loss of signal alarm : Off
Rx CDR loss of lock alarm : Off
Module temperature high alarm threshold : 75 degrees C / 167 degrees F
Module temperature low alarm threshold : -5 degrees C / 23 degrees F
Module temperature high warning threshold : 70 degrees C / 158 degrees F
Module temperature low warning threshold : 0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
Module voltage high alarm threshold : 3.5000 V
Module voltage low alarm threshold : 3.0990 V
Module voltage high warning threshold : 3.4000 V
Module voltage low warning threshold : 3.2000 V
Laser bias current high alarm threshold : 250.000 mA
Laser bias current low alarm threshold : 37.500 mA
Laser bias current high warning threshold : 225.000 mA
Laser bias current low warning threshold : 50.000 mA
Laser output power high alarm threshold : 3.9800 mW / 6.00 dBm
Laser output power low alarm threshold : 0.4670 mW / -3.31 dBm
Laser output power high warning threshold : 3.5480 mW / 5.50 dBm
Laser output power low warning threshold : 0.5240 mW / -2.81 dBm
Laser rx power high alarm threshold : 3.5481 mW / 5.50 dBm
Laser rx power low alarm threshold : 0.0616 mW / -12.10 dBm
Laser rx power high warning threshold : 3.1622 mW / 5.00 dBm
Laser rx power low warning threshold : 0.0691 mW / -11.61 dBm
Laser temperature high alarm threshold : 67 degrees C / 153 degrees F
Laser temperature low alarm threshold : 35 degrees C / 95 degrees F
Laser temperature high warning threshold : 62 degrees C / 144 degrees F
Laser temperature low warning threshold : 40 degrees C / 104 degrees F
SOA bias current high alarm threshold : 0.000 mA
SOA bias current low alarm threshold : 0.000 mA
SOA bias current high warning threshold : 0.000 mA
SOA bias current low warning threshold : 0.000 mA
Lane 0
Laser bias current : 131.684 mA
Laser output power : 1.002 mW / 0.01 dBm
Laser temperature : 54 degrees C / 128 degrees F
Laser receiver power : 0.497 mW / -3.03 dBm
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Display status information about the specified Gigabit Ethernet interface.
NOTE: You must have a transceiver plugged into an SFP or SFP+ port before
information about the interface can be displayed.
Output Fields Table 28 on page 263 lists the output fields for the show interfaces ge- command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Physical Interface
Physical interface Name of the physical interface. All levels
Interface index Index number of the physical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail extensive none
SNMP ifIndex SNMP index number for the physical interface. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Link-level type Encapsulation being used on the physical interface. All levels
MTU Maximum transmission unit size on the physical interface. Default is 1514. All levels
Speed Speed of the interface: Auto if autonegotiation of speed is enabled; speed in All levels
megabits per second if the interface speed is explicitly configured.
Duplex Link mode of the interface: Auto if autonegotiation of link mode is enabled; All levels
Full-Duplex or Half-Duplex if the link mode is explicitly configured.
Loopback Loopback status: Enabled or Disabled. If loopback is enabled, type of loopback: All levels
Local or Remote.
IEEE 802.3az IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet status: Enabled or Disabled (appears All levels
Energy Efficient only for EEE-capable Base-T copper Ethernet interfaces).
Hold-times Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds. detail extensive
Last flapped Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format detail extensive none
is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone (hour:minute:second
ago). For example, Last flapped: 2008–01–16 10:52:40 UTC (3d 22:58 ago).
Statistics last Time when the statistics for the interface were last set to zero. detail extensive
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical detail extensive
Input errors Input errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
Output errors Output errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
• Carrier transitions—Number of times the interface has gone from down to up.
This number does not normally increment quickly, increasing only when the
cable is unplugged, the far-end system is powered down and then up, or
another problem occurs. If the number of carrier transitions increments quickly
(perhaps once every 10 seconds), the cable, the far-end system, or the PIC
or PIM is malfunctioning.
• Errors—Sum of the outgoing frame aborts and FCS errors.
• Drops—Number of packets dropped by the output queue of the I/O Manager
ASIC. If the interface is saturated, this number increments once for every
packet that is dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
• Collisions—Number of Ethernet collisions. The Gigabit Ethernet PIC supports
only full-duplex operation, so for Gigabit Ethernet PICs, this number should
always remain 0. If it is nonzero, there is a software bug.
• Aged packets—Number of packets that remained in shared packet SDRAM
so long that the system automatically purged them. The value in this field
should never increment. If it does, it is most likely a software bug or possibly
malfunctioning hardware.
• FIFO errors—Number of FIFO errors in the send direction as reported by the
ASIC on the PIC. If this value is ever nonzero, the PIC is probably
• HS link CRC errors—Number of errors on the high-speed links between the
ASICs responsible for handling the switch interfaces.
• MTU errors—Number of packets whose size exceeded the MTU of the interface.
• Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.
Egress queues Total number of egress queues supported on the specified interface. detail extensive
Queue counters CoS queue number and its associated user-configured forwarding class name. detail extensive
(Egress )
• Queued packets—Number of queued packets.
• Transmitted packets—Number of transmitted packets.
• Dropped packets—Number of packets dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
Active alarms and Ethernet-specific defects that can prevent the interface from passing packets. detail extensive none
Active defects When a defect persists for a certain time, it is promoted to an alarm. Based on
the switch configuration, a defect can activate the red or yellow alarm bell on
the switch or turn on the red or yellow alarm LED on the front of the switch.
These fields can contain the value None or Link.
MAC statistics Receive and Transmit statistics reported by the PIC's MAC subsystem. extensive
• Total octets and total packets—Total number of octets and packets. For
Gigabit Ethernet IQ PICs, the received octets count varies by interface type.
• Unicast packets, Broadcast packets, and Multicast packets—Number of unicast,
broadcast, and multicast packets.
• CRC/Align errors—Total number of packets received that had a length
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518
octets, inclusive, and had either a bad FCS with an integral number of octets
(FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral number of octets (Alignment
• FIFO error—Number of FIFO errors reported by the ASIC on the PIC. If this
value is ever nonzero, the PIC is probably malfunctioning.
• MAC control frames—Number of MAC control frames.
• MAC pause frames—Number of MAC control frames with pause operational
• Oversized frames—Number of frames that exceed 1518 octets.
• Jabber frames—Number of frames that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding
framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either an FCS error or an
alignment error. This definition of jabber is different from the definition in
IEEE-802.3 section (10BASE5) and section (10BASE2). These
documents define jabber as the condition in which any packet exceeds 20
ms. The allowed range to detect jabber is from 20 ms to 150 ms.
• Fragment frames—Total number of packets that were less than 64 octets in
length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either an
FCS error or an alignment error. Fragment frames normally increment because
both runts (which are normal occurrences caused by collisions) and noise
hits are counted.
• Code violations—Number of times an event caused the PHY to indicate “Data
reception error” or “invalid data symbol error.”
Filter Statistics Receive and Transmit statistics reported by the PIC's MAC address filter extensive
Packet Forwarding Information about the configuration of the Packet Forwarding Engine: extensive
configuration • Destination slot—FPC slot number:
• On standalone switches with built-in interfaces, the slot number refers to
the switch itself and is always 0.
• On Virtual Chassis composed of switches with built-in interfaces, the slot
number refers to the member ID of the switch.
• On switches with line cards or on Virtual Chassis composed of switches
with line cards, the slot number refers to the line card slot number on the
switch or Virtual Chassis.
Logical Interface
Index Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail extensive none
SNMP ifIndex SNMP interface index number for the logical interface. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received (input) and transmitted (output) detail extensive
on the specified interface.
NOTE: For logical interfaces on EX Series switches, the traffic statistics fields
in show interfaces commands show only control traffic; the traffic statistics do
not include data traffic.
IPv6 transit EX Series switches do not support the collection and reporting of IPv6 transit extensive
statistics statistics.
Local statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets destined to and from the switch. extensive
Transit statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets transiting the switch. extensive
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Route Table Route table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 detail extensive none
refers to the routing table inet.0.
Input Filters Names of any input filters applied to this interface. detail extensive
Output Filters Names of any output filters applied to this interface. detail extensive
protocol-family Protocol family configured on the logical interface. If the protocol is inet, the IP brief
address of the interface is also displayed.
Destination IP address of the remote side of the connection. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Sample Output
show interfaces ge-0/0/0
user@switch> show interfaces ge-0/0/0
Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
Interface index: 129, SNMP ifIndex: 21
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: Unspecified, Loopback: Disabled,
Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled
Remote fault: Online
Device flags : Present Running Down
Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
Current address: 00:19:e2:50:3f:41, Hardware address: 00:19:e2:50:3f:41
Last flapped : 2008-01-16 11:40:53 UTC (4d 02:30 ago)
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Ingress rate at Packet Forwarding Engine : 0 bps (0 pps)
Ingress drop rate at Packet Forwarding Engine : 0 bps (0 pps)
Active alarms : None
Active defects : None
show interfaces ge-0/0/0 brief (with EEE Enabled on the EEE-capable Base-T copper Ethernet interfaces)
user@switch> show interfaces ge-0/0/0 brief
Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: Auto, Duplex: Auto,
Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled,
Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online,
IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet: Enabled, NO LPI
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0
Link flags : None
0 best-effort 0 0 0
1 assured-forw 0 0 0
5 expedited-fo 0 0 0
7 network-cont 0 0 0
Logical interface ge-0/0/0.0 (Index 65) (SNMP ifIndex 235) (Generation 130)
Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2
Bandwidth: 0
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
Protocol eth-switch, Generation: 146, Route table: 0
Flags: Is-Primary
Input Filters: f1,
Output Filters: f2,,,,
0 best-effort 0 0 0
1 assured-forw 0 0 0
5 expedited-fo 0 0 0
7 network-cont 0 24307 0
Logical interface ge-0/0/4.0 (Index 82) (SNMP ifIndex 184) (Generation 147)
Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 4107883
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 24307
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 4107883
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 24307
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Protocol eth-switch, Generation: 159, Route table: 0
Flags: None
Input Filters: f2,
Output Filters: f1,,,,
Options brief | detail | extensive | terse—(Optional) Display the specified level of output.
snmp-index snmp-index—(Optional) Display information for the interface with the specified
SNMP index.
Additional Information Integrated routing and bridging (IRB) provides simultaneous support for Layer 2 bridging
and Layer 3 IP routing on the same interface. IRB enables you to route local packets to
another routed interface or to another VLAN that has a Layer 3 protocol configured.
Output Fields Table 29 on page 274 lists the output fields for the show interfaces irb command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Physical Interface
Physical interface Name of the physical interface. All levels
Enabled State of the physical interface. Possible values are described in the “Enabled All levels
Field” section under Common Output Fields Description.
Interface index Physical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail extensive none
SNMP ifIndex SNMP index number for the physical interface. detail extensive none
Link-level type Encapsulation being used on the physical interface. detail extensive brief
Clocking Reference clock source: Internal or External. Always unspecified on IRB detail extensive brief
Speed Speed at which the interface is running. Always unspecified on IRB interfaces. detail extensive brief
Device flags Information about the physical device. Possible values are described in the detail extensive brief
“Device Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. none
Interface flags Information about the interface. Possible values are described in the “Interface detail extensive brief
Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. none
Link type Physical interface link type: full duplex or half duplex. detail extensive
Link flags Information about the link. Possible values are described in the “Links Flags” detail extensive none
section under Common Output Fields Description.
Hold-times Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds. detail extensive
Last flapped Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format detail extensive none
is Last flapped: year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds timezone
(hours:minutes:seconds ago). For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40
PDT (04:33:20 ago).
Statistics last Time when the statistics for the interface were last set to zero. detail extensive
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical detail extensive
IPv6 transit statistics Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the detail extensive
physical interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.
Input errors Input errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters detail extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
Output errors Output errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters detail extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
Logical Interface
Index Index number of the logical interface (which reflects its initialization sequence). detail extensive
SNMP ifIndex SNMP interface index number of the logical interface. detail extensive
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Flags Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the detail extensive
“Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical detail extensive
IPv6 transit statistics Number of IPv6 transit bytes and packets received and transmitted on the detail extensive
logical interface if IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled.
Local statistics Statistics for traffic received from and transmitted to the Routing Engine. detail extensive
Transit statistics Statistics for traffic transiting the router. detail extensive
Protocol Protocol family configured on the local interface. Possible values are described detail extensive
in the “Protocol Field” section under Common Output Fields Description.
MTU Maximum transmission unit size on the logical interface. detail extensive
Maximum labels Maximum number of MPLS labels configured for the MPLS protocol family on detail extensive
the logical interface. none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Route table Routing table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 detail extensive
refers to the routing table inet.0.
Addresses, Flags Information about address flags. Possible values are described in the “Addresses detail extensive
Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.
Policer The policer that is to be evaluated when packets are received or transmitted detail extensive
on the interface.
Flags Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the detail extensive
“Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description.
Sample Output
show interfaces irb extensive
user@host> show interfaces irb extensive
Physical interface: irb, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 129, SNMP ifIndex: 23, Generation: 130
Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Clocking: Unspecified,
Speed: Unspecified
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
Link type : Full-Duplex
Link flags : None
Physical info : Unspecified
Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
Current address: 02:00:00:00:00:30, Hardware address: 02:00:00:00:00:30
Alternate link address: Unspecified
Last flapped : Never
Statistics last cleared: Never
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Input errors:
Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0, Policed discards:
0, Resource errors: 0
Output errors:
Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors:
Logical interface irb.0 (Index 68) (SNMP ifIndex 70) (Generation 143)
Flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps 0x4000 Encapsulation: ENET2
Bandwidth: 1000mbps
Routing Instance: customer_0 Bridging Domain: bd0
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 154, Route table: 0
Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
Destination: 10.51.1/8, Local:, Broadcast:,
Generation: 155
Protocol multiservice, MTU: 1500, Generation: 155, Route table: 0
Flags: Is-Primary
Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for the MX Series.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for the QFX Series.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3R2 for EX Series switches.
Configuration Consistency Check output field added in Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D60
for the QFX Series.
Description On peers with multichassis aggregated Ethernet (mc-aeX) interfaces, use this command
to display information about the multichassis aggregated Ethernet interfaces.
• Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation for Layer 3 Unicast using MAC Address
Synchronization (QFX Series Switches)
• Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation for Layer 3 Unicast Using VRRP (QFX
Series Switches)
• Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation for Layer 3 Unicast Using VRRP on
EX9200 Switches (EX Series Switches)
• Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation for Layer 3 Multicast Using VRRP
(QFX Series Switches)
• Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation for Layer 3 Multicast Using VRRP on
EX9200 Switches (EX Series Switches)
List of Sample Output show interfaces mc-ae (EX Series ) on page 281
show interfaces mc-ae (MX Series) on page 282
show interfaces mc-ae (Active/Active Bridging and VRRP over IRB on MX
Series) on page 282
Output Fields Table 30 on page 281 lists the output fields for the show interfaces mc-ae command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Current State Machine’s State Specifies the state of the MC-LAG initialization state machine.
Configuration Consistency Check Specifies the status of the MC-LAG configuration consistency
check feature. The status is either Passed or Failed. If the status
is Failed, the system will display the name of the parameter
that failed consistency check. If there are multiple
inconsistencies, only the first inconsistency is shown. If the
enforcement level for the MC-LAG parameter was mandatory,
and you did not configure that parameter correctly, the
command will show that the MC-LAG interface is down.
Local Status Specifies the status of the local link: active or standby.
Peer Status Specifies the status of the peer link: active or standby.
Peer State Specifies the status of the local and peer links in an
active/active MC-LAG configuration.
Sample Output
show interfaces mc-ae (EX Series )
user@switch> show interfaces mc-ae ae1 512
Member Link : ae1
Current State Machine's State: mcae active state
Configuration Consistency Check : Failed (redundancy group id mismatch)
Local Status : active
Local State : up
Peer Status : standby
Peer State : up
Logical Interface : ae1.0
Topology Type : bridge
Local State : up
Peer State : up
Peer Ip/MCP/State : ae0.0 up
show interfaces mc-ae (Active/Active Bridging and VRRP over IRB on MX Series)
user@host# show interfaces mc-ae ge-0/0/0.0
Member Link : ae0
Current State Machine's State: active
Local Status : active
Local State : up
Peer Status : active
Peer State : up
Logical Interface : ae0.0
Topology Type : bridge
Local State : up
Peer State : up
Peer Ip/ICL-PL/State : ge-0/0/0.0 up
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Output Fields Table 31 on page 283 lists the output fields for the show interfaces me0 command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Physical Interface
Physical interface Name of the physical interface. All levels
Interface index Index number of the physical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail extensive none
SNMP ifIndex SNMP index number for the physical interface. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Link-level type Encapsulation being used on the physical interface. All levels
MTU Maximum transmission unit size on the physical interface. The default is 1514. All levels
Clocking Interface that acts as a clock source. This field is not supported on EX Series detail extensive
switches and the default value is always Unspecified.
Link type Information about whether the link is duplex and whether the negotiation is detail extensive none
manual or automatic.
Physical info Information about the device dependent physical interface selector. This field detail extensive
is applied only when a clocking option is specified. This field is not supported
on EX Series switches and the default value is always Unspecified.
Hold-times Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds. detail extensive
Last flapped Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format detail extensive none
is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone
(weeksw:daysdhour:minute:second ago). For example, Last flapped: 2008–01–16
10:52:40 UTC (3w:3d 22:58 ago).
Statistics last Time when the statistics for the interface was last set to zero. The format is detail extensive
cleared Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone
(weeksw:daysdhour:minute:second ago). For example, Last flapped: 2008–01–16
10:52:40 UTC (3w:3d 22:58 ago).
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical detail extensive
IPv6 transit Number and rate of bytes and IPv6 packets received and transmitted on the detail extensive
statistics physical interface.
Input errors Input errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
• Errors—Sum of the incoming frame aborts and frame checksum (FCS) errors.
• Drops—Number of packets dropped by the input queue of the I/O Manager
• Framing errors—Number of packets received with an invalid FCS.
• Runts—Number of frames received that are smaller than the runt threshold.
• Giants— Number of packets that exceed the size for the medium. For example,
if the medium is Ethernet, the Giant field shows the count of packets with
size greater than 1518 bytes.
• Policed discards—Number of frames that the incoming packet match code
discarded because they were not recognized or not of interest. Usually, this
field reports protocols that the Junos OS does not handle.
• Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.
Output errors Output errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters extensive
whose meaning might not be obvious:
• Carrier transitions—Number of times the interface has gone from down to up.
This number does not normally increment quickly. It increases only when the
cable is unplugged, the far-end system is powered down and then up, or
another problem occurs. If the number of carrier transitions increment quickly
(perhaps once every 10 seconds), the cable, the far-end system, or the PIC
or PIM is malfunctioning.
• Errors—Sum of the outgoing frame aborts and FCS errors.
• Drops—Number of packets dropped by the output queue of the I/O Manager
ASIC. If the interface is saturated, this number increments once for every
packet that is dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
• MTU errors—Number of packets whose size exceeded the MTU of the interface.
• Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.
Logical Interface
Logical interface Name of the logical interface. All levels
Index Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail extensive none
SNMP ifIndex SNMP interface index number for the logical interface. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received (input) and transmitted (output) detail extensive
on the specified interface.
IPv6 transit If IPv6 statistics tracking is enabled, number of IPv6 bytes and packets received detail extensive
statistics and transmitted on the logical interface.
Local statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets destined to and exiting from the switch. extensive
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Route Table Routing table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 detail extensive
refers to the routing table inet.0.
Addresses Information about the management interface addresses. detail extensive none
Destination IP address of the remote side of the connection. detail extensive none
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail extensive
Sample Output
show interfaces me0
user@switch> show interfaces me0
Physical interface: me0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 1, SNMP ifIndex: 33
Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
Link type : Full-Duplex
Current address: 00:1f:12:35:3c:bf, Hardware address: 00:1f:12:35:3c:bf
Last flapped : 2010-07-31 23:45:50 PDT (5d 00:32 ago)
Input packets : 1661830
Output packets: 3200
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 366663167
Output bytes : 498590
Input packets: 1664031
Output packets: 3259
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Input errors:
Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Giants: 0,
Policed discards: 0, Resource errors: 0
Output errors:
Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, MTU errors: 0,
Resource errors: 0
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Options none—Show detailed CoS queue statistics for all physical interfaces.
ingress—(Optional) Show ingress queue statistics only. (Ingress statistics are not available
for all interfaces.)
List of Sample Output show interfaces queue ge-0/0/0 (EX2200 Switch) on page 292
show interfaces queue xe-6/0/39 (Line Card with Oversubscribed Ports in an EX8200
Switch) on page 293
Output Fields Table 32 on page 290 lists the output fields for the show interfaces queue command.
Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Interface index Index number of the physical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence.
Forwarding classes Number of forwarding classes supported and in use for the interface.
PFE chassis queues For an interface on a line card with oversubscribed ports, the number of Packet
Forwarding Engine chassis queues supported and in use for the port group to
which the interface belongs. The Packet Forwarding Engine chassis queue for
a port group handles high priority traffic from all the interfaces in the port group.
Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues For an interface on a line card with oversubscribed ports, the number of Packet
Forwarding Engine chassis queues supported and in use for the port group to
which the interface belongs. The queue statistics reflect the traffic flowing on
all the interfaces in the port group.
Sample Output
show interfaces queue ge-0/0/0 (EX2200 Switch)
user@switch> show interfaces queue ge–0/0/0
Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
Interface index: 130, SNMP ifIndex: 501
Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use
Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort
Packets : 0
Bytes : 0
Tail-dropped packets : 0
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding
Packets : 0
Bytes : 0
Tail-dropped packets : 0
Queue: 5, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding
Packets : 0
Bytes : 0
Tail-dropped packets : 0
Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: network-control
Packets : 0
Bytes : 0
Tail-dropped packets : 0
show interfaces queue xe-6/0/39 (Line Card with Oversubscribed Ports in an EX8200 Switch)
user@switch> show interfaces queue xe-6/0/39
Packets : 46714
Bytes : 6901326
Tail-dropped packets : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
RED-dropped bytes : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
Queue: 6, Forwarding classes: mcast-af
Packets : 0
Bytes : 0
Tail-dropped packets : 0
RED-dropped packets : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
RED-dropped bytes : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: network-control
Packets : 97990
Bytes : 14987506
Tail-dropped packets : 0
RED-dropped packets : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
RED-dropped bytes : 0
Low : 0
High : 0
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Description Display status information about the specified 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface.
NOTE: You must have a transceiver plugged into an SFP+ or an XFP port
before information about the interface can be displayed.
NOTE: On an EX Series switch, the traffic statistics for a LAG might vary
slightly from the cumulative traffic statistics of the member interfaces of the
LAG. This difference is more likely to be seen when the traffic is bursty in
nature, and because the statistics are not fetched from the LAG and the
members in the same instant. For accurate traffic statistics for a LAG, use
the aggregated Ethernet counters.
Options xe-fpc/pic/port —Display standard information about the specified 10-Gigabit Ethernet
Output Fields Table 33 on page 297 lists the output fields for the show interfaces xe- command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Interface index Index number of the physical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail
SNMP ifIndex SNMP index number for the physical interface. detail
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail
Loopback Loopback status: Enabled or Disabled. If loopback is enabled, type of loopback: brief
Local or Remote. detail
Last flapped Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format detail
is year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone (weekswdaysd extensive
hours:minutes:seconds ago). For example, 2008–01–16 10:52:40 UTC (3d 22:58 none
Input Rate Input rate in bits per second (bps) and packets per second (pps). none
Statistics last Date, time, and how long ago the statistics for the interface were cleared. The detail
cleared format is year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone (weekswdaysd extensive
hours:minutes:seconds ago). For example, 2010-05-17 07:51:28 PDT (00:04:33
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical detail
interface. extensive
• Input bytes—Number of bytes received on the interface and rate in bits per
• Output bytes—Number of bytes transmitted on the interface and rate in bits
per second.
• Input packets—Number of packets received on the interface and rate in
packets per second.
• Output packets—Number of packets transmitted on the interface and rate in
packets per second.
IPv6 transit EX Series switches do not support the collection and reporting of IPv6 transit detail
statistics statistics. extensive
• Carrier transitions—Number of times the interface has gone from down to up.
This number does not normally increment quickly, increasing only when the
cable is unplugged, the far-end system is powered down and then up, or
another problem occurs. If the number of carrier transitions increments quickly
(perhaps once every 10 seconds), the cable, the far-end system, or the PIC
or PIM is malfunctioning.
• Errors—Sum of the outgoing frame aborts and FCS errors.
• Drops—Number of packets dropped by the output queue of the I/O Manager
ASIC. If the interface is saturated, this number increments once for every
packet that is dropped by the ASIC's RED mechanism.
• Collisions—Number of Ethernet collisions. A 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface
supports only full-duplex operation, so for 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces,
this number should always remain 0. If it is nonzero, there is a software bug.
• Aged packets—Number of packets that remained in shared packet SDRAM
so long that the system automatically purged them. The value in this field
should never increment. If it does, it is most likely a software bug or possibly
malfunctioning hardware.
• FIFO errors—Number of FIFO errors in the send direction as reported by the
ASIC on the PIC. If this value is ever nonzero, the PIC is probably
• HS link CRC errors—Number of errors on the high-speed links between the
ASICs responsible for handling the switch interfaces.
• MTU errors—Number of packets whose size exceeded the MTU of the interface.
• Resource errors—Sum of transmit drops.
Ingress queues Number of CoS ingress queues supported on the specified interface. Displayed detail
only for an interface on a line card with oversubscribed ports. extensive
Egress queues Number of CoS egress queues supported on the specified interface. detail
PFE Egress queues Number of Packet Forwarding Engine egress queues shared by the interfaces detail
in a port group. Displayed only for an interface on a line card with oversubscribed extensive
Active alarms and Ethernet-specific defects that can prevent the interface from passing packets. detail
Active defects When a defect persists for a certain amount of time, it is promoted to an alarm. extensive
Based on the switch configuration, an alarm can ring the red or yellow alarm none
bell on the switch or turn on the red or yellow alarm LED on the front of the
switch. These fields can contain the value None or Link.
MAC statistics Receive and Transmit statistics reported by the PIC's MAC subsystem. extensive
Packet Forwarding Information about the configuration of the Packet Forwarding Engine: extensive
configuration • Destination slot—FPC slot number:
• On standalone switches with built-in interfaces, the slot number refers to
the switch itself and is always 0.
• On Virtual Chassis composed of switches with built-in interfaces, the slot
number refers to the member ID of the switch.
• On switches with line cards or on Virtual Chassis composed of switches
with line cards, the slot number refers to the line card slot number on the
switch or Virtual Chassis.
CoS Information Scheduler information for the CoS egress queues on the physical interface: extensive
Encrypted Packets The number of packets sent from the interface that were secured and encrypted detail
using MACsec. extensive
Protected Bytes The number of bytes sent from the interface that were secured using MACsec, detail
but not encrypted. extensive
Encrypted Bytes The number of packets sent from the interface that were secured and encrypted detail
using MACsec. extensive
Accepted Packets The number of received packets that have been accepted on the interface. A detail
packet is considered accepted for this counter when it has been received by extensive
this interface and it has passed the MACsec integrity check.
This counter increments for traffic that is and is not encrypted using MACsec.
Validated Bytes The number of bytes that have been validated by the MACsec integrity check detail
and received on the interface. extensive
Decrypted Bytes The number of bytes received on the interface that have been decrypted. An detail
encrypted byte has to be decrypted before it can be received on the receiving extensive
interface. The decrypted bytes counter is incremented for received traffic that
was encrypted using MACSec.
Index Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence. detail
SNMP ifIndex SNMP interface index number for the logical interface. detail
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail
Traffic statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets received (input) and transmitted (output) detail
on the specified interface. extensive
NOTE: For logical interfaces on EX Series switches, the traffic statistics fields
in show interfaces commands show only control traffic; the traffic statistics do
not include data traffic.
Local statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets destined to and from the switch. extensive
Transit statistics Number and rate of bytes and packets transiting the switch. extensive
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail
Route Table Route table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 detail
refers to the routing table inet.0. extensive
Input Filters Names of any input filters applied to this interface. detail
Output Filters Names of any output filters applied to this interface. detail
protocol-family Protocol family configured on the logical interface. If the protocol is inet, the IP brief
address of the interface is also displayed.
Generation Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. detail
Sample Output
show interfaces xe-4/1/0
user@switch show interfaces xe-4/1/0
Physical interface: xe-4/1/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 387, SNMP ifIndex: 369
0 best-effort 0 0 0
1 assured-forw 0 0 0
5 expedited-fo 0 0 0
7 network-cont 0 0 0
Logical interface xe-4/1/0.0 (Index 66) (SNMP ifIndex 417) (Generation 158)
Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
Protocol eth-switch, Generation: 174, Route table: 0
Flags: None
Input Filters: f1,
Output Filters: f2,,,,
Output packets: 0
Input errors:
Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0,
L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0,
FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
Output errors:
Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0,
Logical interface xe-6/0/39.0 (Index 1810) (SNMP ifIndex 2238) (Generation 1923)
Release Information Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D20 for the OCX Series.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2R3
Description Display Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) information about the specified
aggregated Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interface.
• Aggregated Ethernet—aex
• Gigabit Ethernet—ge-fpc/pic/port
• 10-Gigabit Ethernet—xe-fpc/pic/port
• Example: Configuring Link Aggregation Between a QFX Series Product and an Aggregation
List of Sample Output show lacp interfaces (EX Series Switches) on page 312
show lacp interfaces (QFX Series) on page 313
Output Fields Table 34 on page 311 lists the output fields for the show lacp interfaces command. Output
fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
LACP State LACP state information for each aggregated Ethernet interface:
• For a child interface configured with the force-up statement, LACP state displays FUP along with
the interface name.
• Role—Role played by the interface. It can be one of the following:
• Actor—Local device participating in the LACP negotiation.
• Partner—Remote device participating in the LACP negotiation.
• Exp—Expired state. Yes indicates that the actor or partner is in an expired state. No indicates that
the actor or partner is not in an expired state.
• Def—Default. Yes indicates that the actor’s receive machine is using the default operational partner
information, which is administratively configured for the partner. No indicates that the operational
partner information in use has been received in an LACP PDU.
• Dist—Distribution of outgoing frames. No indicates that the distribution of outgoing frames on the
link is currently disabled and is not expected to be enabled. Otherwise, the value is Yes.
• Col—Collection of incoming frames. Yes indicates that the collection of incoming frames on the
link is currently enabled and is not expected to be disabled. Otherwise, the value is No.
• Syn—Synchronization. If the value is Yes, the link is considered to be synchronized. The link has
been allocated to the correct link aggregation group, the group has been associated with a
compatible aggregator, and the identity of the link aggregation group is consistent with the system
ID and operational key information transmitted. If the value is No, the link is not synchronized. The
link is currently not in the right aggregation.
• Aggr—Ability of the aggregation port to aggregate (Yes) or to operate only as an individual link
• Timeout—LACP timeout preference. Periodic transmissions of LACP PDUs occur at either a slow
or a fast transmission rate, depending upon the expressed LACP timeout preference (Long Timeout
or Short Timeout).
• Activity—Actor’s or partner’s port activity. Passive indicates the port’s preference for not transmitting
LAC PDUs unless its partner’s control value is Active. Active indicates the port’s preference to
participate in the protocol regardless of the partner’s control value.
• Link state (active or standby) indicated in parentheses next to the interface when link protection
is configured.
• Receive State—One of the following values:
• Current—The state machine receives an LACP PDU and enters the Current state.
• Defaulted—If no LACP PDU is received before the timer for the Current state expires a second
time, the state machine enters the Defaulted state.
• Expired—If no LACP PDU is received before the timer for the Current state expires once, the state
machine enters the Expired state.
• Initialize—When the physical connectivity of a link changes or a Begin event occurs, the state
machine enters the Initialize state.
• LACP Disabled—If the port is operating in half duplex, the operation of LACP is disabled on the
port, forcing the state to LACP Disabled. This state is similar to the Defaulted state, except that
the port is forced to operate as an individual port.
• Port Disabled—If the port becomes inoperable and a Begin event has not occurred, the state
machine enters the Port Disabled state.
• Transmit State—Transmit state of the state machine. The transmit state is one of the following
• Fast periodic—Periodic transmissions are enabled at a fast transmission rate.
• No periodic—Periodic transmissions are disabled.
• Periodic timer—Transitory state entered when the periodic timer expires.
• Slow periodic—Periodic transmissions are enabled at a slow transmission rate.
• Mux State—State of the multiplexer state machine for the aggregation port. The state is one of the
following values:
• Attached—The multiplexer state machine initiates the process of attaching the port to the
selected aggregator.
• Collecting—Yes indicates that the receive function of this link is enabled with respect to its
participation in an aggregation. Received frames are passed to the aggregator for collection. No
indicates the receive function of this link is not enabled.
• Collecting distributing—Collecting and distributing states are merged together to form a combined
state (coupled control). Because independent control is not possible, the coupled control state
machine does not wait for the partner to signal that collection has started before enabling both
collection and distribution.
• Detached—Process of detaching the port from the aggregator is in progress.
• Distributing—Yes indicates that the transmit function of this link is enabled with respect to its
participation in an aggregation. Frames can be passed down from the aggregator’s distribution
function for transmission. No indicates the transmit function of this link is not enabled.
• Waiting—The multiplexer state machine is in a holding process, awaiting an outcome.
Sample Output
show lacp interfaces (EX Series Switches)
user@switch> show lacp interfaces ae5
Aggregated interface: ae5
LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity
xe-2/0/7 Actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active
xe-2/0/7 Partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Passive
Output Fields Use the show interfaces extensive command to see the state for auto-negotiation.
Sample Output
test interface restart-auto-negotiation
user@host> test interface restart-auto-negotiation fe-1/0/0