Equest HVAC System Types

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HVAC System Types

HVAC System options depend on cooling and heating sources selected for each project or system. In eQuest,
there are more than 60 posible HVAC system configurations.

Heating Sources: Their availability depends on the Cooling source definition, possible heat sources in eQuest

• No Heating
• Furnace
• DX Coils
• Hot Water Coils
• Electric Resistance
• Baseboards Only

Following is a table with the available system types depending on the possible combinations of cooling and
heating sources:

Cooling Heating
HVAC System Type
Source Source

Unit Ventilator (no heating or cooling)
No Cooling No Heating
Ventilation system with no cooling capability, no heating capability and no ductwork.

Gas or Fuel Furnace with zone ventilation

No Cooling Furnace Central or wall mounted furnace with outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has ducted
distribution system.

Gas or Fuel Furnace with NO zone ventilation

No Cooling Furnace Central or wall mounted furnace with no outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has ducted
distribution system.

Elec Furnace with zone ventilation
No Cooling Central or wall electric resistance heater with outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has
ducted distribution system.

Elec Furnace with NO zone ventilation
No Cooling Central or wall electric resistance heater with no outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has
ducted distribution system.

Forced Air Electric Heaters with zone ventilation
No Cooling Electric heaters serving individual zones or dwelling units. This system may be a ducted central system or non-
ducted, in-wall heater. The zone and/or system has additional outside air ventilation supply as well.

Forced Air Electric Heaters with No zone ventilation
No Cooling Electric heaters serving individual zones or dwelling units. This system may be a ducted central system or non-
ducted, in-wall heater. The zone and/or system does not have additional outside air ventilation supply.

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
Hot Water
HW Furnace with zone ventilation
No Cooling Central or wall hot water heater with outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has ducted
distribution system.

Hot Water
HW Furnace with NO zone ventilation
No Cooling Central or wall hot water heater with no outside air ventilation supply. If central system, typically has ducted
distribution system.

Forced Air Hot Water Heaters with zone ventilation

Hot Water Hot water (hydronic) heaters serving individual zones or dwelling units. This system may be a ducted central
No Cooling
Coils system or non-ducted, in-wall heater. The zone and/or system has additional outside air ventilation supply as

Forced Air Hot Water Heaters with No zone ventilation

Hot Water Hot Water (hydronic) heaters serving individual zones or dwelling units. This system may be a ducted central
No Cooling
Coils system or non-ducted, in-wall heater. The zone and/or system does not have additional outside air ventilation

Baseboards Elec Baseboards (only) with zone ventilation

No Cooling
Only Electric resistance baseboard heaters with additional outside air ventilation fan(s).

Baseboards Elec Baseboards (only) with NO zone ventilation

No Cooling
Only Electric resistance baseboard heaters with no additional outside air ventilation fan(s).

Baseboards HW Baseboards (only) with zone ventilation

No Cooling
Only Hot water baseboard heaters with additional outside air ventilation fan(s).

Baseboards HW Baseboards (only) with NO zone ventilation

No Cooling
Only Hot water baseboard heaters with no additional outside air ventilation fan(s).


Packaged Single Zone DX (no heating)

DX Coils No Heating
Packaged single zone air conditioner with no heating capability, typically with ductwork.

Split System Single Zone DX (no heating)

DX Coils No Heating Central single zone air conditioner with no heating capability, typically with ductwork. System has indoor fan
and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit.

Packaged Terminal AC (no heating)

DX Coils No Heating Packaged terminal air conditioning unit with no heating capability and no ductwork. Unit may be window or
through-wall mounted.

Packaged VAV (no heating)

DX Coils No Heating Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capability. System includes a variable volume, single
duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control.

Packaged VVT (no heating)

Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capability. System includes a variable volume, single
DX Coils No Heating duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones. A single control zone controls the overall fan flow volume
and supply air temperature reset while thermostats in subzones, if any, control flow dampers serving the

Packaged DX Parallel Fan-Powered VAV (no reheat)

DX Coils No Heating Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capability. System includes a variable volume, single
duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with parallel fan-powered terminal units with
thermostatic control.

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV (no reheat)
DX Coils No Heating Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capability. System includes a variable volume, single
duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with series fan-powered terminal units with
thermostatic control.

Data Center DX CRAC (no heating)

Packaged direct expansion computer room air conditioning system with no heating capability. System includes
DX Coils No Heating a variable volume fan typically serving a single zone but with the option to serve subzones. A single control
zone controls the unit flow volume and supply air temperature reset while thermostats in subzones, if any,
control flow dampers serving the subzones.

Packaged Single Zone DX with Furnace

DX Coils Furnace Central packaged single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork and typically
used in commercial applications, including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant
ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone DX with Furnace

DX Coils Furnace Central single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork and typically used in
commercial applications, including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant
ventilation air. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit.

Packaged Multizone with Furnace

DX Coils Furnace Packaged direct expansion cooling system with combustion furnace. System includes a constant volume
fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for
each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.

Packaged Single Zone DX with Furnace (residential)

DX Coils Furnace Packaged single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork and typically used in
residential applications, including intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or
furnace) and no mechanical ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone DX with Furnace (residential)

DX Coils Furnace Single zone air conditioner with combustion furnace, typically with ductwork and typically used in commercial
applications, including intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or furnace) and
no mechanical ventilation air. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit.

Packaged VVT with Furnace

Packaged direct expansion cooling system with combustion furnace. System includes a variable volume, single
DX Coils Furnace duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones. A single control zone controls the overall fan flow volume
and supply air temperature reset while thermostats in subzones, if any, control flow dampers serving the

Packaged Single Zone DX with Elec Heat
DX Coils Central packaged single zone air conditioner with electric resistance heating typically used in commercial
applications, including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone DX with Elec Heat

Electric Central single zone air conditioner with electric resistance heating, typically with ductwork and typically used
DX Coils
Resistance in commercial applications, including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant
ventilation air. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit.

Packaged Single Zone DX with Elec Heat (residential)

Electric Packaged single zone air conditioner with electric resistance heating, typically with ductwork and typically used
DX Coils
Resistance in residential applications, including intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or
furnace) and no mechanical ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone DX w/ Elec Heat (residential)

Electric Single zone air conditioner with electric resistance heating, typically with ductwork and typically used in
DX Coils commercial applications, including intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or
furnace) and no mechanical ventilation air. System has indoor fan and cooling coil and remote
compressor/condensing unit.
Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868
Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
Packaged Terminal AC with Elec Resist Heat
DX Coils Packaged terminal air conditioning unit with electric resistance heating and no ductwork. Unit may be window
or through-wall mounted.

Packaged VAV with Elec Reheat

Electric Packaged direct expansion cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a variable volume,
DX Coils
Resistance single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is
equipped with a variable volume terminal unit and electric resistance reheating coils.

Packaged Multizone with Elec Heat

Electric Packaged direct expansion cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a constant volume
DX Coils
Resistance fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for
each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.

Packaged VVT with Elec Heat

Electric Packaged direct expansion cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a variable volume,
DX Coils single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones. A single control zone controls the overall fan flow
volume and supply air temperature reset while thermostats in subzones, if any, control flow dampers serving
the subzones.

Packaged DX Parallel Fan-Powered VAV w/ Elec Heat

Electric Packaged direct expansion cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a variable volume,
DX Coils
Resistance single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with parallel fan-powered terminal units with
thermostatic control.

Packaged DX Series Fan-Powered VAV with Elec Heat

Electric Packaged direct expansion cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a variable volume,
DX Coils
Resistance single duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with series fan-powered terminal units with
thermostatic control.

DX Coils (Ht
Packaged Single Zone Heat Pump
DX Coils Packaged single zone heat pump unit, typically with ductwork and typically used in commercial applications,
including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone Heat Pump

DX Coils Central single zone heat pump unit, typically with ductwork and typically used in commercial applications,
DX Coils
(Heat Pump) including continuous indoor fan operation during occupancy and occupant ventilation air. System has indoor
fan and cooling coil and remote compressor/condensing unit.

Packaged Single Zone Heat Pump (residential)

DX Coils Packaged single zone heat pump, typically with ductwork and typically used in residential applications,
DX Coils
(Heat Pump) including intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or furnace) and no mechanical
ventilation air.

Split System Single Zone Heat Pump (residential)

DX Coils Single zone heat pump, typically with ductwork and typically used in commercial applications, including
DX Coils intermittent indoor fan operation (indoor fan cycles with compressor or furnace) and no mechanical
(Heat Pump)
ventilation air. System has indoor fan and cooling/heating coil and remote compressor/condensing/evaporator

DX Coils Packaged Terminal Heat Pump

DX Coils
(Heat Pump) Packaged terminal heat pump unit with no ductwork. Unit may be window or through-wall mounted.

Packaged VVT Heat Pump

DX Coils Packaged heat pump unit. System includes a variable volume, single duct fan/distribution system serving
DX Coils
(Heat Pump) multiple zones. A single control zone controls the overall fan flow volume and supply air temperature reset
while thermostats in subzones, if any, control flow dampers serving the subzones.

DX Coils
DX Coils
(Heat Pump)
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF), Heat Pump

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
This system consists of an outdoor condensing unit and multiple indoor refrigerant coils that provide DX
cooling and heating. Heat pump VRF indicates that at any given point in time, the entire system must operate
in either cooling or heating mode.

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF), Heat Recovery

DX Coils
DX Coils This system consists of an outdoor condensing unit and multiple indoor refrigerant coils that provide DX
(Heat Pump) cooling and heating. Heat recovery VRF indicates that the system can provide simultaneous heating and
cooling, i.e. at a given point in time, some zones can operate in cooling while others operate in heating.

Ground-Source Heat Pump

DX Coils Ground-source heat pump is a special form of the water-source heat pump application. Different from
DX Coils
(Heat Pump) common water-source heat pump systems that use both cooling tower and boiler to maintain the loop
temperature within the specified range, the ground-source heat pump (if not the hybrid type) use only the
ground loop heat exchanger to keep the loop temperature within the specified range.

Water-Source Heat Pump

Water-source heat pump, connected to a common condenser water loop along with other water-source heat
DX Coils pumps in the same building. Water-source heat pumps typically have ducted distribution systems.
DX Coils Two System Type options are available:
(Heat Pump)
WSHP (single/multi-zone) –allows only one control zone (i.e., any additional zones are subordinate zones;
eQUEST default: one system per zone), VAV indoor fans, VSD fan control, multi-stage and VSD compressor.
WSHP (simplified single zone) – conventional HP system, single zone only, CV fans, single stage compressor.

Packaged VAV with HW Reheat

Hot Water Packaged direct expansion cooling system with hot water heating. System includes a variable volume, single
DX Coils
Coils duct fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is
equipped with a variable volume terminal unit and hot water reheating coils.


Chilled Water Standard VAV (no reheat)

No Heating Chilled water cooling system with no central heating. System includes a variable volume, single duct
fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a variable volume terminal unit with no reheating coils.

Parallel Fan-Powered VAV (no reheat)

Chilled Chilled water cooling system with no central heating. System includes a variable volume, single duct
No Heating
Water Coils fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a parallel fan-powered terminal unit with no reheating coils.

Series Fan-Powered VAV (no reheat)

Chilled Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
No Heating
Water Coils fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a series fan-powered terminal unit with no reheating coils.

Single Zone Air Handler (cooling only)
No Heating Chilled water (hydronic) cooling units with no heating capacity serving individual zones or dwelling units with
Water Coils
ducted distribution system.

Multizone Air Handler (cooling only)

Chilled Packaged direct expansion cooling system with no heating capacity. System includes a constant volume
No Heating
Water Coils fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Return and cold air are mixed for
each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.

Data Center CHW CRAH (no heating)

Chilled Chilled Water-based cumputer room air handling system with no heating capability. System includes a variable
No Heating volume fan typically serving a single zone but with the option to serve subzones. A single control zone controls
Water Coils
the unit flow volume and supply air temperature reset while thermostats in subzones, if any, control flow
dampers serving the subzones.

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
Chilled Water Electric Standard VAV with Elec Reheat
Coils Resistance Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a variable volume terminal unit and electric resistance reheating coils.

Parallel Fan-Powered VAV with Elec Reheat

Chilled Electric Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
Water Coils Resistance fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a parallel fan-powered terminal unit with electric resistance reheating coils.

Series Fan-Powered VAV with Elec Reheat

Chilled Electric Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
Water Coils Resistance fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a series fan-powered terminal unit with electric resistance reheating coils.

Chilled Electric
Single Zone Air Handler with Elec Heat
Chilled water (hydronic) cooling system with electric resistance heating serving individual zones or dwelling
Water Coils Resistance
units with ducted distribution system.

Chilled Electric
Reheat Fan System with Elec Reheat
Constant volume, chilled water (hydronic) cooling system serving multiple zones, each with its own
Water Coils Resistance
thermostatic control. Electric resistance reheating coils are provided for each zone.

Multizone Air Handler with Elec Heat

Chilled Electric Chilled water cooling system with electric resistance heating. System includes a constant volume
Water Coils Resistance fan/distribution system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for
each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.

Dual Duct Air Handler with Elec Heat

Chilled Electric Chilled water cooling system with no electric resistance heating. System includes individual warm air and cool
Water Coils Resistance air distributions systems serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed
for each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.

Chilled Water Hot Water Standard VAV with HW Reheat

Coils Coils Chilled water cooling system with no central heating. System includes a variable volume, single duct
fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a variable volume terminal unit and hot water reheating coils.

Parallel Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat

Chilled Hot Water Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
Water Coils Coils fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a parallel fan-powered terminal unit with hot water reheating coils.

Series Fan-Powered VAV with HW Reheat

Chilled Hot Water Chilled water cooling system with no central heating capacity. System includes a variable volume, single duct
Water Coils Coils fan/distribution system serving multiple zones each with its own thermostatic control. Each zone is equipped
with a series fan-powered terminal unit with hot water reheating coils.

Chilled Hot Water

Single Zone Air Handler with HW Heat
Chilled water (hydronic) cooling system with hot water heating serving individual zones or dwelling units with
Water Coils Coils
ducted distribution system.

Chilled Hot Water

Reheat Fan System with HW Reheat
Constant volume, chilled water (hydronic) cooling system serving multiple zones, each with its own
Water Coils Coils
thermostatic control. Hot water reheating coils are provided for each zone.

Chilled Hot Water

4-Pipe Fan Coils with HW Heat
Chilled water (hydronic) cooling/hot water heating units with serving individual zones or dwelling units with no
Water Coils Coils
ducted distribution system. The zone and/or system does not have additional outside air ventilation supply.

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]
Multizone Air Handler with HW Heat
Chilled Hot Water Chilled water cooling system with hot water heating. System includes a constant volume fan/distribution
Water Coils Coils system serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for each zone to
meet thermostat control requirements.

Dual Duct Air Handler with HW Heat

Chilled Hot Water Chilled water cooling system with no hot water heating. System includes individual warm air and cool air
Water Coils Coils distributions systems serving multiple zones, each with its own thermostat. Warm and cold air are mixed for
each zone to meet thermostat control requirements.


Evaporative Direct Evaporative Cooler (cooling only)

No Heating
Coolers Direct evaporative cooling system with no heating capacity.

Evaporative Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooler (cooling only)

No Heating
Coolers Evaporative cooling system with direct and indirect evaporative cooling sections and no heating capacity.

Evaporative Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooler with Furnace

Coolers Evaporative cooling system with direct and indirect evaporative cooling sections and combustion furnace.

Evaporative Direct Evaporative Cooler with Furnace

Coolers Direct evaporative cooling system with combustion furnace.

Evaporative Electric
Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooler with Elec Heat
Evaporative cooling system with direct and indirect evaporative cooling sections and electric resistance
Coolers Resistance

Evaporative Electric Direct Evaporative Cooler with Elec Heat

Coolers Resistance Direct evaporative cooling system with electric resistance heating.

Camilo Enrique Monroy Cárdenas Cel: +57 305 865 5868

Mec. Eng., CMVP, LEED AP BD+C email: [email protected]

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