HVAC - Guide To Demand Control Ventilation

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HVAC – Guide to Demand Control


Course No: M04-037

Credit: 4 PDH

A. Bhatia

Continuing Education and Development, Inc.

P: (877) 322-5800
[email protected]

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


Most building codes require that a minimum amount of fresh air be provided to ensure
adequate air quality. Typically, most ventilation systems set up the fresh air intake at a
fixed rate when they are installed, irrespective of the occupancy. This sometimes leads
to poor indoor air quality (IAQ) and incurs penalty on energy consumption in cooling,
heating and dehumidification. Good IAQ can be maintained when the fresh air supply
rate responds to the load imposed by the number of people and by their activity in the

To make rational use of energy, the ventilation rate can be reduced when the spaces
are only partially occupied. Demand-Controlled Ventilation (DCV) is a ventilation
control strategy that provides automatic reduction of outdoor air intake below design
rates when the actual occupancy of spaces served by the system is less than design
occupancy. DCV involves ventilating and conditioning the air precisely to meet our
needs; no more and no less. The potential for savings is substantial, especially in
premises such as offices, classrooms and hotel rooms where there is considerable
variation between high and low during times when there are few or no occupants. DCV
offers great potential for both new as well retrofit projects, but if improperly applied, it
can create a negative building pressure leading to undesirable infiltration, building
envelope degradation, and indoor air quality (IAQ) problems.

This course provides the necessary background to understand how the DCV operates
and how it is applied under current codes and standards. The course is divided into 8

SECTION - 1: CO2 and Indoor Air Quality

SECTION - 2: Design Ventilation Rates
SECTION - 3: Outside Air Control
SECTION - 4: Applying DCV to HVAC Systems

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

SECTION - 5: The CO2 Sensing Technology

SECTION - 6: Key Design Issues and Challenges
SECTION - 7: Investments and Energy Savings
SECTION - 8: Codes and Standards

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


Ventilation is the process of bringing outside air into a building. Depending on weather
conditions, ventilation air must usually be either heated, cooled, and/or be
dehumidified. Because of this, ventilation air represents a significant portion of HVAC
energy consumption. Maximum ventilation rates or the amount of fresh air in cubic feet
per minute (cfm) that an air handler system brings into a building is provided in
proportion to the maximum design occupancy of the building. In reality, the actual
occupancy rarely approaches the maximum design occupancy and it is not unusual for
an air handler to operate at the maximum ventilation rate continuously, even if the
space is only partially occupied. This often results in over-ventilation, thereby resulting
in higher-than-necessary energy costs.

Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV)

Buildings do not require the induction of 100 percent fresh air all of the time. As the
number of people in a building varies at different times, so should the demand for fresh
air too. The requirement for fresh air can be lower at the times of the day when fewer
people are in a building. Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) is a method of introducing
variable amounts of fresh air "on demand" based on actual occupancy patterns. The
system provides a means to adjust the rate of ventilation continuously and
automatically. Essentially, the control is achieved by means of a sensor (or a series of
sensors) which respond to the variation in occupancy. Output from the sensor is
applied to a control system (usually damper) that adjusts the rate of outdoor air flow
through the ventilation system, thus ensuring that good air quality is continuously
maintained. Three primary strategies are often used:

1. Occupancy schedules: supply design outdoor air during occupied hours as

scheduled, with minimum or no outside air during unoccupied hours. Simple
timers may be used to switch the ventilation system on or off at set times.

2. Occupancy sensors: supply design outdoor air during occupied times as

sensed, with minimum or no outside air when zone is unoccupied. System may
use proximity detectors and counters that can control the rate of ventilation
according to the detection of occupancy and number of occupants in a space at
any time.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

3. CO2 sensors: supply sufficient outdoor air to keep CO2 concentration within

The first two strategies rely on estimates and approximations and do not necessarily
yield guaranteed results. Still these strategies are significant improvements over
supplying a fixed quantity of outdoor air. Most modern DCV systems use carbon
dioxide (CO2) sensors to continuously monitor the indoor CO2 levels and provide real
time feedback to regulate the amount of fresh air admitted for ventilation. The use of
CO2 sensors allows much better control over ventilation and is recognized valid by the
most model building codes including ASHRAE Standards. The U.S. Green Building
Council gives points in its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM)
rating system for use of CO2-based ventilation control in buildings.

Benefits of CO2- Based DCV

During heating and cooling periods, energy is required to add or remove heat to fresh
air introduced into a building. Over-ventilation is one of the largest indirect contributors
to a building’s energy use. The fact that a majority of Canadian and U.S. buildings
deliver fresh air to the building’s occupants at a fixed or constant volume represents
the heart of the business case for Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV). Compared to
a fixed ventilation approach, DCV offers considerable advantages:

1. Excessive over-ventilation is avoided while still maintaining good Indoor Air

Quality (IAQ) and providing the required cfm-per-person outside air requirement
specified by codes and standards.

2. Saves energy by avoiding the heating, cooling, and dehumidification of more

ventilation air than is needed.

3. Provides an opportunity to monitor both occupancy and ventilation rates in a

building all the time.

4. Provides valuable information about occupancy trends, which can be useful for
business analysis, operational & maintenance planning of equipment and
ensuring safety in the premises.

5. In some buildings, infiltration air or open windows may be a significant source

of outside air. A CO2 sensor will consider the contribution of infiltration in a

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

space and only requires the mechanical system to make up what is necessary
to meet required ventilation levels.

6. When integrated with the appropriate building control strategy, ventilation can
be controlled zone by zone based on actual occupancy. This allows for the use
of supply air from under-occupied zones to be redistributed to areas where
more ventilation or cooling is needed.

7. A CO2 control strategy can be issued to maintain any per-person ventilation

rate. As a result, this approach is highly adaptable to changing building uses
and any changes that may occur in future recommended ventilation rates.

According to the observations, the savings range from 5 to 80 percent depending on

the application and ambient conditions. System paybacks from CO2-based DCV will be
greatest in higher density spaces, where occupancy constantly changes (e.g. schools,
theaters, retail establishments, and meeting/conference areas).


People continuously exhale predictable quantities of CO2 as they breathe. If the

number of people in the space is doubled, the amount of CO2 produced will double.
Because CO2 production is so consistent and predictable, it can be used as a reliable
indicator of the air quality and ventilation rate. A high level of CO2 in a room
(>1000ppm) indicates insufficient ventilation and a low level (<600ppm) may suggest
that the ventilation rate could be turned down while maintaining a satisfactory IAQ with
lower energy costs.

What is a good CO2 level?

There is no single good value of CO2 level. Many studies have been performed on
human perception to establish the relationship between optimum CO2 levels and
occupant comfort, and the studies show that a 20% dissatisfaction criterion
corresponds to a CO2 level of 1000 ppm. In other words, when the CO2 level is above
1000 ppm, 20% of the people will find the air quality unacceptable.

ASHRAE Standard 62–2001, Section 6.1.3 states that comfort (odor) criteria is likely to
be satisfied if the ventilation rate is so set that the 1,000 ppm of CO2 is not exceeded.
The absolute 1,000 ppm value was often interpreted as the ceiling CO2 concentration
for acceptable indoor air quality. But since, an indoor CO2 measurement is a dynamic

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

measure of the number of people in a space, it is not appropriate to go for the absolute
value of 1000 ppm. Rather it is much more logical to determine the cfm/person
ventilation rates by measuring the indoor-outdoor CO2 difference. The 2004 edition of
ASHRAE 62 revised wording of Section 6.1.3 specifically to include 700 ppm
difference between indoor and outdoor CO2 concentrations as an acceptable level of
human bio-effluents. This value is based on a specific ventilation rate (15 cfm/person),
activity level (1.2 MET*) and outdoor CO2 concentration of 300 ppm.

*The CO2 generation from people is function of activity level. The term used to define
the activity level is the “MET”, which stands for “metabolic equivalent task”. The higher
the duration and intensity of the physical activity, the larger will be the oxygen
consumption and the larger will be the exhaled quantity of CO2.


1. Carbon dioxide is not a contaminant in occupied spaces. This a major

misconception of many that use CO2 levels to reset the outside airflow rate. The
table below shows various carbon dioxide thresholds and their descriptions.

CO2 Level (ppm) Description

90,000 NIOSH, lethal after 5 minutes

40,000 OSHA, immediate danger to life

30,000 OSHA, Safe for 10 minutes

5,000 OSHA, Safe for 8hr/day – 40hr week

1,000 Recommended indoor level (odor)

350 - 450 Average outside ambient level

It is important to note that the 1,000 ppm level is a recommendation and not a

2. An elevated indoor CO2 concentration is related to the occupants in the

building, the building’s ventilation rate, and the CO2 level in the outside air.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

3. Indoor CO2 can accumulate if ventilation is not adequate to dilute and remove
the CO2 that is continuously generated by building occupants.

4. CO2 measurement does not provide the count of people; it can be used only as
an indicator of occupancy pattern and is only a measure of effective ventilation.

CO2 differential and ventilation rates

If the ventilation rate in an occupied space decreases, the carbon dioxide

concentration will begin to increase and vice versa. Once people enter a room, the
CO2 concentration will begin to increase. This level will continue to increase until the
amount of CO2 produced by the space occupants and the dilution air delivered to the
space are in balance. Such a state is called the “equilibrium” point.

To understand how CO2 sensors can be used to control ventilation, consider a

conditioned space ventilated with outdoor air.

CO2 enters the conditioned space in the ventilation air. The quantity of CO2 in the
ventilation air is the product of the outdoor air flow rate Vo and the concentration of
CO2 in the outside air Co.

CO2 is generated in space from the occupants at a rate N.

CO2 leaves the space in the exhaust air at concentration Cs.

A steady-state mass balance on the CO2 entering and leaving the zone gives:

Vo * Co + N = Vo * Cs

This relation can be rearranged to give the ventilation rates as:

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• Vo = outdoor airflow rate, cfm/person

• Cs = CO2 concentration in the space, ppm

• Co = CO2 concentration in the outdoor air, ppm

• N = CO2 generation rate, cfm/person

The CO2 emitted from a typical person at light work “N” is about 0.0106 cfm/person
corresponding to a typical activity level of 1.2 Met. If the maximum space concentration
is to be held to 0.1 percent, 1000 ppm, and the outdoor concentration is 0.03 percent,
300 ppm, the minimum ventilation rate shall be:

Vo = 15.14 cfm per person

The example shows the CO2 concentration in occupied space will not exceed 1000
ppm as long as 15.14 cfm per person of outdoor air with outdoor CO2 concentration of
300 ppm is continuously being added to the space. This corresponds to maintain
inside/outside CO2 differential (Cs – Co) of 700 ppm. An inside/outside differential of
500 ppm is indicative of a ~20 cfm/person ventilation rate.

The figure below represents the relationship between the CO2 differential (inside/
outside) and the target ventilation rates, cfm per person.

The equation [VO = N / (CS – CO)] can be simplified and converted to volumetric units of
cfm and concentrations in ppm.

VO = 10,600 ÷ (CS – CO)

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What differential CO2 setpoint must be maintained for a Met level of 1.2 in order to
ensure 20 cfm/person of ventilation air?

(Cs - Co) = 10,600 ÷ 20 cfm OA per person

(Cs - Co) = 530 ppm CO2 fixed differential.


What will be the indoor CO2 concentration level, if ventilation rate is maintained at 15
cfm per person and the outdoor CO2 concentration is 350 ppm? Assume steady
equilibrium conditions with Met level of 1.2 or CO2 generation rate of 0.0106


Mass-balance equation can also be restated so that the indoor space for a particular
ventilation rate can be calculated using equation:

Cs = 1056 ppm


1. The mass-balance equation assumes steady-state conditions within the space.

Steady state implies that the occupants are generating CO2 at a constant rate
and their metabolic rate, diet, and level of activity are identical. According to
Appendix D of ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, this generation is equal to 0.0106
cfm of CO2, which corresponds to an activity level of 1.2 MET units and
applicable to typical office activities. If the level of activity were more strenuous
than that of typical office work, then the metabolic rate would go up with a
corresponding increase in the CO2 generation rate. For the same ventilation
rate then, this increased level of activity would therefore result in an increased
build-up of CO2 concentrations.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

2. The correlation between indoor/outdoor CO2 differential and ventilation rate is

independent of the volume of a room and the population density. However, both
the volume of a room and population density will affect the time it takes for CO2
to build up to an equilibrium level. The mass balance equation can be only
applied when equilibrium conditions exist. This is particularly important when
trying to infer space ventilation rates from a spot measurement when non
steady-state conditions exist. To make an accurate determination of outdoor
cfm per person rates one should take CO2 measurements when the occupancy
has stabilized. Measuring CO2 concentrations that are still in transition to an
equilibrium level can result in overestimation of the ventilation rate.

The Importance of Considering Inside/Outside Differential

Outside CO2 concentrations must be considered when implementing CO2 ventilation

control strategy. The mass balance equation is based on the differential between the
inside and outside CO2 concentration and NOT on controlling indoor CO2 to an absolute

As discussed before, a 700ppm differential is equal 15 cfm/person ventilation rate, if

outside CO2 level were 300ppm. If 1,000ppm were maintained in a building, where
outside CO2 concentrations were 600ppm (e.g. down-town city area), the actual
ventilation required to maintain a 400ppm differential in CO2 concentrations between
inside and outside would be over 25 cfm/person rather than the 15 cfm/person
intended in the ASHRAE Standard. This is not very reasonable. The use of an arbitrary
set-point for CO2 control without considering outside concentrations could result in
excessive over-ventilation of the space.

There are two approaches that can be used in integrating outside CO2 conditions into a
control strategy. Prior to implementing a control strategy, outside concentrations can
be monitored and data logged for a week or more to determine an appropriate outside
CO2 baseline for that geographic location. The average concentration measured during
the proposed occupied hours of the building can be assumed to be the outside
concentration. The control point for sensors within the building can be based on the
differential between inside concentrations and the outdoor baseline. In some cases the
local EPA Air pollution branch may also have data on local CO2 levels.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

A second approach can be utilized where an HVAC system is operated as part of a

computerized building management system. Carbon dioxide concentrations can be
directly monitored in the outside air intake of the building. Ventilation control can be
based on the real-time differential between inside and outside conditions. This
approach is highly recommended where outside concentrations appear to be
consistently varying more than 200~300ppm over the course of a day. Variations of
this magnitude may occur if the building air intake is close to a major highway, vehicle
idling area or loading dock. It may also occur in highly polluted cities.


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


ASHRAE Standard 62 is and has been a consensus standard for determining

ventilation rates for acceptable indoor air quality. This standard provides system
designers a choice of two procedures for determining the design outdoor air intake flow
for the building’s ventilation system – the Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP) and the
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) procedure. The VRP is a prescriptive method based on
occupancy category and density. The IAQ procedure is performance-based in that the
ventilation system is designed to maintain the concentrations of specific contaminants
at or below certain limits.

Most building engineers use the VRP approach. ASHRAE Standard 62 - (versions
1989 through 2001) “Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality” requires minimum
ventilation based on the number of occupants only. Refer to the table below.

The total design ventilation rate is worked out on the expected occupancy level
multiplied by the ventilation rate.

DV = VP × P


• DV = The design ventilation value (cfm)

• VP = required outdoor airflow rate per person, cfm/person

• P = zone population or the largest number of people expected to occupy the


Obviously, if there is an error in estimating the maximum number of people, it will

cause an error in the ventilation rates.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

The ASHRAE standard for ventilation, ASHRAE 62.1 (2004 and 2007) incorporates
both occupancy and an area based component to estimate the design ventilation rate
(DVR). The equation is as follows:

DVR = (VP × P) + (VA × A)


• DVR = The total upper limit of outside air required (cfm)

• VP = Outdoor airflow rate per person, cfm/person

• P = Zone population or the largest number of people expected to occupy the

zone during typical usage.

• VA = Outdoor airflow rate per unit area, (typically 0.06 to 0.12 cfm/ft2 depending
on space type, refer table below)

• A = Zone floor area, ft²

The occupancy component is required to dilute and remove metabolic pollutants which
arise as a result of occupancy.

The area component of the requirement is to purge the building contaminants from
outgassing of building materials, fabrics and furnishings, etc., irrespective of the
occupancy. The base ventilation airflow rate is also required to balance supply,
exhaust and building pressurization requirements.

The ASHRAE Standard 62.1 – 2007, Table 6-1 (reproduced below) is used by building
engineers to determine ventilation rate requirements for outdoor air.

Occupancy cfm/person cfm /ft2 Default combined Default

Category outdoor air rate Note -2 occupant
(cfm/person) density Note -1

(#/1,000 sq-ft)

Classrooms 10 0.12 13 35
(age 9 plus)

Lecture hall 7.5 0.06 8 150

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Cafeteria 7.5 0.18 9 100

Conference/ 5 0.06 6 50

Multipurpose 5 0.06 6 120


Office space 5 0.06 17 5

Courtrooms 5 0.06 6 70

Note-1: Default Occupant Density: The default occupant density shall be used when
actual occupant density is not known.

Note-2: Default Combined Outdoor Air Rate (per person): This rate is based on the
default occupant density.


Calculate the design ventilation rate for a classroom with 900 square feet of occupiable
area and a class size maximum of 30 students:

DVR = (VP × P) + (VA × A)

DVR = (10 cfm/person x 30 students) + (0.12 cfm/ft2 x 900 ft2)

DVR = 300 cfm + 108 cfm = 408 cfm

This results in 13.6 cfm / student.

Historical Development of AHSRAE STANDARDS

Let’s see how the ventilation rates based on ASHRAE 62 (1989 thru 2001 version) will
compare with ASHRAE 62 (2004 - 2007 version) and how these affect the DCV.

ASHRAE 62- (1989 thru 2001)

Consider a lecture classroom of 1000 sq.-ft with a design population of 80. ASHRAE
62-1989 thru 2001 required 15 cfm of outdoor air per person for this space.

Therefore, the classroom must receive 1200 cfm of outdoor air (15 cfm / person × 80

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Assuming the CO2 generation rate to be 0.0106 cfm per person and the design
ventilation rate to be 15 cfm per person, the resulting indoor-to-outdoor CO2
concentrations differential will be 700 ppm.

CS – CO = N / VO

CS – CO = 0.0106 /15 = 0.0007 [or 700 ppm]

If the population drops to 40, the required quantity of outdoor air drops to 600 cfm (15
cfm/person × 40 people). In both cases, the classroom receives the same rate of
outdoor airflow per person; that is 15 cfm/person. Therefore, the differential between
indoor and outdoor CO2 concentrations remain constant too.

By controlling to this constant differential, Cs – Co, CO2-based demand-controlled

ventilation can maintain the same per-person ventilation rate (Vo) to the space during
periods of reduced occupancy.

ASHRAE 62 (2004-2007)

Let’s revisit the classroom example.

The classroom requires 7.5 cfm of outdoor air per person plus 0.06 cfm of outdoor air
per square foot of floor area. (Refer to ASHRAE Standard 62.1 - 2007, Table 6-1,
explained in the previous section).

With a design population of 80 and a floor area of 1000 ft², the design ventilation rate
(DVR) is 660 cfm of outdoor air.

DVR = (VP × P) + (VA × A)

DVR = 7.5 cfm/person × 80 people + 0.06 cfm/ft² × 1000 ft² = 660 cfm

Here, the classroom receives 8.25 cfm/person [585/80 = 8.25].

Assuming the CO2 generation rate of 0.0106 cfm per person and the design ventilation
rate of 8.35 cfm per person, the resulting indoor-to-outdoor CO2 concentrations
differential will be 1240 ppm.

CS – CO = N / VO

CS – CO = 0.0105 /8.25 = 0.00127 [or 1270 ppm]

At 50% occupancy, with 40 people in the classroom, the required quantity of outdoor
air drops to 360 cfm.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

DVR = 7.5 CFM/person × 40 people + 0.06 cfm/ft² × 1000 ft² = 360 cfm

Here, the classroom receives 9 cfm/person [360/40 = 9].

Assuming the CO2 generation rate of 0.0106 cfm per person, the desired difference in
indoor-to outdoor CO2 concentrations drops to 1160 ppm.

CS – CO = N / VO

CS – CO = 0.0105 /9 = 0.00116 [or 1160 ppm]

At 25% occupancy with only 20 people in the classroom, the required quantity of
outdoor air drops to 210 CFM.

DVR = 7.5 CFM/person × 20 people + 0.06 cfm/ft² × 1000 ft² = 210 cfm

Here, the classroom receives 10.5 cfm/person [210/20 = 10.5].

Assuming the CO2 generation rate of 0.0106 cfm per person, the desired difference in
indoor-to outdoor CO2 concentrations drops to 1000 ppm.

CS – CO = N / VO

CS – CO = 0.0105 /10.5 = 0.001 [or 1000 ppm]

At zero occupancy the required quantity of outdoor air drops to 60 cfm.

DVR = 7.5 cfm/person × 0 people + 0.06 cfm/ft² × 1000 ft² = 60 cfm

In this scenario, the indoor to outdoor air CO2 concentration will match the outdoors.

Comparison of the different ASHRAE versions

The design ventilation rate (cfm per person) is lower in ASHRAE 62 (2004 – 2007)
standards and it varies as:

• 8.35 cfm per person @ 100% occupancy

• 9 cfm per person @ 50% occupancy

• 10.5 cfm per person @ 25% occupancy

This is compared to a fixed 15 cfm per person with ASHRAE 62 (1999 thru 2001).

The minimum design ventilation value is 660 cfm in ASHRAE 62 (2004 – 2007)
compared to 1200 cfm of ASHRAE 62 (1989 -2001). This means the air handling
system shall be designed for lower outside air, thereby reducing the fan energy, as
well as for lower energy due to cooling, heating and dehumidifying of less outside air.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

This implies a cost saving. If these comparisons were made on densely occupied
spaces, such as auditoriums, gyms, conference rooms, and cafeterias, the difference
will be significant.

Because ASHRAE 62- (2004 and 2007) has introduced an area based component, it is
clear from the aforementioned example that we can reduce the outside air ventilation
quantity an amount equivalent to the area based component (60 cfm). This becomes
the lower minimum value to be delivered irrespective of the occupancy. If we then
apply this concept to DCV, we will require two positions for the outside air damper
corresponding to the upper and lower minimum ventilation rate requirements. 60 cfm is
termed the minimum “base” ventilation airflow, the lowest point to which CO2 controls
may modulate the outside air damper, with the 660 cfm being the upper point.

Why maintain base ventilation airflow?

A potential problem with demand controlled sensing is that the system may only
operate once the sensor detects that the pollutant concentration has reached a pre-set
threshold value. Until this concentration is reached, the fresh air supply could be very
low or shut off completely. In turn, this may result in the concentration of other
untracked pollutants (from building materials, furnishings, etc.), increasing to
unacceptable levels. It is for this reason that a DCV system must be designed to
maintain a minimum ventilation airflow rate to control non-occupant related
contaminants. This should not be confused with the minimum outdoor air rate required
by ASHRAE Standard 62 or other codes. The base ventilation rate is the lowest point
to which CO2 controls may modulate outdoor airflow during occupied hours.


CO2-based DCV does not affect the design ventilation capacity required to serve the
space; it just controls the operation of the system to be more in-tuned with how a
building actually operates.

The occupancy component of ASHRAE 62 (2004-2007) ventilation equation is required

to dilute and remove metabolic pollutants which arise as a result of occupancy. It is
this aspect of ventilation that can benefit most from demand control.

The area component of ASHRAE 62 (2004-2007) ventilation equation is required to

purge the building contaminants from outgassing of building materials, fabrics and

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

furnishings, etc., irrespective of the occupancy. It is the minimum base ventilation rate
that should be maintained irrespective of occupancy.


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


A key metric for characterizing the quantity of outdoor air introduced into a building is
the “Fraction of outdoor to supply air or percent outdoor air OA%”.

OA = Vo / Vs


• Vo = Outdoor air in cfm

• Vs = Total supply air through the air handler in cfm

• OA = Fraction of outdoor air to the total supply air

The fraction of outdoor to supply air in most commercial buildings is typically between
0.15 and 0.30. The OA is controlled by modulating the outside air, exhaust air and
mixed air dampers in coordinated fashion in response to either the temperature or
carbon dioxide levels. (Refer schematic below).

The table below shows the extremes of damper position w.r.t the fraction outside air.

OA Exhaust Air Damper Mixed Air Damper Outside Air Damper

0.0 0% open 100% open 0% open
0.3 30% open 70% open 30% open
1.0 100% open 0% open 100% open

Strategies for Damper Control

1. Energy Balance Approach using temperature, “T” as an indicator.

2. Mass Balance Approach using Carbon dioxide, CO2 as an indicator.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Energy Balance Approach

The percentage or fraction of outside air can be calculated using these three simple
temperature measurements.

1. OAT- Outside Air Temperature: This is the temperature of the air entering the
system or equipment from the outdoors.

2. RAT - Return Air Temperature: This is the return air entering the equipment.
This temperature may be different from the temperature entering the return
grilles due to duct loss or gain.

3. MAT - Mixed Air Temperature: This is the air temperature past the outside air
inlet where the temperatures of the return air and the outside air have mixed
together. This may be in the return plenum, or in the blower compartment.

Using these temperatures to calculate the percentages of outside air is called the
"energy balance method" and the equation is:

OA % = [(MAT - RAT) / (OAT - RAT)] x 100

In absolute terms, the OA is calculated by multiplying the OA% to the total supply air
volume handled by air handling unit.

Outside Air (cfm) = % Outside Air X Total Supply Air (cfm)


To illustrate the concept, let’s consider a 3 ton package unit air conditioner delivering
1200 cfm of supply air. The various temperatures with possible measurement errors
are as below:

RAT: Return air temperature = 75ºF

MAT: Mixed air temperature = 80ºF

OAT: Outside air temperature = 100ºF

Using the nominal values, we calculate % OA as follows:

OA % = [(80 - 75) / (100 - 75)] X 100

OA % = (5 / 25) X 100

OA % = 0.2 X 100

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

OA % = 20%

In this example, 20% of the total airflow of the system is being pulled into the system
from outside.

In absolute terms, the total OA = 20 x 1200cfm of supply air / 100 = 240 cfm


The application of energy balance approach is the “Air side Economizer”.

When the temperature of the outside air is less than the temperature of the recirculated
air, the damper adjusts to full open position to allow for free cooling and the return air
is exhausted. This achieves energy economy since conditioning the outside air is more
energy efficient than conditioning recirculated air.

The economizer control generates the largest savings in buildings that require cooling all
year round and run air conditioning equipment to meet that load. Air-side economizers
can reduce HVAC energy costs in cold and temperate climates while also potentially
improving indoor air quality, but are most often not appropriate in hot and humid

Mass Balance Approach - Using Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

The "mass balance method" involves measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide in
the outside air, return air and mixed air streams. The values are used in the equation
below to determine the percentage of outside air.


• CRA is the carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) in the return air

• CSA is the carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) in the supply air (or mixed air)

• CFA is the carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) in the outside air

Let’s look at an example. An industrial hygienist takes three samples with the following

CRA = Return air CO2 concentration = 700 ppm

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

CSA = Supply air CO2 concentration = 640 ppm

CFA = Fresh air CO2 concentration = 400 ppm

From the data above, the %OA can be calculated as:

The accuracy of sensor is very important here. High tolerance in sensor accuracy
exceeding ±50ppm can result in huge error. One approach to overcome this limitation
is using multipoint sensing, which uses a single sensor to measure supply air, return
air and outdoor air streams. With a single sensor, the inherent inaccuracy of the sensor
is "cancelled" when the difference reading is taken. Note that the mass balance
equation relates to the difference between CO2 readings rather than the absolute value
of the CO2 level.

The figure below shows a multipoint sensing schematic. Here a single sensor is used
to collect air samples from multiple locations. The two solenoid air valves are
controlled to select any of the airstreams (fresh air, return air or supply air) drawn
across a single CO2 sensor. The controller activates the solenoid air valves according
to a set time interval.

The advantage of the multipoint approach is that the error in differences in CO2 levels
between airstreams becomes small. For example, if the CO2 sensor is reading high by

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

50 ppm because of the limitations of the sensing technology, the error between two
readings taken with the same sensor is not affected.


The mass balance approach using CO2 as an indicator is a recommended approach

for Demand Control Ventilation especially when the building is crowded or fully
occupied. With larger number of people in a building, the CO2 concentration in return
air will always be high and there will be sufficient differential between return and
outdoor air CO2 levels. The farther these two values are apart, the more accurate the
%OA value will be. If there are few or no occupants, then there is little accumulation of
CO2 and the accuracy will not be as good.

What is difference between the Economizer and the Demand Control Ventilation?

Varying the quantity of outside air in accordance with the occupancy of a building is
called demand control ventilation. Varying the quantity of outside air to take advantage
of outside air conditions is called economizer control. Both types of control can reduce
the load on the cooling coil.

Advanced control systems employ both demand and economizer control of outdoor air to
minimize energy use while meeting ventilation requirements. As with many energy
systems, the potential savings are large since the peak conditions used for sizing
systems rarely occur.

Temperature Control as a Guide to CO2 Control

There are strong similarities between temperature and CO2 controls. In both, there is a
desired control or set-point. In the case of CO2 control, the desired set-point is the CO2
equilibrium level that would be necessary to maintain the design ventilation rate (cfm/
person) for the space being considered. The table below provides a reference chart of
equilibrium set-points based on known outside CO2 levels and the desired ventilation
rate on a per-person basis.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Equilibrium Set-points for control of Ventilation using CO2

Outside In/Outdoor Control point at various outside concentrations

Ventilation Differential
Rate (ppm)
(cfm/person) 300 350 375 400 425 450 475 500

10 1060 1360 1410 1435 1460 1485 1510 1535 1560

11 964 1264 1314 1339 1364 1389 1414 1439 1464

12 883 1183 1233 1258 1283 1308 1333 1358 1383

13 815 1115 1165 1190 1215 1240 1265 1290 1315

14 757 1057 1107 1132 1157 1182 1207 1232 1257

15 707 1007 1057 1082 1107 1132 1157 1182 1207

16 663 963 1013 1038 1063 1088 1113 1138 1163

17 624 924 974 999 1024 1049 1074 1099 1124

18 589 889 939 964 989 1014 1039 1064 1089

19 558 858 908 933 958 983 1008 1033 1058

20 530 830 880 905 930 955 980 1005 1030

Carbon dioxide distribution in a space is influenced by the same factors that influence
temperature distribution. The factors include convection, diffusion and mechanical air
movement. Much like temperature sensors for building control, placement of CO2
sensors should be based on the zone to be controlled and anticipated loads (e.g.
common occupancy density and patterns). For optimum control, there should be a CO2
sensor placed in every location where temperature control is contemplated. If an HVAC
system is serving a series of zones with similar occupancy patterns, sensors placed in
the return air ducting may be appropriate.

Control Strategies for Damper Position

Three common strategies for damper control applicable to both temperature and CO2
as control indicators are outlined below:

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Set-point Control

Set-point control employs a simple on/off or damper open/closed strategy based on the
CO2 concentration in the space. Typically, a damper would be opened at a set-point
and closed when levels drop 50 to 100ppm below the set-point. This simple strategy is
best applied in an application where occupancy densities are high (20 ~ 50 people per
1,000 sq ft). Ideally, occupancy range from no occupants to full design occupancy over
a very short period of time. Theaters, conference rooms and some school classrooms
are good applications for this strategy. On/off strategy is however not a recommended
approach for changeable occupancy (such as retail stores) and large space volume;
therefore, the set point control would not be a recommended approach.

Proportional control

In proportional control of ventilation systems, a CO2 sensor emits a signal (e.g. 4 ~

20mA) that is proportional to the CO2 concentration. Control would typically begin
when inside concentrations exceed outside concentrations by 100ppm. Air delivery to
the space would increase proportionally until 100% of the design ventilation rate would
be provided. Compared to set-point control, this approach allows for the ventilation
system to react to varying occupancy levels much faster than waiting for CO2 levels to
build up to the desired control point.

This type of control approach is best applied in an application where occupancy

densities range from 7 to 30 people per 1,000 square feet. It is ideal for ventilation
control in space where occupancies are highly variable and unpredictable, such as
bars, restaurants, conference rooms, courtrooms, classrooms or retail spaces.

Proportional-Integral-Derivative (Rate of Rise)

One of the potential disadvantages of CO2 control is the time it will take for CO2 to
build up to equilibrium conditions. For densities below 6 people per 1,000 square feet it
could take hours for absolute CO2 concentrations to reach an equilibrium level. These
problems can be further aggravated if occupancy is staggered or varies over the
course of a day, as it is typical in many high rise buildings.

Temperature control of large complex buildings encounters similar problems as a

result of unpredictable changes in outdoor temperature, solar gain and internal heat
generation. Simple control approaches such as set-point or proportional control can be
a disaster in a modern building. A solution to the complex control problem faced in

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

both CO2 and temperature control is the use of a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative)

control. It is a system which direct control sequences to look at how far away an input
is from the set-point, how long it has been at set-point, and how fast is it approaching
or moving away from set-point.

PID CO2 control views trends and CO2 level change rates. For example, minutes after
people enter a building in the morning, the HVAC system reacts to adjust fresh air
delivery. This adjustment is based on actual occupancy predicted by the CO2 level rate
of rise. Much like the proportional control system, the PID controller operates based on
the linear output signal from a CO2 sensor. Most DDC and building control systems
use PID control algorithms. Stand-alone controllers are available that can translate a
linear signal from a CO2 sensor into a PID signal. However, only experienced control
designers and installers should apply PID control approaches. When applied properly,
PID control provides fast ventilation rate response to changing occupancy conditions.

It is best integrated in high-rise, multi-zone buildings with low densities and highly
variable and/or unpredictable occupancy patterns. When applied properly, a PID
control strategy can provide fast response in ventilation rates to changing occupancy

CO2 Ventilation Control Guidelines

1. Determine equilibrium concentration for zone based on design density and

ventilation rate (becomes upper set-point).

2. Actively measure or assume a representative value for outside CO2.

3. Continuously ventilate at a minimum level to control non-occupant related

contaminants (i.e. 10% of design occupancy ventilation rate).

4. Select a control strategy based on occupancy density and variability

Occupancy Density Recommended Control Strategy

Low density (7 or less people per Use PID or Proportional Control

1,000 square feet)

Highly variable (unpredictable Use PID or Proportional Control

changes > 25% occupancy)

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Medium density (7~20 people per Use Proportional Control

1,000 square feet)

High density (20~50 people per Use Set-point or Proportional Control

1,000 square feet)

5. For proportional or rate of rise (PID) control strategy, begin control at 100ppm
above outside conditions.


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


The essential element of CO2 based DCV are:

1. CO2-sensor (or group of sensors) to detect the presence of people by virtue of

metabolic carbon dioxide concentration.

2. A control system that receives signals from sensor(s) and process the signal in
response to need.

3. A conventional ventilation system, usually an air-handling system, which employs

dampers to regulate the amount of supply air.

DCV control can be applied to constant air volume (CAV) and the variable air volume
(VAV) systems.

Constant Air Volume (CAV) System

Constant Air Volume (CAV) systems deliver a constant volume of air while varying the
temperature of supply air. These systems bring outside air into air handling units
(AHU) where a central fan typically draws air across heating or cooling coils and
discharges into the conditioned space via a ductwork. An extract or return fan returns
the air from the individual zones back to the AHU where it is re-circulated or exhausted

In a CAV air handler without active damper control, the damper positions are fixed
during installation of the air handler. The quantity of outdoor air introduced into the
building thus remains the same. With active damper control strategy, the outdoor air
dampers are typically modulated between the base minimum and design ventilation
flow rates. For example, when the high level of CO2 is detected in the space, the
outside air damper will fully open to let more outdoor air into the air handler and vice
versa. The figure below shows a standard control arrangement with red lines for DCV
and blue for space temperature control.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

The DCV controller accomplishes two functions:

1. It calculates the “actual” needed outdoor air cfm using inputs from the multipoint
CO2 sensor using equation:


• Vo = outdoor airflow rate, cfm/person

• Cs = CO2 concentration in the space, ppm

• Co = CO2 concentration in the outdoor air, ppm

• N = CO2 generation rate, cfm/person

2. It compares the “desired” outside air cfm (setpoint) with the “actual” outside air
cfm (controlled variable) and provides signal to the exhaust, return air and
outdoor air dampers to modulate between the minimum position (base ventilation
rates) and the maximum position (DVR).

Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems

VAV systems vary the amount of air supplied to a given area, while maintaining the air
at a constant temperature. These are applied to multi-zones and offer a very energy-

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efficient system. The simplest VAV systems use variable frequency drive (VFD) fan
motor and VAV terminal boxes to adjust the supply airflow.

Control of the outdoor air damper in a variable air volume system is very similar to that of
a constant volume system. However, setting the minimum damper position in a variable
air volume system is significantly more complicated than in a constant volume system.

During operation, the VAV air-handling unit delivers a mixture of outdoor air and
recirculated air to the multiple spaces it serves. The design ventilation rate (DVR) for a
VAV system is the summation of ventilation requirements of all the zones served.
There will be times when one zone is fully occupied and therefore calling for high
ventilation rates while other zones may be unoccupied calling for minimum ventilation
rate. The base ventilation flow adjustment of dampers at a central air handler alone thus
won’t serve a particular zone well. A VAV system will require adjustment to both the
individual VAV box damper serving a particular zone as well as the main outdoor air
damper at the main central air handling unit.

Without active ventilation control, the volume of conditioned air that enters the space is
controlled by a space temperature sensor. The temperature sensor modulates the
damper of the VAV box to lower limits during part load but also restricts the ventilation
air to that zone.

With active ventilation control (DCV), the percentage or 'richness' of the ventilation air
in the total supply air must be maintained. This is significantly more complex.

One approach to optimizing ventilation in a multiple-zone VAV system is to have one

CO2 sensor and one temperature sensor (or one combined sensor) in each zone or at
least for the most critical zones that are densely occupied and experience widely

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

varying patterns of occupancy (such as conference rooms, auditoriums, or a lounge

area). The building automation system (BAS) then determines how much OA needed in
each zone, and sets the building outdoor air to meet critical zone. Thus, less critical
zones will always be little over ventilated, but no zone is under-ventilated. The concept
will be understood with the example below.

To understand how multi-zone demand ventilation control with multiple CO2 sensors
works, let’s consider an example.

Say, the total volume flow rate Vs and the outdoor air flow rate Vo at design conditions
for three zones are as shown below. Based on these requirements, the percentage of
outside air, OA, at design conditions is 35%.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3

Design Z1 Z2 Z3 Total
(cfm) (cfm) (cfm) (cfm)
Supply air (Vs) 2,000 4,000 4,000 10,000
Outside air (Vo) 500 1,000 2,000 3,500
Percent outside air 25% 25% 50% 35%

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During part load conditions say the required supply air and outside air requirements are
as indicated below:

Lean Period Z1 Z2 Z3 Total

(Part Load) (cfm) (cfm) (cfm) (cfm)
Supply Air 1,000 3,000 3,000 7,000
Outside air 200 600 800 1,600
OA% 20% 20% 27%
Outside air 1,000 x .27 = 270 3,000 x .27 = 810 3,000 x .27 = 800 1,890

The building controller (automation system) will determine that the zone 3 requires a
higher fraction of outdoor air than the other zones; thus zone 3 is the critical zone and
the fraction outdoor air for the entire building is set at 0.27. Although the actual outdoor
air supplied to zones 1 and 2 exceeds the minimum requirement, all three zones meet
the outdoor air requirement. In addition, heating and cooling energy use is reduced
because the quantity of outside air introduced into the building (1,890 cfm) is less than
the quantity of outside air if the dampers were fixed at the design fraction outdoor air
(0.35 x 7,000 cfm = 2,450 cfm).

What’s difference between VAV and DCV?

In essence, VAV systems also operate as DCV systems; i.e. varying the amount of air,
but there is still a difference.

DCV has been related to indoor air quality control, while VAV systems are related to
thermal comfort control. Not all VAV systems operate as DCV systems. Only the VAV
systems where the airflow rate varies according to thermal comfort control, as well as
by the requirements of air quality, are considered as DCV systems.


In both CAV and VAV systems, if the air-handling unit is equipped with the “Economizer”
to allow for free cooling, it will interact with the DCV control loop. Whichever control loop
is calling for the highest amount of outdoor air will take priority. For example, if the
economizer loop is driving the outdoor air dampers open to provide free cooling, the
dampers should not close because zone CO2 concentrations are below set point. In

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contrast, the outdoor air dampers should be driven toward the DVR, if any zone CO2
concentration exceeds setpoint.


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A key component of DCV is the carbon dioxide sensor. CO2 sensors in HVAC
applications are based exclusively on the Infrared (IR) absorption principle. This is
because different gases absorb infrared energy at specific and unique wavelengths in
the infrared spectrum.

There are two types of sensors to measure CO2 concentration with the help of the IR
absorption method: "Non-dispersive infrared" and "Photo-acoustic". Both have
distinctly different operational characteristics.

Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) Detection

Sensors based on non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detection search the net increase or
decrease of light that occurs at the wavelength where CO2 absorption takes place. The
light intensity change depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide.

The main components of a commercial sensor are an infrared source (lamp), a gas
cell/path, a wavelength selection device, and some optical components (lenses or
more usually mirrors) to couple the radiation from the source through the gas cell to
the detector. The sensor accuracy can be affected by the accumulation of particles in
the sensor and the aging of the light source.

Photo-Acoustic (PA) CO2 Sensors

Another type of infrared technology used to measure CO2 is called photo-acoustic

sensing. This technology also exposes the gas sample to infrared light. However,

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

unlike absorptive infrared, the technique is based on the detection of sound waves that
are generated due to the absorption of modulated light. The amplitude of the acoustic
wave is directly proportional to the product of laser power, the concentration of the
molecules in the gas sample, and the sensitivity of the PA detector.

The sensor accuracy can be affected by vibration and atmospheric pressure changes
but these are non-sensitive to dirt and dust.

Sensors for HVAC Applications

Both non-dispersive infrared and photo-acoustic CO2 sensor technologies are subject
to drift (± 100 ppm / year) and inaccuracy (± 100 ppm). Both uses digital electronics,
with output signals communicated on digital serial bus formats (e.g., BACNet) or else
converted to standard analog output of 0-10 VDC or 4-20mA. This corresponds to 0-
2000 ppm CO2 concentration.

Non-dispersive infrared technology is preferred over photo-acoustic for two reasons:

1. Photo-acoustic sensors have increased error at low humidity (i.e. less than 25%

2. Photo-acoustic sensors generate a relatively "noisy" output signal.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Typical Non-Dispersive Infrared CO2 Sensor

Below are the generic CO2 sensor specifications that are appropriate for the HVAC

1. Range: 0 - 2,000 ppm

2. Accuracy: +/- 50 ppm

3. Temperature dependence of CO2: < 5 ppm per °C

4. Stability: <5% Full Scale for 5 years

5. Linearity: +/- 2% Full Scale

6. Voltage: 230 VAC, electrically isolated power supply unit

7. Indicator Lights: LED green: up to 1000 ppm, LED amber: from 1000 ppm CO2
to 1500 ppm CO2, LED red: over 1500 ppm CO2 (flashing)

8. Acoustic warning signal: Every 5 minutes above 1500 ppm CO2.

9. Housing: Standardized concealed box

10. IP rating: IP 20 (shock hazard protection for indoors)

11. Safety class: II

12. Manufacturer recommended minimum calibration frequency: 5 years

How to evaluate CO2 Sensor Location and Quantity?

Sensor location and quantity are not explicitly defined in ASHRAE or any other code.
The exact criteria will vary between different buildings and system types. The key is to

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

select a location where the sensor can accurately measure the CO2 concentration and
is representative of the area or zone served. A special consideration for CO2 sensor
placement is to ensure it is not located in an area where people might be directly
breathing on the sensor (e.g., near water cooler/coffee service areas).

Sensor Coverage

According to California Title 24 Energy Code, if in a given zone the design occupancy
density is greater than 25 people per 1,000 ft2, the space would be considered a likely
candidate for a DCV, and should receive its own sensor. If Title 24 is not applicable to
the project, then you may consider using fewer sensors, and lowering the threshold set
point to account for less CO2 sampling, and increased dilution of air within the space.

Zones that are served by one air handler that are not loaded to the same level or
frequency should have their own sensors, provided DCV shows opportunity for
worthwhile ventilation airflow reduction. The table below provides general guidelines:

Building Arrangement CO2 Sensors

One HVAC Unit 2 or More HVAC Units

Single space, single zone One One sensor per unit

Area < 5000 ft2

Single space, single zone Quantity as required. The One sensor per unit
Area > 5000 ft area covered by each
(up to 5000 ft2 each)
sensor shall be less than
5000 ft2

Multiple spaces, single One. Locate sensor in One sensor per unit
zone Area < 5000 ft2 space that is most
ventilation sensitive

Multiple spaces, single One sensor per space One sensor per unit
zone Area > 5000 ft2

Multiple spaces, multiple One sensor per zone One sensor per zone

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Rule of Thumb: Generally one sensor can serve up to 5,000 sq. feet.

Sensor Location

1. Duct Mounted Sensors - Duct mounted sensors are typically located in the
return airstream of an air-handling system. This approach is best applied where
the ventilation system operates continuously and where all the zones served by
the air handler have similar levels of activity and occupant densities, occurring
at the same time. A duct mounted sensor is not recommended where the
system serves a number of areas with diverse occupancy. A duct mounted
sensor in the return air duct of a system that also incorporates a ceiling return
plenum may be subject to error because of building infiltration or supply duct

2. Wall Mounted Sensors (Zones Measurement): The local wall mounted

sensor(s) are recommended for multi-zone applications. Criteria for placement of
wall-mount sensors are similar to those for temperature sensors. Because people
breathing on the sensor can affect the reading, find a location where it is unlikely
that people will be standing in close proximity (2 ft. to the sensor). Avoid installing
in areas near doors, air intakes or exhausts or open windows. One sensor should
be placed in each zone where occupancy is expected to vary. Sensors can be
designed to operate with VAV based zones or to control larger areas up to 5,000
ft2 (if an open space).

Compared to duct mounted sensors, this method will be more expensive since
additional sensors, wiring, and control points must be installed. In addition, the
control sequences will require additional programming. This is the recommended
control option for variable air volume (VAV) air handling systems.

Duct vs. Wall Mount

Generally, the wall mounted sensors shall be used for VAV installation and even
preferred for CAV installation. Sensors in the occupied space are preferred over
location in ductwork. This is because return air tends to be an average of all spaces
being conditioned and may not be representative of what is actually happening in a
particular space. This means that some spaces could be highly under ventilated, and
others over ventilated.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

The principal driver for use of duct-mounted sensors is to reduce costs by reducing the
number of sensors required for a job. In the past few years, CO2 sensor pricing has
dropped dramatically meaning that the cost difference between using duct-mounted
and multiple space-mounted sensors is a minimal portion of the job cost. Hence
individual zone wise wall mounted CO2 sensors are the better choice.

Sensor Wiring

Sensor wiring, voltage, power and control requirements are similar to those ones
commonly used in thermostats. There are two types of sensors: wired and wireless.
Data from wireless sensors is delivered with the use of signal communications.
Wireless sensors have self-contained power supply. Such sensors are used on-board
power controls to alert a building operator when battery charge is low and needs to be

The sensors output can be interfaced to any Building Management System (BMS) for
retrieving the sensor status via an isolated opto-coupled relay output, which indicates
various stages of CO2 concentration. These digital outputs are suitable for remote
management of the HVAC dampers via the BMS systems

Sensor’s Calibration

Most CO2 sensors available in the market today are self-calibrating and require no
maintenance over their rated life of 15 years. The self-calibrating feature used by these
sensors is based on the fact that when buildings are unoccupied, inside concentrations
of CO2 will typically drop to outside levels which are typically around 400 ppm. The
CO2 sensor is programmed to look for these low points that might occur over a 3-week
period. If the sensor sees that it is out of adjustment with the lowest concentration
measured over three weeks, the sensor automatically adjusts its calibration. To ensure
optimum operation of this self-calibration feature, it is highly recommended that the
control sequence of the system include a periodic per occupancy purge of the space to
ensure that the sensors see true outside/background levels.


When you are working towards green building design and for Green Certification, the
LEEDTM rating system is very specific about the location of sensors. It requires placing
sensors between 3 and 6 feet above the finished floor in what is known as the “breathing
zone.” This is the space in a room where people inhale and exhale. Previous standards

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

of practice put sensors in the return air duct, something unacceptable under LEED
because this location does not sense actual room conditions that humans will


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


Two important criteria for any CO2 control strategy are that the target per-person
ventilation rate is met at all times, and that during periods of changing occupancy the
lag times as prescribed in ASHRAE standard 62.1-2004 are met. It is possible to
determine the number of sensors and to select types of sensors, when a control
strategy is chosen correctly. Here are few areas that need attention.

Effect of Variable Respiration Rates and Non-Steady Conditions

Implementing CO2 based DCV is a matter of estimating the CO2 generation rate of the
occupants (N), measuring the concentration difference in the space versus outdoors
(Cs – Co), and then using this difference to determine the rate at which ventilation air
(Vo) on a per-person basis is delivered to the space. The mass balance equation for
determining the target cfm/person assumes the steady state equilibrium condition. The
steady state condition means that everyone in a building will be seated; is of the same
size, sex, health; and is consuming the same diet. Can all the other factors that influence
respiration rates be held constant? The answer is No.

If the level of activity was more strenuous than that of typical office work, then the
metabolic rate would go up with a corresponding increase in the CO2 generation rate.
For the same ventilation rate then, this increased level of activity would result in a
higher build-up of CO2 concentrations.

When we examine the range of activities and their impact on respiration, we find that the
respiration rate can easily vary to 0.50 for walking, 0.60 for Light machine work and 0.90
for the upper threshold of "light activity". All of these are cited in the Appendix to
ASHRAE Standard 62-1999. When these are used to calculate the amount of ventilation
per person, we get with the following range of rates:

Respiration Rate Actual Outside Air Activity

N CFM / person

0.30 14.5 Seated

0.40 19.4 Office Work

0.50 24.2 Walking

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

0.60 29.0 Light Machine Work

0.90 43.5 Upper threshold of “light


The figure below shows the typical pattern of buildup of CO2 in a space with office type
activity (1.2 MET). The chart assumes a steady-state condition where a constant
occupancy is present and the ventilation rate is constant. Once people enter a room,
CO2 concentrations will begin to increase. These levels will continue to increase until
the amount of CO2 produced by the space occupants and the dilution air delivered to
the space are in balance. This is called the equilibrium point.

Indoor CO2 concentrations at various ventilation rates

Where each curve levels off, the rate of CO2 generation (occupant activity) in the
space balances the rate of CO2 removal from the space. The amount of time required
to reach the steady-state condition depends on the population density, the volume of
the space, and the air circulation rate. It can be as short as a few minutes for a densely
occupied space with a low ceiling height, or as long as several hours for a space with a
high ceiling and few occupants.

Concerns over Insufficient Ventilation of Non-Human Pollutants

According to the ASHRAE Journal the single most important issue preventing greater
use of DCV is the concern around non-human pollutants. During periods of low
occupancy, DCV can reduce ventilation levels low enough that potential building
contaminant concentration can increase to the point of causing occupants to complain.
These contaminants can be created by off gassing from new furnishings or
construction materials, or increased levels of air contaminants from cleaning materials,

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

high particle or dust levels or other episodic occurrences such as spills of odorous
liquids or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). ASHRAE has tried to address the issue
of non-human pollutants by recommending a minimum area component of the outdoor
air ventilation requirements that is typically 60 cfm per 1000 square feet. However, in
many cases this airflow level may be insufficient to eliminate complaints, especially
during periods of low occupancy. The user may have to exercise changing the upper
and lower setpoints by trial and error based on real spot test measurements.

Intermittent Occupancies

For most space types, the design ventilation rate is calculated by multiplying the
maximum occupancy of the space by the ventilation requirement (cfm/person). The
intermittent occupancy provision of ASHRAE 62, Section permits calculation of
the design ventilation rate based on the average occupancy of the space, rather than
the maximum occupancy, but only if the duration of maximum occupancy in that space
does not exceed three hours. Using the intermittent occupancy provision instead of
implementing DCV, sometimes simplifies system control and permits smaller HVAC
equipment without sacrificing operating costs appreciably. When considering DCV, it is
improper to use this provision to lower the maximum occupancy for the sake of
reducing the design ventilation rate.

Demand-controlled ventilation should be sized based on the peak occupancy. It is

NOT appropriate to reduce the size (capacity) of the ventilation system when demand
controlled ventilation is being used.

Chemical Filtration

When considering CO2 based DCV, make sure that carbon dioxide is NOT removed
from the space by methods such as gas-sorption filtration. When CO2 is used to
indicate occupancy, any means of reducing its concentration (other than dilution with
outdoor air) will result in an under ventilated space.

VOC sensors can be substituted for CO2 sensors

Volatile organic compound (VOC) sensors cannot be simply substituted because VOC

• Cannot measure CO2;

• React in different ways to different contaminants; and

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

• Cannot distinguish between a potentially harmful air contaminant and harmless

gas (such as perfume or after-shave vs. benzene).

Lag time for ventilation

During the non-steady-state conditions, which are typical of real buildings, the
concentration of CO2 within the space lags behind the actual number of occupants. At
the beginning of occupancy the steady-state condition does not yet exist in the space,
so the measured difference between indoor and outdoor CO2 concentrations would
result in an under-ventilated space. Considerable time can elapse before the space
reaches its steady-state condition, if it ever does. (Most spaces never reach
equilibrium because of changing occupancy and operation of the HVAC system.)

Depending on the application, ASHRAE Standard 62-2004 [Section] allows

ventilation to lag occupancy, provided that the ventilation system achieves an
acceptable indoor condition within the permissible time frame. The figure below shows
the Maximum lag time permissible for ventilation.

DCV and Building Pressure

When the outside dew point exceeds 65°F, humidity levels in negatively pressurized
building envelopes can exceed 70% RH. High humidity conditions in and near the
building envelope will result in mold growth. Some molds may be toxic to humans while

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

others may damage the building structure. The widespread use of DCV has limited the
amount of outside air introduced into a building. Without a positive pressurization flow
(the difference between the outside air intake flow rates and the total exhaust flow
rates), a building cannot be pressurized. Designers must carefully consider building
pressurization when utilizing demand controlled strategies (CO2 or others). Building
pressurization becomes even more critical if the energy recovery is used since the
differential used to pressurize the building is significantly reduced, even at system
design maximums.

Economizer Control

In buildings with an economizer cycle, allow the economizer to override the DCV
system at times when the additional ventilation would provide “free” cooling. Select
DCV systems that are able to increase outdoor air intake before the building opens in
the morning to deal with concentrations of contaminants that may build up overnight.

Equally important, the economizer or DDC system should be properly programmed to

accept the sensor's input. Improper programming can negate any potential benefits.
For example, if the system is set up to open up the outside air full-open at the first sign
of people, it will over-ventilate unless the group of people is normally a very large

Outside CO2 Variability

We know the outside CO2 is not static and that it varies both geographically and over
time throughout a single day, as well as seasonally. But in most locations, the outdoor
concentration (Co) of carbon dioxide seldom varies by more than 100 ppm from the
nominal value. Because of this and in lieu of installing an outdoor CO2 sensor, most
designers use a one-time reading of the outdoor CO2 concentration at the building site.
This simplifies control, lowers the installed cost, and usually increases accuracy
because it avoids the potential inaccuracy of an outdoor sensor.


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


The overall cost for implementing DCV has dropped substantially in recent years. The
average cost of CO2 sensors is now priced below $200 (compared to over $500 a
decade ago). Today’s sensors can self-calibrate, so they need far less maintenance
than their predecessors. Also, several HVAC equipment manufacturers now offer DCV-
ready rooftop units and variable air volume (VAV) boxes. This equipment is shipped
with terminals for the CO2 sensor wires and controls that are preprogrammed to
implement a DCV strategy. By limiting installation costs to the cost of mounting the
sensor and running wires to the rooftop unit or VAV box (wireless models are
available), DCV ready HVAC equipment substantially reduces the cost of implementing


Which spaces would benefit the most from DCV?

Although no hard and fast rules apply, DCV provides the greatest savings for buildings

1. Highly variable occupancy - DCV offers the greatest potential for energy
savings in buildings with wide or unpredictable swings in occupancy, such as
auditoriums, restaurants, bars, cafeterias, theaters, retail stores, classrooms,
and conference rooms. Buildings with highly variable occupancy and buildings
that rarely or never reach design occupancy will likely save more energy than
facilities with predictable near-design occupancy, such as office buildings or

2. Moderate to extreme heating or cooling climates - Given that DCV can reduce
the amount of outdoor air brought in, buildings in climates where a lot of energy
is required to heat or cool the outdoor air stand to gain the most, while those in
climates where little conditioning is required and where economizer operation is
common will save less. Facilities with large refrigeration loads, such as
supermarkets, will also benefit from the reduced humidity load that the display
cases would otherwise have to remove.

3. Conventional HVAC systems - Buildings that have mechanical air conditioning

systems offer opportunities for greater energy savings than do facilities using
other cooling systems, such as evaporative cooling. These other systems use

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

100 percent outside air during normal operation, which means that “ventilation
performance” cannot be improved. However, these buildings may benefit from
the use of DCV in winter because it will reduce the amount of outside air that
must be heated.

4. Long operating hours - Buildings that are only open for a few hours per day are
unlikely to be good candidates for DCV. Those facilities might be better off
using timers to shut off ventilation fans during unoccupied hours.

Below are some guidelines on what type of spaces are most suitable for a DCV control

Recommended Possible Not Recommended

Auditoriums, Theaters Dining halls, cocktail Locker rooms

lounges & cafeteria
Music rooms, Ball rooms Repair and service
Training shops stations
Shopping malls,
Supermarkets Smoking lounges Pet shops

Lobbies and waiting areas Specialty shops (barber, Manufacturing areas

florists, furniture, hardware
Conference rooms Warehouses
Casino & Bowling alleys Laboratories
Patient rooms, recovery
Churches Operation rooms and ICU
School classrooms Swimming pools


Commercial Laundries

Most applications indicated as “possible” may be suitable applications, but should be

evaluated by the HVAC system designer. Separate factors may govern system
selection, such as, mandatory ventilation requirements other than the ASHRAE
Standard 62, pressurization between spaces (e.g., between kitchens and dining
rooms), regular periodic release of building-related contaminants that are a health
hazard to occupants, and extensive requirements for local exhaust.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


Not all buildings are good candidates for DCV.

1. DCV should be used only in areas where human activity is the main reason for
ventilating the space. Industrial or laboratory spaces that are subject to indoor
air quality (IAQ) degradation from a wide variety of sources are unsuitable for
CO2-based ventilation control.

2. CO2-based DCV is suitable only when there is a means of automatically

adjusting the ventilation air supply (e.g., variable-speed fans or some variable
damper arrangement). If this control is not available, the savings from DCV may
justify the modifications to accommodate this degree of control.

3. Thus CO2-based DCV may not be appropriate, or may require higher target
ventilation settings in new buildings or others where there are contaminants not
related to human occupancy, as it may not provide sufficient fresh air to dilute
those contaminants. The CO2 sensors used for DCV are not appropriate to
monitor CO2 for medical or industrial purposes that demand precise air quality


If demand controlled ventilation lowers excessive supply outdoor air in a building

during heating and cooling seasons, then annual energy expenses for heating and
cooling the outdoor air are reduced accordingly. In most locations, the outside air also
brings humidity into the space, which burdens the cooling energy consumption
substantially. There is significant incentive for building operators to reduce the amount
of outside air entering a space when the HVAC system is mechanically cooled or

How much money will a DCV system save me?

Actual occupancy levels in buildings are generally significantly lower than the design
occupancy levels. The experience indicates that actual occupancy levels may be 60 to
75% lower in some buildings than the design levels. The saving energy potential using
DCV may vary depending on climate, type of a building, hours of use, type of HVAC
system, occupancy in the space in which it is implemented, and other operating

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

conditions. The capability of authorized staff to maintain and operate equipment

properly may also positively affect savings.

Broadly, the money can be saved on two accounts. First, it saves energy by avoiding
heating, cooling and dehumidification of more ventilation air than is needed. Second,
lower outdoor air requirements decrease the fan energy expenses to supply or extract
air from a building.

Energy Saving Potential

Thermal Energy

When the ventilation is reduced, there is proportionate reduction in the cooling and
heating requirements. Refer to the equations below:

The air-conditioning load required for cooling or heating the outside air may be
calculated from the following equation:

qT = m (hE – hL)

qs = m cp (TE – TL)

At standard conditions, where the density of air is 0.075 lb/ft3 and the specific heat is
0.240 Btu/lb-°F, this equation can be simplified as follows:

qT = 4.5 (Q) (hE – hL) Btu/hr

qs = 1.08 (Q) (TE – TL) Btu/h


• qT = Total load (latent + sensible), Btu/hr. [Note the total load accounts for both
cooling as well the dehumidification, i.e. moisture removal during humid

• qs = Sensible load, Btu/hr. [Note the sensible load is only the cooling load].

• cp = specific heat of air at standard conditions, 0.24 Btu/lb-°F

• m = mass flow rate of outside air, lbs/hr

• Q = Airflow, cfm

• hE = Enthalpy of air entering the air conditioning equipment, Btu/hr-lb

• hL = Enthalpy of air leaving the air conditioning equipment, Btu/hr-lb

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

• TE = Temperature of air entering the air conditioning equipment, °F

• TL = Temperature of air leaving the air conditioning equipment, °F

Clearly the sensible load and the total load are dependent on the airflow rate and the
entering and leaving conditions of air. Let’s review the thermal savings using the
following example:


Consider a 10000 sq.-ft. office located in Southern California with the following

1. 100 occupants

2. Summer design conditions:

• Outdoor: 89°F dry bulb, 70°F wet bulb

• Indoor: 75°F and 50% relative humidity

3. Heat gain (not including outside air):

• Total gain = 56,000 Btu/hr

• Sensible gain = 40,000 Btu/hr

4. Winter outdoor design conditions:

• Outdoor: 40°F

• Indoor: 72°F and 50% relative humidity

5. Heat loss (not including outside air): 45,000 Btu/hr

Assume an outside airflow requirement per ASHRAE Standard 62. In this example it is
15 cfm per person, so the total required fresh air is 1500 cfm.


Total heat load: qT = 4.5 (Q) (hE – hL) Btu/hr

The enthalpy of entering and leaving air is determined from the “Psychrometric Chart”

Enthalpy of outdoor entering air: hE = 28.6 Btu/lb

Enthalpy of air leaving the air conditioning equipment: hL = 34.2 Btu/lb

Therefore, the total heat gain from the outside air is:

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

qT = 4.5 (Q) (hE – hL) = 4.5 (1500) (34.2 – 28.6) = 37800 Btu/hr

Similarly, the sensible load is:

qs = 1.08 (1500) (89 - 75) = 22680 Btu/hr

And the winter heat loss is:

qs = 1.08 (1500) (72 - 40) = 51840 Btu/hr

Now say with DCV, the outdoor air is reduced by 40% to 900 CFM, the new cooling
and heating requirements shall be:

qT (summer) = 4.5 (900) (34.2 – 28.6) = 22680 Btu/hr

qs (summer) = 1.08 (900) (89 - 75) = 13608 Btu/hr

qs (winter) = 1.08 (900) (72 - 40) = 31104 Btu/hr

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Energy Savings

Months Heat load at Heat load at Energy Savings

Design Ventilation reduced ventilation
Rates, 1500 cfm rate of 900 cfm
(DVR) using controlled
ventilation (DCV)

Summer total load 37800 Btu/hr 22680 Btu/hr 15120 Btu/hr (~4.43

Summer sensible 22680 Btu/hr 13608 Btu/hr 9072 Btu/hr (~ 2.66

load kWh)

Winter heat loss 51840 Btu/hr 31104 Btu/hr 20736 Btu/hr (~6.07

For 2 hours per day lean operation, 300 working days, the energy saving will amount

Summer total load = 4.43 kWh * 2 hrs * 300 working days = 2,658 kWh per annum

Summer sensible load = 2.66 kWh * 2 hrs * 300 working days = 1,596 kWh per annum

Winter heat loss = 6.07 kWh * 2 hrs * 300 working days = 3642 kWh per annum

The energy budget for heating is significantly higher. The dollar savings can be
significant in large air-conditioned spaces.

Savings in Mechanical energy

In any given ventilation system, the energy consumption varies in accordance with fan
laws, which state that the fan energy varies directly to the cube rate of the air flow rate.

Doubling the supply air volume requires the energy requirement of the ventilation fans
to increase by a factor of eight: (2)3 = 8. Conversely, if the demand of air is halved, the
required mechanical energy delivered by the fans would be reduced by a
corresponding factor of 8. In our example above, a 40 % reduction of ventilated air
would lower the mechanical energy demand to (0.6)3 = 0.216 or 21.6 % of the original,
thus saving 78.4 % of the fan energy.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

Each potential application for DCV must be considered individually, so that the many
variables which might affect energy savings in a specific application are weighed
appropriately. The real energy savings will vary considerably, obviously affected by
many factors such as:

• Building Type - occupancy schedule

• Building Location - heating or cold region

• Space heating and cooling loads

• Ambient temperatures and humidity

• HVAC system type

• Amount of time the system economizes


HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037


Many building codes in the United States base their ventilation requirements in
accordance with ASHRAE 62, which requires that a building brings in a specified
minimum amount of fresh air to ensure adequate indoor air quality (IAQ). To adhere to
this standard, the choice made in most buildings is to ventilate at the fixed minimum
rate per person based on the building type and the assumed occupancy, usually the
building’s design occupancy. But because the number of people actually occupying the
space at any given time can vary widely, the ASHRAE standard allows CO2 based
demand control ventilation with certain rules.


DCV as a ventilation control strategy was clarified in 1997 in interpretation of IC
62-1999-33 (formerly IC 62-1989-27). This interpretation identified the ground
rules for using CO2 as a method of controlling ventilation based on real-time
occupancy within a space as follows:

I. The use of CO2 is applied using the Ventilation Rate Procedure of

Standard 62, which establishes specific cfm/person ventilation rates for
most applications. By definition, ASHRAE Standard 62 says that
acceptable indoor air quality is achieved by providing ventilation air of
the specified quality and quantity to the space. The standard states:
“The Ventilation Rate Procedure described in Table 6.1 (referred in
Section 2 of the course) is deemed to provide acceptable indoor air
quality, ipso facto.”

II. The CO2 control strategy can be used to modulate ventilation below the
design ventilation rate while still maintaining Table 6.1 ventilation rates.
Sensor location and selection of the control algorithm should be based
on achieving the ventilation rates. The control strategy should also be
developed considering inside/outside CO2 differential.

III. The control strategy must provide adequate lag time response as
required in the Standard.

IV. If CO2 control is used, the design ventilation rate may not be reduced to
consider peak occupancies of less than 3 hours (often called diversity).
In other words, the variable provision of cannot be applied to

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

lower the estimated maximum occupancy for the purpose of reducing

the design ventilation rate while using DCV.

V. CO2 filtration or bio-effluents removal methods other than dilution should

NOT be implemented in the space.

VI. A base ventilation rate should be provided during occupied periods to

control for non-occupant related sources.

The ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007 Energy Standard (section also requires that
spaces with a design occupancy density greater than 100 people per 1000 ft2
(i.e.: lecture halls, auditoriums, lobbies) incorporate DCV in the HVAC design.

2. Local Building Codes

There are three major regional building code bodies in the US that establish
model code that can be adopted by state, local city, and municipal jurisdictions.

• BOCA – (Building Officials & Code Administrators International) –


• SBCCI – (Southern Building Code Congress International) –


• ICBO – (International Code Conference of Building Officials) –

Western States

Recently these three model code bodies have jointly adopted the International
Mechanical Code (IMC) which establishes minimum regulations for mechanical
systems using prescriptive and performance related provisions. Like the
ASHRAE 62 standard, the IMC also provides provisions for modulation of
outside air based on occupancy as long at target cfm per person ventilation
rates are maintained. This is addressed in section 403.3.1 of the 2000
International Mechanical Code that states:

“The minimum flow rate of outdoor air that the ventilation system must be
capable of supplying during its operation shall be permitted to be based on the
rate per person indicated in Table 403.3 and the actual number of occupants
present. The IMC has also created a commentary document to provide
clarification to the intent of the code. In reference to section 403.3.1, the
commentary uses CO2 control as an example of a ventilation system that can

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

provide a specific “rate per person” based on the actual number of people
present. An excerpt from the commentary is provided below.

“The intent of this section is to allow the rate of ventilation to modulate in

proportion to the number of occupants. This can result in significant energy
savings. Current technology can permit the design of ventilation systems that
are capable of detecting the occupant load of the space and automatically
adjusting the ventilation rate accordingly. For example, carbon dioxide (CO2)
detectors can be used to sense the level of CO2 concentrations, which are
indicative of the number of occupants. People emit predictable quantities of
CO2 for any given activity, and this knowledge can be used to estimate the
occupant load in a space.”


The 2009 Code of Regulations, Title XXIV Part 6 Energy Code (Title 24), 2005
version has many similarities to ASHARE 62- 2007 with respect to the
application of DCV strategies. Section 121 in this energy code explains the
requirements of minimum ventilation air and the application of DCV. Some
important differences are:

• DCV is required in single zone HVAC spaces that have an economizer

and serve a space with a design occupant density, or a maximum
occupant load factor for egress purposes in the CBC, of 25 people per
1,000 ft2 or greater (with a few exceptions)

• Title 24 requires that the ventilation rates must be maintained between a

minimum value based on floor area and a maximum value based on
occupancy and a ventilation rate of 15 cfm/person. California’s
ventilation rates consider human bio-effluents to be the primary
contaminant of concern, hence the 15 cfm/person requirement. The
ventilation rate of 15 cfm/person would correspond to a CO2 rise of 700
ppm between indoor and outdoor CO2 levels. However, Title 24
assumes there will be sensor error, so the indoor CO2 setpoint is 600
ppm above outdoor ambient. If outdoor CO2 is not measured, then the
outdoor CO2 level is assumed to be equal to 400 ppm. Without sensor

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

or assumption error, this setpoint will result in a ventilation rate of 18


An important requirement to be aware of in Title 24 is that when the HVAC

system is operating during normal occupied hours, the ventilation rate (while
DCV is active) is not allowed to drop below the values listed in Table 121-A of
Title 24, multiplied by the floor area of the conditioned space. The ventilation
rate found in this table for a typical office building is 0.15 cfm / ft2, which results
in 15,000 cfm of minimum outside air for the typical 100,000 ft2 office building
presented in the AHSRAE 62 discussion.

Therefore, as a side by side comparison, the following minimum ventilation

rates apply:

An important concept to note from looking at the table above is that when DCV
is applied to a typical office building, it does not offer a large reduction in
outside air during times of low occupancy. However, DCV can offer a large
reduction in minimum ventilation air to spaces that are designed to be more
densely populated such as schools and auditoriums. In fact, the ASHRAE 90.1
-2004 Energy Standard (Section requires that spaces with design
occupancy density greater than 100 people per 1000 ft2 (i.e.: lecture halls,
auditoriums, lobbies, etc.) incorporate DCV in the HVAC design.

4. LEED 2.2 Requirements - The United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
created the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) program
to create a consistent way of allowing owners and designers to design and
build an environmentally responsive facility. Within this program are credits that
directly discuss CO2 sensor use and designing an HVAC system that is
responsive to indoor carbon dioxide concentrations.

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

LEED Credits

LEED rewards CO2 monitoring in two key credits. The principal credit is IEQ
Credit 1 – Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring. The intent of this credit is “to provide
capacity for ventilation system monitoring to help sustain occupant comfort and
well-being.” This credit has two components within its requirements.

1. First, it requires that all delivery systems have a direct means of outdoor
airflow measurement. This is typically accomplished with airflow
measuring stations located in air-handling units.

2. Second, it requires room monitoring of carbon dioxide concentrations in

all “densely occupied” spaces, so here is where the sensors come in.

LEED Indoor Environmental Air Quality (IEQ) Credit 1 states that when the
indoor CO2 levels rise 10% above the ASHRAE 62- 2007 requirements, then
the mechanical control system shall be able to send an alarm to the occupants
so that they will be informed and can take corrective action. The spaces that
should be included in the application of this credit are all densely populated
areas such as those with an occupancy level greater than 25 people per 1,000
square feet (or one person per 40 square feet). This means spaces like
classrooms, conference rooms, restaurants, auditoriums, courtrooms,
gymnasiums and other assembly areas are usually considered “densely
occupied.” This requirement applies regardless of the size of the room; a small
conference room and a large lecture hall have the same basic requirements. In
these spaces, the credit requires carbon-dioxide monitoring.

LEED is very specific about the location of sensors, requiring them to be between
3 and 6 feet above the finished floor in what is known as the “breathing zone.”
This is the space in a room where people inhale and exhale. Previous standards
of practice put sensors in the return air duct, which is unacceptable under LEED
because this location does not sense actual room conditions that humans will

Although IEQ Credit 1 specifies the installed height of sensors, it does not require
the full implementation of a demand control system. Once sensors are installed;
however, installing a demand control scheme is usually an easy option, and may

HVAC – Guide to Demand Control Ventilation – M04-037

potentially be rewarded with additional points under EA (Energy and

Atmosphere) Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance.


Most heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) re-circulate a significant
portion of the indoor air and admit fixed amount of fresh outdoor air to keep pollutant
concentrations below acceptable threshold limits. The amount of fixed air needed for
“proper” ventilation largely depends on the population of the building.

Since buildings are rarely at maximum occupancy, significant energy savings can be
achieved by reducing the amount of outside air being introduced into the building and
then conditioned without compromising air quality. Demand controlled ventilation
(DCV) is a method that controls ventilation rates based on the concentration of carbon
dioxide (CO2) of interior air while maintaining proper indoor air quality.

Note that the CO2-based DCV does not affect the design ventilation capacity; it just
controls the operation of the system to be more in tuned with how a building actually
operates. It is more of a system control effort as opposed to a new technology
development. Earlier, the barrier to widespread implementation was not having a cost
effective, simple and reliable sensor. In recent years, advances in sensor technology
have shown that demand-controlled ventilation is now both feasible and cost-effective.

The payback from CO2-based DCV will be greatest in higher density spaces that are
subject to variable or intermittent occupancy that would have normally used a fixed
ventilation strategy (e.g., theaters, schools, retail establishments, meeting and
conference areas). The real energy savings with DCV will depend on the climate being
“severe” enough, and the required ventilation rate being large enough, so that the
cooling load reduction saves enough energy costs to offset the first cost of the CO2-
sensing equipment. It is important to look into each area individually before
incorporating the DCV strategy. Carefully study all of the requirements in ASHRAE IC
62-2001-34 before you adopt a CO2-based DCV control strategy.



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