Models of Communication
Models of Communication
Models of Communication
Linear Model of
Models of Communication
model, and each element exists in who know each other is more efficient
relation to the others. as they share same social system.
The transactional model of communication
In transactional model, efficiency and
positions both communicators as senders
reliability of communicated message also
and receivers who encode their own depends on the medium used. For example,
messages and decode others' messages in the same message might not be perceived
the context of both communicators' by a person the same way when it is send
Transactional model is the process of There are many factors directly or indirectly
continuous change and transformation affecting the communication process in
where every component is changing such as transaction model. These can be
the people, their environments and the environmental noise or communication
medium used. Due to this, it assumes the barriers. Environmental Noises can
communicators to be independent and act be Physical noise, physiological noise
any way they want. Since both sender and or psychological noise.
receiver are necessary to keep the
communication alive in transactional
model, the communicators are also
interdependent to each other. For example,
transactional communication is not possible
if the receiver is not listening to sender.
Advantages :
Easy to implement
Sender doesn’t have to worry
Disadvantages :
No feedback.
Hard to understand.