Models of Communication

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Transactional &

Linear Model of
Models of Communication

Models of communication are conceptual meaning of the message. For example –

models used to explain the talking / listening to friends. While your
human communication process. friend is talking you are constantly
communication is the process of sending giving them feedback on what you think
and receiving messages or transferring through your facial expression verbal
information from one part (sender) to feedback without necessarily stopping
another (receiver).Mainly 2 models of your friend from talking.
communication are: In transactional communication,
communication is viewed as an
1. Transactional Model
exchange of something of value and a
2. Linear Model
transaction between the
communicators. Each person reacts
Transactional Model
based on his own culture, education,
It assumes that people are connected self-esteem, attitudes and background
through communication; they engage in that color the interpretation of
transaction. Firstly, it recognizes that communication. The sending and
each of us is a sender-receiver, not receiving of messages can be
merely a sender or a receiver. Secondly, simultaneous in transactional
it recognizes that communication communication, and the
affects all parties involved. So communicators' fields of experience is
communication is fluid/simultaneous. fluid, changing as communication takes
This is how most conversation are like. place. The transactional model of
The transactional model also contains communication positions both
ellipses that symbolize the communicators as senders and receivers
communication environment (how you who encode their own messages and
interpret the data that you are given). decode others' messages in the context
Where the ellipses meet is the most of both communicators' individual and
effect communication area because shared experiences. It is interdependent
both communicators share the same
Models of Communication

model, and each element exists in who know each other is more efficient
relation to the others. as they share same social system.
The transactional model of communication
In transactional model, efficiency and
positions both communicators as senders
reliability of communicated message also
and receivers who encode their own depends on the medium used. For example,
messages and decode others' messages in the same message might not be perceived
the context of both communicators' by a person the same way when it is send

individual and shared experiences. It is an through a phone and when it is

provided face to face. It is because of
interdependent model, and each element
possible loss of message on a phone call or
exists in relation to the others.
absence of gestures.

Transactional model is the process of There are many factors directly or indirectly
continuous change and transformation affecting the communication process in
where every component is changing such as transaction model. These can be
the people, their environments and the environmental noise or communication
medium used. Due to this, it assumes the barriers. Environmental Noises can
communicators to be independent and act be Physical noise, physiological noise
any way they want. Since both sender and or psychological noise.
receiver are necessary to keep the
communication alive in transactional
model, the communicators are also
interdependent to each other. For example,
transactional communication is not possible
if the receiver is not listening to sender.

The transactional model is the most general

model of communication. Everyday talk and
interactions are also a form of transactional
model communication. It is more efficient
for communicators with similar
environment and individual aspects. For
instance, communication between people
Models of Communication

Components: The message signal is encoded and

1. Sender transmitted through channel in presence of
2. Encode noise. The sender is more prominent in
3. Message linear model of communication. Linear
4. Channel model was founded by Shannon and
5. Decode Weaver which was later adapted by David
6. Receiver Berlo into his own model known as
7. Feedback SMCR (Source, Message, Channel, Receiver)
Model of Communication. Linear model is
applied in mass communication like
Advantages television, radio, etc. This model is not
 Simultaneous & instant feedback. applicable in general human
 No discrimination between sender & communication as general human
receiver. communication has to have feedback and
 More efficient. responses. The linear model describes
 Further information, clarification is communication as a one-way process. It doesn't
possible. allow for feedback, which is the receiver's
response to the message. The linear model

Disadvantages doesn't apply to a conversation, because a

conversation involves an exchange of messages
 Time consuming.
between sender and receiver. Each participant
 Confuse the line of command.
provides verbal and nonverbal feedback to the
 No order.

Linear Model of Communication

In linear model, communication is

considered one way process where sender
is the only one who sends message and
receiver doesn't give feedback or response.
Models of Communication

other person as the conversation continues.  No way to know if communication

was effective.

Differences Between Linear &

Transactional Model

Linear model Transactional

One way Two way
communication communication
Components : No feedback Feedback
1. Sender No interchange of Interchange of
2. Encode roles roles
3. Message Evaluation is not Evaluation is
4. Channel possible possible
5. Decode Hard to Easier to
6. Receiver understand understand

Advantages :
 Simplicity
 Easy to implement
 Faster
 Sender doesn’t have to worry
 Order

Disadvantages :
 No feedback.
 Hard to understand.

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