Defense Engineering College Department of Motor Vehicle Technology

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Defense Engineering College

Department of Motor Vehicle Technology

Course Syllabus

1. Instructor Information
Name Biru Birhanu
Office Location Auto shop No-03
Phone Number 0933855909
E-mail [email protected]
Office Hours
2. Course Information
Course Code MV2011
Credit Hours 3-2-3
3. Course Aim & Description
Aim: To enable the students understand the principles and laws of thermodynamics used as a foundation for design and analysis
of thermal systems.
Basic concepts of thermodynamics, pure substance, ideal gas, work and heat, the 1 st Law of thermodynamics as applied to closed
systems and control volume, 2nd Law of thermodynamics, Entropy, availability (Exergy), Thermodynamics relations, and non-
reactive ideal gas mixtures
4. Method of Instruction
2 fifty minutes lecture hours every week
 Active learning (involves the full participation of students)
class lectures
 Teach inductively and to be followed by deductive assertions
 Use multi-media and animated models
3 fifty minutes tutorial hours every consecutive 3 week
In-class Tutorial  Student shall prepare on given assignments and solve them in classes
 Conduct discussions on real-world problems related to the subject
Study of lecture  This is fully the responsibility of the learned
3 fifty minutes lab hour every 4 week
 Some laboratory demonstrations will be conducted to intensify the theory
Demonstrations  Students are expected to prepare them selves to analyze the lab demonstration
 Short questions may be asked to check individual understanding
 Laboratory reports has to prepared on demand
 Work in groups in not more than 4-5 member
Group Assignment  Tangible contribution from every member is mandatory
Project  Level of work in terms of literature and documentation
 Apply scientific methods
5. Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the student will have the following attributes:
5.1 Knowledge
Students must understand the closed system and open system/control volume concepts and be able to describe
engineering problems in terms of these concepts.
Students must understand the concepts of an equation of state and be able to use such an equation to describe pure
5.1.2 substances, mixture, perfect gases and vapor. This includes understanding and being able to apply various property
Students must understand the first and second laws of thermodynamics and learn how to apply these laws to both open
and closed systems.
5.1.4 Students must understand the concept of entropy and exergy.
Students must understand the concept availability (Exergy) as a combination of the first and se 3rd laws of
thermodynamics and will be able to use the availability to evaluate engineering systems.
5.1.6 Able to differentiate and determine internal energy, enthalpy & entropy using different thermodynamic relations,
5.1.7 Understand the mixture gas composition of ideal and real systems.
5.2 Intellectual and practical skills
5.2.1 Solve heat energy problems using first or second law techniques for control-mass or control-volume systems

5.2.2 Select the most appropriate method of heat analysis for any heat energy problem.

5.2.3 select and compare the best performance heat engine, heat pump or refrigeration system
Perform thermal design analysis of some of engineering device, Nozzle Diffusers, Turbine, Compressor or Pump, Heat
Exchanger, pipes and ducts.
5.3 Attitudes and behavior
Students have an understanding and appreciation for the implications of the science of thermodynamics on society as whole (in
scientific, historical and economical and economic contexts)and recognize connections between thermodynamics and other areas
of study.
6. Course Outline
Chapter Week Topics to be covered (Lecture hours) activity
(Tut Hrs)

 Definition, meanings and application of thermodynamic

 Thermodynamic systems and control volume
 Open and closed system
Chapter:1  Thermodynamic properties
 Intensive and extensive properties Instructor do example
BASIC 1st  State and equilibrium
5.1.1 & 5.3
CONCEPTS OF  Processes and cycles
THERMODYNAMI  Quasi-static processes
CS  Steady flow processes
 Zeroth Low of thermodynamics
 Measurement of temperature, pressure, density & specific gravity.
Chapter: 2  Introduction
 what is pure substance
 Phases of a pure substance
SUBSTANCE  Phase change processes
 Compressed Liquid & Saturated Liquid

 Saturated Vapor & supper heated Vapor Instructor do example,

2nd  Saturation Temperature & Saturated Pressure
5.1.2 & 5.2.1
 Practical importance of Tsat & Psat Students do the tutorial
 Properties diagram of Phase change Processes problems
 T-v diagram

 P-v diagram

 P-T diagram
 P-v-T surface

3 rd  Steam Table 5.1.2 & 5.2.1 Instructor do example,

 Specific volume Internal energy, & Enthalpy at
Students do the tutorial
 saturated liquid & Saturated vapor state
 Saturated liquid-vapor Mixture

Chapter: 2  Steam quality or dryness fraction

 Super heated vapor

 Compressed Liquid
 Ideal gases
 Equation of states Instructor do example,
5.1.2 & 5.2.1
th  Universal and Gas constant
4 Students do the tutorial
 Specific heat, Internal Energy ,& enthalpy & of ideal gases
Compressibility factors problems

 Introduction
 Forms of Energy
 Energy transfer by heat
 Energy transfer by work
 Mechanical forms of work Instructor do examples,
5.1.3, 5.2.1&
 Boundary work for
 constant volume process , 5.2.2 Students do the tutorial
 constant pressure process , problem
5th  constant temperature process
 Adiabatic process
 Poly tropic processes
 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter: 3  Energy balance
 Energy change of a system
Instructor do examples,
 1st law analysis (Energy balance) for closed system 5.1.3, 5.2.1&
6th  Undergoing a cycle 5.2.2 Students do the tutorial
1ST LAW OF  Undergoing a change of state problem
THERMODYNA  1st law analysis (Energy analysis) of steady flow systems Students
 Control volume
 Steady flow process

7th  Mass balance & Energy balance for simple steady flow
system (SFEE)
 Some steady-flow Engineering devices
 Nozzles and Diffusers
 Turbines & Compressors
 Throttling valves Start doing their group
 Mixing chambers 5.1.3, 5.2.1, 5.2.2 assignment and do
 Heat exchanger normal tutorials
 1st law analysis (Energy analysis) of unsteady flow processes
 Using system techniques
 Control volume techniques
 Discharging and charging of a tank

8th  Introduction Instructor do examples

 Quality distinction between heat and work
Thermal Energy reservoirs
Chapter: 4 
Heat Engines

 Thermal Efficiency
2ND LAW OF  Can we save Qout? 5.1.3, 5.2.1, 5.2.2,
 Kelvin – plank statement of 2 Law
Refrigerator and heat pump 1st quiz will be
 Coefficient of performance

 Heat pumps

 Celsius statement of 2 Law


 Equivalence of the two statements

9th Mid Exam

 Perpetual-Motion Machines
Chapter: 4  Reversible and irreversible processes Instructor do examples,
 irreversibility

 internally & externally reversible processes 5.1.3, 5.2.1 & Students do the tutorial
2nd LAW OF 10th  Carnot cycle problem
THERMODYNA  Carnot principles Students
MICS  Carnot Heat engines
Carnot refrigerator & heat pump
 Introduction
 The increase of entropy principle Instructor do examples,
 Entropy change of a pure substance 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1
Chapter: 5 11th  property diagrams involving entropy Students do the tutorial
 3 law of thermodynamics
& 5.2.2 problem
 T-ds relations Students
ENTROPY  Entropy changes of liquid & solids
 Entropy changes of Ideal gases
 Constant specific heats (approximate analysis) Instructor do examples
5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1
12th  Variable specific heats (Exact analysis) Students do the tutorial
 Isentropic processes of Ideal gases
& 5.2.2 problems
 relative pressure & relative specific volume

 Introduction Instructor do examples,

 Reversible work & irreversibility 5.1.4, 5.1.5 &
13th  2nd law efficiency Students do the tutorial
 Exergy change of a system 5.2.2 problem
 for closed system Students ,
Chapter: 6  Exergy transfer Instructor do examples,
 Exergy transfer by heat
EXERGY  Exergy transfer by work
5.1.4, 5.1.5 & Students do the tutorial
14th problem
 Exergy transfer by mass 5.2.2
 Decrease of Exergy principle & Exergy destruction Students

 Mathematical Relations
 Partial differentials
Instructor do examples
15th  Partial differential relations
5.1.6 & 5.2.2 Students do the tutorial
CHAPTER : 7  Maxwell equations problems
THERMODYNA General relations for du, dh, ds, Cv & Cp Students submit and

MIC  Internal energy change defend their group
16th 5.1.6 & 5.2.2
RELATIONS  Enthalpy changes
assignment in front of
 Entropy changes
the instructor and the
 Specific heats Cv & Cp
other instructor

 Composition of gas mixture mass & molar fractions

th P-v-T behavior of gas mixture
CHAPTER: 8 17 
2nd quiz will be
 Ideal gas mixture
NON- conducted
 Real gas mixtures
5.1.7 & 5.3
REACTIVE  Properties of gas mixtures
 Ideal-gas mixture
 Real gas mixture
MIXTURE  Analyzing systems involving mixtures

18th Final Examination period

7. Required Text and Reference
 Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 5th Edition, by Yunus Cegel & Michael Bles, McGraw-Hill publishing,
Text Book
 Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, Michael J.Moral and Howard N.Shapiro, 2nd ed. John Willy and sons 1994
 Fundamentals of thermodynamics, ,Richard E. sbnntag, clavs Borgmakke and Gordon, J.van wylen, 5 th ed, john Willy and
Reference sons, 1998
Books  Thermodynamics, and J.G Hartley, 3rd ed, harpen Collins publishers, 1996
 Applied thermodynamics for engineers: Eastab and McConkey

9. Academic Honesty
Copying from any outside sources (e.g. fellow students, and Internet, etc.) on any material to be graded is not permitted, and will be considered cheating.
Cheating will result in failure of the assignment, failure of the class and/or face possible disciplinary action. Each student is responsible for securing his or her
work from copying. Each student is expected to abide by college policies on academic conduct.
10. Due Date
All assignments must be turned in the class on the due date for full credit. Mo assignment will be accepted after class on the due date. Since the group
assignment is due in week 14, papers for this presentation should be submitted before one week of the 14 th week. Failure of submission and presentation of
the group assignment in week 14 will be awarded as zero out of 10 points.
11. classroom Behavior
Anything that disturbs your instructor or your colleagues during the class period is considered a troublesome behavior. Examples include: Using mobiles,
whispering, making offensive remarks, sleeping, working on assignments related to other courses, etc. troublesome behaviors are completely prohibited.
12 . Approval (Affidavit)
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head

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