2016 17

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A New E&P Paradigm 3

gkbMªksdkcZu egkfuns'kky;
isVªksfy;e ,oa izkd`frd xSl ea=kky; | Hkkjr ljdkj
Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas | Government of India

Hkkjr dk gkbMªksdkcZu ifjn`'; India's Hydrocarbon Outlook

vUos"k.k o mRiknu xfrfof/k;ksa ij ,d fjiksVZ 2016&17 A Report on Exploration & Production Activities 2016-17
At a glance: Indian E&P Sector – 2016-17

i 37 Hydrocarbon Discoveries
29 under Nomination Regime and 8 under PSC Regime
i 36.01 MMT
Crude Oil Production
i 31.9 BCM
Natural Gas Production
i 248.74 MMT [O+OEG]
In-Place Accretion
i 111.89 MMT [O+OEG]
Accretion of Reserves
i 4 Declaration of Commerciality
Approved by Management Committee under in PSC Regime
i 5 Field Development Plan
Approved by Management Committee under PSC Regime
i 111 Active PSCs
12 Pre-NELP, 73 NELP & 26 Small & Medium Size Field PSCs
i 372 Active Nomination Acreages
15 PEL and 357 PML Acreages
i 19240.75 GLKM
2D Seismic Data Acquired
i 13648.27 SQKM
3D Seismic Data Acquired
i 544 Wells
Exploratory & Development Wells Drilled in 2016-17
i 1 PEL and 3 ML
Granted under PSC regime
i 11967 Essentiality Certificates
Issued of Rs. 4,135 Crore in value
Evolution of Upstream
Indian Oil and Gas Industry

Investors' pick

E & P Activities


Petroleum Resources
and Reserves in India
112-119 Hydrocarbons


Minister of State (I/C)
jkT;ea=h (Lora= izHkkj) Petroleum & Natural Gas
Government of India
isVªksfy;e ,oa izkd`frd xSl ea=ky;
New Delhi-110 001
Hkkjr ljdkj
ubZ fnYyh&110001

The world has experienced a sharp decline in oil prices since mid-2014 due to an oversupply in the oil market primarily
on account of US shale oil revolution and OPEC’s stand against curtailing oil production to protect market share and a
simultaneous slowdown in demand in some of the erstwhile fastest growing economies of the world. This low crude oil
price scenario has given a huge fillip to the public exchequer and has contributed to India being among the world's fastest
growing economies and will remain so for years to come. The oil and gas sector is among the six core industries in India and
plays a major role in influencing decision making for all the other important sections of the economy.
Since E&P of oil and gas is a capital intensive and high risk business, an immediate cutback in upstream spending is
happening but little impact is seen on production. E&P companies in India had to strive to thrive in an oversupplied business
environment by utilizing technological advancements with increased efficiency to squeeze out higher volumes with less
In line with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister to cut down India’s import dependence for domestic energy needs by 10%
in the next 6-7 years, the Ministry has introduced landmark changes in the Indian Upstream E&P sector by launching a slew
of policy initiatives. The launch of Discovered Small Fields Policy and Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy are a
few to name. The recent policy initiatives are a part of Government’s “Ease of Doing Business” initiative to make Indian oil &
gas sector fair, transparent and investor friendly through appropriate regulatory, fiscal and policy interventions. The World
Bank declared that India has moved up 12 places (to 130th rank) in the Global Ease of Business rankings. Government has
also identified hydrocarbon sector as one of the 25 priority areas for promotion of manufacturing under the “Make in India”
I am pleased to say that Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), the technical arm of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas, has been successful in facilitating companies in Upstream Oil Industry by extending all possible help within the ambit
of contractual terms. I compliment DGH on its Annual Publication “India's Hydrocarbon Outlook : 2016-17” that encapsulates
the E&P activities in our country.

dfiynso f=ikBh K.D. TRIPATHI
lfpo Secretary
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
isVªksfy;e ,oa izkd`frd xSl ea=ky; Government of India
Hkkjr ljdkj Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
'kkL=h Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001 Tel.: 011-23383501, 011-23383562
Fax: 011-23070723
E-mail: [email protected]

The global upstream oil and gas industry, having endured strain on account of excess supplies and rising inventories in the
previous year, made a significant comeback this year with crude prices hovering near $5O/barrel mark. The future forecasts
augur optimistic trends with an equally enabling domestic economic environment on the backdrop of profound change in
its policy and regulatory framework.
Irrespective of global economic slowdown, the Government has boldly introduced significant progressive reforms in the oil
and gas industry like Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP), Discovered Small Field Policy and marketing
and pricing freedom for gas in difficult areas, which sets a stable foundation for evincing investor's interest for making sound
and informed investment decisions.
After a lull of over seven years, 30 discovered oil & gas fields were successfully awarded in a very short span of time under
the DSF Bid Round 2016. Notwithstanding subdued oil prices, the success made in the DSF Round is testimony to the
manifestation of benefits of the new E&P regime for investors.
Recently, the Government has launched a National Data Repository (NDR) which is an integrated digital database of
India's hydrocarbon basins in line with Digital India and Ease of Doing Business reform initiatives. NDR, a national asset,
forms the backbone for future offering of blocks, is also a pre-requisite under Open Acreage Licensing (OAL) round. The
recently launched government projects such as resource re-assessment studies of Indian sedimentary basins, national
seismic programme, and non-exclusive multi-client survey have made steady headway. Course corrections have been made
by eliminating existing rigidities in CBM contracts and PSCs. These steps are expected to attract investment required for
accelerating exploratory efforts and boosting domestic oil & gas production.
I compliment Director General of Hydrocarbons for bringing out this publication which encompasses important developments
in Indian upstream oil & gas sector during 2016-17 which would be immensely useful for all its stakeholders.

From the Director General

Dear Stakeholders, National Data Repository (NDR), in CBM blocks.

Open Acreage Licensing (OAL) under
Concerted effort for 10% reduction in

the Hydrocarbon Exploration and
import dependence by 2022 is called
ith the stabilization of crude Licensing Policy (HELP) coupled with
for to make India strategically secure.
prices, there is a modicum the recently concluded Discovered
Enhancing productivity from existing
of normalcy in the global oil and gas Small Fields (DSF) Bid Round-2016,
fields, increasing acreage under E&P
industry. Severe headwinds owing Indian upstream hydrocarbon sector
and producibility from difficult and
to collapsing crude prices threatened stands at precipice of a new era. The
unconventional reservoirs are broadly
industry’s creditworthiness by hurting Government has realized that the only
the contours of the multi-pronged
cash flows, drying up liquidity and way to open the spigot on capital
approach adopted to meet the target.
pummeling producer profit margins. infusion in upstream projects is to
Government is mulling over Production
However, the industry’s resilience reduce the lumbering administrative
Enhancement contracts and incentives
to the price shock and the way to regulations. Investors thrive on a
for application of Enhanced Oil
recovery has been remarkable, yet simplified, transparent, predictable
Recovery methods to enhance
stifled at times. Worldwide, E&P and synergized fiscal ecosystem
production from existing reservoirs.
companies and service providers where business goes through every
To increase acreage under E&P,
have realized the ability to live with stage of the lifecycle without hassle.
Government has launched Discovered
the current prices and have resorted Recognizing this, DGH ruminated
Small Field (DSF) Bid Round 2016 and
to money-saving engineering ideas on the ambiguities in the existing
initiated Hydrocarbon Exploration and
and downturn-led incremental contracts and strengthened the
Licensing Policy (HELP) programmed
improvements in technology for architecture of existing PSC and CBM
by Open Acreage Licensing (OAL),
lowering costs and greater field Contracts by policy course corrections.
which is a paradigm shift from
efficiencies. To increase the velocity of capital flow
Production Sharing to Revenue
and for early monetization of CBM
Over the course of this downswing, Sharing mechanism. The DSF Bid
blocks and PSC blocks, entry and exits
Government of India has taken bold round 2016 saw remarkable success
from projects have been simplified,
measures in the form of policy reforms with contracts awarded for 30 blocks.
pricing and marketing freedom has
and interventions that has ushered This also saw new entrepreneurs on
been provided for gas production from
India as a leading E&P investment Indian hydrocarbon scene. DSF Round-
Deepwater, Ultra Deepwater and High
destination. With the advent of II is under consideration.
Pressure-High Temperature areas and


A New E&P Paradigm 9

National Data Repository is India’s 83 core samples have been collected DGH will continue spearheading the
upstream E&P databank and is from 22 wells drilled by ONGC. While campaign in creating opportunities
primed to launch in 2017. NDR will tight oil and shale gas are within for engagement and investment in
assist potential investors to make the realm of possibility, gas hydrate, upstream E&P sector. Synergy and
informed decisions and will facilitate currently under research, has to collaboration between policymakers
future launch of blocks through reach a stage when we can think and stakeholders is the key to sustain
OALP under HELP. Till March 2017, a of commercial production. Natural a positive investment environment and
total of 17,04,326 LKM of 2D seismic Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP)-2 DGH will endeavour to assert further
data, 6,11,713 SKM of 3D seismic data was successfully completed in July reforms in the pipeline to decongest
and 9,676 well & log data has been 2015 wherein 42 wells were drilled the way to prospective investors. For
uploaded in NDR. It is planned to open at 25 sites in Krishna Godavari and this, I express my gratitude to Ministry
a Secondary Data Centre (SDC) at Mahanadi Deepwater basin by hiring of Petroleum and Natural Gas whose
Bhubaneshwar which will act as a fail- Japanese drillship CHIKYU. Significant support and guidance have let us
safe and back-up to the present NDR. gas hydrate bearing zones have been discharge our duties effectively.
identified and pilot production testing
India has 26 sedimentary basins having The DGH Annual Publication “India’s
is planned to be conducted under
an area of 3.14 Million Sq. km. As of Hydrocarbon Outlook – 2016-17” has
now 48% of Indian sedimentary area been designed as a formal source
has been apprised and remaining 52% To highlight the E&P activities in for disseminating the information
sedimentary area is still unapprised. FY 2016-17; a total of 19,240 LKM of 2D on activities of the Indian Upstream
To get more information about seismic data and about 13,650 SKM Hydrocarbon sector and cogently
unexplored and unapprised areas of 3D seismic data was acquired. 141 showcases the achievements by the
with hydrocarbons prospectivity, a exploratory wells were drilled in the sector in lieu of recent policy reforms.
“National Seismic Program (NSP)” has year with an exploratory meterage I am confident that this report will be a
been formulated to conduct 2D seismic of 392.31 km. 398 development valuable reference to all stakeholders
surveys in all sedimentary basins of wells were drilled with a cumulative in the industry.
India where no/scanty data is available. meterage of 842 km. Total crude oil Sincerely yours,
It is planned to Acquire, Process production in the country in FY 2016-17
and Interpret (API) 48,243 LKM 2D is 36.01 MMT (71.75% from nomination
seismic data. In FY 2016-17, under NSP, regime and 29.25% from PSC regime)
total 5,671.26 LKM 2D data has been and cumulative natural gas production
acquired by NOCs. A project has been is 31.9 BCM (78.45% from nomination, Atanu Chakraborty
initiated by a Multi Organization Team 19.78% from PSC regime and 1.77%
(ONGC, OIL & DGH) to carry out re- from CBM). As on March 2017, the in-
assessment of hydrocarbon resources place volume of crude oil is 6,754 MMT
of India in all its 26 sedimentary basins and 3,981 BCM for gas (10,735 MMT
based on geo-scientific data generated O+OEG), there has been a cumulative
over past decades. Studies on 11 basins accretion of in-place volume 249 MMT.
have been completed and further Total 37 hydrocarbon discoveries
studies are being carried out in 12 were made in FY 2016-17 with 29
basins. The progress of the project is in nomination regime and 8 in PSC
adhering the proposed timelines. regime.
Unconventional hydrocarbon resources Though crude oil and natural gas,
have looked promising and are poised two of the eight core sectors in the
to play a vital role in boosting domestic Index of Industrial Production (IIP) of
oil and gas production and will claim India have recorded negative growth
a greater share of India’s energy mix rates in 2016-17, I am confident that
soon. In FY 2016-17, Coal Bed Methane the resonating optimism garnered by
production has increased by ~50% and the recent policy reforms will beckon
reached 1.56 MMSCMD and is poised investment and evince interest in
to increase to 6 MMSCMD by 2018-19. oil and gas sector and growth will
India's shale gas reserves could be ensue. Current statistics may indicate
anywhere between 300 TCF (8.5 TCM) a tepid response, but these are mere
and 2,100 TCF (59.5 TCM). Under the indications of a larger machinery rolled
current agreement, exploration of out that will gather momentum in days
shale gas is being carried out by the Oil to come. Irrespective of the short-
and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) time aberrations in global oil industry,
alongside Oil India Limited. So far,
egkfuns'kd dk lans'k
fgUnh laLdj.k

fç; LVsdgksYMj jsiksftVjh (,u-Mh-vkj-)] gkbMªkd

s kcZu vUos"k.k Hkkjr dks bl {ks= esa lrr :i ls lqjf{kr
,oa ykblsl a uhfr (,p-bZ-,y-ih-) ds rgr vksiu cukus ds fy, o"kZ 2022 rd isVªksfy;e
dPps rsy dh dherksa ds fLFkj gksus ls rsy vkSj
,dfjt ykblsl a (vks-,-,y-) vkSj gky gh esa vk;kr esa 10ø fuHkZjrk de djuh gSA blds
xSl ds oSfÜod m|ksx esa fLFkfr uke ek= gh
vk;ksftr vUosf"kr y?kq {ks= (Mh-,l-,Q-) cksyh fy, ekStwnk {ks=ksa ls vf/kd ls vf/kd
lkekU; gqbZ gSA dPps rsy dh dherksa esa Hkkjh
jkmaM 2016 ds ifj.kkeLo:i Hkkjrh; viLVªhe mRiknu esa o`f¼ djus] vUos"k.k ,oa mRiknu
fxjkoV vkus ls vR;ar foijhr ifjfLFkfr;ka
gkbMªksdkcZu lsDVj u, ;qx ds dxkj ij [kM+k ds oxZ {ks= dks c<+kus] dfBu vkSj vijaijkxr
mRiUu gqb± ftlds dkj.k udn çkfIr ij
gSA ljdkj us ;g eglwl fd;k gS fd viLVªhe vkxkjksa ls mRikndrk esa o`f¼ djus ds y{;
cqjk çHkko iM+k] udnh lekIr gksus yxh vkSj
ifj;kstuk esa iw¡th çnku djus ij yxh jksd dks iwjk djus gsrq cgqeq[kh n`f"Vdks.k viukuk
mRikndksa ds ykHkka'k derj gksus yxs ftlls
dks [kksyus dk ,dek= rjhdk ç'kklfud gksxkA ljdkj ekStwnk vkxkjksa ls mRiknu c<+kus
bl m|ksx dh lk[k dks [krjk mRiUu gks x;kA
fu;a=.k dks de djuk gSA fuos'kd ljyhd`r] ds fy, rsy olwyh rjhdksa dks ç;ksx esa ykus
gkykafd] dherksa esa mrkj&p<+ko dks ftl rjg
ikjn'khZ] iwokZuqekfur vkSj lg;ksxh foÙkh; ds fy, mRiknu lao`f¼] lafonkvksa vkSj
bl m|ksx us >syk gS vkSj ftl rjg cgky
ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= pkgrs gSa ftlls fd çR;sd çksRlkguksa ij fopkj dj jgh gSA vUos"k.k ,oa
gqvk gS] og vR;ar ljkguh; gS] fQj Hkh dbZ
pj.k esa O;olk; fcuk fdlh ijs'kkuh ls laiUu mRiknu {ks=ksa dks c<+kus ds fy, ljdkj
ckj ;g m|ksx iru ds dxkj ij igq¡p x;kA
fd;k tk ldsA bldks ns[krs gq, Mh-th-,p- us }kjk vUosf"kr y?kq {ks= (Mh-,l-,Q-) cksyh
fo'oHkj esa vUos"k.k ,oa mRiknu daifu;ksa vkSj
orZeku lafonkvksa esa vLi"Vrk ij fparu fd;k jkmaM 2016 vk;ksftr fd;k x;k vkSj vksiu
lsok çnkrkvksa us orZeku dhersa gh cuk, j[kus
gS vkSj uhfr esa lq/kkj djrs gq, ekStwnk ih- ,dfjt ykblsal (vks-,-,y-) }kjk Øeknsf'kr
dh viuh {kerk dks igpku fy;k gS vkSj
,l-lh- vkSj lh-ch-,e- lafonkvksa dh lajpuk gkbMªksdkcZu vUos"k.k ,oa ykblsal uhfr (,p-bZ-
dhersa de djus ds fy, vkSj QhYM esa viuh
dks etcwr fd;k gSA iw¡th çokg dh xfr c<+kus ,y-ih-) 'kq: dh xbZ gS tksfd mRiknu Hkkxhnkjh
dk;Z{kerk c<+kus ds fy, fdQk;rh bathfu;jh
vkSj lh-ch-,e- vkSj ih-,l-lh- CykWdksa ds ls jktLo Hkkxhnkjh O;oLFkk esa ,d cnyko gSA
mik; viuk, gSa vkSj eanh dk lkeuk djus ds
'kh?kz ekSæhdj.k ds fy, ifj;kstuk esa ços'k Mh-,l-,Q- cksyh jkmaM 2016 esa 30 CykWdksa ds
fy, fd, x, ,sls çkS|ksfxdh; lq/kkj fd, tks
vkSj ifj;kstuk dks NksM+uk ljy cuk fn;k fy, lafonk dj ,d mYys[kuh; lQyrk çkIr
èkhjs&èkhjs ykHk esa o`f¼ djsaA
x;k gSA xgjs ikuh] vfr xgjs ikuh vkSj mPp dh vkSj blesa Hkkjr ds gkbMªksdkcZu {ks= esa u,
bl eanh ds le; esa Hkkjr ljdkj us uhfr esa nkc&mPp rkieku {ks=ksa vkSj lh-ch-,e- CykWdksa m|fe;ksa dks Hkh ns[kk x;kA Mh-,l-,Q- jkmaM II
lq/kkj vkSj gLr{ksi }kjk lkgfld dne mBk, esa xSl mRiknu ds fy, ewY; fu/kkZj.k vkSj fopkjkèkhu gSA
gSa] ftlls Hkkjr vUos"k.k ,oa mRiknu esa fuos'k foi.ku esa Lora=rk çnku dh gSA
dk vxz.kh xarO; cu x;k gSA jk"Vªh; MkVk


A New E&P Paradigm 11

jk"Vªh; MkVk jsiksftVjh (,u-Mh-vkj-) Hkkjr dk rd 6 ,e-,e-,l-lh-,e-Mh- rd igq¡pus ds çeq[k {ks=ksa esa ls nks egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa] dPpk rsy
viLVªhe vUos"k.k ,oa mRiknu MkVk cSad gS vkSj fy, ç;kljr gSA Hkkjr esa 'ksy xSl dk HkaMkj vkSj çkd`frd xSl dh o`f¼ nj udkjkRed ntZ
;g 2017 ls vfLrRo esa vk;k gSA ,u-Mh-vkj- yxHkx 300 Vh-lh-,Q- (8-5 Vh-lh-,e-) ls dh xbZ gS rFkkfi eq>s iwjk fo'okl gS fd gky
ds ek/;e ls l'kä fuos'kdksa dks fu.kZ; lacaèkh 2]100 Vh-lh-,Q- (59-5 Vh-lh-,e-) ds chp gks ds uhfrxr lq/kkjksa ds ifj.kkeLo:i mRiUu
tkudkjh çnku djus esa lgk;rk feysxh vkSj ldrk gSA orZeku djkj ds varxZr 'ksy xSl vk'kkokn ls fuos'k dk ekxZ ç'kLr gksxk vkSj
gkbMªksdkcZu vUos"k.k ykblsal uhfr (,p-bZ-,y- vUos"k.k dk dk;Z vkW;y bafM;k fyfeVsM vkSj rsy vkSj xSl ds {ks=ksa esa fnypLih c<+sxh
ih-) ds varxZr [kqyk jdck ykblsal dk;ZØe vkW;y ,aM uspqjy xSl dkWiksZjs'ku fyfeVsM ftlls fodkl lqfuf'pr gksxkA gkykafd orZeku
(vks-,-,y-ih-) ds ek/;e ls Hkkoh CykWd çLrqr (vks-,u-th-lh-) }kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA vk¡dM+s cgqr mRlkgoèkZd ugha gSa rFkkfi ;s ek=
djuk lqdj gksxkA ekpZ 2017 rd 2Mh Hkwdaih; vks-,u-th-lh- }kjk osf/kr 22 dwiksa ls vc ,d cM+s u, ra= dh vksj ladsr djrs gSa ftlls
(lsfLed) MkVk ds 17]04]326 ,y-ds-,e-] rd 83 dksj lSEiy fy, x, gSaA gkykafd oSfÜod rsy m|ksx esa vYidkfyd vfLFkjrk
3Mh Hkwdaih; MkVk ds 6]11]713 ,l-ds-,e- vkSj VkbV vkW;y vkSj xSl dh iwjh laHkkouk gS] ds ckotwn vkus okys fnuksa esa rsth vk,xhA rsy
9]676 dwi vkSj ykWx MkVk ,u-Mh-vkj- esa ntZ xSl gkbMªsV dh [kkst djds gesa ,sls Lrj ij m|ksx {ks= esa vk, bl fo'oLrjh; foiFku
dj fn, x, gSaA Hkqous'oj esa ,d lgk;d MkVk igq¡pkuk gS fd ge okf.kfT;d mRiknu djus ds ckotwn Mh-th-,p- viLVªhe vUos"k.k rFkk
dsaæ (,l-Mh-lh-) [kksys tkus dh ;kstuk gS tks ds ckjs esa lksp ldsaA geus tqykbZ 2015 esa mRiknu {ks= esa fuos'k voljksa dks lqyHk
orZeku ,u-Mh-vkj- ds ^Qsy lsQ* vkSj ^cSd uspqjy xSl gkbMªsV çksxzke (,u-th-,p-ih-)&2 djkus dk ç;kl tkjh j[ksxkA uhfr fuekZrkvksa
vi* ds :i esa dk;Z djsxkA lQyrkiwoZd iwjk dj fy;k gSA bl dk;ZØe vkSj LVsdgksYMj ds chp lg;ksx vkSj
Hkkjr esa 3-14 fefy;u oxZ fd-eh- esa ds rgr tkiku fMªyf'ki ^fpD;w* ds }kjk d`".kk lgfØ;k'khyrk }kjk gh fuos'k esa fLFkjrk vkSj
26 volknh csflu gSaA vc rd 48ø xksnkojh vkSj egkunh ds xgjs ikuh (Mhi okVj) ldkjkRedrk dk okrkoj.k laHko gSA
Hkkjrh; volknh {ks= ds ewY;kadu lacaèkh ds csflu esa 25 LFkyksa ij 42 dwiksa dks osf/kr Mh-th-,p- laHkkfor fuos'kdksa ds fy, bl
tkudkjh çkIr gqbZ vkSj 'ks"k 52ø {ks= dh fd;k x;k FkkA fn'kk esa vkSj vf/kd lq/kkj dk ç;kl dj jgk
ewY;kadu lacaèkh tkudkjh çkIr gksuk ckdh egRoiw.kZ xSl gkbMªsV ;qä {ks=ksa dh igpku gSA blds fy, eSa isVªksfy;e vkSj çkd`frd
gSA xSj&vUosf"kr vkSj vewY;kafdr {ks=ksa ds dh xbZ gS vkSj ,u-th-,p-ih-&3 ds varxZr xSl ea=ky; dk vkHkkj O;ä djrk gw¡ ftuds
gkbMªksdkcZu laHkkO;rk laca/kh vkSj vf/kd çk;ksfxd mRiknu ijh{k.k fd, tkus dh lg;ksx ,oa ekxZn'kZu ls ge vius drZO;ksa dk
tkudkjh çkIr djus ds fy, Hkkjr ds ,sls ;kstuk gSA csgrj fuoZgu dj ldsA
lHkh volknh csfluksa esa 2Mh Hkwdaih; losZ{k.k foÙk o"kZ 2016&17 esa vUos"k.k ,oa mRiknu ÞHkkjrh; gkbMªksdkcZu ifjn`'; 2016&17ß
ds fy, ^jk"Vªh; Hkwdaih; dk;ZØe* (,u-,l- xfrfof/k;ksa dks çnf'kZr djus ds fy, 2Mh uked Mh-th-,p- ds bl okf"kZd çdk'ku dk
ih-) rS;kj fd;k x;k gS] tgk¡ ds vk¡dM+s ugha gSa Hkwdaih; vk¡dM+ksa dk 19]240 ,y-ds-,e- vkSj mís'; Hkkjr ds viLVªhe gkbMªksdkcZu {ks=
vFkok cgqr de gSaA 48]243 ,y-ds-,e- 2Mh 3Mh Hkwdaih; vk¡dM+ksa dk yxHkx 13]650 oxZ dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh lwpuk rFkk çpkj&çlkj
Hkwdaih; vk¡dM+s çkIr djus] lalkf/kr djus fdyksehVj çkIr gqvk FkkA bl o"kZ ds nkSjku dk vkSipkfjd lzksr ds :i esa miyC/k djkuk
,oa foospu (,-ih-vkbZ) djus dh ;kstuk cukbZ 141 vUos"k.kh; dwiksa dks osf/kr fd;k x;k gS vkSj blesa gky gh esa bl {ks= esa fd, x,
xbZ gSA foÙk o"kZ 2016&17 esa jk"Vªh; Hkwdaih; Fkk vkSj bldk vUos"k.kh; ehVjst 392-31 uhfrxr lq/kkjksa ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dks çnf'kZr
dk;ZØe (,u-,p-ih-) ds rgr jk"Vªh; rsy fdyksehVj FkkA 842 fd-eh- lap;h ehVjst ds fd;k x;k gSA eq>s iw.kZ fo'okl gS fd bl fjiksVZ
daifu;ksa }kjk dqy 5]671-26 ,y-ds-,e- 2Mh lkFk 398 fodkl dwiksa dks osf/kr fd;k x;k ls rsy m|ksx ds LVsdgksYMj dks egRoiw.kZ
MsVk çkIr gq, gSaA cgq laxBu Vhe (vks-,u-th- FkkA foÙk o"kZ 2016&17 esa Hkkjr ns'k esa dPps tkudkjh feysxhA
lh-] vkW;y bafM;k fyfeVsM vkSj Mh-th-,p-) rsy dk dqy mRiknu 36-01 ,e-,e-Vh- Hkonh;
us fiNys n'kdksa esa çkIr HkwoSKkfud vk¡dM+ksa ds (71-75ø euksuhr {ks= ls vkSj ih-,l-lh- {ks=
vk/kkj ij Hkkjr esa bu 26 volknh csfluksa esa ls 29-25ø) gS vkSj lap;h çkd`frd xSl dk
gkbMªksdkcZu lalk/kuksa ds iquewZY;kadu dh ,d mRiknu 31-9 ch-lh-,e- (euksuhr {ks= ls
ifj;kstuk çkjaHk dh gSA 11 csfluksa ij v/;;u 78-45ø] ih-,l-lh- {ks= ls 19-78ø vkSj vruq pØorhZ
iwjk fd;k tk pqdk gS vkSj 12 csfluksa ij lh-ch-,e- {ks= ls 1-77ø) jgkA ekpZ 2017
v/;;u fd;k tk jgk gSA ifj;kstuk dk dk;Z dks var% LFky (bUIysl) dPps rsy dh ek=k
çLrkfor le;&lhek ds vuqlkj gks jgk gSA 6]754 ,e-,e-Vh- vkSj xSl 3981 ch-lh-
vijaijkxr gkbMªksdkcZu lalk/ku vk'kktud gSa ,e- [10]735 ,e-,e-Vh- (vks-+vks-bZ-th-)] gSA
vkSj ?kjsyw rsy vkSj xSl mRiknu dks c<+kus esa lac¼ LFkku ek=k esa 249 ,e-,e-Vh- dh dqy
budh eq[; Hkwfedk jgh gS vkSj 'kh?kz gh Hkkjr vfHko`f¼ gqbZ gSA foÙk o"kZ 2016&17 esa euksuhr
dh ÅtkZ esa bldh ,d cgqr cM+h fgLlsnkjh {ks= esa 29 vkSj ih-,l-lh- {ks= esa 8 dks
gksxhA foÙk o"kZ 2016&17 esa dksy csM ehFksu feykdj dqy 37 gkbMªksdkcZu [kkst dh xb±A
mRiknu ~50ø rd c<+dj 1-56 ,e-,e-,l- ;|fi] o"kZ 2016&17 ds nkSjku Hkkjr ds
lh-,e-Mh- igq¡p x;k gS vkSj o"kZ 2018&19 vkS|ksfxd mRiknu lwph (vkbZ-vkbZ-ih-) ds vkB
A New E&P Paradigm 13
1.1. History of Upstream Oil However, the first well dug at Digboi a small refinery at Margharita (Upper
field in Assam in September 1889 and Assam) with a capacity of 500 BOPD
and Gas Industry completed in November 1890 at depth to refine the Digboi-oil. Thereafter,

of 662 feet by Assam Railways and systematic drilling began in 1891 and
he story of oil exploration in Trading Company Limited (AR&T Co. two years later in 1901, Asia's first oil
India began in the dense jungles, Ltd.), registered at London, is regarded refinery was set up at Digboi. It is
swamps and river-valleys of the as the first commercially successful still functional as the world's oldest
north-eastern corner of the country. oil discovery (200 gallons per day). operating refinery.
Lt. R. Wilcox, Major A. White, Capt. To add colour to geologic reasoning,
Francis Jenkins, Capt. P.S. Hanny, W. Failure to utilize geologic reasoning,
legend was created that during the
Griffith, W. LicutBigge - they all saw promiscuous wild catting, misguided
construction of a railway line by AR&T,
at different times petroleum seepages investment and nonchalance of the
in the year 1867, a herd of logging
from the banks of river Dihing. Mr. C.A management towards technical
elephants returned to camp with their
Bruce (1828) and Mr. H.B. Medicott support led to compounding of errors
feet covered in oil after a night-time
(1865) of the Geological survey of by AOC which made the company
excursion to find food and water. This
India also saw oil seepages while technically and financially impotent.
led men to trail to the salt lick where
prospecting for coal in Upper Assam. Later, UK based Burma Oil Company
seepages were prolific. Looking this, the
(BOC) arrived in 1911 in Upper Assam
Barely seven years after Edwin L. Drake elated English owner cried out to his
(Surma Valley) and in 1915, after
drilled the world's first oil well in 1859 men, “Dig boy, dig". Probably the name
acquiring Oil interest from Budderpore
at Titusville, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1866, Digboi itself came from that word.
Oil Co. Ltd (formed by a syndicate of
Mr. Goodenough of McKillop, Stewart AR&T subsequently acquired a Budderpore tea garden during 1911-13)
& Company, Calcutta, drilled a hand- 77.7 square kilometer petroleum- began testing option in the Badarpur
dug well of 102 feet at Nahorpung near rights concession in the Makum area structure in the Surma valley (Upper
Jaipur area of Upper Assam but failed of Assam, and by 1893, it had drilled Assam). Gradually by 1921, in a phase-
to establish satisfactory production. In 10 wells at Digboi producing 757.08 wise manner, BOC acquired petroleum
his second attempt on 26 March 1867, oil liters/day. AR&T established Assam Oil interests of AOC.
was struck at merely 118 feet (35.97-m) in Company (AOC) in 1899 with a capital
Asia's first mechanically drilled well at Torsion balance which was successfully
of £310,000 to take over the petroleum
Makum near Margherita area of Upper adapted for geophysical surveys of
interests of AR&T, including the Digboi
Assam. oil was used at Bordubi (Assam) by a
and Makum concessions and set up
geophysical team in 1925. The Indian
Co. "TATA Engineering co." has also
Elephants being used in seismic survey
drilled several wells in Jagatia, Gujarat
in Brahmaputra valley in 1937-38
and produced small amount of gas in
1930s. In 1937, BOC jointly with British
Petroleum (then Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.)
and Shell proposed to Govt. of India
to carry out a geophysical survey of
the important plain areas of India. The
proposal was accepted, and a new form
of grant known as geophysical license
was issued by Assam Government.
In Assam, successful seismic survey
was carried out in Naharkatiya during
1937-39, triggering new enthusiasm in
oil search and it became forerunner
of discoveries in Assam basins and
others also. The successful outcome of
well NHK-1 in 1937 was vindication for
geophysical method in oil exploration.


A New E&P Paradigm 15

Assam Shelf & Assam-Arakan Fold

Belt (AAFB): Tectonically, the Assam-
Arakan Basin has been subdivided in Naharkatiya Test Well, 1953 -
to two major Basins viz., Assam Shelf & AOC's Success Story Beyond
Assam-Arakan Fold Belt. Assam Shelf Digboi Oilfield, a watershed
is along the Brahmaputra River from event which paved the way for
Dibrugarh in northeast to Dhubri in the eventual expansion of Digboi
the southwest and Arunachal Pradesh Refinery to 0.5 MMTPA and
and its area is 57,000 sq. km. Assam- formation of Oil India Ltd. (OIL)
Arakan Fold Belt (AAFB) covers the
southern districts of Assam and the
states of Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur and
Nagaland and its area is 60,000 sq.
km. The prognosticated hydrocarbon
resources (5,040 million metric tons
(MMT)) is around 18% of the country
(likely to Increase). Resources in Assam
Shelf is 11% & Assam-Arakan Fold Belt
is 7%. Out of which volume of 2,224
MMT (44%) has been established so
far. 40% of Sedimentary Basin area has
been appraised so far and considerable
opportunities exist to establish the
remaining 56% of the hydrocarbon
and to discover, develop and produce
the same. The Assam Shelf basin is
explored. However Assam-Arakan Fold
Belt is yet to be explored extensively.
Structural complexities and difficult
terrain are an integral part of Fold Belt,
which have influenced the exploration
inputs and exploration strategy for this
Oil and gas are established from clastic
reservoirs of Mio-Pliocene-Girujan,
Miocene-Tipam, Oligocene-Eocene–
Barails, Mid-Upper Eocene-Kopilli,
Lower Eocene–Lakadong and Therria The company rule which were earlier visited several European countries to
and from the fractured Archean framed to satiate the raw material need study status of Oil industry in those
Basement. The Miocene-Oiligocene– of British Empire was re-framed. While countries and facilitate training of
Tipam and Barail Formations contain framing industrial policy 1948, the Indian professionals. Foreign experts
most of the discovered oil. development of petroleum industry in also visited India to share their know-
Area under PEL ~16% | Area under PML the country was given top priority. how. Erstwhile USSR helped to draw
~9% | 75% Area is open under HELP/ a detail plan for geological and
By 1948, GSI has started geophysical
OAL | 5 PSU Cos., 6 Indian Private and geophysical survey and drilling plan
survey in Cambay area. The first oil
2 Foreign Cos. are working in the basin in second five-year plan (1956-57 &
discovery in independent India was
under PSC Regime 1960-61).
made by AOC on 1953 in Naharkatiya
Production: Average crude oil and then in Moran in 1956 both in With the intention of intensifying and
production ~11.54 Thousand tons Upper Assam. The oil industry, after spreading exploration to various parts
per day (TPD)/4.20 (MMT) Average independence, remained operated by of the country, a separate Oil and
rate of gas production is around ~8.6 foreign company for a considerable Natural Gas Directorate (ONGD) was
MMSCMD/3.13 BCM period. Burma Oil Company (BOC) kept set up in 1955, as a subordinate office
its position as largest company in India under the then Ministry of Natural
The world knew importance of oil till end of its operation. Resources and Scientific Research.
and after Independence; Indian The department was constituted
leaders realized its utility for rapid In 1955-56, a delegation led by Mr. K.D.
with a nucleus of geoscientists from
industrialization and security of nation. Malviya, Minister of Natural Resources,
Geological Survey of India. But soon
after its formation it was realized The evolution of Cambay Basin structure in Bombay-offshore in 1972-
that the directorate cannot function from the petroleum point of view is 73 and drilling lead to India's biggest
efficiently with its limited financial well understood and hydrocarbon commercial discovery – Bombay-High.
and administrative liberty and in accumulations are known in all
Mumbai Offshore Basin: The Mumbai
early 1956, its status was changed to sequences ranging from Paleocene
Offshore Basin is the most prolific
a commission. In October 1959, the to Miocene. Major accumulations are
of all the hydrocarbon bearing
ONGC was made a statutory body known in Middle Eocene structural
provinces in India. Mumbai High field
by an act of parliament delegating it traps over block uplifts and block
is approximately 160 km west of the
more power but it remained under edge folds. There are several petroleum
Mumbai coast and was discovered
Ministry. The job of ONGC was defined systems in the Basin and the most
in 1974 by the Russian and Indian
as "to plan promote, organize and important one is the Cambay-Hazad
team from seismic exploration
implement programs for development Petroleum System which is related to
vessel, 'Academic Arkhangelsky',
of Petroleum Resources and the several large oil and gas fields. The
while mapping the Gulf of Cambay
production and sale of petroleum and Cambay-Hazad Petroleum System in
between 1964 and 1967. The discovery
petroleum products produced by it, South Cambay Basin, has original in-
of Bombay High with subsequent
and to perform such other function as place oil and gas reserves of 395 million
other discoveries of oil and gas fields
the central government may, from time tonnes. The system covers 9,320 sq. km.
in western offshore changed the oil
to time, assign to it". encompassing 20 different oil and gas
scenario of India.
ONGC systematically started its
Different oil and gas reservoirs namely,
geophysical surveys on area considered Currently exploration of the Cambay
L-I; L-II; L-III; L-IV; L-V; basal clastics and
prospective based on global analogy. Rift Basin is in matured stage and
fractured basement from top to bottom,
Further, thrust was given for survey bears a good chance of maximizing the
are present on the Mumbai High project.
in area of Himalayan foothills and probabilities of discovering small fields
L-II and L-III are primarily the limestone
adjoining Ganga plains, alluvial tracts in subtle traps.
oil reservoirs of Miocene age, further
of Gujarat, upper Assam and basins of
Area under PEL ~13 % | Area under PML classified into several layers.
Bengal. The exploratory drilling carried
~6 % | 81% Area is open under HELP/
out in Himalayan foothill during 1957, Bounded by Diu and Narmada Faults
OAL | 7 PSU Cos., 26 Indian Private and
remained unsuccessful. Within a year and Deccan Trap outcrops to its north
9 Foreign Cos. are working in the basin
of being formed, ONGC discovered and east, the pericratonic Mumbai
under PSC Regime
oil at Cambay. The giant Ankleshwar Offshore Basin extends towards west
field in the state of Gujarat in 1960, Production: Average crude oil parallel to the western continental
Kalol in 1961, Lakwa in 1964, Geleki in production ~12.65 Thousand tons margin of India up to the Western
1968 and gas discovery-Manhartibba per day (TPD) / 4.60 MMT Average Margin Basement Arch. NE-SW trending
in Rajasthan in 1969 were discovered rate of gas production is around ~4.3 Vengurla Arch separates the Basin from
subsequently. MMSCMD/ 1.56 BCM the Kerala-Konkan Basin to its south.
Based on structural elements and the
Cambay Basin: The Cambay Rift Meanwhile, on 18th February 1959,
nature of sediment fill which influenced
Basin covering an area of about for development and production of
characteristic hydrocarbon generation
53,500 sq. km. is a Category-I Basin Naharkatiya and Moran prospects and
and entrapment patterns in different
and encompasses a narrow, elongated to increase the pace of exploration in
sectors, the Basin is subdivided in to
rift graben, extending from Surat in Assam, Oil India Private Limited was
a number of blocks, viz. Tapti-Daman
the south to Sanchor in the north. incorporated as a rupee company to
block, Diu block, Heera-Panna-Bassein
In the north, the Basin narrows, take over BOC's affairs in Assam. The
block, Mumbai High-Deep Continental
but tectonically continues beyond company was owned two-third by
Shelf block, Shelf Margin block and the
Sanchor to pass into the Barmer Basin AOC/BOC and 1/3rd by Government
Ratnagiri block.
of Rajasthan. On the southern side, of India and in 1961 they became
the Basin merges with the Bombay equal partners by transforming OIL Continued and sustained exploratory
Offshore Basin in the Arabian Sea. The into a Joint-Venture (JV) company. and development efforts in Mumbai
first show of oil was seen in September OIL discovered Kusijan oilfield in 1969 Offshore Basin since last four decades
1958 from exploratory well at Lunej in and Jorajan oilfield in 1972. Later, have shown remarkable results and
Cambay Basin of Anand district. This oil Eocene gas was discovered by OIL in led to conversion of nearly 54% of
discovery dispelled the myth that there Tengakhat field of Assam in 1973. the prognosticated resource of 9,190
is no viable oil source in India, apart MMToE in to In-place volume of
Offshore exploration was initiated by
from some small ones in Assam. Since hydrocarbons.
ONGC in the form of experimental
the discovery of first exploratory well on
seismic survey in 1962 in Gulf of Area under PEL ~21% | Area under
Lunej (structure near Cambay in 1958,
Cambay and later in western offshore. PML ~29% | 50% Area is open under
more than 2,300 wells have been drilled
Detailed seismic surveys in western HELP/OAL | five PSU Cos., Three Indian
in the Basin by various companies.
offshore resulted in a discovery of large Private and one Foreign Cos. are


A New E&P Paradigm 17

working in the basin under PSC Regime basement play in Cauvery on land OIL also ventured from Assam to Orissa
area. The other important operative both in onshore and offshore. During
Production: Average crude oil
production ~46.87 Thousand tons per plays in Cauvery onland are - 1979-89 it went to Andaman offshore
day (TPD) / 17 MMT Average rate of gas Andimadam Play : (prolific producer and Rajasthan onshore. By the end
production is around ~50.24 MMSCMD/ in Kuthalam-Kali, Pallivaramangalam– of 80s, ONGC and OIL have together
18.29 BCM Vijayapuram, Periyakudi fields and is drilled nearly 3100 wells totaling 4.9
characterised by poor porosities and million metres.
Encouraged by Bombay-High low permeabilities). Bhuvanagiri Play:
discovery, exploration was furthered ONGC's geo scientific survey spread
(Well established in Pallivaramangalam
in entire western offshore including out to UP, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,
– Vijayapuram, Pundi, Kanjirangudi
Kerala-Konkan basin and eastern J&K, Kutch and Andhra Pradesh.
and Periyapattinam fields tight
offshore area. This led to large By mid 1980s, ONGC successfully
reservoirs), Nannilam Play (in most
discovery of Bassein and Neelam in discovered prospects in Cauvery
of the wells drilled in Ariyaluru-
western offshore and PY-3 and Ravva and KG basin. Kharsang oilfield was
in Eastern offshore. Pondichery sub basin,well established
discovered by OIL in 1976 and in the
in Nannilam, Tiruvarur, Kanjirangudi,
Cauvery Basin: Cauvery Basin is same year ONGC discovered one of
Periyapattinam, Perungulam and
pericratonic Basin, evolved due to India’s biggest gas find of 283.17 BCM
PBS fields) Kamalapuram Play (The
rifting between India and Sri Lanka in the Bassein fields off Mumbai’s coast.
Paleocene play is well established in
during the break-up of Eastern Other gas fields discovered by ONGC
Adaiyakkamangalam, Kamalapuram,
Gondwana land (Katz, 1978) during were mid-Tapti, south Tapti and B-55.
Nannilam, Kuthanallur & few fields in
Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous and In 1978, OIL ventured out of Assam into
Ramnad sub-basin).
subsequent drifting (Late Aptian) Orissa offshore and onshore. OIL also
of Indian plate from Gondwana land Recent discovery from synrift sequence ventured into offshore Andamans in
along NE-SW oriented Eastern Ghat gave a major impetus to synrift play 1979-89 and onshore Rajasthan.
trend. The rifting has created several and chance of discovering large fields
Till the end of 1970s, Indian E&P
horsts and grabens. The present-day in the Basin. However, as in the case
industry was dominated by the two
horst and graben picture of Mesozoic- of Krishna-Godavari, this play is also
Cenozoic stratigraphic column have National Oil Companies (NOCs)-ONGC
known for HP-HT conditions. In Cauvery
been related to two principal tectonic and OIL to whom PELs were granted
offshore, there is no much breakthrough
episodes namely, extension stage on nomination basis. Exploration
except in the established PY and PH
during Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous was primarily confined to onland
fields. Recent discoveries reported in
and thermal subsidence stage during and shallow offshore. The strategic
Cauvery shallow water, deep waters
late Cretaceous to Cenozoic. Cauvery initiative was taken by government
and from Srilanka /Gulf of Mannar
Basin has been divided into sub- in 1979 to attract foreign investment,
Basins have rekindled the exploration
basins, namely Ariyalur-Pondicherry, technology and capital to deal with
interest in the Cauvery Offshore.
Tranquebar, Nagapattinam, Tanjore, future commitment and challenges
and Ramnad-Palk Bay separated by Area under PEL ~9% | Area Area under of Indian oil economy by offering 32
Kumbakonam-Madanam, Pattukottai- PML ~3% | 88% Area is open under exploration blocks (17 offshore & 15
Mannargudi & Mandapam-Delft HELP/OAL | 7 PSU Cos., 4 Indian onshore). Government started offering
ridges. Concerted efforts to explore Private and two Foreign Cos. are block systematically through bidding.
the Basement play resulted in major working under PSC Regime These rounds are also known as Pre-
success with discovery of hydrocarbons NELP Exploration rounds. The three
from Madanam, Pandanallur and Production: Average crude oil
rounds during 1980-86 were not very
Chidambaram areas. production ~0.78 Thousand tons per
day (TPD) / 0.29 (MMT) Average rate
Exploratory drilling in Madanam of gas production is around ~2.75 By 1981, Government took over OIL and
and Pandanallur areas established MMSCMD/ 1 BCM it became full-fledged PSU. In 1982,
the commercial hydrocarbons from ONGC made its biggest gas discovery

Digboi Naharkatiya road under

construction in 1955
Bombay High discovered
by ONGC in 1974

in Gandhar, Cambay basin, Gujarat licensing of core group including The government efforts particularly
and by 1986, KG basin were put in petroleum sector and partial dis- during 1991-96 gave required thrust
global map with several substantial investment of government share for opening Oil and Gas sector in India.
discoveries made. By the end of 1986, including other measures. As a result, After this, the process of opening the
third round of international bidding ONGC was re-organized as a Limited sector became more streamlined.
for exploration block were offered. OIL company (under the Company’s Many private players also joined
and ONGC were offered 40% stake Act, 1956) from Oil and Natural Gas in development of this industry.
in JV, if field was found viable. Few Commission to Oil and Natural Gas Hindustan Oil Exploration Company
foreign companies participated but Corporation Limited. (HOEC) which started its E&P venture
there was no committed exploration or in 1991, was among few such initial
To give momentum to Petroleum
domestic private player.
breakthrough discovery. The foreshore sector in India, GoI came up with more
terminal of IOC was commissioned lucrative offers in 1994. However, In view of the liberalized policy
in Madras (Chennai). However, OIL this also led to disagreement in adopted by GoI, a need for an
and ONGC's effort continued in Production Sharing Agreement. In independent upstream regulatory
several parts of India and by 1989 OIL couple of years, ONGC ventured into body called the Directorate General of
discovered gas in Tanot (Mata Temple) CBM in Damodar valley and explored Hydrocarbons (DGH) was envisaged
in Rajasthan and ONGC discovered EOR options in heavy oil belt of to oversee and review the oilfield
south Heera in Mumbai offshore. North Gujarat. By 1996, Government development programs to conform to
conducted 5 rounds of bidding and sound reservoir engineering practices
In 1990, Fourth round of bidding offered 126 blocks having area in the in line with national interests. Thus,
invited and for the first time, Indian range of 1 sq. km. to 50,000 sq.km. DGH was formed vide GoI resolution
companies could participate with Beside National Oil Companies and dated 08.04.1993.
foreign companies. However, no Indian Private Companies, some
major discovery was made with these After the Nomination era till late 1970s,
important companies like Shell, Enron,
partnerships. In 1991, Government Pre-NELP Exploration era (1980-95)
Amoco and Occidental participated
of India (GoI) adopted liberalized and Pre-NELP Field rounds (1993-
in exploration and contracts were
economic policy that led to de- 94), Government of India formulated
awarded to them.


A New E&P Paradigm 19

Rajasthan Basin: The 1,26,000 sq. Godavari & Krishna and in Offshore
km. of recent sediment covered area till 85o East ridge. Efforts by both
to the west of Aravalli up to Pakistan NOC’s and Private oil companies have
border which is a part of the Thar unlocked huge hydrocarbon reserves.
desert, is designated as the Rajasthan The major plays established in KG
peripheral foreland Basin. It is a part Basin are Mandapeta (Permo-Triassic),
of the Indus Foreland. It is divided into Syn-Rift Gollapalli/ Nandigama/
four sub-basins/sectors:-(i) Jaisalmer Kanukollu (Late Jurassic to Lower
sub-basin (JB) on the north western Cretaceous, Raghavapuram (Early-Late
slope of the Jaisalmer-Mari basement Cretaceous), Pasarlapudi/Vadaparru
arch (JMA), (ii) Bikaner-Nagaur (BN) (Late Palaeocene to Eocene),
sub-basin on the northeast flank of the Matsyapuri/Ravva (Oligocene to
arch, (iii) Shahgarh-Miajlar (SM) sub- Miocene) and Godavari (Pliocene). Both
basin southwest of the arch and (iv) biogenic and thermogenic petroleum
Barmer-Sanchor (BS) sub-basin south system are operative in the Basin.
of the arch (extension of Cambay
The Basin has distinction of reporting
Basin). Recent discoveries of oil and
maximum number of discoveries in
gas from this Basin have enhanced the
the last decade. As such, this Basin
has shown a very high degree of
Barmer–Sanchor sub-basin is a hydrocarbon potential, particularly
lacustrine failed rift comprising the in deep waters off the Godavari
sedimentary sequence of more than river mouth, essentially from Mio-
6 km ranging in age from Mesozoic to Pliocene & Pleistocene Formations.
Cenozoic with prolific Eocene source Similarly, recent discoveries of gas
rocks. High quality reservoirs are from Machilipatnam bay area from
encountered in the Upper Cretaceous- Eocene–Pliocene Formations from
Paleocene, syn rift deposits. Number of shallow water segment endorses for
oil and gas discoveries like Saraswati, sustained exploration. Based on trend
Rageshwari, Kameshwari, Mangala, of discoveries, there are good chances
Aishwarya, Shakti, Bhagyam are some of discovering large fields, especially
of the significant fields in Barmer- from deep water segment.
Sanchor sub-basin.
In KG deep waters mainly slope-
a policy called as New Exploration Area under PEL ~10% | Area under PML channel-levee-complex, debris flows,
Licensing Policy in 1997. The main ~4% | 86% Area is open under HELP/ low stand wedge and Basin floor fan
objective was to attract significant OAL | 7 PSU Cos., 7 Indian Private and complexes remain as major targets.
risk capital from Indian and Foreign 6 Foreign Cos. are working under PSC In shallow water growth fault related
companies, state of art technologies, Regime structures, channel fills combination
new geological concepts and best traps, upper slope fans remain as
management practices to explore Production: Average crude oil
attractive plays particularly in the
oil and gas resources in the country production ~22.43 / Thousand tons
delta-slope transition. In on land, the
to meet rising demands of oil and per day (TPD) / 8.16 (MMT) Average
deeper synrift plays remain as major
gas. NELP policy was approved rate of gas production is around ~3.5
attractive play.
in 1997 and became effective in MMSCMD/ 1.27 BCM
February 1999. Since then licenses Area under PEL ~14% | Area under PML
KG Basin: The Krishna-Godavari Basin
for exploration were awarded only ~7% | 79% Area is open under HELP/
constitutes a typical passive margin
through a competitive bidding system OAL | 7 PSU Cos., 4 Indian Private and
Basin and has a polycyclic (dual-rift
and National Oil Companies (NOCs) 5 Foreign Cos. are working under PSC
province) evolution history. Basin
were required to compete on an Regime
comprises a wide array of sedimentary
equal footing with Indian and foreign facies from early Permian through Production: Average crude oil
companies to secure Petroleum Cenozoic with the analogous outcrops production ~3.44 Thousand tons per
Exploration Licenses (PELs). Nine defining the Basin limitation, along the day (TPD) / 1.25 (MMT) Average rate
rounds of bids have so far been north western part of the Basin. It is of gas production is around ~12.42
concluded under NELP, in which spread over an area of 28,000 sq. km. MMSCMD/4.52 BCM
production sharing contracts for 254 in the onland and 14,500 sq. km.
exploration blocks have been signed. With huge scope of activities and
(24,000 sq. km. up to 200 m isobath)
Under the PSC regime, two major development in Oil and Gas sector in
in the Bay of Bengal offshore.
basins were opened commercially, India, a lot of history in this sector is
The prospective area for oil & gas
these are Rajasthan and Krishna- yet to be written.
exploration in onland covers the three
Godavari Basin. coastal districts of East Godavari, West
1.2. Formation of all these companies in the national Hydrocarbons (DGH) for discharging
interest. the regulatory functions of leasing
Directorate General of and licensing, safety and environment
Hydrocarbons (DGH) The same was elucidated by the and development, conservation and
committee headed by late reservoir management of Hydrocarbon
The liberalized economic policy Dr. A. B. Dasgupta, which resources in India.
adopted by the Government of India recommended for creation of an
(GoI) in July 1991 sought to deregulate autonomous conservation board Accordingly, Directorate General of
and de-license the core sectors to oversee and review oilfield Hydrocarbons was set up through
(including the petroleum sector) with development programs for sound GoI resolution No. O-20013/2/92/
partial disinvestments of government reservoir engineering practices in line ONG-III dated 08.04.1993 under the
equity in Public Sector Undertakings with national interests. Subsequently, administrative control of the Ministry of
along with other measures. The a committee was constituted in Petroleum and Natural Gas.
upstream petroleum sector was 1992 under the chairmanship of 1.2.1. DGH – Objective:
largely a monopoly of public sector late Shri P. K. Kaul, former Cabinet
companies till then and the sector Secretary, to examine the need for To promote sound management of
was being increasingly opened to new restructuring ONGC’s organizational the Indian Petroleum and Natural
operating companies in the private structure. This committee also Gas resources having a balanced
and joint sectors. Thus, a need was recommended for establishment regard for the environment, safety,
felt to establish an agency that could of an independent regulatory body technological and economic aspects of
effectively supervise the activities of called the Directorate General of the petroleum activity.

Central Centre of High Government
Level Technology Agencies
Oil Industry
Development Board
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Ministry of Petroleum Petroleum Conservation and
and Natural Gas Research Association
Petroleum Planning and
Analysis Cell

Petroleum and
Natural Gas
Directorate General Sector
of Hydrocarbons
Energy Directorates
Petroleum & Natural
Gas Regulatory Board Department of Commerce
(Downstream) and Industry


Fig. 1.1.


A New E&P Paradigm 21

Exploration and Production Regime in India

State Monopoly Liberalization of E&P Sector Discovered

Public Sector Upstream (1997-2009) Small Field
Oil Companies 9 NELP and 4 CBM rounds. Policy
254 exploratory and 33 CBM blocks New Domestic
through competitive bidding Gas Pricing
1991 2016

1948 1997 2009 2014 2015

Further liberalization of the sector

Beginning of de-regulation
Discovered Small Field Bid Round-2016
28 discovers and 28 HELP-Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy
exploratory blocks offered Open Acreage Licensing Program
including private players Revenue Sharing Model
Pricing Guidelines for difficult gas fields


Fig. 1.2. Exploration and Production Regime in India

1.2.2. Role and Functions of DGH: Government on the adequacy of ix. To regulate the preservation,
these programs. upkeep and storage of data and
To promote sound management of samples pertaining to petroleum
the Indian Petroleum and Natural v. To evaluate the hydrocarbon exploration, drilling, production
Gas resources having a balanced reserves discovered and of reservoirs etc. and to cause the
regard for the environment, safety, estimated by the operating preparation of data packages for
technological and economic aspects of companies acreage on offer to companies
the petroleum activity.
vi. To advise the Government x. All other matters incidental
i. A nodal agency for on the offering of acreages thereto and such other
implementation of NELP and CBM for exploration to companies functions as may be assigned by
policy on behalf of Ministry of as well as matters relating to Government from time to time
Petroleum & Natural Gas relinquishment of acreage by
companies xi. Assist Government in contract
ii. To advise Ministry of Petroleum management functions
& Natural Gas on Exploration vii. To review the development plans
Strategies & Production Policies for commercial discoveries of xii. Exploration & Development of
hydrocarbon reserves proposed unconventional hydrocarbon
iii. To provide technical advice to by the operating companies resources like Gas Hydrate, Shale
the Ministry of Petroleum and and advise Government on the Gas/Oil and Oil Shale
Natural Gas on issues relevant adequacy of such plans and the
to the exploration and optimal exploitation rates proposed and xiii. Issue Essentiality Certificate for
exploitation of hydrocarbons in matters relating thereto importing goods and services
the country used in E&P sector to avail custom
viii. To review and audit concurrently duty concessions
iv. To review the exploration the management of petroleum
programs of companies operating reservoirs by operating 1.2.3. Advisory and Administrative
under Petroleum Exploration companies and to advise on any Council of DGH:
Licenses granted under the mid-course correction required Advisory Council
Oilfields (Regulation and to ensure sound reservoir
Development) Act, 1948 and the management practices in line Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
Petroleum and Natural Gas Rules, with the optimal exploitation of has an Advisory Council, which
1959 with a view to advising reserves and the conservation of is appointed by the Government
petroleum resources
comprising of Chairman and members, 1.3. Award Process under
who are eminent persons in the field
of hydrocarbon exploration and
production. The Advisory Council is Regime
serviced by the Directorate which is
headed by a Director General who Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PEL)
is also the Member Secretary to the for domestic exploration & production
Council. of crude oil and natural gas were
granted under four different regimes
Administrative Council
over a period time.
Government of India set up an
Administrative Council on 02.02.2001 1.3.1 Nomination Basis:
to guide and to take care of all
administrative aspects of the Till the end of 1970s, Indian E&P
functioning of DGH, through Office industry was dominated by the two
Memorandum No. O-32012/1/95- National Oil Companies (NOCs) -
ONG-III dated 02.02.2001. The ONGC and OIL to whom PELs
Administrative Council takes decisions were granted on nomination basis.
on various matters concerning Exploration was primarily confined to
establishment, budget and undertakes onland and shallow offshore.
periodical review of the functioning of
DGH. It is headed by Secretary (P&NG) 1.3.2 Pre-NELP Exploration Blocks:
and has the following composition:
Table 1.1. Composition of Administrative
28 Exploration blocks were awarded
Council of DGH to private companies between 1980
and prior to implementation of NELP
Name Designation where ONGC and OIL had the rights
Secretary, MoP&NG Chairman for participation in the blocks after
Additional Secretary, Member hydrocarbon discoveries.Brief details
of the Pre-NELP Exploration blocks is
AS&FA, MoP&NG Member
provided below and details of blocks
Joint Secretary (Expl), Member
awarded is appended in Chapter-7.
Secretary, OIDB Member
Director General, DGH Member -

Table 1.2. Brief details of the Pre-NELP Exploration blocks

Exploration Contracts signed

Year Description
Rounds Offshore Onshore Total
PSC signed with Chevron,
USA and 3 wells were drilled
1980 First round 1 0 1
without success, block area
was relinquished in 1985
1982 Second round No PSC signed 0 0 0
1986 Third round 0 0 0
1991 Fourth round 5 PSCs signed 2 3 5
1992 First development round
Fifth round Second development round 4 2 6
1993 First speculative survey
Sixth round 2 3 5
Seventh round 2 3 5
1994 Second speculative survey
Eighth round 1 3 4
1995 Ninth round JV Exploration Program 1 1 2
TOTAL 13 15 28


A New E&P Paradigm 23
In 1993, GoI offered blocks for geophysical and other surveys to update the made in offshore - shallow (52) and
information on hydrocarbon potential of India’s unexplored sedimentary basins. deepwater blocks (40).
Once the surveys on these blocks were completed, they were to be offered in
NELP bidding rounds have attracted
subsequent rounds of exploration. The Second speculative survey round was
many Private and Foreign Companies
launched in 1994 and the third round in 1995. The third round was called as Joint
in addition to PSUs. Before the NELP,
Venture Speculative Survey Round (JVSSR) with a provision of risk participation/
a total 35 E&P Companies (5 PSUs, 15
cost sharing by DGH up to 50%. Government of India has signed 28 contracts for
Private and 15 Foreign) were working
blocks offered under Pre-NELP Exploration regime.
in Nomination and Pre-NELP regime.
1.3.3 Pre-NELP Discovered Field or Development Rounds: After the conclusion of nine rounds
of NELP bidding, the total number
Government offered Petroleum Mining Lease (PML) of small/medium sized
of companies has increased to 117
discovered fields (proven reserves were discovered by ONGC and OIL) to the
(11 PSUs, 58 Private and 48 Foreign
private sector in August 1992. Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) awarded
Companies as Operators and Non-
during 1991-1993 had the distinctive feature of operators as private companies
operators/Consortium Partners).
with ONGC/OIL as having participating interest. These rounds received
Major Private Companies were RIL,
overwhelming response from various private E&P operators.Government of India
Jubilant and Essar. The major foreign
has signed 28 contracts (One PSC for Panna Mukta–PM) for 29 discovered fields
companies were British Gas, British
under Pre-NELP Discovered (Small and Medium size fields) regime.
Petroleum, the then Cairn Energy
Table 1.3. Pre-NELP Discovered Field or Development rounds (now Cairn India), ENI, Santos and
BHP Billiton.
Blocks offered in Blocks offered in
Month/Year Medium sized field Small sized field Contracts Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
Round Round Round IOCL, GAIL, BPCL working under
of award signed
Offshore Onshore Offshore Onshore MoP&NG and their subsidiaries
like Bharat Petro Resources Ltd.
August 1992 1 6 6 10 21 18
(Subsidiary of BPCL), Prize Petroleum
October 1993 2 2 6 4 29 10 Company Limited (Subsidiary of
Total Contracts signed 28 HPCL), have participated in various
NELP bidding rounds and have been
1.3.4 New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP):
awarded exploration blocks in various
Government introduced healthy competition and public participation by NELP bidding rounds. In addition to
introducing NELP for exploration & production of oil & gas in the country.Under central PSU, state PSU like GSPC have
NELP, blocks were awarded to Indian, private and foreign companies through participated in various NELP bidding
International Competitive Bidding process where NOCs, viz. ONGC and OIL,were rounds and have been awarded
competing on equal footing. exploration blocks.
NELP not only accelerated the quest for hydrocarbon exploration, but also The domestic crude oil/gas
brought state-of-the-art technology and efficiency of operations/management to production in the country consists
the country. of oil production from Nomination
Blocks/Fields under ONGC and
Government of India has signed 254 contracts under NELP regime with National
OIL and from the discovered fields
Oil Companies and private (Both Indian and foreign)/ Joint Venture companies.
and producing Pre-NELP and NELP
At present, 111 contracts are operational out of total 310 contracts (254 NELP,
blocks under the Production Sharing
28 Pre-NELP Field round and 28 Pre-NELP Exploration) signed so far under
Contract (PSC) regime. The average
various bidding rounds.
oil and gas production under the
The awarded 254 blocks under NELP regime are located in onland (114), PSC regime during the current year
offshore shallow water (59) and deepwater (81) areas. As a result of exploratory (April’ 16– March’ 17) is to the tune
activities, several unexplored and poorly explored areas, in particular offshore of 21,2,095 barrels /day (BOPD) and
and deepwater areas have been appraised through geophysical surveys and 611.94 Million Standard Cubic feet per
exploratory drilling. Till date, 240 hydrocarbon discoveries (125 Oil and 115 Gas) day (MMSCFD) respectively.
have been made under various regimes and most of the gas discoveries have been


A New E&P Paradigm 25

Table 1.4. Status of Blocks under NELP (As on 01.04.2017)

Awarded Relinquished Operational

Round Offered Deep Shallow Deep Shallow Deep Shallow
Onland Total Onland Total Onland Total
Water Water Water Water Water Water
NELP-I 48 7 16 1 24 5 15 1 21 2 1 - 3
NELP-II 25 8 8 7 23 8 7 5 20 - 1 2 3
NELP-III 27 9 6 8 23 9 5 5 19 - 1 3 4
NELP-IV 24 10 0 10 20 10 - 6 16 - - 4 4
NELP-V 20 6 2 12 20 6 1 8 15 - 1 4 5
NELP-VI 55 21 6 25 52 21 2 18 41 - 4 7 11
NELP-VII 57 11 7 23 41 11 4 12 27 - 3 11 14
NELP-VIII 70 8 11 13 32 8 5 5 18 - 6 8 14
NELP-IX 34 1 3 15 19 1 2 1 4 - 1 14 15
Total 360 81 59 114 254 79 41 61 181 2 18 53 73


50 52

40 41 41

30 32
24 23 23
20 21 20 20 20
19 18 19
16 15 15
14 14
10 11

4 5
3 4 4
Awarded Relinquished Operational

Fig. 1.3. Status of Blocks Awarded under NELP

Table 1.5. Chronology of NELP Bidding Rounds

Round Launch Year Signing Year

PRE-NELP Exploration 1980 1980-1995
PRE-NELP Field 1992 1992-1993
NELP-I 1999 2000
NELP-II 2000 2001
NELP-III 2002 2003
NELP-IV 2003 2004
NELP-V 2005 2005
NELP-VI 2006 2007
NELP-VII 2007 2008
NELP-VIII 2009 2010
NELP-IX 2010 2012
Table 1.6. Investment made in NELP blocks as on 01.04.2017

NELP Committed Investment Actual Investment as on 01.04.2017

Actual Exploration Actual Development
Investment Total Investment
NELP Rounds Investment Investment
Commitment (US$ Million)
(US$ Million) (US$ Million)
(US$ Million)
NELP-I 1,082.23 4,721.19 7,873.63 12,594.82
NELP-II 775.41 908.73 33.94 942.67
NELP-III 978.18 3,347.34 1,957.25 5,304.59
NELP-IV 1,135.05 2,095.64 4.54 2,100.18
NELP-V 847.22 1,022.01 1.26 1,023.27
NELP-VI 3,570 2,680.48 1.72 2,682.20
NELP-VII 1,504.61 834.39 0.00 834.39
NELP-VIII 1,102.25 530.90 0.00 530.90
NELP-IX 733.66 190.78 0.00 190.78
Grand Total 1,1728.61 16,331.46 9,872.33 26,203.80


A New E&P Paradigm 27



Rounds Contract signed Operational

28 12
28 26
NELP-I 24 3
NELP-II 23 3
NELP-IV 20 4
NELP-V 20 5
NELP-VI 52 11
NELP-VII 41 14
NELP-IX 19 15
TOTAL 310 111

Fig. 1.4. Pre-NELP & NELP Exploration Blocks Under Operation by NOCS & Pvt./JV Companies
15. 10.201 5 Notification of Discovered Small Fields

25.05.2016 Discovered Small Fields Bid Round-

2016 launched

06.06.2016 Mumbai DSF Roadshow

25.06.2016 Guwahati DSF Roadshow

14.07.2016 Houston DSF Roadshow


14.07.2016 Calgary DSF Roadshow

23.08.2016 Dubai DSF Roadshow

09.09.2016 Singapore DSF Roadshow

12.09.2016 London DSF Roadshow

14.09.2016 Aberdeen DSF Roadshow

14.10.2016 Bengaluru DSF Roadshow

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

15.02.2017 (CCEA) has approved award of 31
contract areas

27.03.2017 Government of India signs Contracts

awarded under Discovered Small Field
Bid Round 2016
First Oil Refinery Set
Assam Railway Trading up at Digboi
Co. set up to explore oil

Assam Oil Company to take

Struck oil in over petroleum interests Industrial Policy Statement,
Jeypore, Assam from Assam Oil Syndicate Oilfields Act, 1948

1890 1891 1922 1930

1867 1882 1895 1901 1948

First Commercial Burmah Oil Company bought

Discovery at Digboi shares from ARTC, and appointed
commercial and technical
managers from AOC
Assam Oil Syndicate set up
a Refinery at Margharita
Crude oil production plummeted upto
250000 tonnes per annum and exploration
activities continued in Assam- Arakan range

Petroleum Act of 1934


A New E&P Paradigm 31

Oil Industry
Oil and Natural Gas Act, 1974
Directorate GoI approved NELP

Bombay High
ONGC Estd. Discovered Petroleum Rules 1976

1959 1962 1991 1993

1954 1956 1974 1976 1995

Petroleum and Natural Petroleum Pipelines

Gas Rules, 1959 Mineral Act, 1962
ONGC–statutory body
Government of India's decision for
participation of companies in
OIL Estd. development of discovered
oil and gas fields

Estd. of DGH , Policy for

round-the-year bidding for
exploratory blocks

First round of NELP-V

CBM bidding

NELP-II Third round of

CBM bidding

1997 1999 2002 2003 2007

2000 2001 2005 2006


blocks offered

Second round of
Government of India CBM blocks bidding
formulated CBM policy



A New E&P Paradigm 33

Discovered Small
Field Policy

Second Round of
NELP-IX Small Fields

2008 2009 2016

2010 2015 2018

Fourth round of Launch of Policy for Help Through Open

CBM bidding Hydrocarbon Exploration Acreage Licensing (OAL)
Licensing Policy, HELP Mechanism

Marketing and Pricing freedom
for new gas production from
Deepwater, Ultra Deepwater and
High Pressure-High Temperature

Discovered Small Fields

Bid Round 2016

Policy for grant of extension to Production

Sharing Contracts for small-medium-sized
and discovered fields
A New E&P Paradigm 35
Robust, predictable and transparent regulatory framework is paramount for infusing investor’s confidence in a country.
Government of India has ensured to provide a stable environment with little administrative hassles by hosting a slew of
investor friendly policies to the fore.

2.1. Policies 3. No restriction on exploration Nine sedimentary for extraction and

activity during contract period: exploration of oil and gas. DGH in May
Contractor will be allowed to 2016 launched the DSF Bid Round -
2.1.1. Discovered Small (Marginal)
carry out exploration during entire 2016 and invited bids to develop and
Field Policy: Discovered Small Field
contract duration. monetize these contract areas which
Bid Round – 2016
4. Eligibility for Bidding: Up to 100% are estimated to hold in-place Oil
Date of Notification: 15 October 2015 participation by foreign companies, and Oil equivalent as reserves of 86
Joint ventures will be allowed. No Million Metric Tonnes with estimated
Policy Brief:
mandatory state participation and recoverable reserves of roughly 30
Over 100+ small fields earlier no carried interest by ONGC and Million Metric Tonnes.
discovered by ONGC and OIL have not OIL are envisaged.
Government of India signed the
been monetized due to various reasons.
5. Crude Oil & Gas Pricing and Sale: contracts of the fields awarded under
To reduce the import dependency of
Contractor will be free to sell the DSF Bid Round 2016 with the
hydrocarbons, to effectively exploit
the crude oil and Natural Gas awardees at New Delhi on 27th March
the untapped established reserves exclusively in domestic market
and increase indigenous production, 2017. The event was presided by Shri
through a transparent bidding Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Minister
Marginal Field Policy was announced. process at arm’s length.
The policy was later rechristened to of State for Petroleum and Natural
Discovered Small Field Policy, under 6. Oil Cess & Royalty: No Oil Cess Gas along with other senior officials of
the broad policy framework of the new will be applicable on crude oil Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
production however, Royalty rates (MoPNG) and DGH and witnessed a
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing
will be as under NELP regime. large audience comprising successful
Policy (HELP) with several liberal
features, such as: 7. Custom duty: Customs duty awardees, E&P majors, service
exemptions for specified goods companies and key media houses. The
1. Revenue Sharing Contract : A details of the contract areas signed are
and services will be available for
simple and easy way to administer placed at Appendix Table 8.12.
contract areas.
contractual model in line with
Government’s effort to promote The DSF bid round was launched in A two-way Interactive Portal for DSF
‘Ease of doing business’ requiring May 2016 under the overarching vision which has been developed by DGH to
minimum regulatory burden for of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision for facilitate contract management. The
field monetisation. reducing import dependency on oil and Government is now working towards a
gas by 10% by 2022. The DSF bid round second round of DSF Bidding, and shall
2. Single licence for Conventional &
was completed in record time. Further, also be rolling out the Hydrocarbons
Non-conventional hydrocarbon:
Single licence to explore and extract many bidders participated despite Exploration and Licensing Policy
all hydrocarbon resources, including the global economic slowdown and (HELP) through the Open Acreage
CBM, Shale gas/oil, tight gas, gas volatile crude oil price environment. Licensing (OAL) mechanism which
hydrates and other resources to be The Bid Round 2016 46 Contract shall provide good opportunity for
identified in future. Areas consisting of 67 fields across more E&P investors.
Positive Outcome of the Policy:
1. Thirty contract areas have been
“My vision for India’s energy future has four pillars: signed which are expected to come
Energy access, Energy efficiency, Energy sustainability into production within the next 3-4
and Energy security.” years.
Shri Narendra Modi 2. The cumulative peak production
Hon'ble Prime Minister from the awarded fields is expected
At inaugural session of Petrotech-2016 in New Delhi to be around 15,000 BOPD of oil
and 2 MMSCMD of gas over the
economic life of field.


A New E&P Paradigm 37

3. Estimated total revenue would be 3. Data dissemination: Data access area of extension to be determined
~Rs. 46,400 crores. shall be available to the registered on basis of existing production/
users through web portal. E&P injection wells or new development
4. Expected Gross royalty collection
users / investors will be allowed plan, exploration work program
is 5,000 crores and expected state
to see data in physical data to be backed by BG with time
royalty collection is Rs. 2,100 crores.
rooms located at NDR, DGH schedule. Availability of balance
Government’s revenue share would
after scheduling an appointment recoverable reserves (third party
be ~Rs. 9,300 crores.
with NDR. Recognized Indian / audited), submission of RFDP,
5. Employment of ~37,500 persons Foreign Universities / Educational adequate technical expertise and
would be generated through the Institutions will be provided data no statutory dues and payment due
awarded fields. after uploading the signed and to Government.
duly stamped scanned copy of
2.1.2. Policy for E&P, Data 5. Criteria for evaluation of request:
Confidentiality Agreement.
Assimilation, Disclosure, Sharing, Contractor should have completed
Accessibility & Dissemination through Expected Positive Outcome of the at least 70% of development plan
National Data Repository (NDR) at Policy: and should have complied with
DGH the provisions of creation of Site
NDR Data policy is a pre-cursor to Restoration Fund (SRF) and Site
Date of notification: 16 March 2017 award of blocks under Hydrocarbon Restoration Plan (SRP) as per PSC.
The objective of this policy is to Exploration and Licensing Policy.
It will provide a unique platform to Expected Positive Outcome of the
assimilate, preserve and regulate the E&P
view, analyse, purchase data for all Policy:
data generated by various companies
over the last several decades and held E&P companies, institutions, research This policy will help the operators
within the National Data Repository agencies, etc. of 10 Pre-NELP Exploration blocks
(NDR) in order to enable systematic 2.1.3. Policy for the Grant of Extension in planning their investments and
disclosure, sharing and dissemination and to the Production Sharing Contracts operations in these fields and will
to standardize the norms for accessibility signed by Government of India enable the contractors to extract not
within the overall provisions of the awarding Pre-New Exploration only the remaining reserves but also
Oilfields (Regulations and Development Licensing Policy (Pre­-NELP) plan to extract additional reserves by
Act 1948) and the Petroleum and Natural Exploration Blocks. implementing new technologies. This
Gas Rules 1959, Government policies and Date of notification: 7th April 2017 will help accelerate and supplement
other guidelines as may be applicable. indigenous production of hydrocarbon
The policy is broadly divided into the Government of India has approved from existing blocks and act as a
following three parameters: a policy for granting extension to progressive step towards achieving
the Production Sharing Contracts the target of 10 per cent reduction in
1. Data assimilation: Under this (PSCs) signed by Government of import of crude oil by 2022.
policy, all data generated will be India awarding Pre-New Exploration
assimilated by NDR in DGH office. 2.1.4. Policy framework for
Licensing Policy (Pre-NELP)
All data held in NDR shall be the Relaxation, Extension & Clarification
Exploration Blocks, to have a
property of Government of India in existing CBM contract areas for
transparent and defined framework for
with DGH as its custodian. All early monetization of CBM
private cos., PSUs are required to granting extension. Salient features of
the policy are as below: Date of notification: 15th March 2017
submit the data generated in the
blocks to DGH within a stipulated 1. Submission, Consideration and Government of India has till
timeframe. Approval of request for extension of date awarded 33 CBM blocks.
2. Data availability/disclosure/ Contract by contractor at least Owing to various impediments in
timelines: Any commercial entity, 2 years before expiry of contract current contractual provisions, the
students from Government 2. Fiscal parameters for extension: monetization of CBM hasn’t been at par
Recognized Indian/Foreign During the extended period of with conventional oil and gas.
Universities, Private Universities, contract, Government’s share of Since unconventional hydrocarbons
Govt. Recognized Research profit petroleum will be 10% higher, like CBM have higher breakeven prices
Institutes and/or any other user however, the royalty and cess shall and to usher renewed exploration
authorized by DGH can view be payable at prevailing rates
and production activities in CBM
the data available in NDR after
registering on NDR web portal. 3. Duration of extension: 10 years both blocks, the policy exempts CBM from
NDR/DGH shall have the right to for oil and gas fields or economic existing pricing and allocation policy
disclose/visualize and sell any or all life of the Field, whichever is earlier. and provides pricing and marketing
data including proprietary data, to 4. Pre-requisites for Evaluation: Area freedom to CBM contractors and
any person or legal entity. should have valid mining lease, area provision to sell CBM to affiliates. This
to have fields under production, is in tune with Government’s policy of
“Ease of Doing Business”.
Further, Government has been has been approved. This Policy petroleum during extension period
empowered to discharge cases and would provide for a uniform, non- will be 10% higher than the normal
condone delays on basis of technical discretionary framework for extension percentage.
merit and reasonable endeavour of contract for a period of 10 years
2.1.6. Hydrocarbon Exploration &
exercised by contractor. both for Oil and Gas. The primary Licensing Policy (HELP)
objective of this policy is to continue
The new policy includes the following Date of notification: 10th March 2016
uninterrupted production from oil
and gas reserves engaged under PSC Hydrocarbon Exploration and
1. Pricing and marketing freedom to model and to ensure a stable business Licensing Policy (HELP) is based on
sell CBM in domestic market arm’s environment to Contractors and E&P a new model i.e. Revenue Sharing
length operators of the PSC regime. Contract (RSC) which replaces the
2. Provision to reduce CBM contract Salient features of the policy are as earlier model of Production Sharing
areas or relinquish contracts with below: Contract (PSC). Based on the Open
proportionate reduction in work Acreage Licensing (OAL) mechanism
program for contractors with 1. Submission, Consideration and which permits investors to carve out
overlap issues in coal blocks, Approval of request for extension
blocks of theory choice by submitting
conventional oil and gas, PEL/PML of Contract by contractor at least
an Expression of Interest (EoI). These
areas etc. 2 years before but not more than 6
blocks would be subsequently offered
years in advance of expiry.
3. Easy exit option for CBM blocks through bi-annual formal bidding
subject to certain conditions 2. Fiscal parameters for extension: process.
During the extended period of
4. Entry into subsequent phase, after contract, Government’s share of OAL would be manifested through
paying cost of unfinished MWP profit petroleum will be 10% higher, National Data Repository which
5. Provision for extension and however, the royalty and cess shall will provide rapid jumpstart to E&P
excusable delay in Development be payable at prevailing rates (of activities by providing seamless access
phase on account of getting nomination regime). to the country’s entire G&G data for
Government Approvals/Permits interpretation and analysis. Under
3. Duration of extension: 10 years both
etc. Open Acreage Licensing (OAL) the
for oil and gas fields or economic
blocks can be carved out without
6. Provision to sell CBM to affiliates of life of the field, whichever is earlier.
waiting for a formal bid round to be
existing CBM contractors 4. Pre-requisites for evaluation: announced by Government.
7. Relaxation of Notice Period for Area should have valid mining
lease, evaluation will be on basis 1. Revenue Sharing Model: Simple,
submissions as per CBM Contract
of future development plan, firm easy to administer; no cost
8. Resolution of CBM contractual exploration program supported recovery; no micro-management
issues under ECS by BG, availability of balance by the Government; operational
recoverable reserves (third party freedom to the operator
Expected Positive Outcome of the
Policy: audited), submission of RFDP, 2. Pricing and Marketing Freedom of
adequate technical expertise and Oil and Gas produced
The policy is expected to boost CBM no statutory dues and payment
production to 6 MMSCMD by 2018- due to Government. 3. Single License for exploration and
19 and generate new avenues of production of conventional as well
employment and increased investment 5. Criteria for evaluation of request: as non-conventional hydrocarbon
Contractor should have completed resources
in CBM blocks. It is also envisaged
at least 70% of development wells
that 14 CBM blocks which are under 4. Exploration allowed throughout the
of plan or achieved 70% committed
relinquishment will be provided an contract period
production and should have
easy exit option under the policy. complied with the provisions of 5. Increase in exploration phase:
2.1.5. Policy for grant of extension to creation of Site Restoration Fund Exploration Phase for onshore
Production Sharing Contracts signed (SRF) and Site Restoration Plan areas has been increased from 7
by Government awarding small and (SRP) as per PSC. years to 8 years and for offshore
medium sized discovered fields to Expected Positive Outcome of the areas increased from 8 years to 10
private Joint Ventures Policy: years
Date of notification: 28th March 2016 During the extension period, it is 6. Low royalty rates including zero
royalty for deep water & ultra-
To enable optimal recovery of oil proposed to increase the Government’s
deepwater areas during first seven
and gas after expiry of PSC, policy take by way of charging normal royalty
for extending Production Sharing and cess in place of concessional
Contracts for 28 Pre-NELP discovered royalty and cess charged during the
(small and medium size) fields original contract period. The profit


A New E&P Paradigm 39

Positive Outcome of the Policy: rests on 5 pillars: People, Policy, is to be adopted for offering the blocks
Partnerships, Projects and Production. through competitive bidding.
OAL would be formally launched
around July 2017 which will open Objectives to be met: Positive Outcome of the Policy:
the entire Indian sedimentary basin 1. To develop North East (NE) Region The policy is expected to work towards
for investors to realize the untapped as a dominant hydrocarbon hub the larger goal of Energy Security.
potential of Indian Hydrocarbon Sector. at the forefront of India's energy
economy 2.1.10. Policy for testing requirement
2.1.7. Marketing and Pricing freedom
for gas production from Deepwater, 2. To double the production of O+OEG Date of notification: 29th April 2015
Ultra Deepwater and High Pressure- by 2030 Government has approved a one-
High Temperature areas
3. To get access to clean fuel for 100% time policy on testing requirements
Date of notification: 10th March 2016 households at affordable price in for discoveries made under New
the region (LPG/PNG) Exploration and Licensing Policy
Government of India announced
(NELP) Blocks. Under this policy, the
a policy for all discoveries in DW/ 4. To develop natural gas grid, CGD
contractors have been asked to carry
UDW/HPHT areas which commence networks and CNG Highways
out a pending Drill Stem Test (DST) on
commercial production from 1st January
Positive Outcome of the Policy: the discoveries and submit the results
2016 and all future discoveries due to
within in a specified time frame.
the challenging cost and technology An Executive Council has been formed
intensive operations. The policy is consisting of government officials The policy aims to resolve the dispute
aimed to exploit oil and gas resources and industry stakeholders for the related to testing requirements and
in Deep-water (DW), Ultra deep- implementation of the vision document to bring transparency and uniformity
water (UDW) and High Pressure High to develop NE region as a hydrocarbon in decision making as against case by
Temperature (HPHT) areas and to centre. case approach in the past.
incentivize gas production from these
2.1.9. Policy framework for The policy would provide a way
discovered, difficult areas. development of Underground Coal forward for development of 12
Pursuant to this policy, producers will Gasification in coal and lignite discoveries with associated gas
be allowed marketing including pricing bearing areas reserves of around 90 Billion Cubic
freedom subject to a ceiling price Date of notification: 16th December Meter (BCM) which would be valued
based on landed price of alternate 2015 at over Rs. 1 lakh crore at the current
fuels, which is calculated once in 6 A policy framework for development gas price of US$ 4.66 / Million British
months and applied prospectively for of Underground Coal Gasification Thermal Unit (mmbtu) on Gross
the next 6 months. (UCG) in coal and lignite bearing Calorific Value (GCV).
Positive Outcome of the Policy: areas in the country was approved Expected Positive Outcome of the
by the Government. UCG is a method Policy:
The policy is expected to increase gas of extraction of energy from coal/
production by 6.75 TCF by improving lignite resources which are otherwise The policy is expected to monetize
the economic viability of discoveries regarded as uneconomical to the stuck up discoveries withheld
currently made in: 21 DW areas, 1 UDW work through conventional mining because of DST test not conducted by
area and 5 HPHT areas. methods. For this purpose, a policy operators, which might otherwise be
on lines broadly similar to the existing relinquished on account of failure of
Further, this policy would facilitate
policy for Coal Bed Methane (CBM) operators to conduct the test.
development of such discoveries to be
made in future. development on revenue sharing basis

2.1.8. Policy for encouraging E&P

activities in North East India (NE
Hydrocarbon Vision 2030) “A shift towards gas based economy would require
adequate availability of natural gas through domestic
Date of notification: 9th February 2016
production as well as imports, adequate investments in
Government of India released the pipeline, LNG import terminal and City Gas Distribution
Hydrocarbon Vision Document
infrastructure and even financial support in the form of
2030 for NE Region with the aim of
preparing a roadmap for the next incentives.”
15 years to increase the production Shri Dharmendra Pradhan
of oil and gas in NE and outlining Minister of State (Independent Charge) - Petroleum and Natural Gas
the necessary investment in the 5th IEF (International Energy Forum) - IGU (International Gas Union)
hydrocarbon sector to increase Ministerial Gas Forum, 2016.
exploration activities, etc. The vision
2.1.11. New Domestic Natural Gas parks, urban areas, firing ranges, the nomination regime by NOCs. The
Pricing Guidelines etc. policy aims to arrest the rate of decline
4. Swapping of 2D seismic with 3D of old and maturing fields with NOCs
Date of Notification: 25th October
2014 Seismic Work Program and vice- and enhance the ultimate recoveries
versa of hydrocarbon from such fields in the
1. This pricing policy is based on the order of around 10%.
prevailing hub prices of United 5. Entry into subsequent phase after
States, Mexico, Canada, European payment of Cost of Unfinished Expected Positive Outcome of the
Union and Russia; and has price Work Program of previous phases Policy:
revision cycle of six months. The policy is expected to enhance the
6. Condoning the delays in
2. To protect the interests of submission of notice for entering production through technological and
consumers as well as producers, a subsequent phase and condoning other collaborations with global service
ceiling based on the landed cost delays in submission of Annual providers working in the E&P domain.
of the alternate fuel has been & Appraisal - Work Program and
imposed. Budget 2.2. Recent Projects
3. Ceiling price in USD per MMBTU 7. Drilling of Appraisal wells after initiated by Govt.
(GCV) to be calculated as lowest of submission of DoC
(i) the landed price of imported fuel 2.2.1.Re-assessment of Hydrocarbon
8. Probing additional reservoirs Resources in India
oil, (ii) the weighted average import
during appraisal programme
landed price of substitute fuels and Date of notification: 21st January 2014
(iii) the landed price of imported LNG. 9. Acceptance of discoveries for
which notification has not been Given that the last hydrocarbon
4. The pricing is notified for every six resources assessment was carried
made as per PSC provision
months by Petroleum Planning and out almost two decades ago, a Multi-
Analysis Cell of MoP&NG. Positive Outcome of the Policy:
Organization Team (MOT) has been
Positive Outcome of the Policy: 1. 40+ issues have been resolved constituted to carry out re-assessment
2. Enabled early monetization of oil of hydrocarbon resources of India in
Indian gas markets to move towards
and gas discoveries in 5 blocks, all its 26 sedimentary basins which
a largely uniform formula based gas
which would result in exploitation is being undertaken by ONGC in
of about 34.06 million barrels of oil association with OIL and DGH.
2.1.12. Policy Framework for and about 0.731 TCF of gas reserves Status of project:
Relaxations, Extensions and
Clarifications at the Development 3. Will also help in probing additional 1. Work has been initiated at seven
and Production stage under PSC reservoir and submission of robust work centres of ONGC for eight
regime for early monetization of FDP in 3 blocks, having estimated priority basins.
hydrocarbon discoveries reserves of about 172.34 million
barrel of oil and 1.934 TCF of gas 2. Entire work for all 26 sedimentary
Date of Notification: 18th October basins is expected to be completed
2014 4. 11 cases of entire block area or part by November 2017.
of block area overlapping with
This policy framework was developed special economic zone, reserve 3. The project is expected to provide a
to address various issues and concerns forest, naval exercise area, DRDO correct position of the hydrocarbon
regarding PSCs. It discusses the danger zone, national parks and resources available in the country
relaxation, extensions and clarifications firing range of Defence, etc. have presently.
at the Development and Production been cleared one case in is under 2.2.2. National Seismic Programme
Stage under the PSC Regime. consideration
Date of notification: 20th May 2014
Policy framework provides for 5. Helped in taking technical decisions
following relaxations: based on merits for swapping of This project was also introduced
2D seismic work program with 3D under the broad policy framework of
1. Extension of time period for
seismic work program and vice- Geo-Scientific Data Generation for
submission of DoC and FDP
versa in five blocks Hydrocarbons in Indian Sedimentary
2. Drilling of Appraisal Well after Basins to appraise the un-appraised
2.1.13. Policy for Production
submission of DoC and probing onland areas in 26 sedimentary basins
Enhancement Contract (PEC) for
additional reservoir during by ONGC & OIL.
nomination areas under NOCs [under
appraisal program
formulation] OIL has been assigned to carry out
3. Reduction of Minimum Work 2D seismic API of 7408 LKM falling in
The Production Enhancement Contract
Program in case of overlapping of North Eastern part of India covering
(PEC) policy formulation in the final
blocks with SEZ, reserve forests, states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
DRDO danger zones, national stages. The policy is for matured/
old acreages being operated under Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and


A New E&P Paradigm 41

Mizoram and ONGC has been assigned d. Validity of the Provisional Letter private players to undertake G&G
to carry out 2D seismic API of approx. of Consent will be for six months. activities and sell the data to earn
40,835 LKM seismic data in onland DGH will have power to extend the profits by sharing a copy of data
part of 22 sedimentary basins of India validity up to a maximum period of with the Government. The policy
one year. Within these six months encourages deployment of cutting
Status of project: the Service Provider will look for edge technology by private players.
So far, out of 24 states, in-principal pre-committers for pre-funding of
the Project. If the pre-commitments 2.2.4. National Data Repository
approval from 22 states and forest
permissions from 18 states have been look positive, then only the Service India has a long history of Exploration
obtained. Provider goes ahead with the and Production (E&P) activities for
signing of the Non-exclusive Multi- oil and gas which goes back to 19th
2.2.3. Non-Exclusive Multi Client Geo client Agreement. century. Over a period of time a huge
Scientific Survey
Stage II: amount of E&P data has been acquired
Date of notification: 20th May 2014 by public and private E&P companies
a. The applicant would submit
supplemented by various government
MoP&NG vide letter dated 20.05.2014 the Non-exclusive Multi-client
Agreement with all necessary bodies and Institutions. With the
has approved the Policy for Geo-
details to DGH and would pay a increased pace of E&P activities after Pre-
Scientific Data Generation for
Hydrocarbons in Indian Sedimentary Project Fee of US$ 10,000. NELP and NELP rounds since 1990, the
Basins and the Agreement to carry rate of data generation has been quite
b. Applicant Company would furnish significant in last couple of decades.
out Non-exclusive Multi-client Geo- a Data Delivery Bank Guarantee of
scientific Surveys / Activities relating US$ 100,000 and the same shall Taking cognizance that E&P data
to Hydrocarbons.This project aims to remain valid for 180 days after is a national asset and to make this
get quality data in offshore basinal expiry of the Survey Period (or entire data available for commercial
areas and to acquire high quality of extended survey period). exploitation, research & development
geophysical/seismic for sedimentary
purpose, National Data Repository was
basins. DGH will administer the Policy c. Survey Period will be for a Period of
2 years from signing of Agreement set up by DGH on behalf of Ministry
on behalf of GoI and GoI will continue
and may be extended for maximum of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt of
to be the owner of the data acquired
period of 12 months by paying 60% India. NDR has the following broad
under this Policy.
percent of the Project Fees (Project objectives:
Policy brief: Extension Fee) or pro-rata thereof ii To validate, store, maintain and
The approval process will consist of along with the extended Data reproduce reliable E&P data with
two stages. Delivery Bank Guarantee. provisions for seamless access
d. No liquidated damages if the online and offline
Stage I:
generated data is less than that ii To facilitate efficient data reporting,
a. Service Providers will submit the proposed in the Non-exclusive data exchange and trading among
proposal along with an Application multi-client Agreement. existing players
Fee (US$ 1,000)
e. Agreement shall remain valid for a ii To improve DGH ability to monitor
b. DGH will seek clearances from MoD period of 12 years from the signing and control E&P activities
and MoHA for the survey area and of Agreement, (including the
ii To support E&P activities in India
company extended Survey period).
under Hydrocarbon Exploration
c. Subsequently to obtaining Status of project: and Licensing Policy (HELP) for
clearance, DGH will issue a improved E&P environment in India
“Provisional Letter of Consent” to So far, proposals have been submitted
for 3 areas and work has been initiated ii To provide data for processing,
Service Provider that will help the
in 1 area. interpretation and visualization
applicant company to approach
and tie up pre-funding with Expected Positive Outcome: ii To strengthen overall Geo-scientific
prospective buyers of the data to activities in India
The policy will encourage competent
be generated.

Build-Populate-Operate Model

Award Site Preparation Build Up Initial Population Operation

March 2014 (9 Months) (3 Months) (12 Months) (48 Months)

March, 2014 December, 2014 March, 2015 March, 2016 March, 2020
Fig. 2.1.
NDR is a Government-sponsored data bank to preserve and disseminate Oil & Gas complete backend support to OALP
information, which is based on "Build, Populate and Operate" Model on a turnkey /HELP and DSF programs for an
basis. Given that augmentation of data is a continuous process, data is acquired improved Global E&P Business
on a perpetual basis. Being one-stop and the only legal source of E&P data of Environment in India.
India, NDR will be the base for rolling out Open Acreage Licensing Programme
Setting up of NDR is the key facilitator
(OALP) mechanism under HELP supporting the program at implementation
to provide a rapid jumpstart to E&P
level. Setting up of NDR is the key facilitator to provide a rapid jumpstart to E&P
activities in India.
activities in India. The key beneficiaries of NDR- E&P operators, Govt. agencies,
Universities, Research Institutes & Parties entitled by DGH. Status of the project:
Given that augmentation of data is
NDR: Backbone of a continuous process, data is being
NDR E&P Activities in India
populated in NDR on a perpetual
basis. The E&P data population in NDR
has been done at a fast pace to meet
the demands for data requests from
Hydrocarbon Exploration and
E&P companies intending to submit
Licensing Policy (HELP)
EOI under current round of OALP or
carrying out G&G studies as well as to
operators awarded the fields under
Open Acreage Licensing Discovered R&D Activities DSF-I round for timely submission of
Program (OALP) Small Fields-II Govt, Academia FDPs and start early productions.
2.2.5. Site Restoration Guidelines for
Petroleum Operations
Date of notification: 9th October 2017
Petroleum Non-Exclusive
Operations Government of India constituted a
Multi-client Geo-
Contract (RC)
Contract (POC) ScientificActivities committee for formulation of Site
Restoration guidelines for petroleum
operations. The draft report has
been reviewed by the committee
members and Recommendation
of committee members have been
finalized, adopted and submitted to
Fig. 2.2. NDR: Backbone of E&P Activities in India Ministry for notification. The guidelines
aim to lay down the procedures
Some of the key features of NDR are: for site restoration to be carried
i. State of the art Primary Data Centre (PDC) equipped for data storage capacity out by operator and to establish
of 156TB of hard disk to store processed data& 720TB robotic tape library transparent policies and procedures for
abandonment and decommissioning of
ii. Secondary Data Centre (SDC) facility with 60TB for Disaster Recovery and petroleum operational activities
Business Continuity to be opened at Bhubaneshwar
NDR is located on fifth and sixth floors
iii. Real time data replication between PDC & SDC
of DGH Office, OIDB Bhavan, NOIDA. It
iv. Fully equipped Data Visualization Rooms set up for viewing G&G data was established on Build, Populate and
v. Skill Development Centre facility for specialized training Operate Model on a turnkey basis by
Halliburton Offshore Services Inc. with
vi. Highly secured access with multiple biometric entry and exit points for following timelines:
separate teams
Status of project:
vii. Network access secured by two layers of firewall
The document will serve as a guide for
NDR is located on fifth and sixth floors of DGH Office, OIDB Bhavan, NOIDA. It understanding the broad guidelines
was established on Build, Populate and Operate Model on a turnkey basis by and procedures pertaining to site
Halliburton Offshore Services Inc. with following timelines: restoration for petroleum operations.
NDR is a world-class IT enabled centre to store and retrieve national Exploration The document is currently available on
and Production (E&P) data with provisions of seamless access, data visualization public domain.
and purchase. This is the core element of data aggregation and data trading
across E&P operators and Geo-scientific agencies, supporting DGH’s ability
to monitor and control the E&P activities in the country. NDR aims to provide


A New E&P Paradigm 43

As on 31st October, 2017 data available in NDR:

i ~17 lakh LKM of 2D seismic data
i ~6 lakh SKM of 3D seismic data
i 9,400 well log & 11,900 well header data
i NDR expected to be inaugurated shortly
Way forward to NDR
i Cloud based solution for virtual data room.
i Interpretation solution in Physical data viewing room.
i ISO certification

2D Survey

3D Survey


Fig. 2.3. Composite view of populated data

Data Population: Success Story

1.8 1.75
0.8 0.64
0.6 0.41
2D Process 3D Process
Data Loading Target - 5 years (03.03.2015 to 02.03.2020)
Achievement in - 2 years 08 months (31 October 2017)

Fig. 2.4. Seismic data loading Target in Achievement Fig. 2.5. Reports loading target in achievement
A New E&P Paradigm 45
The quantum of Exploration and Production (E&P) activities in a country is indicative of
the investment environment and regulatory framework in place. Despite relatively low
crude prices globally, substantial E&P activities have been carried out in the country
in 2016-17 which augurs of the consistent government policies in-place. The chapter
encompasses the gamut of these activities. Also provided are the details of hydrocarbon
discoveries made in 2016-17 and statistics of exploration activities, development activities
and production of the country.

3.1. Exploration Activities

In FY 2016-17, cumulative 14,624 LKM 2D offshore seismic data was acquired in comparison
to 4,616.75 LKM in onshore area most of which was carried out under PSC regime by Pvt.
companies/JVs. 7,825.29 SKM of 3D seismic data was acquired in Onland and 5,822.98 SKM 3D
seismic data was acquired in offshore area, majority of 3D data was generated by ONGC in its
nomination areas. Total 141 exploratory wells (including onland and offshore) amounting to a
drilling meterage of 3,92,309 m were drilled.
Details of exploratory activities in Nomination & PSC regime in FY 2016-17 compiled in Table 3.1
and company-wise exploratory activities under PSC regime are provided in Table 3.2.

Table 3.1. Exploratory efforts in Nomination & PSC regime in FY 2016-17

No. Subject Parameter Pvt./JVs Total
(Nomination) (Nomination)

2D seismic 262.7 196.96 4,157.09 4,616.75
1 data
acquired Offshore
1,4624 1,4624

Total 2D Seismic 262.7 196.96 18,781.09 19,240.75

3D seismic 2,263.61 67.08 5,494.60 7,825.29
2 data
acquired Offshore
5,011.98 811 5,822.98

Total 3D Seismic 7,275.59 67.08 6,305.60 13,648.27

Exploratory Onland 52 19 30 101

wells drilled Offshore 31 9 40

Total Exploratory Wells 83 19 39 141

Exploratory 131.99 63.88 78.37 274.24
4 Meterage
drilled Offshore
92.69 25.39 118.07
Total Exploratory Meterage
224.67 63.88 103.75 392.31


A New E&P Paradigm 47
Table 3.2. Exploratory efforts by Companies in FY 2016-17 under PSC regime

Operator 2D (LKM) 3D (SKM) Exploratory Wells

Indian Private
Cairn Energy India Pvt. Ltd. 3,124 811 1
Focus Energy Ltd. 11,500 0 1
Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Limited 110 1,151 0
Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Limited 104.11 0 0
Pan India Consultants 0 0 2
Reliance Industries Ltd. 0 0 6
Indian Private Total 14,838.11 1,962 10
Bharat Petro Resources Ltd. 10 131 2
GAIL (India) Limited 0 500 6
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 3,932.98 3,634.60 17
Oil India Ltd. 0 78 4
PSU Total 3,942.98 4,343.60 29
Grand Total 18,781.09 6,305.60 39

National Oil Companies (NOCs)/PSUs have generated out 4,403 LKM in 2D seismic, 11,686 SKM in 3D seismic and drilled 131
exploratory wells in 2016-17. Cumulative of 11,65,496 LKM of 2D seismic and 2,98,614 SKM of 3D seismic have been acquired
and 6,632 exploratory wells have been drilled by PSUs till date.

Private E&P companies have generated out 14,838 LKM in 2D seismic, 1,962 SKM in 3D seismic and drilled 10 exploratory wells
in 2016-17. Cumulative of 1,28,944 LKM of 2D seismic and 1,09,471 SKM of 3D seismic have been acquired and 357 exploratory
wells have been drilled by private E&P companies till date. Foreign companies have carried out 64,790 LKM of 2D seismic
survey, 22,143.39 SKM of 3D seismic survey and have drilled 249 exploratory wells till March 2017. Company-wise details are in
Table 3.3.

Table 3.3. Exploratory efforts by operators in Indian E&P sector

As on FY 2016-17
No. Company (Operator) Exploratory Wells
2D Seismic (LKM) 3D Seismic (SKM)

1 ONGC - Nomination 8,82,587.48 1,20,282.46 5,880
2 Oil India Ltd. - Nomination 73,729.56 12,547.34 381
3 ONGC - PSC regime 2,00,375.9 1,45,273.84 243
4 Oil India Ltd. - PSC regime 2,022.2 7,139 87
5 Bharat Petro Resources Ltd. 20 221.55 4
6 Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 6,421 1,1371 16
7 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0 277 7
8 Gail (India) Limited. 0 1,077 6
9 National Thermal Power Corporation 340 425 8
PSUs Total 11,65,496.14 2,98,614.19 6,632


A New E&P Paradigm 49

As on FY 2016-17
No. Company (Operator) Exploratory Wells
2D Seismic (LKM) 3D Seismic (SKM)
Indian Private
10 Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd. 0 3,586 0
11 Essar Oil Ltd. 4,425 1619 18
12 Cairn India 6,833 3,240.39 49
13 Esveegee Steel (Gujarat) Pvt. Ltd. 0 135 0
14 Focus Energy Ltd. 26,287.56 5,717.77 98
15 Geo Enpro 52 114 2
16 Hindusthan Oil Exploration Company Ltd. 736 3,011 15
17 Interlink Petroleum Ltd. 0 64 2
18 Jay Polychem (India) Ltd. 0 268 2
19 Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Limited, 796.25 638 14
20 Mercator Petroleum Private Limited 773 175 5
21 Pan India Consultants 0 0 2
22 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd. 2,050 304 2
23 Reliance Industries Ltd. 86,475 90,316 140
24 Selan Expl. Tech. Ltd. 166 132 5
25 Omkar Naturals Resources Pvt. Ltd. 350 83 1
26 Sintex Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. 0 68 2
Indian Private Total 1,28,943.81 10,9,471.16 357
27 BHP Billiton Pty. Ltd. 12,806 0 0
28 British Gas Exploration and Production (India) Ltd. 2,006 5,187 15
29 Cairn Energy India Pvt Ltd. 19,925 6,684.39 180
30 Canoro Resources Ltd. 346 104 4
31 ENI (India) Ltd. 5,141 3,170 1
32 Geo-Global Resources Inc. 476 0 0
33 Geo-Petrol International Inc. 206 0 0
34 Hardy E&P India Inc. 518 718 4
35 Heramac Ltd. 0 9 2
36 Naftogaz 319 537 8
37 Niko Resources Limited. 161 1,304 26
38 OAO Gazprom 4,932 530 3
39 Oilex-NL Holdings Ltd 0 178 1
40 Okland Offshore Holdings Ltd. 0 0 1
41 Petrogas 440 1,120 3
42 Premier Oil North East India. 261 0 1
43 Santos International Operations Pty. Ltd. 17,253 2,602 0
Foreign Total 64,790 22,143.39 249
Grand Total 13,59,229.95 4,30,228.7444 7,238


2D Seismic (LKM)






05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
7265.17 4772.17 4029.04 11660 9124.7 11114.5 7473.97 1103.74 675.31 1248.78 968.56 4616.75
12780.5 37477 25520.2 146158 29667 29903.1 46835 3313 3127.58 4886 6847.56 14624
20045.7 42249.1 29549.2 157818 38791.7 41017.6 54309 4416.74 3802.89 6134.78 7816.12 19240.8
2D Onland 2D Offshore Total 2D
Fig. 3.1. Year-wise 2D Seismic data generated



3D Seismic (SKM)





05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
4415.64 7195.4 8302.25 14046.14 9276.57 7100.97 7762.7 5074.77 2984.35 2398.46 2101.41 7825.29

39344.1 45092.75 27604.81 51507.53 57312.5 40015 26852 13984 9429.656 10948.71 4134.71 5822.98

43759.74 52288.15 35907.06 65553.67 66589.07 47115.97 34614.7 19058.77 12414.006 13347.17 6236.12 13648.27

3D Onland 3D Offshore Total 3D

Fig. 3.2. Year-wise 3D Seismic data generated


A New E&P Paradigm 51

250 600

Exploratory Wells Meterage (km)

200 500
No. of Exploratory Wells

50 100

0 0
05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
192 163 199 207 203 190 212 160 172 177 138 141

561.62 406.96 524.34 536.03 598.10 556.29 585.44 477.12 505.38 454.55 403.72 392.31

No. of Exploratory Wells Exploratory Wells Meterage (km)

Fig. 3.3. Year-wise Exploratory wells drilled

3.2. Development Activities

3.2.1. Development wells drilled and meterage in 2016-17

Total 398 development wells were drilled by NOCs and Pvt./JVs in FY 2016-17 with a cumulative development well meterage
to 8,41,560 m. Majority of the wells were drilled by ONGC in its onland nomination areas.
Table 3.4. Development wells and meterage

Subject Parameter ONGC (Nomination) Oil (Nomination) Pvt./JVs Total

Onland 266 37 9 312
Development Wells Drilled
Offshore 86 0 0 86
Total Development Wells Drilled 352 37 9 398
Onland ('000 m) 493.05 105.44 21.21 619.69
Development Meterage Drilled
Offshore ('000 m) 221.87 0 0 221.87
Total Development Meterage Drilled 714.92 105.44 21.21 841.56

Fig. 3.4. Year-wise Development wells drilled

3.2.2. Discoveries in development phase in FY 2016-17
Five Field Development Plans (FDPs) were approved in FY 2016-17. Details are as
a. Aliabet – 2, 3 and 4
Aliabet 2, 3 and 4 are Gas discoveries in NELP-V block CB-OSN-2003/1 and
located in Gulf of Cambay area. Major portion of the block lies in the western
offshore continuation of Jambusar Broach Tectonic block. Petroleum system in
the area consists of Cambay shale as source rock, Hazad member and Dadhar
formation as reservoir rock and Shale members above it as Cap rock. Present
development plan envisages production from 7 wells by September 2018.

Table 3.5. Bolck details of CB-OSN-2003/1

Block CB-OSN-2003/1
Location Cambay (Shallow water)
Round NELP-V
Development Area 243 sq. km.
Consortium ONGC (100%)
Operator ONGC
b. GSAH#5
GSAH#5 an oil discovery is located in CB-ONN-2000/1 block in Cambay basin
which is proven for commercial production of hydrocarbon. The basin in a narrow
elongated intra-cratonic rift graben and split into 5 tectonic blocks from south to
north namely Narmada-Tapti, Broach-Jambusar, Cambay-Tarapur, Ahmedabad-
Mehsana and Patan-Tharad block.There are number of developed and proven oil
and gas fields around the area to the northeast and east of the block, namely,
Kalol, Sananad, Jhalora, Nawagam, Dholka, Baola, South Kadi and Bechraji.
Present development plan aims to commence production by 2017 from 6 wells.

Table 3.6. Bolck details of CB-ONN-2000/1

Block CB-ONN-2000/1
Location Cambay Onland
Development Area 37.32 sq. km.
Consortium GSPC (50%) GAIL (50%)
Operator GSPC

c. Mangala (Revision 1-A)

Mangala field is under development phase in the block RJ-ON-90/1, a part of
DA-1. Original FDP of Mangala field was approved in 2006 and Revision to FDP
approved in July 2009. The discovery of hydrocarbon is from Fatehgarh formation
of Palaeocene age. Revision 1A to FDP was approved in March 2017. Present
revision 1A includes additional development activities and revised production
profile with incremental oil gain. Mangala field is under production since 2009.


A New E&P Paradigm 53

Table 3.7. Bolck details of RJ-ON-90/1

Block RJ-ON-90/1
Location Barmer Basin
Round Pre-NELP
Development Area 1859 Sq Km (DA-1
Consortium Vedanta (35%),CEHL (35%) & ONGC (30%)
Operator Vedanta (Cairn India)
d. Dirok Discovery
Dirok gas discovery was made in Block AAP-ON-94/1, block of Assam-Arakan
Basin. Dirok structure is bounded between the Kumsai & Margherita thrusts.
Discovery is found in Girujan formation of Miocene age. Multiple sands have been
encountered in existing wells.
Table 3.8. Bolck details of AAP-ON-94/1

Block AAP-ON-94/1
Location Assam-Arakan Basin (Onland)
Round Pre-NELP
Development Area 110 Sq. Km
Consortium HOEC (40.32%), OIL (16.12%) & IOC (43.56%)
Operator HOEC
e. Chandrika, Saveri, Alankari, NL#2 & Malhar- 1 Discoveries
Five gas discoveries namely Chandrika, Saveri, Alankari, NL#2 & Malhar- 1 made
in shallow water. Block KG-OSN-2004/1 have entered development phase.
Hydrocarbon found in Chandrika, Alankari, NL#2 & Malhar- 1 discoveries are of
Pliocene age & Saveri discovery is of Eocene age. Lower tertiary sequence in
block is mostly represented by the Shelfal, slope or basinal depositional system.
The reservoir of Pliocene probed in most of the wells are of high quality, clean
sands of Offshore bars or channel and slope fans. Present development plan aims
to commence production by March 2019 from 8 wells.
Table 3.9. Bolck details of KG-OSN-2004/1

Block KG-OSN-2004/1
Location KG Basin (Shallow offshore)
Development Area 148.76 Sq. Km
Operator ONGC (100%)
3.2.3. Oil and Gas discoveries in 2016-17
Table 3.10. Oil and Gas discoveries in 2016-17

No. Name of ML/ PEL(Basin) Date of Notification Well Name Oil/ Gas
Discoveries made by ONGC
1 GK-OSN-2010/1[NELP- IX] (Gujarat Kutch) 23/03/2017 GKS101NCA-1 Gas

2 KG-OSN-2009/2[NELP - VIII] (Krishna Godavari) 18/04/2016 KGS092NASRI-1 Oil

3 MB-OSN-2005/1[NELP-VI] (Saurashtra Offshore) 04-06-2016 MBS051NAA-2 Gas

4 CB-ONN-2001/1[NELP-III] (Cambay) 29/06/2016 NDDA (Nadiad # 4) Oil

5 Golaghat District PEL (A&AA Basin [South Assam Shelf]) 28/06/2016 Suphayam-2 Oil
6 Kasomarigaon (Additional) PML [A&AA Basin (South Assam Shelf)] 15/10/2016 Dayalpur-1 Oil & Gas

7 Nambar PML [A&AA Basin (South Assam Shelf)] 13/06/2016 Nambar-12 Gas

8 Nambar PML [A&AA Basin (South Assam Shelf)] 10/02/2017 (KHBB_Z) Khoraghat-38_Z Oil & Gas
9 Namati PML [A&AA Basin (North Assam Shelf)] 26/10/2016 Geleki-390 Oil &Gas

10 Akholjuni PML (Cambay Basin) 14/02/2017 Akholjuni-29 Oil

11 South Dahej PML (Cambay Basin) 09/06/2016 Dahej-20 Gas

12 Olpad-Dandi-Extn-I PML (Cambay Basin) 29/03/2017 Olpad-47 Gas

13 Gandhar Ext-XII PML (Cambay Basin) 31/03/2017 Gandhar-724 Oil & Gas

14 Adavipalem- Ponnamanda PML (KG Onshore) 24/08/2016 Kesanapalli West Deep-1 Oil & Gas

15 Godavari Onland PML (KG Onshore) 22/09/2016 Thurupu Vipparu-1 Gas

16 Nohta-Damoh-Jabera PML (Vindhyan Basin) 06/10/2016 Jabera-4 Gas

17 South & East Bassein PML (Mumbai Offshore) 27/04/2016 B-34-2 Oil
18 BOFF PML (Mumbai Offshore) 05/12/2016 B-154N-1 Oil & Gas

19 BOFF PML (Mumbai Offshore) 18/10/2016 B-157N-1 Oil & Gas

20 BOFF PML (Mumbai Offshore) 12/02/2017 D-30-2 Oil & Gas

21 ‘C’ Series ML (Western Offshore) 29/09/2016 B-12C-2 Gas

22 GS-15 & 23 PML [KG Offshore (SW)] 27/10/2016 GS-71-1 Oil & Gas

23 Vasishta PML [KG Offshore (SW)] 20/03/2017 G-1-N-2 Oil & Gas

Discoveries made by Oil India Limited

24 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Onshore) 07/05/2016 HJN055 Oil
25 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Onshore) 22/06/2016 NHK606 Oil
26 27 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Onshore) 23/09/2016 HJN062 Oil & Gas
27 Nahorkatiya Extension PML (Upper Assam Onshore) 14/09/2016 NHK595 Oil
28 Dumduma PML (Upper Assam Basin) 30/12/2016 HJN067 Gas
29 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Basin) 16/11/2016 MKM060 Oil
30 Tinsukia PML (Upper Assam Basin) 04/12/2016 KRJ001 Oil

31 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Basin) 17/01/2017 NHK637 Gas

32 Moran PML (Upper Assam Basin) 14/03/2017 BHB001 Oil
33 Hugrijan PML (Upper Assam Basin) 30/01/2017 MKM043 Gas


A New E&P Paradigm 55

Testing Result Zone/ Formation/ Age

Object-I (917-914 m): Flowed gas @ 1,63,000 m3/day at FTHP: 1010 psi through ½” choke. Object-I/Chhasra/ Mid. Miocene
Object-I/Syn-rift play/Upper
Object-I (3889-3882, 3866-3834 m): Flowed oil @ 32 bpd and gas @ 820 m3/day) through 12/64” choke.
Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
Object-I (2465.5-2462 m): Flowed gas @ 95,275 m3/day, condensate @ 72 bpd at FTHP: 1600 psi through Object-I/Daman plays/Upper
3/8”choke Oligocene
Object-I/Younger Cambay Shale
Object-I (1618-1613 m): Flowed oil @ 9 m3/day at FTHP: 14 kg/cm2 through 4.0 mm bean
(YCS) pay/Lower Eocene
Object-IV (2310-2306 m): Flowed oil @ 38.4 m3/day (WC-5%) and gas @ 14,747 m3/day through 6 mm bean. Object-IV/Bokabil plays/Miocene
Object-IIA (2956-2952 m –Sylhet): Flowed oil @ 91.7 m3/d & gas @ 6417 m3/d through 6.0 mm bean Object-IIA/Sylhet/Middle Eocene
Object-I (2578-76 & 2574.5-72 m): Flowed gas @ 66,533 m3/day and condensate @ 1.68 m3/day (API° 53.3)
Object-I/Sylhet/Middle Eocene
through 6 mm bean.
Object-II (2330-2327.5 m): Flowed oil @ 10.44 m3/day & gas @ 34000 m3/day through 6.0 mm bean Object-II/Sylhet/Middle Eocene
Object-I (3707-3701 m, TS-6B): Well flowed oil @ 12 m3/day & gas @ 6500 m3/day on gas lift Object-I/TS-6B- Tipam/Pliocene
Object-I (1458.5-56 m) &Obj-II (1454-53 & 1452-50 m): Flowed oil @ 39.0 m3/day through 5.0 mm bean at
Object-I/MBS pay/Miocene
FTHP-16 kg/cm2.
Object-II (3600-3596.5 m): Flowed gas @ 71,700 m3/day and condensate @ 38.32 m3/day at FTHP: 2750 psi Object-II/Hazad/Early to mid
through 6.0 mm bean. Eocene
Object-V: (1223-1219 m): Flowed gas @ 50,885 m3/day at FTHP: 1050 psi through 7.0 mm bean. Object-V/Tarkeshwar/Early Miocene
Object-II: (2862-2860 m): Flowed oil @ 60 m3/day and gas @ 4857 m3/day through 6.0 mm bean at FTHP:
785 psi.
Object-I (2899 – 2908 m): Flowed oil @ 327 m3/d and gas @ 58000 m3/d through 8.0 mm bean Object-I/Vadaparu/Eocene
Object-I (2553-50 & 2546-40 m): Flowed gas @1,23,500 m3/day and condensate @ 8 m3/day at FTHP: 3405 Object-I/Raghavapurm Fm./Late
psi through 6.0 mm bean. Cretaceous
Object-I/Middle Rohtas Limestone/
Object-I (1350-1279 m, barefoot): Flowed gas @ 1536 m3/day with FTHP: 3 kg/cm2 through 6 mm bean.
Object-I (2907-2903 m): Flowed oil @ 870 bpd & gas @ 48,277 m3/d at FTHP: 800 psi through 1/2” choke. Object-I/Panna/Paleocene
Object-I (3217-3211 m in Panna) flowed oil @ 776 bpd and gas @ 12785 m3/d at FTHP: 90 psi through ½” bean. Object-I/Panna/Paleocene
Object-I (2787-2784m - Panna):Flowed oil @ 2379 bpd & gas @ 86,560 m3/d at FTHP: 1900 psi through ½”
Object-II (2478-2464 m): Flowed oil @ 1190 bpd and gas @ 9748 m3/day at FTHP: 440 psi through ½” choke
Object-II/Mukta/Early Oligocene
(oil API: 34.7°)
Object-I:2465-2461.5 m: Flowed gas @ 3,39,874 m3/day, and condensate @ 560 bpd (API: 52.2°) at FTHP: Object-I/Daman Fm./Upper
4500 psi through 3/8” choke. Oligocene
Object-I (3446-44, 3427-25.5 & 3414-06 m): Flowed oil @ 8.6 m3/d, gas @ 1315 m3/d at FTHP: 24.23 kg/
cm2 (14/64” choke). Obj-III (3276-73 & 3256-49 m): Flowed oil @ 240.39 m3/d, gas @ 168066 m3/d at FTHP: Object-III//Vadaparru Shale Fm./
194.01 kg/cm2 (28/64” choke). Obj-VI (2336.5-35.5 m): Flowed condensate. @ 85.5 m3/d, gas @ 249534 m3/d Eocene
at FTHP: 144.72 k/cm2 through 34/64” choke.
Object-I (2311-10 & 2299.5-96 m): Flowed oil @ 617.84 m3/day, gas @ 1,27,772 m3/day at FTHP: 146.41 kg/cm2
Object-I/Godavari Clay/Pliocene
through ½” choke.

Object I: (3085.0-3089.0 m, 3084.0-3090.0 m) Produced oil@ 5 KLPD through 6 mm bean. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene

Object I: (3649.0-3655.0 m) Produced oil@ 20 KLPD through 5 mm bean. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene
Object I: (2436.0-2442.0 m, 2434.0-2440.0 m) Produced gas@ 57000 SCUMD through 5 mm bean. Object-I/Upper
Object I: (2676.0-2681.0 m) Produced oil@ 37 KLPD through 7 mm bean. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene
Object I: (2798.0-2804.0 m) Produced gas at the time of testing, after unloading 38 BBLS of well fluid. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene
Object II: (2627.0-2633.0 m) Produced oil@ 26 KLPD through 12 mm bean on gas lift. Object-II/Barail/Oligocene
Object I: (4074.0-4075.0 m) Indication of heavy /high pour point oil was observed while carrying out MDT Object-I/Lk+Th/Eocene
and production testing. Well is presently kept shut in.
Object I: (2708.0 -2714.0 m) Produced gas @ 30000 SCUMD & condensate @16 KLPD through 4 mm bean. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene
Object I: (3333.0-3336.0 m) Produced oil@ 28 KLPD in Full bore. Presently well is kept shut in. Object-I/Barail/Oligocene
Object I: (2323.0-2329.0 m) Produced gas@ 30000 SCUMD. Object-I/Tipam/Miocene
Table 3.11. CB-ONN-2010/8 | Operator: BPRL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Pasunia#01/ CBPAAA/ Obj-II (1235-1239 m): Flowed Oil @ 27 bopd Established extension of Kalol-III+IV pay
K-III+IV A with immeasurable quantity of gas through in Southern part of Mehsana-Ahmedabad
12/64” bean. tectonic block. Both the objects flowed
Pasunia#02/ CBPAAB/ Obj-I (1256-1261 m): Flowed Oil @ 25 bopd oil from Late Eocene K-III+IV pay of Kalol
K-III+IV B with immeasurable quantity of gas through Formation.
24/64” bean.

Fig. 3.5. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.6. Fig. 3.7. Line passing near
Pasunia #01 & #02 the well, Pasunia #01
Table 3.12. South Dahej PML|Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. & Location Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Dahej /DJAT Dahej-20 Object-II (3600-3596.5 m): Flowed gas @ The success in this well has established
71,700 m3/day and condensate @ 38.32 commercial accumulation of gas in DS-5
m3/day at FTHP: 2750 psi through 6.0 mm sands in Dahej Field for the first time.
bean. This lead has opened up scope for further
exploration of DS-5 Pay in the surrounding

Fig. 3.8. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.9. Isochron Map at a Hortizon close to Fig. 3.10. 2D Line 214-36 passing near
Dahej-20 Base of Hazad Member the well, Dahej-20


A New E&P Paradigm 57

Table 3.13. Akholjuni PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
South Akholjuni/ Obj-I (1458.5-56 m) &Obj-II (1454-53 & 1452- The testing results of exploratory well
Akholjuni-29/ AKAP 50 m): Flowed oil @ 39.0 m3/day through Akholjuni-29 established extension of MBS
5.0 mm bean at FTHP-16 kg/cm2. pays in the southern part of Akholjuni Field
and has opened up the area towards south
for further exploration.

Fig. 3.11. Location Map Showing well, Fig. 3.12. Time Structure Map close Fig. 3.13. G214-14 Showing Well,
Akholjuni-29 to MBS Top Akholjuni-29

Table 3.14. Gandhar Ext-XII PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. & Location Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Gandhar / Gandhar-724 / Obj-II: (2862-2860 m):Flowed oil @ 60 m / 3
This commercial presence of hydrocarbon
GGAM day and gas @ 4857 m3/day through 6.0 accumulation in GS-4 Pay Sand in the north
mm bean at FTHP: 785 psi. eastern part of Gandhar Field has opened
up a new area for further exploration of this
sand in the eastern margin of the field.

Fig. 3.14. Location Map Showing well, Fig. 3.15. Time Structure Map at Fig. 3.16. Inline 1313 passing
Gandhar-724 Hazad Top through Well, Gandhar-724.
Table 3.15. Olpad-Dandi-Extn-I PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Olpad/Olpad-47 / OPAM Obj-V: (1223-1219 m): Flowed gas @ 50,885 This discovery was made nearly 10 km away
m3/day at FTHP: 1050 psi through 7.0 mm from the main Tarkeshwar Sands of Olpad
bean. Field and has opened up new exploration
area for Tarkeshwar Sands further towards

Fig. 3.17. Location Map Showing well, Fig. 3.18. Time Structure Map close to Fig. 3.19. XL-1785 passing through well,
Olpad-47 Top of Tarkeshwar Formation Olpad-47

Table: 3.16. CB-ONN-2001/1 (Nadiad PML) | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. & Location Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Nadiad-1 / NDDA / Nadiad-4 Object-I (1618-1613 m): Flowed oil @ 9 m / 3
The successful testing results of Object-I
day at FTHP: 14 kg/cm2 through 4.0 mm in this development well, Nadiad-4 has
bean established new oil pool in Younger
Cambay Shale (YCS) pay for the first time
in the block. This discovery has opened-up
new play for exploration/ development in
the block.

Fig. 3.20. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.21. Structure Contour Map on top of Fig. 3.22. In line 533 passing near
Nadiad-4 Chhatral well, ND-4


A New E&P Paradigm 59


Table: 3.17. Golaghat District PEL | Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Suphayam / SUAA/ Object-IV (2310-2306 m): Flowed oil @ 38.4 This New Prospect discovery has provided
Suphayam-2 m3/day (WC-5%) and gas @ 14,747 m3/day a major lead for Bokabil plays in the entire
through 6 mm bean. sector between Kasomarigaon in the north
to Khoraghat towards the south. This
success would also facilitate conversion of
Golaghat District PEL into regular long term

Fig. 3.23. Location Map showing Fig. 3.24. Time Structure Map close to Fig. 3.25. Crossline 1645 passing
well, SU-2 Sylhet top through well, SU-2

Table: 3.18. Kasomarigaon(Additional)PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. & Location Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Dayalpur/ SUAB/ Dayalpur-1 Obj-IIA (2956-2952 m–Sylhet): Flowed oil This discovery with multiple plays has
@ 91.7 m3/d & gas @ 6417 m3/d through opened up a large area for further
6.0 mm bean exploration. The success in this well
has helped in establishing the Sylhet
prospectivity in Dayalpur sector of South
Assam Shelf and will facilitate conversion of
seven Year Kasomarigaon (Additional) PML
in to regular PML.

Fig. 3.26. Location Map showing Fig. 3.27. Structure Map on Top Fig. 3.28. Inline-1485 Passing Through
Dayalpur-1 of Sylhet Well, Dayalpur-1 with interpreted
Table: 3.19. Nambar PML | Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Nambar / NRAF / Nambar-12 Object-I (2578-76 & 2574.5-72 m): Flowed The success in this well has reinforced
gas @ 66,533 m3/day and condensate hydrocarbon prospectivity perception of
@ 1.68 m3/day (API° 53.3) through 6 mm Sylhet play in Nambar Field of South Assam
bean. Shelf and has opened up deeper plays for
further exploration in this sector.

Fig. 3.29. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.30. Time Structure Map close to Fig. 3.31. Inline 800 passing through Well,
Nambar-12 Kopili Pay Nambar-12

Table: 3.20. Nambar PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. & Location Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Khoraghat/ (KHBB_Z) Obj-II (2330-2327.5 m): Flowed oil @ 10.44 The success in this well has helped in
Khoraghat-38_Z m3/day & gas @ 34000 m3/day through establishing the Sylhet prospectivity in
6.0 mm bean west Khoraghat sector of South Assam
Shelf and will open new areas for Sylhet

Fig. 3.32. Location Map showing well Fig. 3.33. Time Structure Map close to Fig. 3.34. Inline-858 passing through well
Khoraghat-38_Z Sylhet Top Khoraghat-38_Z


A New E&P Paradigm 61

Table: 3.21. Namati PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
South West Geleki / GKHX / Obj-I (3707-3701 m, TS-6B): Well flowed oil The successful testing results in this
Geleki-390 @ 12 m3/day & gas @ 6500 m3/day on gas development well has helped in establishing
lift TS-6 prospectivity (TS-6B new sand) in the
South Western part of Geleki sector of North
Assam Shelf.

Fig. 3.35. Location Map Showing Well, Fig. 3.36. Structure Contour Map of TS-6B pay
Geleki-390 sand of G-390 Block
Table: 3.22. Nohta-Damoh-Jabera PML| Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Jabera / RJBF / Jabera-4 Object-I (1350-1279 m, barefoot): Flowed The lead established in well, Jabera-4 has
gas @ 1536 m3/day with FTHP: 3 kg/cm2 enhanced the prospectivity of Rohtas
through 6 mm bean. Formation in Nohta-Damoh-Jabera PML,
particularly in the area west of Jabera

Fig. 3.37. Location Map of Jabera-4 Fig. 3.38. Time Structure Map close Fig. 3.39. Line MP-29-10 passing
to Rohtas top through well


A New E&P Paradigm 63


Table: 3.23. South & East Bassein PML | Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
B-34 / B-34-B / B 34-2 Obj-I (2907-2903 m): Flowed oil @ 870 bpd & The discovery has opened up the area west
gas @ 48,277 m3/d at FTHP: 800 psi through of B-28A for Panna exploration (which is
1/2” choke. close to the B-28A development area) and
hence any further successes in the area can
be monetised early.

Fig. 3.40. Location Map Fig. 3.41. Depth Structure Map on top of Fig. 3.42. Inline 2640 passing
showing well, B-34-2 Panna (H4) through well, B-34-2

Table: 3.24. BOFF PML| Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
B-157N/B-157N-A /B-157N-1 Obj-I (2787-2784m - Panna): Flowed oil This discovery in Panna Formation has
@ 2379 bpd & gas @ 86,560 m3/d at FTHP: opened up a large area for Panna exploration
1900 psi through ½” choke. in the North of Mukta area.

Fig. 3.43. Prospect Map Showing Fig. 3.44. Structure Map at Panna Fig. 3.45. Crossline 3362 Showing well,
B-157N-1 (H-4) Top B-157N-1
Table: 3.25. BOFF PML| Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
B-154N/B-154N-A /B-154N-1 Object-I (3217-3211 m in Panna) flowed This discovery has opened up scope of
oil @ 776 bpd and gas @ 12785 m3/d at exploration of hydrocarbons in Panna plays
FTHP: 90 psi through ½” bean. in this area.

Fig. 3.46. Prospect Map Showing Fig. 3.47. Structure Map on top Fig. 3.48. Inline 2020 Passing through
B-154N Structure of H4 Level well, B-154N-1

Table: 3.26. BOFF PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
D-30/D-30-2/D-30-A Obj-II (2478-2464 m): Flowed oil @ 1190 bpd This discovery in well, D-30-2 has proved
and gas @ 9748 m3/day at FTHP: 440 psi presence of hydrocarbon beyond Cluster-7
through ½” choke (oil API: 34.7°) structures and has opened up more area
for further exploration. It will also help to
convert part of BOFF PML from seven years
to long term.

Fig. 3.49. Location Map Showing Fig. 3.50. Time Structure Map at Fig. 3.51. Inline 2945 passing through
well, D-30-2 H3-A Top well, D-30-2


A New E&P Paradigm 65


Table: 3.27. ‘C’ Series ML | Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
B-12(Dahanu)/ B-12C-A/ Obj-I: 2465-2461.5 m: Flowed gas @ This New pool discovery in Daman
B-12C-2 3,39,874 m3/day, and condensate @ 560 bpd Sand-55 has imparted great impetus for
(API: 52.2°) at FTHP: 4500 psi through 3/8” future exploration and opened up large area
choke. besides providing additional volumes for
further development of Daman Development

Fig. 3.52. Location Map of well, Fig. 3.53. Structure Map at Fig. 3.54. Inline 1890 Passing through Well,
B-12C-2 (B-12C-A) Daman Top B-12C-2 (A)
Table: 3.28. Godavari Onland PML|Operator: ONGC
Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Penugonda/TVAA /Thurupu Object-I (2553-50 & 2546-40 m): Flowed This discovery (Thurupu Vipparu-1)
Vipparu-1 gas @1,23,500 m3/day and condensate has confirmed the spatial extension of
@ 8 m3/day at FTHP: 3405 psi through Penugonda Pay in the north west within
6.0 mm bean. the axial low between Tanuku and Kavitam

Fig. 3.55. Location Map of Well, Fig. 3.56. Time Structure Map on Top of Fig. 3.57. Inline 1766 Passing through
TV-1 (TVAA) TV-1 Pay Sand (Obj-I) Well, TV-1

Table: 3.29. Adavipalem- Ponnamanda PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Kesanaplli / KWD-AA/ Object-I (2899 – 2908 m: Flowed oil This is a New Pool oil & gas discovery within
Kesanapalli West Deep-1 @ 327 m3/d and gas @ 58000 m3/d through Vadaparru Formation in the producing field,
8.0 mm bean. Kesanapalli West with excellent flow rates.
It has been put on production which will
immediately augment the production from
the PML and will further consolidate the
potential of Vadaparu Formation.

Fig. 3.58. Location Map of Fig. 3.59. Structure Map close to top of Fig. 3.60. Inline 726
well, KWD-1 SD-1D pay sand of well GS-KW-6 through KWD-1


A New E&P Paradigm 67

Table: 3.30. GS-15 & 23 PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
GS-71 / GS-71-AA / GS-71-1 Obj-I (3446-44, 3427-25.5 & 3414-06 m): This lead has opened up further exploration
Flowed oil @ 8.6 m3/d, gas @ 1315 m3/d of hydrocarbons in Vadaparru & Ravva plays
at FTHP: 24.23 kg/cm2 (14/64” choke). in this area. The testing results of this well
Obj-III (3276-73 & 3256-49 m): Flowed has proved the presence of hydrocarbons
oil @ 240.39 m3/d, gas @ 168066 m3/d at within Vadaparru & Matsyapuri formation to
FTHP: 194.01 kg/cm2 (28/64” choke). Obj-VI the North of well GS-15-4.
(2336.5-35.5 m): Flowed condensate. @
85.5 m3/d, gas @ 249534 m3/d at FTHP:
144.72 k/cm2 through 34/64" choke.

Fig. 3.61. Location Map of GS-71-1-1 Fig. 3.62. Depth Map Of Horizon Close To Fig. 3.63. RC Line Through Well Path Of
with PML boundaries Object-III Of GS-71-1-ST2 GS-71-1-ST2

Table: 3.31. Vasishta PML | Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &
Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
G-1-N /G-1-N-2/ G-1-N-AB Obj-I (2311-10 & 2299.5-96 m): Flowed oil The establishment of hydrocarbon in
@ 617.84 m3/day, gas @ 1,27,772 m3/day at new sand (Godavari Clay Formation) has
FTHP: 146.41 kg/cm2 through ½" choke. opened up substantial area north of G-1
Field for further exploration and also for
reassessment in the open acreage north of
G-1 Field.

Fig. 3.64. Location Map Showing Fig. 3.65. Depth Map on Top of Zone-6 (New Find) Fig. 3.66. Xline-3286 passing through
well, G-1-N-2 well G-1-N-2
Table: 3.32. KG-OSN-2009/2| Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
KGS092NA-SRI-1 /SRI-AA / Obj-I (3889-3882, 3866-3834 m): Flowed oil This is the first discovery in this NELP block
SRI-1 @ 32 bpd and gas @ 820 m3/day) through and has opened up Syn-rift play for further
12/64” choke. exploration and improved prospectivity of
the block.

Fig. 3.67. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.68. Time Map close to Syn Fig. 3.69. Inline-1382 passing
SRI-1 Rift Top through well, SRI-1


A New E&P Paradigm 69


Table: 3.33. MB-OSN-2005/1| Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
MBS051NAA-1 / Object-I (2465.5-2462 m): Flowed gas @ The successful testing result in this NELP
MBS051NAA-B / 95,275 m3/day, condensate @ 72 bpd at block has opened up more area for
MBS051NAA-2 FTHP: 1600 psi through 3/8”choke exploration of Daman plays and will help in
early monetization of the discoveries of the

Fig. 3.70. Location Map showing well, Fig. 3.71. Structure Map on top of Fig. 3.72. Inline 2567 passing
MBS051NAA-2 Daman Pay Sand-1 through well, MBS051NAA-2


Table: 3.34. GK-OSN-2010/1| Operator: ONGC

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
GKS101NCA / GKS101NCA-1 / Obj-I (917-914 m): Flowed gas @ 1,63,000 Hydrocarbon discovery in Chhasra
GKS101NCA-A m3/day at FTHP: 1010 psi through ½" choke. Formation (Mid. Miocene) beyond GK-28
area has been a major exploration lead.
It has opened up new area for further
exploration of Chhasra Formation.

Fig. 3.73. Structure Map at Early Fig. 3.74. Inline 1335 showing well
Miocene top showing well, GKS101NCA-1
Table: 3.35. Onshore/(Hugrijan PML) | Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Hapjan/ HJN055 & Loc. HRU Object I: (3085.0-3089.0 m, 3084.0-3090.0 m) Oil entrapment in Barail Formation was
Produced oil@ 5 KLPD through 6 mm bean. encountered for the first time in this
Object I produced oil from Oligocene Barail area. This new prospect discovery in
Formation. Barail Formation in the area will enhance
the prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.75. Location Map of Fig. 3.76. Depth Contour Map on near Fig. 3.77. Seismic Crossline 129
well HJN055 top of Barail 4th Sand passing through Well Hapjan-55

Table: 3.36. Onshore Hugrijan PML | Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Hapjan/ HJN062 & Loc. HYK Object I: (2436.0-2442.0 m, 2434.0-2440.0 m) Gas entrapment in Upper Tipam Formation
Produced gas@ 57000 SCUMD through 5 mm was encountered for the first time in this
bean. area.

Object I produced oil from Miocene Upper This new prospect discovery in Upper
Tipam Formation. Tipam Formation in the area will enhance
the prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.78. Location Map of Fig. 3.79. Depth Contour Map on top of Fig. 3.80. Seismic Crossline 588
well HJN062 Tipam-40 passing through Well HJN-62


A New E&P Paradigm 71

Table: 3.37. Nahorkatiya Extension PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Amgurigaon/ NHK595 & Object I: (2676.0-2681.0 m) Produced oil Oil entrapment in Oligocene Barail
Loc. NLC @ 37 KLPD through 7 mm bean. Formation was encountered for the
first time in this area.
Object I produced oil from Oligocene Barail
Formation. This new prospect discovery in Oligocene
Barail Formation in the area will enhance
the prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.81. Location Map of well Fig. 3.82. Depth Contour Map on top of Fig. 3.83. Seismic Inline 372 passing
NHK595 Barail 4th+5th Sand through Well NHK-595

Table: 3.38. Dumduma PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
North Hapjan/ HJN067 & Object I: (2798.0-2804.0 m) Produced gas Gas entrapment in Barail Formation was
Loc. DHF at the time of testing, after unloading 38 encountered for the first time in this
BBLS of well fluid. Presently shut in. Object area. This new prospect discovery in
I produced gas from Oligocene Barail Barail Formation in the area will enhance
Formation. the prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.84. Location Map of Fig. 3.85. Depth Contour Map near Fig. 3.86. Seismic Inline 165 passing
well HJN067 top of Barail 4th Sand through Well Hapjan-67
Table: 3.39. Hugrijan PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Makum/ MKM060 & Loc. Object II: (2627.0-2633.0 m) Produced oil Oil entrapment in Oligocene Barail
HYK @26 KLPD through 12 mm bean on gas lift. Formation was encountered for the first time
in this area.
Object II produced oil from Oligocene Barail
Formation. This new prospect discovery in Oligocene
Barail Formation in the area will enhance
the prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.87. Location Map of Fig. 3.88. Depth Contour Map on top of Fig. 3.89. Seismic Inline 1741 passing
well MKM060 Barail 4th+5th Sand through Well Makum-60

Table: 3.40. Tinsukia PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Kharjan / KRJ001 & Loc. TAT Object I: (4074.0-4075.0 m) Indication of Oil entrapment in Eocene Lk+Th Formation
heavy /high pour point oil was observed was encountered for the first time in this
while carrying out MDT and production area. This new prospect discovery in Eocene
testing. Well is presently kept shut in. Object Lk+Th Formation in the area will enhance
I indicated high pour point oil from Eocene the prospectivity of the area for further
Lk+Th Formation. exploration.

Fig. 3.90. Location Map of Fig. 3.91. Depth Contour Map well with Fig. 3.92. Seismic Inline 1361 passing
well KRJ001 in Lk+Th Formation through Well Kharjan-1


A New E&P Paradigm 73

Table: 3.41. Hugrijan PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Jutlibari/ NHK637 & Loc. Object I: (2708.0 -2714.0 m) Produced gas Gas entrapment in Oligocene Barail
HYT @ 30000 SCUMD & condensate @16 KLPD Formation was encountered for the first time
through 4 mm bean. Object I produced gas in this area. This new prospect discovery in
from Oligocene Barail Formation. Oligocene Barail Formation in the area will
enhance the prospectivity of the area for
further exploration.

Fig. 3.93. Location Map of Fig. 3.94. Depth Contour Map on Fig. 3.95. Seismic Inline 41 passing
well NHK637 Top of Barail 3rd Sand through Well NHK-637
Table: 3.42. Moran PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Borbhuibil / BHB001 & Loc. Object I: (3333.0-3336.0 m) Produced oil@ Oil entrapment in Oligocene Barail
MFJ 28 KLPD in Full bore. Presently well is kept Formation was encountered for the first time
shut in. Object I produced oil from Oligocene in this area. This new prospect discovery in
Barail Formation. Oligocene Barail Formation in the area will
enhance the prospectivity of the area for
further exploration.

Fig. 3.96. Location Map of well Fig. 3.97. Depth Contour Map close to Fig. 3.98. Seismic Inline 139 passing
BHB001 Barail Top through Well Borbhuibil-1
Table: 3.43. Hugrijan PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Bhadoi/ NHK606 & Loc. HTD Object I: (3649.0-3655.0 m) Produced oil Oil entrapment in Barail Formation was
@ 20 KLPD through 5 mm bean. encountered for the first time in this area.

Object I produced oil from Oligocene Barail This new prospect discovery in Barail
Formation. Formation in the area will enhance the
prospectivity of the area for further

Fig. 3.99. Location Map of well NHK606 Fig. 3.100. : Depth Contour Map Fig. 3.101. Seismic Inline 247 passing
close to Top of Barail 4th Sand through Well NHK-606

Table: 3.44. Hugrijan PML| Operator: OIL

Structure/ Well No. &

Testing Results Leads/ Expl. Efficacy
Makum/MKM043 & Loc. HVL Object I: (2323.0-2329.0 m) Produced gas Gas entrapment in Miocene Tipam
@ 30000 SCUMD. Object I produced gas Formation was encountered for the first time
from Miocene Tipam Formation. in this area. This new prospect discovery in
Miocene Tipam Formation in the area will
enhance the prospectivity of the area for
further exploration.

Fig. 3.102. Location Map of Fig. 3.103. Depth Contour Map near Fig. 3.104. Seismic Inline 1711 passing
well MKM043 Top of Tipam-60 through Well Makum-43


A New E&P Paradigm 75

Eight discoveries were made in 2016-17 under PSC regime. Most of them were in Cambay Basin (five). Details have been listed
in Table 3.45.
Table 3.45. Discoveries notified under PSC regime during the FY 2016-17

PSC Oil / Discovery

No. Discovery Name Block Basin Location Operator
Round Gas Notification Date
1 GKS101NCA-1 GK-OSN-2010/1 Gujarat Shallow NELP-IX ONGC Gas 23-03-2017
Kutch water
2 KGS092NASRI-1 KG-OSN-2009/2 Krishna Shallow NELP-VIII ONGC Oil 18-04-2016
(KGS092NASRI-AA) Godavari water
3 MBS051NAA-2 MB-OSN-2005/1 Mumbai Shallow NELP-VI ONGC Gas 06-04-2016
Offshore water
4 NDDA (Nadiad # 4) CB-ONN-2001/1 Cambay Onland NELP-III ONGC Oil 29-06-2016
5 NTPC-A1 CB-ONN-2009/5 Cambay Onland NELP-VIII NTPC Oil 12-05-2016
6 Pasunia#01 (PA#01) CB-ONN-2010/8 Cambay Onland NELP-IX BPRL Oil 23-09-2016
7 Pasunia#2 (PA#02) CB-ONN-2010/8 Cambay Onland NELP-IX BPRL Oil 27-10-2016
8 Dugari-1 CB-ONN-2010/11 Cambay Onland NELP-IX GAIL Oil 26-03-2017

Cumulatively 240 Oil and Gas discoveries were made in PSC regime, out of which 16% (39 discoveries) have been put on
production, 50% are active (121 discoveries) and yet to be put on production and remaining 33% (80 discoveries) are inactive.
Details have been listed in Table 3.46.
Table 3.46. Breakup of Active and Inactive discoveries under PSC regime

No. Status Oil Gas Total

Discoveries on Production 25 14 39
Active Discoveries (Discoveries being actively pursued for monetization by Operator)
a) Discoveries under development 21 16 37
b) Discoveries for which commerciality established 20 28 48
c) Discovery for which commerciality proposal (DoC) submitted 4 4 8
d) Discoveries in Early Stage, DoC to be submitted 12 17 28
Total (Active Discoveries) 57 65 121
Inactive Discoveries (not being executed by operators)
a) Discoveries to be monetized falling in ML areas 26 1 27
b) Revised DoC submitted, but not accepted 0 4 4
c) Discoveries not pursued/relinquished 18 31 49
Total (Inactive Discoveries) 44 36 80
Total Oil & Gas Discoveries under PSC regime (NELP/Pre NELP) 126 115 240
CBM Development 8 8
The 240 discoveries, made till date, have been classified basin-wise, region-wise and regime-wise as below:
Table 3.47. Basin-wise discoveries under various regimes as on 31.03.2017

Basin Oil Gas Total

Andaman-Nicobar - 1 1
Assam Arakan - 7 7
Cambay 67 14 81
Cauvery 3 6 9
Gujarat Kutch - 5 5
Gujarat Saurashtra - 3 3
Krishna Godavari 18 54 72
Mahanadi - 4 4
Mumbai Offshore 1 4 5
North East Coast - 9 9
Rajasthan 36 7 43
Satpura - S. Rewa-Damodar 1 1
Total 125 115 240
Table 3.48. Region wise discoveries under various regimes as on 31.03.2017

Oil Gas Total

Region PSC-Field PSC-Field
Round Round
Deep Water 8 - - 40 - - 48
On Land 48 53 2 13 10 - 126
Shallow water 5 3 6 46 5 1 66
Total 61 56 8 99 15 1 240


A New E&P Paradigm 77

Table 3.49. Details of discoveries under Pre-NELP regime as on 31.03.2017

Operator Block PSC Round Oil Gas Total

Shell Panna-Mukta PSC-Field Round 1 1
CB-OS/2 Pre-NELP 2 3 5
Cairn Ravva PSC-Field Round 5 1 6
RJ-ON-90/1 Pre-NELP 35 4 39
GK-ON/4 Pre-NELP 1 1
RJ-ON/6 Pre-NELP 3 3
GSPC CB-ON/2 Pre-NELP 11 1 12
AAP-ON-94/1 Pre-NELP 1 1
CB-ON/7 Pre-NELP 2 2
RIL SR-OS-94/1 Pre-NELP 1 1
Selan Exploration Technology Limited Karjisan PSC-Field Round 1 1
Sun Petrochemicals Pvt Ltd Baola PSC-Field Round 1 1
Total 64 16 80
Table 3.50. Details of oil and gas discoveries under NELP regime as on 31.03.2017

Operator Block PSC Round Oil Gas Grand Total

BPRL CB-ONN-2010/8 NELP-IX 2 2
Focus CB-OSN-2004/1 NELP-VI 2 3 5
GAIL CB-ONN-2010/11 NELP-IX 1 1
CB-ONN-2000/1 NELP-II 4 4
CB-ONN-2002/3 NELP-IV 8 8
CB-ONN-2003/2 NELP-V 2 1 3
KG-OSN-2001/3 NELP-III 9 9
Jay Polychem(India) Pvt. Ltd. CB-ONN-2009/8 NELP-VIII 1 1
AA-ONN-2002/1 NELP-IV 3 3
CY-ONN-2002/1 NELP-IV 1 1
MPL CB-ONN-2005/9 NELP-VII 2 2
NIKO CB-ONN-2000/2 NELP-II 2 2
KG-ONN-2004/1 NELP-VI 1 1
RJ-ONN-2004/2 NELP-VI 1 1
AA-ONN-2001/1 NELP-III 2 2
AA-ONN-2001/2 NELP-III 1 1
AN-DWN-2002/1 NELP-IV 1 1
CB-ONN-2001/1 NELP-III 2 2
CB-ONN-2002/1 NELP-IV 1 1
CB-ONN-2004/1 NELP-VI 1 1
Operator Block PSC Round Oil Gas Grand Total
CB-ONN-2004/2 NELP-VI 5 5
CB-ONN-2004/3 NELP-VI 1 1
CB-ONN-2005/4 NELP-VII 1 1
CB-OSN-2003/1 NELP-V 3 3
CY-ONN-2002/2 NELP-IV 2 1 3
CY-ONN-2004/2 NELP-VI 1 1
GK-OSN-2009/1 NELP-VIII 1 1
GK-OSN-2009/2 NELP-VIII 1 1
GK-OSN-2010/1 NELP-IX 2 2
GS-OSN-2004/1 NELP-VI 2 2
KG-DWN-2005/1 NELP-VII 1 1
KG-DWN-98/2 NELP-I 6 8 14
KG-ONN-2003/1 NELP-V 2 2
KG-OSN-2004/1 NELP-VI 7 7
KG-OSN-2009/2 NELP-VIII 1 1
MB-OSN-2005/1 NELP-VII 3 3
MB-OSN-2005/3 NELP-VII 1 1
MN-DWN-98/3 NELP-I 2 2
MN-OSN-2000/2 NELP-II 2 2
NEC-DWN-2002/2 NELP-IV 1 1
CB-ONN-2003/1 NELP-V 8 8
CY-DWN-2001/2 NELP-III 2 2
GS-OSN-2000/1 NELP-II 1 1
RIL KG-DWN-2001/1 NELP-III 1 1
KG-DWN-2003/1 NELP-V 4 4
KG-DWN-98/1 NELP-I 1 1
KG-DWN-98/3 NELP-I 1 19 20
KG-OSN-2001/1 NELP-III 3 3
KG-OSN-2001/2 NELP-III 2 2
NEC-OSN-97/2 NELP-I 8 8
Grand Total 61 99 160

Oil Gas Oil Gas

64 61

16 99

Fig. 3.105. Number of discoveries made under Pre-NELP Fig. 3.106. Number of discoveries made under NELP


A New E&P Paradigm 79

3.3. Oil and Gas Production

Targeted crude oil production for the year 2016-17 was 37.085 MMT
which was met by 97% as domestic crude oil production of India for
the year was 36.008 MMT. Domestic Gas production (31.897 BCM)
recorded 6.5% shortfall from the target 34.118 BCM. 36.008 MMT
There is 2.5% decrease in crude oil production and natural gas
production witnessed 1.1% decrease over the previous year. As
observed in previous years’ trends, NOCs operating in nomination
acreages are the major contributors to the oil and gas production
(71% and 78% respectively), companies operating PSC regime have
registered marginal decline in Oil and Gas production over previous ONGC (Nomination) 61.7%
OIL (Nomination) 9.04%
PSC 29.25%
Table 3.51. Oil production in the country – 2016-17
Fig. 3.107. Oil Production of
OIL TMT Country in 2016-17 (MMT)
2015-16 2016-17 %, Ach %, Ach
Actual Target Actual w.r.t target w.r.t 15-16

ONGC (N) 22,360 22,766 22,218 97.59% 99.36%

OIL (N) 3,226 3,480 3,258 93.62% 100.99%

PSC 11,356 10,839 10,532 97.17% 92.74%

Country 36,942 37,085 36,008 97.10% 97.47%

31.897 BCM

Table 3.52. Gas production in the country – 2016-17

2015-16 2016-17 %, Ach %, Ach
Actual Target Actual w.r.t target w.r.t 15-16
ONGC (Nomination) 69%
ONGC (N) 21,177 22,743 22,088 97.12% 104.30% OIL (Nomination) 9%
OIL (N) 2,838 2,950 2,937 99.56% 103.49% PSC 20%
CBM 2%
PSC+CBM 8,235 8,425 6,872 81.57% 83.45%
Fig. 3.108. Gas Production of
Country 32,250 34,118 31,897 93.49% 98.91%
Country in 2016-17 (BCM)

Figure : 3.4
Table 3.53. Basin and Operator-wise production of country in FY 2016-17

1 Assam-Arakan 0.95 1865.08 2.82
2 Cambay 4.47 1490.13 5.96
3 Cauvery Onland 0.24 977.43 1.21
4 KG (Onland & Offshore) 0.29 1337.76 1.63
5 Mumbai Offshore 16.27 16412.85 32.68
6 Rajasthan 0.00 4.72 0.005
TOTAL ONGC 22.218 22087.98 44.31
7 OIL Rajasthan 0.00 232.02 0.23
8 Assam-Arakan 3.26 2704.54 5.96
TOTAL OIL 3.26 2936.56 6.19
TOTAL NOCs 25.48 25024.53 50.50
9 Cambay 0.382 80.693 0.46
10 CAIRN Krishna Godavari 0.808 192.422 1.00
11 Rajasthan 8.162 686.226 8.85
12 ESSAR Cambay 0.001 0.000 0.001
13 FOCUS Rajasthan 0.003 354.372 0.36
14 GEOENPRO Assam-Arakan 0.048 15.677 0.06
15 Cambay 0.049 11.869 0.06
16 Krishna Godavari 0.007 128.149 0.13
17 HERAMEC Cambay 0.004 8.577 0.01
18 Cambay 0.006 4.368 0.01
19 Cauvery 0.002 17.786 0.02
20 HRDCL - PPCL Cambay 0.000 0.060 0.00
21 JTI Cambay 0.047 12.956 0.06
22 NIKO Cambay 0.004 41.966 0.05
23 OILEX Cambay 0.000 2.400 0.00
24 Cambay 0.004 0.000 0.00
25 Cauvery 0.046 5.752 0.05
26 RIL Krishna Godavari 0.146 2862.089 3.01
27 SELAN Cambay 0.023 7.952 0.03
28 SHELL Mumbai 0.793 1874.239 2.67
TOTAL PVT/JV 10.532 6307.555 16.84
29 ESSAR Raniganj East 385.471 0.39
30 GEECL Raniganj South 169.596 0.17
31 ONGC Jharia 3.083 0.00
32 RIL Sohagpur East / West 6.439 0.01
TOTAL CBM 564.589 0.56
INDIA GRAND TOTAL 36.008 31896.677 67.91


A New E&P Paradigm 81

Rajasthan 77.5% Assam-Arakan 0%

Cambay 4.9% Krishna Godavari 46%
Krishna Godavari 9.1% Cauvery 1%
Assam-Arakan 0.5% Rajasthan 15%
Cauvery 0.5% Cambay 3%
Mumbai 7.5% Mumbai 27%
CBM 8%
Fig. 3.109. Basin-wise Oil Production in Fig. 3.111. Basin-wise Gas Production in PSC +
PSC Regime in 2016-17 (TMT) CBM Regime in 2016-17 (MMSCM)

Rajasthan 77.52% Arunachal Pradesh 0.23%

Tamil Nadu 0.44% Jharkhand 0.04%
Western Offshore 7.52% West Bengal 8.08%
Arunachal Pradesh 0.45% Eastern Offshore 46.57%
Eastern Offshore 9.14% Madhya Pradesh 0.09%
Gujarat 1.30% Western Offshore 27.27%
Gujarat Offshore 3.62% Gujarat 1.31%
Rajasthan 15.14%
Fig. 3.110. Region-wise Oil Production in Gujarat Offshore 1.17%
PSC Regime in 2016-17 (TMT)
Tamil Nadu 0.08%

Fig. 3.112. Region-wise Gas Production in

PSC + CBM Regime in 2016-17 (MMSCM)
Oil production have increased steadily under PSC regime till 2011-12 where it has
hit a plateau around 10-11 MMT. It is envisaged that pro-industry policies viz. OAL
(HELP), DSF and PSC policies will usher renewed vigour in the upstream sector
and production will increase. Oil production from PSC regime in 2016-17 is lower
than previous year by 7% at 10.53 MMT. Gas production increased meteorically
from 2008-09 and faltered post 2012-13. PSC regime’s gas production was 6.87
BCM which is 16% lower than previous year.
Table 3.54. Oil and Gas production in PSC+CBM regime

Year Oil+Cond (MMT) Gas (BCM)

1994-95 0.25 0.09
1995-96 0.64 0.33
1996-97 1.34 0.51
1997-98 2.51 1.68
1998-99 3.04 2.87
1999-00 4.02 3.46
2000-01 4.08 3.60
2001-02 4.14 4.05
2002-03 4.09 5.41
2003-04 4.31 6.49
2004-05 4.30 6.78
2005-06 4.55 7.36
2006-07 4.83 7.04
2007-08 5.09 7.73
2008-09 4.67 8.09
2009-10 5.26 21.99
2010-11 9.68 26.77
2011-12 10.53 21.61
2012-13 11.64 14.49
2013-14 12.08 9.50
2014-15 11.79 8.91
2015-16 11.36 8.23
2016-17 10.53 6.87




















Oil+Cond (MMT) Gas (BCM)

Fig. 3.113. Oil and Gas Production in PSC + CBM Contract Regime Since Inception till 2016-17


A New E&P Paradigm 83

14000 100%

%age Growth over previous year (%)

12000 84% 11,640 11,785 11,356 80%
10,527 10,532
Oil Production (TMT)

10000 9,682
6000 5,263
4,674 20%
4000 13% 11%
5% 4%
2000 -2% 0%
-4% -7%

0 -20%
07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
OILCOND TMT %age growth over pre year

Fig. 3.114. Oil Production in PSC Regime from 2005-06 to 2016-17 (TMT)

30000 200%


%age Growth over previous year (%)

21985 150%
Gas Production (MMSCM)


15000 14491

10000 9497 8912
22% 8235
10% 6872
5000 7727 -6% -8%
8090 -17%
-33% -34%
0 -50%
07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17

GAS_MMSCM %age growth over pre year

Fig. 3.115. Gas Production in PSC + CBM Regime from 2005-06 to 2016-17 (MMSCM)

Oil production from PSC regime has hit a plateau over the last 6-7 years hovering around 10-11 MMT. Bulk
of the crude has come from Onshore fields. Natural Gas production on the other hand has been on the
decline. CBM production has increased by 44% over the previous year. Unlike crude oil and sparing CBM,
natural gas production is mostly from offshore fields (75%).
Table 3.55. Location-wise Crude Oil and Natural Gas production under PSC+CBM regime from FY 2007-08 to FY 2016-17


Year %age of %age %age of %age of
Offshore Onshore Total onshore Offshore Onshore CBM Total CBM of offshore onshore
with Total Total with Total with Total
2007-08 4895 192 5087 4% 6861 867 7727 89% 11%
2008-09 4431 243 4674 5% 7348 722 20 8090 0.24% 91% 9%
2009-10 4529 734 5263 14% 21350 597 38 21985 0.17% 97% 3%
2010-11 4282 5400 9682 56% 26054 679 41 26774 0.15% 97% 3%
2011-12 3733 6794 10527 65% 20910 615 84 21609 0.39% 97% 3%
2012-13 2804 8836 11640 76% 13700 684 107 14491 0.74% 95% 5%
2013-14 2663 9414 12076 78% 8428 904 166 9497 1.74% 89% 10%
2014-15 2729 9056 11785 77% 7589 1095 228 8912 2.56% 85% 12%
2015-16 2546 8810 11356 78% 6605 1236 393 8235 4.77% 80% 15%
2016-17 2137 8396 10532 80% 5155 1152 565 6872 8.22% 75% 17%




Oil Producon (TMT)







07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
4895 4431 4529 4282 3733 2804 2663 2729 2546 2137
192 243 734 5400 6794 8836 9414 9056 8810 8396
Fig. 3.116. Location wise Oil Production in PSC Regime from 2007-08 to 2016-17 (TMT)

Gas Producon (MMSCM)





07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
6861 7348 21350 26054 20910 13700 8428 7589 6605 5155
867 722 597 679 615 684 904 1095 1236 1152
20 38 41 84 107 166 228 393 565
Fig. 3.117. Location wise Gas Production in PSC + CBM Regime from 2007-08 to 2016-17 (MMSCM)


A New E&P Paradigm 85


Oil Producon (TMT)





07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
4654 4038 3777 2932 2944 2383 2202 2218 2064 1729
21 160 533 1112 727 440 323 313 263 241
412 477 952 5638 6856 8817 9552 9254 9029 8562
Fig. 3.118. Crude Oil Production in various Regime from 2007-08 to 2016-17 (TMT)


Gas Producon (MMSCM)




07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
20 38 41 84 107 166 228 393 565
7150 7447 6410 5674 5301 4231 3394 3022 2561 2178
102 177 15196 20457 15645 9530 5052 4574 4077 2998
475 446 341 602 579 622 886 1088 1204 1132
Fig.. 3.119. Gas Production in various Regime from 2007-08 to 2016-17 (MMSCM)
16-17 134745
15-16 124213
14-15 112857
13-14 101071
12-13 88995
11-12 77355
10-11 66828
09-10 57146
08-09 51884
07-08 47209
06-07 42122
05-06 37292

04-05 32740
03-04 28440
02-03 24125
01-02 20037
00-01 15897
99-00 11814
98-99 7796
97-98 4754
96-97 2240
95-96 897
94-95 254

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000

Oil Production in TMT

Fig. 3.120. Cumulative Oil Production in PSC Regime (TMT)

16-17 183874
15-16 177002
14-15 168767
13-14 159855
12-13 150358
11-12 135867
10-11 114258
09-10 87484
08-09 65498
07-08 57408
06-07 49681

05-06 42641
04-05 35284
03-04 28500
02-03 22008
01-02 16601
00-01 12548
99-00 8952
98-99 5487
97-98 2613
96-97 932
95-96 422
94-95 88

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000
Gas Production in MMSCM
Fig. 3.121. Cumulative Gas Production in PSC + CBM Contract Regime (MMSCM)


A New E&P Paradigm 87

Table 3.56. Contribution by ONGC, OIL and Pvt./JVs in country’s Oil and Gas production

Oil Production (MMT) Gas Production (BCM)

Oil Total OIL (Nom) Gas Total
(Nom) (Nom) (PSC) (Nom) (PSC)

2011-12 23.71 3.85 10.53 38.09 23.32 2.63 21.61 47.56

2012-13 22.56 3.66 11.64 37.86 23.55 2.64 14.49 40.68
2013-14 22.25 3.47 12.08 37.788 23.28 2.63 9.50 35.407
2014-15 22.26 3.41 11.79 37.461 22.02 2.72 8.91 33.656
2015-16 22.37 3.23 11.36 36.96 21.18 2.84 8.23 32.2492
2016-17 22.22 3.26 10.53 36.01 22.09 2.94 6.87 31.90

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25

16-17 16-17

15-16 15-16

14-15 14-15

13-14 13-14

12-13 12-13

11-12 11-12

Pvt/JVs (PSC) OIL (Nomination) ONGC (Nomination) Pvt/JVs (PSC) OIL (Nomination) ONGC (Nomination)

Fig. 3.122. Trend in Oil Production in the country (in MMT) Fig. 3.123. Trend in Gas Production in the country (in BCM)
A New E&P Paradigm 89
With an objective to reduce hydrocarbon hydrocarbon resources (in general of igneous rocks are also included. The
import dependency by the year 2022, parlance, but technically, petroleum) thermogenic generation of hydrocarbon
Government of India has unveiled in-place of all sedimentary basins and (under optimum temperature window),
a series of initiatives for enhancing deepwater areas of India. International its expulsion out of source rocks,
exploration activities in the country, competitive bids were invited but migration and accumulation within
“Hydrocarbon Resource Assessment no bidder could make it meeting the reservoir rocks are all rigorously modeled
of Indian Sedimentary Basins” and bidding criteria. ONGC (“Oil and Natural using state-of-the-art petroleum system
“National Seismic Programme” are two Gas Corporation Limited”, a national oil modeling software. Nevertheless,
major initiatives of Govt. of India in this company) proposed to carry out this biogenic hydrocarbon plays (mostly
direction. project in-house in association with methane gas) are also estimated. For
OIL (“Oil India Limited”, other national basins with limited or no data, analogous
Sufficient knowledge of hydrocarbon oil company) under the guidance of basin information from India and abroad
potential of a basin is necessary for any international domain experts. Starting in is used and hydrocarbons are estimated
meaningful attempt towards exploration September 2015, ONGC built the project through yield per unit area. Plays are
of oil and gas. In India, a basin-wide by collating data from the nomination/ identified across all 26 basins and
assessment of hydrocarbon resources lease areas (held by ONGC and OIL) belonging to Tertiary, Mesozoic, Pre-
was last carried out during 1995-96 and DGH (“Directorate General of Mesozoic.
and 15 sedimentary basins including Hydrocarbons”, upstream technical arm
deepwater areas were assessed based under MoP&NG) shared the data from The current work is focusing on a
on available geo-scientific data and contract areas (held by contractors, fact that future bidding should be
methodologies. consortium or joint venture entities). strengthened with more realistic
The project has a timeline of 27 months assessment of Indian sedimentary basins
During the last two decades, geo- (September 2015 – November 2017) and and the results are readily available to
scientific data grew in volume due to the cost of the project (close to INR60 the bidders. With HELP (“Hydrocarbon
activities pertaining to exploration, Cr) is sourced by DGH funding. Exploration and Licensing Policy”)
development and production. Use of and OALP (“Open Acreage Licensing
new technologies furthered opened The project has been concurrently Programme”) already launched and
up new hydrocarbon plays (petroleum undertaken across seven work centers operational along with NDR (“National
habitat with favorable geological of ONGC. Most rigorous methodology Data Repository”), the project outcome
conditions, occupying specific as per global industry standards is used of hydrocarbon play information would
stratigraphic levels) and improved which was just fairly known during 1995- significantly contribute to enriching
assessment tools for estimating 96 (the last assessment), has now been the geo-scientific database, essentially
hydrocarbon potential. Driven by the adopted for most of the basins where required for any meaningful and wiser
philosophy of realizing the potentials of adequate geoscientific data are available. foray into exploration business.
Indian sedimentary basins for bidding For rest of the basins where data are
out oil and gas acreage, an idea was scanty to nil, re-assessment is attempted 4.1.1. Project Schedule and Execution:
mooted for a comprehensive evaluation through simpler method, which was
of all 26 sedimentary basins with a re- used during the earlier assessment. The project has been undertaken by
assessed estimate. Unlike the study during 1995-96, which ONGC in association with OIL and the
was carried out at basin-scale, the DGH, which apart from data sourcing
4.1. Hydrocarbon Resource present approach is adopted to peep and technical review arranged the
into the unit scale of ‘play’, in order
Assessment of Indian to have deeper insight into plausible
required funding for overall execution of
the project. The project is concurrently
Sedimentary Basins: hydrocarbon accumulation. In the carried out across seven work centers
current scope of estimate, conventional of ONGC as per the scheme shown
In January 2014, Government of India reservoirs (mostly discrete with finite alongside and in line with the adopted
issued an order and constituted a boundaries) that are developed in clastic methodologies and based on the
National Steering Committee (“NSC”), and carbonate deposits of sedimentary locations of various data centers. The
headed by Secretary, Ministry of rocks were primarily assessed. project started in September 2015 and is
Petroleum & Natural Gas (“MoP&NG”) Nevertheless, fractured reservoirs that scheduled for completion by November
to administer the re-assessment of are present in the basement deposits 2017.


A New E&P Paradigm 91

NSC being the apex body to administer For both the approaches, available data expulsion scenario and to analyze
the overall progress of the project are analyzed to create a geological petroleum system elements for inclusive
constituted MOT from key members model which includes basin tectonics assessment of petroleum accumulation
of stakeholders to assure data secrecy (depth structures/horizons and faults), and source rock tracking. For AY
and quality of output. A team of four stratigraphy (facies/ rock types, method, the geological models were
international experts along with national geological ages and petroleum system scaled to analogous basins of India and
experts with basin-scale knowledge are elements) and geochemical analysis abroad, identified based on geological
engaged periodically for critical review at (source rock propagation), all replicating parameters. The outcome of both the
all key project milestones. The project is the subsurface of a basin. methods estimate petroleum inplace
carried out using industry standard latest along with play fairway maps depicting
software as per global practices on date. For PSM approach, geological models the distribution of total petroleum in-
Technical Monitoring Group (“TMG”) with were integrated with thermal models place.
experts from three project stakeholders to build petroleum generation-
(ONGC, OIL and DGH) review the project Table 4.1. Basin wise Petroleum System Modeling
technically every two months. As of DGH Petroleum System Modeling
01.04.2017, MOT meetings have taken No. Basin
Category 1D 2D 3D
place 12 times and TMG seven times. 1 Cambay I 1D 3D
International experts have reviewed the 2 Assam Shelf I 1D 2D 3D
project progress and delivery for four 3 Mumbai I 1D 3D
times and NSC briefed for necessary 4 KG I 1D 3D
direction for three times. 5 Cavery I 1D 3D
6 AAFB I 1D 2D 3D
Since, there has been significant delay 7 Rajasthan I 1D 3D
in starting the project, NSC has advised 8 Kutch II 1D 2D 3D
ONGC to strictly follow the timelines and 9 Mahanadi II 1D 3D
complete the project by November 2017. 10 Andaman II 1D 2D 3D
11 Himalayan Foreland III 1D
4.1.2. Assessment Methodologies
12 Ganga-Punjab III 1D
13 Vindhyan III 1D
Two methodologies are adopted namely
14 Saurashta III 1D 3D
3D Petroleum System Modeling (“PSM”)
15 Kerala-Konkan III 1D 3D
for basins with adequate geological
16 Bengal III 1D 3D
information and Areal Yield (“AY”) 17 Karewa IV 1D
method for basins with relatively less 18 Spiti-Zanskar IV 1D
to scanty to even no data. First method 19 Satpura-S.Rewa-Dam IV 1D 2D
is more rigorous and data-driven. The 20 Narmada IV 1D
second method is simpler based on 21 Deccan Syneclise IV 1D
analogies and the method was used 22 Bhima-Kaladgi IV 1D
during last assessment in 1995-96. 23 Cuddapah IV 1D
24 PG IV 1D
Depending on the availability of suitable 25 Bastar IV 1D
datasets, PSM has also been attempted 26 Chhattisgarh IV 1D
along lines (1D) and sections (2D) in
addition to 3D modeling as default case.

Eleven basins have now been

re-assessed using 3D PSM approach
and 15 basins assessed for AY method.
Data suitability is exercised to examine
if more basins can be taken up for 3D
Fig. 4.1. 1D Petroleum System Model Fig. 4.2. 2D Petroleum System Model
PSM. Both the methods are used for
some basins where data are available
in some parts and unsuitable in other
parts of the basin. In another case, Kutch
and Saurashtra basins are combined for
PSM due to apparent commonality of
geological parameters.

Fig. 4.3. 3D Petroleum System Model

4.1.3. Current Status of the Project

Geological and Petroleum System

model of 10 basins has been completed.
Identification of resource assessment
units and yet-to-find hydrocarbons is
proposed to be done in association
with International experts and detailed
activity schedule has been prepared to
complete the project within the timeline.

Distinguished experts in the areas of

geology, geophysics and geochemistry
are empanelled for guidance and quality
control. To meet the international
industry standards, international team
of experts have been engaged for
guidance and periodic review. Starting
in September 2016 till 1st April 2017,
total four sessions of technical review
took place, including a workshop on
“Assessment Units and Estimation of
Yet-to-Find Hydrocarbon Resources” in
March, 2017 at KDMIPE, Dehradun.

Twenty-six sedimentary basins are

the proposed targets for resource
reassessment. Kutch and Saurashtra
have been conceived into one entity for
modeling purpose due to geological
commonality. Studies commenced in 24
basins and 10 basins namely Fig. 4.4. Basinal Map of India

Fig. 4.5. 2D and 3D Seismic Coverage Fig. 4.6. Final Model Geometry


A New E&P Paradigm 93

Satpura-South Rewa-Damodar, Bastar, Cuddapah: Project is in early stage of may qualify for possible upgrade.
Chhattisgarh, Karewa, Vindhyan, data synthesis. Added further is the ever-increasing
Rajasthan, Mahanadi, Mumbai Offshore prospectivity of the Mesozoic, which
Projects on Narmada Basin and
(a few model snapshots above), Spiti- could be the excellent premises for
Deccan Syneclise are proposed to be
Zanskar and Pranhita-Godavari basins future exploration thrust.
commenced from July and August 2017
are ready for resource assessment stage.
respectively. The progress of the project 4.1.4. Project take-away
Work in 14 basins is in progress at the has been reviewed by DGH for Cambay
The project has pooled in a huge amount
designated work centers (seven) of basin at Vadodara and for all basins at
of geo-scientific data, close to 4,500
ONGC. The detailed progress of the Delhi during February 2017.
wells, 150,000 LKM of 2D seismic and
work in different sedimentary basins is
Out of approved budget of INR 59.03 750,000 SKM of 3D seismic data from
enumerated below:
Cr, until 31.03.2017, the project has spent different campaigns/ vintages. The
Kerala-Konkan: Studies are completed INR 26.06 Cr. It’s conveyed that post 3D PSM methodology has integrated
for Areal Yield methodology. Based on completion of the project, hardware, vast amount of laboratory data of
the advice of International experts, PSM software and peripherals would be bio-stratigraphy, sedimentology and
is initiated and scheduled for completion handed over to DGH for necessary geochemical information in building
in April 2017. project update in future and extension the robust geological models. In basins
of the project scope in unconventional where limited data was present, the
Krishna-Godavari, Cambay and
hydrocarbon resources. basic information was gathered from
Assam Shelf: Static geological model
the public domain and selection of
is finalized, PSM in progress, expected During the 1995-96 exercise, deepwater
analogous basin was then based on
completion up to PSM stage in April areas were not assigned at basin-level
similarity of geological parameters.
2017. and instead a gross volume was put
against deepwater areas between 200 m The project outcomes are expected
Cauvery, Kutch and Saurashtra: Static
bathymetry and EEZ limit. In the present to serve as a guiding tool for re-
geological model is finalized, PSM in
case, deepwater areas are redefined aligning exploration strategy for Indian
progress, expected completion up to
between 400 m bathymetry and EEZ sedimentary basins across areas that
PSM stage in May 2017.
limit and the same has been suitably are explored, poorly explored or even
Assam Arakan Fold Belt: Static accounted for the basins falling into unexplored. Once it is integrated with
geological model is finalized, 3D PSM to deepwater. NDR, this would significantly enrich the
be carried out for Tripura-Cachar part, existing database on public domain and
In a new approach, Rajasthan Basin,
PSM simulation in progress. It will be make the existing bidding process more
was assessed through three sub-basins
used as analog for Areal Yield approach equipped, elaborate and attractive.
namely Barmer, Jaisalmer and Bikaner-
for rest of the area. Expected completion
Nagaur. On the contrary, Ganga Basin Upon completion of the project, all
up to geological model stage is in June
was clubbed with Punjab while the deliverables like the data, both hard and
two separate basins namely Kutch and soft copies (input and output) including
Bengal-Purnea: Static geological Saurashtra were modeled as a single all reports, new (generated) and existing
model is under finalization. Expected entity due to commonality of geological (referred) along with all software,
completion up to Petroleum System parameters. hardware and peripherals (purchased,
Model stage is in May 2017. managed and used for the project) will
Basins namely Krishna-Godavari
be handed over to DGH, as per NSC
Ganga-Punjab: Geological model (KG), Mumbai, Rajasthan and Assam
direction in its 4th meeting.
building is in progress. Expected Shelf have strong subsurface basis of
completion up to Geological model favorable petroleum system elements After the completion of the project, it
stage is in July 2017. to emerge as potential basin for future is proposed that DGH will endeavor to
thrust of exploration. pull out Play Atlas from all assessed/
Himalayan Foreland: Geological model
reassessed plays for each basin. Such
is finalized and expected completion up As a part of project’s Terms of Reference,
atlas will display basin-level information
to geological model stage is in May 2017. the possibility of upgrade of individual
in larger but suitable scale with high-
basins is also focused following the
Bhima-Kaladgi: Completion of resolution pixels for adequate picture
inputs from new discoveries. It is
geological model stage is in April 2017. sharpness and clarity.
perceived that the basins like Kutch,
Andaman: Project is in the stage of data Pranhita-Godavari or even Vindhyan
collation and analysis.
4.2. NSP: National
Seismic Programme
Geophysical data acquisition,
processing & interpretation
(API) is one of the most
important aspects in the
process as it helps in giving
the initial insight into the
prospectivity assessment and
also helps in planning the
future activities. As a base to
launch future E&P activities,
appraisal of unapprised areas
was considered an important
To achieve this, MoP&NG
formulated a plan to
conduct 2D seismic surveys
within timeframe of five
years at an estimated cost
of INR 2932.99 Crores in
all sedimentary basins of
India where no/scanty data
is available. Directorate
General of Hydrocarbons
(DGH) identified the need of
about 48,243 line kilometer
(LKM) 2D seismic data for
appraisal of these areas. The
project was introduced under
the broad policy framework
of Geo-Scientific Data
Generation for Hydrocarbons
in Indian Sedimentary
Basins to appraise the un-
appraised onland areas in 26
sedimentary basins and was
notified on 20th May 2014.


A New E&P Paradigm 95

The project is being implemented through National Oil Companies (NOCs) OIL and ONGC through service providers in north-
eastern states and rest of India respectively. OIL has been assigned to carry out 2D seismic API of 7408 LKM falling in North
eastern part of India covering states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and Mizoram and ONGC has been
assigned to carry out 2D seismic API of approx. 40835 LKM seismic data in onland part of 22 sedimentary basins of India.
So far, out of 24 states, in-principal approval from 22 states and forest permissions from 18 states have been obtained.

Fig. 4.8. Brute Stack from Sector 5 (Mahanadi)

Fig. 4.7. Brute Stack from Sector 7
(Deccan Syneclise North)

Table 4.2. Work Progress of ONGC

Total Target
Sector Area Coverage in FY 2016-17 (LKM)
Cambay 1,240
1 658.20
Saurashtra 2,280
Kutch 1,760
2 830.28
Rajasthan 2,260
Krishna Godavari 600
Pranhita Godavari 350
3 Cauvery 1,900 -
Cudappah 850
Bastar 240
Tendering process for hiring services of 2D data
4 Andaman & Nicobar 310
acquisition under progress
Bengal 860
5 1,072.86
Mahanadi 2,530
6 Ganga 3,130 -
7 Deccan Synclise-North 5,683 1,119.3
Deccan Synclise-South 5,127
8 Bhima 280 444.66
Kaladgi 310
Vindhyan-A 4,953
9 Narmada 667 797.40
Satpura 245
Vindhyan-B 300
10 South Rewa-Damodar 1,460 -
Chhattisgarh 1,400
Himalayan Foreland 1,300
11 SpitiZanskar 500 110.82
Karewa 300
ONGC Total 40,835 5,033.34
The data acquired in the process would help in identifying the prospective areas and to generate interest of bidders in Open
Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) etc. Therefore, this will be of help in deciding the focus areas of the exploration activities in
the country and on the basis of this primary data, E&P companies would take up further exploration activities in the acreages
awarded to them.
Table 4.3. Target & Timeline
Activity Timeline

Agency Processing & Processing &

Acquisition (LKM) Acquisition
Interpretation (LKM) Interpretation

ONGC 40,835 40,835 March 2019 July 2019

OIL 7,408 7,408 December 2018 February 2019
Work completed during FY: 2016-2017
Table 4.4. 2D Seismic Data Acquisition

FY 2016-17
Agency (Total Target) Achievement (LKM)
Annual Target (LKM)
(% w.r.t. FY target)
ONGC(40,835 LKM) 8,725 5.033.34/(57.68%)
OIL(7,408 LKM) 1,214.22 637.92/(52.54%)
Total(48,243 LKM) 9,939.22 5.671.26/(57.06%)


A New E&P Paradigm 97

Fig. 4.9. 2D Seismic Survey in "To be Appraised Areas" of Indian Sedimentary Basins
A New E&P Paradigm 99
National Steering Committee in its
second meeting held on 16.07.2015 and
concluded that the mandated exercise
of ‘re-assessment of hydrocarbon
resources for sedimentary basins and
deepwater areas of India’ will be taken
up in-house by ONGC in association
with OIL and DGH. The project work
5.1. Conventional Hydrocarbons will be carried out in a decentralized
manner at designated work centers
The resource assessment of Indian Sedimentary Basins was carried out during the of ONGC and be completed in 27
year 1990 by Indo-Soviet Resource Appraisal Group (ISRAG) in ONGC under Indo- months’ time (01.09.2015 – 30.11.2017).
Soviet protocol and in 1996 by ONGC. Based on this assessment, the conventional The project was kicked off by CMD,
hydrocarbon prognosticated resources in 15 sedimentary basins along with the ONGC in presence of Board Members
deepwater areas of the country are of the order of 28.1 Billion Tonnes of Oil and Oil on 14.08.2015 at KDMIPE, Dehradun.
Equivalent of Gas (O+OEG). The resources in the offshore are 18.82 Billion Tonnes of As on date, study for Satpura-South
O+OEG out of which deepwater areas account for 7 Billion Tonnes. The contribution Rewa-Damodar and Bastar basins
of onshore part of basins is 9.27 Billion Tonnes of O+OEG. Details are given in the table has been completed and draft report
below: prepared. Report will be reviewed by
international experts for suggestions
Table 5.1. Basin-wise details of prognosticated hydrocarbon resources in the country and the same will be incorporated in
the final report. Presently, the study of
Oil and Oil Equivalent Gas O+OEG (MMT)
13 sedimentary basins is in progress at
# Basin Offshore Part Onland Part
Total Basin eight work centers.
of Basin of Basin
1 Mumbai 9,190 - 9,190 Table 5.2. Basin wise ONGC Work
2 Assam-Arakan Fold Belt - 1,860 1,860
3 Cambay - 2,050 2,050 Basin
4 Upper Assam - 3,180 3,180 Mumbai Offshore,
5 Krishna-Godavari 555 575 1,130 Assam-Arakan
Fold Belt (AAFB),
6 Cauvery 270 430 700
7 Rajasthan - 380 380 Kerala-Konkan,
8 Kutch 550 210 760 Kutch
9 Andaman-Nicobar 180 - 180 Krishna-Godavari,
10 Kerala-Konkan 660 - 660
11 Saurashtra Offshore 280 - 280 Kolkata
12 Ganga Valley - 230 230
Cambay Vadodara
13 Bengal 30 160 190
Rajasthan New Delhi
14 Himalayan Foreland - 150 150 Vindhyan GEOPIC
15 Mahanadi 100 45 145 Assam Shelf Jorhat
Total 11,815 9,270 21,085
Deep Water 7,000 - 7,000 5.2. Hydrocarbon Reserves
Grand Total 18,815 9,270 28,085 of India

The Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG) has issued an office order In-place hydrocarbon volume of
in January, 2014 to carry out re-assessment of Hydrocarbon Resources for 10,734.57 MMT of Oil and Oil Equivalent
Sedimentary Basins of India including Deepwater Areas. The work of hydrocarbon Gas (O+OEG) have been established
resource assessment is to be carried out under the leadership of ONGC’s Institute by ONGC, OIL and Pvt./JVs under PSC
KDMIPE (Keshava Deva Malaviya Institute of Petroleum Exploration) at Dehradun and CBM regime. Ultimate reserves are
and multi Organization Teams were formed to carry out this exercise. 4,125.29 MMT O+OEG and accretion in
ultimate reserves is 111.89 MMT O+OEG.
Details are as below:


A New E&P Paradigm 101

Table 5.3. 2P Reserves status during the year 2016-17 (as on 01.04.2017)
No. Subject Parameter CBM Total
(Nomination)* (Nomination)*
Gas (BCM) 2,138.92 374.3 1,467.35 3980.57
Initial In- Oil (MMT) 4,939 806.67 1,008.33 6754
place volume O+OEG
7,077.92 1,180.97 2,475.68 1,0734.57
Gas (BCM) 55.18 7.74 104.34 167.25
Oil (MMT) 62.57 7.47 11.45 81.49
2 of In-place
volume O+OEG
117.75 15.21 115.79 248.74
Gas (BCM) 1,199.43 212.52 818.61 2,230.56
Ultimate Oil (MMT) 1,417.81 249.29 227.63 1,894.73
Reserves O+OEG
2,617.24 461.81 1,046.24 4,125.29
Gas (BCM) 37.21 7.14 49.62 93.97
Oil (MMT) 13.99 1.24 2.7 17.92
4 of Ultimate
Reserves O+OEG
51.2 8.37 52.32 111.89
Gas (BCM) 533.45 123.65 632.5 1,289.61
Oil (MMT) 437.28 78.71 88.11 604.1
5 Recoverable
Reserves O+OEG
970.73 202.37 720.61 1,893.7
Note : Conversion factor 1 MMT = 1 BCM for ONGC (Nomination and PSC+CBM Blocks)
ONGC provided 3P reserves information in previous Annual Report. In Table 8.23 - 8.24
2P reserves of ONGC for previous years have been shown.

5.3. Reserves established under PSC+CBM regime

E&P activities were accelerated under PSC+CBM regime and in-place reserves
have steadily increased over the years. The trend of In-place volume and Ultimate
reserves of crude oil and natural gas under the PSC+CBM regime during the
period 2008-09 to 2016-17 along with the growth with base year as 2008-09
is provided. In-place has recorded growth of 53% and Ultimate reserves have
recorded growth of 45%. Details are as below:

Table 5.4. In-place volume trend (PSC+CBM regime)

OIL+COND O + OEG %Growth with
In place Gas (BCM)
(MMT) (MMT) Base Year 2008
01.04.2008 639 980 1,619 -
01.04.2009 658 982 1,640 1%
01.04.2010 814 1,148 1,963 21%
01.04.2011 821 1,209 2,029 25%
01.04.2012 817 1,255 2,072 28%
01.04.2013 830 1,292 2,122 31%
01.04.2014 972 1,318 2,290 41%
01.04.2015 975 1,460 2,436 50%
01.04.2016 995 1,362 2,357 46%
01.04.2017 1,008 1,467 2,476 53%
3000 60%

2500 50% 50%

2000 41% 40%

1500 30%
1000 20%

500 10%

0 0%
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
OIL+COND (MMT) Gas (BCM) %Growth with Base Year 2008

Fig. 5.1. In-place volume trend (PSC+CBM regime)

Table 5.5. Ultimate reserves trend (PSC+CBM regime)

Ultimate OIL+COND (MMT) Gas (BCM) O + OEG (MMT) %Growth with Base Year 2008
01.04.2008 172 551 723 -
01.04.2009 178 550 728 1%
01.04.2010 194 601 795 10%
01.04.2011 195 641 836 16%
01.04.2012 195 677 871 20%
01.04.2013 197 680 877 21%
01.04.2014 215 716 930 29%
01.04.2015 215 767 983 36%
01.04.2016 225 786 1011 40%
01.04.2017 228 819 1046 45%

1200 50%
45% 45%
40% 40%
36% 35%
41% 30%

600 25%

20% 21% 20%

400 16% 15%

10% 10%
0 0%
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
OIL+COND (MMT) Gas (BCM) %Growth with Base Year 2008

Fig. 5.2. Ultimate reserves trend (PSC+CBM regime)


A New E&P Paradigm 103

In-place volume and Ultimate

reserves (PSC+CBM regime): India
has 26 sedimentary basins covering an
area of 3.14 million square kilometres.
The sedimentary basins of India,
onland and offshore up to the 200-m
isobath, have an areal extent of about
1.79 million sq. km. In the deepwater
beyond the 200-m isobath, the
sedimentary area has been estimated
to be about 1.35 million sq. km. Major
basins where hydrocarbon potential
has been established under the PSC
regime are Assam- Arakan, Cambay,
Cauvery, Krishna Godavari, Mahanadi,
Mumbai and Rajasthan. In-place
volume and ultimate reserves in the
prospective sedimentary basins of Fig. 5.3. Basin-wise In-place volume (O + OEG (MMT)) Distribution under
India, various bidding rounds are PSC & CBM Regime as on 01.04.2017
provided below.
Table 5.6. Distribution of In-place
volume and Ultimate reserves in
sedimentary basins of India

In-Place Ultimate
Basin (O+OEG in (O+OEG in
Krishna 966.239 581.156
Mumbai 504.889 129.453
Rajasthan 385.711 112.466
CBM 280.090 108.247
Cambay 148.059 43.562
Cauvery 78.957 24.588
Assam- 74.671 20.551
Arakan Fig. 5.4. Basin-wise Ultimate Reserves (O + OEG (MMT)) Distribution under
Shelf PSC & CBM Regime as on 01.04.2017
Mahanadi 37.067 26.221
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
90 110 121 126 127 139 141 147 147 148
26 34 37 38 38 39 38 40 43 44
Fig. 5.5. Reserves established in Cambay

Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
21 21 20 20 20 20 25 62 62 75
6 7 7 7 7 7 6 10 11 21
Fig. 5.6. Reserves established in Assam-Arakan

Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17

34 34 34 34 34 34 29 53 79 79
14 14 14 14 14 14 10 21 25 25
Fig. 5.7. Reserves established in Cauvery


A New E&P Paradigm 105

Krishna Godavari






Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
696 686 714 717 763 764 944 960 868 966
411 402 414 414 450 450 514 525 533 581
Fig. 5.8. Reserves established in Krishna Godavari







Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
309 309 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505
130 130 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 129
Fig. 5.9. Reserves established in Mumbai

(NB : The M&S Tapti field has been shut-in since March 2016 and is under abandonment. Balance Reserve is Zero.
Therefore, EUR is changed to Cummulative Production for 2017).

Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 37
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 26
Fig. 5.10. Reserves established in Mahanadi
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17

300 310 310 310 306 326 313 376 386 386
83 88 88 88 88 88 83 108 111 112

Fig. 5.11. Reserves established in Rajasthan

Table 5.7. Distribution of In-place

volume and Ultimate reserves in various
bidding rounds

In-Place Ultimate
(O + OEG (O + OEG
(MMT)) (MMT))
CBM 280.090 108.247
Field 700.334 208.660
Pre-NELP 457.121 138.263
NELP I 800.807 513.314
NELP II 9.806 1.462
NELP III 88.519 54.182
NELP IV 69.794 5.692 Fig. 5.12. Bidding Round-wise In-place volume (O + OEG (MMT))
NELP V 39.895 2.693 distribution (PSC & CBM regime as on 01.04.2017)

NELP VI 29.318 13.732

Total 2475.68 1046.244

Fig. 5.13. Bidding Round-wise Ultimate reserves (O + OEG (MMT))

distribution (PSC & CBM Regime as on 01.04.2017)


A New E&P Paradigm 107

Fig. 5.14. Operator-wise Ultimate Reserves (O + OEG (MMT)

Distribution under PSC & CBM Regime as on 01.04.2017

Table 5.8. Contribution to accretion of In-place and Ultimate reserves (FY 2016-17)

In-place Ultimate
Blocks Accretion Accretion Details
MC approval of DoC of D-29 & D-30
KG-DWN-98/3 78.934 43.565
and D-55
MC approval of DoC of Cluster-I
KG-DWN-98/2 19.143 7.154
discoveries (D1,E1 & F1)
AA-ONN-2001/1 12.772 9.47 MC approval of Doc of Khubal
NEC-OSN-97/2 10.015 12.407 MC approval of DoC of D#32
MC approval of FDP of Nagayalanka-
KG-ONN-2003/1 1.599 -
1z and Nagayalanka-SE-1 discoveries.
AAP-ON-94/1 0.164 0.394 MC approval of RFDP of Dirok-1
CB-ONN-2004/3 0.067 0.027 MC approval of FDP of UBER-2
WAVEL 0.01 - MC approval of revised reserves.
MC approval of revised reserves for
CB-OS/2 0.215
Lakshmi and Gauri fields
MC approval of FDP of 5 Gas
Discoveries (Chandrika, Saveri,
KG-OSN-2004/1 0.869
Alankari, NL#2 & Malhar#1 along
Discovery area of Sarangi-1)
Raniganj East 0.77 Revised as per SCR Approval for FDP
RJ-ON-90/1 0.981 MC approval of Mangala RFDP

5.4. Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR)

The RRR (Reserve Replacement Ratio) is a metric to assess the operating
performance of an oil and gas exploration and production company. It is the
amount added to its reserves divided by the amount extracted. As discoveries are
made and reserve estimates are revised every year it is a practice to calculate RRR
over several years.
A reserve replacement ratio if greater than 1 indicates stable demand condition
environments and suggest that reserves are added up along with simultaneous
draining out of reserves through continued production. The trend of Reserve
Replacement Ratio (RRR) of crude oil and natural gas under the PSC+CBM regime
during the period as on 01.04.2008 to 01.04.2017 is provided in Table 5.9.
Table 5.9. Trend of Reserve accretion, Production and RRR under PSC+CBM regime

PSC +CBM Reserve accretion Production RRR

01.04.2008 0.85 39.73 40.58 5.09 7.73 12.81 0.17 5.14 3.17
01.04.2009 5.76 -0.71 5.05 4.67 8.09 12.76 1.23 -0.09 0.40
01.04.2010 16.20 50.56 66.76 5.26 21.99 27.25 3.08 2.30 2.45
01.04.2011 0.57 39.83 40.40 9.68 26.77 36.46 0.06 1.49 1.11
01.04.2012 0.00 35.92 35.92 10.53 21.61 32.14 0.00 1.66 1.12
01.04.2013 1.71 3.24 4.96 11.64 14.49 26.13 0.15 0.22 0.19
01.04.2014 17.37 35.50 52.88 12.08 9.50 21.57 1.44 3.74 2.45
01.04.2015 0.80 51.71 52.51 11.82 8.92 20.74 0.07 5.80 2.53
01.04.2016 9.82 18.67 28.49 11.36 8.23 19.59 0.86 2.27 1.45
01.04.2017 2.70 49.62 52.32 10.53 6.87 17.40 0.26 7.22 3.01






3.17 3.01
3.00 2.45 2.45 2.53

2.00 1.45
1.11 1.12
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Apr-17
Oil Gas O+OEG

Fig. 5.15. Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) of Oil, Gas and O+OEG 01.04.2008 to 01.04.2017
under PSC+ CBM contract regime


A New E&P Paradigm 109
A New E&P Paradigm 111
6.1. Coal Bed Methane of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&NG) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
and Ministry of Coal (MoC) for creation Assam, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil
Coal Bed Methane is predominantly of arrangement and procedures for Nadu, Telangana and West Bengal.
methane gas generated during CBM exploration and exploitation However, the Gondwana sediments of
formation of coal and adsorbed in activities in India. The MoU provides a Eastern India host the bulk of India’s
coal. India, being the third largest framework for the parties to act in a coal reserves and all the current CBM
coal producer and having the fifth cooperative and cogitative manner and producing blocks. In eastern India,
largest proven coal reserves in the in consistency with the statutory rules the most potential areas of CBM
world, holds significant prospects for and regulations in place. development are situated in Damodar
exploration and exploitation of CBM. Koel valley & Son valley. In Damodar
The prognosticated CBM resource in CBM blocks were carved out by DGH in
Koel valley CBM projects are ongoing
the coal bearing area identified for close interaction with Ministry of Coal,
in Raniganj Coalfield as Raniganj
CBM (26,000 sq. km.) is about 92 TCF GSI & CMPDI. Under CBM Policy, 4 CBM
South block, Raniganj East block and
(2,600 BCM). rounds were accomplished resulting in
Raniganj North block, in Jharia coalfield
33 CBM blocks (including 3 blocks on
To harness CBM potential in the as Parbatpur block and in Bokaro
Nomination/FIPB route) which covers
country, the Government of India Coalfield as Bokaro CBM block. The
16,613 SKM out of the total available
formulated CBM Policy in 1997 wherein Son valley consists of Sonhat North,
coal bearing areas for CBM exploration
CBM being Natural Gas is explored Sohagpur East and Sohagpur west
of 26,000 sq. km. These CBM blocks
and exploited under the provisions of CBM blocks.
were carved in those coalfield areas
Oil Fields (Regulation & Development) where mining was not envisaged for As on March 2017, CBM production
Act 1948 (ORD Act 1948) and next 15-20 years. Total prognosticated is around 1.45 MMSCMD from 4 CBM
Petroleum & Natural Gas Rules 1959 CBM resources for awarded 33 CBM blocks which includes incidental
(P&NG Rules 1959) administered by blocks, is about 62.4 TCF (1767BCM), of production from 1 CBM block Jharia
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas which, so far, 9.9 TCF (280.34 BCM) has which is operated by M/s ONGC
(MoP&NG). As per the policy, Ministry been established as Gas in Place (GIP). and commercial production from 3
of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&NG) CBM blocks namely Raniganj South,
became the administrative body and The total available coal bearing
Raniganj East & Sohagpur West. The
Directorate General of Hydrocarbons area (26,000 sq. km.) is spread in
projected CBM production is expected
(DGH) was made the nodal agency for Gondwana sediments of 12 states
to be around 3.4 MMSCMD by 2018-19.
development of CBM in country. An of India viz. Andhra Pradesh,
MoU has been signed between Ministry Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand,

Fig. 6.1. Resource Triangle


A New E&P Paradigm 113

Table 6.1. State-wise distribution of CBM resources in India

Prognosticated CBM Resource Prognosticated CBM Resource Established CBM Reserves

No. State
(in BCM) (in TCF) (in TCF)
1 Jharkhand 722.08 25.5 1.916
2 Rajasthan 359.62 12.7 0
3 Gujarat 351.13 12.4 0
4 Odisha 243.52 8.6 0
5 Chhattisgarh 240.69 8.5 0
6 Madhya Pradesh 218.04 7.7 3.65
7 West Bengal 218.04 7.7 4.33
8 Tamil Nadu 104.77 3.7 0
9, 10 Telangana & Andhra 99.11 3.5 0
11 Maharashtra 33.98 1.2 0
12 North East 8.50 0.3 0
Total CBM Resource 2599.48 91.8 9.9
Table 6.2. In-place CBM Reserves

Awarded Area GIIP (in Recoverable

No. State Block Name Operator
(sq. km.) TCF) Reserves (in TCF)
1 West Bengal RG(E)-CBM-2001/1 EOL 500 2.15 0.993
2 West Bengal Raniganj North ONGC 350 0.26 0.066
3 West Bengal Raniganj South GEECL 210 1.92 1.34
4 Madhya Pradesh SP(W)-CBM-2001/1 RIL 500 1.96 0.670
5 Madhya Pradesh SP(E)-CBM-2001/1 RIL 495 1.69 0.620
6 Jharkhand BK-CBM-2001/1 ONGC 95 1.06 0.130
7 Jharkhand Jharia ONGC 85 0.52 0.107
8 Jharkhand NK-CBM-2001/1 ONGC 340 0.34 0.052
Total 2575 9.9 3.978

Table 6.3. Snapshot of CBM in India

CBM policy formulated in: 1997

MoU signed between MoP&NG & MoC 09.09.1997
Total CBM rounds conducted 4
No. of CBM blocks awarded in 4 rounds 33
Coal bearing area identified for CBM 26,000 Sq. Km.
Area covered under 33 blocks 16,613 Sq. Km. (64%)
CBM resources in the 26,000 sq km area 2600 BCM (91.8TCF)
CBM resources (from 33 Blocks) 1767.06 BCM (62.4 TCF)
Established CBM reserves (GIP) 280.8 BCM (9.9 TCF)
Commercial production commenced July 2007
Total No. of wells drilled 831
Investment made US$ 1.8 Billion
Present Gas Production (March 2017) 1.45 MMSCMD from 4 CBM blocks
No. of CBM blocks in development/production Phase 8
No. of CBM blocks in exploration phase 3
No. of CBM blocks under relinquishment 15
No. of CBM blocks relinquished 4
No. of CBM blocks awaiting PEL 2
No. of CBM blocks under arbitration 1
Annual CBM production in FY 2016-17 564.592 MMSCM
Table 6.4: Status of CBM Blocks (as on 01.04.2017)

Date of Present
No. Block Coal field State signing area (sq. Present Status
contract km.)
1 Raniganj (South) Raniganj West Bengal GEECL (100) 31.05.2001 210 Production Phase
2 Raniganj (North) Raniganj West Bengal ONGC (74)-CIL 06.02.2003 311.8 Development
3 Jharia Jharia Jharkhand ONGC (90)-CIL 06.02.2003 65.1 Development
4 RG(East)-CBM-2001/I Raniganj West Bengal EOL (100) 26.07.2002 500 Production
5 SP(East)-CBM-2001/I Sohagpur Madhya RIL (100) 26.07.2002 495 Development
6 SP(West)-CBM-2001/I Sohagpur Madhya RIL (100) 26.07.2002 500 Production
7 BK-CBM-2001/I Bokaro Jharkhand ONGC (80)-IOC 26.07.2002 74.1 Development
8 NK-CBM-2001/I North Jharkhand ONGC (55)-IOC 26.07.2002 271.5 Development
Karanpura (20)-PEPL (25)
9 SH(N)-CBM-2003/II Sonhat Chhattisgarh RIL (100) 06.02.2004 825 Under
10 BS(1)-CBM-2003/II Barmer Rajasthan RIL (100) 06.02.2004 1045 Under
Sanchor Relinquishment
11 BS(2)-CBM-2003/II Barmer Rajasthan RIL (100) 06.02.2004 1020 Under
Sanchor Relinquishment
12 SK-CBM-2003/II South Jharkhand ONGC (100) 06.02.2004 70 Under
Karanpura Relinquishment
13 NK(W)-CBM-2003/II North Jharkhand ONGC (100) 06.02.2004 267 Under
Karanpura Relinquishment
14 ST-CBM-2003/II* Satpura Madhya ONGC (100) 06.02.2004 714 Relinquished
15 WD-CBM-2003/II* Wardha Maharashtra ONGC (100) 06.02.2004 503 Relinquished
16 BS(3)-CBM-2003/II* Barmer Rajasthan ONGC (70)- 06.02.2004 790 Relinquished
Sanchor GSPC (30)
17 SP(N)-CBM-2005/III Sohagpur Madhya R-Infra (55)- 07.11.2006 609 Exploration
Pradesh RNRL (45)
18 SR-CBM-2005/III Singrauli Madhya DIL (90)-Coal 07.11.2006 330 Under
Pradesh Gas Mart (10) Relinquishment
19 RM-CBM-2005/III Rajmahal Jharkhand Dart Energy 07.11.2006 469 Under
(35)-GAIL (35)- Relinquishment
Power (15)
20 GV(N)-CBM-2005/III Godavari Telangana Coal Gas 07.11.2006 386 Under
(10)-DIL Relinquishment
21 BB-CBM-2005/III Birbhum West Bengal British 16.11.2006 248 Under
Petroleum (100) Relinquishment


A New E&P Paradigm 115

Date of Present
No. Block Coal field State signing area (sq. Present Status
contract km.)
22 MR-CBM-2005/III Mand Raigarh Chhattisgarh Dart Energy 07.11.2006 634 Under
(35)-GAIL (35)- Relinquishment
Power (15)
23 TR-CBM-2005/III Tatapani Chhattisgarh Dart Energy 07.11.2006 458 Under
Ramkola (35)-GAIL (35)- Relinquishment
Power (15)
24 BS(4)-CBM-2005/III Barmer Rajasthan REL (45)-RNRL 07.11.2006 1168 Under
Sanchor (45)-Geopetrol Relinquishment
25 BS(5)-CBM-2005/III Barmer Rajasthan REL (45)-RNRL 07.11.2006 739 Under
Sanchor (45)-Geopetrol Relinquishment
26 KG(E )-CBM-2005/III Kothagudem Telangana REL (45) – 07.11.2006 750 Under
RNRL(45) - Relinquishment
Geopetrol (10)
27 AS-CBM-2008/IV Assam Assam Dart Energy 29.07.2010 113 Under
(10)-OIL (90) Relinquishment
28 MG-CBM-2008/IV Mannargudi Tamil Nadu GEECL (100) 29.07.2010 667 Under Arbitration
29 RM(E)-CBM-2008/IV Rajmahal Jharkhand EOL (100) 29.07.2010 1128 Exploration
30 TL-CBM-2008/IV Talcher Odisha EOL (100) 29.07.2010 557 PEL awaited
31 IB-CBM-2008/IV Ib Valley Odisha EOL (100) 29.07.2010 209 PEL awaited
32 SP(NE)-CBM-2008/IV Sohagpur Madhya EOL (100) 29.07.2010 339 Exploration
Pradesh &
33 ST-CBM-2008/IV* Satpura Madhya Dart Energy 29.07.2010 714 Relinquished
Pradesh (80)-Tata Power
*Exit option exercised by Contractor & approved by GoI
6.2. Shale Gas and Oil
6.2.1. Shale Gas/Oil – Activities by ONGC
Table 6.5 Wells completed as on 01.04.2017

Wells Wells Wells Wells

Basin / State completed in completed in completed in completed in
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Pradesh SUWAA
Tamil Nadu
Total 7 5 6 4
*Exclusive shale gas/oil wells

Release of Locations: Three pilot shale gas/oil locations (WRSGA, LJSGA &
PLSGA) in north Cambay basin have been released.
Drilling: Cambay Basin:
a. Completed drilling of Dual Objective wells, MYAF (MY-15 in Mahelaj area,
3200 m), WDAV (Wadu-56 in Wadu area, 2500 m), LNBY (LN-132, Mehsana
area, 2600 m) and NKXY (NK-459, Mehsana area 2485 m) in north Cambay
b. Collected total 20 conventional cores in Cambay Shale section for shale
specific studies. The well NKXY is an additional well for shale gas / oil
assessment in Linch Ext. I ML.
Hydro Fracturing:
a. JM#55 (JMSGA): Carried out HF in Object-III (2475-2485 m) by placing 35 MT
of proppant and 178 m3 of frac fluid. Oil indication was observed during post
HF activation, completed the well by lowering GLV. Cumulative oil knocked out
till 31.03.2017 – 2.35 m3 and water 83.05 m3. Further activation is in progress.
b. GN#708 (GNSGA): Prepared well for Hydrofracturing of Object–II (3725-
3781 m) in Nov. 2016.
c. GN#712 (GNSGB): Formulated plan for preparing well for HF of Object-I
(3740-3776m). Work Over Rig to be deployed shortly.
Visit/ Discussions with Domain Experts
a. Subject Matter Expert from Colorado School of Mines, USA visited COD, Shale
Gas offices, Vadodara in December 2016 and reviewed old and new G&G data
of Cambay and KG onland basins especially cores, logs and petrophysical data
and advised on the additional studies to be carried out in these basins.
b. Technical interaction/discussions were held with Director-Strategic Business
Unit Tight Oil, Cairn India Ltd. on HF of unconventional reservoirs.
c. One-day workshop regarding HF and completion was held with M/s.
d. Technical discussions were held with industry experts of M/s Weatherford.


A New E&P Paradigm 117

Environment Clearance:
a. Fresh applications uploaded for obtaining Environmental Clearances for
drilling of shale gas/oil wells in Cambay, KG and Cauvery basins.
b. Terms of Reference for KG and Cauvery received in April'16 and that for
Cambay Basin received in December' 16. For KG Basin, field data collection
completed, EIA reports and public hearing in the three districts completed.
EIA report along with PH details submitted to MOEF&CC. Process for field data
collection for preparation of EIA reports in Cambay basin initiated.
Results Obtained So Far:
a. Drilled wells have given information about various properties of the shale
formations. Most of the blocks in the four basins (Cambay, KG, Cauvery,
A&AA) are prospective for shale oil. Area prospective for shale gas in most of
the blocks is likely to be limited. Results from ongoing studies and data from
the planned testing/ hydro-fracturing in the existing and future exclusive wells
will be necessary before any conclusion and quantification of shale gas and oil
prospectivity and resources.
b. Till date, two deep zones, one each in JMSGA and GNSGA, have been tested
conventionally and no influx was observed. Hydro-fracturing was carried out in
July 2015 in one of the identified intervals (Object-II) of well JMSGA. The well-
produced 191 m3 of liquid which included 19 m3 of oil and 172 m3 of water during
different stages of extended testing (13 months). It established Shale Oil Reservoir
for the first time in an Indian Basin. Taking cue, Object III was perforated and hydro-
fractured. Cumulative liquid knocked out from Object-III (2475-2485 m) till date –
Oil: 2.35 m3 and water: 81.5 m3. Further activation in progress.
c. Oil indication is encouraging and prevalence of unconventional petroleum
system in the Broach sub-basin seems to be an attractive proposition for shale
oil exploration. A proper quantitative estimation of oil-in-place will require the
results from other wells which have been drilled in the same area of Cambay
basin and which are identified for hydrofracturing.
6.2.2. Shale Gas and Oil: Activities by OIL
I. JAISALMER PML, RAJASTHAN: Well No. Dandewala-28 (Loc. RJBF):
Spudded-in on: 19.08.2016 | Rig down: 11.12.2016
Conventional coring: Total 04 (four) runs of coring completed in the range of
2557.00-2754.48m MD within Baisakhi-Bedeshir Shale Section.
Core Analysis: Canister Core gas desorption, Residual/Crush Gas, Gas
composition, Spectral Gamma Ray, CT scanning, Rock Eval Pyrolysis, VRo
analysis, Cluster Analysis have been completed till March 2017
Released Location: DIBK | Status: Arranging for spudding the location during
third week of April 2017 | Target Shale for Coring: Kopili Formation
Released Location: DHS | Status: Plinth ready for spudding the location
Target Shale for Coring: Barail Coal Shale Sequence
Released Location: CAC | Status: Plinth preparation is in progress
Target Shale for Coring: Kopili Formation
RELEASED LOCATION: DML-2 | Status: Awaiting for Forest Clearance
Target Shale for Coring: Disang shale
Released Location: JRB | Status: FC awaited for drilling the location
Target Shale for Coring: Upper Tikak Parbat Formation
6.3. Gas Hydrates
Gas Hydrates can be an unconventional future energy source world over. World
over the production of gas from gas hydrates are at R&D stage. USA, Japan,
Russia, China, Germany and Korea are deeply involved in developing a technology
to exploit these proved Gas hydrates reserves.
In India, Gas hydrate research and exploratory activities are being steered by the
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas under National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP).
The presence of Gas Hydrate is established in Krishna Godavari, Mahanadi, Gulf of
Mannar and Andaman Basin.
NGHP-Expedition-01 exploration program carried out in 2006 for mapping gas
hydrates zones in Krishna-Godavari, Kerala Konkan, Mahanadi and Andaman
offshore. Total 39 holes at 21 sites were drilled and established the physical
Presence of gas hydrate in Krishna Godavari, Mahanadi and Andaman Basin in
clay dominated complex geologic settings.
NGHP-Expedition-02 was approved in 15th Steering Committee held in Oct ’2013
and 17th Steering Committee approved the expenditure of USD 101.12 Million
Rs 616.95 Crores for the NGHP-Expedition-02 in Jan’2015. The cost of NGHP
Expedtion-02 is shared by OIDB (50%), ONGC (20%), OIL (10%), GAIL (10%) and
IOCL (10%). ONGC was mandated to execute NGHP-02 by hiring suitable vessel
and integrated services.
NGHP-02 commenced on 3rd March 2015 and has been completed on 28th July
2015. Total 42 wells drilled at 25 sites in Krishna Godavari and Mahanadi area in
sand reservoirs for gas hydrates. LWD was completed in 25 wells in 4 areas A, B C
& E. Coring, wire line logging was carried out in 17 wells in areas ‘B’ ‘C’ & ‘E’.
NGHP-02 has discovered significant gas-hydrate-bearing sand reservoir system
in the Krishna Godavari B, C and E area. Area A, which is in the Mahanadi deep
water basin, has several sand zones devoid of gas hydrates. Identified two distinct
gas hydrate accumulations in Krishna Godavari Basin, one is approximately 20 to
100m thick, layer-type, depths 400 m and other accumulation is a fracture-type
unit of variable thickness at shallow levels.
To assess and firm up, an appropriate way forward strategy for NGHP-Exp-03,
International experts in the field of Gas Hydrates exploration and development
from USA and Japan were appointed as honorary members of Advisory
Committee constituted by Director General, DGH, India for National Gas Hydrate
The first meeting of Advisory Committee of international experts along with
representatives from various organisations like AIST, Japan and University of
Bergen, Norway with Indian NGHP scientists from ONGC, DGH, OIL, IOCL, NIO,
NGRI, NIOT, GSI, NCL Pune and IIT Kanpur was held in 1st week of December 2016
at New Delhi.
Advisory committee members emphasized to build a strong technical capacity
for sustained project support by way of providing staffing requirements and
continued development of domestic R&D capabilities through domestic and
international partnerships for India. The various activities as suggested by an
advisory committee are planned/initiated.
Various studies have been taken up by national & international organizations for
NGHP-Exp-03. Pressure core study is carried out by AIST, Japan & USGS, USA.
AIST has completed study on Pressurized core samples collected during NGHP-
Expedition-02, the report has been circulated to advisory committee NGHP
members for their valuable inputs/suggestions.
Major outcome from the AIST studies are the samples collected during
NGHP-Exp-02 contain high methane concentration (>99.9) of mainly microbial


A New E&P Paradigm 119

origin, Structure-I gas hydrates. The permeability increases

10-100 times during hydrate dissociation and the overall grain
size distribution in area B&C is mainly clayey silt to silty sand
with intercalated sands while the overall gran size in Area E is
mainly silty clay with very fine lamination of sand.
6.3.1. Research projects under NGHP
Two NGHP R & D projects under direct funding by OIDB were
approved in 15th steering committee and Ist installment of
funds to the executing organizations has been released.
The first NGHP R&D project of KDMIPE, ONGC with IIT-Kanpur
entitled “Modeling and Simulation of Methane Extraction from
Gas Hydrates via Simultaneous Depressurization and CO2
injection”, was taken up with aim to design of a simulator
with all dynamic variables and estimate methane release
per unit time.
The second project of NGRI entitled, “Carbon dioxide
& Methane Hydrate phase stability in sandy and clay
environment: Laboratory studies” approved under NGHP
funding was formulated to carry out the CO2 phase stability
experiments using synthetic sand & clay particles and to find
out the rate of methane yield due to depressurization.
6.3.2. NGHP Expedition-03
The Expedition-03 aims at carrying out pilot production
testing will be carried out after a thorough study of the data
collected, planning and designing a suitable production
testing method, understanding of environmental impacts of
attempting a pilot production testing.
The challenges faced for commercial exploitation of gas
from Gas Hydrates are more or less similar all over the world.
Extracting methane from gas hydrate in marine environments
is relatively a new path. Japan and China has taken a lead
in this direction and recently carried out pilot production
testing. Though the methane gas production rate from Gas
Hydrates were low in both countries results but has proved
the exploitation process. From the progress being made by
the Indian NGHP steps are under way to mitigate anticipated
challenges in the Indian context. The NGHP expeditions are an
appropriate line of research investigation which could help the
country move forward by harnessing this yet elusive resource.
A New E&P Paradigm 121
7.1. Contribution to Government Exchequer
7.1.1. Profit Petroleum
During the Financial Year 2016-17, Profit Petroleum of Rs. 6,074 Crores was contributed to Government Exchequer from the
E&P operations under PSC regime. The cumulative profit petroleum earned up to 31st March 2017 was of the order of
Rs. 81,062 Crores.

Fig. 7.1. Year-wise earned Profit Petroleum

7.1.2. Royalty
During the Financial Year 2016-17, Royalty received by central Exchequer was of the order of Rs. 4,824 Crores. The
cumulative Royalty contributing to central exchequer till 31st March 2017 amounted to be Rs. 49,862 Crores.

Fig. 7.2. Year-wise Royalty received by Central Governemnt


A New E&P Paradigm 123

7.2. Memorandum of Understanding

Status of active MoUs signed between MOP&NG/DGH & National and International Organisations in the area of upstream
E&P sector is provided below.
Table 7.1. "Status of active MOUs signed between MOPNG/DGH & National and International Organisations in the area of
upstream E&P sector

No. MoU signed between Agency, Country Valid upto Objectives
signed on
1 Japan Oil, Gas Metals National JOGMEC, Japan 16th 15th Exchanges of technical knowledge and
Corporation(JOGMEC) & DGH February February information, workshops, meetings on Gas
2007 2019 Hydrates Research and Development.
2 U.S. Geological Survey USGS, USA 16th Open Resource exploration hazards and
(USGS) of the Department of December ended environmental issues associated with Gas
Interior of the United States of 2008 Hydrates, Field studies & research for Gas
America & DGH hydrate
3 Department of Energy of USDOE, USA renewed 5th June Enhance & Accelerate Gas Hydrate
United States of America & on 6th June 2021 exploration
MOPNG India 2016
4 Department of State (DOS), DOS, USA 6th Open Exchange of knowledge and expertise in
USA & MOPNG GOI November ended the areas concerning Shale Gas resource
2010 characterization and assesment in India
5 Indian Space Research ISRO, India 1st June Open To explore and identify potential
Organisation, India & MOPNG 2017 ended opportunities of applications of space
GOI technologies and earth observation data
sets inactivities related to exploration
and production of conventional and
unconventional petroleum and/or natural
gas in India and in other regions. Mainly
for ONGC projects

7.3. RTI Annual Return Information FY 2016-17

Table 7.2. RTI for FY 2016-17

Number of cases
Opening No.of where disciplinary
No.of where
Ministry/ balance of Requests Total no.of action taken
Requests Applications
Department/ Quarter Requests Received Requests against any officer
Transferred for
Organisation (as on start during (Column 3+4) in respect of
to other PAs Information
of Quarter) Quarter administration of
First Quarter 2 20 22 2 0 (0%) 0
Second Quarter 20 14 34 1 0 (0%) 0
Directorate (July16-Sept16)
General of
Hydrocarbons Third Quarter 33 7 40 1 0 (0%) 0
Fourth Quarter 39 9 48 2 0 (0%) 0
7.4. Environmental country and to generate geo- not owned, managed controlled
scientific data base, a National by Government only with prior
Protection, Initiatives and Seismic Plan (NSP) has been drawn approval of Central Government.
Clearances to conduct seismic survey in “to In this regard, Forest Conservation
be apprised areas” of sedimentary (FC) division, MoEF&CC has issued
Recent initiatives in environmental
basins of India where no/scanty operational guidelines on 16th
related matters in exploration and data is available. For facilitating November 2016 for filling online
production in oil and gas sector. the 2D surveys, at the request of form for seeking permission for
The Ministry of Environment, Forest DGH, the MoEF&CC had issued getting forest land on lease under
& Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has a clarification on 8th December section 2(iii) of FC Act. The details
made the Environmental Clearance 2015 regarding the applicability of of guidelines/ procedure for
(EC) mandatory for various the EIA notification, 2006 during submission of application by the
projects, including E&P activities such surveys. It has been clarified user agency/operator are available
that 2D seismic survey activity is on website (www.forestclearance.
in Oil and Gas sector, under the
exempt from the environmental nic.in).
Environmental Impact Assessment
clearance process. A clarification
(EIA) Notification of 14th September, • The Ministry of Petroleum and
was also issued on 3rd March 2016
2006 and the Forest Clearance (FC) Natural Gas (MoP&NG) has
regarding applicability of Forest
under the Forest (Conservation) launched the Hydrocarbon
(Conservation) Act, 1980 and it
Act, 1980, if diversion of forest land Exploration and Licensing
was clarified that seismic surveys
is involved. Based on experience Policy (HELP) in March 2016 in
do not attract the provisions of the
and developments of technologies sync with the Open Acreage
FC act as long as seismic surveys
in oil and gas sector, MoEF&CC has Licensing Policy (OALP) for
do not involve clearing of forest
exploration and exploitation of
undertaken simplification of the and operations are restricted to
all hydrocarbons, while enabling
procedures for environment related cleaning of bushes and lopping of
the E&P operator to choose their
clearances from time to time and are tree branches for sighting purpose.
acreage areas. DGH is engaged
displayed on their website However, the survey teams were
in a process of establishing a
www.envfor.nic.in experiencing difficulties in field
National Data Repository (NDR)
implementation during seismic
Some of the recent initiatives of 26 sedimentary basins for
surveys. On further request from
pertaining to environment related facilitating the bidding process
DGH, a supplementary clarification
matters in oil and gas sector are: under the scheme. As an exercise
was issued by MoEF&CC on 3rd May,
in this endeavour, a set of maps
• Exploration and Production 2017 that seismic surveys for oil
and coordinates for areas being
of oil and gas is a permissible and gas exploration which require
proposed under Open Acreage
activity under the Coastal Zone use of small amount of explosives
Licensing Policy in 26 sedimentary
Regulation (CRZ) Notification, for purpose of generation of
basins have been forwarded to
2011, but permission is required energy in shot holes in forest land
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun
from MoEF&CC based on will not attract the provisions of
as shape files for providing maps
recommendations of the State Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
of protected areas like National
Coastal Zone Management provided that these surveys do not
Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Tiger
Authority (SCZMA). A timeline of involve any clearing of forest, and
reserves, Marine National Parks
60 days is provided to SCZMA for operation are restricted to cleaning
and notified Eco-Sensitive Zones
appraisal and recommendation of bushes and lopping of trees
etc. The entire exercise of procuring
of the proposal to MoEF&CC. branches for purpose of sighing
maps of protected areas is being
In this regard, MoEF&CC has and the density of shot holes for
undertaken in advance so that
rolled out a new “Web portal such seismic activity is restricted
such areas can be avoided or
for CRZ Clearances” in March, upto 16 boreholes of maximum 6.6”
minimised during the planning
2017 for online submission and diameter per 10 sq. km.. All these
of exploration and production
monitoring of CRZ clearances. clarifications, have been uploaded
activities and before offering the
The proposals requiring CRZ on the DGH website also, and are
blocks. The data of protected areas
clearance under CRZ notification, expected to help in time bound
will be transferred to National Data
2011 as well as proposals requiring implementation of various plans for
Repository of DGH.
both clearances i.e. EC clearance 2D seismic surveys.
under EIA Notification, 2006 • With a view to familiarise the
• As per clause 2(iii) of Forest
and CRZ clearance under CRZ operators and various stakeholders
(Conservation) Act, 1980, any
Notification, 2011 can be submitted with requirements of compliance
forest land or any portion thereof
through this portal. (www. to various environment related
may be assigned by way of lease
environmentclearance.nic.in) clearances, a standard operating
or otherwise to a private person
procedure covering environment
• With a view to study the or to any authority, corporation,
clearance under EIA Notification,
hydrocarbon prospectivity in the agency or any other organisation
2006, the clearances required


A New E&P Paradigm 125

under the Coastal Regulation • DGH has also constituted a Core was launched. The Ministry of
Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011 Group for consideration of cases Environment, Forest and Climate
(Wherever part of activities in of Excusable Delay (ED) due to Change is presently engaged
the oil and gas sector falls in CRZ demonstrable delays because in mapping of Environmental
areas), Forest clearance (Wherever getting Government approvals/ Sensitivity Index, which will be used
part of activities in the oil and permits/ clearances including for identification of “No Oil Spill
gas sector falls in forest areas, environment related clearances Dispersant (OSD) Use” areas.
Wildlife clearance (Wherever part which are not attributable to the
of activities in the oil and gas contractor and Force Majeure
sector falls in protected areas and conditions. So far, more than 70
eco-sensitive zones), Consent to cases have been examined and
Establish and Consent to Operate recommended under the policies
from the State Pollution Control for extension of exploration phases
Board etc was formulated and of the Ministry of Petroleum and
uploaded to DGH website The Natural Gas.
various details such as websites
• Under the Discovered Small Fields
for online submission of proposals,
Bid Round, 2016, a total 30 contract
timelines, consultants accredited
areas were awarded to successful
by Quality Council of India (QCI)/
bidders for oil and gas extraction.
NABET, procedure for transfer of
A workshop was organised for the
clearances etc have also been
new awardees in DGH on 26th April,
2017 and a detailed presentation
• With rapidly increasing demand was made on procedures for
for energy, the trend world over seeking environment related
is to supplement conventional oil clearances. The operators are
and gas production with other further provided the guidance, as
alternative/ unconventional energy and when queries are received in
fuel sources. Promotion and use of DGH.
Shale Gas/Oil is being perceived
The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) in
as a valuable addition to the
the central coordinating authority
basket of energy mix in India. Like
for enforcing the provisions of
the development of any energy
the National Oil Spill Disaster
resource, there are concerns about
Contingency Plan (NOS-DCP) in
environmental footprints for the
the maritime zones of India. All
development of Shale Gas/Oil. DGH
the offshore E&P operators are
is presently engaged in process
required to maintain on board
for formulation of guidelines for
Tier-1 level oil spill response facility.
environment management during
Management of Oil spills in coastal
Shale Gas/Oil exploration and
areas and marine environment is
another area where substantial
• A policy frame work for early progress has been made.
monetisation of hydrocarbon
DGH representative participated
discoveries was issued by the
in 21st NOSDCP and Preparedness
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
Meeting held on 5th August 2016
on 10th Nov. 2014. The policy frame
in New Delhi in which preparation
work in section 3.0 inter-alia
of Local Contingency Plans,
elaborates reduction of Minimum
surveillance system by ports for
Work Programme (MWP) because
illegal discharge, Tier -1 response
of reduction of contract area due
time at offshore installations, well
to denial of clearances by the
capping devices, evolving effective
government agencies including
coordination during mock drills
MOEF and exit options in case of
etc. were discussed. During the
delay in clearances. The proposals
meeting, Online Oil Spill Advisory
received under this policy were
(OOSA) 3.0 software developed by
assessed in DGH to ensure
Indian National Centre for Ocean
compliance to the requirements
Information Services (INCOIS) for
of the policy for decisions on
prediction of oil spill trajectory,
exit without payment of cost of
which also has the feature of
unfinished work program.
indicating ‘potential fishing zone’,
7.5. Sedimentary Basins of India
Sedimentary basins are regions of Earth of long-term subsidence creating accommodation space for infilling by sediments.
In India, based on the exploration activities carried out so far, and the resulting knowledge in terms of occurrence of
hydrocarbons, the sedimentary basins have been classified into 4 categories.
India has 26 sedimentary basins covering an area of 3.14 million square kilometres. The sedimentary basins of India, onland
and offshore up to the 400 m isobath, have an areal extent of about 1.79 million sq. km. In the deepwater beyond the 400m
isobath, the sedimentary area has been estimated to be about 1.35 million sq. km. Thus, the total works out to 3.14 million sq.
km. The 4 Categories based on prospectivity are as follows:
Category-I: Proven Commercial Productivity: Sedimentary basins with proved hydrocarbon reserves and from where
commercial production has started.
Table 7.3. Category-I sedimentary basins

Basin Name Onland Area (sq. km.) Offshore Area (sq. km.) Total (sq. km.)
Assam-Arakan Fold Belt and Assam Shelf 1,16,000 - 1,16,000
Cambay 51,000 2,500 53,500
Cauvery 25,000 30,000 55,000
Krishna-Godavari Offshore 28,000 24,000 52,000
Mumbai Offshore - 1,16,000 1,16,000
Rajasthan 1,26,000 - 1,26,000
Category-II: Identified Productivity: Sedimentary basins with proved occurrence of hydrocarbons but from which
commercial production has not started yet.
Table 7.4. Category-II sedimentary basins

Basin Name Onland Area (Sq. km.) Offshore Area (sq. km.) Total sq. km.)
Kutch 35,000 13,000 48,000
Mahanadi-NEC 55,000 14,000 69,000
Andaman-Nicobar 6,000 41,000 47,000
Category-III: Prospective Basins: Sedimentary basins showing hydrocarbon shows which are considered prospective by
geological considerations.
Table 7.5. Category-III sedimentary basins

Basin Name Onland Area (sq. km.) Offshore Area (sq. km.) Total (sq. km.)
Bengal 57,000 32,000 89,000
Ganga 1,86,000 - 1,86,000
Himalayan Foreland 30,000 - 30,000
Kerala-Konkan Lakshdweep - 94,000 94,000
Saurashtra 52,000 28,000 80,000
Vindhyan 1,62,000 - 1,62,000
Category-IV: Potentially Prospective: Sedimentary basins having uncertain potential, which requires further exploration.
They include basins which bear an analogy with similar hydrocarbon bearing basins in the world and may be prospective.
Table 7.6. Category-4 sedimentary basins

Basin Name Onland Area (Sq. km.) Offshore Area (Sq. km.) Total (Sq. km.)
Bastar 5,000 - 5,000
Bhima Kaladgi 8,500 - 8,500
Chhattisgarh 32,000 - 32,000
Cuddapah 39,000 - 39,000
Deccan Syneclise 2,73,000 - 2,73,000
Karewa 3,700 - 3,700
Narmada 17,000 - 17,000
Pranhita Godavari 15,000 - 15,000
Satpura-S.Rewa-Damodar 46,000 - 46,000
Spiti Zanskar 22,000 - 22,000
Deep Water Basins: The deepwater basin extends in both the East and West Coast from 400 m water depth to Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ). They cover an area of about 13,50,000 sq. km.


A New E&P Paradigm 127

Fig. 7.3 Map of Indian Sedimentary Basins

Fig. 7.4 Categories of Indian Sedimentary Basins (Area Wise)

A New E&P Paradigm 129
8.1. Blocks and Fields Offered under PSC and RSC regime


(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 RJ RJ-ON-90/1 17 CIL(35), CEHL(35)&ONGC (30) 15-05-1995 11108 7996.73 3111.27
2 RJ-ON/6 16 FEL(10),ISIL(65)&NOCL(25) 30-06-1998 5378 3202 2176
3 CB CB-ON/7 22 HOEC(50)&GSPCL(50) 12-04-2000 492 484.36 7.64
4 CB-ON/2 23 GSPC(80), GGR(20) 12-04-2000 1618 408 1210
5 CB-ON/3 19 ESSAR OIL LTD.(100) 16-07-1998 574 430.5 143.5
6 GK GK-ON/4 21 FEL(100) 30-06-1998 1550 775 775
7 AA AAP-ON-94/1 14 HOEC(26.882), OIL(44.086)&IOC(29.032) 30-06-1998 870 760 110
8 AA-ON/7# 13 ACL(35)# 19-02-1999 1934 1615 319
9 AA-ONJ/2 11 ONGC(100) 07-11-2003 1595 318 1277
SUB TOTAL 25119 15989.59 9129.41
10 CB CB-OS/1 6 ONGC(55.26),HOEC(38.04)&TPL(6.7) 19-11-1996 3290 3230 60
11 CB-OS/2 7 CIL(40),ONGC(50)&TPL(10) - 3315 3110 205
12 CY - HARDY(18),ONGC(40),TPL(21)&HOEC(21) 30-12-1994 81 0 81
SUB TOTAL 6605 6340 346
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 31724 22329.59 9475.41
13 AA AA-ON/3 26 OKLAND(100) - 3000 3000 0
14 CR CR-ON-90/1 12 PONEI(29),EOL(16),IOC(35)&OIL(20) 30-06-1998 2570 2570 0
15 RJ RJ-ON-90/5 15 EOL(75)&POGC(25) - 16030 16030 0
16 RJ-ON-90/4 28 EOL(75), POGC (25) - 16600 16600 0
17 GK GK-ON-90/2 20 OKLAND(100) - 11820 11820 0
18 GK-OS/5* 3 RIL(40),TIOL(50)&OKLAND(10) 16-07-1998 5000 5000 0
19 GK-OSJ/1 1 RIL(50),TIOL(25)&ONGC(25) - 1275 1275 0
20 KG KG-ON/1 25 RIL(40)&TOIL(60) - 4180 4180 0
21 KG-OS/6 10 CAIRN(50)&VPL(50) 30-06-1988 8775 8775 0
HARDY(30), HOEC (30), NIKO (30), NAGA
22 KG-OS-90/1 27 - 3720 3720 0
FERTI (10)
23 MB BB-OS/5 5 ESSAR(79)&PETROM SA(21) - 9095 9095 0
24 CY CY-OS/2## 9 HEPI(75)&GAIL(25) 19-11-1996 5010 5010 0
25 GS SR-OS-94/1 4 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 9150 9150 0
26 PG GN-ON-90/3 24 HOEC(75)&MIL(25) 29-03-1993 29200 29200 0
27 CB-ON/1* 18 RIL(40),TOIL(50)&OOHL(10) 16-07-1998 6133 6133 0
28 GK GK-OSJ/3* 2 RIL(60),ONGC(25)&OIL(15) 06-09-2001 5725 5725 0
TOTAL AREA 169007 159612.59 9475.41
NOTE: #Execution of new PSC after resolution of Nagaland issue. CRL's operatorship has been terminated by GoI. ACL has requested to transfer the
65% PI of CRL to him.
##Arbitral award pronounced in favour of HEPI. Govt. challenged the arbitral award against the HEPI.
*PROPOSED FOR RELINQUISHMENT-Bold indicates Operatorship


A New E&P Paradigm 131

AA - Assam Arakan GV - Ganga Valley SR - South Rewa

AN - Andaman Nicobar HF - Himalayan Foreland WB - Bengal
PG - Pranhita Godavari KG - Krishna Godavari VN - Vindhyan
CB - Cambay CY - Cauvery DS - Deccan Syneclise
RJ - Rajasthan MB - Mumbai PR - Palar
GK - Gujarat Kutch MN - Mahanadi - NEC PA - Purnea
GS - Gujarat Saurashtra KK - Kerala Konkan MZ - Mizoram



ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 AA AMGURI ACL (40%) (Op.), CRL. # (60%) 23-02-2001 52.75 0 52.75
GEO-ENPRO(10%) (Op.), OIL (40%), JEKPL
2 KHARSANG 16-06-1995 10 0 10
(25%), GPI (25%)
3 CB ALLORA GNRL (30%) (Op.), GSPCL (70%) 23-02-2001 6.85 0 6.85
4 ASJOL HOEC (50%) (Op.), GSPCL (50%) 03-02-1995 15 0 15
5 BAKROL SELAN (100%) (Op.) 13-03-1995 36 0 36
6 BAOLA SUN PETROCHEMICAL (100%) (Op.) 05-04-1995 4 0 4
7 BHANDUT OILEX (40%) (Op.), GSPCL (60%) 23-09-1994 6 0 6
OILEX (30%) (Op.), GSPCL (55%), OILEX-
8 CAMBAY 23-09-1994 161 0 161
NL (15%)
9 DHOLASAN GNRL (30%) (Op.), GSPCL (70%) 23-02-2001 8.8 0 8.8
10 DHOLKA JTI (100%) (Op.) 20-02-1995 48 0 48
11 HAZIRA NIKO (33.33%) (Op.), GSPCL (66.67%) 23-09-1994 50 0 50
12 INDRORA SELAN (100%) (Op.) 13-03-1995 130 0 130
13 KANAWARA GNRL (30%) (Op.), GSPCL (70%) 23-02-2001 6.3 0 6.3
14 KARJISAN SELAN (100%) (Op.) 16-02-2004 5 0 5
15 LOHAR SELAN (100%) (Op.) 13-03-1995 5 0 5
16 MODHERA SUN PETROCHEMICAL (100%) (Op.) 23-02-2001 12.7 0 12.7
17 N. KATHANA GNRL (30%) (Op.), GSPCL (70%) 23-02-2001 12.2 0 12.2
HOEC (25%) (Op.), GSPCL (45%), GNRL
18 N.BALOL 23-02-2001 27.3 0 27.3
19 OGNAJ SELAN (100%) (Op.) 16-02-2004 13.65 0 13.65
20 SANGANPUR HRDC (50%) (Op.), PRIZE (50%) 23-02-2001 4.4 0 4.4
21 UNAWA GSPCL (70%) (Op.), GNRL (30%) 23-02-2001 5.65 0 5.65
22 WAVEL JTI (100%) (Op.) 20-02-1995 9 0 9
SUB TOTAL 629.6 0 629.6
23 CY PY-1 HOEC (100%) (Op.) 06-10-1995 75 0 75
CEIL (22.5%) (Op.), ONGC (40%), RAVVA
24 KG RAVVA 28-10-1994 331.26 0 331.26
(12.5%), VIDEOCON (25%)
MID&SOUTH BGEPL (30%) (Op.), RIL (30%)(Op.), ONGC
25 MB 22-12-1994 1471 0 1471
TAPTI (40%) (Op.)
PANNA- BGEPL (30%) (Op.), RIL (30%)(Op.), ONGC
26 22-12-1994 1207 0 1207
MUKTA (40%) (Op.)
SUB TOTAL 3084.26 0 3084.26
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 3713.86 0 3713.86
27 CB MATAR NIKO (65%) (Op.), GSPCL (35%) 23-09-1994 6.2 6.2 0
28 SABARMATI OILEX (40%) (Op.), GSPCL (60%) 23-09-1994 5.8 5.8 0
TOTAL AREA 3725.86 12 3713.86
NOTE: #Execution of new PSC after resolution of Nagaland issue. CRL's operatorship has been terminated by GOI. ACL has requested to transfer the
65% PI of CRL to him.




(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 KG KG-DWN-98/2 D2 ONGC(100) 12-04-2000 9757 2462 7295
2 KG-DWN-98/3# D3 RIL(60),BPEAL(30) & NIKO(10) 12-04-2000 7645 6198.88 1446.12
SUB TOTAL 17402 8660.88 8741.12
3 MN NEC-OSN-97/2 N-15 RIL(60),BPEAL(30) & NIKO(10) 12-04-2000 14535 10406.11 4128.89
SUB TOTAL 14535 10406.11 4128.89
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 31937 19066.99 12870.01
4 NEC NEC-OSN-97/1 N-16 GAZPROM(100) 03-10-2000 10425 10425 0
5 MN MN-OSN-97/3* N-14 ONGC(85) & GAIL(15) 12-04-2000 5420 5420 0
6 MN-DWN-98/3* D7 ONGC(100) 12-04-2000 10005 10005 0
MN-DWN-98/2* D6 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 9605 9605 0
7 KG KG-DWN-98/4 D4 ONGC(85) & OIL(15) 12-04-2000 9940 9940 0
8 KG-OSN-97/4 N-10 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 4020 4020 0
9 KG-OSN-97/3 N-11 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 2460 2460 0
10 KG-OSN-97/2 N-12 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 4790 4790 0
11 KG-OSN-97/1 N-13 ONGC(100) 12-04-2000 4485 4485 0
12 CY CY-OSN-97/1 N-9 Mosbacher(20) & HOEC(80) 08-01-2001 4940 4940 0
13 CY-OSN-97/2 N-8 OIL(100) 12-04-2000 5215 5215 0
14 KK KK-OSN-97/2 N-6 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 19450 19450 0
15 KK-OSN-97/3 N-7 ONGC(100) 12-04-2000 15910 15910 0
16 MB MB-OSN-97/2 N-3 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 5270 5270 0
17 MB-OSN-97/3 N-4 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 5740 5740 0
18 MB-OSN-97/4 N-5 ONGC(70) &IOC(30) 12-04-2000 18870 18870 0
19 SR SR-OSN-97/1 N-2 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 5040 5040 0
20 GK GK-OSN-97/1 N-1 RIL(100) 12-04-2000 1465 1465 0
21 GV GV-ONN-97/1 N-17 12-04-2000 36750 36750 0
22 KG KG-DWN-98/1 D1 RIL(70) & BPEAL(30) 12-04-2000 10810 10810 0
23 KG-DWN-98/5 D5 ONGC(85) & OIL(15) 12-04-2000 8980 8980 0
TOTAL AREA 231527 218656.99 12870.01
NOTE: #1148.12 Sq. km. Area converted to PML, 298 sq. km. is tentative PEL area


A New E&P Paradigm 133



ON MAP (Participating Interest %) CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 GS GS-OSN-2000/1 N18 RIL (90), HEPI (10) 17-07-2001 8841 8241 600
SUB TOTAL 8841 8241 600
2 CB CB-ONN-2000/1 N29 GSPC (50), GAIL (50) 17-07-2001 1424 983.29 440.71
3 CB-ONN-2000/2 N30 NIKO (100) 17-07-2001 419 394.75 24.25
SUB TOTAL 1843 1378.04 464.96
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 10684 9619.04 1064.96
4 KK KK-DWN-2000/1 D12 RIL (100) 17-07-2001 18113 18113 0
5 KK-DWN-2000/2 D13 ONGC (85), GAIL (15) 17-07-2001 20998 20998 0
6 KK-DWN-2000/3 D14 RIL (100) 17-07-2001 14889 14889 0
7 KK-DWN-2000/4 D15 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 26149 26149 0
8 KK-OSN-2000/1 N20 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 16125 16125 0
9 CY CY-OSN-2000/1 N21 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 5920 5920 0
10 CY-OSN-2000/2 N22 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 3530 3530 0
11 GS GS-DWN-2000/1 D8 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 13937 13937 0
12 GS-DWN-2000/2 D9 ONGC (85), GAIL (15) 17-07-2001 14825 14825 0
13 MB MB-DWN-2000/1 D10 ONGC (85), IOC (15) 17-07-2001 11239 11239 0
ONGC (50), GAIL (15) IOC (15), OIL (10), GSPC
14 MB-DWN-2000/2 D11 17-07-2001 19106 19106 0
15 MB-OSN-2000/1 N19 ONGC (75), IOC (15), GSPC (10) 17-07-2001 18414 18414 0
16 MN MN-OSN-2000/1* N23 ONGC (100) 17-07-2001 6730 6730 0
17 N24 ONGC (40), GAIL (20), IOC (20), OIL (20) 17-07-2001 8330 8330 0
ONGC (20), GAIL (20), IOC (20), OIL(25),
18 MN-ONN-2000/1 N31 17-07-2001 7900 7900 0
19 WB WB-OSN-2000/1 N25 ONGC (85), IOC (15) 17-07-2001 6700 6700 0
20 WB-ONN-2000/1 N26 ONGC (85), IOC (15) 17-07-2001 12505 12505 0
21 GV GV-ONN-2000/1 N27 ONGC (85), IOC (15) 17-07-2001 23500 23500 0
22 RJ RJ-ONN-2000/1 N28 OIL (60), SUNTERA (40) 17-07-2001 2535 2535 0
23 AA AS-ONN-2000/1 N32 RIL (90), HARDY (10) 17-07-2001 5754 5754 0
TOTAL AREA: 267883 266818.04 1064.96




ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 KG KG-OSN-2001/3 N38 GSPC (80), GGR(10), & JOGPL(10) 04-02-2003 1870.5 1340 530.5
SUB TOTAL 1870.5 1340 530.5
2 AA AA-ONN-2001/1 N39 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 3010 2050 960
3 AA-ONN-2001/2 N40 ONGC (80) & IOC (20) 04-02-2003 5340 2680 2660
4 CB CB-ONN-2001/1 N45 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 215 189 26
SUB TOTAL 8565 4919 3646
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 10435.5 6259 4176.5
5 KK KK-DWN-2001/3 D18 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 21775 21775 0
6 KK-DWN-2001/2 D17 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 31515 31515 0
7 KK-DWN-2001/1 D16 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 27315 27315 0
8 KK-OSN-2001/2* N34 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 14120 14120 0
ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
9 KK-OSN-2001/3* N35 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 8595 8595 0
10 CY CY-DWN-2001/1 D19 ONGC (80), OIL (20) 04-02-2003 12425 12425 0
11 CY-DWN-2001/2* D20 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 14325 14325 0
12 CY-PR-DWN-2001/3 D21 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 8600 8600 0
13 CY-PR-DWN-2001/4 D22 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 10590 10590 0
14 KG KG-DWN-2001/1 D24 RIL (60), BPEAL (30) & HEPI (10) 04-02-2003 11605 11605 0
15 KG-OSN-2001/1 N36 RIL (100) 04-02-2003 1100 1100 0
16 KG-OSN-2001/2 N37 RIL (100) 04-02-2003 210 210 0
17 GS GS-OSN-2001/1 N33 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 9468 9468 0
18 RJ RJ-ONN-2001/1 N44 ONGC (30), OIL(40) & SUNTERA(30) 04-02-2003 3425 3425 0
19 PG PG-ONN-2001/1 N46 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 6920 6920 0
20 HF HF-ONN-2001/1* N43 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 3175 3175 0
21 PR PR-DWN-2001/1 D23 RIL (70), BPEAL (30) 04-02-2003 8255 8255 0
22 AA AA-ONN-2001/3 N41 ONGC (85) & OIL (15) 04-02-2003 110 110 0
23 AA-ONN-2001/4 N42 ONGC (100) 04-02-2003 645 645 0
TOTAL AREA 204608.5 200432 4176.5



(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 AA AA-ONN-2002/1 N47 JOGPL (20) & GAIL (80) 06-02-2004 1680 420 1260
2 CB CB-ONN-2002/1 N52 ONGC (100) 06-02-2004 135 118 17
GSPC(55), JEPL (20), PPCL (15) &
3 CB-ONN-2002/3 N54 06-02-2004 285 263.71 21.29
4 CY CY-ONN-2002/2 N56 ONGC (60) & BPRL (40) 06-02-2004 280 140 140
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 2380 941.71 1438.29
5 GV GV-ONN-2002/1 N50 CIL(50) & CESL(50) 06-02-2004 15550 15550 0
6 GS GS-DWN-2002/1 D25 ONGC(100) 06-02-2004 21450 21450 0
7 RJ RJ-ONN-2002/1 N51 OIL(60) & ONGC(40) 06-02-2004 9900 9900 0
8 KK KK-DWN-2002/2* D26 ONGC(80) & HPCL(20) 06-02-2004 22810 22810 0
9 KK-DWN-2002/3 D27 ONGC(80) & HPCL(20) 06-02-2004 20910 20910 0
ONGC(36), ENI(34), OIL(20) &
10 MN MN-DWN-2002/1 D29 06-02-2004 9980 9980 0
11 MN-DWN-2002/2 D30 ONGC(100) 06-02-2004 11390 11390 0
12 NEC-DWN-2002/1 D31 RIL(100) 06-02-2004 25565 25565 0
13 NEC-DWN-2002/2* D32 ONGC (100) 06-02-2004 15465 15465 0
14 AN AN-DWN-2002/2* D34 ONGC(100) 06-02-2004 12495 12495 0
15 AN AN-DWN-2002/1 D33 ONGC(100) 06-02-2004 10990 10990 0
16 KG KG-DWN-2002/1* D28 ONGC(70), OIL(20) & BPCL(10) 06-02-2004 10600 10600 0
17 CB CB-ONN-2002/2 N53 JOGPL(30), GSPC(60) & GGR(10) 06-02-2004 125 125 0
18 CY CY-ONN-2002/1 N55 JOGPL(30), GAIL(50) & GSPC(20) 06-02-2004 680 680 0
19 AA AA-ONN-2002/4 N49 ONGC (90) & OIL (10) 06-02-2004 1060 1060 0
20 AA-ONN-2002/3* N48 OIL(30) & ONGC (70) 06-02-2004 1460 1460 0
TOTAL AREA 192810 191371.71 1438.29


A New E&P Paradigm 135



(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 CB CB-OSN-2003/1 N57 ONGC(100) 23-09-2005 2394 1892.0 502.0
SUB TOTAL 2394 1892 502.0
2 RJ RJ-ONN-2003/2 N65 FEL(10), BIL(40) & XOIL(50) 23-09-2005 13195 11796.16 1398.84
3 CB CB-ONN-2003/1 N66 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 23-09-2005 635 159.60 475.40
GSPC(50), GAIL(20), JSPL(20) &
4 CB-ONN-2003/2 N67 23-09-2005 448 276 172
5 KG KG-ONN-2003/1 N69 CIL(49) & ONGC(51) 23-09-2005 1697 1382 315
SUB TOTAL 15975 13614 2361
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 18369 15506 2863
6 CY CY-ONN-2003/1 N70 NIKO(100) 23-09-2005 957 957 0
7 KK KK-DWN-2003/1 D35 RIL(100) 23-09-2005 18245 18245 0
8 KK-DWN-2003/2 D36 RIL(100) 23-09-2005 12285 12285 0
9 GS GS-OSN-2003/1 N58 ONGC(51) & CE7L(49) 23-09-2005 5970 5970 0
GPI(30), NTPC(40), CRL(15) &
10 AA AA-ONN-2003/2 N60 23-09-2005 295 295 0
Brownstone (15)
11 AA-ONN-2003/3 N61 OIL(85) & HPCL(15) 23-09-2005 275 275 0
JOGPL(10), JSPL(35), GSPC(20) &
12 AA AA-ONN-2003/1 N59 16-12-2005 81 81 0
13 GV GV-ONN-2003/1 N62 CEIL(24), CE1L(25) & ONGC(51) 23-09-2005 7210 7210 0
14 RJ RJ-ONN-2003/1 N64 ENI(34),ONGC(36) & CIL(30) 23-09-2005 1335 1335 0
15 DS DS-ONN-2003/1 N68 GGR(100) 23-09-2005 3155 3155 0
16 MN MN-DWN-2003/1* D38 RIL(55) NIKO(15) & BPEAL(30) 23-09-2005 17050 17050 0
17 AN AN-DWN-2003/1* D39 ONGC(100) 23-09-2005 9970 9970 0
18 AN-DWN-2003/2* D40 ENI (40), ONGC(45) & GAIL(15) 23-09-2005 13110 13110 0
19 VN VN-ONN-2003/1 N63 ONGC(100) 23-09-2005 3585 3585 0
20 KG KG-DWN-2003/1 D37 RIL(60), BPEAL(30) & HEPI(10) 23-09-2005 3288 3288 0
TOTAL AREA: 115180 112317 2863.2



ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 GS GS-OSN-2004/1 1 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 6589 6037 552
2 CB CB-OSN-2004/1 2 FEL(10) & NEWBURY (90) 02-03-2007 2616 0 2616
3 PR PR-OSN-2004/1 5 CIL(35), ONGC(35) & TATA(30) 02-03-2007 9417 0 9417
4 KG KG-OSN-2004/1 6 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 1131 0 1131
SUB TOTAL 19753 6037 13716
5 MZ MZ-ONN-2004/1 7 OIL(85) & SHIV-VANI(15) 02-03-2007 3213 0 3213
6 RJ RJ-ONN-2004/2 20 OIL (75) & GEOGLOBAL (25) 02-03-2007 2196 2185.76 10.24
ONGC(50), GSPC(40) &
7 CB CB-ONN-2004/1 22 02-03-2007 32 22.27 9.73
8 CB-ONN-2004/2 23 ONGC(55), GSPC(45) 02-03-2007 423 140.51 282.49
ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
9 CB-ONN-2004/3 24 ONGC(65), GSPC(35) 02-03-2007 113 102.22 10.78
10 KG KG-ONN-2004/1 28 OIL(90) & GEOGLOBAL(10) 02-03-2007 549 195.54 353.46
11 CY CY-ONN-2004/2 31 ONGC (80) & BRPL(20) 02-03-2007 375 0 375
SUB TOTAL 6901 2646 4255
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 26654 8683 17971
12 KK KK-DWN-2004/1 D1 ONGC(45), CIL(40) & TATA(15) 02-03-2007 12324 12324 0
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
13 KG KG-DWN-2004/1 D10 02-03-2007 11951 11951 0
& GAIL(10)
ONGC(60), GSPC(10),
14 KG-DWN-2004/2 D11 02-03-2007 11851 11851 0
HPCL(10), GAIL(10) & BPRL(10)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
15 KG-DWN-2004/3 D12 02-03-2007 6205 6205 0
& GAIL(10)
16 KG-DWN-2004/4 D13 RIL(70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 11904 11904 0
ONGC(50), GSPC(10),
17 KG-DWN-2004/5 D14 HPCL(10), GAIL(10), OIL(10) & 02-03-2007 11922 11922 0
ONGC(60), GSPC(10),
18 KG-DWN-2004/6 D15 02-03-2007 10907 10907 0
HPCL(10), GAIL(10) & OIL (10)
GSPC (40), GAIL (40) &
19 KG-ONN-2004/2* 29 02-03-2007 1140 1140 0
20 KG-DWN-2004/7 D16 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 11856 11856 0
21 MN MN-DWN-2004/1* D17 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 9885 9885 0
22 MN-DWN-2004/2* D18 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 11813 11813 0
23 MN-DWN-2004/3* D19 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 11316 11316 0
24 MN-DWN-2004/4* D20 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 8822 8822 0
25 NEC NEC-DWN-2004/1* D22 SANTOS (100) 02-03-2007 7790 7790 0
26 NEC-DWN-2004/2* D23 SANTOS (100) 02-03-2007 8706 8706 0
27 MN-DWN-2004/5 D21 RIL (70) & BPEAL (30) 02-03-2007 10454 10454 0
OIL(60), GEOGLOBAL(25) &
28 RJ RJ-ONN-2004/3 21 02-03-2007 1330 1330 0
HPCL (15)
GAIL(22.225), HPCL(22.22),
29 RJ-ONN-2004/1* 19 02-03-2007 4613 4613 0
NITINFIRE (11.11), & BPCL (11.11)
30 MZ MZ-ONN-2004/2** 8 02-03-2007 3619 3619 0
31 AA AA-ONN-2004/1** 9 OIL(85) & SHIV-VANI (15) 02-03-2007 144 144 0
32 AA-ONN-2004/4** 12 APIPL(20), NAFTOGAZ(10) & 02-03-2007 95 95 0
33 AA-ONN-2004/3 11 ESSAR OIL (10), EEHL (90) 02-03-2007 1252 1252 0
34 AA-ONN-2004/2 10 OIL (100) 02-03-2007 218 218 0
35 AA-ONN-2004/5* 13 02-03-2007 46 46 0
OIL (10)
ONGC(50), GSPC(40) &
36 CB CB-ONN-2004/4 25 02-03-2007 70 70 0
37 CB-ONN-2004/5** 26 ADANI PORT(20), NAFTOGAZ 02-03-2007 75 75 0
(10) & WELSPUN (35)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
38 CY CY-DWN-2004/1 D4 02-03-2007 10302 10302 0
& GAIL(10)


A New E&P Paradigm 137


ON MAP (Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
39 CY-DWN-2004/2 D5 02-03-2007 12059 12059 0
& GAIL(10)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
40 CY-DWN-2004/4 D7 02-03-2007 12025 12025 0
& GAIL(10)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
41 CY-PR-DWN-2004/2 D9 02-03-2007 9994 9994 0
& GAIL(10)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
42 CY-DWN-2004/3* D6 02-03-2007 12017 12017 0
& GAIL(10)
ONGC(70), GSPC(10), HPCL(10)
43 CY-PR-DWN-2004/1* D8 02-03-2007 13451 13451 0
& GAIL(10)
44 CY-ONN-2004/1* 30 ONGC (80) & BPCL(20) 02-03-2007 214 214 0
GSPC(20), IOC(20), GAIL(20),
45 MB MB-OSN-2004/1 3 02-03-2007 1520 1520 0
HPCL(20) & PETROGAS (20)
46 MB-OSN-2004/2 4 02-03-2007 741 741 0
IOC(20), GSPC(20) & HPCL(20)
47 PA PA-ONN-2004/1 14 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 2537 2537 0
48 GV GV-ONN-2004/1 15 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 8354 8354 0
49 SR SR-ONN-2004/1* 16 JAIPRAKASH ASSOCIATES 02-03-2007 13277 13277 0
LTD. (90)
50 DS DS-ONN-2004/1* 27 02-03-2007 2649 0 2649
(BARBADOS) (100)
51 VN VN-ONN-2004/2* 18 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 4466 4466 0
52 VN-ONN-2004/1* 17 ONGC (100) 02-03-2007 5801 5801 0
TOTAL AREA: 306369 285749.30 20619.70



(Participating Interest %)t
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 MB MB-OSN-2005/1 S-1 ONGC (80) & GSPC (20) 22-12-2008 2811 1561 1250
2 MB-OSN-2005/2 S-2 22-12-2008 1191 0 1191
3 MB-OSN-2005/3 S-3 ONGC (70) & ESSAR (30) 22-12-2008 2810 1125 1685
SUB TOTAL 6812 2686 4126
4 PA PA-ONN-2005/2 3 ONGC (100) 22-12-2008 2552 0 2552
5 WB WB-ONN-2005/2 5 ONGC (100) 22-12-2008 3792 0 3792
6 WB-ONN-2005/3 6 ONGC (100) 22-12-2008 4001 0 4001
7 WB-ONN-2005/4 7 ONGC (75) & OIL (25) 22-12-2008 3940 0 3940
8 SR SR-ONN-2005/1 11 22-12-2008 789 0 789
HOEC (33.34), BPRL (33.33) &
9 RJ RJ-ONN-2005/1 14 22-12-2008 1424 273 1151
IMC (33.33)
10 CB CB-ONN-2005/3 19 MERCATOR PETROLEUM (100) 22-12-2008 48 0 48
11 CB-ONN-2005/5 21 OMKAR NATUAL RESOUR. (100) 22-12-2008 83 0 83
12 CB-ONN-2005/9 25 MERCATOR PETROLEUM (100) 22-12-2008 170 38 132
13 CB-ONN-2005/10 26 ONGC (51) & GSPC (49) 22-12-2008 270 0 270
(Participating Interest %)t
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
GAIL (40), GSPC (30)
14 CY CY-ONN-2005/1 29 & BENGAL ENERGY 22-12-2008 946 0 946
SUB TOTAL 18015 311 17704
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 24827 2997 21830
15 KK KK-DWN-2005/1 D-14 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 14675 14675 0
16 KK-DWN-2005/2* D-15 ONGC (90) & GSPC (10) 22-12-2008 19234 19234 0
17 KG KG-DWN-2005/2 D-17 22-12-2008 1949 1949 0
ONGC (60), GSPC (20) & HMEL
18 KG-OSN-2005/1 S-7 22-12-2008 2810 2810 0
19 KG-OSN-2005/2 S-8 ONGC (80) & HMEL (20) 22-12-2008 1881 1881 0
ONGC (70), IOCL (20) & GSPC
20 KG-DWN-2005/1 D-16 22-12-2008 1727 1727 0
21 AN AN-DWN-2005/1 D-19 ONGC (90) & OIL (10) 22-12-2008 11837 11837 0
22 CB CB-ONN-2005/8** 24 VASUNDHARA RESOUR (100) 22-12-2008 133 133 0
23 CB-ONN-2005/2* 18A&B IOCL (100) 22-12-2008 81 81 0
24 CB-ONN-2005/4* 20 ONGC (51) & GSPC (49) 22-12-2008 31 31 0
25 CB-ONN-2005/6 22 OMKAR NATUAL RESOUR. (100) 22-12-2008 102 102 0
26 CB-ONN-2005/7* 23 IOCL (100) 22-12-2008 199 199 0
QUEST (20), QQVS (40), SREI
27 CB-ONN-2005/11 27 22-12-2008 257 257 0
(20), VIPL(10) & PRIM (10)
28 GV GV-ONN-2005/3 10 ONGC (80) & TATA PETRO (20) 22-12-2008 2227 2227 0
29 MB MB-DWN-2005/2 D-6 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3660 3660 0
30 MB-DWN-2005/3 D-7 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3097 3097 0
31 MB-DWN-2005/4 D-8 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3408 3408 0
32 MB-DWN-2005/5 D-9 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3169 3169 0
33 MB-DWN-2005/7 D-11 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3324 3324 0
34 MB-DWN-2005/9 D-13 BHP BILLITON (26) & GVK (74) 22-12-2008 3138 3138 0
35 MB-OSN-2005/5* S-5 ONGC (70) & GSPC (30) 22-12-2008 2402 2402 0
36 MB-OSN-2005/6* S-6 ONGC (80) & GSPC (20) 22-12-2008 2820 2820 0
37 AA AA-ONN-2005/1 1 ONGC (60), OIL (30) & ACL (10) 22-12-2008 363 363 0
38 PA PA-ONN-2005/1 2 ONGC (100) 22-12-2008 1096 1096 0
39 RJ RJ-ONN-2005/3* 16 GSPC (60) & ONGC (40) 22-12-2008 1217 1217 0
OIL(60), HOEC(20), HPCL &
40 RJ-ONN-2005/2* 15 22-12-2008 1517 1517 0
Mittal Energy Ltd.(20)
41 PR PR-ONN-2005/1* 28 ONGC (80) & TATA PETRO. (20) 22-12-2008 1807 1807 0
TOTAL AREA: 112988 91158 21830



(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
ONGC (40), GSPC (20), AWEL (20)
1 GK GK-OSN-2009/1 S-1 30-06-2010 1264 747 517
& IOC (20)
2 GK-OSN-2009/2 S-2 ONGC (40), AWEL (30) & IOC (30) 30-06-2010 1242 376 866


A New E&P Paradigm 139


(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
3 CY CY-OSN-2009/2 S-20 OIL (50) & ONGC (50) 30-06-2010 1621 0 1621
4 KG KG-OSN-2009/2 S-23 ONGC (90) & APGIC (10) 30-06-2010 1471 0 1471
5 KG-OSN-2009/3 S-24 CIL (100) 30-06-2010 1988 0 1988
ONGC (50), OIL (30), NTPC (10) &
6 KG-OSN-2009/4 S-25 30-06-2010 835 0 835
APGIC (10)
SUB TOTAL 8421 1123 7298
7 AA AA-ONN-2009/4 4 OIL (50) & ONGC (50) 30-06-2010 84 0 84
8 VN VN-ONN-2009/3 9 ONGC (100) 30-06-2010 1250 788 462
9 CB CB-ONN-2009/1 11 SINTEX OIL & GAS (100) 30-06-2010 113 0 113
10 CB-ONN-2009/3## 13 HCIL (100) 30-06-2010 71 0 71
11 CB-ONN-2009/4 14 ONGC (50) & GSPC (50) 30-06-2010 58 0 58
12 CB-ONN-2009/6## 16 HCIL (100) 30-06-2010 177 0 177
13 CB-ONN-2009/7 17 SINTEX OIL & GAS (100) 30-06-2010 144 0 144
14 CB-ONN-2009/8 18 JPIL (87) & JPPL (13) 30-06-2010 136 0 136
SUB TOTAL 2033 788 1245
JOGPL (47), JEKPL (17) & JODPL
15 AA AA-ONN-2009/1* 1 30-06-2010 2217 2217 0
JOGPL (47), JEKPL (17) & JODPL
16 AA-ONN-2009/2* 2 19-07-2010 1740 1740 0
17 AA-ONN-2009/3* 3 ONGC (50) & OIL (50) 30-06-2010 84 84 0
D-6 BGEPIL (30), OIL (15), ONGC (45) &
18 KG KG-DWN-2009/1 30-06-2010 1800 1800 0
(A&B) APGIC (10)
ONGC (80), APGIC (10) & NTPC
19 KG-OSN-2009/1 S-22 30-06-2010 1472 1472 0
Bengal Energy International Inc
20 CY CY-OSN-2009/1 S-19 30-06-2010 1362 1362 0
21 CB CB-ONN-2009/2* 12 SINTEX OIL & GAS (100) 30-06-2010 68 0 68
22 CB-ONN-2009/5* 15 NTPC (100) 30-06-2010 165 165 0
23 AN AN-DWN-2009/1* D-7 ONGC (70) & OIL (30) 30-06-2010 4981 4981 0
24 AN-DWN-2009/2* D-8 ONGC (60) & OIL (40) 30-06-2010 3995 3995 0
25 AN-DWN-2009/3* D-9 ONGC (60) & OIL (40) 30-06-2010 3992 3992 0
26 AN-DWN-2009/5* D-11 ONGC (90) & GSPC (10) 30-06-2010 4002 4002 0
ONGC (70), NTPC (10), GAIL (10) &
27 AN-DWN-2009/13 D-19 30-06-2010 4007 4007 0
GSPC (10)
28 AN-DWN-2009/18 D-24 ONGC (60), OIL (30) & GAIL (10) 30-06-2010 4040 4040 0
29 MB MB-OSN-2009/3 S-5 BHP (100) 30-06-2010 1492 1492 0
30 MB-OSN-2009/6 S-8 BHP (100) 30-06-2010 1876 1876 0
31 MB-OSN-2009/7 S-9 BHP (100) 30-06-2010 1865 1865 0
32 MB-DWN-2009/1 D-1 CIL (100) 30-06-2010 2961 2961 0
TOTAL AREA: 52573 43962 8611


(Participating Interest %)
MAP CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1. GK GK-OSN-2010/1 S-1 ONGC (60), OIL (30) & GAIL (10) 28-03-2012 1361 0 1361.00
SUB TOTAL 1361 0 1361.00
2. AA AA-ONN-2010/2 2 OIL(50), ONGC(30) & GAIL(20) 28-03-2012 396 0 396.00
3. AA-ONN-2010/3 3 OIL(40), ONGC(40) & BPRL(20) 28-03-2012 171 0 171.00
Deep Energy LLC(10) & KGN
4. VN VN-ONN-2010/1## 4 28-03-2012 3776 0 3776.00
Deep Energy LLC (10), Deep
Natural Resources Limited (15)
5. VN-ONN-2010/2## 5 28-03-2012 4909 0 4909.00
& Safak WSB Energy Pvt. Ltd.
FEL (10) & Birkbeck Investments
6. RJ RJ-ONN-2010/2## 8 28-03-2012 535 0 535.00
Ltd. (90)
7. CB CB-ONN-2010/1 9 ONGC (100) 28-03-2012 782 0 782.00
Deep Energy LLC (10) & KGN
8. CB-ONN-2010/3## 11 28-03-2012 534 0 534.00
Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. (90)
Pratibha Oil & Natural Gas Pvt.
9. CB-ONN-2010/4 12 28-03-2012 61 0 61.00
Pan India Consultants (20) &
10. CB-ONN-2010/5 13 28-03-2012 49 0 49.00
Frost International Ltd. (80)
11. CB-ONN-2010/6 14 ONGC (80) & IOCL (20) 28-03-2012 39 0 39.00
BPRL(25), GAIL(25), EIL(20),
12. CB-ONN-2010/8 16A&B 30-08-2012 42 0 42.00
BFIL(20) & MIEL(10)
13. CB-ONN-2010/9 17 ONGC (100) 30-08-2012 120 0 109.36
Sankalp Oil & Natural Resources
14. CB-ONN-2010/10## 18 27-06-2012 122 0 122.00
Ltd. (100)
BPRL (25), GAIL (25), EIL (20)
15. CB-ONN-2010/11 19 28-03-2012 131 0 131.00
BFIL (15) & MIEL (15)
SUB TOTAL 11667 0 11656.36
SUB TOTAL ACTIVE BLOCKS 13028 0.00 13017.36
16. MB MB-DWN-2010/1 D-2 BGEPIL (50) & BHP (50) 10-09-2012 7963 7963 0.00
17. MB MB-OSN-2010/2* S-4 OIL (50), HPCL (30) & BPRL (20) 30-08-2012 3411 3411 0.00
18. AA AA-ONN-2010/1 1 PPCL(20) & ABGEL (80) 30-08-2012 401 401 0.00
19. GK GK-OSN-2010/2* S-2 ONGC (90) & GAIL (10) 28-03-2012 1625 1625 0.00
TOTAL AREA : 26428 13400.00 13017.36


(Participating Interest %)
CONTRACT (in sq. km.)
1 MB MB/OSDSF/B37/2016 SUN PETROCHEMICAL (100%) (Op.) 27-03-2017 124 0 124
2 MB/OSDSF/B9/2016 27-03-2017 183 0 183
LTD. (100)
3 MB/OSDSF/B15/2016 BPRL (100) 27-03-2017 41 0 41
4 MB/OSDSF/B127E/2016 BPRL (100) 27-03-2017 39.3 0 39.3
5 MB/OSDSF/B80/2016 HOEC(50), AEPL (50) 27-03-2017 56.02 0 56.02
6 GK GK/OSDSF/KD/2016 IOCL (100) 27-03-2017 46 0 46
KEI-RSOS Petroleum & Energy Pvt
7 KG KG/OSDSF/GSKV1/2016 27-03-2017 24.2 0 24.2
Ltd (100)
SUB TOTAL 514 0 514


A New E&P Paradigm 141

8 AA AA/ONDSF/HILARA/2016 PPCL (100) 27-03-2017 9.6 0 9.6
9 AA/ONDSF/LAXMIJAN/2016 MEIL (100) 27-03-2017 8.9 0 8.9
10 AA/ONDSF/PATHARIA/2016 VBIPL (100) 27-03-2017 19.15 0 19.15
RIPL (29), BDNEPL (29), DFPL (23),
11 AA/ONDSF/BARSILLA/2016 27-03-2017 6.22 0 6.22
MIPL (19)
12 AA/ONDSF/CHARAIDEO/2016 OILMAX (100) 27-03-2017 11.5 0 11.5
RIPL (29), BDNEPL (29), DFPL (23),
13 AA/ONDSF/DIPLING/2016 27-03-2017 28.17 0 28.17
MIPL (19)
14 AA/ONDSF/DUARMARA/2016 OILMAX (100) 27-03-2017 8.91 0 8.91
15 AA/ONDSF/JERAIPATHAR/2016 IOCL (100) 27-03-2017 10.1 0 10.1
16 AA/ONDSF/KHEREM/2016 HOEC (40), OIL (40), PPCL (20) 27-03-2017 16.45 0 16.45
17 CB CB/ONDSF/ELAO/2016 PFHOGPL (100) 27-03-2017 9.98 0 9.98
18 CB/ONDSF/SOUTH PATAN/2016 SACFZE (100) 27-03-2017 9.88 0 9.88
19 CB/ONDSF/KHAMBEL/2016 MEIL (100) 27-03-2017 9.78 0 9.78
20 CB/ONDSF/KAMBOI/2016 NIPPON POWER LTD (100) 27-03-2017 2.35 0 2.35
21 NIPPON POWER LTD (100) 27-03-2017 9.15 0 9.15
22 CY CY/ONDSF/NEDUVASAL/2016 GEMLPL (100) 27-03-2017 10.01 0 10.01
23 CY/ONDSF/KARAIKAL/2016 BPRL (100) 27-03-2017 10.4 0 10.4
24 KG KG/ONDSF/ACHANTA/2016 PFHOGPL (100) 27-03-2017 9.63 0 9.63
25 PFHOGPL (100) 27-03-2017 15.1 0 15.1
KEI-RSOS Petroleum & Energy Pvt
26 KG/ONDSF/KORAVAKA/2016 27-03-2017 9.9 0 9.9
Ltd (100)
27 PPCL (100) 27-03-2017 9.35 0 9.35
28 RJ RJ/ONDSF/BAKHRI TIBBA/2016 BPRL (100) 27-03-2017 13.4 0 13.4
29 RJ/ONDSF/SADEWALA/2016 BPRL (100) 27-03-2017 10.3 0 10.3
30 VN VN/ONDSF/NOHTA/2016 IOCL (100) 27-03-2017 15 0 15
SUB TOTAL 263 0 263
TOTAL AREA : 777 0 777
8.2. PEL and PML areas in Nomination and PSC regime
Table 8.13. Basin-wise distribution of PEL areas under operation (Pre-NELP & NELP blocks) (as on 01.04.2017)

Deep Krishna
7593 7593
Water Godavari (2)
Deep Water Total 7593 7593
Cambay(4) 60 502 2616 3178
Cauvery(4) 0 9417 1621 11038
493 1131 4294 5918
Godavari (6)
Kutch(3) 1383 1361 2744
Mahanadi(1) 4128.89 4128.89
Mumbai(5) 4126 4126
Saurashtra(2) 600 552 1152
Shallow Water Total 60 4128.89 600 493 502 13716 4126 7298 1361 32284.89
Onland 3213 3213
Fold Belt(1)
1706 3620 1260 84 567 7237
Bengal(3) 11733 11733
Cambay(52) 1337.09 419.35 0 0 645.8 278.89 533 451 1213.36 4878.49
Cauvery(3) 140 375 946 1461
Ganga(1) 2552 2552
315 353.46 668.46
Kutch(1) 775 775
Rajasthan(6) 2000.1 1398.84 10.24 1151 0 4560.18
Rewa- 789 789
Vindhyan(3) 462 0 462
Onland Total 5818.19 419.35 3620 1400 2359.64 4230.59 17704 997 1780.36 38329.13
Grand Total 5878.19 11721.89 1019.35 4113 1400 2861.64 17946.59 21830 8295 3141.36 78207.02


A New E&P Paradigm 143

Table 8.14. Company-wise distribution of PEL areas under operation (Pre-NELP & NELP blocks) (as on 01.04.2017)

Operator Pre-NELP NELP IX
Oil and Natural Gas 32 1337 7295 3620 140 817 2336.89 15805 4209 2291.36 37851.25
Corporation Ltd.
Oil India Ltd. 7 3576.7 1705 567 5848.7
Focus Energy Ltd. 5 2775 1398.84 2616 0 6789.84
Gujarat State Petroleum 5 1207.32 419.35 493 0 170.4 2290.07
Corporation Ltd.
Cairn Energy India Pvt. Ltd. 4 0.1 9417 1988 11405.1
Deep Energy Llc 4 789 0 789
Reliance Industries Ltd. 4 4426.89 600 475.4 5502.29
Hindustan Oil Exploration 3 110 1151 1261
Company Limited.
Bharat Petro Resources Ltd. 2 173 173
Essar Oil Ltd. 2 129.77 1685 1814.77
Harish Chandra (India) Ltd. 2 0 0
Mercator Petroleum Private 2 180 180
Sintex Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. 2 257 257
Adani Welspun Exploration 1 1191 1191
Assam Company Ltd. 1 319 319
GAIL (India) Limited. 1 946 946
Hardy Exploration & 1 0 0
Production (India) Inc.
Jay Polychem (India) Ltd. 1 136 136
Jubilant Oil & Gas Private 1 1260 1260
Niko Resources Limited. 1 0 0
Omkar Naturals Resources 1 83 83
Pvt. Ltd.
Pan India Consultants 1 49 49
Pratibha Oil and Natural Gas 1 61 61
Pvt. Ltd.
Sankalp Oil and Natural 1 0 0
Resources Ltd.
Grand Total 85 5878.19 11721.89 1019.35 4113 1400 2861.64 17946.59 21830 8295 3141.36 78207.02
Table 8.15. PELs operated by OIL as on 01.04.2017


OF PEL (Sq Km.) (Sq. Km.)
1 Assam-Arakan Tinsukia OA-6 01.04.02 471
2 Namchik OA-10 01.05.05 195
3 Jairampur Extn. OA-11 01.04.06 23.25
4 Dibrugarh OA-14 01.04.02 427
5 Deomali OA-17 18.02.05 113.5 1229.75
1 Rajasthan RJ-ONN-2004/2 20 21.01.08 10.24 10.24
2 Assam-Arakan AA-ONN-2009/4 4 09.12.11 84
3 AA-ONN-2010/2 2 29.12.14 396
4 AA-ONN-2010/3 3 12.12.13 171 651
5 Mizoram MZ-ONN-2004/1 7 22.05.07 3213 3213
6 Krishna -Godavari KG-ONN-2004/1 28 16.02.08 353.46 353.46
7 Cauvery CY-OSN-2009/2 S-20 02.08.10 1621 1621
Table 8.16. PELs operated by ONGC as on 01.04.2017


OF PEL Km.) (Sq. Km.)
1 Assam - Arakan Sibsagar District UA-1 01.04.02 87.05
2 Golaghat District DH-4 20.01.01 54.4
3 Bhagty Bhandari NG-1 28.04.06 620
4 Singphan NG-2 28.04.06 320
5 Dimapur NG-3 28.04.06 650 1731.45
6 Himalayan Foreland Kangra-Mandi HP-1 10.11.03 1828 1828
8 Gujarat-Kutch Offshore GK-DW-1 K-5 01.10.04 16557 16557
9 Mumbai Offshore BB-OS-DW-I B-9 28.12.04 7537
10 BB-OS-DW-II B-10 28.12.04 8950 16487
11 K-G Offshore KG-OS-DW-III KGO-7 15.05.03 1190 1190
12 Cambay CB-OS/1 6 19.11.06 60
13 CB-ONN-2001/1 N45 19.08.03 0
14 CB-ONN-2002/1 N52 18.10.04 0
15 CB-OSN-2003/1 N57 05.12.05 502
16 CB-ONN-2004/1 22 20.10.07 0
17 CB-ONN-2004/2 268.12
18 CB-ONN-2004/3 24 17.05.07 10.78
19 CB-ONN-2005/10 26 20.11.09 270
20 CB-ONN-2009/4 14 06.09.11 58
21 CB-ONN-2010/1 9 16.03.13 782
22 CB-ONN-2010/6 14 16.02.13 39
23 CB-ONN-2010/9 17 01.02.14 109.36 2099.26
24 Cauvery Onland CY-ONN-2002/2 N56 31.08.04 140
25 CY-ONN-2004/2 31 30.05.08 375 515
26 Assam-Arakan AA-ONJ/2 11 07.11.08 1277


A New E&P Paradigm 145


OF PEL Km.) (Sq. Km.)
27 AA-ONN-2001/1 N39 01.05.03 960
28 AA-ONN-2001/2 N40 29.07.03 2660 4897
29 Purnea PA-ONN-2005/2 3 23.12.09 2552 2552
30 Vindhyan VN-ONN-2009/3 9 30.06.10 462 462
31 Gujarat - Kutch - GS-OSN-2004/1 1 25.04.07 552
32 Saurashtra Offshore GK-OSN-2009/1 S-1 05.08.10 517
33 GK-OSN-2009/2 S-2 05.08.10 866
34 GK-OSN-2010/1 S-1 04.05.12 1361 3296
35 Mumbai Offshore MB-OSN-2005/1 S-1 27.01.09 1250 1250
36 K-G Offshore KG-DWN-98/2 D2 12.04.00 7295
37 KG-ONN-2003/1 N69 08.02.07 315
38 KG-OSN-2004/1 6 25.05.07 1131
39 KG-OSN-2009/2 S-23 30.07.10 1471
40 KG-OSN-2009/4 S-25 02.08.10 835 11047
41 Bengal WB-ONN-2005/2 5 23.12.09 3792
42 WB-ONN-2005/3 6 23.12.09 4001
43 WB-ONN-2005/4 7 23.12.09 3940 11733
Table 8.17. PELs under Pre-NELP Exploration and NELP: Blocks with Pvt./JV companies (as on 01.04.2017)


OPERATOR MAP DATE OF PEL (Sq. km..) (Sq. km..)
1 RIL K-G Offshore KG-DWN-98/3 D3 07.06.00 298
2 Mahanadi-NEC Offs. NEC-OSN-97/2 N15 07.06.00 4128.89
3 Gujarat-Saurashtra GS-OSN-2000/1 N18 16.08.01 600
4 Cambay CB-ONN-2003/1 (A&B) N66 05.06.06 475.4 5502.29
5 CAIRN Krishna Godavari KG-OSN-2009/3 S-24 05.08.09 1988
6 Palar offshore PR-OSN-2004/1 5 24.04.07 9417 11405
7 ESSAR Cambay CB-ON/3 19 11.02.03 129.77
8 Mumbai offshore MB-OSN-2005/3 04.02.2009 1685 1814.77
9 HOEC Assam - Arakan AAP-ON-94/1 14 28.11.00 110
10 Rajasthan RJ-ONN-2005/1 14 13.07.09 1151
11 Cambay CB-ON/7 22 - 0 1261
12 FOCUS Rajasthan RJ-ON/6 16 21.08.99 2000
13 RJ-ONN-2003/2 N65 28.01.06 1398.84
14 Gujarat-Kutch GK-ON/4 21 19.04.03 775
15 Cambay CB-OSN-2004/1 2 28.05.07 2616 6789.84
Satpura-South Rewa-
16 Deep Energy SR-ONN-2005/1 24.10.2016 789 789
17 CRL* Assam-Arakan AA-ON/7 13 27.03.01 319 319
18 GSPC Cambay CB-ON/2 23 23.11.00 1202.43
19 CB-ONN-2000/1 N29 17.07.01 425
20 CB-ONN-2002/3 N54 29.07.04 0
21 CB-ONN-2003/2 N67 01.04.06 170.4
22 Krishna Godavari KG-OSN-2001/3 N38 12.03.03 493 2290.83
23 JOGPL Assam-Arakan AA-ONN-2002/1 N47 07.04.04 1260 1260
24 GAIL Cauvery CY-ONN-2005/1 29 03.03.10 946 946
25 Mumbai offshore MB-OSN-2005/2 S-2 04.02.09 1191 1191
26 Mercator Petr. Cambay CB-ONN-2005/3 19 03.06.10 48
27 CB-ONN-2005/9 25 03.06.10 132 180
28 Cambay CB-ONN-2005/5 21 07.10.09 83 83
OPERATOR MAP DATE OF PEL (Sq. km..) (Sq. km..)
29 Cambay CB-ONN-2009/1 11 15.10.10 113
30 CB-ONN-2009/7 17 04.01.11 144 257
31 JPIL Cambay CB-ONN-2009/8 18 22.10.10 136 136
PAN India /
32 Cambay CB-ONN-2010/5 13 - 49 49
Frost Int. Ltd.
Pratibha Oil
33 Cambay CB-ONN-2010/4 61 61
& gas
34 BPRL/ GAIL Cambay CB-ONN-2010/8 16 A&B 01.03.08 42
35 CB-ONN-2010/11 19 15.03.13 131 173
*CRL's operatorship has been terminated by Government. ACL has requested to transfer the PI.
Table 8.18. Company-wise PEL areas

PEL Area
Sq. Km. (%)
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 75644.7 64.53%
Oil India Ltd. 7078.45 6.04%
Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd. 1191 1.02%
Assam Company Ltd. 319 0.27%
Bharat Petro Resources Ltd 173 0.15%
Cairn Energy India Pvt. Ltd. 11405.1 9.73%
Deep Energy Llc 789 0.67%
Essar Oil Ltd. 1814.77 1.55%
Focus Energy Ltd. 6789.84 5.79%
GAIL (India) Limited. 946 0.81% Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 64.53%
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 2290.83 1.95% Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd. 1.02%
Bharat Petro Resources Ltd 0.15%
Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Limited. 1261 1.08% Deep Energy Llc 0.67%
Focus Energy Ltd. 5.79%
Jay Polychem (India) Ltd. 136 0.12% Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 1.95%
Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Limited. 1260 1.07% Jay Polychem (India) Ltd. 0.12%
Mercator Petroleum Private Limited. 0.15%
Mercator Petroleum Private Limited. 180 0.15% Pan India Consultants 0.04%
Omkar Naturals Resources Pvt. Ltd. 83 0.07% Reliance Industries Ltd. 4.69%
Oil India Ltd. 6.04%
Pan India Consultants 49 0.04% Assam Company Ltd. 0.27%
Cairn Energy India Pty Ltd. 9.73%
Pratibha Oil and Natural Gas Pvt. Ltd. 61 0.05% Essar Oil Ltd. 1.55%
Reliance Industries Ltd. 5502.29 4.69% GAIL (India) Limited. 0.81%
Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Limited. 1.08%
Sintex Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. 257 0.22% Jubilant Oil & Gas Private Limited. 1.07%
Grand Total 117230.98 100.00% Omkar Naturals Resources Pvt. Ltd. 0.07%
Pratibha Oil and Natural Gas Pvt. Ltd. 0.05%
Sintex Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. 0.22%


A New E&P Paradigm 147

Table 8.19. State-wise PEL distribution

PEL Area
Onland/Offshore Location Area
Sq. km. (%)
Offshore Eastern Offshore 29867.89 25.48%
Western Offshore 44244 37.74%
Offshore Total 74111.89 63.22%
Onland Andhra Pradesh 668.46 0.57%
Arunanchal Pradesh 331.75 0.28%
Assam 3396.45 2.90%
Chhattisgarh 789 0.67%
Gujarat 5654.25 4.82%
Himachal Pradesh 1828 1.56%
Madhya Pradesh 462 0.39%
Mizoram 5873 5.01%
Nagaland 1590 1.36%
Rajasthan 4560.18 3.89%
Tamil Nadu 1461 1.25%
Tripura 2220 1.89%
West Bengal 14285 12.19%
Onland Total 43119.09 36.78%
Grand Total 117230.98 100.00%

Table 8.20. Nomination ML areas operated by ONGC and OIL in India

1 ONGC Assam-Arakan Adamtila 24-11-14 23-11-31 4
2 Adamtila Extn. 03-03-12 02-03-32 63
3 Agartala Dome (AD-1) 01-05-09 30-04-29 15.75
4 Agartala Dome (AD-4) 01-01-98 31-12-17 32.58
5 Agartala Dome Extn.-II 01-02-06 31-01-26 160.86
6 Agartala Dome Extn.-III 30-03-11 29-03-31 60
7 Badarpur 01-08-09 31-07-19 2.3
8 Banamali 17-12-02 16-12-22 50
9 Banaskandi 21-07-97 20-07-17 15
10 Baramura Extn.-IV 01-02-06 31-01-26 150.25
11 Baramura Field 01-10-13 30-09-33 10.75
12 Bhubandar 22-12-02 21-12-22 6
13 Borholla 17-06-98 16-06-18 32.12
14 Cachar District 04-01-13 03-01-20 732
15 Changmaigaon 07-02-04 06-02-24 10
16 Changmaigaon East 30-01-06 29-01-26 15
17 Changpang ML 14-03-07 13-03-27 12
18 Charaideo-Nahorhabi 30-01-06 29-01-26 14
19 26-09-11 25-09-31 41
20 Charali 20-03-99 19-03-19 51.64
21 Charali Ext.-I 20-05-98 19-05-18 45
East Changmaigaon
22 01-12-11 30-11-31 35
23 Assam-Arakan East Lakhibari 23-07-03 22-07-23 8.5
24 East Lakhibari Extn. 10-10-13 09-10-20 49
25 Geleki 16-08-10 15-08-30 27.94
26 Geleki Ext.- II 14-12-01 13-12-21 2.65
27 Geleki Ext.-I 23-11-09 22-11-29 5.01
28 Gojalia block 07-02-06 06-02-26 271.17
29 Golaghat Extn. II-A 09-12-09 08-12-24 85
30 Kalyanpur 13-04-07 12-04-27 40
31 Kasomarigaon 09-12-09 08-12-25 76
32 Khoraghat 26-07-09 25-07-24 3
33 Khoraghat Ext. - I 17-07-00 16-07-20 83
34 Konaban Field 04-03-14 03-03-34 33.0046
35 Kunjaban 14-07-08 13-07-28 288
36 Laiplingaon Extn. 26-09-11 25-09-23 30.45
37 Laipling-Gaon 13-10-03 12-10-23 26
38 Lakwa 29-09-08 28-09-28 172.49
39 Manikya Nagar (RO-15) 01-01-98 31-12-17 0.8
40 01-02-06 31-01-26 138.55
ra Extn-I
41 30-01-06 29-01-26 77
42 26-09-11 25-09-31 50
zira-Bihubar Extn.
43 Mekrong 19-09-97 18-09-17 16
44 Namber 05-09-99 04-09-19 26
45 Namti 09-11-07 08-11-27 35.55
46 North Patharia 30-03-12 29-03-29 60
47 North Rudrasagar 30-01-06 29-01-26 149
48 Panidihing 19-05-04 18-05-24 34
49 Rokhia (RO-19) 26-02-12 25-02-20 0.58
50 Rokhia (RO-2) 14-11-08 13-11-28 5.04
51 Rudrasagar 30-05-09 29-05-29 70.5
52 SE Geleki 30-01-06 29-01-26 20.5
53 SE Geleki Extn. 26-09-11 25-09-31 28
54 Sector - VC 30-11-14 29-11-34 497
55 Sonari 01-08-09 31-07-26 30
56 13-12-10 12-12-26 301
57 Tichna block 07-02-06 06-02-26 195.41
58 Titabar 24-12-08 23-12-23 10
59 Tulamura 20-11-09 19-11-29 84
60 West Charali 23-03-12 22-03-32 12
61 West Tripura 04-01-13 03-01-20 1327.58 5927.9746
62 Cambay Ahmedabad Ext.-I 22-02-01 21-02-21 17.29
63 Ahmedabad Ext.-II 29-07-08 28-07-28 5.98
64 Ahmedabad Ext.-III 11-11-11 10-11-31 34.75


A New E&P Paradigm 149

65 Cambay Ahmedabad Ext.-IV 08-10-98 07-10-18 10.21
66 Ahmedabad Ext-V 08-05-00 07-05-20 17.75
67 Ahmedabad-Bakrol 05-08-09 04-08-29 30.16
68 Akholjuni 27-07-00 26-07-20 81.25
69 Anklav Ext.-I 15-02-02 14-02-22 61
70 Ankleshwar (Main) 15-08-01 14-08-21 38.98
71 Ankleshwar Ext.-I 26-05-05 25-05-25 17.43
72 Asmali ML 15-06-98 14-06-17 43.26
73 Balasar 08-06-13 07-06-30 12
74 Balol 25-05-90 24-05-30 24
75 Balol Extn.-I 26-12-13 25-12-18 5.83
76 Bechraji 31-08-11 30-08-28 37.11
77 Bechraji Ext.-I 29-03-04 28-03-24 3.06
78 Cambay 14-12-04 13-12-24 2.6
79 Chaklasi-Rasnol 06-12-07 05-12-27 42
80 Chaklasi-Rasnol Extn.-I 16-11-10 15-11-27 168
81 Chanasma 28-09-96 27-09-16 2.81
82 Chandrora 16-02-04 15-02-24 1.39
83 Charada 06-10-14 05-10-19 10.6
84 Charada Mansa 23-10-12 22-10-27 187.5
85 Charada Mansa Extn.-I 20-09-08 19-09-28 12.5
86 Dabka 01-05-13 30-04-33 21.67
87 Dabka Ext.-I 23-08-08 22-08-28 12.85
88 Dabka Ext.-II 30-06-09 29-06-24 0.56
89 Dabka Ext.-IV (D#6) 20-02-97 19-02-17 1
90 Dabka Ext.-V (D#38) 29-06-99 28-06-19 2
91 Dahej 06-02-05 05-02-25 18.52
92 Dahej Ext.-I 17-04-14 16-04-34 90.9
93 Dedana (ML) 04-11-96 03-11-16 5.44
94 Degam 25-03-08 24-03-25 15.47
95 East Sobhasan 28-06-02 27-06-22 22.42
96 Elav 30-03-90 29-03-10 10.37
97 Gamij 26-06-15 25-06-35 39.16
98 Gamij Ext. - II 04-04-01 03-04-21 116.22
99 Gamij Ext.-I 25-03-97 24-03-17 81.22
100 Gamij Ext.-III ML 08-02-02 07-02-22 15.41
101 Gandhar 07-01-05 06-01-25 11.78
102 Gandhar Ext. - IX 20-08-02 19-08-22 40.91
103 Gandhar Ext.-I 08-10-06 07-10-26 32.75
104 Gandhar Ext.-II (Denwa) 08-07-06 07-07-26 54.3
105 Gandhar Ext.-III 24-02-07 23-02-27 235.38
106 Gandhar Ext.-IV 30-08-14 29-08-34 36.75
107 Gandhar Ext.-V 22-03-96 21-03-16 29.43
108 Gandhar Ext.-VI (G#388) 22-01-97 21-01-17 44.47
109 Cambay Gandhar Ext.-VII(G#155) 24-04-99 23-04-19 25.82
110 Gandhar Ext.-VIII 16-08-00 15-08-20 7.23
111 Gandhar Extn.-X 19-06-09 18-06-17 9
112 Gandhar Extn.-XI 19-06-09 18-06-19 7.2
113 Gandhar Extn.-XII 19-06-09 18-06-25 29
114 Geratpur 20-08-00 19-08-20 18.31
115 Halisa 30-01-98 29-01-18 143.44
116 Hirapur 24-10-97 23-10-17 87.92
117 Jakasna(ML) 02-06-01 01-06-21 9.8
118 Jambusar-Dabka 25-03-08 24-03-23 101.5
119 Jotana 26-07-00 25-07-20 39.5
120 Jotana Ext.-I 28-11-06 27-11-26 57.7
121 Jotana Ext.-II 16-06-97 15-06-17 0.87
122 Jotana-South 10-03-08 09-03-24 23
123 Jotana-Warosan 24-06-05 23-06-25 38.05
124 Kadi 18-08-08 17-08-28 64.49
125 Kadi Asjol 28-08-03 27-08-23 0.72
126 Kadi Ext-III 02-02-99 01-02-19 16.07
127 Kadi Extn.-IV 13-11-03 12-11-23 5.28
128 Kadi Extn.-V 22-11-10 21-11-27 13
129 Kalol (Main) 13-05-04 12-05-24 35.84
130 Kalol Ext.-I 04-08-06 03-08-26 159.92
131 Kalol Ext.-II 11-04-09 10-04-29 15.5
132 Kalol North-East 15-03-10 14-03-30 9.44
133 Kalol West Ext.-II 20-09-07 19-09-22 20
134 Kalol West Extn.-I 03-02-06 02-02-22 54.25
135 Kalol West ML 21-11-03 01-11-23 14.53
136 Kamboi 25-12-07 24-12-18 2.35
137 Kasiyabet 12-09-09 11-09-29 5.06
138 Kathana 20-11-08 19-11-28 16.95
139 Kathana Ext.-I 15-03-04 14-03-24 16.99
140 Kharach 23-03-15 22-03-35 0.77
141 Kim Ext. - I 04-01-02 03-01-22 56.11
142 Kim(ML) 10-03-97 09-03-17 18.33
143 Kosamba 03-01-08 02-01-28 19.17
144 Kosamba Extn.-I 01-03-03 28-02-23 39
145 Kudara 28-06-02 27-06-22 2.6
146 Kural (ML) 03-04-01 02-04-21 83.49
147 Langhnaj ML 23-07-02 22-07-22 17.92
148 Langhnaj-Wadasma 05-02-01 04-02-21 13.84
149 Lanwa 09-12-02 08-12-22 30
150 Lanwa Ext.-I 16-12-16 15-12-36 2.15
151 Limbodra 21-12-05 01-12-25 15.75
152 Limbodra Ext.-I 25-03-98 24-03-18 14.96


A New E&P Paradigm 151

153 Cambay Linch 16-10-13 15-10-33 43.73
154 Linch Ext.- I 18-03-07 17-03-17 34.25
155 Linch Ext.-II 24-03-07 23-03-17 13.35
156 Malpur (ML) 04-06-07 03-06-27 1
157 Mansa 26-07-95 25-07-15 58.72
158 Matar 01-10-09 30-09-29 66.5
159 Mehsana City 08-08-96 07-08-16 8.85
160 Mehsana City Ext.-II 18-07-15 17-07-35 7.58
161 Motera 14-08-16 13-08-21 15.69
162 Motera Ext.-I 25-03-97 24-03-17 23.65
163 Motera Ext.-II 25-03-98 24-03-18 26.02
164 Motwan 04-07-99 03-07-19 42.2
165 N. Kadi Ext.-I (New) 03-05-13 02-05-29 61.43
166 N. Sobhasan Pt. A+B 25-01-99 24-01-19 12.05
167 Nada 19-02-09 18-02-29 9.85
168 Nada Ext.-I 03-09-98 02-09-18 6.12
169 Nandasan - Langnaj 27-04-06 26-04-26 61.9
170 Nandasan Ext.-I 18-07-15 17-07-35 26.39
171 Nandej 25-03-97 24-03-17 0
172 Nandej East 26-06-15 25-06-35 20.92
173 Nandej Ext.-I 08-02-02 07-02-22 56.18
174 Nawagam Ext. - III 31-08-00 30-08-20 56
175 Nawagam Ext.-I 21-03-03 20-03-23 2.77
176 Nawagam Ext.-II 26-11-99 25-11-19 14.66
177 Nawagam Main 28-03-07 27-03-27 72.23
178 Nawagam South Ext.-I 21-11-03 20-11-23 30.88
179 Nawagam South Ext.-II 21-11-03 20-11-23 43.94
180 Nawagam South Ext.-III 13-12-05 12-12-25 53.71
181 North Sobhasan Ext.-I 12-03-01 11-03-21 56.85
182 North Sobhasan Ext.-II 17-11-01 16-11-21 23
183 Olpad - Dandi Ext. - I 01-01-04 31-12-23 94.4
184 Olpad (A) 24-11-02 23-11-22 2.75
185 Padra Field 03-09-13 02-09-33 172.24
186 Pakhajan Ext.-I 10-01-15 09-01-20 18
187 Pakhajan Extn. - II 16-09-02 15-09-22 38.5
188 Pakhajan(ML) 21-08-07 20-08-27 6.25
189 Paliyad-Kalol-Limbodra 26-06-15 25-06-35 161.48
190 Patan-Tharad 04-09-13 03-09-33 13.619
191 Rajpur 26-06-15 25-06-35 6.76
192 Rajpur Ext.-I 02-02-99 01-02-19 8.7
193 Rupal 29-10-04 28-10-24 14.06
194 Sanand 10-05-09 09-05-29 81.36
195 Sanand Ext.-I 30-04-13 29-04-33 18.51
196 Sanand Ext.-II 23-03-99 22-03-19 10.37
197 Cambay Sanand Ext.-III 11-11-11 11-11-31 19.3
198 Sanaokhurd 30-12-96 29-12-16 23.29
199 Sanganpur ML 05-06-02 04-06-22 6.97
200 Santhal 09-06-14 08-06-34 19.46
201 Siswa 12-02-00 11-02-20 37.78
202 Sobhasan 20-08-13 19-08-33 35.89
203 South Dahej 12-11-08 11-11-25 27
204 South Patan 16-06-97 15-06-17 6.99
205 South Wamaj ML 28-06-02 27-06-22 18.29
206 Umra 10-08-07 09-08-27 8.44
207 Umra Ext.-I 19-10-14 18-10-34 9.93
208 Umra Extn.-II 13-03-03 12-03-17 34.43
209 Valod 07-11-07 06-11-17 8.58
210 Valod Extn.-I 22-11-10 21-11-27 110
211 Valod Extn.-II 10-09-13 09-09-33 30.27
212 Varsoda-Halisa 29-08-08 28-08-25 155
213 Varsoda-Halisa Extn.-I 22-11-10 21-11-28 169
214 Vasad-Kathol Ext.-III 08-07-11 07-07-29 103.175
215 Viraj 26-07-00 25-07-20 17.49
216 Wadu 26-05-10 25-05-30 15.41
217 Wadu Ext.-I 19-05-97 18-05-17 55.17
218 Wamaj 25-03-97 24-03-17 19.44
219 West Mewad(ML) 11-10-00 10-10-20 13.2
220 West Sobhasan 23-04-03 22-04-23 9.6 5720.784
Cauvery Off-
221 PBS-1-1 Extn. 01-04-09 31-03-25 96.83 96.83
Cauvery On-
222 Adichapuram 13-04-07 12-04-27 2.3
223 Adiyakka Mangalam 27-05-99 26-05-19 17.8
224 Greater Bhuvanagiri 15-12-07 14-12-27 14
225 Greater Kali 21-07-10 20-07-30 36
226 Greater Kamalapuram 26-12-04 24-12-24 22
227 Greater Kovilkalapal 15-05-07 14-05-27 33.61
228 Greater Narimanam 27-01-06 26-01-26 54
229 Kali 01-06-01 31-05-21 19
230 Kali-6 01-01-04 31-12-23 1.6
231 Kamalapuram-I 27-05-99 26-05-19 23.5
232 Kamalapuram-II 04-05-94 03-05-14 3.5
233 Kanjirangudi 13-10-03 12-10-23 68
234 Karaikal 10-09-08 09-09-28 2
235 Kizhavalur 27-05-99 26-05-19 3.6
236 Kuthalam 01-06-01 31-05-21 91
237 Kuthalam-13 12-02-04 11-02-24 12
238 Kuthanallur 26-02-04 25-02-24 6.25
239 L-I 31-12-12 30-12-19 948.16


A New E&P Paradigm 153

Cauvery On-
240 L-II 31-12-12 30-12-19 1542.02
241 Mattur 04-05-94 03-05-14 3
242 Nannilam-I 26-04-13 25-04-33 4.7
243 Nannilam-II 27-05-99 26-05-19 1
244 Neyveli 15-03-08 14-03-28 3.84
245 PBS-1-1 01-10-03 30-09-23 9
246 15-07-97 14-07-17 75
247 Pundi 27-05-99 26-05-19 1
248 Ramanathapuram 21-11-12 20-11-19 493.21
249 Tiruvarur-19 12-02-04 11-02-24 2
250 Tulsapatnam 27-05-99 26-05-19 3.7
251 Vadatheru 31-12-07 30-12-27 15.18
252 Vijayapuram #13 03-11-02 02-11-22 2 3513.97
253 K-G Offshore G-1 Field 05-09-03 04-09-23 105
254 Godavari 24-01-08 23-01-28 111.5
255 GS-15 & 23 04-09-98 03-09-18 80
256 GS-29 30-10-09 29-10-29 35
257 GS-29 Extn. 07-12-11 06-12-27 137.62
258 GS-49 22-10-09 21-10-29 52.5
259 GS-49 Extn. 06-09-13 05-09-33 77.68
260 Vainateyam 20-09-08 19-09-23 221
261 Vainateyam Extn. 11-01-11 10-01-29 78
262 Vasistha 15-02-08 14-02-28 119
263 Yanam 19-11-09 18-11-29 268.5 1285.8
264 KG-Onshore Achanta 28-11-08 27-11-28 14.1
265 30-07-96 29-07-16 95
266 Bantumilli Extn. 05-01-09 04-01-19 155.67
267 Chintalapalli Extn. 12-11-09 11-11-19 18.56
268 Elamanchali 21-02-11 20-02-31 6
269 Endamuru-4 30-04-03 29-04-23 6
270 Endamuru-7&9 19-05-03 18-05-23 7.3
271 Endamuru-I 03-04-12 02-04-19 3
272 Enugupalli 06-07-00 05-07-20 7
273 Godavari On-land 01-01-13 31-12-19 2176
274 Kaikalur-3 10-09-06 09-09-26 9
275 Kavitam 12-10-07 11-10-27 156.35
276 Kesanapalli 18-07-12 17-07-32 3.7
277 Kesavadasupalem 30-07-02 29-07-22 26.5
278 Lakshmaneswaram 30-07-02 29-07-22 23.5
279 Lingala 21-12-09 20-12-24 7.6
280 Lingala Ext. & Kaikalur-12 30-07-02 29-07-22 30
281 Mahadevapatnam 28-11-08 27-11-28 138.89
282 KG-Onshore Malleswaram 22-11-11 21-11-31 241.18
283 Mandapeta 22-08-15 21-08-35 40
284 Mandapeta West 01-06-04 31-05-24 20
285 Mandapeta-19 01-05-98 30-04-18 6
286 Manepalli Extn. 12-11-09 11-11-24 10
287 Medapadu 08-07-12 07-07-32 16.6
288 Mori-1 07-04-11 06-04-31 6.5
289 Mori-5 05-06-14 04-06-20 1.56
290 Nandigama 31-01-00 30-01-20 55
291 Pasarlapudi-8 27-06-12 26-06-27 5.5
292 Pasarlapudi-9 23-07-12 22-07-32 6.6
293 Penumadam-1 03-04-12 02-04-22 9.6
294 Penumadam-2 01-07-04 30-06-24 3.2
295 Razole-1 & 2 23-01-08 22-01-26 18.85
296 Srikatpalli 30-07-02 29-07-22 163
297 Suryaraopeta 30-07-02 29-07-22 56
298 Tatipaka-Pasarlapudi 14-02-14 13-02-34 62
299 Turputallu 21-11-12 20-11-19 39.58
300 Vadali 20-04-10 19-04-20 4
301 West Godavari 01-01-13 31-12-19 1278.32 4927.66
302 Kutch Offshore GK-28 10-10-11 09-10-27 1242.5
303 KD-Field 01-04-11 31-03-26 430 1672.5
Mumbai Off-
304 Around D-1 Field 14-09-09 13-09-25 1167
305 B-119 / B-121 15-05-97 14-05-17 113.4
306 B-173A 01-06-98 31-05-18 51.95
307 B-55 30-06-99 29-06-19 135.85
Bassein Field Extn.
308 15-06-05 14-06-31 22.55
309 BOFF 03-01-13 02-01-20 11595
310 C-37 (BOFF I, II & III) 12-09-07 11-09-27 469
311 C-Series Fields 01-04-06 31-03-26 3620
312 D-1 Field 31-07-05 30-07-25 25.6
313 D-18 01-01-05 31-12-24 194
314 D-33 (BOFF I, III, SWBH) 05-09-06 04-09-26 603
Extn. of NW-Mumbai
315 17-11-08 16-11-28 2480
316 Heera 20-11-04 19-11-24 448.05
317 Mumbai High-South 09-01-06 08-01-26 802
318 Mumbai High-SW 01-04-06 31-03-26 1064.71
319 Mumbi High-NW 01-04-06 31-03-26 1567.67
320 Neelam 14-11-09 13-11-29 213
321 North Heera 04-12-07 03-12-22 121
322 North Tapti Field 09-01-06 08-01-26 68.14
323 Ratna & R-Series 30-03-16 29-03-36 1005


A New E&P Paradigm 155

Mumbai Off-
324 S&E of Bassein 01-04-06 31-03-26 1447.31
325 Single PML MH Field 24-10-10 23-10-30 1953.83
326 South Bassein 01-10-87 30-09-27 743
327 SW BH Extension 03-01-13 02-01-20 482
328 Vasai East 01-04-06 31-03-26 103.69
329 West of Bassein 01-04-06 31-03-26 835 31331.75
330 Rajasthan Bakriwala 10-01-01 09-01-21 1
331 Chinnewala Tibba 15-10-03 14-10-23 114.86
332 Ghotaru Ext. - I 10-01-01 09-01-21 564.6
333 Manherra Tibba 01-05-14 30-04-34 24
334 South-Kharatar 25-03-11 24-03-31 180.39 884.85
335 Vindhyan Nohta-Damoh-Jabera 10-02-15 09-02-22 1150 1150
ONGC Total 56512.1186
1 OIL Assam- Arakan Baghjan 14-05-03 13-05-23 75
2 Borhapjan 07-08-01 06-08-20 87
3 Borhat 13-08-13 12-08-33 81
4 Chabua 12-06-02 11-06-22 189
5 Dholiya 02-08-01 17-10-22 131
6 Dibrugarh 21-01-98 20-01-18 186
7 Digboi 14-10-01 13-10-21 49.33
Dum-Duma BK-A 26-11-09 25-11-29 98.42
Dum-Duma BK-B 26-11-09 25-11-29 311.96
Dum-Duma BK-C 26-11-09 25-11-29 85.47
Dum-Duma BK-D 26-11-09 25-11-29 10.36
9 Hugrijan 10-01-01 09-01-21 725.2
10 Mechaki 19-05-03 18-05-23 195
11 Mechaki Extnension 06-07-10 05-07-30 9
12 Moran 10-01-01 09-01-21 429.42
13 Moran Extn. 01-11-06 31-10-26 560
14 Nahorkatiya 04-02-04 03-02-24 1.42
15 Nahorkatiya Extn. 10-01-11 09-01-31 165.76
16 Ningru 27-11-03 26-11-23 540.67
17 Ningru Extension 04-06-03 03-06-23 75
Sapkaint + Dumduma
18 24-12-07 23-12-27 105
Extn (NF)
19 Tinsukia 02-08-01 06-12-21 250
20 Tinsukia Extension 17-05-03 16-05-23 185 4546.01
21 Rajasthan Baghewala 30-05-03 29-05-23 210
22 Dandewala (Jaisalmer) 01-01-16 31-12-35 250 460
Pvt. / JV TOTAL PML AREA 8741.1
Table 8.21. ML areas under operation in PSC regime (as on 01.04.2017)

1 CAIRN Ravva Ravva Field (On) 07-07- 331.26 3756.94
1997 (Off)
Gulf of
2 CB-OS/2 Lakshmi Pre-NELP 07-07-1998 121.06
3 Gauri - 52.7
4 Ambe - 107.47
5 CBX - 33.28
6 Rajasthan RJ-ON-90/1 DA1 Pre-NELP 20-06-2005 1859
7 DA2 15-11-2006 430.17
8 DA3 06-11-2007 822
9 ONGC Cambay CB-ONN-2002/1 West Patan NELP 30-03-2015 17 67.1
10 CB-ONN-2001/1 Nadiad – 1 NELP 19-08-2003 26
Karan nagar
11 CB-ONN-2004/1 NELP 24-03-2016 9.73
12 CB-ONN-2004/2 Vadatal-1 NELP 20-03-2015 14.37
Mumbai Mid & South
13 Shell-RIL-ONGC Mid & South Tapti Field 22-12-1994 1471 2678
Off. Tapti
14 Panna Panna Field 22-12-1994 430
15 Mukta Mukta Field 22-12-1994 777
16 GEOENPRO Kharsang Kharsang Field 21-10-1997 10 10
17 ACIL Amguri Amguri Field 01-11-2003 52.75 52.75
18 HOEC Cambay Asjol Asjol Field 09-04-1996 15 124.94
19 N. Balol N. Balol Field 21-03-2002 27.3
Pramoda &
20 CB-ON/7 Pre-NELP 21-09-2005 7.64
21 PY-1 PY-1 Field 06-10-1995 75
22 Cambay Baola Baola Field 12-12-1996 4 16.7
23 Modhera Modhera Field 19-05-2007 12.7
24 JTI Cambay Wavel Wavel Field 20-02-1995 9 57
25 Dholka Dholka Field 20-02-1995 48
26 NIKO Cambay Hazira Hazira Field 23-09-1994 50 74.25
27 CB-ONN-2000/2 NS-A NELP 24-03-2004 20.22
28 Bheema 27-09-2004 4.03
29 SELAN Cambay Lohar Lohar Field 13-03-1995 5 189.65
30 Indrora Indrora Field 13-03-1995 130
31 Bakrol Bakrol Field 13-03-1995 36
32 Karjisan Karjisan Field 23-11-2005 5
33 Ognaj Ognaj Field 05-08-2008 13.65
34 GNRL Cambay Kanawara Kanawara Field 04-02-2003 6.3 34.15
35 Dholasan Dholasan Field 27-02-2006 8.8
36 Allora Allora Field 16-05-2003 6.85
37 N. Kathana N. Kathana Field 11-06-2003 12.2
38 Cambay Sanganpur Sanganpur Field 27-02-2002 4.4 4.4
39 OILEX Cambay Cambay Cambay Field 23-09-1994 161 167
40 Bhandut Bhandut Field 23-09-1994 6
41 GSPCL Cambay Unawa Unawa Field 19-05-2003 5.65 89.32
42 CB-ONN-2000/1 NELP 05-09-2005 15.71
43 CB-ONN-2003/2 Ank-21 NELP 25-02-2014 1.6


A New E&P Paradigm 157

44 CB-ONN-2002/3 Mirroli NELP 25-02-2014 3.29
45 CB-ONN-2002/3 Sanand NELP 20-03-2015 18
46 CB-ON/2 Tarapur#1 Pre-NELP 12-02-2009 7.57
47 Tarapur#G Pre-NELP 03-03-2014
48 Tarapur#6 Pre-NELP 09-06-2015
49 KG Off. KG-OSN-2001/3 DDW NELP 11-08-2010 37.5
50 FOCUS Rajasthan RJ-ON/6 SGL Pre-NELP 23-06-2010 176 176
51 HARDY CY-OS-90/1 PY-3 Pre-NELP 20-07-1998 81 81
52 RIL KG Off. KG-DWN-98/3 D-1&3 NELP 02-03-2005 339.4 1148.12
53 D-26 17-04-2008 49.72
54 D-2,6,19&22 21-06-2012 229
55 D-34 30-09-2013 530
56 ESSAR Cambay CB-ON/3 ESU Pre-NELP 23-04-2007 7.81 13.73
57 EEU 21-10-2016 1.41
58 ENS 09-11-2016 2.93
59 ENP 13-12-2016 1.58
Total of MLs awarded in PSC regime 8741.05
Table 8.22. Trend in production of crude oil and natural gas in PSC regime during the period 2004-05 to 2016-17

% age Growth over %age Growth over previous

YEAR GAS (MMSCM) Oil+Condensate (TMT)
previous year year
2004-05 6783.79 4300.48
2005-06 7357.63 8% 4552.24 6%
2006-07 7039.70 -4% 4829.91 6%
2007-08 7727.39 10% 5086.92 5%
2008-09 8090.04 5% 4674.29 -8%
2009-10 21985.12 172% 5262.53 13%
2010-11 26774.49 22% 9681.99 84%
2011-12 21608.96 -19% 10526.96 9%
2012-13 14490.88 -33% 11640.05 11%
2013-14 9497.09 -34% 12076.41 4%
2014-15 8911.95 -6% 11785.22 -2%
2015-16 8234.64 -8% 11355.98 -4%
2016-17 6872.14 -17% 10532.43 -7%
Table No. 8.23. ONGC 2P Reserves of Crude oil under Nomination Regime (in MMT)
Oil Initial In Place Estimated Ultimate Ultimate Balance Recoverable
As on Acrretion of OIIP
(OIIP) Reserves Acrretion Reserves
01.04.2013 4752.00 113.49 1358.36 30.86 463.43
01.04.2014 4802.80 50.81 1368.12 9.76 451.94
01.04.2015 4828.21 25.40 1391.57 23.45 453.97
01.04.2016 4876.43 48.22 1403.81 12.24 444.64
01.04.2017 4939.00 62.57 1417.81 13.99 437.28
Table No. 8.24. ONGC 2P Reserves of Natural Gas under Nomination Regime (in BCM)
Gas Initial In Place Estimated Ultimate
As on Acrretion of GIIP Ultimate Acrretion Recoverable
(GIIP) Reserves
01.04.2013 1943.87 53.72 1113.43 35.37 534.83
01.04.2014 1996.01 52.14 1137.52 24.09 535.95
01.04.2015 2033.03 37.26 1163.89 26.37 540.58
01.04.2016 2083.74 50.71 1162.23 -1.66 518.03
01.04.2017 2138.92 55.18 1199.43 37.21 533.45
Table 8.25. Salient Features of Main Regimes in Indian Oil and Gas Industry
The prominent features of the four regimes viz. Nomination, Pre-NELP Exploration, Pre-NELP
Discovered, NELP and HELP rounds is as below:

Item Nomination Pre-NELP Exploration Blocks

Bonus NA No signature or production bonus

Royalty For Crude Oil: No royalty payment

20% for
onshore OR
10% for No royalty payment
offshore No custom duty
10% for deep
Natural Gas:
10% for all
onshore and

Government Government Government of India or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date of signing of contract,
of India (GoI) owned with the option to convert it into a working interest after the decision to proceed with the development
interest and production of discovered hydrocarbons has been taken
GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any block it chooses at the time of signing of
contract, thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost
ONGC or OIL will have a participating interest of between 25% to 40% in the JV from the date of signing
of contract, thereby sharing the exploration cost in proportion to their participating interest

Pricing of As per International market price for oil produced

Crude Oil and prevailing rate The pricing formula for associated gas would be on a cost plus basis, while for non-associated gas it
Natural Gas and subsidy would be related to the international price of fuel oil, the exact relationship being negotiable. The price
arrangement payable for both associated and non-associated gas would not exceed the price paid to the producing
National Oil Companies (exclusive of cess, taxes and royalty)
The pricing formula for gas would be on internationally accepted principles
Arrangement for marketing of the gas produced would be negotiable between GoI and the Company
The JV will have freedom to make arrangements for marketing the gas
Sharing of In the Profit oil shall be bid based on sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of investment
profit pattern of recovered

Minimum NA No minimum expenditure commitment

No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes

Operatorship NOC (ONGC/ Company will be operator for exploration and appraisal period
OIL) Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI or its nominee during development and production phase is
Operatorship is negotiable
Time of transfer of operatorship to ONGC/OIL during development and production phase is also


A New E&P Paradigm 159

Pre-NELP Discovered Fields NELP (1999 -2016) HELP(since 2017)

(Small or Medium or Discovered)
Signature/production bonuses payable by companies to ONGC and OIL No signature, discovery or No signature, discovery or
OR production bonus production bonus
Signature/production bonuses payable by coventures
All statutory levies including royalty, cess, customs duties, etc. payable Royalty : Royalty :
by Contractor
OR For Crude Oil- For Crude Oil-
All statutory levies, including royalty, cess, customs duties, sales tax, etc. 12.5% for onshore 12.5% for onshore
payable by Coventure 10% for offshore 7.5% for Shallow water
5% for deep water 5% for Deep water
2% for Ultra Deep water
For Natural Gas-
10% onshore For Natural Gas-
10% offshore 10% for onshore
5% for deep water ad valorem 7.5% for Shallow water
applicable to all companies 5% for deep water
No custom duty on imports for 2% for Ultra Deep water
Petroleum Operations No royalty for first 7 year in
Income Tax holiday of 7 years Deep and Ultra Deep Water.
for Mineral Oil No custom duty on imports for
Petroleum Operations
ONGC/OIL would have no participating or carried interest in the No State participation or any No State Participation or any
Contract. NOCs not allowed to bid carried interest carried interest,
ONGC/OIL will have up to 40 % Participating Interest NOCs to compete for acreage NOCs to compete for acreage
OR with Private with Private
ONGC/OIL will have up to 40 % Participating Interest in medium size
ONGC/OIL would have no participating or carried interest in the
Contracts of small fields. NOCs not allowed to bid for small size fields
First right of refusal to Government of India in respect of purchase of International Crude Oil price at Full Marketing and pricing
crude oil produced. International market price for oil produced arm's length freedom subject to floor price
OR as per Article 19.2 and 19.3
In case of natural gas, related to international price of fuel oil for Non Gas pricing requires approval of Model Revenue Sharing
associated gas and determined on a cost plus basis for associated gas of GoI Contract (MRSC)
Domestic market would have the first call on natural gas produced,
arrangements for marketing of gas produced would be negotiable
between GoI and Company.
The pricing would be based on internationally accepted principles
Sharing of the profit oil shall be bid, based on a sliding scale tied to post Sharing of Profit Petroleum Profit Sharing has been
tax rates of return or multiples of investment recovered and shall be with Govt. on biddable pre-tax replaced by Revenue Sharing
specified in each Contract investment multiple
NA Step ladder based system of
OR Investment multiple for GoI
Sharing of the profit oil/gas would have to be indicated in the offer, Share
based on a sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of NELP VII to IX:
investment recovered as in the Rounds of bidding for exploration blocks Linear based system of
Investment multiple for GoI

Percentage of annual production of crude oil expected to be allocated No ring fencing of expenditures No minimum. Companies to
for recovery of costs should be indicated in the offer bid for work programme LDs
OR Tax Incentives for Site (Liquidity Damage) value
Preferential treatment to companies taking up exploration blocks under Restoration Fund Scheme specified
round the year bidding scheme of the Government of India (SRFS)
Flexibility of negotiations: The terms and conditions are indicative and
companies can state in their bids the specific assumptions made in
respect of these terms. While the Govt. of India has a flexible approach
to these terms, it reserves to itself the right to accept or reject any bid in
its sole discretion
As per Article 7 of PSC Operator required minimum
qualification experience
Table 8.26. Details of Fiscal Terms under which blocks were offered under various Pre-NELP Exploration Rounds in India

Item Round,1991 Round,1993 Round,1993

Bonus No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus
Royalty No royalty payment No royalty payment No royalty payment

No custom duty
GoI interest GoI or its nominee will have carried GoI or its nominee will have carried GoI or its nominee will have carried
interest of 30% from the date of interest of 30% from the date of interest of 30% from the date of
signing of contract, with the option signing of contract, with the option signing of contract, with the option
to convert it into a working interest to convert it into a working interest to convert it into a working interest
after the decision to proceed with after the decision to proceed with after the decision to proceed with
the development and production of the development and production of the development and production of
discovered hydrocarbons has been discovered hydrocarbons has been discovered hydrocarbons has been
taken. taken. taken.

GoI or its nominee may also acquire GoI or its nominee may also acquire GoI or its nominee may also acquire
10% working interest in any block 10% working interest in any block 10% working interest in any block
it chooses at the time of signing of it chooses at the time of signing of it chooses at the time of signing of
contract, thereby sharing 10% of contract, thereby sharing 10% of contract, thereby sharing 10% of
exploration cost exploration cost exploration cost
Pricing of International market price for oil International market price for oil International market price for oil
crude oil and produced. produced. produced.
natural gas
The pricing formula for associated gas The pricing formula for associated gas The pricing formula for gas would be
would be on a cost plus basis, while for would be on a cost plus basis, while for on internationally accepted principles.
non-associated gas it would be related non-associated gas it would be related
Arrangement for marketing of the
to the international price of fuel oil, the to the international price of fuel oil, the
gas produced would be negotiable
exact relationship being negotiable. exact relationship being negotiable.
between the GoI and the Company
The price payable for both associated The price payable for both associated
and non-associated gas would not and non-associated gas would not
exceed the price paid to the producer exceed the price paid to the producer
National Oil Companies (exclusive of National Oil Companies (exclusive of
cess, taxes and royalty) cess, taxes and royalty)
Sharing of Profit oil shall be bid based on sliding Profit oil shall be bid based on sliding Profit oil and profit gas share based
profit scale tied to post tax rates of return or scale tied to post tax rates of return or on sliding scale tied to post tax rates
multiples of investment recovered multiples of investment recovered of return or multiples of investment
Minimum No minimum expenditure commitment No minimum expenditure commitment No minimum expenditure
expenditure commitment during the exploration
No ring fencing of blocks for corporate No ring fencing of blocks for corporate
tax purposes tax purposes
No ring fencing of blocks for
corporate tax purposes

Operatorship NA Company will be operator for Company will be operator for

exploration and appraisal period. exploration and appraisal period.

Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI Time of transfer of operatorship

or its nominee during development to GoI or its nominee during
and production phase is negotiable development and production phase is


A New E&P Paradigm 161

Round,1994 Round,1994 JV Exploration Program,1995

No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus
No royalty payment No royalty payment No royalty payment/cess payment

GoI or its nominee will have carried GoI or its nominee will have carried ONGC or OIL will have a participating
interest of 30% from the date of signing interest of 30% from the date of signing interest of between 25% to 40% in the
of contract, with the option to convert it of contract, with the option to convert it JV from the date of signing of contract,
into a working interest after the decision into a working interest after the decision thereby sharing the exploration cost
to proceed with the development and to proceed with the development and in proportion to their participating
production of discovered hydrocarbons production of discovered hydrocarbons interest
has been taken. has been taken.

GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10%
working interest in any block it chooses working interest in any block it chooses
at the time of signing of contract, at the time of signing of contract,
thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost

International market price for oil International market price for oil International market price for oil
produced. produced. produced.

The pricing formula for gas would be on The pricing formula for gas would be on The JV will have freedom to make
internationally accepted principles. internationally accepted principles. arrangements for marketing the gas

Arrangement for marketing of the gas Arrangement for marketing of the gas
produced would be negotiable between produced would be negotiable between
the GoI and the Company the GoI and the Company

Profit oil and profit gas share based Profit oil and profit gas share based Sharing of Profit petroleum based
on sliding scale tied to post tax rates on sliding scale tied to post tax rates on sliding scale tied to post tax rates
of return or multiples of investment of return or multiples of investment of return or multiples of investment
recovered recovered recovered
No minimum expenditure commitment No minimum expenditure commitment No minimum expenditure commitment
during the exploration period during the exploration period during the exploration period

No ring fencing of blocks for corporate No ring fencing of blocks for corporate No ring fencing of blocks for corporate
tax purposes tax purposes tax purposes

Company will be operator for Company will be operator for Operatorship is negotiable
exploration and appraisal period. exploration and appraisal period.
Time of transfer of operatorship to
Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI ONGC/OIL during development and
or its nominee during development and or its nominee during development and production phase is also negotiable
production phase is negotiable production phase is negotiable
Table 8.27. Details of Fiscal Terms under which blocks were offered under various Pre-NELP Field Rounds in India

Item Small fields,1992

Bonus Signature/production bonuses payable by companies to ONGC and OIL
Royalty All statutory levies including royalty, cess, customs duties, etc. payable
by Contractor

GoI interest ONGC/OIL would have no participating or carried interest in the

Contract. NOCs not allowed to bid.

Pricing of crude oil and natural gas First right of refusal to Government of India in respect of purchase of
crude oil produced. International market price for oil produced.

Sharing of profit Sharing of the profit oil shall be bid, based on a sliding scale tied to
post tax rates of return or multiples of investment recovered and shall
be specified in each Contract
Minimum expenditure Percentage of annual production of crude oil expected to be allocated
for recovery of costs should be indicated in the offer

Table 8.28. Progressive Modifications of Terms & Conditions in Different NELP Rounds


Categorization of Blocks categorized as Deepwater blocks, shallow offshore Each category is sub-categorized as Type A and
blocks blocks and onland blocks. Type B.

No sub-categorization of blocks.

Exploration phases Three exploration phases Two exploration phases

Work Program No mandatory work program Mandatory work specified in the NIO for some
of the blocks.
Bid Evaluation Criteria 1. Technical Capability 1. Technical Capability
2. Financial Capability 2. Work Program
3. Work Program 3. Fiscal Package
4. Fiscal Package
Investment Multiple Stair-step based system of Investment multiple for GoI Share Stair-step based system of Investment multiple
and GoI share for GoI Share
Part Relinquishment Part area relinquishment, after phase –I and after phase-II Part area relinquishment, after phase–I
Liquidated Damages No Liquidated Damages (LD) specified. Penalties for No Liquidated Damages (LD) specified.
unfinished work program computed case-to-case basis. Penalties for unfinished work program
computed case-to-case basis.
Bank Guarantee Bank Guarantee @ 35% of Annual work program. Bank Guarantee @ 35% of Annual work
Bid Bond No Bid bond to be furnished at the time of submission of bids. No Bid bond to be furnished at the time of
submission of bids.


A New E&P Paradigm 163

Medium fields,1992 Discovered fields,1993

Signature/production bonuses payable by coventures Signature/production bonuses payable by coventures
All statutory levies, including royalty, All statutory levies, including royalty, cess , customs duties, etc. payable
cess, customs duties, sales tax, etc. payable by
ONGC/OIL will have up to 40% Participating Interest ONGC/OIL will have up to 40% Participating Interest in medium size fields
ONGC/OIL would have no participating or carried interest in the Contracts of small
fields. NOCs not allowed to bid for small size fields.
First right of refusal to Government of India in First right of refusal to Government of India in respect of purchase of crude oil
respect of purchase of crude oil & natural gas produced.
International market price for oil purchased by GoI
International market price for oil produced and in
Domestic market would have the first call on natural gas produced; arrangements
case of natural gas, related to international price of
for marketing of gas produced would be negotiable between GoI and Company.
fuel oil for Non-associated gas and determined on a
cost plus basis for associated gas The pricing would be based on internationally accepted principles
NA Sharing of the profit oil/gas would have to be indicated in the offer, based on a
sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of investment recovered
as in the rounds of bidding for exploration blocks
Preferential treatment to companies taking up Flexibility of negotiations: The terms and conditions are indicative and companies
exploration blocks under round the year bidding can state in their bids the specific assumptions made in respect of these terms.
scheme of the Government of India. While the Govt. of India has a flexible approach to these terms, it reserves to itself
the right to accept or reject any bid on its sole discretion


Sub-categories Type A and Type B continued Type A & B classification among onland, shallow water and deep
water blocks removed.
New category Type S with small onland blocks of size less than 200
sq. km. introduced Category Type S continued.

For Type S blocks, Technical capability is not considered for pre-

qualification or evaluation.
Two exploration phases Two exploration phases
Mandatory work specified in the NIO for some of the blocks. Mandatory work specified in the NIO for some of the blocks.

1. Technical Capability 1. Technical Capability

2. Work Program 2. Work Program
3. Fiscal Package 3. Fiscal Package

Linear based system of Investment multiple for GoI Share Linear based system of Investment multiple for GoI Share

Part area relinquishment, after phase–I No part area relinquishment after phase-I
No Liquidated Damages (LD) specified. Penalties for unfinished Liquidated Damages (LD) specified upfront for unfinished work
work program computed case-to-case basis. program

Bank Guarantee @ 35% of Annual work program. One time BG introduced @ 7.5% of total committed work program.

No Bid bond to be furnished at the time of submission of bids. Bid bond to be submitted at the time of submission of bids.
Table 8.29. Fiscal Terms of Offering: Nomination vs. Pre-NELP Exploration

Item Nomination
Bonus NA No signature or production bonus
Royalty Royalty : For Crude Oil: 20% No royalty payment
for onshore,10% for offshore,
10% for deep water
Natural Gas: 10% for all
onshore and offshore
GoI interest Government owned GoI or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date of signing of contract,
with the option to convert it into a working interest after the decision to proceed with
the development and production of discovered hydrocarbons has been taken.
GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any block it chooses at the
time of signing of contract, thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost

Pricing of As per prevailing rate and International market price for oil produced.
crude oil and subsidy arrangement The pricing formula for associated gas would be on a cost plus basis, while for non-
natural gas associated gas it would be related to the international price of fuel oil, the exact
relationship being negotiable. The price payable for both associated and non-associated
gas would not exceed the price paid to the producer National Oil Companies (exclusive
of cess,taxes and royalty)

Sharing of In the pattern of shareholding Profit oil shall be bid based on sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of
profit investment recovered
Minimum NA No minimum expenditure commitment
expenditure No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes

Operatorship NOC (ONGC/OIL) NA

Table 8.30. Fiscal Terms of Offering in Pre-NELP Exploration rounds

Item Round,1994
Bonus No signature or production bonus
Royalty No royalty payment
GoI interest GoI or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date of signing of contract, with the option to convert it into
a working interest after the decision to proceed with the development and production of discovered hydrocarbons has
been taken.
GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any block it chooses at the time of signing of contract,
thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost

Pricing of International market price for oil produced.

crude oil and The pricing formula for gas would be on internationally accepted principles.
natural gas Arrangement for marketing of the gas produced would be negotiable between the GoI and the Company

Sharing of Profit oil and profit gas share based on sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of investment recovered

Minimum No minimum expenditure commitment during the exploration period

expenditure No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes

Operatorship Company will be operator for exploration and appraisal period.

Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI or its nominee during development and production phase is negotiable


A New E&P Paradigm 165

Round,1993 Round,1993
No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus
No royalty payment No royalty payment
No custom duty

GoI or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date GoI or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date
of signing of contract, with the option to convert it into a working of signing of contract, with the option to convert it into a working
interest after the decision to proceed with the development and interest after the decision to proceed with the development and
production of discovered hydrocarbons has been taken. production of discovered hydrocarbons has been taken.
GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any
block it chooses at the time of signing of contract, thereby sharing block it chooses at the time of signing of contract, thereby sharing
10% of exploration cost 10% of exploration cost
International market price for oil produced. International market price for oil produced.
The pricing formula for associated gas would be on a cost The pricing formula for gas would be on internationally accepted
plus basis, while for non-associated gas it would be related to principles.
the international price of fuel oil, the exact relationship being Arrangement for marketing of the gas produced would be
negotiable. The price payable for both associated and non- negotiable between the GoI and the Company
associated gas would not exceed the price paid to the producer
National Oil Companies (exclusive of cess,taxes and royalty)
Profit oil shall be bid based on sliding scale tied to post tax rates of Profit oil and profit gas share based on sliding scale tied to post tax
return or multiples of investment recovered rates of return or multiples of investment recovered
No minimum expenditure commitment No minimum expenditure commitment during the exploration
No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes period
No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes
Company will be operator for exploration and appraisal period. Company will be operator for exploration and appraisal period.
Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI or its nominee during Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI or its nominee during
development and production phase is negotiable development and production phase is negotiable

Round,1994 JV Exploration Programme,1995

No signature or production bonus No signature or production bonus
No royalty payment No royalty payment/cess payment
GoI or its nominee will have carried interest of 30% from the date of signing of ONGC or OIL will have a participating interest of
contract, with the option to convert it into a working interest after the decision to between 25% to 40% in the JV from the date of
proceed with the development and production of discovered hydrocarbons has signing of contract, thereby sharing the exploration
been taken. cost in proportion to their participating interest
GoI or its nominee may also acquire 10% working interest in any block it chooses at
the time of signing of contract, thereby sharing 10% of exploration cost
International market price for oil produced. International market price for oil produced.
The pricing formula for gas would be on internationally accepted principles. The JV will have freedom to make arrangements for
Arrangement for marketing of the gas produced would be negotiable between the marketing the gas
GoI and the Company
Profit oil and profit gas share based on sliding scale tied to post tax rates of return Sharing of Profit petroleum based on sliding scale
or multiples of investment recovered tied to post tax rates of return or multiples of
investment recovered
No minimum expenditure commitment during the exploration period No minimum expenditure commitment during the
No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes exploration period
No ring fencing of blocks for corporate tax purposes
Company will be operator for exploration and appraisal period. Operatorship is negotiable
Time of transfer of operatorship to GoI or its nominee during development and Time of transfer of operatorship to ONGC/OIL
production phase is negotiable during development and production phase is also
Table 8.31. Fiscal Terms of Previous Rounds of Offering (Field round vs. NELP)

No. Item Small fields,1992 Medium fields,1992 Discovered fields,1993 NELP (1999 till date)
1 Bonus Signature/production Signature/production Signature/production bonuses No signature, discovery or
bonuses payable by bonuses payable by payable by coventures production bonus
companies to ONGC and coventures
2 Royalty All statutory levies All statutory levies, All statutory levies, including Royalty : Oil- 12.5% for on-
including royalty, cess, including royalty, cess, royalty, cess , customs duties, shore,10% for offshore,
customs duties, etc. customs duties, sales etc. payable 5% for deep water; Gas-
payable by Contractor tax, etc. payable by 10% onshore, 10% offshore,
Coventure 5% for deep water ad
valorem applicable to all
No custom duty on
imports for Petroleum
Income Tax holiday of 7
years for Mineral Oil
3 GoI interest ONGC/OIL would have ONGC/OIL will ONGC/OIL will have upto No State participation or
no participating or have upto 40% 40% Participating Interest in any carried interest,
carried interest in the Participating Interest medium size fields NOCs to compete for
Contract. NOCs not ONGC/OIL would have no acreage with Private
allowed to bid participating or carried
interest in the Contracts of
small fields. NOCs not allowed
to bid for small size fields.
4 Pricing of First right of refusal to First right of refusal to First right of refusal to International Crude Oil
crude oil and Government of India Government of India Government of India in price at arm's length
natural gas in respect of purchase in respect of purchase respect of purchase of crude Gas pricing requires
of crude oil produced. of crude oil & natural oil produced. approval of GoI
International market price gas produced International market price for
for oil produced. International market oil purchased by GoI
price for oil produced Domestic market would have
and in case of the first call on natural gas
natural gas, related produced, arrangements for
to international marketing of gas produces
price of fuel oil for would be negotiable between
Non-associated gas GoI and Company.
and determined on The pricing would be based
a cost plus basis for on internationally accepted
associated gas principles
5 Sharing of Sharing of the profit oil NA Sharing of the profit oil/gas Sharing of Profit Petroleum
profit shall be bid, based on a would have to be indicated in with Govt. on biddable pre-
sliding scale tied to post the offer, based on a sliding tax investment multiple
tax rates of return or scale tied to post tax rates NELP I to VI :Step
multiples of investment of return or multiples of ladder based system of
recovered and shall investment recovered as in Investment multiple for GoI
be specified in each the Rounds of bidding for Share
Contract exploration blocks NELP VII to IX: Linear
based system of
Investment multiple for GoI
6 Minimum Percentage of annual Preferential treatment Flexibility of negotiations: No ring fencing of
expenditure production of crude oil to companies taking The terms and conditions are expenditures
expected to be allocated up exploration blocks indicative and companies can Tax Incentives for Site
for recovery of costs under round the year state in their bids the specific Restoration Fund Scheme
should be indicated in bidding scheme of the assumptions made in respect (SRFS)
the offer Government of India of these terms. While the
Govt. of India has a flexible
approach to these terms, it
reserves to itself the right to
accept or reject any bid in its
sole discretion
7 Operatorship As per Article 7 of PSC


A New E&P Paradigm 167
8.3. Maps of Awarded Acreages



A New E&P Paradigm 169




A New E&P Paradigm 171



A New E&P Paradigm 173



A New E&P Paradigm 175




A New E&P Paradigm 177


DSF Blocks Awarded under DSF Round-2016


A New E&P Paradigm 179

No. BLOCKS Awarded To

CBM-I Round
1 RG(E)-CBM-2001/1 ESSAR
4 SP(E)-CBM-2001/1 RIL
5 SP(W)-CBM-2001/1 RIL
Nomination Round
6 Raniganj South GEECL
7 Raniganj North ONGC-CAIRN
CBM-II Round
12 ST-CBM-2003/II ONGC
13 WD-CBM-2003/II ONGC
14 BS(1)-CBM-2003/II RIL
15 BS(2)-CBM-2003/II RIL
16 BS(3)-CBM-2003/II ONGC-GSPC
18 BB-CBM-2005/III BPE
CBM-IV Round
27 RM(E)-CBM-2008/IV ESSAR


A New E&P Paradigm 181
8.4.1. Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)

Andhra Pradesh Gas Infrastructure Corp. Pvt. Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.
2nd Floor, #5-9-58/B, FatehMaidan Road, Basheerbagh Petroleum House, 17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Hyderabad - 500 004, Andhra Pradesh, India Mumbai - 400020, Maharashtra, India
Ph: 040-67304930 Ph: 022-22863900
Facsimile: 040-67304951 Facsimile: 022-22872992
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.apgic.in Website: www.hindustanpetroleum.com
Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Bharat Bhavan, Corporate Office,
4 and 6 Currimbhoy Road, 3079/3, J B Tito Marg, Sadiq Nagar,
Ballard Estate, New Delhi – 110049, India
Mumbai - 400001, India Ph: 011 – 26260000
Ph: 022-22713000/4000 Facsimile: N/A
Facsimile: 022-22713874 E-mail: N/A
Website: www.bharatpetroleum.co.in Website : www.iocl.com
Bharat Petro Resources Ltd. NTPC Limited
Regd. Office: Bharat Bhavan, NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex,
4 and 6 Currimbhoy Road, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
Ballard Estate, New Delhi – 110003
Mumbai - 400001 Ph: 011-24360100, 24387000, 24387001
Ph: 022-22713000, 022-22714000 Facsimile: 011-24361018
Fax: 022-22713874 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ntpc.co.in
Engineers India Limited Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd.
EI Bhavan, 1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, Vasant Kunj II, New Delhi, Delhi - 110070
New Delhi - 110 066, India P.D.U.U.B,05 Nelson Mandela Marg
Ph. : 011-26762121 Mobile: 092192 80123
Facsimile : 011-26178210, Ph: 011-26752021, 26122148
E-mail :[email protected] Facsimile: 011-26129091
Website :www.engineersindia.com E-mail: N/A
Website: www.ongcindia.com
GAIL (India) Ltd. Oil India Ltd.
16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, Duliajan – 786 602, District – Dibrugarh
R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066, India Assam, India
Ph: 011-26172580. 26182955 Ph: 0374-2800427
Facsimile: 011-26178210, 26194715 Facsimile: 0374 - 2800433
E-mail: N/A E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.gailonline.com Website: www.oil-india.com
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited GSPC Prize Petroleum Co. Ltd.C/o HPCL, 3rd Floor UCo
Bhavan, Behind Udyog Bhavan, Sector - 11, Bank Building Parliament Street New Delhi-110 001, India
Gandhinagar - 382 010, Gujarat, India Ph: 011-23312996
Ph: 079-6670 1005 Facsimile: 011-23737898
Facsimile: 079-2323 6375 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.prizepetroleum.com
Website: www.gspcgroup.com

Bharat PetroResources Limited Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Maker Towers, ‘E’ Wing, 9th Floor, 7th floor, Indian Oil Bhawan,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005 #1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Yusuf Sarai,
Ph: +91-22-22175600 New Delhi – 110 016
Facsimile No.: +91-22-22154364 Facsimile No.: 91 11 26859276
Email: [email protected] Ph: 91 11 26518230
Email: [email protected]
Prize Petroleum Company Limited (PPCL) Oil India Limited (OIL)
3rd Floor, UCO Bank Building, Sansad Marg, Plot No. 19, Sector-16A, Noida-201301,
New Delhi -110001 Uttar Pradesh
Facsimile No.: 91 11 23737898 Facsimile No.: 91 120 2488310
Ph: 91 11 23312996 Ph: 91 120 2419000 / 2419200
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected], [email protected]

8.4.2. International Companies

Bengal Energy International Inc. BG Exploration and Production India Ltd.

Suite 2000,715, 5 Ave SW
BG House, Hiranandani Business Park
Calgary, AB, T2P 2x6 Canada Lake Boulevard, Powai,
Ph: +1-403-205-2526 Mumbai – 400 076 India
Facsimile: +1-403-263-3168 Ph: 022 4032 5000
E-mail: [email protected] Facsimile: 022 4005 8930
Website: bengalenergy.ca E-mail: N/A
Website: www.bg-group.com


A New E&P Paradigm 183

BP India Services Pvt. Ltd. (CBM) BP Exploration (Alpha) Limited

B.P. India Services Pvt. Ltd Unit No 71 & 73, 7th Floor, 2nd North Avenue
15th Floor, Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan Maker Maxity, BandraKurla Complex, Bandra (E)
28, Barakhamba Road Mumbai – 400051, India
New Delhi, DH, 110001 Ph: 022 7177 7000
Phone : 011-43755000 Facsimile: 22 7177 7001
Fax : 011-43755001 E-mail: N/A
E-mail: N/A Website: www.bp.com
Website: www.bp.com
Vedanta Ltd. (CIL) South Asia Consultancy FZE (SACF)
DLF Atria Building, 402, Orange Mall, Above HDFC Bank
Jacaranda Marg - N Block, Nr. Chandkheda Bus Stand,
DLF City Phase II, Gurugram – 122 002, Ahmedabad – 382424, Gujarat
Haryana, India Telephone No.: 91 079 23251243
Ph : 0124 4593000, 0124 4141360 E-mail: [email protected],
Facsimile : 0124 414 5612 [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cairnindia.com
Dart Energy (India) Pty. Ltd. (CBM) Deep Industries Ltd.
Unit No. 804 & 805 Opp. Suryanarayan Bunglows,
Tower-B, Global Business Park Sabarmati Kalol Highway, N.H. No. 8, Motera,
Mehrauli Gurgaon Road Ahmedabad – 380005, India
Gurgaon- 122002, Haryana Ph: 079-27571128
Ph: 0124-4990300 Facsimile: 079-26862077
Fax: 0124-4990501 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.deepindustries.com
GGR Oil & Gas (India) Private Limited ENI India Ltd.
Plot No. 273/2, Sector 7A Eros Corporate Tower, Nehru Place
Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382007, India New Delhi -110019, India
Ph: 079-23243684 Ph: 011-46551000
Facsimile: 079-23243684 Facsimile: 011-41608778
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: N/A
Website: www.geoglobalresources.com Website: www.eni.it
Geopetrol International Inc. Geopetrol International Inc. (CBM)
DLF Jasola Tower – A, DLF jasola Tower – A,
624, 6th Floor, DDA District 624, 6th Floor DDA District
Center Jasola, Delhi - 110025 Center Jasola Delhi-110025
Ph: 011-41755008 Ph: 011-41755008
Facsimile: 011-41755009 Facsimile: 011-41755009
E-mail: N/A E-mail: N/A
Website: www.geopetrol.net Website: www.geopetrol.net
Gujrat Natural Resources Limited (GNRL) Hardy Exploration & Production (India) Inc.
2nd Floor, V V Mansion, # 6-3-885/7/B/4, V Floor, Westminster Building
Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 500082 108, Dr. RadhakrishnanSalai
Andhra Pradesh, India Chennai - 600 004, India
Ph: 040 23332525/4646/5656 Ph: 044 28471990
Facsimile: 040 23332323 Facsimile: 044 28471064
E-mail: www.gnrl.in Email: [email protected]
Website: gnrl.in Website: www.hardyoil.com
Joshi Technologies International Inc. Niko Resources Ltd.
India Project Office 4th Floor, Landmark Building,
701-Parshwanath E Square, Race Course Rd, Near Race Course Circle,
Prahladnagar Garden Corporate Road, Chakali Circle, Diwalipura,
near Titanium Bldg, Satellite, Vadodara – 390007 (Gujarat), India
Ahmedabad - 380015 (Gujarat), India Ph: (0265) 231-3620
Ph: 079 29702304 Facsimile: (0265) 235-4658
Facsimile: 079 29702306 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.nikoresources.com
Website: www.joshioilandgas.com
Oilex Ltd. Petrogas E&P LLC, Project Office (India)
3rd Floor, Radha Arcade, Block-C, Koba Road 402, 4th Floor, Tower A,
Gandhi Nagar Gujrat Signature Towers, South City Phase-I
Ph: 079 66748800 Gurgaon 122 001, (Haryana), India
Facsimile: 66748810 Ph: 0124 4304651
E-mail: [email protected] Facsimile: 0124 4304659
Website: www.oilex.com.au E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.petrogasep.com
8.4.3. Indian Private Companies
Adani Enterprises Ltd Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd.
Adani House Sambhaav Press Building,
Nr Mithakhali Circle Nr Judges Bunglow, Bodakdev,
Navrangpura Ahmedabad - 380 015, Gujarat (India)
Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat (India) Ph: 079-25556850
Ph: 079 2656 5555 Facsimile: 079-25556846
Facsimile: 079 2656 5500 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.awel.com
Website: www.adani.com
Assam Company India Ltd Essar Oil Limited
Assam Tea House 25, Railway Rd, Rattan Garden, Shivpuri Extension, Sector 7, Gurugram,
52, Chowringhee Road Haryana 12200 Ph: 0124 651 4999
Kolkata -700 071, India Facsimile: N/A
Tel: 033 - 2283-8306, 22838309, 22838312 E-mail: N/A
Facsimile: 033 - 22838334, 22838333 Website: www.essar.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.assamco.com
Focus Energy Ltd. Harish Chandra (India) Ltd.
3 Floor Gopala Tower,
113-A, Kamla Nagar
25 Rajendra Place, Delhi - 110007, India
New Delhi - 110008, India. Ph: ( 011)-23843558
Ph: 011-42300400, 25065011/12 Facsimile: N/A
Facsimile: 011-41667766 Email: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website: N/A
Website: www.focusenergy.co.in
GeoEnpro Petroleum Ltd. Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd.
Insignia Tower, 2nd Floor, Signature Towers - 'A', 14th Floor, South City,
Plot 1D (Near Tapasya Building), NH-8, Gurgaon - 122 001, Haryana, India
Sector - 126, Noida Expressway, Ph: 0124-455 9900
Noida-201303, Uttar pradesh Facsimile: 0124-258 0467
Tel: +91-120-4060450 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +91- 120-4060499 Website: www.geecl.com
Email : [email protected]
Hindustan Oil Exploration Co Ltd. Hydrocarbon Development Co. (P) Ltd.
HOEC House, Tandalja Road 4123 D, Oberoi Garden Estates,
Off Old Padra Road Chandivali Farms Road Andheri East,
Vadodara - 390 020 Mumbai - 400 072, India
Gujarat, India Ph: 022 28470971.
Ph: 0265 - 2330766 / 2333568 Facsimile: 022 2847 0232.
Facsimile: 0265 - 2333567 / 2333918 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://hdcpl.com
Website: www.hoec.com
Mercator Limited Jubilant Energy
3 Floor, Mittal Tower, B-wing, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021, India
Plot No. 15, Knowledge Park II
Ph: 022-66373333 / 40373333 Greater Noida -201306
Facsimile: 022-66373344 Ph: 0120-4025700 / 0120-4246213
E-mail: [email protected] Facsimile: N/A
Website: www.mercator.in E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.jubilantenergy.com

Nitin Fire Protection Inds.Ltd. Pan India Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

501 Delta, Technology Street, Hiranandani No.1 & 2, D-4, Commercial Area, VasantKunj
Powai, Mumbai – 400076, India New Delhi - 110 070, India
Ph: 022-40457000 Ph: 011 26137657, 26137659, 26899952
Facsimile: 022-25701110 Facsimile: 011 26138633
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]
Website: http://nitinfire.com Website: www.panindiagroup.com
Pratibha Oil and Natural Gas Pvt. Ltd. Reliance Industries Ltd.
1201/2, 12 Floor, Arcadia Bldg, NCPA Marg,
Reliance Industries Limited
Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021, India
Ph: 022 2288 6002/3/4 Maker Chambers - IV
Facsimile: 022 2288 6001 Nariman Point
E-mail: N/A Mumbai 400 021, India
Website: http://pratibhaong.com Ph:022-2278 5000
E-mail: [email protected]
Sankalp Oil and Natural Resources Ltd. Shiv-Vani
10/4 ALIPORE PARK PLACE Tower 1, 5th Floor, NBCC Plaza, Sector V,
KOLKATA West Bengal 700027 PushpVihar, Saket, New Delhi-110017 - India
Ph: 033-24798247 Ph: 011 29564592
E-mail: N/N Facsimile : 011 29565082
Website: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]


A New E&P Paradigm 185

Selan Exploration Technology Ltd. Suntera Energy India

Indrora EPS, Palaj Village, SUN Group Enterprises Pvt Ltd
Gandhinagar District, Gujarat - 382 355
Ph: N/A Plot 39, Institutional Area, Sector 32
Facsimile: N/A Gurgaon - 122 001 Haryana, India
E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 0124 4974 400
Website: www.selanoil.com Facsimile: 0124 4974 401
E-mail:[email protected]
Website: www.sungroup-global.com
Videocon Industries Ltd. Tata Petrodyne Limited
14 K.M. Stone, Aurangabad-Paithan Road, Village: Chittegaon, Taluka: 5th Floor, West Wing, Metropolitan Building,
Paithan, Dist.: Aurangabad – 431 105 (Maharashtra) Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Website: www.videoconindustriesltd.com Mumbai – 400051
Ph: 022-67338484
Facsimile: 022-22-67338400
E-mail:[email protected]
Website: www.tatapetrodyne.in
Adani Welspun Exploration Limited Adbhoot Estates Private Limited.
Adani House, Nr Mithakhali Circle. Janpriya Crest 113, Panthoen Road, Egmore, Chennai, 600008
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat, India Facsimile No.: 91 44 28195527
Facsimile No.: -91 22 24908020 Telephone No.: 91 44 49060606
Telephone No.: - 91 22 66136000 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Sun Petrochemicals Private Limited . KEI-RSOS Petroleum &Energy Private Limited .
17B, Mahal Industrial Estate, Mahakali 81-32-4, Walkers Road, Venkateswara Nagar,
Caves Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai, 400093, India Rajahmundry (AP) – 533103
Facsimile No.: 91 22 66455685 Facsimile No.: 91 0883 2427576
Telephone No.: 91 22 66455919 Telephone No.: 91 0883 2423562
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
PFH Oil and Gas Private Limited, Ramayna Ispat Private Limited
34, C.R. Avenue, 3rd Floor, BD-76, Vishakha Enclave, Pitampura,
Kolkata – 700 012 Delhi-110034
Facsimile No.: 91 33 40508326 Telephone No.:-91 11 42709009, 91 9811452874
Telephone No.: 91 33 40508300 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
BDN Enterprises Private Limited. Duggar Fiber Private Limited.
1297, Sector-15, Faridabad-121003, Haryana BD-76, Vishakha Enclave, Pitampura,
Telephone No.:- 91 0129 2283808, 91 9811156706 Delhi-110034
Email: [email protected] Telephone No.:- 011 42709009,91 9999000555
Email: [email protected]

Mahendra Infratech Private Limite Oilmax Energy Private Limited(OEPL)

GF-2, ATS Green-II, Sector-50 Noida-201301 3A Omkar Esquare, Chunnabhatti Signal,
Telephone No.:- 91 011 46597980, 91 9811746665 Eastern Express Highway, Sion (East),
Email: [email protected] Mumbai – 400 022
Facsimile No.: 91 22 42441111
Telephone No.: 91 22 42441100
Email: [email protected]
GEM Laboratories Private Limited(GLPL) Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (MEIL)
22, Pomodi Towers, 2 Floor, lst Main Road, Gandhinagar,
S-2, Technocrat Industrial. Estate,
Bangalore - 560 009, Karnataka, India Balanagar, Hyderabad-500037, Telengana, India
Facsimile No.:-91 080 22203172, 22250259 Facsimile No.:-91 40 44336800
Telephone No.:-91 080 22256511 Telephone No.:-91 40 44336700
Email:[email protected], [email protected] Email: doraiah@meil.

Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Limited (HOECL) Vijayasri Bhaskar Industries Private Limited(VBIPL)
Lakshmi Chambers, 192, St. Mary’s Road, 24-194, HIG-11
Alwarpet, Chennai – 600018, Tamil Nadu Simhapuri Layout, Vepagunta Post
Facsimile No.: 91 44 66229011 / 66229012 Visakhapatnam- 530047
Telephone No.: 91 44 66229000 Telephone No.:- 91 891 2722349
Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected]

Nippon Power Limited

4A & 4B 240b, AJC Bose Road,
Kolkata-700020, West Bengal
Facsimile No.: 91 33 22832201
Telephone No.: 91 33 2283-2200/3300/4400
Email:[email protected], [email protected]
8.5. Abbreviations

DGH Directorate General of Hydrocarbons LWD Logging While Drilling

2D 2 Dimension MC Management Committee
3D 3 Dimension MCA Multi Channel Analyzer
AOC Assam Oil Company mD Milli Darcy
API American Petroleum Institute MEOR Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
ASP Alkaline Surfactant Polymer MMbbls Million Barrels
ATCS Automatic Tube Cleaning System MMBO Million Barrels of Oil
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset MMSCF Million Standard Cubic Feet
BCM Billion Cubic Meter MMSCMD Million Standard Cubic Meters per Day
BHT Bottom Hole Temperature MMT Million Metric Tonne
BOC Burma Oil Company MoC Ministry of Coal
BOPD Barrels of Oil Per Day MoD Ministry of Defence
BPCL Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited MoEF&CC Ministry of Environment , Forest and Climate Change
CBM Coal Bed Methane MoHA Ministry of Home affairs
CCD Centrifugal Cutting Driers MoP&NG Ministry of Oil and Natural Gas
CCEA Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs MoU Memorandum of Understanding
CCS Carbon Capture Storage MPD Managed Pressure Drilling
CCSP Carbon Capture and Storage Program MPT Mangala Processing Terminal
CCU Carbon Capture Utilization MT Magnetotelluric/Thousand Tonnes
CMPDI Central Mine Planning and Design Institute MWP Minimum Work Program
CRP Control Riser and Platform NDR National Data Repository
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone NELP New Exploration Licensing Policy
CSR Conductor Slot Recovery NGHP National Gas Hydrate Program
CSS Cyclic Steam Stimulation NIOT National Institute of Ocean Technology
CWI Carbonated Water Injection NoCs/Pvt/JV National Oil Company/Private/Joint Venture
CWT Continuous Wavelet Transform NOS-DCP National Oil Spill - Disaster Contigency Plan
DA Development Area O+OEG Oil plus Oil Equivalent Gas
DFN Discrete Fracture Network OALP Open Acreage Licensing Policy
DoC Declaration of Commerciality OIDB Oil Industry Development Board
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organization OIL Oil India Limited
DST Drill Stem Testing ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited
E&P Exploration and Production ONGD Oil and Natural Gas Directorate
EAC Expert Appraisal Committee OOSA Online Oil Spill Advisory
EC Environment Clearance PCI Potential Commercial Interest
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density PDB Paraffin Deposition Bacteria
EIA Environment Impact Assessment PEL Petroleum Exploration License
EPS Early Production System PHPA Partially Hydraulised Polyacrylamide
ESS Expandable Sand Screen PLEMs Pipeline End Manifold
EWPL East West Pipeline PML Petroleum Mining Lease
FC Forest Clearance PSC Production Sharing Contract
FDP Field Development Plan PSDM Post Stack Depth Migration
FHGG Fast Hydrating Guar Gum PSI Pounds per Square Inch
FIVs Formation Isolation Valves PSUs Public Sector Undertaking
FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading PVT Pressure Volume Temperature
G&G Geology and Geophysics RCA Reservoir Connectivity Analysis
GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited RDG Raageshwari Deep Gas
GCM Geo Cellular Modelling RIL Reliance Industry Limited
GEM Gas Export Manifold RRR Reserve-Replacement Ratio
GGS Gas/Group Gathering Station SACEP South Asia Co-operative Environment Program
GIP Gas In Place SBM Synthetic Oil Based Mud
GIPIP Good International Petroleum Industry Practices SCAL Special Core Analysis
GSPC Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited SCMD Standard Cubic Meter per Day
HCPV Hydrocarbon Pore Volume SKM Square Kilometer
HGS Hollow Glass Sphere SOBM Synthetic Oil Based Mud
HPHT High Pressure High Temperature SRFS Site Restoration Fund Scheme
ICB International Competitive Bidding STOIIP Stock Tank Original Oil-Place
ICG Indian Coast Guard TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
INCOIS Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services TMT Thousand Metric Tonnes
IOCL Indian Oil Corporation Limited TPD Tonnes Per Day
IOR-EOR Improved Oil Recovery- Enhanced Oil Recovery TVDSS True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
JIP Joint Industry Project UAT User Acceptance Test
JOGMEC Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation US DOE United States Department of Energy
KDMIPE Keshava Deva Malviya Institute of Petroleum USGS United States Geological Survey
Exploration VSP Vertical Seismic Profiling
KLPD Kilo Litres Per Day WAG Water Alternating Gas
LCM Lost Circulation Material WARP Weighting Agent Reduction Particle
LCMD Lakh Cubic Meters per Day WP&B Work Program and Budget
LD Liquidated Damages WSO Water Shut off
LKM Line Kilometer


A New E&P Paradigm 187

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