04 Appraisal Disposal
04 Appraisal Disposal
04 Appraisal Disposal
Appraisal is defined in the Collins English Dictionary as ‘an assessment of the worth or quality of a
person or thing.’ Archival theory extends this definition to include the policies and procedures used
by an archivist to identify, evaluate and authenticate records, in all formats, which have transient or
enduring value to record creators, institutions, researchers and society. Appraisal in a paper-based
archive traditionally takes place once a record is no longer current, but determination of how long
a record should be retained can take place before creation for some kinds of records. Examples
of records often selected for permanent preservation prior to creation include the minutes of an
organisation’s central executive or annual reports. Records chosen for indefinite preservation are
usually selected on the basis of long-term historical significance. Records may also be selected
for medium to long-term preservation for business purposes or to fulfil legal requirements; this
chapter of the Workbook focuses on the approaches and techniques that can be applied in select-
ing records of long-term historical value. In a digital environment, traditional methods of appraisal
need to be revised to take into account the need to archive objects before they become obsolete.
It should be remembered that archival theories apply regardless of media.
Appraisal can never be free of bias and subjectivity, and will always reflect the culture and values of
the day and the proclivities of the archivist(s) who made the decisions. Older manuscript material is
scarce; this scarcity increases the value of surviving material and makes curators more inclined to
keep a greater proportion of this material. By the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the age
of ‘Modern Archives’, the documentary landscape had changed dramatically with the vast prolif-
eration of both printed and archival material. Jenkinson, in his A Manual of Archive Administration
(2nd ed. 1937), writes of ‘the increasing tendency to manufacture Archives on a hopelessly gigantic
scale’ (p. 148). He attributes this to the comparatively cheap price of paper, the mechanical nature
of writing and the tendency to ‘avoid the painful process of thought’ (p. 137) because using tech-
nology to make multiple copies of archives requires less intellectual effort than making a decision
about the necessity of the copy. The scale of ‘Modern Archives’ required a regime of selection and
destruction, which is not applicable to early manuscript materials. The American archival theorist,
Schellenberg, was one of the first to address the need for wide ranging appraisal techniques and
the destruction of superfluous records. Schellenberg worked at the National Archives and Records
Administration for many years and his theories are based on public records, which were increasing
at such a rate that a scientific method for selecting the small percentage with enduring value and
destroying the remainder was required. Schellenberg’s division of appraisal attributes into primary
(value to the creator - administrative, legal and fiscal) and secondary (historical value - evidential
and informational) is as applicable to personal archives as it is to governmental records.
In the digital age the problems apparent in ‘Modern Archives’ are exacerbated. Digital abundance
exceeds that of paper and tends to devalue individual items further. Creators of archives often keep
more because creation, storage and discovery technologies are improving while appraising and
disposing of material is still a largely manual and tedious activity. If these abundant digital assets
are to be managed effectively the creator, the archivist and the researcher must do more in the
way of appraisal.
Appraisal is the primary archival function on which all other functions depend and as such requires
careful thought. Besides archival considerations, secondary factors such as the cost of storage,
cataloguing and long-term preservation, will come into play.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Appraisal timing
Traditionally, a politician’s papers find their way to an archive towards the end of their working life,
or they are deposited after their death by a relative. Quite often, papers are held untouched by the
library or archive until staffing or funding considerations permit the creation of a full catalogue.
This means that little or no appraisal is undertaken until immediately prior to cataloguing and, in
most cases, cataloguing is delayed until a significant proportion of the collection can be opened to
researchers. The same approach could be taken in a digital environment, but the need to create
technical metadata for the preservation of digital objects at the point of ingest to the digital reposi-
tory means that there is a strong case for bringing appraisal decisions forward, so that metadata is
only created for objects that the repository will preserve. It might also be prudent to add high-level
descriptive metadata (akin to box-listing) at this stage. At the very least, a collection level descrip-
tion will be required.
Financial and staffing constraints governing digital repositories may dictate that the creation of
technical metadata and detailed appraisal cannot take place until funding is secured for a full
catalogue description (usually when a collection can be opened). If this is the case it seems likely
that Archival Information Packages (AIPs) will have to be created after only rudimentary appraisal
and disposal. Towards the end of the digital archives record cycle, as preparations for opening a
collection are under way, the archivist will have more time and knowledge to make a fuller appraisal
of content. It is likely that the final detailed appraisal will take place during the cataloguing process
when other records with no long term historical value will be identified and destroyed.
See the Paradigm diagram ‘Digital Archives and the Records Cycle’ (see p. 2) for an overview of the
workflow stages and processes (including appraisal) undergone by digital objects from working with
record creators, to acquisition and ingest into the digital storage area, through subsequent preser-
vation strategies to the creation of a dissemination package for the end user.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Introduction to disposal
The process of appraisal sometimes identifies material unworthy of permanent preservation; con-
sequently, the issue of disposal and its documentation arises. Ideally, as with paper archives, the
repository will have agreed with the depositor whether unwanted material should be returned to the
depositor or destroyed. This may depend on whether the archive has been supplied with copies of
material, which the creator also retains, or whether the archivist has acquired the depositor’s last
remaining copy.
Paradigm has not thoroughly investigated the topic of secure disposal, but would recommend that
those undertaking destruction of sensitive digital materials do. Often the way in which media store
data makes it very difficulty to erase material completely. The success of computer forensics in
recovering supposedly deleted data is evidence of this. Secure deletion mechanisms usually over-
write the data with randomly generated data to ensure that it is removed; several software utilities
exist for secure deletion and Linux and Unix users may simply use the ‘shred’ command. As well
as deleting copies from the repository’s own system, the archivist may also need to destroy media
supplied by the depositor. This might require special equipment or the services of a specialist con-
04 Appraisal and disposal
on search and display technologies to present data: little is deleted and the creation of logical
directory structures as a means of arranging material is abandoned. This approach to managing
digital archives undermines the archivist’s ability to appraise on the basis of content and context;
effectively appraisal is impossible because the lack of structure leaves item-level appraisal as the
sole option and the volume of the personal archive prohibits this. Appraisal could be postponed
until the cataloguing process, when the archivist generates descriptive metadata (see Chapter 06
Arranging and cataloguing digital and hybrid archives) and identifies material requiring access
restrictions for personal and legal reasons (see Chapter 09 Legal issues). It is also possible that
the value of descriptive cataloguing for digital archives may be called into question. The needs of
researchers may be satisfied by various search and discovery tools used in other digital scenarios;
these may be preferred to, or used alongside, detailed and structured archival finding aids. Per-
haps the only item-level descriptive metadata required by researchers (besides a collection level
description setting out context, provenance and access restrictions, etc.) will be unique identifiers
for citing specific digital manuscripts. It is possible that only the most important collections will be
appraised and catalogued in future, similar to the way in which only very high value manuscripts
are catalogued to piece level.
Personal record keeping differs from record keeping in an organisation or a government depart-
ment in that the individual’s day to day life does not revolve around a range of duties within a
closely defined remit. Nor is the creator of a personal archive governed by records management
strategies imposed across the board. This means that the individual’s records are both more vul-
nerable to technological breakdown and much more idiosyncratic. Despite these differences, the
characteristics to appraise in personal archives are similar to those used in an organisational con-
text, though the results of the appraisal may be different.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Finally, there needs to be a technical appraisal. Can the collecting institution cope with the for-
mat of the digital records? Can they be extracted intact from their current hardware and software
environment? Are the records supported by descriptive metadata? Are they valid instances of their
04 Appraisal and disposal
Factors which will need to be considered when appraising hybrid digital and paper records include
how well the material is arranged, how much paper material there is and, more importantly, how
easy it is to see how the paper material relates to the digital records in the same deposit. Under-
standing how the creator works can be very helpful in making these assessments.
Pre-acquisition appraisal
Paradigm started the process of appraising its exemplar personal digital archives with a records
survey (see p. 24) prior to accession. The survey was designed to assess the content, context, struc-
ture and technical state of the creator’s archives and was sent to participants in advance of the
initial visit so that participants were aware of the kind of information required by the archivists.
During the initial survey, both the creator and archivist ruled out the accessioning of certain files
and the archivist recorded information to assist in addressing various appraisal challenges.
04 Appraisal and disposal
2. Public Records - Records created by ministers during the course of official business fall
under the Public Records Act (see p. 247) and a small proportion will be selected for per-
manent preservation at The National Archives (TNA). Selection is carried out by the relevant
Departmental Record Officer in conjunction with The National Archives’ own selection crite-
ria. The ‘personal’ aspects of politicians’ private records are not classified as public records.
However, where overlap of content occurs, it is necessary to synchronise cataloguing and
access decisions with those taken for similar records held at TNA. Additionally, contact with
the Cabinet Office may be required in some cases. Individuals prominent in other walks of
life might find that records pertaining to their ‘official’ roles will be collected by local author-
ity, organisational, and national archives.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Software Reference Library (NSRL) Project
website. URL: <http://www.nsrl.nist.gov/>
04 Appraisal and disposal
Paradigm’s Academic Advisory Board identified email as one of the most interesting types of his-
torical record being created in our times. It contains records of business transactions (that might
have been undertaken via an exchange of correspondence on headed notepaper previously) as
well as informal exchanges (previously the stuff of telephone conversations). The variety of func-
tions served by the email format would suggest that making appraisal decisions on the basis of
format alone is insufficient.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Macro appraisal
Macro appraisal is a ‘top-level’, systematic approach to selecting which records have long-term
historical significance. It is often used by national archives to appraise the great swathes of govern-
mental records from which a mere three percent will be selected for permanent preservation. The
quote given below gives a useful definition of what is meant by macro appraisal.
04 Appraisal and disposal
“Essentially, macro-appraisal shifts the primary focus of appraisal from the record - including any
research characteristics or values it may contain - to the functional context in which the record is
created. The main appraisal questions for the archivist are no longer what has been recorded, where
it is, and what research value it has. Instead, the archivist uses knowledge gained by a functional
analysis of an institution, including an analysis of the interaction of function and structure, of organi-
zational culture, of records keeping systems, and of citizen-client involvement with the institution
or function.”
Source of quote: Appraisal Methodology. Library and Archives Canada, Information Management
Services, Summer 2000.
In the context of political papers macro appraisal would start with the broad area of UK politics,
identifying the most important organisations (e.g. House of Commons, House of Lords, political par-
ties, and think tanks) followed by the key functions (e.g. policy making, law-making, constituency
work, and treasury), the record creators in each function (e.g. politicians, politicians’ secretaries,
think tank employees, and members of committees), and the key political events (e.g. elections,
Prime Minister’s Question Time, debates, and votes). Individual politicians would have a place in
this structural map probably at the same level as a party political organisation. The very act of map-
ping politics in this fashion instructs the archivist in the political process and will alert them to key
political documents such as Hansard (verbatim record of speeches made in Parliament), case work
files, websites for elections, etc. Armed with this knowledge, the archivist will have a good idea of
which are the most valuable records and be able to target their collecting accordingly.
Functional appraisal
Functional appraisal is a subset of macro appraisal, which can be a useful approach for digital
records. Again, instead of looking at the document itself the digital archivist looks at the functions
carried out by the record creator. This allows the archivist to select records for preservation based
on the functions that generated the records not the content of the record. Functions are more sta-
ble over time than naming and filing practices and less susceptible to technological changes.
Macro and functional appraisal were developed with reference to modern governmental agencies
and have been applied to organisations not individuals. Yet arguably such approaches lead to a
greater knowledge of the subject area and a propensity to seek certain records rather than purely
accepting what is offered, thus maximising the quality of material when resources are of a pre-
Both macro analysis and functional analysis played a role in the selection of participants for the
Paradigm project and in the initial records survey (see p. 24) used by the Paradigm team. Many
of the questions asked in the records survey were about analysing functions and identifying the
record-types used in carrying out these functions. Perhaps the most sensible course for a digital
archivist dealing with hybrid or digital personal archives would be to use macro appraisal or a ‘top
down’ approach during initial selection and processing (incidentally this would be the stage to elimi-
nate duplicates too), but to use a ‘bottom-up’ strategy when carrying out more detailed appraisal
during the preparation for cataloguing.
Bottom-up appraisal
A more granular assessment of an archive’s contents will typically be undertaken when surveying
a collection immediately prior to cataloguing. It is rarely cost effective to weed out single docu-
ments from a folder whether in a digital or paper environment. Not only is this a waste of time it
also disrupts the context of a record. By taking a sample of folders, it should be possible to assess
the reliability of folder and document names used by a particular creator. Where records series
have been satisfactorily assigned meaningful titles it will mean that appraisal can, for the most
part, operate without having to open each folder. A document-by-document approach to appraisal
should be taken only as a last resort or when the digital archivist is faced with an example of ter-
rible record keeping.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Technical appraisal
A digital repository will need to develop ingest workflows for common file types which implement the
preservation strategy (see Chapter 08 Digital preservation strategies) adopted for those file types.
The appraisal process will therefore include a survey of the types of digital records that have been
accessioned. Depending on the strategy adopted, it may be necessary to migrate less supported
file formats to those that are more likely to endure over time. There are various tools and registries
which can assist in determining file types and which provide information upon whether a specific
file format is supported or likely to become obsolete. In some cases data extraction work will be
required before a complete appraisal of content, context and structure will be possible.
Eliminate duplicates
Duplicate documents should be eliminated by comparing the checksums of digital objects.
04 Appraisal and disposal
and may require licences to retain. Archivists may wish to retain some software (where licences
permit) to assist in future data extraction processes.
n.b. The ‘encapsulation’ approach to preservation (see p. 241) would recommend the retention
of all system files.
Practical tests
The popularity of the digital camera has vastly increased the number of photographs found in
the average computer directory and on mobile devices and web services. The ease with which
images can be taken and the fact that images can be captured and discarded at minimal cost
has encouraged their exponential growth. Archivists familiar with cataloguing paper photographs
will know how difficult it is to identify individuals correctly and to deduce the date, place and oc-
casion of a photograph unless such descriptive data has been recorded on the reverse of the
image. The same is true of digital images unless meaningful metadata has been recorded at
the time of capture or storage. Most individuals do not record in detail the ‘who, why, when and
where’ when taking a digital photograph as the image has been taken for their own use and they
are likely to know this information. Digital cameras automatically generate a limited amount of
metadata such as: dimensions, date, camera model, type/format, size, but the standards used
to record this metadata (and the metadata contained in those standards) vary from manufac-
turer to manufacturer and will need to be converted to a standard descriptive and technical
metadata schema. Such technical information will be vital for the technical aspects of digital
preservation but has limited use for descriptive cataloguing purposes.
Many images will have originally arrived attached to an email. The ‘carrier’ email is likely to con-
tain some descriptive metadata relating to the image. It may be possible to find the date when
the image file was transferred and search for all incoming email for that date. Such a search
might generate additional contextual information. Conversely it is likely that some images will
only exist as attachments and will not have been saved and stored elsewhere in the computer
directory. Again much will depend on the record keeping practices of the individual creator.
One clear advantage of working with contemporary politicians, and dealing with material likely
to be less than 5 or 6 years old, is that it is possible to ask the creators of the photographs to
provide missing contextual information. For some creators, this might mean working through the
photographs image by image; others may only have the time to assign a date or an occasion at
a group level.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Another question that may arise when appraising email concerns the retention of spam email in an
individual’s personal archive. There may be a case, for some institutions at least, to collect elec-
tronic ephemera, such as spam, as historians of the future might find it to be of great interest in the
same way as scholars have found a wealth of information on quack doctors and pseudo-scientific
remedies from the small advertisements in the popular press of Victorian times.
Paradigm found that there were some ethical questions to address in the appraisal of email too.
These included the retention of deleted email found in depositors inboxes: creators did not neces-
sarily realise that an email archive would include these emails. For email archives where select
folders are to be given, there is also the question of sentmail, which is typically not arranged to
mirror any directory structure in place for incoming mail and may include email relevant to incoming
email not accessioned as part of the email archive. Ideally the archivist should ask the depositor
whether such emails should be retained as part of the archive.
Paradigm found it useful to consider the paper records of politicians held in Oxford and in Man-
chester in order to scope the structure of hybrid personal archives (see p. 19); this information was
used alongside the records survey of digital archives to establish key records series for politicians.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Paradigm experimented with a number of tools and approaches to assist in the appraisal process.
These included tools for generating directory structures, directory management tools, synchronisa-
tion tools and digital forensics tools.
Directory tools
Paradigm experimented with tools such as DirPrinting and Karen’s Directory Printer, which can
be used to generate a complete list of all folders, subfolders and files in a directory providing the
archivist with an overview of the accession. DirPrinting offers a drive/directory window and a file
list, which can be arranged and sorted according to various criteria. This list can be sent to any
printer, copied to the clipboard and pasted into an application, saved as file, and sent as an email.
Karen’s Directory Printer, as the name suggests, gives the user the option of printing out the direc-
tory or saving to a disk as a simple text file. The software has options for sorting the directory by file
name, extension, file size, date created, date last modified, date last accessed. The usefulness of
these tools can be limited if files and folders have been assigned poor titles, but the process should
identify where data and system files reside.
04 Appraisal and disposal
Paradigm experimented with synchronisation tools as a means of identifying duplicates within and
between accessions. Tools such as Unison (a file synchronisation tool for Unix and Windows) are
able to compare two sets of files and identify whether the individual files have changed or if they
are identical to the other set. This is a useful tool for appraising a series of snapshot accessions to
determine which, if any files, have changed.
Useful resources
Cunningham, Adrian, ‘Waiting For The Ghost Train: Strategies For Managing Electronic Personal
Records Before It Is Too Late’, Archival Issues: Journal of the Midwest Archives Conference, 24, 1
(1999), pp. 55-64.
URL: <http://www.mybestdocs.com/cunningham-a-pers-er.htm>
Dalgleish, Paul, ‘The appraisal of personal records of members of parliament in theory and prac-
tice’, Archives and Manuscripts (May 1996), pp 86-101.
URL: <http://www.majusoft.de/DirPrinting/index_en.htm>
Forensics Wiki
URL: <http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Main_Page>
04 Appraisal and disposal
Jenkinson, Hilary, A Manual of Archive Administration, 2nd edition (London: Percy Lund, Humphries
& Co., 1937).
Library and Archives Canada, Information Management Services, Appraisal Methodology: Macro-
Appraisal and Functional Analysis (Summer 2000).
URL: <http://www.collectionscanada.ca/information-management/007/007007-1035-e.html>
O’Shea, Greg, ‘Keeping Electronic Records: Issues and Strategies’, Provenance the Electronic Mag-
azine, 1, 2 (March 1996).
URL: <http://www.provenance.ca/1995-2000backissues/vol1/no2/features/erecs1a.htm>
Paquet, Lucie, ‘Appraisal, Acquisition and Control of Personal Electronic Records: From Myth to
Reality’, Archives and Manuscripts (November 2000), pp 71-91.
Piggott, Michael, Appraisal - the state of the art Paper delivered at a professional development
workshop presented by ASA South Australia Branch (26 March 2001).
URL: <http://www.archivists.org.au/appraisal-state-art-26-march-2001>
Thiele, Harold E., ‘Appraisal, Provenance, and the Computer Revolution: An Examination of Organi-
zational Records in the Electronic Age’, University of Pittsburgh Katharine Sharp Review, 6 (Winter
URL: <http://mirrored.ukoln.ac.uk/lis-journals/review/review/6/thiele.pdf>
URL: <http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/>