Research I Final

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A Research

Presented to the
Faculty of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Senior High School
Ilocos Sur National High School
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur


In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Research in Daily Life 1








and submitted by Zeren Joy C. Angeles, Mary Cesarius R. Dumalanta and

Nehemiah G. Rabena, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Research in Daily Life 1, Second Semester, School Year 2016-2017, has been

examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.


Research Adviser

Approved by the Panel of Examiners for Oral Examination with a grade of





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

subject Research in Daily Life 1, Second Semester, School Year 2016 - 2017.


Subject Group Head
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Date: _____________________

“People are blessings from God to us…”

The researchers’ are dependent persons. They looked forward to someone

else who are always lending their hands in times when they need them the most.

In fact, when they sum up all these blessings there’s no perfect way to thank them.

The researchers, then, would like to express their deepest gratitude to the

following who in one way or another had a very good contribution for the success

of their research:

Mr. Romulo Q. Quitevis, Principal IV of Ilocos Sur National High School, for

his motivation, support, concern and untiring effort in giving the researchers, the

approval for the completion of the study;

Mrs. Mary Jean V. Medina, Principal I of Bantay National High School,

allowing us to conduct interview and gather information to the informants for

better understanding and deeper analysis for the research;

Mrs. Rebecca Viloria, Principal I of Puro National High School for also

allowing us to conduct interview and gather information to the informants for

better understanding and deeper analysis for the research;

Dr. Peter John A. Frial, Subject Group Head of the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and research adviser, for his paternal

concern, full guidance, suggestions, recommendations, time, all-out support and

for not letting the researchers feel that they are alone in the journey starting from

the conceptualization and until the finalization of the study;

Mr. Ricky F. Bosque, Mr. Ken Kdunny A. Palacpac and Mr. Eugene R.

Aguilar, panel members, for their intellectual ideas, suggestions,

recommendations, technical assistance and skillful expertise that contributed for

the development and improvement of the study;

Mr. Lexter C. Supnet, section adviser, for his continuous wrods of

motivation, guidance and support in the conduct of the study;

Mrs. Leilanie Navarro, Head Teacher of the Senior High School in Bantay

National High School, who extended her arms and led them in having their

informants in their beloved school,

To the dearest informants of the study, for their knowledgeable insights

and experiences which they’ve shared to the researchers;

Mr. and Mrs. Remwil P. Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Renato G.

Dumalanta, and Mrs. Lilia G. Rabena, their parents who never failed to be their

inspiration, who gave their love and endless support and guidance for them to

continue reaching their aspirations and being a child will they can be proud of and

can tell to everyone;

Mr. Troy C. Dulatre, Administrative Assistant II in Puro National High

School, who became our bridge in conducting interview to the respondents,

Special acknowledgment to Ms. Janelle C. Supnad of Grade 11-Amethyst

(Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) who shared her time in being with

the researchers and helped them to be in Puro Island with the help of her cousin,

Their brothers and sisters, for their words of encouragement,

unconditional love and guidance in the conduct of the study;

Their relatives, schoolmates, friends, and everybody who became part of

the study from the start until the very end,

All the people whose names were inadvertently omitted but who

contributed to the development and success of the study; and

Above all, to Almighty God, for His infinite love, miracles and unending

blessings, for without Him, we will not be having this far.



This masterpiece is sincerely devoted to

our Almighty Father, Who is the foundation of

all what we have in life at this moment;

blessings, love, guidance and strength to finish it until the very end.

We wholeheartedly thank YOU, from the deepest part of our hearts,

for YOU stayed with us through those prayers,

for YOU have opened our lives to people and so many opportunities,

for YOU never left us in times of success and failures,

for YOU have given us, not only what we wanted to have,

but more than what we deserve to have.

To our dearest parents,

who never failed to assist us and give us their precious time,

the people who lighten up our way into success,

To our sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces and all our relatives,

who shared us the skills and knowledge that we need,

the backbone and inspiration of our dreams,

To our beloved teachers, classmates and schoolmates,

who served as our second parents and siblings,

who never failed to extend their arms when needed,

the partners in developing ourselves for our betterment,

To our beloved alma mater, the Ilocos Sur National High School,

which became our second home and our comfort zone,

which opened its way to new opportunities and possibilities

And to all, whom we shared our success and failures,

from the deepest part of our hypothalamus…

sincerest gratitude

God bless.





Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………… i

Certification ……………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Approval Sheet ………………………………………………………………………….. iii

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………. iv

Dedication ………………………………………………………………………………… vi

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………. vii

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………….. ix

List of Tables ……………………………………………………………………………. x


Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………. 5

Research Questions ……………………………………………………………… 7

Scope and Limitation of the Study ……………………………............. 7

Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………….. 8

Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………….. 11

Operational Definition of Terms …………………………………………. 12

Assumptions ………………………………………………………………………. 14

Related Studies ……………………………………………………………………. 14

Methods …………………………………………………………………………….. 21
Research Design …………………………………………………………………. 21

Study Locale and Informants ……………………………………………… 22

Data Gathering Procedure, Tool and Analysis …………………… 24

Interviews …………………………………………………………………………. 25

Data Analysis …………………………………………………………………….. 26

Ethical Issues …………………………………………………………………….. 27


On the knowledge of technology …………………………………………………… 28

On the beliefs of students towards technology ………………................. 36

On Integration of technology ……………............................................... 40

On global competitiveness………………………………………….. 42


Summary ……………………………………………………………................. 45

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….. 46

Recommendation ………………………………………………………………. 48
BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………….................... 50

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………….. 56

CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………………... 62
Chapter I



Students in the earlier generations are indeed different in today’s

generation. The 21st century learners develop their skills through the use of

modern technologies or devices. Hence, as they enter the digital age,

metamorphosis is in their hands to embrace and cope up in the demands of the

ever changing society. Relatively, the only permanent thing in this world is change;

change to better provides the needs of the society.

“Every leader must develop a positive attitude towards “change” (Angeles,

2010). Wherein students enter the school which became their second home; where

they spend the largest portion of their time, not only to learn but to prepare

themselves in the competitive genre of education nowadays. For education is

setting and bringing out the best in each child and leading him towards the truth

and the good. It opened their lives toward success and development as they

continue to travel along the way of building themselves to become productive

citizens of the country.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal considered the youth as the hope of the future land: To

realize this, the government needs their role, their hopes of having a bright future

through quality education. In fact, the Philippine constitution specifically Article 14,

Section 1 provides that “The State shall protect and promote the rights of all
citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make

such education accessible to all.” Quezon (2014) articulated that education is a

matter of right, not a privilege of every citizen in the country.

Getting a good education equips one to survive in a competitive world

where the ignorant is either pushed to the sideliness or gobbled up by the

powerful. Though, it is true that not all learning comes from formal schooling, it is

still one sure way of making prospective employers aware of a person’s skill. And in

today’s competitive society, one needs all the advantages a person can get in order

to survive if not to succeed (Perez, 2014).

To attain success, students should remember that educators play an

important role in their lives. Marapao (1997) postulates, that the teachers wield

the pen of their profession and write their ideas in the mind, in the heart and in the

soul of their students. Teachers have the ‘multiplier effect’, which is of great help to

everyone. Educators in the 21st century of information revolution, digital life and

style, and networking must prepare the present generation for the future where

there is hope that the Filipinos can be great again. This is manifested in its

economic growths and is considered as the Asia’s tiger.

A survey of top managers on the dynamics of work-forces around Asia

found the standards of education in the Philippines to be quite low. Bona (2012)

postulates that the government needs to embark on a continuing skills upgrading

program so teachers, especially public schools, can take advantage of advances in

information technology in their teaching methods. Too many teachers lack IT skills;

it is not unusual for high school students to be more knowledgeable about

computers than their teacher.

It only shows how powerful technology is in the field of education, not only

in the lives of students but with educators as well. It is said that education is not

balanced and well-rounded unless it relates to the technological world.

It is quite likely that we are totally unaware that technology is already

developed in the years following the turn of the century. Technology also totally

changes the way people think about the world and the opportunities for the

delivery of effective and efficient education. “Technology is a good tool if people

use it to their advantage, but it would be the worst if it is used to their


In today’s modern and highly technological world, new things and new

information are coming out regularly that it has become a pre-condition for coping

with change to keep on learning. Even the so-called experts learn many things

every day. Education combined with technology aids development and provides

opportunities for change in one’s economic status. Today, with the advent of

modern technology, things are moving in exponential speed. Computers have been

proven to accelerate learning in math, science and language. This allows for

student- centered learning and teacher/ student interaction (Martinez, 2012).

The Human Development Report 2000 emphasized that “considering the

mammoth size of the educational system, the applications of modern information

technology may offer the only feasible medium for delivery of high quality of

instruction to the millions of pupils in so many schools and places.” This also proves

that using technology to assist in education will usher in positive academic gains

coupled with behavioral and attitude change. Thus, one should maximize the

benefits of the advancement of technology to be more productive in the


One of the prime reasons to integrate technology use is to make more

effective for both teachers and students. With proper training in the use of

technology and quality educational modules, teachers can develop more

interactive, engaging methods of instruction. In today’s world, it is not what is

available in technology that matters but how fast you can use them to help you

advance and apply novel information for the common good (Ford, 1999).

Technology Integration Planning (TIP) is a model created for teachers as a

guide that ensures the efficiency of integration of technology in education. TIP

gives teachers a systematic way to identify and address challenges involved in

integrating technology into teaching practices (Roblyer & Doering, 2013). Training

programs on TIP must be done to equip teachers and become specialist in

Information Technology (IT). Hence interactive teaching through IT is realized and


The teaching strategies based on educational technology can be described

as ethical practices that facilitate the students’ learning and boost their capacity,

productivity, and performance. Technology integration in education inspires

positive changes in teaching methods on an international level (Norman, 2016). In

fact, educational subjects are now offered in teaching educations to prepare

students to be consumers of international teaching knowledge, attitudes and skills.

In doing so, they can be more innovative and creative in the way they teach the


According to Norman, (2016), there are seven benefits of technology

integration; 1.) technology makes teaching easy; 2.) technology helps you track

students’ progress; 3.) educational technology is good to the environment; 4.)

thanks to technology, students enjoy learning; 5.) technology makes distance

learning more accessible than ever; 6.) students and teachers can access

information at any time; and 7.) technology makes collaboration more

effective. The benefits of technology integration should convince people of the fact

that this form in education is great for both students and teachers to be globally


Taking into account the words of Lee, (2014) that “We cannot ignore the

promises of globalization nor its risks, including the tendency to forget the unique

character of each human being. Yet, we are summoned to choose our future and

achieve our full potential within the carefully tended wealth of our traditions and
our own cultures, which, unless we are careful, can be endangered by

contemporary developments”.

Moreover, Dumeremdez (2000) explained the changes that occurred in the

classroom through a poem which as follows:

“Nowadays in many schools…
The presence of computer, TV, VHS player and others,
Give great changes and many challenges
In teaching activities and strategies.
Inborn skills are being developed among the pupils,
Enriched knowledge with the modern technology they acquire,
Attaining solutions to the present problems,
Towards the progress of the economy,

It is however claimed that educational media are expensive but it is more

expensive to be teaching facts, skills, values and attitudes which will be easily

forgotten due to lack of mastery. With the proper selection and use of instructional

devices or educational media, learning becomes more permanent. It is the right

time to see what technology is actually telling the nation; that is to use it in the

effectiveness of education system as one way to be globally competitive


The researchers conducted the study in order to have deeper understanding

and analysis of the students’ knowledge and beliefs in integrating technology

towards global competitiveness. This determined the skills, knowledge and beliefs

of students towards technology. The findings of the study will give awareness to

the students on the better usage of technology for today and for the future years to
come in order to be globally competitive. It is also for the teachers for them to

realize that teaching strategies based on educational technology helps the

students’ learning and boost their capacity, productivity, and performance.

Statement of the Problem

The 21st Century Generation is already filled with technology which learners

keep on using it in an unhealthy manner of learning. The learners are too much

dependent in everything they can see on the internet rather than using the

traditional way of learning. Martinez (2012) emphasized that in today’s world, it is

not what is available in technology that matters but how fast you can use them to

help you advance and apply novel information for the common good. Moreover

Orcino (2012) presented that a survey of top managers on the dynamics of work

forces around Asia found the standards of education in the Philippines to be quiet


According to Valdez (2014) that in the global economy and society of the

21st century, all children will be left behind if their education is not organized with a

global context in mind. Exposing the students to the current trends and technology

through internet enable them to open their eyes to the cultures of different

nations, new knowledge, interconnectivity and awareness of the outside world. To

achieve global competitiveness, students must maximum their skills and knowledge

about technology. People have to realize that technology is a good tool to achieve
global competitiveness if they use it to their advantage, but it would be the worst if

it is used to their disadvantage.

Significance of the Study

The study wanted to prove if integration of technology is really needed to

become a globally competitive individual. The knowledge and beliefs of students

will give the researchers a deeper understanding or analysis towards the purpose.

This study could also raise awareness to the students on the better usage of

technology for today and for the future years to come in order to be globally


In the development of the study, students are expected to imagine

themselves as part of the new system in the field of technology. This opens for key

points in how well they are, as the 21st century learners in this developed aspect of

technology. It shows them the advantages and disadvantages of being part of the

modern world: 21st Century generation.

The researchers aimed to measure how familiar the students are, with the

help of the technology, in building decisions for their future life, not only being

students, but being part of the builders of the nation as well. Educators’ role in the

integration of technology is also one of the minor targets in this study, where

educators are the tools for the continuous change of the learning development of

In addition, this will be of great help not only to the students but with

teachers as well in the realization of the real essence of having or adapting

technology as part of the learning process and development of every individual.

Scope and Limitations

Metro Vigan is composed of five towns and a city namely; Bantay, Sta.

Catalina, San Vicente, Caoayan and Vigan City. Situated along the western coast of

Northern Luzon, Vigan, the capital town lies in the north western part of the

Province of Ilocos Sur. It is bounded on the north by the Municipality of Bantay, on

the east by the Municipality of Santa, on the south by the Municipality of Caoayan,

on the west by the Municipality of Sta. Catalina, and the southwest by Municipality

of San Vicente. Its total area of 14, 142 hectares which is about 18.36 % of the total

land mass of Ilocos Sur, which is 259600 hectares.

The study was conducted in the randomly selected schools which are

offering Senior High School in Metro Vigan namely; Ilocos Sur National High School,

Bantay National High School and Puro National High School. These were chosen by

the researchers because they vary in way of living, environment, facilities and

location. The study focused on the abilities and advancement of students towards

technology to become globally competitive citizens.

Operational Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined in

the context of the study:

Digital age. It refers to the years or time within the presence of modern

technologies, new developed technological inventions and devices.

Integration. The combination or mixture of the previous practices to the

formation of new ones

Metamorphosis. It is a change or transformation from a previous concept

into a new one

Technology. It is a universal tool which gave and continually giving positive

and negative changes to the people, especially to the people

Globalization. It is a state of being involved throughout the world by the

people or learners.

Competitiveness - it is the ability of a nation or an individual to offer and

show his expertise that meet the quality standards in the global world.
Related Literature and Studies

Technology continues to influence the society in how effective it is in the

development and progress of the human nature. It is said to have advantages and

disadvantages which will let people to choose with among them will took their lives

into its betterment. The integration of technology is said to have positive or a

negative impact to the lives of people, particularly the learners coming from the

traditional world. With this, metamorphosis continues to be visible not only as

human being but as part of the developing country; the beloved Philippines.

This section presents the review of related literature and studies involving

to the current research with variables, technology, effectiveness, integration of

technology, and global competitiveness. This portion of the research contains the

following areas related to the study:

1. technology,
2. knowledge on technology,
3. beliefs on technology
4. integration of technology, and
5. global competitiveness.

This study examined the concepts present in the integration of technology

and to evaluate the effectiveness and effects to the students. Technology is in

connectivity to the student’s development and future opportunities towards global

competitiveness. This is crucial in adaptation and change in the educational system

of the students by the continuing approach of technology. The different contexts

mentioned above supplies not only its technological aspect but the continuous

progress on the developmental change and effectiveness of the globally

competitive world.

On Technology

Each technology is likely to play a different role in students’ learning. For

example, word processing and e-mail can improve communication skills; database

and spreadsheet programs can enhance organizational skills; and modeling

software often increases understanding of math and science concepts (Honey, et.

al., 2 2005). In fact, Honey, et al., (2005); Gahala (2001); Fouts (2000); Johnston

(2000); Means (2000) mentioned that experts have suggested that technology can

enhance learning by providing students with the following opportunities:

a. drilling and practicing with increasingly difficult content;

b. accessing a wide variety of information and gaining knowledge from

many sources;

c. visualizing difficult to understand concepts;

d. interacting with data, engaging in hands-on learning, and receiving

feedback; and

e. managing information, solving problems, and producing sophisticated

products using tools such as spreadsheets, databases, and word


Apple Computer (2005) examined trends in students’ use of technology.

They reviewed 30 studies on educational technology programs and concluded that

students used laptops primarily for writing, taking notes, completing homework

assignments, organizing their work, communicating with peers and teachers, and

researching topics on the Internet. They tended to use word processing software,

web browsers, and email to accomplish these tasks. Those students who used their

laptops to complete more complex projects were most likely to use design and

multimedia tools, such as presentation software and software for making and

editing digital images and movies.

Technology appears to be most effective when it is used to access

information and when that information is used to communicate findings using

graphs, illustrations, and animations. Researchers have suggested that technology

serves different purposes, depending on the subject area. For example, to develop

vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and spelling skills in language arts; to

simulate and solve problems in math and science; and to simulate events and use

multimedia to demonstrate work in social studies (Valdez, 2004; Sivin-Kachala &

Bialo, 2000).

In the study conducted of Balmeo, Nimo, Pgal,Puga Quiño and Sanwen

(2014) postulates the results indicate that availability and effectiveness of

technologies are at limited level. This is significant for the achievement of the aim

of students with special learning needs for they would be guided appropriately in

the development of their skills with the challenges of educational attainment and
life itself.

Yemothy (2015) stated the findings of Newbill and Baum (2013) that how

technology is revolutionizing the world and their daily interactions. They further

discussed the value and importance of students being capable of using technology.

Franciosi (2012) further explained how today’s schools are in a technology

cultured society and need to be flexible and adaptable to the ever changing

technology- enriched world. However, in order to facilitate 21st century technology

integration practices, educators need to grow professionally and learn about

current technology related pedagogy (McLeod, et al., 2011; Sadaf et al., 2012;

Yeung, Lin, Tay, Hui, & Low, 2014).

On Knowledge on Technology

In an article written by Jason B. Jones, the Director of Educational

Technology at Trinity College and a writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education, he

talks about how the Educause Center for Analysis and Research ECAR report

analyzes four main points about students’ impressions on technology use in the


1. Many students, and people in general, own many different devices. These

can be laptop computers and various mobile devices, but unfortunately

students feel like they have very little incentive or freedom to utilize

these devices while in the classroom.

2. Two-thirds of students say that their instructors “use technology

effectively”, which is beneficial to students in many ways. For example,

there is less time spent getting used to the technology, and more time

spent teaching the coursework.

3. Sixty percent of students want to keep their academic and social lives

separate. There is no additional information about student interest in the

separation between social networking profiles and academic work,


4. Students prefer that faculty members themselves provide instruction on

how to use technology, rather than rely on the IT department or online

resources. With this in mind, faculty members, in the future, should

budget their class time to teach students about using technology in their


According to the results of the study of Balkar, Eskil and Özgan (2010),

indicated that there are differences in the student’s perceptions of their learning

environment associated with students’ cultural background among the private

schools, high levels of teaching resources (HLTR) schools and low levels of teaching

resources (LLTR) schools in using the computers in Science & Technology and its

effects to the learning, getting increased the interest and research opportunities by

means of Computer Technology.

In addition to their study, this outcome has shown that CT has been using

much more in private schools and HLTR schools compared to LLTR schools. In this

way, the students who are studying at these schools have positive views on CT in

many ways. Private schools are stated to use the CT much more than the state

schools. Analysis of the data collected in this study demonstrated that students

come from a range of different cultural backgrounds influences from their learning


Akkoyunlua and Erkanb’s Study (2013), concluded that this study found that

students embraced smart boards, and “agreed” that these boards increased their

involvement in classes, made their courses more fun and helped efficient use of

time. Teachers, on the other hand, “completely agreed” that smart boards interest

and motivate students”, “visualize the learning environment and bring concrete

learning”, “make students understand better with audiovisual materials”, and

“make classes better planned and organized”. Most students stated that they

enjoyed an interactive board and being able to write with a marker or their fingers,

learning with a smart board by watching videos and seeing, and being able to use

the internet to check out new information. Teachers, on the other hand, mentioned

enhanced student motivation and participation, better use of class time owing to

prior preparation, and more effective learning with visual materials as the

advantages of smart boards.

Analyzing the study of Li (2007), it shows the table of outline for the

percentage per theme and comments of the students;

Theme Percentage of Comments

students discussed
Efficiency 73.6% • Increased access to information
• Made learning easier

Changes needed 25.1% • Need to use technology more

• Need to use more advanced
Pedagogy 33.9% • Visual and animation
• Bring real world
• Beyond school work
Future 24.5% • World is changing
• Technology in workplace
Motivation and confidence 18% • Motivation, fun
• Flexibility
• Increased confidence

Using technology to provide concrete examples or visual materials such as

animated models and simulations for abstract concepts proved to be effective for

student learning, as exemplified in these comments:

a. Technology is very useful in my physics class. Sometimes reading about

fields, forces, etc., is hard to visualize. Seeing these things

demonstrated on Web sites is very helpful and effective.

b. It can help you learn in ways you can’t with books. Helps you to visualize

with models and simulations.

Students also indicated that technology helped bring the real world into learning

and gave “a more hands-on approach to learning,”

a. It is like having a different teacher. If your teacher doesn’t identify with

your learning needs, sometimes a computer is better.

Another salient theme was that technology provided learning opportunities to

enhance knowledge construction beyond regular schoolwork and that technology

changed the way people think.

a. Technology is effective in my learning because it teaches me to expand

my thinking.

b. Technology is definitely effective in my learning. I use graphic tools nearly

every day that help me understand the mathematical relationships I’ve

programmed visually. This type of understanding goes much further than school,

but also in my creative endeavors and mental “grasp” of everyday living.

On Beliefs on Technology

Teachers’ educational beliefs play an important role in the way teachers

perceive and use technologies in the classrooms. Thus, beliefs appear to shape

teachers’ decisions about pertinent knowledge, routines, and goals along with

taking into consideration the context of the classroom (Speer, 2005).

Teacher beliefs are considered even more influential than teacher

knowledge (Pajares, 1992). Understanding of teachers’ beliefs that make

technologies differently integrated into teaching would be helpful in improving

technology integration trainings.

Teachers’ persistent beliefs about current practices are recognized as

second-order barriers that delay or inhibit technology integration (Ertmer, 2005).

Even when technology and technical knowledge are in place (i.e., when first order

barriers are overcome), effective technology integration requires teachers’ beliefs

in “new ways of both seeing and doing things” (Ertmer, 2005, p. 26).

Teachers’ beliefs predict, reflect, and determine their actual teaching

practice (Kagan,1992; Pajares,1992; Wilkins, 2008). For instance, research has

shown that the ways of teaching can be different depending on teachers’ different

beliefs even when the teachers have similar knowledge and skills (e.g., Ernest,


In the study of DeMeester, Kim a, Kim a, Lee a ,Spector b (2012), they

explained that the use of technology for teaching and learning is of interest in many

parts of the world and this study provides one model for such studies. Moreover,

fundamental beliefs about knowledge and knowledge acquisition exist in every

teacher and learner, and these are critically important for understanding effective

technology integration.

Garling’s (2016) study tells that teachers who had a more positive
perception of technology, a more student-centered classroom, and the belief that

technology can enhance their curricular goals were better equipped at integrating

technology due to their personal perspective as to its importance in the classroom.

Educators with a more negative perception of technology, a more teacher-centered

classroom, and the belief that technology does not help them meet their

educational goals were not able to integrate technology as easily since it did not

support their pedagogical approach.

She further explained that there are additional group of educators who

strongly believe in the importance of technology, but have a hard time

implementing it in the classroom due to their past experiences and environmental

constrictions. These attitudes directly reflected the continuous relationship

between various elements within Expectancy-Value theory and technology

inclusion. Educators have to value the importance of technology within their

curriculum in order to overcome the costs (lack of times, support, resources, etc.)

associated with technology.

On Integration of Technology

Integration means involving a discovery or process from the traditional way,

in order to have a better one for the goodness of people. With the integration of

technology, it gives us a way to discover and develop new concepts and ideas for us

to have a better way of communication and understanding of the happening

around, this maybe naturally or scientifically explained.

Daggett (2010) stated that if American education system is to prepare its

students to meet the demands of an increasingly technological world, indeed if it is

to be effective at all, it must integrate technology into the academic curriculum.

The prospect of personal technology in school, however, makes some teachers and

administrators uncertain about how to proceed..

Scheffler and Logan (1999) emphasized that integrating technology not only

involves the attainment of computer skills but also consists of a process in which

learners try, fail, access, evaluate, analyze and apply meaningful tasks including but

not limited to researching, analyzing data, applying and representing knowledge,

communication and collaborating.

Thus, the integration of technology into education means using it as a tool

to teach subject matter, and to promote problem-solving and higher-order thinking

skills. It is neither computer literacy nor computer awareness. It means using the

computer where it is the best medium to support the learning goal. It requires

changes in a school. The entire school community of students, parents, teachers

and administrators has to accept that computers are a part of everyday school life.

Scheffler and Logan (1999)

On the study of Mustafa Koç (2005) it concludes that technology integration

representing learning from technology (behaviorist perspective) is not the most

effective way to improve learning although it helps learners to perform the lower

level subskills automatically. On the other hand, constructivist-learning

environments representing learning with technology, which encourages learners to

actively process and organize information by making internal cognitive connections,

can well provide the theoretical framework for the effective technology integration.

Keywords: Technology integration, Pre-service teacher training, Constructivism,


Matthews (1998) examined technology use by rural teachers and found that

more than one half of the teachers perceived themselves as novices in all aspects

of technology use, and almost one third to one half of the teachers never actually

used technology for educational purposes. His study also revealed that fewer than

30% of the public teachers used Internet applications in their classrooms although

U.S Department of Education (1999) reported that the number schools with

Internet connection increased by 43% between 1994 and 1997.

Although several reports refer to equipment, software, time, and training as

the most common barriers to the integration of technology, the elimination of

these barriers does not necessarily facilitate a smooth transition to technology use

by classroom teachers (Hall, 1997).

In fact, technology integration has also been shown to help create more

authentic learning environments where the students are more motivated to attend,

have a greater chance of communication and collaboration and have more

opportunities to use higher order thinking and problem solving skills connected to

real world applications (Fouts, 2000).

On Global Competitiveness

The digital age has provided the technology to provide equitable access to

quality education ensured through quality assurance. Quality assurance “has

become an important global trend” Nicolas (2014)

With the current trend of globalization and fast paced society we are in, it is

in implied fact and reality that education has been with this global trend. The world

of education has fully embraced the culture of globalization. In this situation, all

other factors including both the educators and the learners must be fully receptive

with the global change and trends of education. For it is through education that our

young learners will be able to secure a sure spot in the global perspective.

(Lumaban, 2016)

George (2009) elaborated that higher Education is the main instrument for

all development and change. It has the important task of preparing leaders for

different walks of life. In the context of the unprecedented explosion of knowledge,

especially in science and technology, higher education has become much more

dynamic than before.

In addition to what George said, in the era of globalization the students are

seen as participants rather than as receivers or buyers of a final product. Therefore

as the major stakeholders of the academic community, students have to share

responsibility for their education and for the institution which provides the frame

work for this education.

In the study of Jhurree (2005) he explained that countries, particularly

developing ones, cannot afford to stay passive to ICT if they are to compete and

strive in the global economy. The health of the economy of any country, poor or

rich, developed or developing, depends substantially on the level and quality of the

education it provides to its workforce. Education reform is occurring throughout

the world and one of the tenets of the reform is the introduction and integration of

ICT in the education system.

The researchers undertook the study to have a clear understanding and

investigation on how technology has been in the educational system since it has

been integrated. However, because of the unavoidable negative effects which

technology has been visible to. By analysing the features of the integration of

technology, the study examined the questions and consistency in integration of

technology which leads to be a globally competitive individual

In addition, in examining the metamorphosis of traditional way into the

integration, this study explores the value of looking back from the past, in order to

continue to accept the changes that may happen. It highlights what this could give

in the development of the nation and the people.

Based from the different literature, studies and researchers cited above,

with their substantial information, the present study was made into its finality.
Theoretical Framework

The connectivism learning theory ‘A Learning Theory for the Digital Age’

approach in the study is the Siemens views The Siemens approach focused on the

technology’s potential to transform teaching, learning and society drove into the

area of e-learning. It suggests that, existing learning theories did not provide for

the changing nature of learning and learners due to the influence of technological

advances, ‘Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos,

network, and complexity and self-organization theories‟ (2005).

According to Darrow (2009), the half-life of knowledge is shrinking,

especially in the field of Instructional Technology; connectivism helps to ensure

students remain current by facilitating the building of active connections, utilizing

intelligent social networking and encouraging student generated curricula. On the

other hand, Connectivism allows the future of education to be viewed in an

optimistic, almost utopian perspective, as individuals co-create knowledge in a

global, networked environment.

In an article, ‘Engage Me or Enrage Me’, Prensky (2005) explained that

today’s learners are no longer interested in or even capable of learning in

environments that do not reflect their real-world experiences. Students today

come to class equipped with a myriad of wired devices such as cell phones, laptops

and iPods. They are constantly in touch, motivated by and responding to their

changing world with the spontaneous exchange of knowledge. Prensky (2005)

further explained that students‟ lives are rich in media, communication and

creative opportunities outside of school.

The study relates it to the connectivism learning theory where it tells that

integration of technology gives its way to the learning of the students inside the

school. It then proves that in this theory, it tells that it had been proven that within

the technology’s potential teaching, learning and society are drove to transform

into the area of e-learning which gives the students to compete in the crucial

world, outside the country.

Conceptual Framework

This framework shows the relation of integration of technology towards

global competitiveness to the main beneficiary of the development of technology

in education throughout the years.

Integration of Technology
Towards Global

Near the Located in an

Mountainous STUDEN island
Area TS

Located in the city

Knowledge on Beliefs on Integration of Global

Technology Technology Technology Competitiveness

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework

As shown in Figure 1, the participants of the research were actually

involved in the integration of technology towards globally competitiveness. The

researchers determined the knowledge of participants on technology, beliefs of

participants on technology, integration of technology and global competitiveness

towards the students. This will be determined through interviews, observations

and documentation.

This portion presents a discussion of the research design, the sample of the

study, data gathering tools, procedures, data analysis and ethical issues which

were utilized in the study.

Research Design

This study using the case study approach, the knowledge and beliefs of

students in integrating technology towards global competitiveness were

understood. The cases focused on three variables of the study which as follows: 1.)

knowledge and beliefs of students towards technology; 2.) ways on how integration

of technology helps the students in their daily living; and 3. the significant

advantages of integrating technology to achieve global competitiveness.

The study explored have a deeper understanding in the knowledge and

beliefs of students towards technology. The researchers further determined the

ways on how technology help the students and provide their needs. The

researchers also examined integration of technology if this would really be a

substantial factor to be a globally competitive individual. The researchers

conducted in depth semi-structured interview to the chosen students of the chosen

schools of Metro Vigan to validate their views about the identified variables of the

Study Locale and Informants

The study was conducted in the three different schools of Metro Vigan that

provides different opportunities to the students along academics and co-curricular

activities. These schools also provide different understanding and experience about

the integration of technology.

Among the different schools in Metro Vigan, three schools were purposely

selected for the study, namely: 1) Ilocos Sur National High School, a school within

the city, 2) Puro National High School, a school located in an island, and 3) Bantay

National High School, a school located near the mountainous area. The distribution

of the informants is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Profile Informants

Informants Grade level Strand Gender
Ilocos Sur National High School
A 11 STEM Female
B 11 TVL Female
C 11 HUMMS Male
D 11 GAS Female
Puro National High School
A 11 GAS Female
B 11 GAS Female
C 11 GAS Female
D 11 GAS Female
Bantay National High School
A 11 TVL Female
B 11 TVL Female
C 11 TVL Female
D 11 TVL Female
The profile of the twelve (12) respondents includes their grade level, gender

and the strand that they are currently enrolled. The informants are enrolled in the

different strands and all of the respondents are grade 11 students. Moreover, the

number of female respondents is numerous as compared to male respondents

because of non-availability of male respondents.

Qualitative researchers usually work with small samples of people nested in

their context. Avilla (2016) is in support to this that qualitative research follows a

certain sample size in the use of the subjects or respondents of the study. It is

usually a small number of non-representative cases respondents selected to fulfill a

given quota.

Respondents were selected for this study through careful consideration

based on the following criteria:

1. should be a grade 11 student,

2. a regular student to his/her school,

3. knowledgeable about the advancement of technology, and

4. willingness to participate in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure, Tool and Analysis

Data refers to the rough material researchers collect from the world they

are studying; they are the particulars that form the basis for analysis (Bogdan &

Bilken, 1992). Qualitative data take the form of words of language that are

generated from observations, interviewing, or documents (Miles & Huberman,

1994). Patton (1980) describes qualitative data as detailed descriptions of

situations, people, and interactions; direct quotations from people about their

thoughts or experiences; and excerpts or passages from documents or records

(Merriam, 1998). In addition, data collection is informed by ongoing analysis that

guides further data collection in which “emerging insights, hunches, and tentative

hypothesis direct the next phase of data collection” (Meriam, 1998).

Yin (1994) suggests three principles of data collection for case studies: 1)

using multiple sources of data, 2) creating a case study database, and 3)

maintaining a chain of evidence. Yin (1994) suggests that the researcher must

possess or acquire skills. The ability to ask good questions and to interpret the

responses is imperative to good research as well as being a good listener. Yin (1991)

suggests being adaptive and flexible in reacting to various situations, having a firm

grasp of issues being studied, and being unbiased by preconceived notions. Thus, a

case study analysis should use as many sources relevant to the study. This study

incorporated member interviews and documents.


Interviews were used when the researchers wants to elicit information that

are not observable or replicable (Merriam, 1998). The purpose of interviewing is

“to access the perspective of the person being interviewed” (Patton, 1990).

In the course of the interview, the researchers conducted a semi-structured

interview, focus group discussion among the interviewers. The semi structured
interview allowed some structure, but also, will give room for flexibility. Using this

form also allowed the interviewers to ask key respondents for the facts of a matter

as well as for respondents’ opinions about events. In some situations, the

interviewers asked the respondents to offer their own insights into certain

occurrences and may use such propositions as the basis for further inquiry (Yin,

1994). This method further allowed for follow up interview questions to be asked

during the interview for clarity or further investigation. In this case study, grade-11

students were asked to participate in interviews. An interview protocol was

developed based on theory and literature which guided the interviews. Interviews

were recorded and transcribed.

Throughout the interview process in this study, dialogues were fostered and

valued. These interviewers wanted the interview dialogue to be explanatory and

liberating to flow naturally and to glean information about what the respondents

believes and practices. Effort made to establish a relaxing, non-threatening, nor

judgmental environment to allow the interviewee to reflect openly on his/her


Data Analysis

For the anlysis of this study, transcriptions of the audio recording were

done; translation of the answers im filipino and iluko were made; and finally

extractions from interviewers were also done to further elicit the information

obtained from respondents. Moreover, from the literature review of the students’
knowledge and beliefs in integrating technology towards global competitiveness

might be the product of upbringing , the benefits of technology to the current

curriculum, the results of the learning processes with the integration of technology

in schools or some combinations of these factors.

Cross examination of the cases with similar profiles, but different settings,

provided insights into diverse ways of conceptualizing initiative. When a pattern

formpone data type is corraborated by the evidence from another, the finding is

stronger. When evidence conflicts, deeper proving of the differences is necessaru

to identify thecauseor source of conflict. In all cases, the researcher treats the

evidence fairly to produce analytic conclusions answering the original “how” and

“why” research questions. This analysis helped create an effective knowledge base

for working toward the goal to determine how beliefs and instructional practicesof

culturally relevant compare (Yin, 2001).

Working with the data, one describes, creates explanations, poses

hypothesis, develops theories, and links tha story to other stories (Glesne, 2006). In

using cross case analysis Khan and VanWynsberghe (2008) postulates that it

facilitates the comparison of commonalities and difference in the events, activities

and processes that are the units of analyses in case studies. By identifying

similarities and differences ; the researchers seek to provide insight into the issues.

Studying multiple cases make it possible to build a logical chain of evidence

(Welker, 2004). We use the cross case analysis to seek a chain of evidence for the
relationships studied form the case data (Yin,1994; Miles and Huberman, 1994).

Ethical Issues

To ensure that the results of the study to be reliable, valid and trustworthy,

the following ethical principles in conducting a research study were observed by

the researchers before, during and after the study. They were as follows: a.)

honesty and confidence in all stated information; b.) made sure to avoid taking bias

in the research methods and conduct; respect for intellectual property by means of

honoring patents and copyrights; and c) confidentiality to protect communications

and personal information of the informants.

Thus, during the interview, one of the researchers acted as the interviewer

while the other researcher did the note taking activities and the other one became

responsible to the recording. To ensure the truthfulness of the recording, the

respondents assured and validated the note taking done after taking record. After

which, the informants signed the informed consent to show that they affirmed to

the correctness of the recorded information of the researchers. In return for the

time, effort, information and trust given to the researchers by the informants, they

prepared food for the informants after the interview proper, as a sign of

gratefulness and sincerity by the researchers.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the discussion of the research questions along the

students’ knowledge and beliefs in integrating technology towards global

competitiveness based among grade 11 students in the different public secondary

schools in the province.

On Knowledge of Technology

The informants have given their understanding on technology based on

their assumptions on the role of technology to the world. They unanimously agreed

that these are the gadgets, instruments, machines that make work easier, faster

and better. Taken singly, Informant B from Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS)

said that “technology comprises the gadgets or equipment that people are using in

their daily lives to have an easier way of doing works attaining better results”.

Informant C of Puro National High School (PNHS) has given his confirmation about

what Informant B had stated that “technology is already a thrust in leading the

people to better future”. Likewise, Informant B from Bantay National High School

(BNHS) explained that “technology is the development of machineries or gadgets

that people are using in their daily living to have a more comfortable life”.

Based from the answers given by the informants, they unanimously defined

technology as the equipment, machines and gadgets that make lives easier and

better. The primary reason is they use technology in their everyday living to do
their work effectively.

These findings are inconformity of that with Reisman (2006) that

technology is the development and application of tools, machines, materials and

processes that help in solving human problems. In addition, Daggett (2010) that as

many schools wallow in the past, technology is becoming ever more pervasive. It is

getting smaller, speedier, stronger, and more adaptable.

On the most used gadgets, the informants unanimously stated that the

most used gadgets by the students are cellphones, laptops and computers because

these gadgets are very important in their learning process. According to informant

B of PNHS, “the most used gadgets by the students are cellphones, laptop,

computers and she said that even in her early life she already manipulate and

operate these gadgets effectively.” Likewise, informant A of ISNHS stated that “the

gadgets that are often used by the students are cellphones, laptops and computers

because of communication purpose and seeking of information.” She also added

that most of the children nowadays already know how to operate and manipulate

them effectively at early age.

In addition, informant B of BNHS mentioned that “the most used gadgets

by the students are cellphones, laptops and computers due to their very important

use to the students and besides these gadgets are just easy to operate.”

The researchers found out that the most frequent gadgets which the

students are using are cellphones, laptops and computers and according to the
informants, the students have already manipulated and operated these gadgets

effectively and confidently since at an early age. Even the students do not yet have

any formal schooling on Information Technology but yet they are so good in using

gadgets such as cellphones and computers. This means that, if students have the

access to a very good and sufficient computer they can make it on top to global

competitiveness because they managed to learn though they do not have formal

schooling when it comes to technology. So, if they are educated the more they can

make it to the top.

In the study of Hatch (2011) stated that integrating of technology into early

education is going to help children prepare for the technology dominated work

force. While Brunner (2010) stated that it will just seem normal to have a smart

phone or a tablet on a special school setting so you can use it to look things up and

communicate files, and your teacher can see what you’re doing. In addition, Hatch

(2011) stated that as it further develops, technology just seems more normal to

have a place in our lives. Today it is acceptable for a person to have a smart phone,

a laptop, and a tablet where years ago that would cost thousands and the

capabilities would be significantly lessened. Giving children these up-to-date

technologies will allow them to become more skilled at keeping up with the ever-

changing digital world early, and also keep them ahead in the skills they need to

advance in the work place.

On knowledge about technology, majority of the informants stated that

they have been applying their knowledge about technology by searching

information about the knowledge they want to know in the internet and social

media and or for communication purposes. According to Informant A from PNHS,

“the most important rule of technology is being the bridge of communications

because it is filling up the gap between people from distant places wanting to

transmit information they are interested in.” While Informant C of ISNHS stated

that “technology is very important because it enhances the students’ knowledge on

what is happening in the entire world not only about the news but also about

science and the totality of what is happening in people’s lives.”

In addition, informant D of ISNHS emphasized that “nowadays students

don’t need to go to the library and look for the books where to get the information

that are needed for assignments or other requirements because of the existence of


The informants stated that the students use or apply their knowledge about

technology by searching information that they need in their learning process. They

also use it in communication.

Nowadays, technology is really very important to people’s lives because this

makes the work of everyone easier, faster and better. For example, if the students

need to search for their requirements, just one click in the internet is already

enough to seek enough information for the requirements in school and to be

knowledgeable in different things. Due to the efficient use of technology, students

are more inspired and encouraged to learn further.

These findings are consistent with the work of Clarke (2003) that stated that

the student-centered learning implies significantly changed roles for students and

teachers. In student-centered learning environments, students are more engaged,

responsible learners. They work to develop and explore their own unique academic

and career interests, and produce authentic, professional quality work to

demonstrate their learning.

On Beliefs of Students regarding Technology

Majority of the informants stated that they have a deep trust on technology

that could lead them to better future. According to informant C from BNHS,

“because of technology the process of modernizing keeps its journey to lead the

world into a better future.” The equipment and materials that people are using in

their daily lives are still under the process of innovation improving each and every

detail for a better use. Others are still creating and developing more gadgets for an

easier life. Meanwhile, informant D from PNHS said that “as time passes by the

equipment that people are using are becoming more and more high-tech and

would help people to have a better, easier and more comfortable life.” In addition,

Informant C of PNHS believes that “technology leads to better future because

technology helps the researchers to find new things and improve the gadgets and

the way of living of the people.”

In the 21st century, the knowledge and skills of technology is very important
to be successful. The world now is operated with high-tech gadgets and machines.

Most of the offered jobs are inclined with the skills and knowledge about

technology. This is the primary reason why the informants trust technology could

lead them to better future.

On beliefs of students towards technology, the informants unanimously

agreed that if a person has a positive attitude towards technology it could lead to

better future. According to Informant D of ISNHS, “as long as he knows his

limitations in using technologies, these will guide him to the right pathway of his

journey of his life.” Likewise, Informant B of ISNHS believes that “if technology is

used in a good way, it leads to better and brighter future but if it is used in bad

ways it could ruined people’s lives just like the students who are addicted to

computer games that to the extent they are not attending their classes.” In

addition, informants B and C from BNHS believe that “technology could lead to an

easier and better life.”

The informants believe that the knowledge and skills of technology must be

equipped with proper and good attitude to attain its potential advantages that

could give. They are aware that there are people who didn’t used their knowledge

and skills in technology. One example is the people who steal money by hacking the

government sites. Another is the students who are addicted to computer games

and to the extent that instead of attending their classes, they are going to

computer shops to play games.

On determining beliefs on technology, the informants unanimously agreed

that their beliefs on technology help them to be better individual. According to

Informant D from ISNHS explained that “by knowing the disadvantages that

technology could bring, you could prevent it. Informant B of BNHS stated that her

beliefs towards technology could guide and help her to achieve her goal.” Likewise

Informant C of BNHS said that “her belief towards technology leads her to in using

technology in good ways.” In addition, informant A of ISNHS stated explained that

“in these days if a person have the skills and knowledge about technology, he

would become more confident in working different things.”

Nowadays, technology could give potential advantages and disadvantages

to the people. If a person didn’t have a proper guide in using technology, it would

make some problems. This is the primary reason why all of the informants believe

that their beliefs on technology help them to be better individual.

On application of beliefs in their everyday living, the informants

unanimously agreed that their beliefs towards technology motivate them in using

their technological knowledge and skills in good ways. According to informant B

from PNHS “she could apply her beliefs about technology in her everyday living by

motivating herself not only to depend in technology but this would be only a factor

on attaining her success.” Meanwhile, informant C from BNHS stated that “it

motivates her to use her knowledge and skills regularly in good ways to be

familiarize working with computers.” Likewise, informant D of ISNHS stated that “by
simply using it and shares to others her knowledge about technology.”

Base from observation, there are people who didn’t use their knowledge

and skills on technology in proper ways. The informants explained that they apply

their beliefs on technology in their everyday living by motivating themselves to use

their technological knowledge and skills in proper and good ways. Their beliefs will

guide them to the right path where they could achieve their goals.

On Integration of Technology

The informants unanimously, stated that integration of technology helps the

students more in gaining and searching information needed by them. Taking it

singly, informant A of ISNHS elaborated that students would understand the lessons

easier by using technology. In addition, she further explained that without the use

of technology, it will be harder for the students to make their requirements.

Informant C of PNHS added that that with the use of technology, the discussion and

interaction between the teacher and the student inside the class will be better with

the use of technology especially the computers, laptops and projectors.

It then tells that the primary benefactors of the development or integration

of technology are the learners from the modern technology who are said to be the

formal receiver of technological development. With this gadgets being used by the

students, it had been proven what it had brought to the life of the learners.

An analysis of effective technology use for at-risk students found that simply

replacing teachers with computer-based instruction typically yields no learning

benefits. Rather, blending technology with teachers to support interactive learning,

exploration, and creation (instead of “drill and kill” techniques) leads to higher

engagement and learning gains (Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014).

On effects of the integration of technology, most of the informants stated

more positive effects of integration of technology than the negatives of it. Students

become more knowledgeable because of the help of internet was similarly stated

by informant C of BNHS and informant D of ISNHS, informant A of PNHS and

informant B of BNHS emphasized that this will lessen the burden of their work.

In contrary, there are also negative effects that the informants affirmed.

Unanimously, the informants stated that learners become lazy. Informant D of

BNHS also systematically explained that students are now being dependent on

whatever information they need, on the power of technology.

It then appeared based on the answers of the informants that the

integration of technology has its positive and negative effects to the students.

Particularly, there are more positive effects than the negative ones. These positive

effects of technology are being developed by the students in showing their

acceptance to the integration of technology. Since it cannot be avoid to gain such

negative effects, the students are aware of its unavoidable effect to the attitude

and personal development of a student.

According to Hawkins (1997) there are already plenty of examples of how

various electronic media can help students achieve more. This can be seen most
dramatically in the ways that assistive technologies empower students with

disabilities, allowing them to contribute in ways never before possible. It is

increasingly clear that all students can benefit when technology is used intelligently

to provide meaningful content and powerful tools for learning.

On how important is the integration of technology, the informants

collectively shared that nowadays, technology is very important in all aspects of

living. They stated that technology helped them in making their assignments and

projects and other requirements. In fact, informant A of ISNHS added that

“technology made their products better and more presentable.” Informant D of

BNHS stated that “technology helped them sought more information in their place,

outside the country and even in any part of the world.” Meanwhile, informant D

also added that “knowing more information means becoming better individual.”

Informant A from PNHS said that “the integration of technology made the students

knowledgeable and aware to their surroundings.”

Hence, the integration of technology to their curriculum is very much

important. Including technology in the curriculum does not only teach students

about the importance of computer in the field but also it teaches how one benefits

from its use technology as a part of the curriculum also teaches the students on

how to use tools to enhance learning, it also provides a skill- building knowledge

needed for better job opportunities. Empowering the minds and developing skills
of students to technology is the best training education can give to the learners to

revolutionize their thinking, their way of working and their way of creating

outcomes. So, frequent use and practice, researches, and information got from

experts will give students an adept knowledge on technological advancement.

On Global Competitiveness

The informants’ unanimously believe that students with enough knowledge

and skills are really needed to be globally competitive. They also believe that the

skills and knowledge which they acquired lead them to better future are their tools,

to become a globally competitive individual. Taken individually, informant B of

ISNHS stated that “technological knowledge and skills is what people need to

become global competitive individual that can help the world become better.”

Informant C of BNHS stated that “technological knowledge and skills are very useful

for individuals that can help the world better.” Informant D of PNHS stated that

“she believe that the knowledge and skills toward technology is necessary to be

global competitive individual because in 21st century, the world is operated and

manipulated with high- technological machines.” Moreover, informant A of PNHS

positively stated that “the knowledge and skills are needed to compete globally,

since according to her, these are the tools in order to improve the capability of the


With the help of the computer subjects offered, students are being
assisted by the mentors as they go on with the lessons. These subjects opened

them with opportunities not to be left out by the other countries. Students at this

stake are not knowledgeable in terms of technological use than the older

generations, where a 4 year-old child can already use a mobile phone.

In the understanding of the informants’ answers, it is taken into account

that in order to become a globally competitive individual, there is a need to

integrate technology in the education system, since we are obviously living in a

world with new inventions and better innovations. Bearing in mind that attitude is

another aspect that a learner should put in mind, it must be present to every

learner to limit the negative effects of these existing development in technology.

One theme that has emerged from the research to date is that simply

adding technology to K-12 environments does not necessarily improve learning.

Rather, what matters most is how students and teachers use technology to develop

knowledge and skills. Successful technology integration for learning generally goes

hand in hand with changes in teacher training, curricula, and assessment practices

(Zucker and Light, 2009; Bebell and O'Dwyer, 2010).

On determining the contributions on becoming globally competitive, the

informants consistently believed that computer subjects are not only offered in

computer related schools but mostly in public schools particularly in secondary

level. These subjects like Empowerment Technologies for Grade 11 are being taken

by students to make sure that advancement and involvement of students in the

field of technology.

Among the informants, informant A of ISNHS and informant D of PNHS

strongly disagreed that “the computer subjects offered contributions on becoming

globally competitive at the moment.” According to informant A, “it’s because of the

luck of equipment, which will hinder the students to learn more and to let them in

the world of technology.” In addition, informant D explained that “on the current

situation, the gadgets that are needed for the ICT subjects is not yet ready, so the

students need to double their efforts to learn more about ICT and become globally


However, the remaining informants agreed that these computer subjects

are in great help. Taken individually, informant B of ISNHS stated that “these

computer subjects have many contributions in the development of the learners

which gave them important knowledge that will change the global world for better

future.” Informant D of PNHS claimed that “computer subjects offered in the

current curriculum have great contributions on attaining global competitiveness

because computer literacy is now very important in everyone’s life.”

In this case, computer subjects are assessed to be of great help to the

students. It therefore contributes to the improvement of the skills of the learners,

where they can use it to attain global competition confidently. Because there is lack

of equipment, it hinders the learners to have more, more than use what is needed.

It stops them to learn what they supposed to have because honestly speaking, not
all students are capable of having computer sets on their own for the hands on


The finding of the study is inconformity, with that of Stosic (2015)

concluded on his study that the new generation of learners come ready to work

with these new technologies, which play an important role in children’s learning

and acquiring various cognitive knowledge so that educational technology must be

incorporated into future curricula. The application of educational technology in the

computer subjects enhances skills and cognitive characteristics. With the help of

new technology comes an explosion of learning and receiving new information,

especially on mobile devices.

On assessing the students in terms of technological knowledge against their

counterparts, majority of the informants believed that the students are more

confident and effective in terms of technological knowledge and skills against their

counter parts. However, the students don’t have the proper discipline for their

knowledge and skills towards technology.

Taken individually, informant A of ISNHS stated that “the students nowadays

are better in handling computers but they are not equipped with proper

discipline.” Informant D of BNHS, stated that “students nowadays have

technological oriented mind.” Moreover, Informant C of PNHS stated that “in terms

of technological knowledge and skills, the students are more active in learning

On the existing curriculum, there is an implementation on the integration of

technology and because of that Information Technology subjects are offered. The

informants agreed that their computer subjects offered contributions on becoming

globally competitive individual. Hence, technological knowledge and skills of the

students are better when compared to their counterparts who do not have

Information and Communication Technology subjects.

Chapter III



The study focused on the students’ knowledge and beliefs in integrating

technology towards global competitiveness. The subjected schools include Ilocos

Sur National High School (ISNHS), Puro National High School (PNHS) and Bantay

National High School (BNHS), three accredited public schools in the Metro Vigan.

On knowledge of technology, the informants unanimously defined

technology as the equipment, machines and gadgets that make lives easier and

better; most use gadgets include cell phones, laptops and computers; and they

have been applying their knowledge about technology by searching information

about the knowledge they want to know in the internet and social media and or for

communication purposes.

On beliefs of students regarding technology, majority of the informants

stated that they have a deep trust on technology; the knowledge and skills of

technology must be equipped with proper and good attitude to attain its potential

advantages; and beliefs on technology help them to be better individual.

On integration of technology, the informants unanimously, stated that

integration of technology helps the students more in gaining and searching

information; the students more opportunities of learning; the effects include

positive and negative on the integration of technology; and nowadays, technology

is very important in all aspects of living.

On global competitiveness, informants unanimously believed that the skills

and knowledge which they acquired lead them to better future are their tools, to

become a globally competitive individual; the knowledge and skills towards

technology really need to be globally competitive; and students with enough

knowledge and skills are really needed to be globally competitive.


The researchers therefore conclude that the students who live in distinct

places define technology in similar ways. They delineated their understanding on

technology based on their assumptions on the role of technology to the world

which is technology is the machines, gadgets and equipment that people are using

to make lives more comfortable, easier and better. The researchers also proven

that the most used gadgets by the students are cellphones, laptops and computers

due to their very important rules in learning process and communication purposes.

Moreover, technology doesn’t only give potential advantages to the

learners but also potential disadvantages. In this study, it founds out that having

the knowledge and skills on technology are not yet enough. It must equip with

proper discipline in order to attain its benefits.

Moreover, integration of technology helps the students more in gaining

knowledge. It showed that it gives the students more opportunities of learning.

However, there are also negative effects that integration of technology could give.

Nowadays, some students are suffering from usage addiction of computers and

cellphones. In order to avoid addiction, everyone must possess right guidelines in

the proper way of using technological knowledge and skills.

In this study, it evokes that the knowledge and skills on technology is very

important in attaining global competitiveness. In 21st century, the world is operated

with the use of high-technological gadgets and machines. In order to achieve global

competitiveness, knowledge and skills on technology must obtain.

Finally, the knowledge and skills on technology is necessary in attaining

global competitiveness. In these days, the students must require to have and

improve their knowledge and skills on technology to compete all around the world.

Thus, the findings of the study serve as an eye-opener to the government, teachers

and students to realize that in 21st century, technological knowledge and skills is a

major factor on becoming global competitive individual. Moreover, it is also a way

to raise awareness that having knowledge and skills on technology is significant in

the current state of life.


Based from the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were

forwarded: technological knowledge and skills of the students must be improved

and equipped with balance usage and proper discipline; the government must

ensure that the knowledge and skills of the learners must be inclined with the

current state of technology trend; There should be enough hands-on equipment to

be used by both the teachers and students for educational use and improvement.

The Department of Education (DepEd) must assure that all year levels have

computer related subjects to learn the basics of computer technology until it

reaches its complexity; the government and Department of Education must have a

partnership to different countries, for this will open the doors for job employment

in the other countries.

The students should live to the expectation of the 21st century. They must

enhance and enrich their knowledge and skills towards technology. They must also

exhibit responsible and proper personal behavior in improving their skills and

knowledge on technology. They should be guided in proper using of these abilities

to acquire global competitiveness and thriving future.

Future researchers should consider looking into the other aspects of

students’ knowledge and skills on technology. This may include behavioral and

psychological perspective. It is also recommended to conduct this study in other

places especially places which are not usually exposed to technology.

Given the changing nature of technology, a series of studies based on the

knowledge and skills of students towards technology would document other

informative data that increase the understanding the effect of the integration

towards global competitiveness.


The study aimed to determine if integration of technology can help the

students toward global competitiveness, along the following variables: (1)

technology, (2) knowledge on technology, (3) beliefs on technology (4) integration

of technology, and (5) global competitiveness. The main purpose of the study is to

determine if the knowledge and beliefs of the students in the integration of

technology can lead them to be globally competitive individual.

Moreover, this study involved a purposive sampling of the students (n=12)

of Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS) within the city, Puro National High

School (PNHS) along an island and Bantay National High School (BNHS) near the

mountainous area as chosen for the diversity of the study. The case study analysis

research design was employed.

Taking into account of the results of the study, the findings revealed the

following: (1) On knowledge of technology, technology as the equipment, machines

and gadgets that make lives easier and better; most use gadgets include cell

phones, laptops and computers; and they have been applying their knowledge

about technology by searching information about the knowledge they want to

know in the internet and social media and or for communication purposes; 2.) on

beliefs of students regarding technology, they have a deep trust on technology; the
knowledge and skills of technology must be equipped with proper and good

attitude to attain its potential advantages; and beliefs on technology help them to

be better individual; 3.) on integration of technology, the integration of technology

helps the students more in gaining and searching information; the students more

opportunities of learning; the effects include positive and negative on the

integration of technology; and nowadays, technology is very important in all

aspects of living; and 4.) on global competitiveness, the skills and knowledge which

they acquired lead them to better future are their tools, to become a globally

competitive individual; the knowledge and skills towards technology really need to

be globally competitive; and students with enough knowledge and skills are really

needed to be globally competitive.

Finally, the findings entail that technology doesn’t only give potential

advantages to the learners but also potential disadvantages. Their knowledge must

be equipped with proper discipline in order to attain its benefits. Moreover, it can

be construed that integration of technology helps the students more in gaining

knowledge where it gives the students more opportunities of learning despite if its

negative effects; addiction and laziness. In order to avoid negative effects,

everyone must possess right guidelines in the proper way of using technological

knowledge and skills.

It evokes that the knowledge and skills on technology is very important in

attaining global competitiveness. It can also be concluded that the students

improve their knowledge and skills on technology to compete all around the world.

Thus, the findings of the study serve as an eye-opener to the government, teachers

and students to realize that in 21st century, technological knowledge and skills is a

major factor on becoming global competitive individual. Moreover, it is also a way

to raise awareness that having knowledge and skills on technology is significant in

the current state of life.

Keywords: Technology, knowledge on technology, beliefs on technology,

integration of technology, global competitiveness


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Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C


Interview Questionnaire

1. What are the knowledge of students about technology?

a) What is technology for you?

b) What are the gadgets that most of students know to operate? Do they

handle them effectively and confidently?

c) How do students use or apply their knowledge about technology?

2. What are the beliefs of students regarding technology?

a) Is the students trust to technology leads to better future?

b) What are the beliefs of students towards technology?

c) Can their beliefs on technology help them to be better individual?

d) How can they apply these beliefs in their everyday living?

3. In what ways can the integration of technology useful in the lives of students?

a) Cite an example on how integration of technology helps the students.

b) What are the effects of the integration of technology to the students?

c) How important is the integration of technology to the students?

4. How can the integration of technology help to be globally competitive?

a) Does the knowledge and skills towards technology really need to be

globally competitive?
b) Does the computer subjects offered contributions on becoming globally
c) How do you asses the students today in terms of technological knowledge
against their counterparts?
Appendix D

Question: Anea para kanyam ti technology?

Answer: Kasla kuma, it’s a way of commucation, kasla rangtay, syempre eh

masapol, adda met latta dagiti kapamilya dadiay sabali ket saan met sigida nga
mareach so technology is very useful nga makicommunicate kanyada.

Question: What are the gadgets that you use mostly? Us-usaren da met lang nga

Answer: As kaniyak, ti maobserve ko mostly, cellphones ken manmano met lang ti

agus-usar ti tablets, tablets.. ti tablets talaga ken cellphone.

Question:Ediay do they handle them effectively, anea ediay?

Answer: Yah. I think.

Question: Kasanum ba nga i-aaply ti technology iti biag mu? Kasla kuma kasanu da

Answer:Hmmmm, kasla, for searching kasala kuma diay project na, ususaren da
nga, syempre ket, for internet surfing.

Question:Apay ediay trust ti students ti technology ket makatulong kaniyada tapnu

agkaroon da iti better nga future?

Answer: Kasi hmmmm, there’s, kasala kuma every, kalsa kuma everything ket
possible kuma tatta nga tiempo nan ket kasla possible kuma tattan. You can find.
Kasla amin nga solution ket makakita ka didiay through research tas ket ediay

Question: Anea ti pammatin about technology?

Answer: Adda, kasla hmmmmmm, patas lang diay bad ken good na kasi sometimes
kasi ket medyo abuse met gamin nu dadduma ti panagusar ket sometimes kasi ket
dakkel talaga ti maitulong na ti students for now kasi hmmm not just for
communicating but use as to search for naduma-duma.

Question:Apay ediay beliefs mo nga inbagam ket makatulong kanyam tapnu

agabalin nga nasaysayaat nga individual?

Answer: Yes. Kasi, hmmmm haan met nga dadiay idependem latta amin ti
idependem latta met amin ti technology but some sort kasi adda dagiti talaga nga
ways nga sabali ti maiteg na ti technology nga haan nga maubra ti, kasla kuma haan
maubra ti tao nga maitulong ti technology.

Question: Kasanum nga i-apply dagitoy pammatim iti technology iti inaldaw-aldaw
nga panagbiag mo?

Answer: Diba nu haan met gamin kumpleto dediay knowledge mo, something kwa
ket kwa, nu in cooking kasdiay kuma ket nu once nga adda ti dim nga ammu ket nu
once nga insearch mon ti kwan ket once nga dagiti procedure ket maamwamun ket
hmmm mai-apply munto metten kasla kuma dagigidiay steps kasla kuma apay
mabalin ba nga ikasdiay (tulungam)

Question: Mangibaga ka man iti example nu kasanu nga makatulong ken dagiti
estudyante ti pagkakaroon ti technology nga part iti education system?

Answer: Kasla diay innovations and adiay about ti kasla kuma mapapintas pay ti
maysa kasla kuma maimprove na pay ti projects, kasdiay kuma tas matulungan na
ka dagidiay assignments mo.

Question: Anea dagiti epekto ti pagkakaroon iti technology kas kaniyam nga maysa
nga agbasbasa?

Answer: Malessen na ti burden ti work kasla kuma ibes nga agkwa ka kuma pay
lang library. Kwa ti usar ti gadgets ket maubram idiay nga in a faster way.

Question: Kasanu kaimportante ti integration ti technology para kanayam nga mesa

nga estdyante.

Answer: It serves as great help ti guide ti panagbasa kasdiay.

Question: Based ken dagidiay knowledge ken beliefs mo about technology nga
imbagam tatta, masapol ba talaga detoy tapnu agbalin nga globally competitive nga
Answer: Yes.

Question: Dagidiay ngata computer subjects ket adda ti contribution na tapnu

agbalin nga globally competitive?

Answer: Yes. Kasi dagidiay teachers tayo ket isuro da met dagidiay dadduma pay
nga kasla kuma hanmi ammo nga about ti computers ket kasla maimprove talaga
dediay knoowledge ti mesa nga estudyante.

Question: Kasanum nga i-assess dagiti students tatta based ken digidiay ammu da
in terms of technology?

Answer: Talaga nga makitam nga dakkel gap na ken diay present generation tattan
ket kasla kuma baliktaden. Kumbaga ket mas pay nga agpasuro dagidiay kuma
immna nga tao tattan. Kasla even just dagidiay lang ubbing pay lang, kasla kuma
literate nga adu ti ammu dan about ti kuma kasdiay.
Appendix E


Question: What is technology for you?

Answer: It is like, it’s a way of communication, just like it’s a way, ofcourse it is
needed, there are still families which is in other countires so it cannot be reached
out easily, so technology is very useful to communicate to them.

Question: What are the gadgets that you use mostly? Are they using it effectively?

Answer: As for me, I mostly observed, cellphones and only some are using tablets,
tablets, especially cellphone.

Question: Do they handle them effectively, how is that?

Answer: Yah. I think.

Question: How can you apply technology in your life? Just like how are they using

Answer: Hmmmm, just like for searching your projects, they are using, for internet

Question: Can the trust given by the students can help to them to have a better

Answer: Because hmmmmm, there’s every, just like everything is possible

nowadays just like it is possible already today. You can find. Just like all the solution
can be found through research, that’s the reason why.

Question: What are your beliefs about technology?

Answer: Hmmmmm. For me , I have a good and bad beliefs on technology because
sometimes people are using their knowledge and skills on technology in an abusive
manner. However we can’t deny that technology has a great help to the students
for these days just like, hmmmmmm, for commmunicating purposes and searching
Question: Are your beliefs help you to be a better individual?

Answer: Yes. Because, hmmmmm, I’m not saying that I am just depending to
technology but in some sorts, there are things that people can’t do that technology

Question: How can you apply your beliefs on technology towards your daily life?

Answer: For me, this guide me to the way of choosing the right path.

Question: Cite an example on how integration of technology to the current

curriculum helps the students?

Answer: It helps the students to improve their projects and helps for doing

Question: What are the effects of integration of technology to you as a learner.

Answer: It lessens the burden of work just like instead of going to the library, you
can use internet to search for the informations that are needed.

Question: How important is the integration of technology for you as a student?

Answer: It serves as great help ti guide ti panagbasa kasdiay.

Question: Based from your beliefs and knowledge about technology, do you really
belive that these are very important to be globally competitive individual?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Are the computer subjects offerered contributions on attaining global


Answer: Yes, Because in these subjects , the teachers teaching the students more
about computers to improve and enhance their knowledge and skills.

Question: How could you asses the students against their counterparts on the
technological knowledge and skills?

Answer: For me, students are now fast learners compared to their counterparts
about using technology. Because as per observe , students nowadays have
technological oriented minds.

Personal Profile


Permanent Address : Suksukit Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur

Date of Birth : June 06, 1999

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Mr. Remwil P. Angeles

Mrs. Zenaida C. Angeles

Educational Background
Elementary : Naglaoa-an Elementary School

Secondary :

Junior High School : Naglaoa-an National High School

Senior High School : Ilocos Sur National High School

Gomez St., Brgy. VII, Vigan City
School Year: 2016-2017

Personal Profile


Permanent Address : Poblacion, San Vicente Ilocos Sur

Date of Birth : August 26, 1999

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Mr. Ricky Renato C. Dumalanta

Mrs. Rose Jane R. Dumalanta

Educational Background
Elementary : San Vicente Integrated School

S.Y. 2011-2012

Secondary :

Junior High School : Ilocos Sur National High School

Seventh Honorable Mention
S.Y. 2016-2017

Senior High School : currently enrolled at

Ilocos Sur National High School
STEM Strand
Personal Profile

Name : Nehemiah Galamgam Rabena

Permanent Address : Cabaroan, Sta. Catalina Ilocos Sur

Date of Birth : March 13, 1999

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : N/A

Parents : Leopoldo R. Rabena (†)

Lilia G. Rabena

Educational Background
Elementary : Sta. Catalina Central School
S.Y. 2011-2012

Secondary :

Junior High School : Ilocos Sur National High School

Eighth Honorable Mention
S.Y. 2016-2017

Senior High School : currently enrolled at

Ilocos Sur National High School
STEM Strand

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