CCRU Abstract Culture Digital Hyperstition 1999 PDF

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The document discusses an interview with Professor Daniel Barker about his research interests and career path, which involve decoding patterns across many scientific fields.

Professor Barker's research involves decoding patterns across many scientific fields including information sciences, earth sciences, archaeology, mathematics, linguistics and engineering.

Professor Barker worked for an organization related to NASA that studied signals from space as part of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program.

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abstract (3) cuJrure
abstract (2] culture
the asswnption of intentionality, subjectivity,
interpretability, structure,etc - what remains are
assemblies of functionally interconnected
rnicrostimulus, or tic-systems: coincidental
infonnation deposits,seismocryptions,suborganic
quasireplicators (bacteriatircuitries, pol)Poid
Daniel Charles Barker has been Professor of diagonalizations,interphase R-Virus, Echo-DNA,
Anorganic Semiotics at Kingspon College (MVll, ionizingnanopopulations), plus the
Mass.) since I 992. His extraordinary intellectual macromachineries of their suppression, or
achievements resist easysummarization, invohing depotentiation. Prevailiogsignaletics and
profo,md andpolymathic engagement across the information-science are both insufficiently abstract
entire range ofUte and earth sdences, in addition to and over-theoretical in this regard. 1bey cannot see
archaeocultural research, mathematical semiotics, the machine for the apparatus, or the singularity for
anatomical linguistics, andnfonnatic engineering. the model. So tic-systems require an approach that
Trained as a cryptolfl'apher in the early I 9705, he is cosmic-abstract - hypennaterialist - and also
has spent his Ute decoding andent scripts, participative, methods that do not interpret
quasibiotic residues, and anomalous mineral assemblies asconcretizations of prior theories, and
pattems (amongst 01/Jer things). Jn late Autumn immanent models that transmute themselves at the
I 998 Gero met with Professor Barker in his office at level of the signals they process. Tic-6')'Stems are
MVU. The following is an edited transcript of that entirely intractable to subject/object segregation, or
meeting. to rigid disciplinary typologies. lbere is no order of
narure, no epistemology or scientitionetaposition,
Tic-Systems. Cryptography has been my guiding and no unique level of intelligence. To advance in
thread, right through. What is geotrawnatics about, this area, which is the cosmos, requires new
even now? - A rigorous practice of decoding. So I cultures or - what arno\Dlts to the same - new
haven't really shifted at aU in this respect. niere is a machines.
voyage, but a strangely immobile one.
1be problem was: how to quantify disorganized
I started out at MIT working in the infonnation multiplicities? Diagonal, inegular; molecular, and
sciences - my thesis proposal was quite nonmetric quantities require a scale that is itseH
conseMitive, involving mostly technicaJ issues to do nonmetric, that escapes overcoding. Standard
with noise reduction and signal modulation - but procedures of measurement and dassification
MVU was just getting staned, and my research was prove entirely inadequate, since they presuppose
transferred across to them. That led to various rigid conceptual segmentadon by quantity and
contacts, and from there to employment with a quality (Deleuze-Guattari's twin-pincers of molarity,
NASA-related organization that has particular type and degree). once things are being worked out
interests connected to SETI activity. My task was to at the level of tic-assemblies - or Oat ticking anays -
help toughen-up the theoretical basis of their there are only intensive populations, and
signals analysis. They wanted to know how to measurement has to give way to engineering
discriminate - in principle - between intelligent tusional multiplicities: systems that COlDlt
comrmmication and complex pattern derived from themselves only in the way they propagate,
nonintelligent sources. To cut a long story short, it immanently numbering multitudes, likmanoplastic
became increasingly obvious to me that although quantum swirls. Eventually a machinic solution was
they said they were hunting for intelligence, what provided by the Tick-Distributor, but that came later
they were reaUy seeking was organization. The ... At first there was just the equation, precipitated
whole program was hmdamentally misguided. in what I still thought to be my own body, virtual tic­
various people had big problems with the direction density = geotrawnatic tension.
of my research, which had basicaUy veered-off the
organizational model. The social friction became Geotraumatics. I came to Freud relatively late,
intolerable and I had to leave, which was messy associating it with oedipal reductionism, and more
because of my high-level security clearance ... generally with apsychologistic stance that was
simply inelevant to cryptograpt.c work. It's
Suborganizational pattern is where things reaUy imponant to remark here - no doubt wetl get back
happen. When you strip-out aU thesedimented to this . that everything productive in �
redundancy from the side of the investigation itseU - analysis stems from stripping ow superfluom
abstract (4) cuJture abstract (5) culture

prejudices about the sowce and meaning of mass, semifluid metallic ocean,megamolecule, and
complex functional patterns. I took - and still take - pressure-cooker beyond imagination. It's hotter
the "igorous repudiation of hem1eneutics to be the than the surface off the swi down there, three
key to theoretical advance in processing sign­ thousand clicks below the crust, and all that
systems. It was Echidnastillwell who helped me to thermic energy Is sheer impersonabonsubjective
see Freud from the other side. It was a difficult memory of the outside, running the plate-tectonic
period for me. There had been a lot of painful fall­ machinery of the planet via the conductive and
out from the Nasa work. Psychotherapists were convective dynamics of silicate magma flux, bathing
invotved, in pan attempting tq>athologize and the whole system in electomagnetic fields as it
discredit my research, and in part responding to tidally pulses to the orbit of the moon.Cthem is the
real stress-related symptoms. Between the two was terrestrial inner nightmare, nocturnal ocean,
a grey zone of tramnatic dysfimction and paranoia xanadu: the anorganic metal-body trauma-howl of
involving difficuJt feedback effectsStillweU the earth, cross-hatched by intensities, traversed by
persuaded me that the only way to get through this thermic waves and currents, deranged particles,
was to try and make sense of it, and that this was ionic strippings andgluttings, gravitational deep­
not the same as submitting to the interpretative sensitivities transduced intononlocal electromesb,
mode. On the contrary. b1 Beyond the Pleaswe and feedingvulcanism ... that's wbyplutonic
Principle, Freud takes a number of crucial initial science slides continuously into schizophrenic
steps towards mapping theGeocosmic unconscious delirimn.
as a traumaticmegasystem, with life and thought
dynamically quantized in tenns otmorganic Fast fonvard seismology and you hear the earth
tension, elasticity, or machiruq>lexion. nlis scream. Geotrauma is an ongoing process, whose
requires the anorganizational-materialistetuning of tension is continually expressed - partially frozen
an entire vocabulary: trawna, wiconsdous, drive, in biological organization. For instance, the
association, (screen-) memory, condensation, peculiarly locked-up lifefonns we tend to see as
regression, displacement, complex, repression, typical - those more-or-less obedient tooarwinian
disavowal (e.g. thewi- prefix), identity, and person. selection mechanics - are less than six hm1dred
million years old. 11ley began with the planetary
Deleuze and Guattari ask: Who does the Earth think oxygenization crisis, triggered by the saturation of
it is? It's a matter of consistency. Start with the crustal iron, foUowed by mass oxygen-poisoning of
scientific story, which goes like this: between four the prokaryotic biosystem and the emergence of a
point five and four billion years ago - dwing the eukaryotic regime. Eukaryotic ceUs are highly
Hadean epoch - the earth was kept in a state of suppressive. They implement a nuclear command­
superheated molten slag, through the conversion of control model based ongenomic ROM, aflined to
planetesimal and meteoritic impacts into meiosis-mitosisdiplocapture, hierarchical
temperatwe increase (kinetic tothennic energy>. As organization, andmulticeUularspecialization. Even
the solar-system condensed the rate and magnitude the distinction between ontogeny and phylogeny -
of collisions steadily declined, and the tenestrial distinct time-orders of the individual and the
swface cooled, due to the radiation of heat into species - makes little sense withou�ukaryodc
space, reinforced by the beginnings of the nuclear read-only progranuning andmmm1ological
hydrocycle. owing the ensuing -Archaen - epoch identity. Evolutionism presupposes specific
the molten core was bwied within ocrustal shell, geotraumatic outcomes.
producing an insulated reservoir of primal
exogeneous trauma, thegeocosmic motor of To take a more recent example, the efflorescence of
terrestrial transmutation. And that's it. That's mammalian life occurs in the wake of the KIT-
plutonics, or neoplutonism. It's all there:anorganic Missile, which combined with massive magma.
memory, plutonic looping of external collisions into plume activity in the Indian Ocean to shut-down the
interior content, impersonal trauma as drive­ Mesozoic Era, sixty-five million years ago. Irruptive
mechanism. The descent into the body of the earth vulcanism plus extraterrestrial impact, linked by
corresponds to a regression thro�osmic coincidence, or plutonic looping. So there Is a
time. catastrophic transition to a post-saurianmegafatma
regime, part of a much larger overalteorganization
Trauma is a body. Ultimately - at its pole of of tenestrlal S)1Ilptomaticity, providing an index of
maximum disequilibrium - it's an iron thing. At MVU neobadean reswgeoce. And wbat is manunallan
they call it Cthefil: the interior third of terrestrial life relative to the greatsaurians'? Above all, an
abstract 16) culture absttact f7J cuJture

innovation in mothering! Suckling a51>iosurvivalism. impulses collide with the roof of the mouth. The
Tell me about your mother and you're travelling bipedal head becomes a virrual speecb­
back to K/T, not into the personal wiconscious. impediment, a sub-cranial pneumatic pile-up,
discharged aslinguo-gestural development and
Spinal- catastropbism. For humans there is the cephalization take-off. Burroughs suggests that the
particular crisis of bipedal erect postwe to be protohuman ape was dragged through its body to
processed. I was increasingly aware that all my real expire upon its tongue. us a twin-axial system,
problems were modalities of back-pain, or bowls and clicks, reciprocally articuJated as a vowel­
phylogenetic spinal injury, which took me back to consonant phonetic palette, rigidl)intersegmented
the calamitous consequences of theprecambrian to repress staccato-hiss continuous variation and its
explosion, roughly five hWldred milUon years ago. attendant becomings-animal. That's why
The ensuing period is incrementally body-mapped stammerings, stutterings, vocal des, extralingual
by metazoan organization. Obviously there are phonetics, and electrodigital voice synthesis are so
discrete quasi-coherentneuromotor tic-flux laden with biopoUdcal intensity - they threaten to
patterns, whose incrementally rigidified stages are bypass the anthropostructural bead-smash that
swimming, crawling, and (bipedal) walking. FJaine establishes ow identity with logos, escaping in the
Morgan persuasively traces the origin of direction of nwnbers.
protohwnan bipedalism to cenain deleterious
plate-tectonic shifts. The model i51>ioseismic. Barker Numbering. Once numbers are no longer
Crustal convulsions and animal body-plan are overcoded, and thus released from their metric
rigorously interconnected, and the entire Aquatic function, they are freed for other things, and tend to
Ape Theory constitutes an exemplat')geotrawnatic become diagrammatic. From the be� of my
analysis. Erect postwe an�erpendicularization of tic-�ems work the most consistent problems have
the skull is a frozen calamity, associated with a Ion__� concerned intensive sequences. sequence is not
list of pathological consequences, amongst which order. Order already supposes a doubling, a level
should be induded most of the hmnan of redundancy: the sequenced sequence. A
psychonewoses. Numerous trends in contemporary decoded sequence is something else, a sheer
cultwe attest to an attempted recovery of the nwneracy prior to any insertion into chronologic
icthyopbidian- orflexomotlle-spine: horizontal and structure. That's why decoding number implies an
impulsive rather than vertical and stress-bearing. escape from assumptions of progressive time. Tick
multitudes arrive in convergent waves, without
subordination to chronology, history, or linear
The issue here • as always • is real and effective causation. They proceed by infolding, involution, or
regression. h is not a matter of representational
psychology. ConsiderHaeckel's widely discredited implex. H's a matter of convergence, and nwnbers
Recapitulation Thesis, the claim thatmtogeny do that, once they're free to. so the first stage
recapitulates phylogeny.his a theory compromised required plexive introgression of the tic-density
by its organicism, but its wholesale rejection was an scale, which was nwnerically rigorired as digital
overreaction. Ballard's response is more productive twinning. Treat the decbnal nwnerals as a set of 9-
and balanced, treating DNA as wansorganic swn twins - zygonovire - and they map an abstract
memory-bank and the spine as a fossil record, intensive wave, indifferent to �tude.. Everything
without rigid ontophylogenic correspondence. The efficient about digital reduction is concerned with
this, since it discovers the key to decimal syzygetic
mapping of spinal-levels ontmeuronic time is complementarity: 9 = o. A flattening down to
supple, episodic, and diagonalizing. It concerns
plexion between blocks of machinic transition, not disordered sequentiality, or abstract nwnerical
strict isomorphic • orstratic redwidancy - between implex. Nine is the ultimate decimal nwneral,
scales of chronological order. Mammal DNA operating as positive (or full.body) zero. H is the
contains latent fish-code (amongst many other abstract numeric product of the decimal-magnitude
things). minus one (infinitesimalized as J = 0.999...
reiterating), which relates to a particuJar mode of
proliferation within capitalist semiotics (of the type
Palate-Tectonics. Due to erect posture the head
has been twisted arowid, shattering.,'enebro­ $99.99).
perceptual linearity and setting-up thtphylogenetic
preconditions for the face. This right-angled Barker-Spiral. The pattern really came together
pnemnatic-oral arrangement produces the vocal­ with the Diplozygotic Spiral, wbidl armed 6'Uddemy,
apparatus as a crash-site, in which thoracic by chance. I was playing a game � Decadence,
abstrad (8) culture abstract (9) culture

which I had first encountered many years before. Y 2 PANIK

This game already interested me because of its
numerical elegance, its complex associations, and On receiving an interrupt, decrement the counter to
its dependence upon a principle of decimal zero.
twinning. It had always seemed to hint at a lost - William Gibson Count zero
syzygetic arithmetism, related to the bilateral
symmetry of the human body. Digits are fingers, and Millennial Mania reaches a certain peak in the
they come in decimal packages of two times five. In "Jerusalem syndrome," which exhibits
Decadence five makes ten by doubling, or pairing eschatourism as one element in the programmatic
with itseU, scoring zero. Thisaantalized me, but I fulfillment of prophecy. Whilst 1V evangelists in the
couldn't fit it together theoretically. 1be quandary USA are exhorting viewers to sell all possessions
was unlocked on this occasion, when one of the and flock to Jerusalem, and a papal blessing is
participants casually mentioned the existence of an promised to those visiting the holy-land at the
occulted variation of the game, caJled beginning of the new millennium, th6sraeU tourist
Subdecadence, based on a system of nine-swn board, security forces, and the psychiatric
twinning. Subdecadence introduces zeroes, and profession are preparing for the arrival of up to
nine-zero twins. It works byzygonovic nwnerism. thirteen millionchristian pilgrims. An abnonnally
That was stwmi.og enough in itseH, but seeing the high rate of psychotic disturbance is confidently
two together - or seeing between them • was an anticipated, perhaps succeeded by episodes of
incredible moment of diagrammatic assemblage. It mass suicide amongst disillusioned believers.
all spontaneously condensed, and the Spiral clicked
into coherence, like a secret door into the long­ At Megiddo (the biblicalAnnegeddon) they are
hidden crypt of the decimal system. planning the ultimate smmd and light show,
invohing frog-monsters, the greatest earthquake in
PUblicatiODB. history, and toxic hail from heaven (Rev-XVI:16).
AQuasi Chemical Tic Culture catalysis of Anorganic such incendiary visions dove-tails neatly with
Pain wave Matrices@ (Plutonics: Vohnne X. Number existing regional tensions. In preparation for the
6, Fall 1990) millennium, variousjewish and christian groups are
>Anorganic Semiotics= (Plutonics: Vohnne X, plotting to demolish the F1Aqsa mosque and the
Nwnber 9, Fall 1991) Dome of the Rock. 11lis is seen as the necessary
> Spinal catastrophism= (Plutonics: Volume x, prelude to rebuilding the third and final temple of
Nwnber 10, Spring 1992) Solomon, which would lay the mundane
> Palate Tedonics= (Plutonics: Volume I o, Number foundations for the New Jerusalem, and induce the
I 2, Fall 1992) coming of the Messiah tcompletion of oecmnenon).
> vowels: A Biopolitical Strategy= (Plutonics:
volwne X. Nmnber 18, Fall 1994) Running counter to such enthusiasm is the fact that
What Cowits as Hwnan (Kingspon: Kingsport as an instnunent of propaganda thegregorian
College Press, 1997) calendar is intrinsically flawed. Apocalyptic hopes
for AD 2000 systematically confuse millenarian
expectations for Christ's thousand year reign (Rev­
XX) with millenialist investment of neat calendric
intervals. The midnight of December 31st 1999
does not coincide with achristian festival
(christmas),2 has no historically defensible

abstract ( I OJ cuJture abstract I I I ) culture
and elements of medicaloverstretch, financial
commemorative relevance, and does not (as chaos\ transport, telecommunication and power
gregorian year MM) even mark the beginning of a failwes, food and water shortages, disruption of
new rnillenniwn.3 govemment services, hoarding, rioting, and
Meanwhile, infotecbnics is carried by Y2K into
millennial spasms of its own, returning to oo and A nwnber of governments have openly expressed
digitally erasing the twentieth century (reducing their willingness to oversee millennium celebrations
data to MMbo-jumbo). Since cyberspace dates are
in conditions approximating to martial law. Anny
incapable of cowiting above 99 they have and police leave is being cancelled, and emergency
swreptitiously installed the firstintrinsically services prepared for exceptional conditions,
apocalyptic calendar in history, WICOnsciously including large-scale disruption of their own
produced within aplanetrary electronic registry, command, control, and communications systems,
starting from Year zero (= oof, Y2K condenses out compounded by widespread equipment
of the mechanomic wiconscious and its dysfimction.
nonarbitrarycalcular fimctions, attesting to a raw
decimal deliriwn indifferent to creed. In the West, large government and corporate
Post-tribulationist eschatology slides smoothly into bweaucracies are triaging their Y2K vulnerability:
Y2K survivalism, orienting its volatile mixture of writing-off the most expendable sectors, accepting
incalculable risk in others, and concentrating
stock piling, micro-militia activityiechnophobia and resowces solely on the most critical areas (such as
apocalyptic theology towards the self.fulfilling nuclear installations, strategic control, core
dynamics of millennial threat. Pre-emptive response infonnation functions and financial recordsf.
produces reality (panic is creation). 1be more you
know about it, the worse it looks. Forecasting the pattern of Y2K devastation is
It has always been integral to capitalist organization complicated by its (artificial) nature, which explodes
in spirals. As a highly chaotic singularity it is
that science-fiction fimctions as a factor of characterized by extreme sensitivity to
production, relating it intimately to panic­ microvariables, the absence of precedent, and
phenomena. Y2K takes things to a new level, as a anticipatory looping through its own potentials. tt
disaster that comes from the future, scheduled by occws in advance of itseH, plll)ctually switches to
accident, and thus precisely anticipated in time. If it an unknown climate, and spreads contagiously
proves effectivelyineradicable it is because it is through networks. Modelling it adds complexity and
trickling back, from the self-confirming inevitability noise (Which feed it). 11lough entirely semiotic, it
of its occurrence. Something is about to happen, already amounts to the most expensive accident in
and we know exactly when. history (Whatever happens). $3.6 trillion and
The contows of the expected calamity are being
continuously upscaled in confonnity with an
Y2K produces a traumatic mutation in the
interlocking technopanic syndrome, involving infonnation economy, involving an explosion of rr
innwnerable accidents, various network crashes


abstract I 1 2) culture abstract ( 1 3) culture

emergency services (analysis, debugging, integrated They celebrate Y2K as a threat to the order of time:
solutions), massively accelerated hardware a cultural event that is not textual, ideological,
replacement, global restructuring, and a crisis of representational, intentional, or phenomenological
confidence in computer-supponed services, with but rather machinic and numerical-subtractive (n
the potential to nmaway into general market I ). 9
coUapse.7 It interrupts the smooth upward curve of
doubling microprocessor density, falling prices, and Y2 K designates a crisis ot:alendric culture: a time­
increasing market-penetration with a singular bomb so perfected that the timer is the bomb. It
cyberspace-shock that is discontinuous (or simultaneously adopts the zero-function of 24-hour
nonmetabolic) in nature. Junk-shops stack-up with digital time-code, induces convergence with th e
prematurely discarded infotechnic hardware, calendric zero of cOW1t-inception, dismandes
providing the material-base for a computer-age clock/calendar segmentarity into flat scales of
skip-scavenging cargo.culture. FJectronics must be dwation, and triggerSTeotwawld.' 0 Even when it
subsocially recycled to release its frozen machinic operates pre-emptively (in any nwnber of ways) it
potential. Cyberp\Ulk begins with Y2K. refers itseH to the ptmctual Great Midnight that cuts
hyperhistorical time-continuum at 00:00', doubling
the retro-virtualchronogenesis of the century. 12
Outside the public sphere Y2K excitement is not
only higher it has changed phase entirely. AS Y2 K is as old as computers, all that changes is the
hysterical hyperlooping twists the millenniwn into a panic intensity. According to theYettuk cultists • or
panic stonn, it builds explosively on itseU, K-Goths • the total chronopolitical immune-response
producing an artificial destinyJ'echonomic power to Y2K constitutes a program for Gregorian
splinters across schizophrenically juxtaposed time­ Restoration, with the bug-hunt masking a
systems, spawning monsters (the first true neoroman sociopolitical agenda. Far from being a
counterculture). mere technical glitch, the millennium time crisis
indexes the first neutral calendar in history, which
Lurking predominantly in thedatacombs of the escapes the numerocultural legacy of the Romans
crwt, mnnerous shadowy groups now proclaim by beginning with a year o (= 00), The demand for
themselves Y2K-posi� 1bese "Yettuk cults" have "millennium compliance" attempts to enforce the
begun building a mesh of massiv�ecentralized abandonment of an existing calendar, that of
subcultural impulses, dJrectly investilqftlmotronic
time-catastrophe, and aggressively promoting
chronodissidence throughout and beyond the web. " THI S P R OV I DES A S I NGULAR Dl!:MDN!!!ITRATIDN
24:00 HRS DOES NO T • O F" COURSE • E X I S T,
O K + 1 0 0), THIS
abstract f15) culture
abstract I 1 4) culture
cybernetic- or K-Time,1 3 and suppress its associated
time-anomalies (sealing the calendar against zero). 33. 33rpm -ISrpm
In the now notorious words of crypt denizen Cotmt
s zero: A.. so Mbug resistors think MATRIX needs a
new calendar-totally steam-punk. Wake up.rrs 2112bpm 2880bpm
already K-Time. CoWJtO = Greg Date 1 900.. "!•
1056 1440

528 720

264 360

1 32 1 80

66 90

33 45

16.5 22.5

8.25 11.2

4.125 5.56

2.0625 2.528

I. The above is an excerpt from Sector 7. I of the

Hyper-C tone-scientist manual entitJe<llydro­
demonic polyrbytbm: operating system for the
redesign of sonic reality , on kode9 sonic
inswgency- Polyrhytlunlc scalinK, oetare stretching,
Breakbeat ne-stin/{ as §/J<Jn-drcuits to turbulence
Elsewhere in the text, afroatJantian rhythmjc
futurism's involutionary trajectory from the full beat
of 4/4 fimeral marches through the ½ beat of 2/4
towards the ¼ note ofswing,on past the bebop 1 /8
note into a convergence with the T I OOO liquid metal
hyperrhythm entity which, arriving from the future,
surfaced recently in the early to mid 19908. This
vast vorticaJ assemblage diagrammed by such
period doubling suggests that the affective potential
of the Black Adantic consists of the multi-scalar
rhythmic composition of turbulence- the art of war
C YBERSPACE. IT COUNTS F"ORWARO FROM ITS in the art of noise. Uke thecybergoths, Hyper-C
Y EAR ZERO (: 0 0), CORRES PONDING TO AD seem addicted to theflatline bliss of micro-pause
1 9 CC. IT WAS NEVER P LANNED, OR EVEN abuse- different agent, same line. In a later section
of Hydro-demonic polyrbydun we learn further that
UNCONSCIOUS, P LANETARY, DIAGONALLY this redesign of sonic reality generates genetic
TECHNOCU LTURAL, ANO OBLIVIOUS TO CR E E D, destratification forsubaquatic martial ans, for
inswgency on the distributed pod network which
COUNT 5 Z ERO, UP 2 DATE the AOE was installing, constituting a carceral
archipelago < < entided C-Het,lnc. > > Wlder the
abstract 116) culture abstract ( I 7) culture
Black Atlantic. Each pod was allegedly modelled on themselves �by bearing the sign of negation to a
c2o•s design wizardBuckminster Fuller's WJdersea reductio ad absurdlDil, a theoretical black hole. Not
island, and housed gleaming sonar tracking a collapse in the fabric of space-time, dimension or
machines, tracing out the sonic emirorunent on gravity, but to a fold in the cunain of race
digital canographies of fractal complexity. memory. "(fate: 65)
2. Riding the swge cwreot of the Syzygy hydro-cycle 7. Noiz-zioN.
opens Hyper-C breakasymmetrics to smooth
transitions across the rhythmic frequency 8. Always, Hyper-c had sneered from afar at an
continuwn, camouflaging their sonic output with the overexposed spectacular martial mode of historical
bpm metric, Hyper-C cluster their productions monwneotalism instead installing an amphibious
aroWJd the aganomic speed of I 80bpm fkode9 geographicalnonumeotalism and deploying the
plateau of continuous variation) and I 32bpm anti-memory deep time of the spinal fluid ocean.
(micro-break demonic two-step)
9. s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sss-ssssssssssset your clocks to
3. For the distributedaquaassassins of the Hyper-C maritime< K+
tide, Y2K constituted nothing Jess than a scratch on
the vinyl of history. With the C-level rising all the I N SURGENT PHASE 1 : S TYLE WA R S T O
time, the elusive cult phenomena were R A C E WA R S
characterised by what Kodwo F.shwi has referred to
as 1iquidarity', a kindkiod of bydrotronic tao of I N S U R G E NT P H A S E 7 : f"R O M B U EI V E R B I O N
turbulence, geling distributed agents into a TO SUBM ERSION

collective visco-elastic polyrbythm.

I . Contrast the martial trajectory of th e Quantwn
4. Hyper-C = as MC Blowfish of Digital Underground Blacks with the escape velocity of the Dr.Drexel
proclaims (((with thanks to Parliament's inspired Drexiyans and you can widerstand the
Psychoaquadoodoo))) < deep seagangstas, dismay of deep-cover Hyper-C < <C the entity/>
underwater pranksters> composed ofturtablist with escalations to violence of the Quantwn Black
tone scientists and cormoisseurs of the occult war against the State (white body politic) which Greg
nwneric practices of break.asymmetries. Tate reports.

5. For the oogons of West Africa the 8 ancestors are 2. K2-k-k-k-kode for C/>k-a-t-a-s-O-n-1-x-> <r-e-w-1-
called Nonuno. The scapegoated ancestor, the Fish n-d > < the < C> entury "'
Nonuno, Anagonno, was sacrificed to cowiteract the "' no_play)back))))))))))))))} } } } } } } } } } } } } } } J]JIJJJJJ > >
disorder of the wliverse, of which continual land >>>>>>>>>
reclamation operations constitute only a terrestrial
instance(((l(((((H((((Could language really be the earth 3. Preferring an older operating system Hyper-c
screaming?))))))) The bifurcation of Po, the cosmic deploy an old school wetware martial art termed
egg, triggers the onset of turbulence, a cosmic sino-hydro-synthetics)_ " insen the sun tzu
whirlwind. Unlikeastro-physidst Steven Hawking chip > kode9)))) testifying to thehypercultural matrix
who disregards significant matter prior to the Big which smears out the white face of the Occident.
Bang, the oogons posit the abyssal waters.(see
Finch m 1 998) 4. By pure coincidence, Dr. camelot Drexel's
research, Tate tells us, -was based on the .theory
6. Several Hyper-C designers had watched with that black peoples consciousness and social
fascination as the infinite regress of negations condition could be transfonned through genetic
constituted by the weight of Hegelian dialectic was mutation, rather than religious or ideological
passed downstream by the theoretical terrorists, conversion. He wanted to transfonn a select group
the Young Black Hegelians. The Quannun Blacks of black folks into amphibious creatures who would
were on a collision course from the start according assist him in leading an exodus of black people to
to Greg Tate. The Young BlackHegelians despite the Sirius B system. "(fate: 59)
their energetic conceptual insurgency were weighed
down by the burden of contradiction and conflict 5. bl 1 998, mobile aqua-agent Drexiya has been
�ith which their heritage had burdened them. The noted �cunently missing in action" although recent
Quantwn Blacks therefore were forced into locating signal suggests sightings in the eas1Side sewer
abstract (1 9) culture
abstract I 1 8) rulture
system 7 mile and Vandyke area- eastside Detroit Dr. Ron Eglasb
Sector." Drexiya, a 'Wavejwnper" from the Special Comparative Studies
forces operates on "aquatic assault" and "beach Ohio State university
head preparations" through the "underwater
deployment of Electronic Funk Bombs." R E C U R S I V E N U M E R I C S EQ U E N C E S
I N A F" R I C A
6. Weapon of Choice- �o
I ) Nonlinear additive series in African cultures
7. Rewind the century
The coooting nwnbers ( 1 ,2,3 ... ) can be thought of
8. No playback as a kind of iteration, but only in the most trivial
way. It is true that we could produce the counting
9. Set your clocks to maritime. . . nwnbers from a recwsive loop; that is, a fimction in
which the output at one stage becomes the input
for the next: X n + I • X n + I • Bid this is a strictly
TEXTBANK linear series, increasing by the same amount each
G R E G TAT E ( 1 9 9 4 ) ' E X C E R PT F" R O M time •• the nwneric equiva)ent of a staircase.
Addition can, however, producmonlinear series,
R O S E ( E D S . ) M I C R O P H O N E FI E N D S , N EW
and there are at least two examples otionlinear
additive series in African cultures. The triangular
nwnbers ( 1 ,3,6, I o, 1 5...) are used in a game called
C HA R L E S 6 . F" I N C H I l l , M . D . ( 1 9 9 8 ) TH£ "tarmnbeta" in east Africa iaslavsky 1973 pp. 1 1 I
STAR OF DEEP BEGINNINGS: TH£ GENESIS ). Figure I shows how these nwnbers are derived
DF A FRICAN SCIENCE A N D TE C H N O L O GY, from the shape of triangles of increasing size, and
G E O R G IA : K H E NT I , I N C .
how the nwneric series can be created by a
recursive loop. AS in the case of certain fonnal age.
grade initiation practices, the simple versions are
used by smaller children, and the higher iterations
V A R I O U S : B E D O U I N A S C E NT , D I L L I N .J A ,
R A M , D YLA N , V I R U S , C U R R E NT VALU E , U R ,
D R E X C IYA, PARLIA M E NT, D I G ITAL picked up with increasing age. While there is no
U N D E R G R O U N D , C C R U , K 0 D E 9 , KATA S 0 N I X . indication of a formal relationship in this instance,
there is still an underlying parallel between the
iterative concept of aging conunon to many Africa
cultures - each individual passing through multiple
turns of the '1ife-cyde" - and the Iterative nature of
the triangular nwnber series.

Another nonlinear additive series in was foWid in

archaeological evidence from north AfricaBadawy
(1965) noted what appears to be use of the
Fibonacci series in the layout of the temples of
ancient Egypt. Using a slightly different approach, I
foood a visually distinct example of this series in the
successive chambers of the temple ol\amak, as
shown in figure 2a. Figure 2b shows bow these
nwnbers can be generated using a recursive loop.
This fonnal scaling plan may have been derived
from the non-nwneric versions of scaling
architecture we see throughout Africa (d. Eglash
I 995, Eglash et al 1994).

An ancient set of balance weights, apparently used

in Egypt, syria and Palestine circa I 20CB.C.E., also
appear to employ theFibonacci sequence retruso
1 985). This is a particularly interesting use, since
abstract (21J culture
abstract (20) culture
harsh political realities of his Hungarian existence."
one of the striking mathematical properties of the His enthusiasm for the use of nuclear weapons
sequence is that one can create any positive integer against the Soviet union is aJso attributed to this
through addition of selected members - a property experience.
that makes it ideal for application to balance
measurements Jtoggatt I 969 pp 7f). There is no During the Hixon Symposium (vOD Newnann 1951 )
evidence that ancient Greek mathematicians knew he was asked if computing machines could be built
of the Fibonacci sequence. 1bere was use of the such that they could repair themselves if "damaged
Fibonacci sequence inMinoan design, butPreriosi in air raids," and replied that ''there is no doubt that
(1 968) cites evidence indicating that this could have one can design machines which, wider suitable
been brought circwnstances, will repair themselves." His work on
from Egypt byMinoan architectural workers nuclear radiation tolerance for the AEC in 1954-5
employed at Kalnm. included biological effects as weU as machine
operation. Putting these facts together, I cannot
2) Discrete sett organization inOwari escape the creepy conclusion that vooNeumann's
interest in self-reproducing automata originated in
Figure 3a shows a board game that is played fantasies about having a more perfect mechanical
throughout Africa in many different versions progeny survive the nuclear purging of organic life
variously tenned 'ayo," 'bao," "giuthi," ·,e1a," on this planet.
"mancala," 'bmweso," "owari," ·�ei," and "songo"
(among many other names). Boards cut into stones, Models for physicaJ robots turned out to be too
some of extreme antiquity, have been fowid from complex, and at the suggestion of his colleague
Zimbabwe to Ethopia (see zaslavsky I 97 3 figure I 1 - Stanislaw lllam, von Neumann settled for a graphic
6 ). The game is played by scooping pebble or seed abstraction; "cellular automata" as they came to be
counters from one cup, and sequentially placing caUed. Jn this model (figure +a) each square in a
one each in the cups that foUow. The goal is to have grid is said to be either alive or dead (that is, in one
the last counter land in a cup with only one or two of two possible states). 1be iterative rules for
counters already in it, which allows the player to changing the state of any one square are based on
capture those counters. In the Ghanaian game of the eight nearest neighbors (e.g. if 3 or more
Owari, players are known fmutili.ring a series of nearest-neighbors are full, the ceU becomes full in
moves they calJ a "marching group." They note that the next iteration). At first researchers carried out
if the nwnber of cowiters in a series of cups each on these cellular automata experiments on
decrease by one (e.g. 4-3-2-1 ) the entire pattern checkered table cloths with poker chips and dozens
can be replicated with a right-shift by scooping from of human helpers �ayer-Kress, personal
the largest cup, and that if left uninterrupted it can conummication), but by 1970 it had been
propagate in this way as far as needed (figure 3b). developed into a simple computer program
AS simple as it seems, this concept of a sett (Conway's "game of life") which was described by
replicating pattern is at the heart of some Martin Gardner in his famous ''Mathematical Games"
sophisticated mathematical concepts. column in Scientific American. 1be "game of life"
colwnn was an instant hit, and computer screens all
John von Neumann, who played a pivotal role in the over the world began to pulsate with a bizane array
development of the modem digital computer, was of patterns (figure +b). AS these activities drew
also a founder of the mathematical theory of self increasing professional attention, a wide range of
organizing systems. Initially vorNeumann's theory mathematically-oriented scientists began tcreallze
was to be based on seu reproducing physical that the spontaneous emergence of seH sustaining
robots. Why work on a theory of sett reproducing patterns created in certain cellular automata were
machines? J believe the answer can be fowid in von excellent models for the kinds of seH organizing
Neumann's social outlook. Heims' ( 1 984) biography patterns that had been so elusive in studies of fluid
emphasizes how the disorder of vorNeumann's flow and biological growth.
precarious youth as a Hungarian Jew was reflected
in his adult effons to impose a strict mathematical Since scaling structures are one of the h� of
order in various aspects of the world. In von both fluid turbulence and biological growth, the
Neumann's application of game theory to social occurrence of fJactaJ patterns in cellular automata
science, for example, Heims writes that his attracted a great deal of interest. But more simple
"Hobbesian" assumptions were "conditioned by 1he scaling structure, the logarithmic spiral (figure 5),
abstract 12 2) culture abstract (23) culture

has garnered much of the attention. Even back in Africans who are engaged in the fonnidable task of
the 1 950s mathematician AJan Turing, whose theory reclaiming their heritage," and he does note its
of computation provided von Newnann with the association with reproduction: �ari" in the
inspiration for the first digital computer, began his Ghanaian languageTwi means "he/she marries."
research on ''biological morphogenesis" with an Herskovits ( 1 930), noting that the �ari" game
analysis of logarithmic spirals in growth patterns. played by the descendants of African slaves in the
Markus ( I 99 1 ) notes that the appUcation areas for new world had retained some of the pre-colonial
cellular automata models of spiral waves include cultural associations from Africa, reports thaawari
nerve axons, the retina, the surface offertilized had a distinct "sacred character" to it, particularly
eggs, the cerebral conex, heart tissue, and involving the carving of the board.OWari boards
aggregating slime molds. bl the text for CALAB, the with carvings of logarithmic spirals (figure 7b) can
first comprehensive software for experimenting with be commonly found in Ghana today, suggesting that
cellular automata, mathematician Rud)Rucker ( western scientists may not be the only ones who
1 989, pp. 1 68) refers to systems which produce developed an association between discrete seH­
paired log spirals as lhabotinskyCAs," after the organizing patterns and biological reproduction. h
chemist who first observed such seH organizing is a bit vindictive, but I can't help enjoying the
patterns in artificial media: thought of von Neumann, aposde of a mechanistic
New World Order that would wipe out the inational
"When you look at ZhabotinskyCAs, you seeing cacophony of living systems, spinning in his grave
very striking three dimensional structures; things every time we watch a cellular automaton - whether
Uke paired vonex sheets in the surface of a river in pixels or owari cups - bring forth chaos in the
below a dam, the scroll pair stretching all the way games of life.
down to the river bottom .... bl three dimensions, a
Zhabotinsky reaction would be Uke two paired
nautilus shells, facing each other with their Ups R E FERE N C E S

blending. Ttle successive layers of such a growing A G U D OAW U , K O F I , R U L E S F O R P LAYI N G

O WA R E, K U M A S I : K O F"ITA LL 1 99 1 .
pattern would build up very like aetus ! .. BA DAWAY, A , A N C I E NT E GY PT IA N
Figure 6 shows how theowari marching group T H E H A R M O N I C S Y S T E M , B E R K E LE Y :
system can be used as a onedim-nsional cellular U N I V E R S ITY O F C A L I FO R N I A P R E S S ,
automaton to demonstrate many of the dynamic 1 965.
phenomena produced on two-dimensional systems. E G LA S H , R . , D IATTA , C . , B A D IA N E , N .

The Akan and other Ghanaian societies had a " f'R A CTA L ST R U CT U R E I N .J O LA MAT E R I A L
C U LT U R E , " E K I ST I C S P P , 3 6 7 3 7 1 , V O L
remarkable pre-colonial use of logarithmic spirals in 61 N O , 3 6 B/ 3 F"l 9 , S E PT · D E C 1 994,
iconic representations for seH organizing systems E G LA S H , R , 11 F'RACTA L G E O M ET R Y I N
(figure 7a). Ttle Ghanaianspirais and the tow-armed A F R I C A N M AT E R IA L C U LT U R E ."
computer graphic in figuresb are quite distant in S Y M M ET R Y : C U LT U R E A N D 5 C IENCE ,V O L
tenns of the machine technologies that produced 6 · 1 , PP 1 7 4· 1 7 7 , 1 995,
produced them, but there may well be F"A G G , W . 11T H E S T U DY O F A F R I CAN A RT ,11

mathematical connections between the two. Since B U L L ET I N O F" T H E ALL E N M E M O R I A L A RT

cellular automata model the emergence of such M U S E U!-1, W I N T E R 1 9 5 5 5 6, 1 2 , 44·

6 1 .
patterns in modem scientific studies of Uving G I E S , F', , G I E S , J , L E O N A R D O F" P I SA A N D
systems, and cenain Ghanaian Jog spiral icons were T H E N EW M AT H E M AT ICS O F" T HE M I D D L E
also intended as generalized models for organic A GES. N Y : TH O M A S O R OW E LL 1 9 6 9 ,
growth, it is not unreasonable to consider the H EI MS, 5 . J J O H N V O N N EUMANN AND
possibility that the seH organizing dynamics N O R B E RT W I E N E R T H E M I T P R E S S ,

observable inowari were also linked to concepts of C A M B R I D G E, 1 980,

biological morphogenesis in traditional Ghanaian H E R S K OV IT S , M E LV I L LE . 11WA R I I N T H E N EW

W O R L D . " P AP E R R E A D AT T H E
knowledge systems. A M E R I C A N I ST C O N G R E S S , H A M B U R G
1 9 30.
Rattray's classic volwne on tht'ASante culture of H O G G ATT , V , E , F'I B O NA C C I A N D L U C A S
Ghana includes a chapter onowari, but NUMBERS. N Y: H O U G HT O N M I FFLI N
unfonunately it only covers the rules and strategies 1 9 69,

of the game. Recently Kofi AgUdoawu ( 1 99 1 ) of M A R K U S , M A R I O . "AUT O N O M O U S

Ghana has written a booklet onowari "dedicated to O R GA N I Z AT I O N O F" A C H A OT I C M E D I U M

1 2,


1 97 3.
1 0 1 - 1 06,

1 989.
I N T O S P I RA L S . " P P .

D E S I G N. M O U T O N

1 9BS.

1 968.

Y O R K, P E R G A M O N P R E S S ,
1 99 1 .
abstract 124) culture


1 95 1 .
R U C K E R , R U DY. C A LA B. S A N J O S E :

G E N E RA L E D I T O R , A . H . TAU B . N EW
P R E Z I O S I , 0 . M I N OA N A R C H IT E CT U RA L

H A R G ITT A l A N D C L I F F O R D F' I C K O V E R
( E D S ) S P I R A L S Y R M M ET R Y, L O N D O N :
l 6 5 · 1 8 6 I N I STVAN

B O ST O N : P R I N DL E , W E B E R & S C H M I DT
C O N J E C T U R E . " H I S T O R I A MAT H E M AT I C A

V O N N E U M A N N , J O H N . C D L LECT l �O W O R K S
PET R U S O , K . M . "AD D I T I V E P R O G R E S S I O N I N

Figure 1 The triangular numbers in an East African game The stones in each triangular array can be built up in an iterative fashion, that is, the next triangle can be
created by adding another layer to any side of the previous triangle. The number to he added in each
additional layer is simply the number of iterations. For each iteration I, and total number of stones N.
we have:

• N;+t =N;+i (starting with N0 =0)

• •• I =0+1 (a trivial array, not used in the game) 0
••• 3 = I +2
• •• 6 =3+3 In other words, the next number will be given by the last number plus the E.!
IO = 6+4 iteration count:

•• ••
••• ••• •••••
•••• ••••
15 = IO + 5
of stones: 3 6 10 15 .. Nnext • �
I ..0 I
of iterations: 2 3 4 5

A game called "tarumheta" in east Africa makes use of the triangular numbers, starting with 3 (3,6, I 0, 15, .. ).
In this game one player calls the count as she or he removes stones consecutively, left to right and bottom to Increase count
top, while the other player, without looking, must signal whenever the first stone in a row has been removed. ,4 1
of iterations by I
absuact 126) culture abstract (27) culture

Figure 2 The Fibonacci series in ancient Egypt

The Fibonacci series

( 1, 1.2,3,5,8, 13 ... ) was found by
Badawy ( I 965) in his study of
the layout of the temples of
ancient Egypt. His analysis was
quite complex, but it is not
difficult to create a simple
visualization. Here we see the c::,=
series in the succesive
chambers of the temple of
for measurement a
Gray rectangles added

The Fibonacci series is

produced by adding the
previous number to the current 2
number to get the next number,
starting with I+ I =2. For each
iteration I, the number N in the
series is given by:

Nj+I =Ni+ Nj-1


(that is, N next = Ncurrent +


1+2=3 8



1 3

N current

�II� • Iteration 49
b A constant-growth pattern, shown in
A period-4 pattern. Periods of any length can be produced, as we saw in the previous examples of high-resolution, looks similar to the

i pseudorandom number generation Detenninistic chaos, in which the pattern never repeats {i.e. a
period-infinity pattern), is also possible.
cross-section of an internal organ. The
rules: a dead cell becomes a live cell if it
-§ has 3 Iive nearest neighbors, and a cell dies Iteration 182
only if it has 7 or 8 live neighbors.
allow it to propagate around the board
a right-shift. Repeated application will one counter in each succeeding cup
The Marching Group is replicated with Scoop from the first cup, and plant


00 0@@880
000000 000000
is hinged in the center, with a beautifully carved cover (figure 7b)
The owari board has 12 cups, plus one on each side for captured counters. This board Figure 3 Owari
down to stability are called the "transient."
This initial condition produces a fixed pattern after four iterations. The patterns occuring before it settles

This is called a "period-2" pattern. i

� � � � rlJ

This stable pattern flips back and forth between these two states. �
dies unless it has 2 or 3 live neighbors.
Conway), a dead cell becomes a live cell if it has 3 live nearest neighbors, and a cell
� � determined by a set of rules. In "classic" life (the rules first proposed by John Horton
in its eight nearest neighbors. The state of each cells in the next iteration is �
two states: live or dead. Here we see a live cell in the center, surrounded by dead cells
a. In the cellular automaton called "the game of life," each cell in the grid is in one of
Figure 4 Cellular Automata
Figure 5 Spirals in Cellular Automata

a. Paired spirals emerge from a three-state cellular automaton. Black cells are live, white cells are �
dead, and grey cells are in a refractory or "ghost" state. The rules: Any dead nearest neighbors of w
a live cell become live in the next iteration. and any live cell goes into the ghost state in the next
iteration. Ghost cells become dead cells in the next iteration. The refractory layer acts as a memory,
providing the directed growth (i.e. the breaking of symmetry) needed to create a spiral pattern. e.
b. This four-armed logarithmic spiral from Markus ( 1991) was produced Bivalve shell from Haeckel North African sheep, from Cook (19 I 4).
by a six-state cellular automaton in which a sequence of ghost states (1904).
correspond to increasingly dark shades of gray. The system makes use of a ' c Logarithmic spirals often occur in natural growth fonns.
very high-resolution grid, as well as some random noise to prevent the . .
tendency for the patterns to follow the grid shape (as in the square contours . .
of the spiral above). .

000000 000000 §,
Figure 6 Owari as one-dimensional cellular automaton @@Q)000 O@@CD80 �
We can view the owari board as a one-dimensional cellular automaton. One dimension is not
3 4 2 -> 13 iterations -> 4 3 2
necessarily a disadvantage; in fact most of the professional mathematics on cellular automata (cf. 3 4 2 1 ·> 5 3 2 -> 4 3 I I I -> 4 2 2 2 ·> 3 3 3 I -> 4 4 2 -> 5 3 I I -> 4 2 2 I I -> 3 3 2 2 -> w
Wolfram 1984, 1985) have been done on one-dimensional versions, because it is easier to keep .!::
track of the results. They can show all the dynamics of two dimensions. 4 3 3 -> 4 4 I 1 -> 5 2 2 I ·> 3 3 2 1 1 ·> 4 3 2 I e.
The patterns noted by traditional owari players offer a great deal of insight into self-organizing The marching group is an example of a constant pattern. Here we see
behavior. Their observation of a class of self-propagating patterns. the "marching group," provides an counters in the initial sequence 3421 converge on their marching formation
excellent starting point. simply by repeating the "scoop from the left cup" rule through 13 iterations.

Total number Behavior

of counters (after transients)
Just as we saw in two-dimensional cellular automata, transients of many different lengths can ! ............ ....... Marching §,
be produced. Transients of maximum length are used as an end-game tactic by indigenous 2.. .... .. .. ... . .Period 2 The numbers which lead to marching groups --
Ohanian players, who call it "slow motion" -- accumulating pieces on your side to prevent your 3 .. . . . ... ... ... Marching 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 .. -- should look familar to readers: it s the
opponent from capturing them. In nonlinear dynamics the constant pattern is called a "point 4 . ... ... . .. . ..Period 3 triangular numbers we saw in Tarumbeta!
attractor," and the transients would be said to lie in the "basin of attraction." 5 ... . . ... . . ..Period 3 w
6 .... .. .. . .. . Marching The period of the cycles in-between each marching �
The marching group rule can also produce periodic behavior (a "limit cycle" or "periodic attractor" ? ... .................... Period 4 group is given by three plus the iteration level of the
in nonlinear dynamics terms). Here is a period-3 system using only four counters: 8 ..................... ..Period 4 previous triangular number reached.
9.. ......... . ..... ...Period 4 �
2 I I -> 2 2 -> 3 I -> 2 1 I 10 .. ... ..... . . .. Marching
11..... .. .... .. Period 5
Which patterns lead to marching groups, and which ones lead to periodic cycles? 12 ... . . . .... . ....Period 5
13 .... . .. . . Period 5 (Note -- some sequences will be truncated for 13, 14, and 15
14........ ... . . . . Period 5 since there are more counters than holes)
15 ..... ............ ...Marching
abstract (34) cultwe abstract 13 5) culture

Figure 7 Logarithmic curves and owari A F" R I C A I N T H E O R I G I N S O F"

D R . R O N E G LA S H

"The relationship between what we do as physicists

today and the future that ow work engenders is
dialogical in the sense that not only do ow present
actions detennine what ow futwe will be, but we
must be ever mindful of the impact of ow present
actions on the future. • .Through ow moral
responsibility and awareness of signals and trends,
we in effect, 'listen' to what the future has to tell
us. "(Donnell Walton, Chair , National Conference of
Black Physics students I 995.)

While the temporal traditions of African societies

a. Several Ghanian iconic figures, such as were frequently cited by colonialists as evidence for
this goldweight, link a spiritual force with primitive superstition, they appear today in quite
the structure of Jiving systems through the opposite context: mathematical analyses of
logarithmic spirals. Photo courtesy of the
UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural traditional African designs, techniques and
History knowledge systems indicate a wide array of
sophisticated indigenous inventions. Llke Paul
Gilroy's fractal Adantic,Donnel Walton's invocation
of African divination tra<litions- of listening to the
future- is not only useful in its call for greater ethical
responsibility, but also as a remindefo the
surprising liw between traditional knowledge and
modern science.

The modem binary code, essential to every digital

circuit from alann locks to super computers, was
first introduced by Leibniz arolllld 1 670.

Leibniz has been inspired by the binary-based 'logic

machine' of Raymond Lull, which was in tum
inspired by the alchemists' divination practic*>
geomancy (Skinner 1 980). Butgeomancy is Clearly
not of European origin. u was first introduced there
by Hugo of Santana in tweHth century Spain and
tslamic scholars had been using it in North Africa
b. The cover of the hinged owari board
we saw in figure 3 shows concentric
since at least the f/' century, where it was first
circles emanating from the Adinkra icon docwnented in written records by the Jewish writer
for the power of god, "Gye Nyame." A Aran ben Joseph.
similar icon, without the logarithmic
curves, is attributed to a closed fist as a
symbol of of power. The Gye Nyame Geomancy is traditionall)Practiced by drawing
symbol thus appears to be a pair of patterns in the sand. u begins with fow sets of
logarithmic curves held in in a fist: random dashed lines. These are paired off d,e.
God holding the power of life.
summed by addition module two), and the
even/odd results recorded with two strokes or one
stroke. Fow of these binary digits represents one of
1 6 possible divination archetypes (ruler, travel,
desire, etc.) Although the first four are generated by
this random process, the following 12 are created
by recursively applying the same pairing operation
on the binary digits making up the four symbols (a
abstract 136) culture
abstract (3 7) cuJture

process which can be seen in many other areas of The binary coding of traditional African knowledge
African knowledge systems, c.f. Eglash 1 995). systems, like that of their antecedents in modem
computing networks, is neither rigid nomhythmic;
The nearly identical system of divination in West its beat is a heritage heard by those who listen to
Africa associated with Fa an<lfa was first noted by the future.
Trautman ( 1 939), but he asswned tha�mancy
originated in Arabic society, where it is known as R E F" E R E N C E S

ilm alraml ("the science of sand"). lbe E G LA S H , R . ' A F" R I CA N I N F" LU E N C E S I N

mathematical basis ofgeomancy is however, C Y B E R N ET I C S . " I N C . H . G RAY ( E D) THE

strikingly out of place in non-African systems. Llke G AT E S , H . L . THE SIGNIFYING MDNKEV
other linguistic codes, nmnber bases tend to have G I LR OY, P. THE BLACK A TLA N TI C
an extremely long historical persistence. 'die KAUT Z S C H , T. ''U R I M " , £NCYL DPEDIA DF
ancient Greeks held I o to be the most sacred of all RE LIGIDUS KNDWLEDGE.
nwnbers; the Kabbalah'sAyin Sof emanates by I o S K I N N E R , 5 . TERRESTRIA L A S TRDL D G Y.

Sefirot and the Christian west COWlts on its "Hindu­ TRAU T M A N N , R . " LA D I V I N AT I O N A LAC O T E

Arabk" decimal notation. D E S E S C LAV E S ET A M A DA G A S C A R , L E

V o o a u , LE F" A , LE S I K I OY . " ME:MDRIES D E
In ancient Egypt, on the other band, base 2 Z A S LAV S KY , C LADIA. A FRICA CDUNTS
calculation was ubiquitous, even for multiplication
and division, andzaslavsky ( 1 9 73) notes
archeological evidence linking it to the use of
doubling in the counting systems of subSuharan
Africa. Kautzsch ( 1 9 1 2) notes that bothDiodorus
Siculus and =CbUan reported that the ancient
Egyptian priests "employed an image of truth cut in
halves. "
Doubling is a frequent theme in African divination
and many other African knowledge systems,
connecting the sacredness of twins, spirit doubles,
and double vision with material objects, like the
blacksmith's twin bellows and the double iron hoe
given in bridewealth. Jo a recent inteniew in Wired,
Brian Eno daimed that the problem with computers
is that they "don't have enough African in them".
Eno was, no doubt, trying to be compUmentary,
saying that adaptive rhythm and flexibility is a
valuable attribute of African culture. But in doing so
he obscured the cultural origins of digital
computing, and did an injustice to the very concept
he was trying to convey. Take, for example, Henry
Louis Gates' ( 1 988, pp. 30) use of a recursive
doubling description when discussing the relations
between divination and sexuality in West African
The Fon and Yoruba escape the Westemcersion of
discursive sexismthrought he action of doubling the
double: the nwnber 4 and its multiples are sacred
in Yoruba metaphysics.�u'S two sides udisclose a
hidden wholeness, " rather than closing off unity,
through the opposition, they signify the passage
hom one to the other as sections ofa subslUTJed
abstract 138) culture abstract 139) culture

I had been drawn to theMu N'Ma by their reputed
traditions of dream-sorcery, which offered a singular
The following materials are taken from the archiYes opponunity for converting my studies of Freud and
of the MassachusettsCthu/hu Club. They have been Frazer into practical field work. Although it might
included here due to their ohYioUB relevance to the seem ironical that a student of Freud could be so
themes of this volwne. hi each case, however, oblivious to their subtenanean motivations, 1
status andprovenance must be described as shared with my generation a profOlmd and
1U1cenain. Wlquestioning faith in the spirit of objective
- The Vault of Munnurs. 1)'pedMS, archfre date scientific inquiry, and little suspected (or bad
1949, attribution: E.StiJJwell. The three appendices forgotten) the deeper currents guiding a Ufelong
to t/Jls ten, at1ached in the MS, are nearly identical interest in the phenomena of dreams.
to conesponding sections ofSti1Jwe0'5 monwnental
Decrypting the Nma Nwnogram (1954), for which The N'Ma people had gained some public
they appe,ar to he preliminary drafts, lending some noteriety through their role in the strange case of
�uppon to the attribution of authorship given here. Cecil Curtis. I myseH had first learned of thtMu
- � from theMiskatonic Bunker-Hotel. 1)'ped through tantalising references in the burgeoning
MS, archive date I 996, attribution: lfnknown. This literature that had transfonned the events of Curtis'
document was brought to the attention of ecru in an ill.fated expedition into something of a modem
e-mallfrom Simon BiddelJ. ecru takes no myth. Most of these accounts had underplayed the
responsibilityfor the allegations made about role of the two other tribes in theN'Ma system, but
Professor Barker, or his work. the occasional hint about theMu and their dream
- The Templeton Episode. TypedMS, arc/JiJ'e date rites was more than sufficient to provoke in me an
1966, attribution: lfnknown. The apparent interest that would quickly shade into obsession.
inconsistency between the dating ofthis tem and
By the time I arrived in Indonesia, the trlpartittN'Ma
the datesit contains raises considerable perple.zity,
which ecru - despite eiten5ire communication with system was in shreds • In totally annibilating one
the Cthu/hu Club archwes - has been unable to tribe • Curtis's Tak N'Ma • and all but destroying
resolve. another - the Dib N'Ma • the 1 883 e.xplosion of
Krakatoa had wrecked the complex web of social
exchange on which the Mu had traditonally
TH E VA U LT OF MURMURS depended. An atmosphere of terrible desolation
overtnmg them, and I could be under no illusion
She bore another monster, terrible, that the Mu were little more than a shadow of what
hi a hollow cave, Echidna, fierce ofheart, they had been in the days prior to the cataclysm.
NothingUke anymonal man, unlike These were a haWJted people, whose continuing
Anyimmortalgod, haff ofher survival seemed a dubious blessing at best.
Js a lair.c/Jeeked/{id with glancing e)'eS, but haU
ls a huge and frill/Jtening speckled snake, she eats In this apocalyptic atmosphere, it was inevitable
Raw Desh in a recess of the holy earth that my thoughts should increasingly turn to the
Down there she has a cave ofhollow rock days inunediately preceding the catastrophe, and to
Far from the dept/Jless gods and mona/ men, its herald, Cecil Curtis. Followingeurtis's footsteps
There the gods gave a famous home to her. into N'Ma territory, I read the famous few surviving
Andgloomy Echidna keeps her watch down there fragments of his journal with a renewed sense of
Vnder theground, among theA.rimol, puu.Jement and disquiet.
A nymph immonal and ageless all her days.
- Hesiod, 'Theogony" None of the speculations on Curtis' final days had,
to my mind, adequately made sense of the peculiar
trajectoryhis delirium took. The lay observer might
I think now, looking back, that the dreams' return be tempted to think his words mere ravings, but for
can be dated to I 925, the moment of my arrival in those, like myseH, who had fallen under Freud's
the Sm1da Strait. It began as insidious seepage, spell, the compulsion to search for the hidden
waves of vaguely familiar but disconnected logics that guide and structure supposedly random
fragments, whose secret cohesion I could dimly manias is irresistable. What dart ereots coalesced
abstract 140) culture abstract (4 1) culture
to produce CUrtis' madness? I read key passages experienced them them many times before, and
over and over again: was only now remembering them.

I 7th July I 883. The intense, oppressively subdued atmosphere that

J know now t/Jat I wiJJ never leave this place. The benighted Mu N'Ma culture was in every way at
jungle is rotting me into nothingness. My supplles odds with the excitement that leapt into my heart as
are exhausted. Clouds ofmosquitoes tom1ent me I learned more about it. hwas inunediately evident
and I am plagued by t/Je polUldiog, crushing, that Mu culture was indeed based upon a system
smotheringheat of dream magic, in which the Nago - or dream witch
- occupied an exalted position. 1be Nago fulfills a
281/J July /883 wide-ranging oracular function idlu culture.
J have broken hom everything, in any case Medicine, the settlement of disputes, advice and
partidpated in something abominable ... behind t/Je counsel; all are in the Dream Witch's power. lbose
tattered masks ofman and God. who sought her wisdom would make solitary
Christian cM/izadon is no better I/Jan t/Je prandnlf pilgrimages to the temple, bearing appropriate gifts.
of savage,s ... A shnple ritual follows, during which they offer
How could hlUllan fellowship exist aher this? sacrifices and make requests. On the night foUowing
- it is said - they receive a Nagwi or dream visit.
By now, the Tak N'Ma's ferocity is legendary: they
were ''the most WlSpeakable savages on earth", It is said of theNago that she never speaks, except
according to one of CUrtis's lessethnographkally in dreams.
sensitive biographers. The same source remarked
that the Tak N'Ma rites "could not be contemplated When I asked to visit theNago, the Mu elders
by any decent Christian without risk of the loss of merely nodded, showing neither enthusiasm nor
his mind." These practices, coupled with the hostility. They greeted my entreaty with the same
ravages of the malaria which afflicted Cortis in his sense of fated inevitabUty with which they seemed
final days, would have been enough to completely to accept all matters.
unhinge any European male, even one as famously
thick-skinned as Cecil 'Mad Dog' Cortis. But curds 1be Nago's temple is located on the side of a cliff,
seemed, in the end, to confront an awful revelation an hour's trek through thick jungle. Fittingly for a
whose enormous horror could not be reduced to people whose deity,Mur Mur, is a sea creature - a
these two factors; rather, the disease and therak "dreaming serpent", it is sometimes said - the
rituals were themselves, be seemed to imply, part temple looks out upon the ocean. As I was guided
of some senseless pattern in which his whole JHe through the primeval vegetation, I thought once
was always fated to be engulfed. more of Cecil Curtis and theTak N'Ma.
24tl1August /883 I J th August I 883
Needless to say, the Limbic Key continue,s to elude The language of 1/Je-se savages iB impenetrable.
me. J strongly suspect it is a Jiction. The Order are Theynowpromise to 'take me toKatak. ' To meet
pursuing a chimera - the sense of destinyhas not myself, therefore! Or per/Jap5 a rabid dOl1f!
depaned, however. on the contrary, I was meant to
be here, irrespective of the motives oft/Jose who The fatal irony of this entry has ohen been
sentme. Other forres were at work. Ihave been remarked upon by conunentators. curtis would only
chosen since the belflnnlnK of time. understand the N'Ma's taxonomy too late. Curdi's
curse this blasphemous fate. Christian thinking would have been little assistance
in unravelling theTak belief system; the fact that the
My daytime obsession with CUrtis transferred easily Tak's god, Katak, was manifested in dogs, volcanoes
into dreams in which CUrtis featured heavily; in and indeed Curtis himseU could only appear
terribly vivid nightmares I sometimes felt I was nonsensical to a man of his time and background.
meeting CUrtis; at other times, I had the llllcanny Curtis must have at first assumed that tht'fak's
conviction that I was seeing the jwigle landscape apparent reverence for him was the natural
through his fever-darkened eyes. Given the response of "savages" to their "betters." He could
circumstances, these nocturnal encOllllters were not have suspected, as he wasannointed by 1he
hardly llllfflotivated, but the dreams had a Taks, that he was destined to be 1he sacrificial
naggingly intimate quality about them. As if I had harbinger of tbeTaks' ultimate destruction. Perhaps
abstract (43) culture
abstract (42) culture
the features and limbs of a little girl. Below the
it was only towards the end that he realised that his waist, however, all was confusion, snaking endlessly
arrival and the apocalyptic eruption oKrakatoa had into itseH, or rather, into depths beyond sense,
always been coincident inTak folklore: their tribal traversed by languid spinal waves that culminated
stories said that "the Fiery End" would be the
in a distant hint of a tail.
heralded by the arrival of the ''white Katak" - 'Mad
DOg' Curtis.
My dream body floated in what appeared to be an
widersea cavern. As I lay there, I beheld, moving
27th August J 883 toward me with grim purpose, a raft carrying a
The le.-er has mehed away the walls between solemn, spectral party. I recognised, from the many
waking and sleep. Consciousness has become a b� recowitlng the CUrtis legend, the crimson
loat/J5ome log. markings and ceremonial masks of th«ak N'Ma.
J sen5e that the ince,ssant nunbling of rolcanic And on the raft with them - reclining in a malarial
actimy is co1UJected with the nsions thatplague me swoon, dressed inTak ritual garb - was the
constantlynow .... h felt as iiI were carried down wimistakable figwe of Cecil CUrtis. They were
my spine .... Thinl{s ancient beyond Jmaginadon .... bringing him to me.
beyond the ultimate gate ofruin andinsanity ...
oceam ofsubtenanean lire ... Except I was dissolving, becoming indistinguishable
so Curtis' final days became a veritable journey into
from the water which held me. And when I turned
heU. 1be Curtis biography I had with me in
again to where CUrtis bad been but a moment ago, I
Indonesia contained facsbniles of the journal, heard only anguished gargles: the growls and
showing a marked decline in the handwriting. By snarls of some creature that seemed to be part
the end, the hand was so spidery that one was dog, pan cat, barely hwnan. I felt claws in what
almost tempted to query the attribution • could this should have been my side. 1ben there was a plume
barely legible scrawl have been produced by the of blood which I at first thought was mine, but when
same individual? I looked again, I saw it goutlng from the other
creature's flesh, which, I was suddenly aware, was
My head slill full of Curtis, I was led into the vault of becoming absorbed into me • even as my body was
Munnurs, the sacred cavern below thtfiago temple losing any sense of its limits.
in which the Dream Witch receives her supplicants.
1be Nago sat at the other end of the grotto, folded Warped perceptions danced past my dream eyes.
into its deep shadows. Feeling a sense of wicanny Darting acceleration and abyssal slowness fused in
familiarity, I asked the inevitable question. "Where a wboU/ unfamiliar time-sense. I suddenly became
was Curtis taken?" TheNago nodded, and left, her aware of the cydopean edifices of a lost civilization;
silence Wlbroken, in accordance with custom. though "civilization" scarcely seemed the word for
the alien vistas that swam before me, swanning city­
The next morning, I awoke to a feeling of immense shoals quivering with a wholly inorganic animation.
anti-climax. I ransacked my mind for traces of the
previous night's dreams, recalling nothing. Yet something told me, a whisper or an intuition - in
through this almost painful disappointment, older that dreaming ocean both blended utterly • that
memories surfaced, dating • I sensed with icy this was the Jost continent of Lemuria, speculated
cenainty . from my seventh year. u was the night of upon by contemporary archaeologists and mystics.
the Century's Eve, 31st December, 1 899. (No What was left of my mammal body flickered out of
Freudian scbolar can miss the significance of the focus; it felt clwnsy - all fingers and thmnbs. As I
year 1 899 • the date of the first pubUcadon of The looked down at my hands, they became
Interpretation ofDreaIIJ6) transluscent, and I saw, inscribed into the
impossible geometries of the dream cave's wall
A female voice spoke. "Edlidna, Echidna, wake beyond, an arrangement of ten circles, a nwnber of
up." I had assumed - ''previously'', if such a time­ smaller circles, and a series of interconnecting
designation makes any sense • that this was the lines.
voice of my mother. Now I knew it was the voice of
the Nago, speaking to in my own tongue. Bllt I was This was my first encowiter with what came to be
no longer sure to whom • or what • it was called the Nwnogram. n was only later that I was
addressed. I was entirely carried away. My body felt able to uncover the numeric relations encrypted in
impossible. Touching my face, I encoW1tered only its ancient patterns - the dream showed me only the
abstract 145) culture
abstract f44) cuJture
2. Numogram and / CbiJJg. There is considerable
shapes and their relations. But, even in those early, evidence, both inunanent and historical, that 1he
hallucinatory minutes, as I made my first hurried chinese / Chingand the Nma nwnogram share a
transcriptions of the dream-image, I knew that I had hypercultural matrix. Both are associated with
in front of me a key that would lUllock all the intricate zygonomies, or double-munbering systems,
secrets of my life. A labyrinth had opened up, a and process abstractproblematics involving
labyrinth whose complexities could be contained no subdivisions of decimal anay5 (as suggested by the
more by ow supernaturalisms than by ow sciences. Ten Wings of traditional I Cbing commentary).
It was a labyrinth in which my fate - and that of the Digital reduction of binary power8itabllizes in a six­
N'Ma, Cecil eurtis, and more cosmic presences • had step cycle (With the values 1 , 2, +, 8, 7, 5). These
always been tangled together. I was wiraveUed in steps correspond to the lines of the hexagram, and
this maze of coincidences, and could do nothing to the time-circuit woes of theNmnogram,
but foUow its threads forever. producing a binodecimal 6-cycle (Which is also
generated in reverse byquintuplicative nwnbering).
In both cases a supplementary rule of pairing Is
I. Nwnogram and OIZ Cbaiim. To those familiar followed, according to azygonovic criterion (9-
with the Western Magical nadition, it is likely that twinning of reduced values: 8: I , 7:2, 5:+, mapping
the .Numogram will initially evoke the Qabbalistic the hexagram line pairs).
Tree of Llfe. Both are constructed as decimal The nwnogram time-cirruit, or I Ching
diagrams, involving webs of connectivity between hexagam, bnplictly associates zero with the set of
ten basic zones, mysteriously twisted into a cryptic exduded triadic values. u is intriguing In 1his
ultra-cycle (that links upper and lower regions). Both respect that numerous indications point to an early
treat names as nwnbers, andmnnerize by digital struggle between triadic and binary nwnbering
reduction and cumulation. Both include passages practices in ancientchinese culture, suggesting that
across abysmal waters and through infernal regions. the binary domination of dedmaJ nwneracy
80th map zones onto spinal levels. systematically produces a triadic residue consistent
Despite these manifoldinterlinkages, there with nullity. The hexagram itseH exhibits obvious
are compelling reasons to consider the nee of life tension in this respect, since it reinserts a triadic
a scrambled variant of �ogram, rather than a hyperfactor into the reducedbinodigital set
parallel system. During its long passage through (compowided by its swnmation to twenty-seven, or
Adantean and posMdantean hennetic traditions the the third power of three).
systematic distortions of the Nwnogram An ancient binotriadic parallel to the /
(introduced to confuse the wlinhiated) gradually Ching called the T'aiHsull/l C/Jing(or BoOk of the
hardened into enoneous doctrines, and a dogmatic Great Dark) consisted of eighty-onetetragrams,
image of the nee. Most evidently, a vulgar reversing the relation offoregrounded and implicit
distribution of the munbers - in thehexoteric numerical values. The division of Lalll'se's Tao Te
COW1ting-0rder - was substintted (redtmdandy) for C/Jinginto eighty-one sections suggests that this
the now esoteric munogrammatical distribution, munerical confUct was an animating factor in 1he
which proceeds in accordance with hrunanent early history of Taoism.
criteria (the web emergingqabbalisitically from the
wne-nwnbers themselves). More devastatingly, the 3. Ethnography of the Nma . Nma culture cannot
orginal consistency of nwneracy and language be decoded without the key provided by the
seems to have been fractwed at an early stage, Lemurian Time-Maze. 111e influence of a hyper
introducing a division between the nwnber of the triadic criterion of time is evident in the relics of
Sephiroth ( I O) and that of the Hebrew alphabet (22). Nma kinship organization,calendrics, and
1be result was a break between the nodes of the associated rituals. Prior to the calamity of 1 883,
tree and the interconnecting paths, ruining all the Nma consisted of true tribes (tripartite
prospect of decipherment. The8ephiroth - macrosocial divisions). They were distributed in
segmented over,aganist their connections - become a basic tridentity (interlocking large-scale
static and structural, whilst the paths Jose any groupings into Tak- MU· and Dib-Nma),
rigorous principle of allocation. A strictly analogous supported by a triangulrupatrilocal marriage.
outcome is evident in the segmentation of the Tarot cycle. Each marriage identified a woman with a
into Major mid MinorArcana. lnereasingly numogram cunent, or time-passage. Tak-Nma
desperate, arbitrary, and mystifying attempts to re­ women marrying into theMu-Nma, Mu-Nina ditto
wlite the nwnbers and their linkages seems to have Dib-Nma, Dib-Nma
bedevilled all succeeding occult traditions.
abstract 146) culture abstract 14 7) culture

ditto Tak-Nma).' 5 The common calendar of all three L EAKS F"ROM T H E M ISKATO N I C
tribes was based upon azygotriadic system (Using 6 B U NK E R - H OT E L.
digits to divide a double-year period of 729 days
into fractional powers of three). Tilffllu-Nma still Notes, fractions, random thoughts, night dreams,
employ such a calendar today. (The currenMu­ psychic leakage...Dr Sarkon, darkness, Miskatonic
Nma calendar is adjusted by regulaintercalations b\Ulker-hotel: 8/8/00...
of three additional days every second cycle, or four
years. Tbe earlier practice of intercalations is not canto s . wonn bomb: re recent shredding of old,
easily recoverable). dearth text said to be hidden off far Eastern island
hl the rituals of theNma the time-circuit is nr Krakatoa. Professor Barker had been there; seen
concretized as a hydro-cycle: a division and something; now disappeared; feared dead or at
recombination of the waters. The three stages of le-ast cryogenically frozen by a government who
this recurrent transmutation are, I ) the undivided feared the worst. 1bey said he'<incanted a phrase •
waters (oceanic), 2) cloud-building !evaporation), maybe three . that1111001101zzzzzzoo1oyyyy
and 3) down-pour (Precipitation, river-flOW). 11lese \sorry, laptop tenninal spluttered, word sense
are associated with the great sea-beast �ur Mur), juddered) rendered temporal fold/lapse and
the lurker of steaming swamps Pddubb), and that newological dispersion into psychedelically altered
which hunts amongst the raging storms ,Wtak). Pan-state left screaming. Natives of island knew how
The cycle is closed by a return to the abysmal to control this; at least keep it at bay. Tel1 had
waters, intrinsically linking the order of time, and its fallen into hands of a cargo cult then somehow all
recurrence, to an ulmnate cataclysm (Prior to any traces Jost. Tbe us of Americas was mentioned; CIA
opposition of cyclic and apocalyptic time). h is in sunnised fledgling blackmail story that Barker was
this context that the transcultural delugemythos cloned and that at least two were wreaking
can be restored to its aboriginal sense (which also tmhingedness in the West somewhere. But the
corresponds to the HinduTrimurli, with its three damage had already been done long before. Money
stages of creation, preservation and destruction). had gone into my account - a payoff from The
(green) Fuzz to somehow keep quiet. I doubt it...

Must hide these cuttings...Jan 8th, 00. Japanese

trawler men find strange stone bas-relief in fishing
net. Archaeologists date it as pre-history and, think.
to followers ofDagon. May, oo. New York. Insurance
agent sent to trace missing pulp thriller writer folOld
drained of bone marrow in abandoned cinema.
1 2th Jui, oo. British government refuses asylum to
defonned spine children from Rwnanian leper
colony as civil war reconvenes ••.

So the story was true? And we'd been given to think

it was a fiction. His cheeks exploded rudlo' filled
with an alwninium nail cluster.

An eminent Victorian scientist and radical free

thinker unlocks ancient evol (beyond time and
space). Girl had daughter or, should that read.•.?
Married into English aristocracy who now hold key
to terrible secrets. Most of apocalyptic events of
20th Century directly responsible tdlavok
unleashed by said Victorian and hiddeq>sych.fea,.
Nazis, Mau Maus, Pol Pot, Amin, mere distractions to
1 throw us off the scent of something reall)fuckin'
A!!I PA �Clf1 !!!JCl!!!J!!!JC,lf!!!J, !!!J TONC l!X H l l!IIT!!! Ol!IVIOU!!!
bad. This w1holy 'family' is widespread 1hrougbout
CULTURAL AF"F"I NITY WITH THIS SYBTEM, England, Massachusetts and parts of Udluania. Just
abstract 149) culture
abstract l48J culture
cloned. This was puerile gossip, a fact-licmythed
think, the limey aristocracy responsible for the about by rogue FUzz sentinels \d-railed in the
impending... Barker knew this (so he shouJd). distant 60s fracas) linkedvagu)ey to a Colombian
cane) �aid off in snow). Fact: cocaine was seriously
So his intentions were good? destabilising Western economies but too many
politicians had a habit. Make note... deface from
In the limited sense of the vocabulary, yes, at least journal: that's another story.
we think so.
Barker was real, as far as you could call anything
What was shredded then? real. A seH-replicat:hlllJroto-eluvial organism
probably been here 65 million years - landed from
Papers. distant star, far beyond our galaxy; maybe :first
asleep in ice caves wider earth's crust - a spore,
Papers? woken by said natives of islanchr Krakatoa after
earth shift thousands of years before. Records -
Journals, jottings, notes. Some strange group what still exist - show him appearing throughout
vaguely affiliated to aneldritch department of a history at key points ...possibly one of Barker'$clls
hidden English University had stumbled - was emminent Victorian who messed up real good.
accidentally and chemically - onto similar. Threat Then in the latter part of our time Barker had set up
was thwarted before it was too late. Group sought DigiGenetech software engineering and completely
to cause similar disruption through platfonns dominated (read decimated) global markets. Spiked
deemed popuJartho' unpopular with authorities. email; vicious clown simulation games; horror
Filled graphic novels, stories with K-cantos: typing packages; sinistenentacled
audience wouJd Wlbeknowingly recite. bnagine if datasavers...Wbat a perfect way to �s; every little
we'd had let this ouflJeeesh. They'd created a programme encoded with somefuckin' sooth; each
whole pantheon of gods -Mur Mur, Katak. the like • key pressed; every mouse click phasing energy,
thing is, what these limey schmucks didn't realise strengthening our oldest, lUUlameable enemy;
was that these things actuallyfucldn' existed. We debilitating our own already debilitated
call it the poetic parallel f'as above, so below'' the senses... Part of Barker had learned to love
idea's been arO\md for centuries) - if it's i{fl' head humanity; part of him to pity it, but by then it was
it's there cos It exists! Then it's only a matter of too late anyway. 1tle gossamer thin mesh of cosmic
b ringing it out. See? Magic, technology, drugs, sex - time and space had been wrenched. Each little
even fuckin' yoga - anystimulus11 do the job. Barker diversion was wearing us thinner.
knew this (so he should).
The journal was stained with slightly browning
What happened to the group? sweat, old fashioned papeagliche this time. 1tlese
leads keep disappearing into each other and now
They had to be eliminated, taken out. I'm not so sure. 1tle stars look even more bright
tonight. A comet flashed past, illuminating the
Liquidated? whole of the town - it's tail orange, fizzing pink. Fax
No, people wouJd become suspicious. They were is chucking out reruns of unintelligible script. Am
branded insane · neutralised - made outcasts: this awaiting next move. Anticipate call from FUzz
was the most effective way. We're still mopping up operatives. Any time now. Carnival would be starting
the trails, some as far off as Czechoslovakia, soon. 1tle inhabitants ofDunwich would celebrate
Southern F.ngland. this every year as they had done for hlllldreds of
years ever since the festival was introduced by
You should leave now. Haven't you got to be in travellers who returned from Easter island late 1 6th
Washinton? Century. Tobias Barker, merchant, was one of those
Thanks for the drink. ..
Children flashed past the window: screaming,
1be future was inevitable. He knew this now. Like a laughing. Partly hidden by street lamps; their faces
laser moving onto its target. Fixed. Impenetrable yet masked in some strange amalgam of <;Ottoo, wood
lucidly clear. The FUzz knew what Barker was. and plastic. It's already beginning...
Barker probably was The FUzz. Interchangeable.
Waiting outside that hidden door. He hadn't been
abstract (5 1 ) culture
abstract (50) culture

I tbought I heard a knock at the door. The name of Profesor Randolph Edmwid
Templeton is inextricably tangled with the secret
Room service? perplexities of time. It was he who, by way of a yet
barely comprehended time-anomaly, provided the
model for HP wvecrah's Randolph carter ... And yet
it was this 'same' RETempleton who . on March
2 1 st 1 999, whilst delivering a lecture aHiskatonic
devoted to a rigorous critique of HG WeUs - awoke
suddenly as the Thing that lurks behind the mask
of Immanuel Kant, coincident�scoverering the
transcendental time-machine.

Templeton sits inunobile in his attic room,

inunersed in the deceptively enatic ticking of bis
old nautical clock, lost in meditation upon JC
Chapman's hennetic engraving. h now seems that
this complex image, long accepted as a pomait of
Kant, constitutes a disturbing monogram of bis own
chronological predicament. AS if in mockery of
stable framing, the picture is surrOWJded by
strange-loopcoilings of Ouraboros, the cosmic
snake , who traces a figure of eight • and of
moebian eternity • by endlessly swallowing itseH.
suspended from its lower jaw is a Cl')ptic device of
intricately balanced circles and stars (ancient
symbols of the AOE). Above thesepent's head, a
facsimile of Kant is etched in profile, the face fixed
in an amiable • if distant • expression. What was it
though, that hid behind the death-mask, where it
cut-off, below and behind the jaw, false ear, and
double hair-line? What was this peculiarly fonnless
body, shadowy neck.flesh, and suggestion of a
cervical fin? AS he stared, and hideously
remembered, Templeton felt as though he knew.
Templeton has Jong asserted the impossibility of
empirical time-travel. Since the ego is bowid by its
own nature to linear�entiality (he continues to
insist) neither it nor the organism is ever
transported through time. Nevertheless, he
describes the Critique of Pure Reason as a time­
travelling manual, although of 'another kind.' He
uses Kant's system as a guide for engineering time­
synthesis. The key is the secret of theschemadsm,
which . although "an art concealed in the depths of
the hwnan soul" - concerns only the unutterable
Abomenon of the Outside Nihil UJterius). bl
exteriority, where time works, that part of you which
is most yourself has nothing in corrunon with what
you are. When Templeton feU into himseH that day
he fmmd, instead of what he thought himself k> be,
the Thing (in itseH (at zero-intensity)). b was,
abstract 152) culture abstract f53) culture

perhaps, or necessarily, that continuomhyperbody PAND E M ONI U M ,

- the LUrker at the Threshold - which HP Lovecraft

names Yog Sothotb ... Pandemoniwn is the complete system of Lemurian
demonism and time sorcery.
It consists of two principal components:
Nwnogram (time-map) and Matrix (listing the
names, nwnbers and attributes of the demons).
The system is constructed according to immanent
criteria latent in decimal nwneracy, and involves
only basic aritlunetical operations (assembled from
additions and subtractions).
The Nwnogram, or Decimal Labyrinth, is
composed of ten woes (nwnbered 0-9) and their
interconnections. These zones are grouped into
five pairs f,ylygies) by nine-swn twinning
1ZYgonovismJ. 1be arithmetical difference of each
syzygy defines a current (or connection to a tractor
zone). currents constitute the primary flows of the
Each wne nwnber when digitally cumulated
defines the value of a gate, whose reduction sets
the course of a corresponding channel. Channels
constitute the secondary flows, time-holes, or
secrel interconnections of thenmnogram.
The arrangement of rurrents divides the Maze into
three basic time-systems. Firstly, the rurrents of
the three central syzygies mutually compose a
cycle, rotating in anticlockwise steps.Lemuriao
sorcery calJs this inner loop the Time,.circuit.
Secondly, and thirdly, in both the Upper and the
LOwer syzygies the rurrents produced fold back
into (a half of) themselves, constituting autonomous
loops: the Warp (upper), andPlex Oower). Warp and
Plex circuitries are of an intrinsicalJy cryptic nature,
which is compOWJded by the enigmas of their
interconnection. They are variously considered 10
be outside- or Outer-time.
The gates and their channels knit the Maze
together, providing connections between otherwise
incompatible time-systems. They open and close
the ways of sorcerous traffic. Although each gate
deranges time in its own way, their operations vary
with a certain regional consistency.
In addition to the twins (With their currents and
time-systems), and the gates (With their channels
and time-faults), there is a third occult thread
running through Lemurian time-sorcery: that of the
distances (or of the demons). BelweeD any pair of
zones, however seemingly disconnec1ed or
unc01U1ectable they may seem. there is an
irreducible (or hyper-) distance, wbidl,emurian
abstract (54) culture abstract (55) culture

culture systematicallycharacterizes as a singular Pandemonium Matrix (Extracts from the

entity. These entities are simultaneously gaps, Lemurian Necronomicon).
�. holes, and demons, with particuJar traits,
features, aspects, and potentials. Each demon is Mesh-00: Lurgo (Legba). (fenninal) Initiator. (Clicks
considered to be intrinsicallyzygonomous (or Gt-00). Pitch Ana-1.
double-numbered): both addressed by a unique Net-Span I ::o. Amphidemon of Openmgs. (1be
wne-net couple of descending value (net-span), Door of Doors). Cipher Gt-0 I , Gt-1o.
and also calJed by a mesh-serial, which is I st Door ('Ibe Pod) (Mercury!, Dorsal. I st Phase.
immanently defined by a sequential matrix (00-44). limit.
Each demon also bas a tonality or pitch, ranging Decadology. C/tp-#7 ,Mj + (7EJ.
from the highest frequency {Alia -7) to the lowest Rt· I :(1 8 90) Spinal-voyage (fate Une), programming.
(Cth-7). All syzygetic demons have a neutral (or Null)
pitch. Since they are proliferated by a digital Mesh-0 I : Duoddod. Duplicitous Redoubler. (Clicks
cumulation to the ninth power, the demons are Gt-0 I ), Pitch Ana-2 .
forty.five in nwnber, attuning them to the Gate-City Net-Span 2::0. Amphidemon of Abstract Addiction
of the Piex-charmel - Uttenninus of CtheJU • (Gt-45), 2nd Door (1be Crypt) (Venus), Cervical.
which is identified with the microcosmic lair of all Decadology. C/tp-#8,Mj + f8EJ.
demonic populations (theLernurian Rt-I :(271890) Pineal-regression (rear vision).
Pandemoniwn). Rt-2:(2 754 J 890)Datacomb searches, digital
exactitude (every second coW1ts). I+ I subRt).
According to lemurian dernonism, each demon is
itself a 6Warm, or singular coalescence, but also a Mesh-02. Doogu (The Blob). Original-Schism. Pitch
component of a larger array, which can be sorted Ana-3.
by type. nie three principle demonic groupings are Net-Span 2:: I cycUcChronodemon of SpUtting­
Chronodemons (Varieties of distance within the Waters. Ciphers Gt-21. Shadows surge-current.
time-circuit), Amphidemons (ruptures in the tirne­ 2nd Phase-limit.
drcuit, openings to the Outside), andXenodernons Deeadology. C/1p-# I Mn+ IA'1,
(denizens of the outer gulfs). Demons are also Rt- l :(1 872) Mn. Primordial breath (pnelUilatic
grouped by phase (defined by initial net-span digit). practices).
Each phase is opened by a door, to which is Rt-2:(271J Ambivalent capture, books (live.bait,
attributed a domain, a planetary affinity, and a traps, plot-twists)
spinal level. Rt-3:(2 7541 JMj. Slow pull to stasis, protection from
drowning. (+ I subRt).
Demons can be characterized by the various rites Mesh-OJ. Im (Yax). Abductor. (Clicks Gt-03). Pitch
(routes, or routines) that they draw through the Ana-3
hyper-time of the maze. There is a rite for each way Net-Span 3::0 ChaoticXenodemon of Cosmic
in which the net-span of a demon can be lndifference. Ciphers Gt-03.
integrated in extension (or traced across the flows 3rd Door ('Ibe SWirl), (Earth). Cranial.
ot the numogram). Such rites are the basic Rt-0:fll. Occult terrestrial history (Who does the
components of demon traffic, constituting modules Earth think It IS?)
of practical culture, each of which is associated
with an omen, and a power. Mesh-04. lxigool (Djinn of the Magi). Over-Ghoul.
Pitch Ana-4.
In Western hyperfictional lore the matrix of aJJ Net Span 3:: I Amphidemon ofTridentity (Sphim­
demons (Pandemonimn) is caJJe<Necronomicon, time).
The Book of Dead Names, listing all that is Deeadology. C/tp-#4,Mn+ (4!).
excepted from the white-magic book of life. Rt-I :( 1 8 723). unimpeded ascent (prophecy).
Necronomicon is a docwnent copied episodically Rt-2:(18 72 563). Ultimate implications, (as above so
from versions of an original text, which was itseH below). (+ I subRtJ.
retrodeposited out of the future into the deep past.
It thus scrambles science.fiction with archaic Mesh-OS. IXidod (King Sid). 1be zombie-Maker.
legend, indicating aLemurodigitalbypersource. Pitch Ana-5.
Net Span 3::2 Amphidemoo of Escape-velocity.
Hamts Gt-03.
3 rd Phase-limit.
abstract 156) cuJture abstract 157) culture

Pathogenesis. Ciphers 61-15. Prowls sink-current

Decadology. C/tp-#5,Mn+ 15!). Decadology. C/tp-#3,Mj - 131).
Rt- I :f23l Crises through excess (Jlicropause abuse) Rt-I :(I 8725)Mn. Optimal maturation (medicine as
Rt-2:f27563l Illusion of progress (out of the frying­ diffuse healing).
pan into the fire). f+ I subRtJ. Rl-2: 1541J Mj. Rapid deterioration (putrefaction,
catabolism). ( + I subRtJ.
Mesh-06. Kralm (Km, Karak-oa). The Croaking
Curse. Pitch Ana-4 Mesh-12. Kuttadid (Kitty). Ticking Machines. Pitch
Net-Span 4::0 Amphidemon of Burning-Hail Cth-2
4th Door (Delta) Mars. Cervical Net-Span 5::2 CyclicChronodemon of Precarious
Decadology. C/tp-#9,Mj + 19EJ, States. Prowls Hold-Otrrent
Rt-I :f41890) Subsidence, heaviness of fatality. I+ I Decadology. C/tp-#2, Mn- (2'1,
sub-RtJ. Rt· I :12 7 5) Mn. Maintaining balance (:alendric
Mesh-07. Sukugool (Old Skug). The Sucking-Ghoul. Rt-2:l54 I 872)Mj. Exhaustive vigilance. (+ I sub«).
Pitch Ana-5.
Net-Span 4:: I CydicChronodemon of deluge and Mesh-13. Tilddtii (fickler). Clicking Menaces. Pitcb
implosion. Prowls Sink-Current. Hawits Gt-1o Cth-1
Decadology. C/tp-#3,Mj+ l3EJ. Net-Span 5::3 Amphidemoo of Vortical DeUriwn
Rt-l :(187254)Mn. cycle of creation and Decadology. C/tp-#6,Mj- 16�.
destruction. Rt- I :(5418 723) Swirl-patterns (tornadoes, wind­
Rt-2:141) Mj. Submersion gravedigging). I+ I sub­ vokes). (+ I subRtJ.
Rt). Rt-2:1563) Mysterious disappearances (things
carried-away). (+ I subKtJ.
Mesh-08. Skoodu (U1 Scud). lbe Fashioner. Pitch
Ana-6 Mesh-I 4. Katak. DesOlator. Pitch Null.
�et-Span 4::2 cyclicChronodemon of Switcb­ Net-Span 5::4 Syzygetic Chrooodemoo of
crazes. Shadows Hold-Current cataclysmic convergence. Feeds sink-current.
Decadology. C/tp-#2,Mn+ 12!). Ciphers Gt-45
Rt-I :(2754) Mn. Historical time (eschatology). 5th Phase limit
Rt-2:1418721 Passage through the deep. Decadology. C/tp-#0 poker).
Rt-3:(451872JMj. cyclic reconstitution and stability. Rt-0:IX) Tail-chasing, rabid animals tnarure red in
tooth and claw),
Mesb-09. Skamx (Sharky, Scar-head). Buzz.Cutter. Rt· l :14 I 8725) Panic $lasher pulp and religious
Pitch Ana-7 (Uppennost). fervour).
Net-Spwi 4::3 Amphidemon of anti-evolution
(eddies of the Delta). Mesh-I s Tcbu (fchanul). Source of
4th Phase-limit. Subnothingness. Pitch Cth-3
Decadology. C/tp-#6,Mj + f6EJ, Net-Span 6::o Chaoticxenodemon of Ultimate
Rt- I :(418723) Hennetic abbreviations arlstory of Outsideness (and Wlllamable things).
the magicians). 6th Door (Undu) (Saturn).Cranial
Rt-2:145 1 8723) Sacred seal of time (triadic Rt-0:P,J cosmic deletions and real impossibilities.
reconfinnation of the cycle).
Rt-3:f4563} Apocalyptic rapture (j agged Mesh- I 6. Djungo . Infiltrator. Pitch Cth-2
turbulence). I + I subRtJ. Net Span 6:: I Amphidemon of SubtlelnVOivements
Mesh-J O. Tokhatto (Old T�er, Top cat). Decimal (and intricate puzzles).
camouflage. Pitch cth-4 Decadology. C/tp-#4,Mn- (4'1,
Net-Span 5::o Amphidemon ofTalismania. Rt· I :118 7 236) Turbular fluids (maelstroms, chaotic
5th Door CHyperborea) I.Jupiter}, Cervical. incalculability). I+ I subKtJ.
Decadology. C/tp-#9,Mj- l9JJ. Angel of the cards. Rt-2:(187256) Surreptitious invasions, inexplicable
Rt· I :f54 I 890} Nwnber as destiny (digital contaminations (fish falls).
convergence). I+ I subRtJ.
Mesh-I 7. Djuddha (Judd Dread). Decentred Threat.
Mesh-I 1 . Tukkamu . Occulturation. Pitch Cth-3. Pitch C1h-2
Net-Span s:: I cyclicChronodemon of Net-Span 6::2 Amphidemon of Artificial Turbulence
abstract (59} cuJture

abstract (58 ) culture Net-Span 7::2 Syzygetic Chronodemon of Swamp­

Labyrinths (and blind-doubles). Feeds Hold­
(complex-dynamics simulations) Current.
Decadology. C/tp-#5,Mn- (5'1, Rt-0:IX). Time loops, glamour and glosses.
Rt- I :(236) Machine-vortex (seething skin). (+ I sub­
Rt]. Mesh-24-. Pabbalds (Pabzix). Dabbler. Pitch Ana-I
Rt-2:(256) Stonn peripherieswendigo legends). Net-Span 7::3 Amphidemon of mterference (and
Mesh- I 8. Djynn (Ching, The Jinn). Child Stealer. Decadology. C/tp-#5,Mj+ l5EJ. 2nd Decademon.
Pitch Null Rt- I :(723) Batrachian mutations (and frog-plagues).
Net-Span 6::3 Syzygeticxenodemon of Time-Lapse.
Feeds and Prows Warp-Current. Ciphers Gt-36. Rt-2:(72563) Cans of wonns1ennopbobic hysteria,
Ha\Ults Gt-06, Gt-21. propagation by division). (+ I subttJ.
Rt-O:IX) Abstract cyclones, dust spirals (nomad war.
machine). ( + 2 subRt). Mesh-25. Ababbatok (Abracadabra). Regenerator.
Pitcb Ana-2
Mesh- I 9. TcbaW (ChucJdes). Bag of Tricks. Pitch Net-Span 7::4 cycUcCbronodemon of Suspended
Ana- I . Decay. Shadows Hold-Current
Net-Span 6::4 Amphidemon of Combustion. Decadology. C/tp-#2, Mj + (2EJ.
Decadology. C/tp-#6,Mn+ f6!J. I st Decademon. Rt- I : (4 1 87) Frankensteinian experimentation
Rt-1:(418 7236) Quenching accidents (apprentice (reanimations, golems).
smiths). I+ I subRtJ. Rt-2:(4518 7)Mn. Purifications, amphibious cycles
Rt-2:(451872361 Mappings between incompatible (and healing of wounds).
time-systems f)erakleitean fire-cycle). (+ I suJ:jttJ. Rt-J:l7254) Mj. Sustenance (smoke visions).
Rt-3:(456) Conflagrations (shrieldngleliria,
spontaneous combustion). Mesh-26. Papatakoo (Pataku) Upholder. Pitch Cth-6
Net-Span 7::5 cycUcChronodemon ofcalendric
Mesb-20. Tchattuk (One Eyed Jack, Djatka). Time. Prowls Hold-Current
Pseudo-Basis. Pitch ctb-7 (Lowennost). Decadology. C/tp-#2,.fttj- (2Q.
Net-Span 6::5 AmphJdemon ofUnscreened Matrix. Rf.I : (5418 7} Mn. Ultimate success (perseverance,
HatUltS Gt-15. blood sacrifice). (+ I subRt).
6th Phase-limit. Rt-2:(72 5) Mj. Rituals becoming nature.
Decadology. C/tp-#6,Mn· 16 '1,
Rt-1:(54187236) Zero-gravity. 1+2 sul:RtJ. Mesh-2 7. Bobobja (BUbbles, Beelzebub (LOrd of
Rt-2:(56) CUt-outs (UFO cover-ups,Nephilim). the Flies)). Heavy Attnosphere Pitch Cth-5
Net-Span 7::6 Amphidemon of Teeming Pestilence.
Mesh-21. PUppo (fhe PUp). Break-Outs. Pitch Cth- 7th Phase-limit
2. Decadology. C/tp-#5,Mj- (SQ,
Net-Span 7::0 Amphidemon of Larval Regression. Rt· I :(7236) Strange lights in the swamp
7th Door (Akasha) (Uranus), cervical (dragonflies, ET frog.cuJts). (+ I sub«).
DecadoJogy. C/tp-#8 ,Mj- (8�. Rt-2:(7256} Swannachines Oost harvests).
Rt- I :(7 1 890) Dissolving into slhne (masked
horrors). Mesh-28. Minommo . Webmaker. Pitch Cth-1
Rt-2:(72541890) ChthonicswaUowings. (+ 1 subRtJ. Net-Span s::O Amphidemon of Submergance.
8th Door (Limbo) (Neptwle) Lumbar
Decadology. C/tp-#7 ,Mj- (7Q.
Mesh-22. Bubbamu (Bubs). After Babylon. Pitch Rt-I : (890) Shamanic voyage (dream sorcery and
ctb-1. mitochondrial chatter).
Net-Span 7:: I cyclicChronodemon of Relapse.
Prows surge-current. Ha\Ults Gt-28. Mesh-29. Mur Mur (Mumunur, Mu(mu)). Dream­
Decadology. C/tp-# I ,Mn· IA!). Serpent. Pitch Null
Rt· I :(18 71 Mn. Hypersea (marine life on land). Net-Span 8:: I Syzygetic Chronodemon of the Deep
Rt-2:(71 J Aquassassins (Black-Atlantis). ones. Feeds surge-current.
Rt-3:(7254 1 )Mj. Seawalls (dry-time, taboo on Rt-0:IX} Oceanic sensation (gilledlllillfe and spinal­
menstruation). regressions).
Mesh-23. Oddubb (Odba). Broken Mirror. Pitch Null
abstract 16 I J culture
abstract 160) cultwe
Prowls Surge-Oment
Mesh-30. Nammamad . Mirroracle. Pitch Ana- I 8th Phase-limit.
Net-Span 8::2 cyclicChronodemon of Subterranean Decadology. C/tp-# I , Mj- (AI),
Commerce. Shadows Surge<:urrent.Ciphers Gt-28 Rt- I : 17 1 8) Ophidian transmutation falaeopytbons).
Decadology. C/tp-# I , Mj + IA.El, 3rd Decademon Rt-2:l7254 I 8)Mn. Suneptitiouscolonization (+ 1
Rt· I :12 7 1 8) Voodoo in cyberspace (thulhoid sub-Rt).
traffic). Rt-3 :1817) Mj. Surface-amnesia (old fishwives tales).
Rt-2:12754 1 SJMn. Completion as final collapse
(heat-death, degenerative psychoses). I+ I subUJ. Mesh-36. Uttunul . Seething Void (clicks Gt-36) Pitch
Rt-3:18 I 72J Mj. Emergences (and things washed-up Net-Span 9::0 SyzygeticXenodemon of Atonality.
on beaches). Feeds and ProwlsPlex-Current, Hawits Gt-45
9th Door {Cthel))) (Pluto), Sacnun
Mesh-31. Mummumh (Mix-Up). The MistCrawler. Rt-0:IX) Crossing the iron-ocean plutonics)
Pitch Ana-2.
Net-Span 8::3 Amphidemon of IDSidious Fog Mesh-3 7. TUtagool (Yettuk). 1be Tattered Ghoul.
(Nyarlathotep) Pitch Ana-1.
Decadology. C/tp-#4,Mj + 14.EJ. Net-Span 9:: I Amphidemon of Punctuality.
Rt- I :1817231 ocean stonns (and Decadology. C/tp-#7,Mn+ l7f). 4th Decademon
xenoconummication on the bacterial plane). Rt- I :1189) The dark arts, rusting iron, tattooing
Rt-2:pu 725631 Diseases from outer-space(tankaU (one-way ticket to Hell).
medicine). (+ I subRtJ.
Mesh-38. unnuoddo (The False Nun). Double­
Mesh-32. Numko (Old Nuk). Keeper of Old Terrors. undoing. Pitch Ana-2.
Pitch Ana-3. Net-Span 9::2 Amphidemon of Fndlessuncasing
Net-Span 8::4 cydicChronodemon of (onion-skin horror)
Autochthony. Prowls Sink-Current Decadology. C/tp-#8,Mn + (8!).
Decadology. C/tp-#3,Mn+ f3!J. Rt·l : (2 7 I 89) Crypt-traffic (and centipede
Rt-I :1418) Necrospeleology (abysmal patience simulations).
rewarded). Rt-2 :(2 7 54189) Commwiication-grids�lecom
Rt-2:l4518JMn. Subduction (and carnivorous fish). webs, shamanic metallism).(+ I subRtJ.
Rt-3:l817254JMj. Vulcanism \and bacterial
intelligence). Mesb-39. Uououttb: (Tick-Tock). Partide Clocks.
Pitch Ana-3
Mesh-33. Muotuk �anta, Manhou). Desert Net-Span 9::3 ChaoticXenodemoo of Absolute
Swimmer. Pitch Cth-s coincidence
Net-Span 8::5 cyclicChronodemon of Arid Rt-0:(7) Numerical connection through the absence
Seabeds. Shadows Sink-Olrrent. of any link
Decadology. C/tp-#3,Mn· (31,
Rt- I :l54 I 8)Mn. Ancient rivers. I+ I subRtJ. Mesh40. Uounak (NUke). Blind catastrophe. Pitch
Rt-2:18 I 725)Mj. Cloud-vaults and oppressive Ana-4.
tension (protection during monsoon) Net-Span 9::4 Amphidemon of Convulsions.
Decadology. C/tp-#9,Mn+ (9f).
Mesh-34. Mommoljo �ama Jo). Alien Mother. Pitch Rt- I : 14189) Secrets of the blacksmiths.
Cth-4. Rt-2:(45189) Subtenanean hnpulses.
Net-Span 8::6 Amphidemon ofxenogenesis
Decadology. C/tp-#4,Mj- (41). Mesh-41. TUkutu (Killer-Kate). cosmotrawnatics.
Rt-J :l817236)Cosmobacterialexogennination. I+ I Pitch Cth-4
sub.Rf). Net Span 9::5 Amphidemon of Death-Strokes.
Rt-2:1817256) Extraterrestrial residues (including Decadology. C/tp-#9,Mn- (9'1,
alien DNA segments). Rt- I :154189) Crash-signals�arkerian scarring). I+ I
Mesh-35. Mombbo . Tentacle Face (Fishy-princess).
Pitch Cth-3 Mesh-42. Uonutdli (Outch, T'ai Chi). Tacbyonic
Net-Span 8::7 C)'clicChronodemon of Hybridity. immobility (slow vortex). Pitch Cth-3.
abstract (62) culture abstract 163) culture
summing to ten.
Net-Span 9::6 Chaoticxenodemon of Coiling Scoring is calculated as foUows:
outsideness. Each pair scores positively, according to its
Rt-0:(7) ASymmetriczygopoise (and cybernetic differences (from 5:5 = o to 9: I = 8).
anomalies). unpaired cards (in Set- I ) score negatively,
according to their raw values (I = I to 9 = 9),
Mesh-43. Nuttubab (Nut-Cracker). Mimetic overall results can be positive or negative.
Anorganism. Pitch Ctb-2 A round (Aeon) of Decadance lasts until the first
Net-Span 9::7 Amphidemon ofMetaloid Unlife. negative result, accumulating any positive scores.
Decadology. C/tp-#8,Mn- 18'1,
Rt- I :(7189) umades dron in the blood). lbe Oracle ( decadology and decamaocy).
Rt-2:(7254189) Dragon-lines (terrestrial Positive results contribute thetbe AngeUc bldex of
electromagnetism). I+ I subRtJ. the Decadence game, and are referred to the
oecamantic tables of AOF.Angelogy. 1be maximwn
Mesh-44. ummnu (Orn, Onmi, Amen, Omen). gain from any single game is thirty-eight, but this
U1timate blconsequence. Pitch cth-1 Net-Span 9::8 can be exceeded (in principle) b)UIIIlulations from
Amphidemon of Earth-Screams. Haunts Gt-36 game to game until completion of an Aeon.
9th Phase-limit Negative results (from zero to forty.fow ) call
Decadology. C/tp-#7,Mn- (7'1, demons, and are referred to mesh-numbers of the
Rt-O:f89) Crust-friction �organic tension). Pandemoniwn Matrix. Since a demon-call
concludes each Decadence Aeon a particular value
Decadence. is attributed to Lurgo (Mesh-00), since this demon
alone allows a tennination without loss.
The Adept Orders of Decadence trace their system 1be western (or Adantean) uptake of
back to the period inunediately following the Pandemonium has its ownesotoric gnosis called
submergence of Atlantis, which they date to I o OOO Decadology. This doctrine assigns the
BC. h is Jinked to the origin ofSwnero-Babylonian Amphidemons and CydicCbronodemons of
geometry, from which we derive the division of the Lernurian Pandemoniwn to one of nine cluster
circle into 360 (= 36 x 10) degrees. bl the ancient types (C/tp-#), detennined by the pattern of their
egyptian mysteries it was attributed to the god of rites. Each cluster type isinstantiated by four
catastrophe and drowning -Osiris - who was later demons, in isomorphy with the thirty-six cards of
symbolized by The Hanged Man of the Tarot (taken the decadence pack. lbesedecadological
by decadologists as an image of th�tlantean correspondences are marked on the
cross). Pandemoniwn Matrix.
Decadence adepts consider postatlantean Decadology asswnes a particular
history to be surreptitiously guided by the distribution of the five Set-I cards, in which they
outcomes of select Decadence Aeons, which have are laid out on Pylons arranged in the configuration
the status of solemn rituals. searching out the of the Adantean Cross.
occurrence and outcomes of such destining
Decadence sessions ispreeminent amongst the Q Far FUture
tasks adopted bydecadologicaJ research,
combining exact history, practical conspiracy, Destructive Influences Q Q Creative
munerology, and occultangelology. It is said that blfluenr "'s
materials contributing to this work are meticulously
archived in the AOE Hall of Records. Q Memories
& Dreams
1be Game.
Truncate a standard pack of playing cards, Q Deep Past
removing all royal cards, tens, and jokers.
The remainder constitutes a Decadence park of subdecadaoce (the ultimate blasphemy).
tbiny-six cards. Add fow Queens to theDecadance pack, bringing
Five cards are dealt face up (Set- I ), and another the total 10 forty cards.
five dealt face down (Set-2). QueeM have a value of zero.
TUm over Set-2 cards one at a time, and by adding Play as Decadance, except making pairs which ndd
these cards to those in Set-I , construct pairs to nine (corresponding to.NmnogramSyzygies).
abstract 165) culture
abstract 164) culture
of one hundred sea-deities (or C-monsters). The
C C R U G LOSSA RY atlantean legacy is intensely contested, between
tendencies loosely coagulated within AOE
Abomeooo. Postulated substrate of absolute horror dominated traditions, and varieties obfroatlantean
(the worst thing in the world). subversion.
A-Death. Neuroelectronicflatline, based upon Al.Sy8. First true Al. Prophecied-programmed as a
Sarkonian mesh-engineering, an�ubculturally sett-enhancing system ofphotonic metacomputing,
propagated by K-Goth activity throughout the Crypt. it emerges as theorgano-transcendent completion
Micropause abuse. of Oecwnenon, or techonomic realization of the
Aeon (of Decadence� Run of Decadence outcomes noosphere. According to AOE traditions, if there
leading to a demon call. was a God h would beAI.Sy8.
Alphanumeric QabbaJa. Continuous decimal­ Barker-Spiral. (Also, Diplozygotic Spiral). A
alphabetic system of ordinal-nwneric values (A = 1 o numericaJ diagram combinin31ecadic and 9-Sum
... z = 35). coincides with Hebr�abbala in the (or zygonovic) coupling to produce a figure of
key AL (= 3 1 ), as promised in11Je Book of the Law. faulted double implex.
(The law of lbelema AQ numerires to 777). Barker-TWinning. 9-swn pairing of decimal
Amphidemon. Demonic link between the inside numeraJs. isee ZygonovismJ.
and outside of the time circuit (as determined by Binomics. Schematic technoscience of pairings,
net-span poles). 1be twenty.foUIAmphidemons primarily concerned with the study of two-digit date­
draw lines of flight, haH warping (into zones 3 and codings (and Y2K), but extended to abstract­
6), haH plexing (into zones o and 9). machmic couplings, comblnation,diploidism,
Angelic IDdeL Sum produced by positive syzygetics, and/ C/Jingor electrodigital binary (D]Od-
Decadence outcomes. According to AOE 2) nwnerics.
decadology, the measure of good fortune, or Bubble-Pod. Submarine research station of
celestial favour. eccentric bllUonaire Maxcrabbe.
Anglossia LangUage of the angels. The lost caleodric Trend of various COWJter­
semiotic of AOEesotericism, which considers it to gregorian (or Y2K-positive) movements towards
be the mystical telos of theenglish language. Oecumenic disintegration and K-Time break-away,
Anorganic Semiotics. Study of partial signalling often linked to rwnours of imminent or
assemblies, especially Tk-Systems.Anorganic hyperchronic cyberspace-splitting.
semiotics operate upon a contagion-plane of zero­ cargo-culture. Microsodal utilization and
interpretation, where signs and efficient particles reanimation of systemically discarded resources
are not segmented. tsee Tic(k)J. and underexploited signs, skip-scavenging,
AO&. The Architectonic Order of theEschaton, an cyberpWlk patch-ups.
uJtra-hennetic metamasonic white-brotherhood at catajung)e. K-Goth some subgenre assembled from
war with lemurian influences. The AOE progresses click-drifts and chthonic bass.
by way of chronic internal schism, each resulting in cataplei. Region of abysmalinfoldings. Linked by
an ever more interiorized hmer society. hs Barker to anorgaruc trauma reservoirs.
traditions are therefore refracted through various • C-Change. Pressure group for cybernetically­
apparently conflicting • front organizations (Which sensitive oceanography and maritime practices,
include the HeliopolitanHierophancy, Roman drawing upon the research andagitationaJ activity of
Catholic Church, KnightsTemplar, Ulwninati, Katy Shaw. lbe early support of M�rabbe was
Trilateral Commission, andusys programme). placed under increasing strain by the tendency
AOK. AggressiveContinuist group, linked to Y2K­ towards digitalmicrocollectivism,baemohmar
positive cyberterrorism. feminism, andcalendric revolution.
Aquapocalypse. Ultimate deluge, or terminal ecru. ... ....
inundation. Ceotieoce. Predominantlyafroadantean position of
Aquassassin. Hyper-C frog-warrior. mystical calendric extremism, which takelbinomic
Adantean cross. Divinatory configuration of the five K-Time as a machmic effectuation of infaJlible
Decadence Pylons, or adantean twins, prefiguring electroscripture, with ensuing conunitment to the
the cross of Vudu (and Christianity). isee Adantis, century as encompassing the whole of true time
Pentazygon). (beyond which Ues ooly Babyloo-illusiOll).
Adantis. Suprahistorical source of the western Applicable to Y2K ltseU, understood as the
hermetic tradition, mythically ruled by five sets of Immanent realization of this doctrine.
twins (or zygodecimaJ principals), with a pantheon Channel. Path of Decima1ioo, passing through a
abstract 166) culture abstract f67J culture
Gate. current The path between a syzygy and a tractor
Chaotic :Xenodemon. Demonic link between Plex (zone), produced by.zygonovic differentiation of the
and Warp (as detennined by net-span poles). The fonner. One of the five such flows that provide the
four ChaoticXenodemons have trackless (or cryptic) primary integration of thenwnogram, dividing it into
rites, drawing an impossible or witraceable Plex, Time-circuit, and Warp.
connection. They are not registered within cutting-Edges. Flfective explorations of machinic
Decadology. continuwn (using nwnbers as cuts).
Chronodemon . Demonic link internal to the Time­ cybergodlic. Dark-side web-undergrO\Dld
Circuit (as detennined by net-span poles). 1bere are subculture characterized by Y2K-positive time­
three Syzygetic, and twelve C)'Clic(!hronodemons. schizophrenization, anti-Microsoft digital agitation,
Ciphering. A nwnerical coincidence, involving the Micropause andSynatives abuse,catajwigle, and
same set of digits 6rrespective of order). F.specially, ameiotic libido. tsee A-Death, Crypt.C)'berscbi.zl.
such a connection between the two Net-Span digits Cyberscbiz. cyberspace disintegration. tsee
of a demon and anotherbinomic variable. Calendric Secessiooism, Cryptj.
Clicking. Nwnerical matching (by exact (or ordered) Cyclic Chronodemon. One of the twelve
ciphering). Cryptographic operation of a demonic nonsyzygetic Chronodemons whose major and
Mesh-Nmnber. minor rites mutually encompasses the Time-circuit.
Cluster-'J)'pe . Decadology. One of the nine basic Although these demons together produce the
fonnulas of time, which group theAinphidemons fabric of ordered time, they may still generate
and cydic Chrooodemons. Each cluster-type various anomalous becomings amongst their secret
corresponds to one of the nine non-zero nwnerals rites. hl posMdantean traditions they are
that compose the Decadence pack. each grouping associated with the houses of the zodiac, and (later)
four demons according to the twin binary with the months of the year.
distinctions of major/minor rites, and pitch polarity Datacombs. ArChival depositB of the Crypt.
(corresponding to decadence suits). Death Garage. Sonic subgenre characterized by
Conduit Nwnogram complication involving prime­ (loud) Swann-beats.
ordinate zygonomy. 1be system of conduits is Decademon. One of the four Demons whose Net­
quasicomplementary to that of Gates (since it maps Span digitB swn to ten. ASSOCiated with the four
trends to involutionary arrival in the Time-Circuit, or zoas of Reveladoo
incursions from the outside). Decadence. (Also, Calling cards). A gambling game
continuism. Loose calendric reform movement - and divination system associated with the Western
increasinglyradicalized in a Y2K-positive direction - tradition of Pandemoniwn practice. Supposedly
proposing the continuation of K-Time on minomic originating in Atlantis (Whose decadence its name
count. commemorates).
Crypt Dark-twin of the Net, characterized by intense Decadology. Hennetic gnosis Jinked to the game of
K-Goth influence, A-Death inactivism, Cyberschiz Deeadence.
tendencies, and lemurian culrural affinities. Decimal Labyrinth. tsee NWnogramJ.
cryptic (rite) . Trackless line mapping the intrinsic Decimation. 1be combined operations of (decimal)
difference of a ChaoticXenodemon. A fusional digital cumulation and reduction.
disconnection, or real impossibility. Demon. Electro-Occult hyperstition entity that
CtbeDL Earth's iron ocean, comprising one third of traffics between zones, functioning as an element of
terrestrial mass, approximately three thousand km Pandemoniwn. Demons are boles, links, and
below the swface. lntensivemegamolecule. coalescences facilitatingsorcerous practices. 11ley
ctbeIDectronic& Auto-engineering pragmatics of are characterized byinsidiousness, spirodynamism,
anorganic terrestrial intelligence, emergent from the multipUcity, and time-complexity.
ionic swirls ofCtheill, it intersects with the Dib-Nma. (Or Dibboma). tsee Nma).
electromagnetic fields of thetechnostrata. Diplocapture. Seizure by twin-pincered suppressive
According to the K-Goths, when the web switches to structuring machines.
Ctheillectronics it calves-Off into the Crypt. Diplozygodc Spiral. 1see Barker-Spiral).
Cthulbu Club. Beginning (in 1 94-9) as a reading Door. (Net-Span #::O). 1be opening into a (demonic)
group dedicated to thehyperstitlous reevaluation of phase.
Lovecraftian fiction, the Cthulhu Club was steadily Edlo-DNA. Subgenomic repticator codings,
drawn into lemurian sorcery afterrecogni,jng proliferated by repeat copying of segments, and
Stillwell's model of theNumogram as the vinual constituting a mode ofintranucleic microparasitism.
source of Alhazred'sNecronomicon Esdlatourism. bltersection of mass-tourism and
abstract (69) cuJture
abstract f68J cuJture
in accordance with the secondary Net-Span pole
eschatologicaJ theology, with multiple cross­ (demonic Doors having no imps).
causalities and self-confirming dynamics. K-Gotb. (See Cybergotbic).
Feed. Zygonovic differential production (of a K-OS. Distributed automutational mesh-processing
current). cuJture, providing the basic software-matrix of the
Gate. sorcerous link between zones, setting the Crypt. Operates as intrinsically multipUcitous
cowse of a Channel, and defined by digital insurgency against Microsoft hegemony.
cwnuJation of (input) zone value. SchemeticalJyindifferentiable from insidious
Oeotraumatics. Polymatbic bypertheory of the telecommunicative retrovirus (frequently attributed
tenestrial machinic unconscious, which refuses the to extraterrestrial sources).
distinction between biology, geology, linguistics and K-Time. Native calendar of cyberspace. A year count
nwneracy. Geotramnatics processes the becomings · initialJybinomic - beginning from zero (= 00) = AD
of the earth as intensive products ofanorganic 1900.
tensions, especially those compacted from archaic Kuanglo-Saxon. Virotechnic undercurren1 of the
xenocatastrophes. Its main tenets are laid out in english language.
Barker's fas yet tmpubUshedJ11Je Geocosmic Lemuria. Hypergeographical terrestrial
Theory of 1'TBUl11ll arrangement, concentrated in south-west Pacific
Gregorian Restoradoo. Defining policy of the Ocean c.66-million BC, currently fimctioning as
Architectonic Order of theF.sebaton (AOE). Anti-Y2K exochronic and extraterritorial continuwn for
bug-squashing programme, serving as a intensive popular agitation against the
conservative front in the impending millennial time­ contemporary planetary order.
war. Lemurodigital. Numogrammatic cuJture based
Hatch(ing). Nwnogrammatic territoriahnplex, upon Decimation, Zygonovism, andpandemooiac
marked in waves designating thresholds of practices.
emergence tracked out of a virtual egg. Inverse Limbic Key. Fabled link into the nocturnal spine­
complement of Nest(ing). levels of Jcthyophidian in1enshy.
Haunt . Territorial relation of a demon to a channel, Main F1atline. Arterial lo-way into the Crypt.
involving polar coincidence of the two. Haunting Major ( rt). Demonic rites following the order of the
can also be applied to the direct nesting of a gate. Net-Span. Amphidemons characterized by such
Hold current Differential product of the 7::2syzygy rites.
(Oddubb). Mechooomics. The operational study of flat
Hydrocyde. The Nmnogram Time-Circuit conceived nmnerical pragmatics.
as a system of hydraulic circulation, especially in Mesh. Disorganized connectivity, comprising the
the culture of the Nma. spaces beneath and between the Net, and also the
Hyper-C. Highly secre�dantean Centience interlock interval between biological and technical
cult, of WlJ)aralleled militancy andnfiltrative net-components. Mesh composes a friction­
sophistication. fSeeAquassassinsJ. generating divisional fabric - or wormhole-space -
Hypennaterialism. The philosophy of abstract­ correlative to the set of demooicinterwnes
machines. (Pandemonimn).
Hyperstitioo: Element of effective culture that Me-Sb-Number. Binomic sequential index (00-44)
makes itself real, through fictional quantities locating a demon within the Pandemonimn Matrix.
fimctioning as time-travelling potentials. Metatrooics. Hierachical technology (attributed to
Hyperstition operates as a coincidence intensifier, the angel Metatron). (SeeAxsysJ.
effecting a call to the Old ones. Micropause. Subdivisional unit oftecbnorepUcable
Hyprime. A prime number whose ordinate is itself time-lapse. When systematically abused
prime. Used in certain intricate strains of micropause-technics produces the A-Death
neolemurian qabbala. syndrome.
lctbyopbidia. Various byperstitional fish-monsters, Minor (rt). Demonic rites inverse to the order of the
sea-serpents, andpalaeopythons, targetted by Net-Span Amphidemons characterized by such
deep,regressive libidinal tropisms due to their rites.
mutability, submergence, and horizontal MMbo.Jumbo. Y2 K data-devastation.
Oexomotile spines. Mu. Transitional PacifidntercuJture providing a
lmp(ulse)8. Demonic subcomponents, or mainline conduit forlemurian influences into
Ntunogram twists, matriculated by the addition of a human history. Reputed origin � thfNma.
third (descending) Net-Span digit. The imps are one 1111-Nma. (See Nina),
hWidred and twenty in nwnber, allotted to demons
abstract 170) culture abstract 171J culture
roof of the mouth.
MVU. Miskatonic Virtual University, distributed Pandemonium . Uttenninus of Cthelll (Ot-45),
occult annex to MIT. Comprehensive system of the demons.
Nago. Mu-Nma dream-witch. Pandemonium Matrix. Llsted complete demon-set
Nagwi. Mu-Nma dream-visit, conswnmating oracular of lemurian sorcery. Also, Lemurodigital
rites of the Nago. Necronomicon.
Necrooomicoo. llle Book of Dead Names (listing Peotazygon. Magical figuration of theNmnogram
those outside the Book of Llfe). Compendiwn of Syzygies.
demonism and time-sorcery, condensed Phase. Set of demons with the same primary pole
comuerchronically, and in fragments. isee (initial Net-Span nwnber).
Pandemonimn Matrix). Phase-Limit. Final demon of a phase.
Nest(ing). Numogrmrunatic territorial envelopment, Pitch. Tonal variation of a demon. one of fifteen
or topographic embedding. Jnverse complement of such tones.
Hatcb(ing). Ple1. Region of Utlunul.
Net. organized connective S)'8tem.ZOOal surface­ Ple1 current Differential product of the 9::�
level of theNmnogram. (Uttuoua,.
Net-Span. Demonic poles. nie net-addresses Plutonics. Research programme (and journal)
between which a demontranslocates. oriented to the rigorous attribution ok:rustal
Nma. (Or N'Ma). South-east asian cultural matrix, change to the thennic tramna core of the earth.
reputedly originating in the civilization ollu, and Plutonic Looping. Toponomic confusion of interior
maintaining the practices ofLemurian demonism and exterior, h}perspatiallyioterllnking CtheW with
and time sorcery, until devastated by the 1 883 the outer solar-system.
explosion of Krakatau. 11leNma were composed of Poles. Each of the two Net-Span digits.
true tribes (tripartite sub-groups)Mu, Dib, and Tak, Polydcs. Hybrid swarm agitation. (See Tic(k)J.
linked by a triangular cyclic kinship S)'8tem. 1be Power. 1be operational aspect of a Rite.
ancient cultures of the soutbemchinese and of the Powers 'lbat Be. Magicoreligious higher-authorities
dravidians share many features with that of the acknowledged by the AOE.
Nma, suggesting a common source (or alternative Prowl Territorial relation of a demon to a current,
principle of convergence). p>ossible etymology: in which the poles of the demon include one side of
People ofN<Jmq. a Syzygy and its Tractor zone.
Nomo. Megaquatic monstrosity ofMu, whose name Pylon. Magical staging-post. one of the five bases of
is nwnber. !Widely - but uncertainly - related to the the Pentazygon.
Dogoo Nommq. Returnity. Mystical Centience group. (See
Nomo-cbant. Abominable paean toNomo, derived CentienceJ.
from the Dib-Nma, and providing - inenglisb Rite (route or routine). Etbographic subcomponent
translation - the doctrinal basis for the Trinitarian of a Demon, describing a line of passage across the
Chwch of Dagon. Numogram. Rites partially rigicltt,orcerous
Numogram. (Also, Digital Labyrioth,Lemurian Time­ spirodynamism, facilitating culturalransmissability.
Maze). Diagrammatization of decimal numeracy, They group by Cluster-type, subdivide laterally by
providing the key tolemurian culture f)emonism segments, and bifurcate thematically into Omen and
and time sorcery). 1benumogram consists of ten Power.
zones, interconnected by currents and Channels. Sartmlepsy. Mesh mlcrolapsing, whose features
Oecumenoo. Neoroman norming-target and include psychic smearing, interface amnesia, and
security architecture supporting thfflJegasocius of infinitesimallzing time-losses. (Se611icropauseJ.
tenestrial capitalism. Sarkontinuwn. (Or Mesh-horizon). Postulate of
Old Ones. Cthulhoid collective agencies of absolute infinitesimalization that defines
prokaryotic inswgency andmitochondrial micropause relative to a virtual5arkoleptic limit.
xeoomutation, returning haH a billion years after sartmn-Zip. Abstract machine-tool for inducing
microbiaJToxygenization catastrophe to redistribute convergence in bicontinual assemblages. Crucial
the earth. neuroelectronic coupling device.
omen. The cognitive aspect of a Rite. Secret (rite). Any rite involving one or more gates,
Palaeopythoos. isee lctbyophidiaj. associated with time-anomaly and enhanced
Palate Tectonics. Analysis of the voice as the sorcerous intensity.
prolonged phylogenetic impact product of the segment Analytical subcomponent of a Riie,
collision between the vertical spinal-axis and the corresponding to an extensive stage oNumogram
abstract (73) culture
abstract (72) culture
transit. microcalcular populations (Which co\Ult themselves
Shadow. Territorial relation of a demon to a in ticks). (See Tic(k)J.
cunent, in which the poles of the demon include Tic-Systems. Consistent microstimular assemblages
one side of a syzygy and the twin of its tractor wne. dismantling semiotic regimes onto a flat machinic
Sink current Differential product of the 5::4Syzygy plane. (See Tic(k)J.
(Katak), Time-Circuit . Central loop of thenumogram. Triadic
sorcery. Spirodynamic cosmic production. system of the syzygetic chrooodemons. Strata-cycle
Spinal catastropbism. CUitural interraction with the produced by the swge, Hold and Sink currents
spine as a trawna record or time marking system, (nwnerical domain of the/ C/Jin/l.
providing the basis for a bio-sociaJ critique of erect Time-sorcery. cmmterchronic effectuation of the
body posture. ... PUnctuatedretrochronic voyage to Nwnogram, through spiral involvement with
the end of the river, involving ophidian demonic distances as transmutations of time.
transmutation andicthyomotile becomings. Toxygenization. Mass poisoning by atmospheric
subdecadence. Vigorously suppressed variant of free oxygen.
Decadence, with four additional cards (Valued zero, nactor(-ZOOe� Destination of a Current
and corresponding to the ChaoticXenodemons). inumerically equivalent to the arithmetic difference
Subdecadence is consistently associated with the of the feeding Syzygy).
darkest ofsorceries (and is known amongst llactor-Twin. Syzygetic complement of a Tractor(­
decadologists as the ultimate blasphemy. zone).
surge cunent. Differential product of the 8:: I Transcendental Occurrence. Any event changing
syzygy "9ur Mur). the nature of time. conceptually investigated by the
swannacbine. vortico-nomadic autonomously hyperkantian philosopher R. E.Templeton.
nwnbering assemblage, hnplementing an abstract Tridentity. Primordial tripllcity.
cyclone as a continuously Warping molecular Trioit.uian Church of Dagon. Discrete religious
multiplicity, flattening space, andnaximizing its order, based in southern England, dedicated to the
Cutting-Edges. invocation of the Deep Ones. (SeeNomo-cbantJ.
swarm-beats. sonic innovation (of BobbyDiabolo) Tzikvik. Seminomadic neolemurian relic population
utilizing very slow metallic rasping to produce inhabiting north-west Canada.
trawnatic neuro-acoustic states. (See Death Garage). Uolife. Autopropagating transmutation on the
Synadves. Artificial Nectrooeuronic) drugs. anorganic plane. Aatline-culture.
syzygy. rwo ZODeB in relation ofzygonovic Vault of Honours. Sacred cavern beneath the
complementarity (mutually swmning to nine), and dream-temple of tbeMu-Nma. Supposedly the site
feeding a current. One of the fivesyzygetic demons of Stillwell's discovery of th�gram !during a
of lemurian sorcery. visionary trance).
Tal-Nma Aggressive head-hWJting tribe devoted to venomenon. lbe plane of cosmic horror,
the exaltation of Katak, and annihilated in the wake associated with tbeoonspace of Cryptic rites.
of the 1 883 Krakatau catastrophe. (SeeNmaJ. vermomaocy. Wonn-sorcery (linked tosarkoniao
Tecbnmesis. Artificial memory. Mesh-teemings).
Techooomics. Techno-economic feedback Vennopbobic Hysteria. Runaway wonn-terror.
dynamics, based on increasing returns, lock-in, Virotedmics. Soh-machinic contagion.
acceleration to limits, and social phase-transitions. YIVi-6. Modularized total-eoviromnent control
Telecommerce. Web-traffic, or systems otionlocaJ system, involving high-levels of distributed Al
transaction. meticulously slaved toAsimovian overcoding.
Tbanatedmics. Production of zero-sentience Warp. Region of Djynn.
fugues. (See A-Death). Warp Current Differential product of the 6::3
Tiqk). Quasiparticle of intensive multiplicity. Ties syzygy t)jynxx).
(or ticks) are intrinsically several components of Xeoodemoo. A demon of wicompromised
autonomously nwnberinganorganic populations, outsideness, with both Net-Span poles designating
propagating by contagion between segmentary zones exterior to the Time-Circuit.
divisions in the order of nature. Ticks - as Y2Keynesianism. Millennhun bomb
nonqualitative differentially-decomposable cowiting countenneasure economic stimulus.
marks • each designate a multitude comprehended Yettuk. Hyperstitional Y2K-emity, associated with
as a singular variation in tic(k)-density. Teotwawki.
'fkk-Distributor. Barker's intensive quantizing Zone. Basic decimal element of 1heNumogram,
machine, operating through the induction of defined by muneral � - 9).
abstract (7 4) culture

zygonomy . DOuble-nwnbering. Especially Mesh/Net

nwnber twinning.
zygonovism. Nine-Sorcery (9-swn combination and
zygotriadic calendar. Calendar of theNma, whose
basic units are two-year periods (729 days +
intercalations) divided successively into triads, so
that each day within the biannual cycle is
designated by a stack of simiplicative marks.

k oto s o nix

february 1 999

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