Module 1 - Getting Ready For Literature

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MODULE 1: Getting Ready for Literature

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Week 1

 Scaffolds for Learning

See attached Curriculum Guide

 Learning Explorations

Reasons for Reading

It has been a common understanding among people that reasing is mainly for the acquisition of
knowledge and for entertainment.
With this, it is necessary to discern that much information concerning man as well as the other related
aspects and dimensions of his
entirety can be best obtained through reading literature.
Also, most people are engaged in reading different materials like books, magazines and the like, which
mainly contain stories of various subjects for entertainment and amusement purposes. The idea of obtaining
enjoyment or pleasure through literature is somewhat broad depending on how a literary work affects people.
Perhaps there are other good reasons to read literature like to satisfy one’s curiosity, to uplift cultural
understanding , to escape from reality and lastly, to fulfill one’s desires and aspirations.
Mainly, interest in literature is attributed to one’s desire to better understand life. With literature, man
has the power to enrich his expeirences and to explore the world which may propel to great discoveries and
genuine realizations about the various dimensions of life and of the world. In broader sense.

Defining literature
Scholars have given some legitimate definitions pertaining to how they perceive literature. Hereunder
are some useful descriptions:
1. Came from the following:
a. Litteratura = writing
b. Litteratus = learning
c. Litera = letter
2. Covers both oral and written forms of works which manifest expressive or imaginative quality, nobility
of thoughts, timelessness and universality
3. An excellent form which expresses universal and permanent ideas can be established aesthetically
4. Takes human experience as main subject
5. Discusses various dimensions of life as well as its miseries and glories

Various views about literature

Different sources have provided some insights with reagrad to how they perceive literature.
1. Webster Comprehensive Dictionary denotes literature as the collective production of the human mind
that deals with permanent and universal themes ascribed by creativity and grace of expression.
2. Webster 9th New Collegiate Dictionary defines literature as writings manifesting excellence of form
which also covers the expression of ideas of permanent and universal interest produced in a particular
language, country or age.
3. Brooks, et al. in their published book noted that literature mainly provides a unique depiction of life
which is different from what science provides. It enables people to have an imaginative experience the
“lived” meanings of a piece of life.
4. According to Tiempo, et al literature as a general term used for poetry, fiction and drama is mainly the
expression of meaning articulated through form.
5. Baritugo et al described literature as the artistic reproduction of human experience in either poetry or

What to consider in the study of literature? (Tan, 1995)

 Literature is life. It presents human experience not by telling you what they are but by SHOWING them
to you through a medium called language.
 Literature presents human experience in various forms, i.e. sensations, feelings, moods, attitudes,
thoughts and events in an interrelated series.
 Since literature consists of different types of genres, you have to know the manner of distunguishing
one literary genre to another.
3 Main Ingredients of Literature (Tan, 1995)
1. Subject
a. gives description
b. invites generalization from the description
c. examines the human condition and the system of values the topic deals with
2. Point of View – angle of vision of the narrator or the attitude towards the subject
a. First-person narrator/ Author – “I”
b. Second-person narrator addresses the Character as “you.”
c. Third-person narrator is not a character in the story; “he,” “she,” and “it.”
3. Form – vehicle/ medium used by literature to communicate its subject; verbal and artistic structuring of

The Presentation and Structure of Literature (Tan, 1995)

Genre Audience Author Work
Drama Group Absent Performed
Epic Group Present Recited
Short story Private Concealed Read
Novel Private Concealed Read
Poetry Ignored Present Recited (sung)
Essay Private Implied Read

To explain:
1. The drama is performed objectively before an audience, the actors being presumed to be fictional characters
themselves, not spokesmen for the author. It is seen and heard.
2. The epic is recited to an audience by the author or a spokesman for him. It is heard.
3. The short story and novel are marked by the absence of the author and any actor or expositor. They are read.
Since they do not differ in this respect, both are simply called fiction.
4. Lastly, poetry is recited by the author or the spokesman for him but not to the audience. Figuratively,
therefore, poetry is overheard.

The Structural Base of the Literary Genres

1. Drama - plot

2. Fiction - character

3. Poetry - tone

4. Essay - theme

Literary Standards
1. Universality. Great literature is timeless and timely. Forever relevant, it appeals to one and all, anytime,
anywhere, because it deals with elemental feelings, fundamental truths and universal conditions.
2. Artistry is the quality that appeals to our sense of beauty.
3. Intellectual Value. A literary works stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by making us realize
fundamental truths about life and human nature.
4. Suggestiveness is the quality associated with the emotional power of literature. Great literature moves
us deeply and stirs our feeling and imagination, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the plane
of ordinary life and experience.
5. Spiritual Value of literature elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which makes better
persons. The capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual value of literature.
6. Permanence. A great work of literature endures. It can be read again and again as each reading gives
fresh delight and new insights and opens a new world of meaning and experience. Its appeal is lasting.
7. Style is the peculiar way in which writers sees life, forms his ideas and expresses them.
 Why do we need to study Philippine Literature?

13. We study Philippine Literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage. Through the study of
Philippine Literature, we can trace our rich heritage of ideas and handed down to us from our
forefathers. Understand that we have noble traditions which can serve as the means to assimilate other
cultures. Realize literary limitations conditioned by certain historical factors and we can take steps to
overcome them. Manifest our deep concern for our own literature.

Literature and History Literature and history are closely interrelated. In discovering history of a race, a
country, we basically understand their own culture and traditions, hence the written customs and traditions
of a country, the dreams and aspirations of its people is called Literature. History can also be written down
and this too, is literature. History therefore is an integral part of literature.

Literature and history however also have their differences. Literature may not necessarily be based on true
events but history is.

12 Great Literary Masterpieces that Influenced the World

1. The Bible or the Sacred writings. This has become the basis of Christianity originating from Palestine
and Greece
2. Koran The Muslim bible originating from Arabia
3. The Iliad and the Odyssey. These have been the source of Myths and Legends of Greece. They were
written by Homer.
4. The Mahabharata. The Longest epic of the world. It contains the history of religion in India.
5. Canterbury. It depicts the religion and customs of English in early days. This originated from England and
written by Chaucer.
6. Uncle Tom's Cabin. written by Harriet Beecher Stowe of US. This depicted the sad fate of slaves. This
became the basis ofdemocracy.
7. The Divine Comedy. (A Dante of Italy). This shows the religion and customs of early Italians.
8. El' Cid Compeador. This shows the cultural characteristics of Spaniards and their national theory.
9. The Song of Roland. This includes the Doce Pares and Ronces Valles of France. It tells about the
Golden Age of Christianityin France.
10. The Book of the Dead. This includes the cult of Osiris and the Mythology and theology of Egypt.
11. The Book of the Days. This was written by Confucius of China. This became the basis of Christian
12. One thousand and One Night of the Arabian Nights. from Arabia and Persia(Iran). It shows the ways of
government ofindustries and of society of Arabia's and Persians.

MODULE 1: Getting Ready for Literature
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Week 1

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade and Section: _________________________________

 Journeys to Meaningful Learning

1. What I have discovered new about literature?

2. Draw some images that will best represent what literature is all about.

Write a short description here.

 Enrichment: Keep on Learning

Answer the following questions or perform the tasks that follow:

1. Search the internet and find out what other scholars say about the nature of literature. Indicate the
proponents and the sources.
2. As a student, how do you benefit from literature?
3. How will you explain this statement: “Literature teaches nothing except the significance of life.”

Write your answers below (or attach a separate sheet if necessary).
Try to be creative in prepping your activity.

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