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Afro-Asian Literature

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500




Course Name Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Course Credit 3 units

Course Description This course surveys selected literary texts from Asia and Africa, particularly India, China, Japan, the countries in the southeast
region in Asia, and the African nations south of the Sahara along socio-historical, philosophical, and literary underpinnings.

Contact Hours/week 3 hrs./week

Prerequisite EL111-Children and Adolescent Literature

Course Outcomes 1. Demonstrate understanding of African and Asian traditions and values that strengthen their identity as a
Filipino and as a global citizen;
2. Write analysis paper which reflect outstanding characteristics of afro – Asian literature along various view
points and lenses using English, Filipino, or other languages;
3. Produce creative output in print, electronic or in other forms (e.g. posters, slogans, videos,
advertisements, brochures) that relate to culture and values of Afro – Asian countries;
4. Create an exhibit showcasing the outputs of the students on the traditions and values of people from
selected Afro – Asian countries: and
5. Manifest appreciation of Afro – Asian Literature through differentiated activities.

Course Content/ Subject Matter

Week 1 (3 hours) 1. The University and the Course

1.1. Revisiting SPUP Vision, Mission, Core Values, Outcomes, and Graduate Attributes
1.2. Course Orientation
1.3. Introduction to Afro-Asian Literature
1.4. Review of Literary terms and devices

Week 2 (3 hours) 2. (Introduction to Afro – Asian literature)

Post-colonial approach
1.1 text for discussion Philippine based

Week 3 (1.5 hours) 3. Japanese and Chinese Literature

2.1. Characteristics of Japanese and Chinese Literature
2.2. (other story)

Week 3 & 4 (4.5 hours) 2. Indian Literature

2.1. Characteristics of Indian Literature
2.2. Ramayana

Week 5 & 6 (4.5 hours) 3.2 Savitri’s Love from Mahabharata


Week 7 (3 hours) 3. Central Asian Literature

3.1. The Widow

Week 8 (1.5 hours) 4.2 Confucian Analects

Week 8 (1.5 hours) 4.3 Haiku

Week 9 (3 hours) 4. Arabic/Persian Literature

5.1 The River of Madness

Week 10 (3 hours) 5.2 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam Translated by: Edward Fitzgerald

Week 11 (1.5 hours) 5. African Nations South of the Sahara


Week 11 & 12 (3 hours) 6.2

Week 12 (1.5 hours) MIDTERM EXAMINATION

Week 13 (3 hours) 6. African Literature

7.1 To Whom Shall I Speak Today

Week 14 (1.5 hours) 7.2 Marriage is a Private Affair

Week 15 (1.5 hours) 7.3 Gentlemen of the Jungle

Week 15 & 16 (3 hours) 7.4 The Crackling Day

Week 16, 17, 18 (7.5 hours) 7. Creative Brochure On Traditions And Values of People From Selected Afro – Asian Countries

Week 18 (1.5 hours) 7. FINAL EXAM

1 A. Books
Adesina, Kehinde A. (1998) Sensitivity in Educating the Culturally Different. California: SCC Publishing.
Avelling, Harry. (1974) A Thematic History of Indonesian Poetry: 1920 to 1974. Illinois: Center for Southeast Asian Studies.Croghan, Richard V
(2014) The Development of Philippine Literature in English. What is an Educated Filipino by Francisco Benitez an excerpt Phoenix Publishing House
Quezon City
Bermudez, Virginia, et.al. English Expressways II. Quezon City: SD Publications, Inc. 2007
Carpio, Rustica C. 2007. Criss Crossing Through Afro – Asian Literature, Copyright by Anvil Publishing, Inc.
Durand, Maurice M. and Huan, Nguyen Tran. (1995) An Introduction to Vietnamese Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Fortini, et al. (2005). Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 2. Philippines: Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.Lapid, Milagros G./Serrano,
Josephine B. The Soul of the Great Bell. English Communications Arts and skills Through afro – Asian literature. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Knappert, Jan. (1997) Myths and Legends of Indonesia. Singapore: Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd.Lapid, Milagros G. and Josephine B.
Serrano. English Communication Arts and Skills Through Afro – Asian Literature (6 th Edition). Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2010
Lapid, Milagros G./Serrano, Josephine B. The Story of the Aged Mother. English Communication Arts and Skills Through Afro – Asian literature.
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2010
Singh, Kirpal & Nazareth, Peter. (2012). The Best of Kirpal Singh: Introduction by Peter Nazareth. Singapore: Epigram Books.
Zong, In-sob-. An Introduction to Korean Literature (1970). Seoul, Korea: Sam Young

B. Magazines, Periodicals and Gazettes

Brochure Projects Made Easy with RUBRIC by Kellie Hayden

A Traditional Malaysian Folktale by Chok Yoo Foon from Malaysia. Online Magazine

C. Online Sources
African Culture. http://www.victoriafalls-guide.net/African-customs.html
Ancient Chinese Traditional Customs.www.buzzle.com/articles/ancient-chinese-traditional-customs.html
Center for World Languages (2007, January 10). Heritage Literature as a Teaching Tool.
UCLA International Institute.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2199671/plotsummary. This contains summary of The Tale of Ch’unyang.
Japan practices http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/japanese-family-traditions-2550.html
www.poemhunter.com Poems. Eku McGred Naka-Cache. I am an African Child.
Miraflorredula. (2012, November 18). The Taximan’s by Catherine Lim. Wordpress.com.
Navigating Cultures Blog: Language and Culture Worldwide.
Peters, Sandy, Thomas. (1997-2008). Outwriting a Crocodile: A Traditional Malaysian Folktale
by Chok Yoo Foon from Malaysia.
Ramayana: Summary. Retrieved December 7, 2012 http://www.mythome.org/RamaSummary.html
Retrieved from http://miraflorredula.wordpress.com/2012 /11/18/the-taximans-story-by-catherine-lim/
Retrieved from https://navigatingcultures.com/blog/?p=870
Retrieved from http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=60803
TOPICS Online Magazine. Retrieved from https://www.topics-mag.com/folk-tales-cleverness-mayl.html
Korean’s way of responding to the challenges of MODERNITY.
Viagensdairis.blogspot.com/../hands-of-blacks, Honwana Luis Bernardo
Women in the Philippines. www.asianinfo.org/asianinfo/Philippines/profamilycustoms.
Prepared by: Evaluated by:
ACORDA, JOIA MAGDA T. Evelyn L. Pacquing

Date: Date:

Desired Learning Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Outcome(DLO) Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 1. The University #iamSPUP Guide questions for Assignment:
student can: and the Course Week 1 Students revisit the SPUP’s values development: Module Map
1.1 Revisiting (3 hours) vision, mission, core values, Reflective Journal:
1. relate SPUP Vision, Mission, SPUP Vision, outcomes, and graduate 1. As a Filipino, Answer the following World Map
Core Values, Outcomes, and Mission, Core attributes. what benefit do questions on your
Graduate Attributes to Values, you think could journals.
teaching Afro-Asian Outcomes, and Guide questions: you get from 1. How do the
Literature; Graduate 1. In what ways can the study learning them? concepts learned
Attributes of literature be 2. What insights have from this lesson
1.2 Course contextualized in the life of a you learned from the relate to your daily
Orientation Paulinian? activity? situations?
3, When you learn
1.3 Introduction to 2. As a Paulinian, how should about other countries 2. What can you
Afro-Asian you imbibe the culture of and their stories, do to
Literature reading Afro-Asian literary what do you think maintain/improve
texts? could be an effect to your eagerness to
you? study literature?

3. What
suggestions can you
give to make learning
1.4 Review of
2. Discuss the literary Literary terms and Schema Activation
background of Asia and devices Guide Questions:
Africa; 1. Locate Africa and Asia and
name some of the countries
located in the two
2. What literary pieces do you
know that come from the two
3. What important details could
you remember about these

From the result of the activity

the students are asked to
answer the following questions:
1. What are the literary
pieces that you have in mind
which you have a previous
knowledge of?
2. Where did these literary
pieces come from?

Guide Question:
1. Why do you need to
know the literary pieces and the
countries of their origin?
Desired Learning Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Outcome(DLO) Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the
student can: 1. The Introduction Schema Activation Assignment: Objective  Biographie
Using a concept map, the Guide questions for Assessment: s of Authors
1.3. Literary Terms
students recall literary forms, values development: Students are given a  Books
and Devices
1. Present through a literary devices including the short quiz on the
elements of fiction, drama, and 1. Why do we different literary Pictures
diagram the different literary poetry. need to recall all devices. The
terms needed in the analysis of concepts and following are the
From the presentation of the terminologies before questions to be
poetry, fiction and drama; different literary devices, the discussing the new answered:
2. Recall the different students are asked to answer lessons?
the following questions: 2. Why do we 1. Present
literary devices used in 1. What are the different need to still through a diagram
analyzing fiction; forms of literature? remember the past the different forms of
2. Differentiate prose and and connect it with literature and give the
3. Differentiate prose from poetry? the it with the different kinds under
3. What are the different present? each form.
poetry; and Paulinian Core 2. What are the
kinds of prose/poetry?
4. Appreciate the gifts from 4. What are the different Value: different literary
literary devices that you learned Commitment devices used in
the past in relation to the present analyzing fiction?
from your previous literature
situation through an insight. subject?
How can these literary devices
help you in your previous
literature subjects?
How should the elements of
fiction, drama, and poetry be

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the
student can:  GraphicOrg
Assignment: Objective
2. Malaysian
Literature Lecture-Discussion through a Reflective Journal: Assessment
1. Discuss the life and work Story Graph Organizer: Answer the following
Students are given a
2.1. Ah Bah’s Money The students are asked to plot questions on your
of Catherine Lim; their answers on the graph journals. 15-item test on the
2. Characterize given. If you were AH Bah,
details of the story.
what would you
each of the do to improve
characters; your lie.
How did the family
3. Infer on the socio- affect the kind
economic condition of of person Ah
Bah has
his family and how become?
this affected Ah Bah;
4. Infer how parental
guidance / modeling
could affect a child’s
set of values;
5. Determine the
causes and effects of
the problems seen in
the story; and
6. Suggest plan of
action for the solution
of the problem of
child abuse.

Students are graded
The following questions will be
based on the veracity
answered by the students:
of their answer.
1. Describe Catherine Lim
as an author.
2. What are the
contributions of Catherine Lim to
3. What is so significant in
her childhood years?
4. What does Catherine
Lime do in life?
Product Assessment:
5. What is her principles in
Students’ ouput are
graded based on the
The following are to be
following criteria:

Creativity - 10
Content - 10
Presentation – 10
Total 30

Students are graded
based on the veracity
of their answer.
Answered by the students:
1. Based from the title,
predict what the story will be
2. Who is Ah Bah? What
kind of a person is he/she?
3. What does money have
to do with Ah Bah?
4. Who do you think will get
involved with Ah Bah? Product
The following are the questions Students’ output are
to be answered: graded based on the
1. Who are the main following criteria:
characters in the story?
2. What is the problem in Creativity -10
the story? Content -10
3. What are the good Presentation - 10
qualities of the child? Total 30
4. Why did Ah Bah tell his
secret to the mother and not to
his father?
5. What did the mother do
to his money?
6. How did the economic
standing of the family affect Ah
Bah’s growth and development.
7. Describe the mother- How can you help
child relationship? children who are
8. Based on the procedure abused? Give a plan Authentic/Creative
for interpretation on characters, of action to alleviate Assessment:
what are the characteristics of them from the Creativity
Ah situation they are in. -10
Bah? The father? And Total 30
the mother? Find Paulinian Core
support in the text. Give value
their words, actions and Community
thoughts that will Commitment
determine the real
person they are.
9. Who are round
characters? Flat?

Students are asked to process

the character web through the
1. Characterization is
based on what the character
says, does and thinks.
2. Characterization is
based on what others say/think
he is.
3. Characterization is
based on physical traits.
4. Inner sales are reflective
of outer states.
5. Characterization is
based on non-verbal behavior-
culture bound.
Students are asked to answer
the following in their output
1. What is the relationship
of the drawing to the story?

2. How does the drawing

conceptualize the theme of the

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 1. How did the following  Map of
student can: people indicated in the boxes Guide questions for Malaysia
3. Indian Literature describe Rama? values development:
Students are graded  DVD/VCD
3.1. Ramayana 2. How did the peple in the player
based on the veracity
1. Describe a folktale; story describe Sita? 1. Is Ramayana  CD
of their answer.
considered a holy
2. Give the geographical story? containing music
location of Sarawak; 2. What is trial depicting the
by fire?
3. Analyze the folktale; 3. What makes sounds of the
the epic important forest.
4. Relate the story to real Product
and interesting for
life situations; us? Assessment
4. What Indian
5. Draw the graphical Students’ output are
values are depicted
graded based on the
representation of the story; in the story?
following criteria:
5. Whgat Indian
6. Write their own folktale; values are similar to
Creativity -10
and Philippines? Explain.
Content -10
Compare the
7. Share insights gained Presentation – 10
qualities of Rama as
Total 30
a leaders today. How
from the story. are they similar? How
do they
Students answer the following: Students are graded
Specific Values:
based on the veracity
1. What is the strength of Loyalty and integrity
the presentation? of their answer.
2. What good quality can Paulinian Core Value:
Authentic /Creative
you find in the group? Commitment to
3. What suggestions can mission
Creativity -10
Content -10
Presentation -10
Total 30

Writing Assessment
Authentic /Creative
Fluency of
Expression -10

give so that the presentation will differ? 

be better?

The students are asked to do Specific Values:

the following: Loyalty and integrity
1. Choose the part which
you find most interesting to be Paulinian Core Value:
placed in your poster. Commitment to
2. Capsulize in a sentence mission
or two the story’s best feature to
make the viewers wtach this
3. Present output in class.

Answer the following


1. What do you
think made your
successful/ a failure?
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the  Map of
student can: Malaysia
Historical Background: Guide questions for Recitation:
1. 2. Malaysian
Discuss the The discussion is focused on values development: Students are graded  DVD/VCD
Literature the historical background of based on the veracity player
characteristics of an epic;
Malaysia, its people and its 1. How does of their answer.  CD
2. Identify the qualities of 2.2. Why Some Birds
geography. value affect one’s containing music
and Butterflies are
Ram and Sita which are worth life?
beautiful depicting the
Schema Activation 2. How
emulating: Students are asked to sketch a importance is money sounds of the
3. Analyze the character of typical scene in the forest. in life?
What is the Product forest.
Rama and Sita through a importance of
Lecture-Discussion on Assessment
character map; hardwork in the
Attainment of one’s Students’ output are
4. Dramatize the highlight of goal in graded based on the
The folktale that we are going to
the epic; life? following criteria:
analyze is from Sarawak.
5. Draw out cultural values Specific Value: Creativity -10
Value of hardwork Content -10
uniquely Indian and those, which Students are once again asked
Presentation – 10
to draw the scene when
are similar to those of the Paulinian Core Total 30
butterflies were given the gifts
Philippines Value:
and how some of them lost their
6. Compare the leadership
Assignment: Recitation:
style of Rama and the present
Students are graded
leader of the Philippines; and Read the poem Song
Assessment: based on the veracity
of the Rain by Khalil
7. Prepare a movie ad Writing Assessment:
Gibran and answer of their answer.
Students are asked to write their
poster for any part of the story the following:
own folktale. Be sure to follow Authentic /Creative
that interests him/her most. the guidelines discussed about Assessment:
1. What are
folktales. Creativity -10
compared with
Students are asked to share Content -10
their knowledge about Malaysia the rain? Presentation -10
based on their readings. 2. What are the Total 30
figures of
speech used in
the poem?
Students are asked to do the 3. What are the Writing Assessment
following: theoretical Authentic /Creative
devices used in Assessment:
1. Imagine yourself in a the poem? Creativity
forest, afterwhich, sketch 4. Who is the -10
a typical scene in the persona in the Content
forest. poem? -10
2. Get a partner and discuss 5. How does the Fluency of
their drawings. personal affect Expression -10
3. Explain the sketch. the way you Total
4. Relate the sketch to the perceive the 30
folktale to be discussed. meaning of the
The following questions will be 6. What does
asked by the teacher. the poem
1. What is a folktale? 7. Do a Sketch
2. Share with the class any Interpretation of
folktale that you know. the poem?
3. What are the similarities
of all the folktales mentioned.

The following are the questions

to be asked for the lecture

Literal Level:
1. What happened to the
animals in the forest?
2. What are the qualities of
the birds and the butterflies?
3. What was the reward
given to them?
4. Why did some birds and
butterflies shed off?
5. A folktale is a narrative
that gives explanation to some
phenomena. What phenomena
were explained in this story?

Analytical Level:

Why the mighty ones do

chose the birds and
butterflies to help the
ailing animals? Why did
he not choose other
creatures instead?
The story mentioned of
gift giving and how some
birds and butterflies did
not preserve them. If you
were to analyze, what
were some gifts that were
given to men that they did
not preserve?
How should people
restructure the destruction
of the forest?
As a student, how can you help
in the preservation of the forest?
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the  Literature
student can: Guide questions for
Pre-Reading – Historical Oral Assessment: Books
1. discuss Mahabharata as 3.0 Indian Literature values development:
Approach (Reporting) Students are graded
3.2. Savitri’s Love
an epic; based on the veracity  Character
from the
A pre-assigned student gives of their answer. Map.
2. describe the main Mahabharata 1. What are the
brief background information
qualities of Savitri
characters in the story; about the epic Mahabharata
and Satyayan which
3. characterize Savitri using are worth emulating?
2. Relating it to
a character map; Philippines setting,
4. analyze the conflict in the are these qualities
applicable to our
story; present situation?
5. identify values which are How?

work emulating;
6. dramatize the plot;
7. write a paper indicating
the qualities of Indian women.

After Reading: Group Activity 1. What Cooperative 

through a character map. similarity about Assessment:
The students are grouped marriage in the Students character
according to their class number. Philippines can you map will be graded
Afterwhich the teacher asks the find in the story? based on the
students to identify characters in 2. In the biblical following criteria:
the story through a character story of Ruth, a Creativity
map. The output will be mention of an idela -5
presented in the class. wife and her qualities Cooperation
were mentioned. -5
Character Map: Compare and Content
contrast these -10
qualities with Presentation
relevance to the -10
Indian Ideals? Total

Specific Values:
Patience and

Paulinian Core Value:


Based from the character map
done, students are asked to
characterize the characters by

The students are
graded based on the
following criteria:
Realistic performance
- 10

Props - 5
From the report the students are Total points -20
asked to answer the following

1. What is Mahabbharata?
2. Why is Mahabharata
considered the longest
epic? Product
3.What is the principal plot of Assessment:
the Sanskrit epic? Stujdents submit the
research paper and it
will be graded based
on the following
Grammar & usage
Organization – 10
Relatively to the topic
Total points:

Students are asked to answer 

the comprehension questions:

1. Savitri is presented as
the ideal Indian woman. What
special qualities make her a
perfect Savitri would be
considered an idela wife in our
society today?
2. Although Savitri is
beautiful, no men come to seek
her hand in marriage. How do
you explain this?
3. What characteristics
does Prince Satyavan have that
attract Savitri? Would you say
that this is a case of opposite
attracts or the other way
4. How would you describe
Yama, the god of death who
appears in the story? Does he
behave the way you expect a
god of death behave?
5. Do you think the title of
the story is appropriate?

The research paper should be

computerized and it should not
be less than two pages. The
following are the guide
questions for the research

1. Do you think those

qualities Indian expect of an
ideal wife is fair? Achievable?
Why or why not?
2. Can you find a Filipino
with ideal Indian qualities?
Identify the woman and support
why you think so?

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the Oral Assessment:  Character
student can: React on the Students are graded
1. Narrate the life and 4.0 Central Asian following statements: based on the veracity Map
Approach (Discussant)
Literatures of their answers.
works of Lu Hsun; A pre-assigned student gives
1. Trials are
brief background information
2. Using the character map, 4.1. The Widow about the life and works of Lu
normal in life. 1. What do you
2. Man can only think motivate the
give the characteristics of Sister Shun.
escape from narrator to answer
Hsiang Lin, the main character; problems when he is the questions as he
Schema Activation:
dead. does?
3. Summarize the plot of The students are asked about
3. A life well- 2. Do you think
rituals that they do in their
the story; lived is a life with no his answer contribute
respective families regarding
problem. to the death of Sister
4. Evaluate the speech, new year.
Hsian – Lin?
action and thought of characters, Specific Value: 3. What is the
Respect for others importance of rituals
then make conclusions about to certain
their behavior; Paulinian Core Value: Occassions?
Charism Do you believe in
5. Identify and analyze the rituals? Why?
change in the character’s
behavior as they go through
various circumstances; and
6. Sketch a poster to
synthesize the story.

1. What Product 
After Reading: similarity about Assessment:
Group Activity through a marriage in the Students character
character map. Philippines can you map will be graded
The students are grouped find in the story? based on the
according to their class number. 2. In the biblical following criteria:
Afterwhich the teacher asks the story of Ruth, a Creativity -5
students to identify characters mention of an idela Cooperation -5
in the story through a character wife and her qualities Content -10
map. The output will be were mentioned. Presentation -10
presented in the class. Compare and Total -30
contrast these points
qualities with
relevance to the Critical Thinking
Indian Ideals? Assessment:

In essay form answer

Specific Values: the following
Patience and questions:
1. The story
Paulinian Core Value: begins and ends with
Charism the New Year’s
celebrations. Why do
you think the story
was placed in this
particular time
Assignment: 
Post Reading: The students
are group according to their
class size. The teacher asks
studnets to make a movie
poster based on the story.
Afterwhich the reporter should
explain the details found in the
poster and the rest of the
members should be able to
support the questions asked by
the other members of the class.
The students are asked to fill up
a biographical web after the

Product 
Students are asked to answer Assessment:
the following questions: Students character
1. What do yhou do during map will be graded
New Year’s Eve celebrations? based on the
2. What are some rituals following criteria:
your family believes? Creativity
3. Hwo do these beliefs -5
affect your life? Cooperation
Students are asked to answer Content
the following: -10
1. The narrator of the story Presentation
says his uncle is “very moral -10
and righteous:. Do you agree Total
with the narrator’s assessment -30 points
of Uncle Four? Explain your
2. Who is the narrator oif
the story? What kind of person
is he? How does he differ from
the otehrs villagers?
3. What is the purpose of
the rather long introduction
before the story of Sister Hsing
Lin begins?
4. Why si Sister Hsian – Lin
so eager to know about the life
1. What kind of a person is 
Sister Hsian Lin? What
difficulties/trials was she able to
encounter in her life? Which
among those trials was the most
difficult? Why?
2. What changes existed in
the story on the following
characters and state the reason
for the change?
1. Hsiang Lin
2. Uncle Four
3. In-Laws of
Hsiang Lin
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the Assignment:  Power
student can: Prior knowledge: Guide questions for Critical/Creative
4.0 Central Asian point presentation
The students are asked about values development: Assessment:
1. Explain what analects Literatures their knowledge on Analects If you were to make of Analects of
particularly Confucian Analects. 1. How do you your own teachings in
are; 4.2. Confucian More so, the students are asked think these Analects today’s time, Confucius
2. Recognize how literature Analects about their knowledge on the helped put order to approximate the
author. The famous Chinese the chaotic Chinese works of Confucius
has become instrumental in teacher, Confucius. society during the and address your
developing the national time of Confucius? version of analects to
2. Do you agree the following people.
character of the Chinese people; with Confucius’ 1. English
3. Discuss selected prescribed teacher
standards? Why? Or 2. Classmate
analects; and Why not? who is failing in any
4. Share insights gained Teacher-Facilitated 3. Are they subject.
Discussion; applicable to our 3. Secretary of
from the analects. The teacher initiates the present time? the Department
Elaborate. Environment and
Natural Resources

discussion by presenting the 1. As a teenager, 4. secretary of the

three most important what is your own Department of
philosophies and ten selected view of an ideal Education .
analects that promotes harmony relationship? 5. your parents.
and good government. After 6. your peers.
which students are asked to Specific Values: 7. your
react and interpret them in their Benevolence, Girlfriend/Boyfriend.
own Jen (benelovence) Yi Property
(property) Li (ritual) Paulinian Value:
1. When parties upon
whom a man leans are proper
persons to eliminate vwith, he
can make thyem his guides and
2. Have no friends equal to
3. While a man’s father is
alive, look at the bent of his will;
when his father is dead, look at
this conduct; if for three years
he does not alert from the ways
of his father, he make me call
4. To know what you know
is the characteristics of one who
5. A man who has a
beautiful things to say, but a
man who says beautiful things
does not
necessarily have a 
beautiful soul.

1. The superior man is

liberal towards other’s opinions,
but does not completely agrees
with other’s opinions, but is not
liberal towards them.
2. The superior man is firm,
but does not fight; he mixes
easily with others, but does not
form cliques.
3. The superior man
blames himself; the inferior man
blames others.
4. A man who has
committed a mistake and does
not correct is committing
another mistake.
5. The superior man loves
his soul. The Infeior man loves
his property.
6. The superior man
always remembers how he was
punished for his mistakes, and
the inferior man always
remembers what presents he

The students are asked to
answer the following:

1. What are analects?

2. Who is Confucius?
3. What is the author’s
original name? What does his
name mean?
4. What are the significant
contributions in the Chinese

The students are asked to

The following questions: 

1. Who are the parties

whom a man can lean on?
When do they become the
proper people to be intimate
2. When are we equal with
our friends?
3. When can be a son be
called filial ? Why?
4. How does th fourth
Analect define wisdom?
5. Differenitate th two kinds
of men being described in
Analect V?
6. Compare and contrast a
superior man from Can inteferior
man. Who are regarded as
superior? Why? Who ar the
inferior men? What made them
7. Which of the following
excerpts expresses Confucius’
philosophies of benevolence?
Of ritual? Of property?

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the Guide questions for  Literature
student can:
Pre-Reading : Mock Interview value integration: Performance Books
4.0 Central Asian
Students will be asked to
Literatures 1. What is your Assessment: The
1. Narrate the life and work portray a mock interview of the ideas of persistence? students are graded  Character
of the author; 4.3 Haiku author. Students will be grouped
2. What is your based on the Map
by 5-7 members per group.
2. Interpret a selected
idea of consciences? following criteria:
number of Haiku;
3. Survey the style and Realistic
Schema Activation using
content of Haikus; and semantic web. Specific Value: Performance -10
4. Write own version of Importance of
Haiku. Persistence /
Conscience -5
Paulinian Value:
The students are asked about -5
their knowledge on Haiku.
Total Points
Critical Thinking
Synthesis/What are
the styles and
contents of Haiku.

Oral Assessment:
Students will be
graded based on the
following criteria:
Reasoning ability
Veracity of Answer -
Total Points
After Reading: Class
The students are asked to
analyze selected Haikus.

(Haiku Writing)
Post Reading : Haiku Writing:
The students are asked to write
The students are
their own hailku.
graded based on:
Creativity -10
Content -10
Total -20

Based on the mock interview,
the students are asked to
answer the following questions:

1. Who is the author?

2. What are his
3. What makes the author

Students are asked to answer

the following questions:

1. What I Haiku?
2. What are the

Characteristics of a
1. What are the four
recognizable qualities of Haiku?

Students are asked to do the


1. Analyze the syllabic and

the verse styles of selected
2. Choose one the
interpret based from your own

Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 5. Arabic / Persian Guide questions for Oral Assessment:
student can: Literature Pre-Reading-Historical values development: Students are graded  Character
Approach (Reporting 1. An old proverb based on the veracity Map
1.a.i.1. relate the author’s A pre-assigned student gives a says: “except me of their answer.  Map of
5.1. The River of brief background information and you, and
life, works, and achievements; Madness by Tawfiq about the life and works of the sometimes I Arabia/Persia
1.a.i.2. characterize the Alkahim from Arabia author. wonder about
you”? Explain.
main characters in the story 2. To what extent
through costume parade; does the story
Character Costume Parade: reflect this view? Performance
1.a.i.3. identify the Students are asked to What did you learn Assessment:
tension and conflict in the story characterize the main from the The students are
characters in the story through a story/activity? graded based on the
through a story map;
costume parade. following criteria:
1.a.i.4. evaluate Inference Making: Props and costumes
The students are asked to give Specific Value: - 10
character’s behavior; inferences from the given Understanding Confidence
1.a.i.5. present plot of the dialogues. The Vizir: They also Paulinian Value: - 10
claim the same thing. Commitment Catwalk ability
story; The King and You? Do you think - 10
1.a.i.6. dramatize I am in my right mind? Total points
The Vizir: Don’t you know very
selected parts in class; and -30
well that I did not drink that
1.a.i.7. transform the water of the river?
The King; I know it! Therefore, I
drama into a short story. am not mad because I did not
drink, while others are crazy
because they drink.

After Reading; Group Activity

through a story map
organizer. The students are
grouped according to their class
number. After which the teacher
asks the students to analyze
characters and the plot of story
through a story map. The
output are asked to answer the
7.a.i.1. Who is the
7.a.i.2. Who is the
7.a.i.3. Give the
characteristics of both the
protagonist and antagonist.
7.a.i.4. Who are the
supporting characters?
7.a.i.5. Identify the
following parts of the story:
1. Exposition
2. Conflict
3. Rising Action
4. Climax
5. Falling Action

Post Reading: Pair Work
By pairs, students are asked to
transform the play into a short
story that contains all the
elements of a short story:
setting, character (three persons
only), plot, theme, and point of
view. The story should be at
most two pages.

Cooperative Learning
Students are grouped according
to their class number. After
which the teacher asks students
to select transformed short story
outputs and dramatize.

The students are asked to fill up

a biographical web after the

The Students are asked to do

the following:
3.a.i.1. The class
prepares the floor for the
3.a.i.2. Students march
on with their costumes
3.a.i.3. Each student
introduce the character
and give a description
about the character.

Students are asked to answer

the following question:
3.a.i.3.a.i.1. What can
you infer from
the dialogue?
2. What was the
conversation for?
1. Why did they not drink
from the river?
2. What are others crazy
because they drink?
Students are asked to answer
the following to guide them in
the task given in the

In the play, the king makes a

monumental decision that can
never be reversed. Do your
think he was justified in drinking
the river water? Why? Or Why
2.a.i.1. When the king
and queen talk, they
misunderstand each
other completely. What is
the cause of the
2.a.i.2. The subtitle calls
the “The River Madness”
a symbolic play. Explain
the symbolism.
What ideas to the king, the river,
and the queen represent?
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 5. Arabic / Persian Critical, Thinking
student can: Literature Pre-Reading-Historical Assessment:  Literature
Guide questions for
Approach (Reporting)1 The student are
values development:
7.a.i.5.a.i.1. A pre-assigned students gives a graded based on the Books
5.2. Persia’s brief background information soundness of their
relate the 2.a.i.2.a.i.1.
“Rubai’yat” by Omar about the life and works of the inferences.
What did you
poetry to the Khayam author.
learn from
life of the the poem?
author; Reading:
What is the
7.a.i.5.a.i.2. relation of
The teacher reads the poem
the poem to
analyze the and does mental modeling.
the life of the
Students are asked to do the
poem author?
same procedure
n of symbols
and its
write their own Critique Approach: (Quatrain Writing)
The teacher initiates the Product
quatrain; identification of symbols and the Assessment:
and unraveling of what is being The students are
symbolized. After which, graded based on:
7.a.i.5.a.i.4. students analyze lines and Creativity
learn insights critique connotations expressed - 10
in the poem. Content
from the - 10
poem. Assignment: Presentation
The students are asked to write - 10
their own quatrain. After which, Total
each students presents output - 30 points
in class.

The students are asked to fill up

a biographical web after the

Accumulate, Analyze &

Critique Approach
The teacher initiates the
identification of symbols and
unraveling of what is being
symbolized. After which,
students analyze lines and
critique connotations expressed
in the poem.

The students are asked to

answer the following questions:

2.a.i.1. Identify the lines

in the quatrains that
express the author’s
revolt against hypocrisy
and fanatism of dogmatic
2.a.i.2. Give meaning to
symbolism found in the
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 6. Biblical Literature Drawing Activity: Guide questions for
student can: Students are asked to draw a values development:  Literature
6.1. “Twenty Third picture of God and show how Books
3.a.i.1. review elements He works in their lives. 1. What kind of Assignment  Bible
Psalm” from the Bible
faith does the Journal Writing:  Cassette
of poetry; person in the Students are asked
3.a.i.2. analyze the poetry have? to do the following on player
Explain your the journals:
rhythm and rhyme of the poetry; answers?
3.a.i.3. analyze the 2. Why do you 1. Write down
think the persona how God’s
sound in the poetry that Simulation Activity: Poetry in the poem think power and
enhances the meaning of the Reading the way he did? goodness
The students listen to the 3. What did you touched your
poem; recording of the 23rd Psalm. learn from poem? life.
3.a.i.4. verbalize one’s Then read the psalm together 2. Describe those
with the tape. The third reading Specific Value: instances and
concept of God; of the psalm is done alternately Faithful Transcendent write your
3.a.i.5. enumerate how with the tape and the teacher. prayer of
God has helped him/her;
Paulinian Core Value:
3.a.i.6. recite the 23rd
Group Activity; Poem Christ Centeredness
psalm; and Analysis
The students are grouped
3.a.i.7. write a poem according to their number. Each
about the goodness of the Lord. group will do poem analysis on
the elements of poetry.

1. Rhythm
2. Rhyme Performance Based
Individual Poem
Class Activity through Book Performance – 5
Cover and Design Exhibit: Total
Students are asked to make and
design a book cover based on
the poetry.

Poetry Writing:
Each student is asked to write
poetry about the goodness of
the Lord.

The students are motivated

through the following instruction: Product
5.a.i.1. What is God’s The students are
role in your life? graded based on
5.a.i.2. How has he Creativity
affected you and your -10
loved ones? Content
-20 points

1. What is a shepherd? Assessment:
2. How can God become a The poem is graded
shepherd? Who is this based on th following
flock? criteria:
3. What has God do to Content -10
protect his flock? Form -5
4. What does the shadow
of death symbolize?
5. What is the rod of God?

According to the Poet Wallace

Stevens. “The chief work of
poetry is not to teach anything,
nor to explain anything – though
it may both teach and explain- it
is to intensify life”. The ability to
“intensify life” to bring life into
sharper focus for the reader, is
one of poetry’s attraction.

1. What is rhythm?
2. What is rhyme?
3. Which words are stressed?
4. what is the rhyme scheme?

Students are asked to exhibit

works on Bulletin Board.
Desired Learning Content / Topics Time Allotment Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Task Learning Resources
Outcome(DLO) Activity [TLA] Integration
At the end of the 6. Biblical Literature Pre-viewing Activity: Questions of values
lesson, the student Schema Activation
6.2. “Prince of Egypt” integration.
can: through Semantic
 Prince of Egypt
Web 1. What part of the Oral Assessment:
What words come to story  Bible
The students are  Film
1. discuss the your mind when you interest you most?
hear the word Moses? 2.Who is your graded based on the Multi Media
biblical version of the
favorite character?
veracity of their
story of Moses; Why?
3. If you are to answers
2. watch the
change, what part
film ‘Prince of Egypt”; of t eh story would
you like to (Story Map) Product
3. describe
change? Why? Assessment:
the main characters Film Viewing: 4. What lesson did The students are
The students view the you learn from the graded based on:
of the story;
tape entitled – the story? Creativity
4. write a Prince of Egypt Specific Values; -10
Strength Humility Content
story map of the film;
Paulinian Core Value: -10
5. give the Commitment Presentation
conflict and its
Synthesizing through Total -30
resolution; a Story Map. points
Students are group and
6. identify
are asked to fill up a (Film Critics)
God’s role in the film; story map organizer to Authentic
summarize the story. Assessment:
7. differentiate
The paper work is
the film version and graded based on the
the original biblical
Criteria :
version of the story of Content :
Moses; and Grammar & Usage 5
Total Points 15
8. write a
critique of the film in
terms of content,
choreography, lights
and sound. Film critique:
Students are
asked to critique
the film in terms of
lights and sound
and commercial

Moses is one biblical

character known for his
strength of character
Anticipating Guide:
Pre- Post
Reading Reading
Agree/ Statement Agree/
Disagre about Disagree
e Moses

The students are asked

to answer the following
5.a.i.1. Who are
the main
characters? Give
5.a.i.2. Moses
placed him in the
5.a.i.3. Why was
Ramsi jealous to
5.a.i.4. What is
the conflict of the
5.a.i.5. What is
God’s role in the

Contrastive Analysis:
Differentiate the film
version and the original
biblical version of the
story of Moses in terms
a.) Content
b.) Order of

The students are

asked to answer the
following questions:
1.Where did the
story happen?
2. When did it
3. Who is the major
4. Who are the
minor characters?
5. Related what
happened in the
How did the story
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 7. African Literature Poem Reading: The following are
student can: The teacher reads the poem. guide questions for
7.1. To Whom Shall I
After which students read the values integration.
1. interpret the story; Speak Today poem. Journal Writing:
1. What do you Assignment
2. characterize the
think is the Students are asked
persona in the poem; message of the
to write how they are
3. extract values from the
2. Do you agree affected by the
text; and with the persona’s
message of the
Predicting Activity; description of
4. phrase assertions
The title of the selection is “To “man” today as poem. Describe their
about the theme or central idea. Whom shall I Speak Today?” evil, covetous,
feelings and their
violent, unreliable,
1. Who is the persona in and unfriendly? emotions that are
the poem? Explain.
evoked by the poem.
Specific Value:
2. Why is he asking the Reliable/Honesty Explain their answer
in at least three
3. What is the mental/physical Paulinian Value:
state at the moment? Charism paragraphs.
4. What does he need?
5. What mood does he have?
Poem Recitation: The student will be
Students are asked to graded based on the
memorized and recite the following criteria:
poem in class. Memory
Comprehension Question: -10
Stage performance
How does the persona -10
assess the condition Total points
she/he is in?
-30 Have you one point in
your life experienced
what the persona
experience or is
To whom do you tell your
problems? Do the people
around you offer listening
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 7. African Literature Knowing the Author through a The following are
student can: biographical web: guide questions for Literature Books
7.2. Nigeria’s
Using the internet, students are values integration.
1. narrate the life and works of “Marriage is a Private asked to surf about the life and 1. What did you Oral Assessment:
works of Chinua Achebe. learn from the Students are graded
Chinua Achebe; Affair” by Chinua
Lecture-Discussion: story?
based on the veracity
2. express views on love Achebe What are the essentials of 2. How should a
marriage? Is parental consent person conflicts of their answer
and marriage;
needed before marrying? Why? in the family
4. identify the conflict and Why Not? especially when
it is between a
resolution in the story;
The students are asked to loved one and Product
5. show the effect of answer the following questions: the family? Assessment:
5.a.i.1. What is love? 3. Which should The students are
parental intervention in marriage;
5.a.i.2. What are the weigh more: love graded based
6. compare and contrast essential elements needed or family? Why? on:
fro getting married? Specific Value: Creativity
marriage customs of Africans
5.a.i.3. Who should Respect for elders -10
and Filipinos; and choose your husband/wife? Content
5.a.i.4. What are the Paulinian Value: -10
7. relate his/her own
qualities that a Family Orientation Presentation
recipe on how to make marriage wife/husband should -10
process? Total
-30 points
Lecture – Discussion through
a Story Map Organizer:
Students are grouped
according to their number
and are asked to
synthesize the story
through a story map
Writing Assignment:
Students are asked to
write a receipt for a
successful marriage.
Output will be submitted to
the teacher.

The teacher provides a

biographical web and asks
students to fill it up.
Biographical Web:
The students are asked to
answer the following
comprehensive questions:

9.a.i.1. What kind of

problem do Nnaemeka
and Nene face because of
their fixed marriage? How
well do they handle their
difficulties? Support your
answer based on the text
of the story.

The following are to be

answered by the students:

1. What do you think of

Nnaemeka’s father?
Write down your thoughts.
2. Why does the father
refuse to accept his son’s
marriage? Are his feelings
understandable? Why?
3. Cite some of the
similarities and
differences in the
marriage practices of the
African and Filipinos.
4. If you were in
Nnaemeka’s shows, what
will you do? Why?

The research should focus on

the marriage customs of African

Students are asked to research
on the marriage customs of

For example:
Recipe for a successful
marriage:1 1 cup understanding
2 cups honesty
1 cup kindness, etc. .
Prepare all the ingredients.
Make sure they are washed
properly and are ready for
2. Mix …..
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 7. African Literature Knowing the Author through a Guide questions for
student can: biographical web: values development:
7.3. The Gentleman
1. narrate the life and works of Using the internet, Oral Assessment:  Graphic
of the Jungle students are asked to surf 1.a.i.1. Do you Students are graded Organizers
the author;
about the life and works of always have to based on the veracity
2. evaluate how the Jomo Kenyatta. look at your of their answer.
Historical Account of the strengths and
author showed his radical view
“Scramble for Africa” search for Drama
of African problems; other’s Presentation:
weaknesses? The students are
3. synthesize the story
Lecture – Discussion through grade based on the
through a graphic organizer; a Story Map Organizer: 1.a.i.2. How following criteria:
Students are grouped according important is Props and costumes
4. characterize “The
to their number and are asked equality in the -5
Gentlemen of the Jungle” as to synthesize the story through society that we Reality of
a story map organizer. live in? performance – 10
symbolism of modern men; and
Mastery of lines
5. share insights gained -10
from the story.
Paulinian Core Total points
Enhancing Activity:
Students are grouped and
are asked to transform the
short story into a play. The
play should be presented
with a minimal but effective

The teacher provides a

biographical web and asks
students to fill it up.
Biographical Web:

Comprehensive Questions:
1.a.i.1. What is your idea
of being gentlemen?
1.a.i.2. Who is your icon
on being a gentlemen?

Based from the story map, the

students are asked to answer
the following:
1.a.i.2.a.i.1. Who are
the characters in the
1.a.i.2.a.i.2. Where
and when did the story
1.a.i.2.a.i.3. What is
the most interesting part
of the story? Why?
1.a.i.2.a.i.4. Who is
your favorite character?
1.a.i.2.a.i.5. What
started the conflict
between the man and
the elephant?
1.a.i.2.a.i.6. How was
the conflict resolved?
1.a.i.2.a.i.7. Describe
and comment on the
Commission of Inquiry
an dteh resolution they
arrived at?
1.a.i.2.a.i.8. Who do
you think has every
story-the gentlemen of
the jungle or the man?
Defend your choice.
The activity should be
focused on the dominant
characters traits and
Actions of every
personality in the story.
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 7. African Literature Knowing the Author through a Assignment:
student can: biographical web: The following are Oral Assessment: 
Using the internet, students are guide questions for Students are graded
7.4. The Crackling asked to surf about the life and values integration. based on the veracity
1. recognize and analyze works of Peter Abrahams. Class of their answer.
the author’s use of mood; Activity: 1. How can each
Jot down words, phrase, or nation be of help with
2. analyze the author’s use names that come to mind when other nations?
of tone; South Africa is mentioned. In What did you learn Performance
small groups, share what you from the selection? Assessment:
3. to express understanding know about the racial problems Specific Value: Being Class Debate
of the work through a choice of of South Africa and the people responsible Performance:
who are trying to solve those Criteria:
writing options, including problems. Paulinian Core Value: Reasoning Power
description, correspondence and Community -10
Lecture-Discussion through a Involvement Fluency
editorials; Story Map organizer: -10
4. learn values about life Students are grouped according Total
to their number and are asked -20
from the story. to synthesize the story through
a story map organizer.
Class Debate:
Students are grouped and
asked to research the
political issues
surrounding control of the
government in South
Africa. One group should
focus on the views held by
whites: the other should
focus on the different
views of Blacks, Asians
and the Coloureds.
Choose an extra view and
prepare to defend it, even
though you may not agree
with it. Then students will
stage a debate with each
student representing an
extreme position.
The teacher provides a
biographical web and asks
students to fill it up.
Biographical Web:

Concept Development:
1. What is the mood being
used by the author?
2. What is the tone being
used by the author?
3. What are the issues
present in the story?

Guide questions for

Comprehension :

1. What are the

associations with the name
Nelson Mandela?
2. What do you know about
Desmond Tutu? Why have
American Corporations come
under attack for doing business
in South Africa?
3. Why might it be viewed
as the responsibility of the other
nations to help and end
4. Why it be viewed as the
concern only of South Africans?
Desired Learning Outcome(DLO) Content / Topics Time Teaching – Learning Values Assessment Learning
Allotment Activity [TLA] Integration Task Resources
At the end of the lesson, the 8. Term Paper
student can: Authentic Sample
8.1. Preparation of Assignment:
Assessment: Term
Term Paper What did you learn Students are graded Papers
based on the
Discovery Learning: from the Discovery
1. discuss the parts of the following:
Students will be first learning done? Introduction
term paper through the samples oriented by the teacher on 5
presented;. the expectation for the Title
final paper and they are 5
2. write the term paper helped to formulate their Character Analysis
based on the guidelines titles before they start to 10
Paulinian Core
do independently study; Plot Analysis
provided; and Value:
researching on line, doing 10
3. present the term paper. library work and other Conclusion
related activities. They will 5
occasionally report to the Recommendation
teacher for guidance. 10
Organization 10
The literary piece of the
Total points
student’s choice
A review on the Mechanics and
format of the research paper.

The students are asked to do

the following:
1. Look for an African/Asian
author and choose a literary
work by him/her.
2. Formulate his/her own
3. Do the research output
following the given format by the
Submit for checking and
review by the teacher.

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