The Five Cs of Cinematography PDF
The Five Cs of Cinematography PDF
The Five Cs of Cinematography PDF
2. Continuity are making videos for others you are not the beholder. The most
“Good continuity encourages the viewer to become absorbed important set of eyes belong to the audience. Make sure you are
in the story-telling, without bothersome distractions. The making images that look good to your audience, and above all
prime purpose of a motion picture, whether theatrical fiction else, serve the story.
feature or documentary fact film, is to capture and hold audi-
ence attention – from opening shot to final fade-out.” 6. The Sixth C
In closing, there is a sixth C of Cinematography I would like
This entire chapter breaks down the nuts and bolts of pho- to mention: Compliment. When you are in the process of shoot-
tographing action in such a way that it makes sense on screen. ing or have just finished watching a video you think looked great,
I haven’t come across a better explanation of “the line” (action make sure you tell the person or group of people who produced
axis/maintaining dynamic and static screen direction) in any the video. After all, none of us video producers are making
other book. videos just for ourselves. As you continue to strive to be the
best you can be take the time to compliment others on their own
3. Cutting successes along the way. Oscar Wilde said it best, “Anybody can
“Always move players into and out of close-ups to allow sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very
cutting on action.” fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success”. The sixth C of
Cinematography may just be the most important. Make sure you
Cut on the action. This simple axiom of editing works every compliment others whenever you can. After all, we’re all creating
time. videos for others and we want to know if we succeeded in com-
municating our story.
“It is possible to cut away to anything happening anywhere
at any time.” All quotations from The Five C’s of Cinematography by Joseph
V. Mascelli – 1965 - Silman James Press
Remember this. You are in the driver’s seat. You are the one
putting one shot after the other. What do you want the specific Written by Stewart H. Redwine
series of sights and sounds you’re placing in order to mean? Stewart H. Redwine is a Video Producer for Christ in Youth
as well as Producer and Director of Photography for onetime-
“Each shot should make a point. All scenes should be linked blind’s hit mini-movies and Youth Specialties 36 Parables
together so that their combined effect, rather than their indi- DVD series.
vidual contents, produces the desired audience reactions.” He enjoys writing, tending his garden, and slalom skiing in
the gorgeous Ozark Mountain Country of Southwest Missouri
4. Close-Ups where he lives with his wife and two children. You can read more
Close-ups should be made to count. The stronger the motive of what he has to say about faith, culture, and the arts at Stewar-
for using a close-up, the more the close-up can help make
the story-telling truly effective!
5. Composition
“Good composition is arrangement of pictorial elements to
form a unified harmonious whole.”