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Sodium Saccharine

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Stage 6 Harmonization

Official May 1, 2016 Saccharin 1

. 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 20.52 mg of

saccharin sodium (C7H4NNaO3S).
Saccharin Sodium Acceptance criteria: 99.0%–101.0% on the anhydrous
Add the following: IMPURITIES
▲ Portions of this monograph that are national USP text,
Delete the following:

and are not part of the harmonized text, are marked

with symbols (◆◆) to specify this fact.▲USP39
•• HEAVY METALS, Method I 〈231〉

Sample: 4 g in 46 mL of water
Analysis: Add 4 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid (1 in
12), mix, and rub the inner wall of the vessel with a
glass rod until crystallization begins. Allow the solution
to stand for 1 h, then pass through a dry filter, dis-
carding the first 10 mL of the filtrate. Use 25 mL of the
C7H4NNaO3S · 2H2O 241.20 subsequent filtrate for the Test Preparation.
C7H4NNaO3S 205.17 Acceptance criteria: NMT 10 ppm• (Official 1-Dec-2015)
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1-dioxide, sodium salt,
dihydrate; Change to read:
1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one 1,1-dioxide sodium salt dihy-
drate [6155-57-3]. Organic Impurities
. .

DEFINITION Internal standard solution: 0.25 mg/mL of caffeine in

methylene chloride
Standard stock solution: 20.0 µg/mL of USP o-Tolu-
Change to read: enesulfonamide RS and 20.0 µg/mL of USP p-Toluene-
sulfonamide RS in methylene chloride
Saccharin Sodium contains NLT 99.0% and NMT 101.0% Standard solution: Evaporate 5.0 mL of Standard stock
of saccharin sodium (C7H4NNaO3S)▲▲USP39, calculated on solution to dryness in a stream of nitrogen. Dissolve
the residue in 1.0 mL of the Internal standard solution.

the anhydrous basis.

Sample stock solution: 200 mg/mL in water. If neces-
IDENTIFICATION sary, adjust the pH to 7–8 with 1 N sodium hydroxide
• A. INFRARED ABSORPTION 〈197K〉 or 1 N hydrochloric acid before final dilution.
Sample: Dry at 105° to constant weight. Sample solution: Shake 50 mL of the Sample stock so-
lution with four quantities each of 50 mL of methylene
Change to read: chloride. Combine the lower layers, dry over anhy-
drous sodium sulfate, and filter. Wash the filter and
the sodium sulfate with 10 mL of methylene chloride.
• B. PROCEDURE Combine the solution and the washings, and evapo-
Sample solution: 100 mg/mL rate almost to dryness in a water bath at a tempera-
Potassium pyroantimonate solution: Dissolve 2 g of ture not exceeding 40°. Using a small quantity of
potassium pyroantimonate in 95 mL of hot water. Cool methylene chloride, quantitatively transfer the residue
quickly, and add 50 mL of a potassium hydroxide solu- into a suitable 10-mL tube, evaporate to dryness in a
tion (50 mg/mL) and 1 mL of sodium hydroxide solu- stream of nitrogen, and dissolve the residue in 1.0 mL
tion (8.5 in 100). Allow to stand for 24 h, filter, and of the Internal standard solution.
dilute with water to 150 mL. Blank solution: Evaporate 200 mL of methylene chlo-
Analysis: •To 10 mL of the Sample solution• (ERR 1-Dec-2014)

ride to dryness in a water bath at a temperature not

add 2 mL of 15% potassium carbonate, and heat to exceeding 40°. Dissolve the residue in 1 mL of methyl-
boiling. No precipitate is formed. Add 4 mL of Potas- ene chloride.
sium pyroantimonate solution, and heat to boiling. Al- Chromatographic system
low to cool in ice water and, if necessary, rub the in- (See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)
side of the test tube with a glass rod. Mode: GC
Acceptance criteria: A dense precipitate is formed. Detector: Flame ionization
Column: 0.53-mm × 10-m fused silica, coated with
Change to read: G3 phase (film thickness, 2 µm)
• ▲◆
▲USP39C. Sodium salts impart an intense yellow color to
Injection port: 250°
Detector: 250°
. .

a nonluminous flame.▲◆▲USP39
Column: 180°
. .

ASSAY Carrier gas: Nitrogen

• PROCEDURE Flow rate: 10 mL/min
Sample solution: Dissolve 150 mg of Saccharin So- Injection volume: 1 µL
dium in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid. [NOTE—Slight Split ratio: 2:1
heating may be needed to dissolve the sample.] System suitability
Analysis: Titrate the Sample solution with 0.1 N per- Samples: Standard solution and Blank solution
chloric acid, determining the endpoint potentiometri- [NOTE—The substances are eluted in the following
cally. Perform a blank determination, and make any order: o-toluenesulfonamide, p-toluenesulfonamide,
necessary correction (see Titrimetry 〈541〉). Each mL of and caffeine.]

2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention All Rights Reserved.

Stage 6 Harmonization
2 Saccharin Official May 1, 2016

Suitability requirements: No peaks at the retention Primary opalescent suspension: Transfer 25.0 mL of
times for the internal standard, o-toluenesulfona- Hydrazine solution to the Methenamine solution in the
mide, or p-toluenesulfonamide, Blank solution 100-mL glass-stoppered flask. Mix, and allow to stand
Resolution: NLT 1.5 between o-toluenesulfonamide for 24 h. [NOTE—This suspension is stable for 2
and p-toluenesulfonamide, Standard solution months, provided it is stored in a glass container free
Analysis from surface defects. The suspension must not adhere
Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution to the glass and must be well mixed before use.
Acceptance criteria: If any peaks due to o-toluenesul- ▲.

fonamide and p-toluenesulfonamide appear in the Opalescence standard: Transfer 15.0 mL of the Pri-
chromatogram of the Sample solution, the ratio of their mary opalescent suspension, dilute ▲with water to
areas to that of •caffeine (internal standard)• (ERR 1-Dec-

1000 mL, and mix.▲USP39 [NOTE—This suspension should

2014) is NMT the corresponding ratio in the chromato- not be used beyond 24 h after preparation.]
gram of the Standard solution. Reference suspension A: Opalescence standard and
Individual impurities: See Table 1. water (1 in 20)
Reference suspension B: Opalescence standard and
Table 1 water (1 in 10)
Sample solution: 200 mg/mL in ▲water▲USP39

Acceptance Criteria, Analysis

Name NMT (ppm) Samples: ▲▲USP39Reference suspension A, Reference sus-

o-Toluenesulfonamide 10 pension B, Sample solution, and water

p-Toluenesulfonamide 10 Transfer a sufficient portion of the Sample solution to a
test tube of colorless, transparent, neutral glass with


a flat base and an internal diameter of 15–25 mm to

• PROCEDURE 2: LIMIT OF BENZOATE AND SALICYLATE obtain a depth of 40 mm. Similarly transfer portions
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL of Reference suspension A, Reference suspension B,
Analysis: To 10 mL of the Sample solution add 5 drops ▲and water

▲USP39 to separate matching test tubes.

of 6 N acetic acid, and then add 3 drops of ferric chlo- Compare solutions in diffused daylight, viewing verti-
ride TS. cally against a black background (see Spectrophotom-
Acceptance criteria: No precipitate or violet color etry and Light-Scattering 〈851〉, Visual Comparison).
appears. [NOTE—The diffusion of light must be such that Refer-
ence suspension A can readily be distinguished from
SPECIFIC TESTS water, and that Reference suspension B can readily be
• WATER DETERMINATION 〈921〉, Method I: NMT 15.0% distinguished from Reference suspension A.]
Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution shows the
Change to read: same clarity as that of water, or its opalescence is NMT
that of Reference suspension A.
▲Matching fluid A: Cobaltous chloride CS, ferric chlo-

Change to read:
ride CS, cupric sulfate CS, and water
(0.1: 0.4: 0.1: 4.4)▲USP39 • COLOR OF SOLUTION▲▲USP39
Sample solution: 40 mg/mL in sulfuric acid

Diluent▲▲USP39: 10-g/L solution of hydrochloric acid

[94.5%–95.5% (w/w) of H2SO4], maintained at

Standard stock solution: Ferric chloride CS, cobaltous

48°–50° for 10 min chloride CS, cupric sulfate CS, and Diluent▲▲USP39
Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution has no more

(3.0: 3.0: 2.4: 1.6)

color than Matching fluid A, when viewed against a Standard solution: Standard stock solution and Diluent
white background. ▲
▲USP39 (1 in 100). [NOTE—Prepare the Standard solution

immediately before use.]

Change to read: Sample solution: Use the Sample solution from the test
for Clarity of Solution.
Sample solution: 100 mg/mL in carbon dioxide-free Samples: ▲▲USP39Standard solution, Sample solution,

water and water

Analysis: To 10 mL of the Sample solution add 1 drop Transfer a sufficient portion of the Sample solution to a
of phenolphthalein TS. test tube of colorless, transparent, neutral glass with
Acceptance criteria: No ▲red or pink▲USP39 color is pro- a flat base and an internal diameter of 15–25 mm to
obtain a depth of 40 mm. Similarly transfer portions

duced. Then add 1 drop of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide: a

▲red or pink
▲USP39 color is produced.
of the Standard solution▲▲USP39 and water to separate,

matching test tubes. Compare the solutions in dif-


fused daylight, viewing vertically against a white

Change to read: background (see Spectrophotometry and Light-Scatter-
ing 〈851〉, Visual Comparison).
• CLARITY OF SOLUTION Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution has the ap-
[NOTE—The Sample solution is to be compared to Refer- pearance of water▲▲USP39 or is not more intensely

ence suspension A▲▲USP39 in diffused daylight 5 min after

colored than the Standard solution.
preparation of Reference suspension A.]▲▲USP39 .

Hydrazine solution: 10.0 mg/mL of hydrazine sulfate

▲in water.

▲USP39 [NOTE—Allow to stand for 4–6 h.]

Methenamine solution: Transfer 2.5 g of methena-
mine to a 100-mL glass-stoppered flask, add 25.0 mL
of water, insert the glass stopper, and mix to dissolve.

2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention All Rights Reserved.

Stage 6 Harmonization
Official May 1, 2016 Saccharin 3

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS taining Saccharin Sodium, this shall be expressed in

terms of saccharin (C7H5NO3S).▲◆▲USP39
. .


Change to read: USP Saccharin Sodium RS
USP o-Toluenesulfonamide RS
• ▲◆

▲USP39PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Preserve in well-closed


C7H9NO2S 171.22
containers. Store at room temperature.▲◆▲USP39
. .

USP p-Toluenesulfonamide RS
C7H9NO2S 171.22
Change to read:

• ▲◆

▲USP39LABELING: Where the quantity of saccharin so-


dium is indicated in the labeling of any preparation con-

2015 The United States Pharmacopeial Convention All Rights Reserved.

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