Early Predictors of Growth in Diversity of Key Consonants Used in Communication in Initially Preverbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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J Autism Dev Disord

DOI 10.1007/s10803-015-2647-7


Early Predictors of Growth in Diversity of Key Consonants Used

in Communication in Initially Preverbal Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Tiffany Woynaroski1 • Linda Watson2 • Elizabeth Gardner3 •
Cassandra R. Newsom4 • Bahar Keceli-Kaysili5 • Paul J. Yoder6

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Diversity of key consonants used in commu- Introduction

nication (DKCC) is a value-added predictor of expressive
language growth in initially preverbal children with autism Attaining useful speech by 5 years of age predicts occu-
spectrum disorder (ASD). Studying the predictors of pational and social outcomes in individuals with autism
DKCC growth in young children with ASD might inform spectrum disorder (ASD; e.g., Billstedt et al. 2007;
treatment of this under-studied aspect of prelinguistic Eisenberg 1956; Howlin et al. 2000; Kobayashi et al. 1992;
development. Eighty-seven initially preverbal preschoolers Venter et al. 1992). Yoder et al. (2015) identified four
with ASD and their parents were observed at five mea- variables with incremental validity in predicting (i.e.,
surement periods. In this longitudinal correlational inves- added value in explaining) the development of useful
tigation, we found that child intentional communication speech in initially preverbal preschoolers with ASD.
acts and parent linguistic responses to child leads predicted Diversity of key consonants used in communication
DKCC growth, after controlling for two other predictors (DKCC) was one of these value-added predictors.
and two background variables. As predicted, receptive
vocabulary mediated the association between the value- Rationale for Studying Diversity of Key Consonants
added predictors and endpoint DKCC. Used in Communication

Keywords Vocal communication Consonant inventory One next step in this line of research is to identify the factors
Predictors Autism Intentional communication Parent that have incremental validity in predicting DKCC. DKCC is
linguistic responses Receptive vocabulary the least studied of the value-added predictors of useful
speech in initially preverbal children with ASD (Yoder et al.
2015). The Yoder et al. (2015) study replicated an earlier
finding that DKCC predicted later expressive language in
& Paul J. Yoder
[email protected]
who are in the early stages of language learning (Wetherby
et al. 2007). Other measures of diversity in consonant use
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt have been shown to predict ‘‘useful speech’’ or spoken lan-
University, Nashville, TN, USA guage in previous studies involving preschoolers with ASD
Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of North Carolina (Schoen et al. 2011) and children at risk for ASD (Paul et al.
at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA 2011). DKCC was called ‘‘consonant inventory in commu-
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Vanderbilt University, nication acts’’ in our previous report Yoder et al. (2015) and
Nashville, TN, USA in the Wetherby et al. (2007) study. The variable label has
Pediatrics, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Vanderbilt University, been changed here to avoid confusion with consonant
Nashville, TN, USA inventory variables in the broader literature.
Special Education, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Given its value-added status as a predictor of useful
Special Education, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, speech growth in young children with ASD, it is surprising
USA that we do not yet know how to facilitate, or whether we

J Autism Dev Disord

can facilitate, DKCC in initially preverbal children with Given our interest in the transactional theory of speech
ASD. Identifying the value-added predictors of DKCC sound development, the DKCC’s exclusive focus on vocal
growth can shed light on potential mechanisms by which communication is critical. We know from the develop-
DKCC growth occurs in children with ASD and help us mental literature that mothers are more likely to interpret
think more precisely about potential reasons that children their babies’ vocalizations as communicative (Yoder and
with ASD vary in DKCC growth. Perhaps most impor- Feagans 1988) and to respond with linguistic input (West
tantly, identifying the value-added predictors of DKCC and Rheingold 1978) when the vocalizations are directed to
growth can inform potential treatment targets. Future the mother than when the vocalizations are undirected or
intervention research might then test whether targeting the directed to an object only. The special role that consonants
identified predictors of DKCC yields highly generalized play is highlighted by the finding that mothers tend to
DKCC growth in preverbal children with ASD. interpret consonant–vowel vocalizations as language-ori-
ented and to respond more to vocalizations with a consonant
Theoretical Support for Four Potential Predictors than to vowel-only vocalizations (Gros-Louis et al. 2006).
Empirical Support for the Potential Predictors
Stoel-Gammon (2011) has articulated a theory that of DKCC
implicates four potential predictors of DKCC. The tenets
of Stoel-Gammon’s theory, as they relate to each of the Of the four potential predictors of DKCC outlined above
four potential predictors, are as follows. The vocal tracts (motor imitation, attention to child directed speech, parent
of immature speakers are different from adults, and young linguistic responses, and intentional communication), only
vocalizers’ control over the muscles used to produce the first two have empirical support as predictors of later
speech is less than the control of adults. Thus, we expect DKCC in preverbal children with ASD. Patten et al. (2012)
some aspects of motor control, such as motor imitation, to found that motor imitation and attention to child-directed
be a predictor of DKCC. However, motor imitation also speech were correlates of later DKCC in initially preverbal
requires attention to others’ models. Thus, interaction children with ASD. No research has been conducted to test
with others (e.g., adults) is an important part of the the- whether intentional communication or parent linguistic
ory. During interactions with adults, immature speakers responses to child leads predict growth in DKCC in chil-
hear words for the objects that match the foci of the dren with ASD. Additionally, the effect of the intercorre-
young vocalizers’ attention and communication. Parent lation of the four potential predictors on the value-added
linguistic input may facilitate growth of consonant use in status of predictors of DKCC has not been studied. Further,
vocal communication, in part, because it helps children predictors of the growth of DKCC have not been studied.
notice and emulate the range of sounds that adults use to
communicate about objects or events in their environment Rationale for Considering Additional Background
and/or because children try to say words that have been Variables in Models of DKCC Growth
modeled by adults. However, parent linguistic input
would not be beneficial unless children attend to it. Ruling out covarying variables that provide less com-
Therefore, we expect both parent linguistic responses to pelling explanations for predicted associations improves
child leads and attention to child-directed speech to be the clinical value of expected correlational findings. This is
predictors of DKCC. The intent to communicate is nec- particularly true if the covarying variables are less mal-
essary to use consonants to communicate. Therefore, we leable than the theoretically-motivated potential predictors.
expect intentional communication to be a predictor of Level of cognitive impairment and degree of autism
DKCC. symptomatology are among the most salient child back-
We call this theory a ‘‘transactional theory of speech ground variables that could account for our predicted
sound development’’ because it proposes that not only associations. Thus, these background variables need to be
child factors, but also parent responses to child leads, will considered (i.e., controlled) when testing whether more
best account for individual differences in DKCC growth in theoretically-motivated predictors account for growth in
initially preverbal preschoolers with ASD. Like other DKCC in our sample.
applications of the transactional theory, it is assumed that
parents and children affect each other in ways that change Why Receptive Vocabulary Might be a Mediator
over time. The sequence delineated in the previous para- for the Prediction of DKCC
graph is a simplified version of the bidirectional influence
between parents and children that likely contributes to Although tested in a correlational design, motivating
DKCC growth. theories for the prediction that receptive vocabulary will

J Autism Dev Disord

mediate the association between value-added predictors Methods

and later DKCC are stated in causal terms. Two paths of
influence motivate the prediction. The first path of Participants
influence is quantified by the association between the
predictor (e.g., early parent linguistic responses) and the The 87 children (71 male and 16 female) participating in the
mediator (i.e., midpoint receptive vocabulary). The sec- study were between 20 and 48 months chronological age and
ond is quantified by the association between midpoint had a clinical diagnosis of autism or PDD/NOS. If children had
receptive vocabulary and endpoint DKCC. The transac- an existing diagnosis of autism or PDD/NOS through licensed
tional theory of speech development posits both of these and experienced community providers, their diagnoses were
pathways. confirmed using the revised diagnostic algorithm on Autism
The first path has already been empirically established Diagnostic Observation Schedule module I (ADOS; Lord et al.
for three of four putative predictors of DKCC growth. Past 2000; Gotham et al. 2007), which was administered by
work has demonstrated that parent linguistic responses to research staff who were research reliable on this instrument.
child leads are associated with later receptive language in Children who did not enter the study with a previous diagnosis
children with ASD who are in the early stages of language were assessed and diagnosed by a licensed clinician on the
development (Haebig et al. 2013a, b; Yoder et al. 2015). research team who was independently research reliable on the
Studies have additionally shown links for early attention to ADOS and experienced with evaluating young children with
child directed speech and intentional communication with ASD. Research diagnoses were based on best clinical judg-
later receptive language in this population (Yoder et al. ment that the child met criteria for autism or PDD/NOS
2015). Motor imitation ability has specifically been iden- according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
tified as a replicated predictor of productive language in Disorders, Fourth Edition-Text Revision (American Psychi-
children with ASD (Charman et al. 2003; Yoder et al. atric Association 2000) based on the data from the ADOS and
2015), but production and reception are strongly related in a clinical interview. With one exception, children met the
children with ASD (Woynaroski et al. 2015). autism spectrum cut-off using the ADOS algorithms revised
The second path of influence was predicted because, as for improved diagnostic validity (Gotham et al. 2007). One
children develop, there might be an increasing probability child who was diagnosed by community clinicians as having
that instances of consonant use in communication acts are PDD/NOS scored under the autism spectrum disorder cut-off
manifestations of children attempting to say words they on the ADOS, but was also judged to have PDD/NOS by the
understand. Children’s prelinguistic vocal patterns in place licensed examiner on the research team. Ninety-five percent of
and manner of articulation of consonants appear to be the participants met criteria for autism, and the remaining met
carried forward to first words (Stoel-Gammon and Cooper criteria for PDD/NOS.
1984; Vihman et al. 1985). If children attempt to say the Participants, at the time of enrollment, were reported to
words they understand prior to their ability to make say no more than 20 different words according to parent
themselves fully understood, it would manifest as the report on the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Develop-
production of a variety of consonants in what appear to be ment Inventories: Words and Gestures checklist (MB-CDI;
prelinguistic communication acts. That is, it is proposed Fenson et al. 2003) and produced no more than five dif-
that one link for the above-indicated continuity is through ferent word roots during a 15-min language sample. We
receptive vocabulary. A larger receptive vocabulary means excluded children with severe sensory or motor impair-
more words with varying consonants that the child has ments, identified progressive neurological disorders, and
available to say. identified genetic syndromes.
Based on parent report, ethnic distribution for partici-
pants was 5 % Hispanic and 95 % non-Hispanic. According
Research Questions
to parent report, the racial distribution of the children was
75 % White, 18 % Black/African American, 6 % Asian,
Two research questions were examined:
and 1 % Native American or Alaska Native. Primary
1. Controlling for level of cognitive impairment and caregivers’ self-reported levels of formal education were
autism symptomatology, which of the four potential 5 % some high school education, but did not graduate;
predictors add value in explaining the variability in 22 % high school diploma or equivalent; 24 % 1–2 years of
growth of DKCC in initially preverbal children with college or technical school education; 32 % 3–4 years of
ASD? college or technical school education; and 17 % some
2. Are the associations between value-added predictors and graduate or professional school. Additional descriptive
later DKCC mediated through receptive vocabulary? information on participants is provided in Table 1.

J Autism Dev Disord

Table 1 Description of
M SD Min Max
participant characteristics at
time 1 Chronological age in months 34.7 7.2 20.4 47.9
MSEL early learning composite 50.9 4.1 \50 122
Mental age in months 12.1 4.7 3.75 26.5
Developmental ratio .36 .15 .17 .75
MB-CDI words understood 75.8 85.4 0 385
MB-CDI words said 3.7 5.0 0 18
UCS number of different words .7 1.2 0 5
ADOS social affect and restricted and repetitive behavior total 22.6 3.8 6a 28
MSEL Mullen Scales of Early Learning; Early Learning Composite reflects standard scores; Mental
age = mean age equivalent across Visual Reception, Fine Motor, Receptive Language, and Expressive
Language subscales of the MSEL; Developmental ratio = mental age/chronological age; MB-CDI
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures checklist; UCS
Unstructured communication sample with examiner. ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
Only one child scored 6, the next lowest score was 15

Design stability, and thus the potential validity of the estimate for a
predictor, particularly when children are in the earliest
This study used a longitudinal correlational design with stages of development (Sandbank and Yoder 2014). Fur-
five measurement periods, each of which was separated by ther support for, and detail regarding, the aggregated
approximately 4 months. The dependent variable, DKCC, measures is presented in the Results section. No putative
was measured at every measurement period. Motor imita- predictors were measured from the same procedure as
tion, attention to child-directed speech, a component vari- DKCC to avoid associations due to shared measurement
able for intentional communication and both background method variance (Podsakoff et al. 2003).
variables were measured at Time 1, providing a 16-month Interobserver reliability was estimated for all coded
interval between these variables and estimated level of variables on a random sample of at least 20 % of the ses-
DKCC at the study endpoint. Parent linguistic responses sions from all relevant measurement periods. Reliability
and one of the component variables for intentional com- observers coded independently from the primary coder.
munication were measured at Time 2 to reduce the burden The primary coder did not know which sessions would be
on families at Time 1. The interval between Time 2 and selected for reliability coding. The reliability estimate used
Time 5 was 12 months. The potential mediator, receptive was an absolute intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
vocabulary, was measured at Time 3 because mediation from a two-way random model.
analysis assumes the mediator is measured after the pre-
dictors (i.e., value-added predictors of DKCC growth), but Measure and Metric for DKCC (The Dependent Variable)
before the dependent variable. In the tests of mediated
relations, Time 5 DKCC growth was used as the dependent DKCC was measured using the Communication and
variable to meet the assumption that the outcome be Symbolic Behavior Scales—Developmental Profile
measured after the mediator. Table 2 provides a summary Behavior Sample (CSBS; Wetherby and Prizant 2002) at
of the constructs, procedures, measurement periods, and all five measurement periods. This structured communi-
variables used to address the research questions. cation sample was designed for use with children who have
a functional communication age between 6 and 24 months.
Procedures and Variables The authors of the scale indicate this developmental span
often corresponds to a chronological age range of
A brief description of all procedures relevant to this study approximately 6 months–6 years in children with ASD.
is provided here. A more detailed description of the pro- The metric for DKCC was the weighted raw score for
cedures is available in Yoder et al. (2015). Unless other- Subscale 11, derived according to the CSBS manual. Sub-
wise stated, all coded variables were derived by observing scale 11 inventories a child’s production of 13 select con-
recorded sessions. We measured each putative predictor in sonants (i.e., m, n, b, p, d, t, g, k, y, w, l, s, sh) in
two contexts and, when the component variables from the communication acts (i.e., vocalizations directed to an adult).
two measurement contexts were sufficiently intercorre- These 13 consonants were selected for coding in Subscale 11
lated, aggregated across them. Doing so increases the because they are early-emerging and/or because they can be

J Autism Dev Disord

Table 2 Constructs, procedures, untransformed component variables, and analyzed variables

Construct Procedures/ Untransformed component variables Analyzed variable

Receptive vocabulary MB-CDI @ T3 Number of words understood only ? number of Log 10-transformed sum
words understood and said
Intentional communication UCS @ T1 Number of intentional communication acts Square root-transformed
ESCS @ T2 Number of communication acts summed across average z score
pragmatic functions
Attention during child-directed ACDS @ T1 % of the total time that CDS ‘‘vignettes’’ were Untransformed score
speech (ACDS) presented that the child was looking to the
presentation window
Motor imitation MIS @ T1 Total raw score Log 10-transformed average
NVOA @ T1 Total raw score z score
Parent linguistic responses PCFP @ T2 Number of 5-s intervals with child’s attentional lead Average z score
followed by adult utterance about child’s referent
PCS @ T2 Number of 5-s intervals with child attention or
communication lead followed by adult utterance
about child’s referent
Diversity of key consonants used in CSBS @ T1-T5 Subscale 11 weighted raw score Untransformed scale score
Level of cognitive impairment MSEL @ T1 Average age equivalency across Visual Reception, Untransformed
Fine Motor, Receptive Language, and Expressive developmental ratio
Language subscales/chronological age
Autism symptomatology ADOS module I Diagnostic algorithm score Reflected log 10-transformed
@ T1 score
CSBS Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales- Developmental Profile Behavior Sample, MB-CDI MacArthur-Bates Communication
Development Inventory, ESCS Early Social Communication Scales, UCS Unstructured communication sample with examiner, ACDS Attention
during child directed speech procedure, MIS Motor Imitation Scale, NVOA Nonverbal Volitional Oral Abilities subscale, PCFP Parent–child free
play, PCS Parent–child snack, MSEL Mullen Scales of Early Learning, ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

coded reliably even in young children (Wetherby and Prizant Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS; Mundy et al.
2002). However, some of these consonants are relatively 2003) at Time 2. The UCS is a 15-min unstructured sample
later-occurring (e.g., l, s, sh). Including later-occurring in which the examiner follows the child’s lead in playing
consonants in the count reduces the probability of ceiling with a standard set of developmentally appropriate toys.
effects in the developmental period studied (i.e., the transi- The examiner uses topic-following comments and ques-
tion to linguistic communication). Cognates (i.e., pairs of tions, and avoids presenting directives when the child is
consonants that are articulated in the same place along the already productively engaged with an object or activity.
vocal tract) that differ only in terms of voicing (i.e., d vs. t, b The number of intentional child communication acts was
vs. p, and g vs. k) are not credited separately because some coded from the UCS using a timed-event behavior sam-
young children do not consistently distinguish between pling method. Intentional communication acts in the UCS
voiced and voiceless cognates and because collapsing across were defined as: (a) nonconventional gestures, non-word
cognate members increases the reliability of the measure vocalizations, or imitative symbols (signs or words) that
(Wetherby and Prizant 2002). Thus, the maximum raw score occurred with coordinated attention to an object and an
that could be achieved by a child on Subscale 11 is 10. The adult; (b) conventional gestures with attention to the adult;
weighted raw score was the raw score multiplied by 2, or (c) non-imitative spoken word and American Sign
making the possible maximum score 20. The interobserver Language approximations. The ICC for intentional com-
reliability for DKCC was .95 at Time 1, .96 at Time 2, .95 at munication in the UCS at Time 1 was .88.
Time 3, .95 at Time 4, and .90 at Time 5. The ESCS was used in addition to the UCS to increase
the number and structure of sampling opportunities for
Measures and Metric for Intentional Communication (A intentional communication. The ESCS is a structured
Potential Predictor of DKCC) procedure designed to motivate young children to com-
municate for the purpose of regulating the behavior of
Intentional communication was measured in an unstruc- another person, socially interacting with another person, or
tured communication sample (UCS) at Time 1 and in the directing the other person’s attention to an object or event.

J Autism Dev Disord

The number of intentional communication acts (regardless was used in analyses was an aggregate of total raw scores
of pragmatic function) was coded from the ESCS using across the MIS and NVOA.
event behavior sampling. For this procedure, intentional
communication acts were defined in accordance with the Measures and Metric for Parent Linguistic Responses (A
ESCS manual, and included child gestures, vocalizations, Potential Predictor of DKCC)
and/or verbalizations that were directed to an adult and that
served an identifiable communicative function. The ICC Parent linguistic responses to child leads were measured in
for intentional communication from the ESCS at Time 2 a 15-min parent–child free play (PCFP) and a 10-min
was .97. The metric for intentional communication that was parent–child snack session (PCS). In the PCFP, the parent
used in analyses was an aggregate of the number of was provided with a standard set of developmentally
intentional communication acts produced across the UCS appropriate toys and instructed, ‘‘Play as you would at
and ESCS samples. home if you had no interruptions and had time to play with
your child.’’ The child and parent were free to position
Measure and Metric for Attention During Child-Directed themselves as they chose throughout the sample. In the
Speech (ACDS; A Potential Predictor of DKCC) PCS, the parent was provided with a 4 oz. cup, a pitcher of
juice, and several single-bite cookies, crackers, or parent-
ACDS was measured using a procedure from Watson et al. provided snack and was told, ‘‘We want to see how your
(2010) at Time 1. In this procedure, the child is seated at a child communicates during snack times. Just interact with
table facing a puppet theater that contains a window in him as you would at home if you wanted to elicit his
which all stimuli are presented. Three 1-min child-directed communication.’’ The parent and child were seated at a
speech (CDS) vignettes were presented. These were a table throughout the PCS.
video of a woman reading a children’s picture book, a brief A 5-s partial interval behavior sampling method was
live puppet show delivered by a research assistant, and a used to code each codable interval in the PCFP for child
video of a woman playing with and describing a novel toy. attention leads (i.e., the child touching or looking at an
All speakers were adult females who used vocal intensity, object) and parent linguistic responses to child attention
pitch, and duration consistent with characteristics of natural leads (i.e., parent talking about the object referenced by the
child-directed speech. The ACDS media files were coded child lead, the action referenced by the child lead, or both).
using a timed-event behavior sampling method to quantify The PCS was coded similarly, with two exceptions. In
the duration of child looking at the CDS stimuli presented addition to child attention leads and parent linguistic
in the puppet theater window, or child not looking at the responses to child attention leads, child communication
CDS stimuli presented in the puppet theater window. The leads (see UCS section for the definition of intentional
metric for ACDS was the proportion of seconds in which communication) and parent linguistic responses to child
CDS vignettes were present that the child looked at CDS communication leads were coded. The PCFP could not be
stimuli. The ICC for this variable was .99. reliably coded for child communication leads (and thus
parent linguistic responses to child communication leads)
Measures and Metric for Motor Imitation (A Potential because the free positioning of the parent–child dyad dur-
Predictor of DKCC) ing the PCFP sample prevented the reliable use of child
gaze to adult’s face to judge presence or absence of
Motor imitation was measured using the Motor Imitation attention to the adult. Thus, parent linguistic responses
Scale (MIS; Stone et al. 1997) and the Nonverbal Voli- were to child attention (PCFP and PCS) or communication
tional Oral Abilities Scale (NVOA; adapted from Amato (PCS only) leads. The ICC for parent linguistic responses
and Slavin 1998) at Time 1. The MIS consists of 16 single- to child leads was .98 for the PCFP and .98 for the PCS
step motor imitation items, eight involving body move- procedures. The metric for parent linguistic responses that
ments only and eight involving actions with objects. Each was used in analyses was an aggregate of the number of
item is scored in situ as 0, 1, or 2 points on the basis of the linguistic response raw scores across the PCFP and PCS.
quality and accuracy of the imitation. Points were summed
across all 16 MIS items to derive the MIS total score. In the Measure and Metric for Receptive Vocabulary (A Potential
NVOA, the participant is prompted to imitate 11 oral motor Mediator of DKCC Growth)
movements, such as tongue lateralization, blowing, and
puckering lips, as demonstrated by the examiner. Each item Receptive vocabulary was measured using the MB-CDI
is scored as 0, 1, or 2 points on the basis of similarity to the (Fenson et al. 2003). Parents were asked to check a list of
model. Points were summed across all 11 items to derive early vocabulary items to indicate which words their child
the NVOA total score. The metric for motor imitation that ‘‘understands only’’ and ‘‘understands and says.’’ The sum

J Autism Dev Disord

of the raw number of words understood only ? the raw used (Maxwell 1998). Time in Study was centered at Time
number of words both understood and said (i.e., total 5 so the intercept would be interpretable as Time 5 DKCC
number of words understood) was used as the metric for outcome. In the mediation analyses, we used the Time
receptive vocabulary in the mediation analyses. 5-centered intercept of DKCC growth as the dependent
variable. A mediated relation is tested for significance by
Measure and Metric for Level of Cognitive Impairment (A examining whether the product of the two unstandardized
Controlled Covariate of DKCC Growth) coefficients for the associations comprising the indirect
relation has a confidence interval that excludes zero (Hayes
Level of cognitive impairment was measured using the 2009). Table 2 provides a summary of the constructs,
Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL; Mullen 1995) at procedures, measurement periods, and variables used to
Time 1. We used developmental ratio (i.e., mental age address the research questions.
divided by chronological age), rather than the standard
score (i.e., the Early Learning Composite score), as the
index of cognitive impairment because the majority of Results
participants had the lowest possible standard score of 49.
Thus, using the developmental ratio produced more vari- Preliminary Analysis
ability in cognitive levels than did the standard scores.
Mental age was the average age equivalency score from Details of the preliminary analysis results, including the
four MSEL subscales: Visual Reception, Fine Motor, multiple imputation procedure used, are in Yoder et al.
Receptive Language, and Expressive Language. (2015). Briefly, all planned aggregate variables met the
empirical criterion for aggregation. Several variables were
transformed to address extreme skewness or kurtosis. The
Measure and Metric for Autism Symptomatology (A untransformed component variables and variables used in
Controlled Covariate of DKCC Growth) final analyses, after aggregation and transformation, are
summarized in Table 2. An expectation maximization
Autism symptomatology was measured using the ADOS method and 40 imputations using all continuous observed
Module 1 Social Affect and Restricted and Repetitive variables were used to impute missing data. Depending on
Behavior Total (Gotham et al. 2007) at Time 1. The the variable, potential predictors had between 0 and 33 %
algorithm score was reflected (i.e., the maximum score ? 1 missing data.
was subtracted from the original score so that adaptive Growth curve modeling showed that DKCC grew in a
scores were high) to allow for necessary transformations to simple linear fashion, and that there was much variability
this variable and to aid interpretation. in DKCC growth. A repeated measures ANOVA indicated
a simple linear Time effect, F(1,62) = 34.9, p \ .001, and
Data Analysis Decisions a simple linear growth trajectory best fit the data. The
unconditional growth model indicated that, on average,
A summary of data analysis decisions most relevant to the children incremented the number of key consonants they
present report is provided here. More detailed rationale for used in communication acts about every 6.9 months. The
data analysis decisions are provided in Yoder et al. (2015). statistically significant fixed effects indicated that the
In preliminary analyses, we aggregated variables, trans- average DKCC at Time 5 and the average rate of DKCC
formed variables that were not normally distributed, and growth across the study period were different from zero,
imputed missing data points. We confirmed that all com- both p values \.001. Significant random effects suggested
ponent variables that we intended to aggregate were not that there was significant among-participant variability to
only theoretically, but also empirically related, as evi- be explained in the DKCC outcome at Time 5 and in the
denced by intercorrelation C.40. Aggregates were then rate of DKCC growth across the study period, both p values
formed by averaging z-transformed component variable \.001. See Table 3 for descriptive statistics on DKCC at
scores. All variables to be utilized in analyses that had all time periods.
univariate skewness [|.8| or kurtosis [|3.0| were trans- All four potential predictors were significant zero-order
formed in accordance with Tabachnick and Fidell (2001). correlates of DKCC growth. Table 4 indicates the propor-
Missing data were multiply imputed (Enders 2010). tion of explainable variance (pseudo-R square) in DKCC
In primary analyses, growth curve modeling was used to growth accounted for by each predictor. Table 5 indicates
quantify growth of DKCC because parameters from growth the intercorrelations among the predictors and background
curves provide more precise estimates of change than variables. Intentional communication was significantly
alternatives when five or more measurement periods are associated with motor imitation and ACDS. Number of

J Autism Dev Disord

Table 3 Means and 95 % confidence intervals for diversity of key Primary Analyses
consonants used in communication by period
Measurement Mean 95 % CI In the growth curve model with all four predictors and the
period two background variables, only parent linguistic responses
Lower bound Upper bound
and intentional child communication were value-added
1 5.6 4.3 7.0 predictors of DKCC growth. As shown in Table 6, the
2 6.2 4.9 7.5 model with only these two value-added predictors accoun-
3 7.4 5.9 8.9 ted for medium to large amounts of explainable variance
4 8.7 7.1 10.3 (i.e., pseudo-R squared values) in the intercept and slope,
5 10.1 8.5 11.2 respectively. The total model accounted for a large amount
of explainable variance in the growth of DKCC.
Scores displayed in this table are weighted raw scores (i.e., raw scores
for production of up to 13 consonants in up to ten cognate categories We used the structural equation from the final model of
multiplied by 2), derived in accordance with the CSBS manual for DKCC growth to compute the estimated DKCC at Time 1
subscale 11. Thus, the max score for this subscale is 20 and Time 5 for hypothetical participants who were -1 SD
from the mean, at the mean, and ?1 SD from the mean on
the two value-added predictors, then plotted the three
parent linguistic responses was nonsignificantly associated resulting growth trajectories in Fig. 1. As shown in the
with the other three predictors. Cognitive impairment was figure, even the children with relatively low numbers of
significantly associated with all four predictors and with intentional communication and parent linguistic responses
autism symptomatology, which was associated with three showed positive growth in DKCC. However, the average
of the four predictors of DKCC growth. The intercorrela- rate of DKCC growth was much faster for children who
tions among the predictors and between the predictors and entered the study with relatively more frequent intentional
the background variables needed to be statistically con- communication and parent linguistic responses. The
trolled to identify which of these variables had added value structural equation for the final model is provided in the
in explaining DKCC growth. notes section of Fig. 1.

Table 4 Pseudo-R squared

Predictors Growth parameter for change in DKCC
values for significant zero-order
associations of potential T5-centered intercept Linear slope
predictors with intercept or
slope of growth in diversity of Intentional communication .28 .13
key consonants used in Motor imitation .14 ns
Attention during child-directed speech .07 ns
Parent linguistic responses .07 .09
Pseudo R squared = (Growth parameter’s random coefficient from the unconditional model-growth
parameter’s random coefficient from the model with predictor)/Growth parameter’s random coefficient
from the unconditional model

Table 5 Intercorrelation of background variables and significant zero-order correlates of at least one of the growth parameters for change in
diversity of key consonants used in communication
Variables ACDS Motor Intentional Level of cognitive Reflected autism
imitation communication impairment symptomatology

Parent linguistic responses .12 .14 -.09 .32* .24*

ACDS .15 .27* .49** .27*
Motor imitation .40** .35** .09
Intentional communication .42** .30**
Level of cognitive impairment .57*
ACDS attention during child-directed speech
* p \ .05; ** p \ .01

J Autism Dev Disord

Table 6 Pseudo-R squared change for value-added predictors of potential predictors and two background variables, only
growth in diversity of key consonants used in communication by children’s intentional communication and parents’ lin-
linear growth parameter
guistic responses to children’s attention and communica-
Model Growth parameter for change in DKCC tion leads added value to the prediction of growth in
T5-centered Linear DKCC. Variation in midpoint receptive vocabulary, at least
intercept slope in part, mediated the associations between these predictors
and endpoint variation in DKCC. Within the context
Intentional communication .33*** .17**
afforded by a correlational design, the mediational model
Parent linguistic responses .12** .13**
findings are consistent with an interpretation that receptive
Total model .37*** .24**
vocabulary is partly responsible for the associations
** p \ .01; *** p \ .001 between the value-added predictors and endpoint DKCC.
Three weaknesses are apparent in this study. First, like
Both of the significant value-added predictors were all other correlational studies, we cannot rule out alternative
related to the Time 5 estimated level of DKCC (i.e., explanations for the detected associations. Additionally, we
intercept of Time-5-centered DKCC) through receptive examined only one aspect of vocal communication: diver-
vocabulary at Time 3. These mediational models are sity of selected consonant use. Finally, we examined only
illustrated in Fig. 2. The kappa square values (i.e., an effect four potential predictors of DKCC.
size metric for indirect effects) for the indirect effects of Seven strengths are apparent in this study. First,
parent linguistic responses and intentional communication selecting preverbal or nonverbal children with ASD and
predicting Time-5-centered DKCC intercept through Time observing them for 16 months allowed predicting growth
3 receptive language were .36 and .44, respectively. These of DKCC from the period before many of the children were
are large effect sizes. Both indirect effects had confidence talking through a period when many of the children
intervals that excluded zero, meaning that the associations acquired their early spoken vocabularies. Second, imputing
between the value-added predictors and DKCC were sig- missing data enabled use of all participants and minimized
nificantly reduced after controlling for receptive vocabu- the bias that likely would have resulted from other methods
lary. These results confirmed the predicted mediated of handling missing data (Enders 2010). Third, using
associations (Hayes 2009). multiple potential predictors and two background variables
in the same statistical model allowed us to rule out the
possibility that covariation with the other variables in the
Discussion statistical model explained the associations between value-
added predictors and growth of DKCC. Fourth, using
This study was conducted to identify the value-added growth curve modeling over five measurement periods
predictors of an under-studied predictor of useful speech in enabled a better estimate of change in DKCC than is pro-
initially preverbal children with ASD: DKCC. Of the four duced by other methods of quantifying change (Maxwell

Diversity of key consonants in

communicaon acts

+1 SD on parent linguisc
10 responses and intenonal
Mean on parent linguisc
6 responses and intenonal
-1 SD on parent linguisc
2 responses and intenonal
T1 = -16.16 T5 = 0
T5-centered me in study

Fig. 1 Growth of diversity of key consonants used in communication ? 9.71(COMM) ? .13(TIME*PRL) ? .33(TIME*COMM). In afore-
(CSBS Subscale 11 weighted raw score) as a function of three values on mentioned formula, estimated DKCC is ‘‘eDKCC,’’ T5-centered time is
the value-added predictors. The structural equation used to generate the ‘‘TIME,’’ parent linguistic responses is ‘‘PLR,’’ and intentional
illustrated trajectories was: eDKCC = -1.55–10(Time) ? 2.11(PLR) communication is ‘‘COMM.’’

J Autism Dev Disord

c’ * development has focused on typically developing infants

communicaon DKCC at T5 and their caregivers. One such report also detailed a com-
at T1 and T2 plex interplay between one form of child communication
(specifically, vocal communication), parental responses,
and vocabulary as it relates to increased vocal complexity in
b* typically developing infants (Gros-Louis et al. 2014). We
Recepve are hopeful that future work across laboratories will increase
vocabulary @ T3
our understanding of how parent and child factors impact
vocal and verbal development in various populations in the
Unstandardized a*b = 1.21 95% CI [ .22 , 2.3 ], * = p < .05 early stages of language development.
Very little study of the predictors of vocal development
in initially preverbal children with ASD has been under-
taken to date. In one of the only such studies to our
knowledge, two child factors that are seemingly consistent
Parent linguisc
DKCC @ T5 with Stoel-Gammon’s (2011) theory of phonological
responses @ T2
development, motor imitation and attention to child-di-
rected speech, were identified as predictors of DKCC in
preverbal children with ASD (Patten et al. 2012). The
findings from the Patten et al. (2012) study were the result
vocabulary @ T3 of an earlier analysis of the current study’s participants. It
differed from the current analyses in the following ways:
(a) it used an endpoint analysis of DKCC, (b) the DKCC
Unstandardized a*b = .25 95% CI [ .05, .53], * = p < .05 metric was derived only for Time 1 and Time 3, and
(c) only a subset of the current study’s predictors were
Fig. 2 Results of simple mediation models for the value-added
predictors of T5-centered intercept for the growth curve of DKCC
examined. The present study shows that motor imitation
(i.e., diversity of key consonants used in communication) and ACDS are significantly correlated with intentional
communication and, when entered into the same model,
become nonsignificant predictors of DKCC growth. Thus,
1998). Fifth, when justified and available, two measures of if the current study’s findings are replicated, they suggest a
several of the predictors were used to improve the stability, need to place higher weights on intentional communica-
and thus the potential validity of estimates for these tion, parent linguistic responses, and receptive vocabulary
emerging skills (Sandbank and Yoder 2014). Sixth, all than on motor imitation as potential goals for treatment of
variables were derived from different procedures, pre- DKCC in preverbal children with ASD.
venting shared measurement method variance from Because of the paucity of data on predicting DKCC
explaining the associations. Finally, because theory sug- growth in children with ASD, the findings of the current
gested that receptive vocabulary might help explain the study require replication. The proposed causal chain indi-
associations between value-added predictors and growth of cated in the transactional model of speech sound devel-
DKCC, we were able to predict and confirm that these opment can be most rigorously tested in a treatment study
associations were, at least in part, mediated through that uses an internally-valid experimental research design.
receptive vocabulary. Had we not tested these simple In such a study, parent linguistic responses and intentional
mediational models, we would have missed the important communication would be treated, with receptive vocabu-
role that receptive vocabulary might play in understanding lary as a short-term goal and DKCC growth as a longer-
why children’s intentional communication and parent lin- term goal for children with ASD. The results of simple
guistic responses predict growth in DKCC. mediation analyses would have to show an indirect effect
These findings lend empirical support to the transactional of treatment on DKCC growth through receptive vocabu-
theory of speech sound development. We confirmed that one lary. Confirmation of such a mediation relation in a well-
parent factor (linguistic input) and two child factors (in- controlled treatment study would increase our confidence
tentional communication and receptive vocabulary) sug- that targeting child intentional communication and parent
gested by Stoel-Gammon (2011) contribute in a dynamic linguistic responses produces early effects on children’s
manner to growth in vocal communication development receptive vocabulary, which translate to gains in DKCC
(i.e., DKCC) in initially preverbal children with ASD. As growth, possibly because children begin to try to produce
indicated in the introduction, most of the prior work moti- the words that they have come to understand through
vated by the transactional theory of speech sound transactions with their adult communication partner.

J Autism Dev Disord

To our knowledge, this is the first study to identify Fenson, L., Dale, P., Reznick, J., Thal, D., Bates, E., Hartung, J., &
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Acknowledgments This research was funded by National Institute sounds. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(6),
for Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD R01 509–516. doi:10.1177/0165025406071914.
DC006893) and supported by the National Institute for Child Health Gros-Louis, J., West, M. J., & King, A. P. (2014). Maternal
and Disorders through the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (P30HD15052) responsiveness and the development of directed vocalizing in
and the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities social interactions. Infancy, 19(4), 385–408.
(P30HD03110). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors Haebig, E., McDuffie, A., & Weismer, S. E. (2013a). The contribution
and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National of two categories of parent verbal responsiveness to later
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