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STUDENT: ____________________________________________________ DATE: ________________________ SECTION:__________

QUESTION NUMBER: ___________



4 Knowledgeable. Uses variety of complex Uses a wide variety Clear sounds, effective word/ Fluent expression Ideas
Thorough development of structures, Few errors of of words, with very sentence stress. clearly stated supported
topic. agreement tense, number, few errors. Effective Word link mastery, Inferring and concluding
It is relevant to question word order/function, word/idiom choice appropriate weakening /
asked. articles, pronouns, and usage. lengthening of vowels
prepositions. Appropriate register.

3 Some knowledge of Effective but simple Uses variety of Adequately clear sounds, Adequately fluent
subject. Adequate range. constructions Several words, but with some occasional errors of word/ expression.
Limited development of errors of agreement, tense, errors of word/idiom sentence stress, some errors Few errors in stating
topic. number, word choice, usage but of syllable structure but ideas but
Mostly relevant to topic but order/function, articles, meaning easily meaning not obscured meaning not obscured,
lacks detail. pronouns, prepositions, but understood. ideas clarified.
meaning seldom obscured

2 Limited knowledge of Major problems in simple/ Uses a reduced, Some unclear sounds, Some broken speech.
subject. Little substance. complex constructions. limited variety of frequent errors of word/ Frequent errors in
Inadequate development of Frequent errors words, with frequent sentence stress. stating ideas. Failure to
topic. of negation, tense, number, errors of word/idiom Frequent errors of syllable link words and form
word order/function, from, choice, usage. Addition /omission. Meaning groups. Meaning
articles, pronouns, Meaning confused or confused or obscured confused or obscured
preposition and / or not easily
fragments run-ons understood.
deletions. Meaning
confused or obscured

1 Does not show knowledge Virtually no mastery of Essentially Unclear sounds, omission/ Essentially broken
of subject. Non- sentence construction rules translation. addition of sounds, little Unclear ideas.
substantive. Not pertinent dominated by errors. Does Little knowledge of knowledge of English Mostly looking for words
or not enough to evaluate. not communicate OR not English vocabulary , pronunciation stress Not OR not enough to
enough to evaluate. idioms, word enough to evaluate. evaluate
form .Very poor
choice of vocabulary
items, with a lot of
errors. Not enough
to evaluate.

FINAL SCORE : _____ / 20 GRADE: ________


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